  • 8/8/2019 Golden Key Teachings - September 2010


    Newsletter September 2010

    The 9th

    Ray of Deity and the Respective EnergiesColor: Magenta / Fuchsia - Master Guide of this Divine Ray: Jesus - Essence of the Ray:

    The Power of Meditation, Prayers, Beauty, Esthetic, Harmony, Neutrality, Humbleness,

    Work with Colors, Understanding the Sense of Colors, Interacting with the Energies ofColors, Integration of Nature

    This is the ray that can bring tremendous shifts of consciousness, of awareness and of deeper

    understanding of the essence of love and light. The essence of this energy potential is hidden

    in all the 7 Divine Rays accessible for seeking people wanting discover the real sense of

    creation. Many people are working with these frequencies in a subtle way without knowing it.

    Once we start meditation on regular basis in deep devotion to the inner self and the wisdom

    within, to prayers and to commitment of self responsibility and self - development we are able

    to find inner guidance, our higher self and the higher truth we all carry within. Prayers

    become a new sense because prayers are fare more then words that our ancestors taught us toserve as petitions and for recitation. Those words we all are learning as little children are just

    a base to open our heart and to find the inner conversation with the angels and Source just

    nobody tells us that secret behind the prayers. A Prayer has a powerful essence that activates

    only when we feel it in our hearts and it is just the essence we have to unite with so our

    prayers can be heard. Many people are praying in a negative way asking God to help to

    destroy. You can read an example of that pattern on my blog under cases the result of those

    kind of prayers are self destruction. For God there are no bad people only children in different

    states of evolution and we are on earth to learn through our experiences with our free will. So

    God has nothing to do with the experiences we create for our selves with the beautiful gift of

    the free will. It is our decision what we do with it - we have the choice for example to eat

    healthy food or all kind of products we all know are not healthy, to smoke or to respect ourbody as holy temple, to use the money as a tool of an abundance life or to use it for any kind

    of suppression, manipulation and corrupt manners. We are the ones who are choosing and the

    choices of the global population are bringing us the global experiences. We cannot expect to

    have healthy waters when we discharge all kind of poisons into it that makes the fish sick and

    us when we eat it. All what we create comes back to us and prayers that are just words are not

    helping to bring any change. Many people only remember that there is a higher realm and

    God when they do not see any further way to proceed. When we look then at the result

    without any judgment we can see that the negative created experiences were necessary to find

    back the way home to the heart and to God.

    To enter into a state of a real prayer we need to send our rational mind in holidays so it cannotinterfere. The words are coming from the bottom of the heart and the soul. Prayers transform

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    into a deep connection and you begin to integrate your own essence marching with the divine

    heart of source.

    Beloved Master Jesus showed us how it works - he showed us that we all are brothers and

    sisters, no matter where we are living. That is the power ofNeutrality and Ethic focusing on

    the Human Being as Divine expression of life without any judgment, evaluation anddiscriminative pattern. He showed us the only true power is the power of love that is equal to

    the power of spirit. Love is more as just a personal feeling. Love is Essence of life, it is

    vibration, it is living light, it is liquid crystal energy vibration, it is happiness, joy and union

    with all creation.

    Once we enter through prayer and meditation into the essence of the 9th

    ray, we develop the

    abilities to see behind the visible picture and all teachings become a different and deeper

    sense - our ability to connect with Source and the Inner Self opens doorways to new horizons

    and quantum leaps of consciousness. We stop to make any difference on human races, human

    religions, social status and all parts of nature as we see that each culture has a special code of

    integration and we see that we all are part of the one creation one as important as the other

    one, letting others take their choices without any judgment - start really living and let otherslive too. That is the beginning of understanding what universal love means. It allows others to

    choose what they need to have their own way of learning even if the masses still are judging

    in good and bad. We rise up above those frequencies of judging and being judged and nothing

    can bother us for bad opinions that others might have from us. All those pattern are losing

    importance and we start focusing on life as a gift, focusing on our own gifts and how to bring

    them in for the best of all.

    Working with the essence of this ray we become truly alive in divine sense as we begin to feel

    what and how others feel, what and how animals feel and what and how nature is feeling, no

    matter if it is a tree, any kind of plant even those that have the title bad herbs by men -

    mountains valleys - you will become able to sense the feeling of any kind of water source - ofthe mountains and all the elemental living in nature. We become a conscious part of all.

    We find the way to integrate into the conscious waste diversity of creation - we start feeling

    the moon energies, the stars, the universe and galaxy - separation will be recognized as

    illusion and we work on our lower pattern until all is gone and we finally will understand

    what separation in reality means - as we are on the way to become whole and heal again from

    inside out through inner training and divine will power to change the way of thinking, of

    feeling and of acting, we become very humble as we can see now the world with different

    eyes and without getting involved in the human created turmoil. Our growth accelerates and

    we will be able to sense different energies and to perceive how to work with them. Our focus

    is shifting from a personal interest into a global interest wishing to help and to assist others tofind their own way too.

    This is the way to shift from a passive being praying for help and waiting for a miracle into an

    active being of self empowerment guided by our higher Self, the higher realms, by Ascended

    Masters and Divine Source called God with the ability to create the miracles we need to reach

    our divine goals. We begin to recognize that we have to train and to rectify old ways - we see

    that we have to take our life into our own hands instead to let others take the decision for us -

    we figure out that we have birth rights to be free, to chose and to go for true self realization, to

    follow the inner heart call and to stop al kind of suppression. We begin to awaken to the real

    life that brings us happiness, health and abundance. We find out what is good for us as our

    body becomes our life guide indicating us what is need to stay heal and as we all are different

    we learn how to accept the differences allowing others to feel and to express those feelings

    instead to suppress them with our different opinions, meanings and instructions. We learn

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    how to listen within and all the answers are stored there to serve us for our best of individual

    and personal evolution.

    That way self healing powers will activate on your way and you will start to find out how to

    get to the cause of any situation - finding the cause means to be able to work on it and to heal

    the old pattern creating a powerful healing way as you already know that once the cause isgone the effect (disease) will have to go too by cosmic law. (More in my book)

    This is the ray we discover the heart for our selves, for everybody and for everything. The

    Heart lies within Nature - what does that mean? - the heart is the micro point of any life in

    creation because the heart is porter of the ultimate impulse that creates the vibration to

    manifest whatever we can see as well all what is invisible for our physical eyes.

    Without this very ultimate heart pulse as life rhythm of all we can see we can recognize that

    the same heart pulse we vibrate with, all nature is vibrating with as this very impulse is

    necessary for everything to manifest, to grow and to develop. Nature is alive and changes

    adapting on several levels to the spiral of evolution. Therefore we can see throughout the ages

    that ice times are shifting, that different regions once covered with ice are now green landsand so on - even the planet is alive by the same heart pulse due to the divine impulse of life

    vibration. Without this first impulse no life would ever be able to manifest in any form.

    Therefore Jesus thought us to come back to the heart - to reconnect to our inner life pulse, to

    come back to wholeness - to recognize first that we are all brothers and sisters even to nature

    and that we have to get out of the patterns of separations to be able to integrate again into the

    whole of there is. We are ONE - and what you do to one of my brothers you do it to me and

    the extension is you also do it to yourself and to the whole there is because whatever we do

    we build the whole up or we destroy it depending on our thoughts, feelings and actions as we

    never can be separated from the whole if we are aware of it or not. We are creating our global

    experiences through the sum of energy men is creating as global life - and what we seed we

    earn and the time has come to really decide what we want to have as future, permanent

    disasters or moving out of lethargy and help to create the Golden Age that has been promised.

    As we are all co-creators it depends on us to take actions on our selves to integrate into the

    shift into what we wish to experience in future times. That does NOT DEPEND ON ANY

    GOVERNMENT - CHURCH or GOD - that depends on us as individuals. Governments only

    can change when the population has changed and is choosing as consequence of the shift

    different people with different objectives that are the best for all instead to be the best of just

    some in the country and the rest is forgotten. We need to take initiative, to awaken and to

    activate our powers of love to bring the light forth into this world and to live the difference.

    This way of self-discovery IS a rebirthing process that awakens our Inner Beauty. This kindof beauty begins to reflect within our eyes and the essence of inner beauty connects us to the

    beauty of life. Suddenly we are able to find divine beauty within everybody even if people

    cannot see it by themselves as they are still sleeping, we perceive it I each animal, in each

    flower, tree and bush. We start to merge with the beauty of life and the happiness that results

    out of inner beauty has no words to describe. Just look on two persons in love with each other

    - they are so beautiful no matter what their hair color and body structure might be - they are

    beautiful because they are happy - love creates happiness and lets the inner light shine. Being

    in love with somebody is equal as a micro-cosmos. The relative macro-cosmos is the

    extension of this inner love in relation to all creation. It is the way to be in love with life itself

    and the way to eternal wisdom and to illumination. The cross is transformed by self training in

    love, compassion and commitment to the own self and life and this way the cross disappears

    within the loving heart. We gain freedom, peace and liberty.

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    As we see, all the different aspects of this ray are very strong connected and interlinked. Inner

    Beauty has its origin in unconditional love, universal love and divine love. Also esthetic is

    based in Love integrating the different aspects of love vibrations that starts shining through

    our beingness.

    We can find the power of love in everything also in all kind of colors. Each color has an ownvibration that is matching with our vibration the moment we are choosing any kind of

    decoration for our home, office and other belongings. We are choosing colors of our clothes

    because we like them and we express ourselves through the colors we are preferring - that is

    hidden love and the colors are expressing what kind of energy we are dealing with in that

    moment. We certainly have changes of love for certain colors during the path of our life, even

    during childhood and we really chose the colors depending on our inner realm and our

    feelings in that special moment we connect to material things. Mankind lost the notion about

    the vibration of colors and the significance of colors in our lives. Colors are extremely

    important and just imagine for one moment how life would be when all nature houses and

    materials would shine in one only color. We would not be able to breath, neither to live -

    so it is extremely important to reconnect our heart and being to the vibration of colors to get adeeper understanding of how creation is working.

    Colors are an expression of love and life. All colors have a different vibration and frequency

    and unconsciously we chose the colors we are matching with in our every day life. Just think

    in a wedding - mostly white as it represents purity and the beginning of a new way. We all

    know people with depressions, look what they are wearing, mostly dark colors, happiness

    represents clear and flash colors, etc, I am sure when you concentrate you will be able to find

    out many different aspects by yourself. But even colors can be misused by certain ruling

    people to mis-create and disturb natural wisdom in relation to feel and to express the true self

    and that is the fashion industry:

    Colors as fashion of the year is just a money making tool manipulating the masses

    unconsciously - !? - We are wearing what is told us as being modern and we as individuals are

    following the stream not expressing the personality reflecting the inner being, but what others

    dictate us as being cool. All those little tiny things are guiding us away from our inner truth

    and our individual feelings and from the connection to the inner wisdom of life and identical


    Our Aura filed is reflecting the colors we create with our energies and they are changing

    every breath we make with every tiny emotional change he colors are changing too. The

    chakras have different colors related to different energy centers in our body and with the

    Kirlian Photography we can make our electro-magnetic field visible. Depending on thecolors the specialists can tell us what kind of mood we are in, what problems we have, and

    much more. That shows us that colors are living light waves and light vibration in never

    ending movements.

    To become really whole and heal again we have to learn again what the essence of colors

    means to us, what it can do as healing tool, as life tool, as learning tool and as divine sense.

    All what we can perceive has a deeper sense we just forgot how to tune into it, how to work

    with their energies and how to interlink with the powers in each color. There are already many

    therapies using colors, painting and work with colors as healing tools. We also can see the

    different healing stones be used for special energy harmonization - each color has a deep

    meaning, a special vibration and can help us to harmonize energies when we are out of


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    The last aspect of the 9th

    Divine Ray is called: Integration of Nature: What does it has to do

    in respect of Meditation, Prayers, Beauty, Esthetic, Humbleness, Harmony and Colors?

    All together they are the key to Quantum leaps of consciousness as we now are experiencing

    the deepness of meditation and prayers through the portal of unconditional love for us and all

    there is - once we FEEL the oneness we KNOW that we are part of nature and part of thewhole of existence. All pattern of separation are disappearing as more as we practice and

    become committed to our inner growth, to self -development, to self - realization and to self-

    commitment. We find out that every single tiny sand corn is alive having an own frequency

    and an own vibration and that means it is a holy part of creation having a purpose to be where

    it is and as what it is visible for out eyes. Once we notice the being ALIVE of all we start a

    new way of exploration because we wish to communicate and the most wondrous and

    marvelous experiencing will come forth the moment we open our hearts to perceive the

    vibration, to merge with them and to have nature teaching us what is not written in any school

    book. Whenever you might have a child that tells you what a tree told him or a flower or what

    animal or part of nature ever - never tell him that that are fantasies as you shut this ability

    down and they close down for those natural states of being. We all have this ability - just oureducation has forgotten that we are more as just a body that functions. Oceans, Mountains,

    deserts and all part of nature has a certain healing power and we are drawn to go sub-

    consciously to restore our body system when we are out of balance. That is a rest of inner

    connection that can open the door again when we become conscious of the part of life powers

    that are dormant within our heart, our soul and our true being. (more in my e-book)

    Jesus was ONE with all nature and that is the secret of moving clouds, storms and the secret

    how to walk over the waters - remember Thomas doubting to be able to walk on the water?

    When fears enter our system - love is absent and that makes us fail- being in love with life and

    all there is we stop creating harmful pattern for us, for others and for all creation. We begin to

    stand up and to act to help Mother Nature and to rectify our life pattern. We enjoy everymoment and become a tool of love and learning just being what and who we are. LOVE

    The question is now what do you want in your life? Are you ready and willing to take action

    and change what is hindering you to be what and who you are? When we decide to be part of

    the golden age frequency we need to come back to a heart based life. We are willing to learn

    and to do it in love, with compassion for ourselves and others, with commitment for ourselves

    and others - we are all interlinked and we are the most wondrous beings walking on this

    planet - all special and different - a miracle of creation - be the miracle that you are and

    realize your self getting out of environments that does not serve you anymore - take your

    courage and stand up for what you feel and eliminate your frustrations - focus on results not

    on problems and you will se how you start walking each day with more strength , with morecourage, with more love and more results that serve you and your beloved ones.

    You can do it when you chose it - Are you ready to choose THE Way THE LOVE AND THE

    LIGHT? The Master of the 9th

    Ray showed us the way - we just have to follow his example.

    Thank you all for your subscription and please feel free to write me and to ask questions..

    If you need any kind of healing or teachings please communicate at

    [email protected] - [email protected] -

    Sessions and healing products - info: > secret cures

    Lots of love and lightRegina E.H. Ariel[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://