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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


MICHAEL NEVADA e-mail: [email protected] PAGE ONE (1 panel) Panel 1. This first section of the comic should have a golden age feel to it. Think of old classic comic books. It’s bright and filled with lots of captions and dialogue. In the panel is Alpha on the ground ripped shirt and everything. Similar to Superman's ripped clothes during the Doomsday storyline. He's in a cave setting. Standing proudly is Mr. Chemistry (he should look very ridiculous ala Prankster or any of the Flash's strange rogue gallery). He laughs because he has beaten the great Alpha. In the cave is Marty (12 years old) in a cage. Credits look like they would in an old comic book. Even add the Stan Lee touch giving everyone nicknames (ex. Smilin' Mike Nevada) CREDITS: Golden Age Chapter 2: Deep, Dark Woods CAP: September 7, 1973 CAP (Siliniez speaking): I don't remember the events that led to my creation. Only a story told from a 12 year old boy. He had quite an imagination. So the tale may be more...well... cartoony then it really was. CAP: Hello fellow Alphamites! Looks like our hero bit far more than he could chew when facing the great and powerful Mr. Chemistry. Wanna see how our masked adventurer gets out of this one? Well keep reading bub, as we reveal our strangest and newest hero. Get ready for (this is the title) The Origin of Siliniez! CHEMISTRY: Haha. You thought you could defeat me Major Alpha. But you're no match for my magnificent intelligence in Chemistry. Cuz I am the master of those arts. I am Mr. Chemistry! ALPHA (Thought balloon): He's right. I don't know what those chemicals are, but they are affecting my molecular structure. I'm powerless!

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE TWO (5 panels) Panel 1. Marty in the cage cheering on Alpha CAP (yellow and covering the top part of the panel, like in the old comics): Captured by the villainous Mr. Chemistry is Marty. He is Major Alpha's best friend and the first person ever saved by our great hero! MARTY: Come on, Major Alpha! You can do this! You've beaten guys far more powerful than Mr. Chemistry. Panel 2. Alpha, looking disoriented. He's seriously beaten. CAP (Siliniez): They were simpler days back then. Everything was black and white. There were good guys... MAJOR ALPHA (Thought balloon): Not if he keeps those test tubes open. He's filled the air with these chemicals that are making me weak. The only way I can beat him is if Marty destroys those chemicals. Panel 3. Mr. Chemistry now at his desk in the cave. Still looking maniacal and laughing CAP (Siliniez): ...bad guys. MR. CHEMISTRY: When I kidnapped your little sidekick, I knew you'd follow to save him. That's why I made this formula called chemical-Y to destroy you. However, I cannot mix them together for that would take away its effectiveness. You can't stop me. With you gone, I can rule the world! Panel 4. Marty in the cage CAP (Siliniez): And innocent people stuck in the middle. MARTY (Thought balloon):

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


Wow, Alpha looks really hurt. This must be the worst day of my life. Why didn't I just listen to Major Alpha. He always told me to never talk to strangers. But I had to... Panel 5. Alpha on the floor close to death. CAP (yellow): It was the only way to save him... MAJOR ALPHA (Thought balloon): Arms getting weak.....can't hold up any longer.

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE THREE (5 panels) Panel 1. Marty's Dad (middle aged and looking ill). He lies on a hospital bed. He is sick. Marty's mother is on the other side of the bed looking worried while Marty is on the other side holding his Dad's hand CAP (Think golden age again. It should look like a cloud like those old captions that told someone's past): My Dad got diagnosed with an incurable sickness. MARTY: Don't worry Dad. I'll find a way to save you! Major Alpha can save everyone. Panel 2. Close-up of Marty's Dad. He smiles at his son, knowing of his impending doom he lies to the boy. Maybe have him pat Marty’s head. DAD: I'm sure he will, son. I'm sure he will. Panel 3. Marty runs out of the room. His mom is yelling in the background telling him to stay. MOM: You stay right here young man! Your father has enough troubles to worry him. He doesn't need you running around on some adventure! Panel 4. Medium close-up of Marty's mom, her hand is raised and she looks angry. The hand of Marty's Dad is visible trying to calm her down. DAD: Martha, please. Let the boy go… Panel 5. Close up of Dad. His eyes are sad. He knows it's the last time he'll see his boy. DAD: He needs to deal with this in his own way.

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE FOUR (4 panels) Panel 1. Marty runs down the corridor of the hospital CAP (yellow): I had to find Major Alpha. My Alpha communicator was still in my room. I had to run as fast as I could to call Major Alpha. Panel 2. Marty rushing down the stairs CAP (yellow): He's the only one with the power to save people. Even someone as sick as my dad. Panel 3. Marty out of the hospital's main entrance CAP (yellow): And I need him now more than ever.... Panel 4. A close up of Mr. Chemistry's feet. He's blocking Marty's path. It's drawn in such an angle that you can see Marty's face. His face looks worried, he's desperate for help. CAP (yellow): I need my dad!

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE FIVE (6 panels) Panel 1. Long shot revealing Mr. Chemistry wearing normal clothes. Keep his face distinct so we can tell he's the same villain from the first issue (albeit much younger). Maybe make his skin blue so we know right away that he's the same person. He's trying to trick Marty into trusting him. His face should look smug. He has a hidden agenda. MR. CHEMISTRY: Slow down child. What's with the hurry? Panel 2. Marty looking out of breathe. Resting a bit but still panting MARTY: I need... to save my dad...he's sick... Panel 3. A side close-up of Mr. Chemistry's face. He pretends to be worried with an exaggerated expression of sadness. Marty is falling right into his trap. MARTY (Off panel): ...but there's no cure. MR. CHEMISTRY: Oh that's awful. I wish I could help somehow.... Panel 4. Close-up of Marty looking worried still. His eyes are tearing. MR. CHEMISTRY: Wait, there is a way to save your dear father. I am Dr. Van Volkenburg and I have the genius of one million scientists combined. If you call your superhero friend from my secret laboratory maybe we can figure out a cure together. Panel 5. Marty and Dr. Chemistry are walking side by side. All you see is their backs. Chemistry has his arms over Marty's shoulders, trying to relax the hysterical boy. MARTY: That sounds like a good idea. But to call Major Alpha I need my communicator. Can we drop by my house first?

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


MR. CHEMISTRY: We most certainly can. But trap him… I mean call him when we're in my laboratory. There's better signal there. Panel 6. Close-up of Mr. Chemistry's face with a sneer. His plan is working perfectly. MARTY (Off panel): Umm...okay, whatever you say. You're the genius. MR. CHEMISTRY: Good.

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE SIX (4 panels) Panel 1. Major Alpha in the cave. Marty is up in a cage and Mr. Chemistry is holding the chemicals that will subdue Major Alpha. MAJOR ALPHA: Hello!?! Marty, is that you? MARTY: No Major Alpha don't come in. You'll fall into his trap. Panel 2. Mr. Chemistry opens the tube rack with all the chemicals that subdue Alpha. MR. CHEMISTRY: Here Alpha! Something to knock you out! Panel 3. Long shot of Major Alpha Looking heroic. He's not afraid of simple chemicals MAJOR ALPHA: You think that's gonna harm me? I think it's gonna take a little more than......ugh. Panel 4. Same as 6.3 except Major Alpha is stumbling down. He is feeling weaker. MAJOR ALPHA: What's happening to me?

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE SEVEN (5 panels) Panel 1. Same as 2.4 CAP (yellow): So that's how I got stuck here. It's always my fault. Why do I always get myself in these crazy situations? Not only is my Dad sick but Alpha is powerless too! Panel 2. Major Alpha lying on the ground. MAJOR ALPHA: Marty! Destroy those chemicals...I...can't...move. Panel 3. Marty still in his cage but now with a smile of hope. He knows how to save Major Alpha. MARTY (Thought balloon): I know! Mr. Chemistry forgot to check my pockets. I'll use my Alpha slingshot to knock down those chemicals. If all goes according to plan, Major Alpha will regain his powers. Panel 4. Marty pulls back the slingshot CAP (yellow): With precision aiming, Marty uses his special Alpha slingshot to destroy the chemicals harming our fearless hero. Panel 5. The rock is in the air about to hit the tray containing all the chemicals

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE EIGHT (6 panels) Panel 1. Rock hits chemicals Panel 2. Chemicals are on the floor. They bubble. Panel 3. Long shot of Mr. Chemistry. He looks at the chemicals on the floor. His face now filled with horror. MR. CHEMISTRY: Oh dear. That can't be good. Panel 4. Mr. Chemistry running. He looks worried but tries to cover it with a sneer MR. CHEMISTRY: I'd love to stay and chat but I really must be going. Panel 5. Medium headshot of Mr. Chemistry running in one direction but is stopped by seeing the chest of Major Alpha. You don't see Alpha's face because he is much taller and muscular than Chemistry. MAJOR ALPHA: Why leave the party so soon, doctor? Panel 6. Close-up of Alpha in the point of view of Mr. Chemistry looking up at Alpha. Alpha is smiling, he appears to be a giant in front of Chemistry. MAJOR ALPHA: You haven't even tried the punch!

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE NINE (1 panel) Panel 1. A huge panel of Alpha giving Mr. Chemistry the biggest punch in the world. Give it a very cartoony look. Even add sound effects just like the ones the Batman tv show was so well known for. (Maybe POWWWW! sound effect) SFX: POWWWWWWWWW! (Obviously the third W is silent- Smilin’ Mike)

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE TEN (6 panels) Panel 1. Long panoramic shot of Alpha helping Marty out of his cage. Mr. Chemistry is in the background tied up. MARTY: Great! Now we can go save my dad, isn't that right Alpha? MAJOR ALPHA: Ummm...Marty, I have to tell you something. Panel 2. Close-up of the broken glass and chemicals. It starts to look green, bonding with the plants on the floor. MAJOR ALPHA (Off panel): There are some diseases that even superheroes like me can't cure. MARTY (Off panel): Wh...what do you mean? Panel 3. Same as 6.1 MAJOR ALPHA: You're dad is very sick but he isn't in any immediate danger, and there are ways that he could make it. But you need to trust the doctors. Not me.... Panel 4. The chemicals are reacting more violently, it begins to take a solid form. MAJOR ALPHA: I can't save your father Panel 5. Medium shot of Marty and Alpha. Marty looks distressed. MARTY: Umm...ok. Could you please bring me back to the hospital then? I should be by his side right now. Panel 6. A hand (Slilniez's hand) forms out of the chemicals. MARTY:

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


I need my dad.....what's that?

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE ELEVEN (6 panels) Panel 1. A long shot of a muddy behemoth emerging from the chemicals. CAP (Siliniez): And in that moment I came to be. Panel 2. The mud begins to harden, it cracks. CAP (Siliniez): A being mangled together by the bonds between science and nature. Panel 3. The being becomes green and slowly plants and moss emerge from his body. His eyes are still closed. CAP (Siliniez): Neither man nor monster. Panel 4. The being takes more shape and facial features begin to emerge. The plants begins to fully embrace his body. CAP (Siliniez): Born from no womb, no mother-- Panel 5. Siliniez as we all know him. His eyes glow green. CAP (Siliniez): --just the earth and the oblivion that came before

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE TWELVE (5 panels) Panel 1. The story is back in the present in Marty's funeral. The art is back to modern style. Siliniez is out on the podium giving his speech. In the front bench is the Alpha League, all wearing black versions of their supersuits (Except for a missing Galahad). Siliniez wears no costume so he dresses in a normal black suit with a black tie and white shirt. CAP: Today is Marty's funeral. SILINIEZ: That's the first time I met Marty. And that's how I would like to remember him. A young boy who so wanted to save the people who couldn't be saved. Panel 2. Close-up of the bench and the Alpha League. Living Light is comforting Madame Mystery who is crying very hard. Alpha is quiet. He has no tears but you can tell he's just trying to hold it back. His eyes show he is the most devastated by his death. SILINIEZ (Off panel): He could never let go of the ones he loved. Panel 3. Close-up of Siliniez. He is the strongest of the group. He remains stoic. SILINIEZ: It was his greatest strength. But also his greatest weakness. Panel 4. Close up of Galahad peering from the top of the church. He looks like a gargoyle perching up from the top. His helmet is on his side. He looks more angry than sad. CAP (Sil): He never fully recovered from Carol's death. Never got that closure or peace we all look for in someone we lost. Panel 5. Shot of Marty's casket. On top of it is a picture of him as a small boy. This was when he was happiest. When there were no problems. CAP (Sil):

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Maybe now he can finally have that peace.

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE THIRTEEN (5 panels) Panel 1. Long panoramic view of outside the funeral. Sil and Mystery are by the church thanking everyone for coming. In the foreground, Living Light introduces a military man to Alph. This man is around 60ish, but very fit for his age and wears formal military wear. Almost looks like General Ross from the incredible Hulk (no connection really, he just has that confident look that I'd like this character to have) LIVING LIGHT: Alph, this is General William Ackart. He works for U.S. Special Operations. SOCOM has assigned a branch to aid us in preventing any other disasters. MAJOR ALPHA: Nice to meet you General. But this isn't the time to be discussing these things. Panel 2. A closer medium shot of General Ackart speaking to the Superheroes who have begun to circle around each other. ACKART: Sorry for taking your time Alpha, but we do have an urgent matter that needs to be dealt with. The next disturbance could happen anytime now and it's important that we combine our resources. MAJOR ALPHA: Now is not the time General. I need some time to get my head straight. I really don't need to be talking about business right now. Panel 3. Close-up shot of General Ackart looking more serious and angry. MAJOR ALPHA (Off Panel): Please have the decency to wait a few days… I have a friend to bury. GENERAL ACKART: Business!?! I had a brother that died in New York while you were partying with that friend of yours. He actually wanted to live, not hang himself in a living room watching TV. Panel 4. Medium shot of Alpha and Living Light reacting to Ackart's comments. Major Alpha looks sad but his head is somewhere else. Living Light looks surprised, deep down inside he thinks this is too good.

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


GENERAL ACKART: I'm sorry for your loss but this isn't just BUSINESS. Some of us actually earned our ranks "MAJOR", and it's our DUTY to protect the helpless. I suggest you get your head straight and start saving people who want to be saved. Panel 5. Medium long shot of General Ackart walking away from Alpha and Living Light. He walks with confidence, unphased by his argument with Alpha. Madame Mystery pulls Living Light away afraid he’ll say something that will make the situation worse. GENERAL ACKART: When you do, we'll be in contact. LIVING LIGHT: Oooooooh. Burn. MADAME MYSTERY: Not now Dave.

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE FOURTEEN (5 panels) Panel 1. The Alpha League walking into the jet to go back to Alpha League headquarters (backs facing us) MADAME MYSTERY: That General has some nerve walking into a funeral and talking to you like that Alph. Has he no decency? LIVING LIGHT: Yah, but he makes a good point. Sure he was a jerk, but we can't just sit around and take a break because our friend died— Panel 2. Medium shot of Alpha, he's not listening. His mind is somewhere else. LIVING LIGHT (Off panel): --It's not a choice for us anymore. It's our duty. We owe it to them. Right Alph?......Alph? Panel 3. Same as 14.1 except fronts are facing us MAJOR ALPHA: Huh?... oh yah. Sure. Panel 4. Medium shot of the League entering the jet except for Alpha who stands outside hesitant to come in. Mystery and Light are already inside but you can hear their conversation from the outside. Siliniez waits in front of the docking back looking at Alpha. LIVING LIGHT: My turn to drive the jet hun! MADAME MYSTERY: You always get lost. You have no sense of direction. SILINIEZ: Alph, you seem hesitant to enter? MAJOR ALPHA: Yah, I think I'll fly on my own, get some fresh air.

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Panel 5. Medium close-up of Siliniez speaking to Alpha but also entering the jet to meet with his comrades. SILINIEZ: Very well then. Take care my friend. MAJOR ALPHA: Don't worry--

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PAGE FIFTEEN (5 panels) Panel 1. Establishing shot of Marty's house. In the distance you see a comet flying in the air. It has a human shape. (It's Alpha visiting Marty's home) CAP: --I will SUB (Bottom left corner): Marty's house, San Jose Panel 2. Close-up of 2 pictures that Alpha is holding. One we've seen before (the one with Marty and Alpha meeting for the first time) and the other being a picture of Marty and Carol in their early 30's hugging each other and looking very happy. Panel 3. Long shot of Alpha in the memorabilia area. There are boxes everywhere. He's packing Marty's things but pauses to look at these 2 pictures. Right in front of the panel is a shadowy figure (Galahad) covering some of the panel. He is closer (camera wise) to the reader in perspective MAJOR ALPHA: You didn't show up to the funeral. Panel 4. Medium shot of Galahad emerging from the shadows. GALAHAD: There's no time to grieve. We've got a world on the brink of Armageddon and a friend who kills himself for no apparent reason. Panel 5. Shot of Alpha and Galahad talking. They are at opposite sides of the room MAJOR ALPHA: You know he's never been the same since Carol's death. Maybe the New York incident just pushed him over the edge. Case closed. GALAHAD: You and I both know Marty wasn't a quitter. He never gave up. He didn't kill himself when Carol died, why would he do it now? Something is very wrong with this scenario.

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE SIXTEEN (6 panels) Panel 1. Alpha angry and swinging his arms knocking the box on the table. The picture of Marty and Carol is up in the air ready to fall to the ground. MAJOR ALPHA: Not everything has to be a stupid mystery you have to solve! There's nothing we can do...nothing I can do, he's dead! Panel 2. A shot of the framed picture now on the floor. There's a crack in the glass. Panel 3. Medium shot of Galahad keeping his cool. He points to Alpha authoritatively GALAHAD: We may have our differences Alpha, but I could always rely on you to put your interests aside for the sake of others. Panel 4. Alpha, with is hands on a table looking away from Galahad. GALAHAD: Maybe I am wrong but at least I'm doing something about it. I'm not wallowing around in my own self-pity. Let the dead rest, and do what Marty would've wanted you to do. MAJOR ALPHA: And what's that? Panel 5. Galahad hands the broken frame into Alpha's hand. Focus more on the picture again. GALAHAD: Be a hero. Panel 6. Galahad leaving the room, Major Alpha is recovering from his burst of anger, he knows he was wrong for shouting (maybe have him hold the top of his nose like he’s having a headache). Galahad isn't angered but rather be doing

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something to keep his mind off of his friend's death. Maybe have Galahad walk off as if he’s leaving. MAJOR ALPHA: You're right... I'm sorry. Just give me a bit of time to get through this. Where are you off to now? GALAHAD: I'll leave the world pressing matters to you and the rest of the league. I'm better off finding leads, seeing if people around the area saw anything strange the night Marty died.

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE SEVENTEEN (4 Panels) Panel 1. Alpha walks to place the broken frame back into the storage box Panel 2. Close-up of the inside of the box. In it just random stuff that Marty owned. On the side something is glowing red. Panel 3. Alpha looks at the contraption. It's Marty's old Alpha communicator (in the screen it says "recently recorded message") Panel 4. Alpha presses the play button on the machine CAP: He listens--

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE EIGHTEEN (4 panels) Panel 1. Alpha sitting down in the living room listening to the message CAP: --listens to his friend telling him to let go of the pain he holds. Panel 2. Galahad in a bar interrogating gangsters. All of them are on the floor unconscious except for one who Galahad is lifting by the throat. CAP: To move on. GALAHAD: Tell me what you saw! GANGSTER: Ch.....check the old man's backyard. Somethin' fishy was happening over there. Panel 3. Living Light and Madame Mystery (in Civilian clothes) looking through old photos of Marty and Carol. CAP: It makes no sense he tells himself.. Panel 4. Siliniez in a church lighting a single candle for Marty CAP: How can one person give up on life so easily?

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE NINETEEN (5 panels) Panel 1. A panoramic shot of Alpha standing on the golden gate bridge. His back is facing the reader. He stares at the most beautiful sunset one could ever see. The sun gives out an orange tint. CAP: He stares at the sunset. Panel 2. Medium shot of Alpha's face. He looks serious but something in his eyes sees the beauty of the sunset. CAP: Unsure of what tomorrow holds. Panel 3. Same as 5.1 but the sun has fully set CAP: With the weight of the world on his shoulders he says the toughest thing he’s ever had to say. CAP (bottom right): Because he has promises to keep. Panel 4. Alpha holding his wrist. He knows what he has to do now. MAJOR ALPHA: Goodbye. Panel 5. Alpha flying away from the ocean. He looks like a comet in the sky.

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Golden  Age,  Issue  2  �  Michael  Nevada    


PAGE TWENTY (4 panels) Panel 1. Establishing shot of Alpha League headquarters (It's night time). The comet in the sky. You can see the shadows of Light and Mystery, they are talking to each other. LIVING LIGHT: Where are they? MADAME MYSTERY: Maybe you should've asked. Panel 2. Sil, Light, and Mystery in a table. Around them is futuristic equipment showing data on natural disasters. SILINIEZ: Give them both time. They need to grieve. LIVING LIGHT: Any other time I'd agree, but when lava spews out on Time Square I think we should leave the grieving for later Panel 3. Mystery touching Light's shoulder MADAME MYSTERY: You know how close Alpha and Marty were. He'll comeback when he's ready. Panel 4. Close-up of the Living Light LIVING LIGHT: Yah I guess you're right. Well looks like the three of us gotta do this without our fearless leader. Sil, call General Ackart tell him we need some... MAJOR ALPHA (off panel): No, let me call the General.

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PAGE TWENTY-ONE (3 panels) Panel 1. Major entering from the door. His face more determined than ever. MAJOR ALPHA: It's time I start doing my job. Panel 2. The rest of the league now standing from the table. Alpha's communicator is beeping. Panel 3. Alpha holding up his communicator. In it is Galahad carrying a shovel, he also seems dirty. MAJOR ALPHA: Galahad, perfect timing. I need you at the headquarters asap. We need all our resources at hand if we want to make some progress. GALAHAD: That's great Alpha, but I think you might want to go back to Marty's house. MAJOR ALPHA: You found any leads? GALAHAD: Ya--

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PAGE TWENTY-TWO (1 panel) Panel 1. Long shot of Galahad looking at a giant skeleton he has just found buried in Marty's backyard. It should look slightly odd; it's bigger than normal skeleton. In shape it almost looks like Major Alpha. GALAHAD: --a really big lead.