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The Secret to Gourmet Curry/Gokujo Bifukare ONESHOT

Page 001:

Right to left, top to bottom

(): I like you

[]: A middle-school uniform from the nearby school

[]: Light blue joggers with a touch of dirt

(): Please go out with me

[]: Huh?!

Page 002:

Right to left, top to bottom

Cover page

Page 003:

Right to left, top to bottom

[] (The one on the left): Huh?

[]: Say…

(): Wait

(): You’re a middle-schooler right?

(): Doesn’t matter

(): But// But I

(): But I// Ah!

(): ~!

Page 004:

Right to left, top to bottom

(): No!

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(): No!

(): Ne//ve//rrrr

(): Huh…

Sfx: huff

Sfx: huff

[]: It was a dream…

St: I am Nishi highschool’s Abe

[]: It wasn’t a dream

[]: At least the part that I was confessed to by a middle-schooler is real

(): Miss Dojima…

Page 005:

Right to left, top to bottom

(): About this document…

(): Ah, I’ve already greeted them by phone, don’t worry

(): There was a mistake here

(): Sorry, I’ll fix that immediately

(): Don’t worry, I’ve already fixed it; make sure you don’t do it again next time!

(): Dojima, the plan you gave last time received great feedback// I’ll leave to you again next time!

(): How can I say this… Miss Dojima she…

(): Her work ethics are incredible// Clear and instructive

(): It feels that she’s manlier than a man// And she’s really tall

(): A beauty with a good figure// And it seems she has no flaws

(): But if you want me to have her as a girlfriend, no thanks

(): Mhm… It feels like a single complaint, and I’ll be lectured

(): Indeed.

(): I can hear very clearly…

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St: Why on earth would I lecture my boyfriend?

(): Kasumi…

(): Let’s have lunch together

Page 006:

Right to left, top to bottom

(): You were confessed to by a middle-schooler?!

(): Why did it happen?

(): He said that he comes home around the same time I do// And he always see me in front of him

(): Awww, how cute~ <3// So, what did you do? Are you guys going out?

(): Of course I rejected

(): What type of boy is he?

St: Rejected, huh?

(): Eh?// He was short…

St: What do mean why type

(): How about the face? Was it cute?

(): Mhm…

(): Kinda…?

(): Wow… Not bad, not bad…

(): But he looked a bit egotistic

St: What the heck…

[]: Doesn’t matter

[]: No wait, that was from the dream!

Sfx: Shock

(): It’s too bad…// You don’t see these things very often!

(): It’s definitely impossible with a middle-schooler, right?

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Page 007:

Right to left, top to bottom

(): Even if he’s not a middle-schooler, you would’ve said “no” anyway

St: Rejecting him because he’s a middle-schooler is just an excuse for you

(): Mhm

(): I mean, a man who is more capable than you is pretty hard to find!// If you want to find one, you’ll probably never be in a relationship

(): Ahh… It’s not lie that…

(): …I don’t mind if my boyfriend is less capable than me

(): You’re talking about your ex, right?

St: Oh man, here we go again…

(): You said that it was a relationship during your university days, right?

St: How many years again?

(): He found you to be too capable// and he felt that he had too much pressure and decided to break up

(): Really… Words from such a coward should definitely be remembered

Page 008:

Right to left, top to bottom

(): But// I think It’d be better if you can act a bit spoilt at times

(): You work so hard by yourself// and wear heels despite being really tall, does give off a strict aura

St: It’s Dotori senpai!

ST: She’s so pretty!

ST: She got first in the test againST: She made it in the national archery competition

ST: So handsome

ST: I wonder if she has a girlfriend

(): Even though you’ve only been at all-girl schools since middle-school, you managed to become a male actor for 6 years-

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(): Don’t keep talking about it as though I wanted to do it, okay?

St: You really seem to like this topic

St: Look! It’s Rose-sama!

(): How many girls have asked you out before?

(): 36…

(): Ahahaha, that’s an entire class!

[]: Even if people do see me like that

[]: Everytime I see you

[]: I feel that I’m useless

[]: I can’t help but act this way

[]: But even male co-workers were scared away// Why would that middle-schooler from yesterday-

(): Ah

Sfx: stare

Page 009:

Right to left, top to bottom

(): Kasumi-chan, welcome back!


St: Um

St: Didn’t I

St: Reject…

St: ?

(): Ah- Wait for me

(): Um… Abe-kun?

//That’s your name, right

(): Mhm

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(): Didn’t I reject you yesterday?

(): Come on… Go out with me

(): Impossible

(): Why?

Page 010:

Right to left, top to bottom

(): You can’t be thinking that

(): It’s because I’m a middle-schooler?

[]: He’s really

(): Right

[]: Insisting…

(): No problems!

(): I’m can turn that around// and I won’t do strange things outside

[]: And…

St: stare…

[]: Like yesterday’s dream

[]: Very wild

(): Wait…

(): Huh?

(): You plan to go into my house?

(): Because I won’t do anything weird outside// If I go in, I can, right?

Page 011:

(): It’s a definite no

(): Why?

Sfx: Ho-ld

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(): It’s not definite!

(): !

(): Ah

(): Are you scared?

sfx: Grasp

(): You…

(): Get a grip!

Sfx: Whoosh

(): Let’s not talk about your face

(): I don’t have any interest in a childish kid like you with your cute blue running shoes!

Page 012:

(): You should go home early

(): If you’re too late, won’t your mommy get angry?

(): See you tomorrow!

Sfx: Step step

(): What the heck… “Mommy”

Sfx: Middle-schoolers won’t call that…

[]: What the hell, is he even a middle-schooler?!// Are all the kids like that nowadays?!

[]: This is insane!

[]: Don’t look down on adults!

Sfx: tatatatatatata

St: Ito-kun, take this

St: Mochida-chan, take this!

St: and this!

(): Woah… She’s stronger than ever today

(): Her work spirit is like Asura!

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[]: What “See you tomorrow”?

(): Let’s get some beer

Sfx: Anger

(): Ah// My budget this month is tight

(): I’ll pay

Page 013:

[]: I just have to change my home time slightly

[]: And not as easily meet him

[]: Plus, tomorrow is a resting day

[]: Hahaha, take that

<>: I have an event tomorrow; bring this to my school please – Abe

(): What…

(): What’s this…

[]: Why should I bring this// He’s the one who left it here


[]: Wait a sec

Page 014:

[]: How did he get home?

<>: Like this?

Sfx: Sigh

[]: Geez

[]: What’s this supposed to be

(): …

St: In the end, I still brought it

(): But where is the event he was talking about…

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(): Next// Abe

SFX: Bam

Page 015:

[]: So fast…

(): Okay, we’ll end it here

[]: He’s really popular

[]: Ah

[]: He saw me

[]: Aww// Ah… Really…

[]: Don’t come over immediately!

Page 016:

(): …

(): Why do you have this scary expression

(): Do you feel nice to let a girl show that kind of expression?

(): Huh?

St: I don’t understand what you’re saying

Sfx: Grab

(): I’ll get changed right now, wait for me!

(): Huh?

(): I’ll return this to you now and I’m gonna go home

(): You can’t pass this through the net// You can’t get into the school right?

(): I’m thirsty// Wanna have a drink?

Page 017:

[]: Um…

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St: Catch the ghost!

[]: Drinking canned juice in the park…

(): Oh right// He’s a middle-schooler

(): How did you get home yesterday?

(): Hm?

(): Oh…/ I hopped on one leg like on a hopscotch

St: Even though there’re no markings

<>: Hopscotch? One leg?

St: Hop

St: Hop

(): …Haha

(): What the hell// If I got my socks dirty, my mum will kill me

(): …

St: Dammit, mum

St: Then don’t leave your shoe!

(): Do kids these days still know about hopscotch?

St: Reminds me of the good ol’ times

(): …

Page 018:

(): Here, you try!

(): Huh?

Sfx: Take off

(): Ah

(): Wait// What are you doing…

Sfx: Throw

St: It didn’t go that far

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St: Ah

St: Wait

St: repent for your sins

Sfx: Woof woof

Sfx: drop

(): Hey

Let’s play hopscotch!

(): It’s impossible to jump with these shoes.

Page 019:

(): I don’t care, you’re the one who wanted to wear them

(): But if you need a hand, I can let you lean on me

Sfx: Smile smile

(): Hmph…

[]: Don’t look down on people!

Sfx: Hmph

Sfx: Bounce bounce bounce

(): This is easy as pie…// Mhm!

Sfx: Twist

(): Ah

(): …

Page 020:

(): I’m sorry

(): It’s okay…

[]: This kid…

[]: Do I call him childish, or immature?

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Sfx: reach

Sfx: take

[]: Childish…

(): Your feet…

(): Extend it

(): …

[]: No, he’s wild

Page 021:

Sfx: touch

[]: Hm

Sfx: Shock

[]: Hold on…

Sfx: touch

[]: What the hell are you doing?!

(): Hurry// Hurry and put on the shoe!

(): Eh?

(): But your feet is full of sand

[]: It was an accident?!

(): Just hurry!

[]: I’m going to reject him immediately

<>: I definitely cannot be careless

(): I say, Abe-kun!

(): There’re a lot of cute girls in your school, right?

(): Huh?

(): I mean// For example, that girl you were talking to before

(): Oh

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St: The shoe is on

Page 022:

(): I’ve dated before

(): With those “cute girls in my school”// I’ve tried to date them a lot of times

[]: A lot of times…

(): But

(): I’ve never had the feeling I have when I look at you

(): Besides, there are no girls in my school as beautiful as you are

(): Rather than to be with those “cute girls in my school”, I’d rather get excited about the you who walks in front of me

(): So, please go out with me

Page 023:

(): What… What type of a confession is this…// Does he think that he is very mature?

<>: Being with you makes me tired

(): But…// I’m no better myself

(): Haha

(): Wh-what are you laughing at

(): I think that talking to you makes me very relaxed

(): Since you know nothing about me

Page 024:

(): Sorry, but I don’t want to go out with a middle-schooler on a whim

[]: You’ve only lived for a bit over 10 years// What do you understand about me?

(): Ah// Kasumi, you’re here!

(): Are you going to work overtime again?// Aren’t you always busy?

(): Mm, I am a little busy

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(): Being a capable woman must be hard work

(): Haha

(): Ah… I wanted to invite you to a group date too

(): It’s okay, you don’t have to do that

Page 025:

(): …

(): Um…

(): During the time when you should be enjoying the most, you weren’t treated as a girl

(): You haven’t even learnt to act spoiled and grew up…

(): Along with the fact that the first guy you went out with was a total loser

(): That’s just bad luck

(): It’s such a shame for a beauty like you

(): It’s just that you are too conservative// But that is also an image you try to create

(): There’ll definitely be

(): Someone who understands you and feels that you are cute!

(): Thanks

(): I’m going now!

Page 026:

[]: Ever since then, I’ve been too busy to see Abe-kun

<>: You clearly don’t understand me at all

[]: “Because you’re a middle-schooler” is all I had to say// I could’ve used less hurtful words

[]: Why did I say something like that

[]: He couldn’t be

[]: Waiting all this time right?

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Page 027:

(): Abe-kun

(): …

(): …

[]: Did I originally think of

[]: Things like “wanting to be understood” or “wanting to act spoiled”?

[]: I

Page 028:

[]: Never really cared for things like that?

(): It’s already this late…

(): Kasumi?

[]: Eh?

Sfx: Doki

(): It really is you

(): Do you remember me?

Page 029:

[]: Ah

(): Waah, how reminiscent!// We haven’t met for ages

[]: You can’t be serious

(): You always lived here?

(): Ah// Mhm

(): I moved here last month

(): Oh…

[]: How strange…// We are having a normal conversation

[]: And I// Always thought of this

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(): About that time, I’ve really sorry

(): I’ve only said things against you// I guess I was really rude back then

Page 030:

(): Ah

(): It’s okay

[]: Maybe I didn’t really mind that incident

(): It’s my fault for not adjusting back then

(): Eh…

(): I got married recently

(): My wife is different from Kasumi and she’s very normal

(): We can understand each other// and it’s very peaceful around her

(): So, Kasumi, you too

(): You have to find someone who will make you happy!

Page 031:

[]: Understand me

[]: Understand what about me?

[]: I’m probably what the others think I am

[]: Someone who can do anything without being reliant// completely fine with not being spoilt

[]: Everyone knows that I’m like this and that I shouldn’t be

[]: But I

[]: Am not doing this for praise

[]: Nor am I forcing myself

Page 032:

[]: I’m just

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(): Welcome back

(): Why

(): Why do you have this expression?

Page 33:

[]: Why is he here?

(): Hey// Don’t ignore me!

(): Don’t follow me

(): I waited for ages!

(): Wait// Don’t come in

(): I’ve waited for this long… How can I go back?

Sfx: pull pull pull pull

St: Open the door!

(): AHh!// I

(): I’m a male actor and have lots of connections!

Sfx: pull pull pull pull

(): Huh?

(): I’ve never acted spoilt even to my boyfriend!// I’m more capable than men in working!

(): I’m really tall, but I wear high heels that are 8cm tall…

Sfx: step

(): Ah!

Sfx: bam

Sfx: wobble

Page 034:

(): Don’t

Sfx: Grab

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(): I// I still don’t know anything about you

(): Mhm

(): That’s true

(): Anyways, I

Page 035:

(): Am only a kid who wears cute blue sneakers

(): Only a middle schooler too?

(): Eh

(): Work…// Shoes…

(): Ah!

Sfx: Trip

(): These kind of things

Page 036:

(): Doesn’t matter to me

(): I’m just

[]: Right…

[]: I

Sfx: touch

(): Want to touch you

(): !

(): Things like that

(): I think about it everyday

Page 037:

(): I’d really like

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Sfx: rub

[]: I probably// am not hoping for someone to understand me

(): for your beautiful façade

[]: But am always

Page 38:

(): To be completely removed

[]: Even though I’ve always// wished that someone would do this

Page 39:

(): You’ve worked hard…

(): If we continue working like this, we’d never make it!

(): What happened?

(): He forgot to do the work I assigned for him today

(): Ah// Let me help as well, then

(): But, aren’t you already preparing to go home?

(): I’m terribly sorry, miss Dojima

(): No worries, no worries!

[]: That’s right

Page 40:[]: I already don’t mind

Sfx: step

(): Welcome home

(): …

(): I’ve already sent you an email saying that I’d be home late

St: And that you don’t have to wait me me

(): I want to see you though…

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(): Say… Can I come over to your place?

(): No.

(): Maybe when you’re a bit older

St: Because you’re definitely going to do something stupid

Page 41:

(): You say that, even though last time you shooed me away without having done anything

Sfx: hold

(): !

(): Wait!// You’ve clearly said that you wouldn’t do anything weird outside!

(): I’m saying that if you let me into your house I would agree to that

[]: Now to think of it, there’s something else that I should be mindful about…