Download pptx - Going Serverless

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Going Serverless

By Data and Analytic Team

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● Introduction to serverless architecture● Implementing serverless architecture using

AWS technologies● Use case - CRM project● Conclusion

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What is Serverless ?

Web ServerWeb Application


Issues● Developer has to be aware if the servers● Resource under consumption

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What is Serverless ?

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Instance: m3.largevCPU 2

Memory (GiB) 7.5Instance Storage (GB) 1 x 32 SSDLinux/UNIX Usage $0.133 per Hour


Requests - $0.20 per 1 million requests (first 1M is free)Duration (512 MB) - 0.000000834 per 100ms (first 800K is free)

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Is it serverless or not ?

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Current stack in the Cake environment

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Overview of AWS serverless services

Cloud front●Deliver your entire website, including dynamic,

static, streaming, and interactive content.●Uses a global network of edge locations to deliver

content.●Works seamlessly with AWS related services like S3

and non AWS services (server hosting the files).

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Overview of AWS serverless services

SNS ●A notification service (push notification) .

SQS●Fast, Reliable & Scalable messaging service.

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Overview of AWS serverless services

Dynamo DB

● Fully managed NoSQL key-value data store.

● Also used as a persistent session storage mechanism when your application is schema less or non relational.

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Overview of AWS serverless services

AWS API gateway●Helps delevelopers deliver mobile & web application

backends .

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Overview of AWS serverless services

AWS Kinesis● Enables you to build custom applications that

process or analyze streaming data for specialized needs

● Can continuously capture and store terabytes .● Use streaming data to power real-time dashboards,

generate alerts.● Able to stream data to other AWS services like

S3,EMR & Redshift.

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Overview of AWS serverless services

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Customer Profiling Components

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Positives & Negatives

● Cost reduction– Development– Scaling

● Deployment

– Versioning and Aliases● Vendor Control

– Billing– Service specific limitations

● Security concerns● Monitoring and Debugging

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