

Also in this issueYear 10 Activities

Exam SuccessesA Midsummer Night’s Dream

Going for Gold

Autumn 2011


Duke of Edinburgh Gold p5

Charity Bike Ride p8

PluS3 A-Level & GCSE Results

6 Sixth Form

9 Senior House News

10 Equestrian News

14 Prep School News

16 Pre-Prep & Nursery News

September 20117 Sept Autumn Term commences17 Sept Romania Trip ‘Stable Sleep-

in’ @ 100024 Sept Open Morning @ 103024 / 25 Sept Inter Schools’ One Day

Event Championships25 Sept Old Stonarians’ Open Day

@ 103028 Sept ESSA Regional Swimming

Championships 30 Sept Exmoor Riding trip departs

October 20119 Oct Trip to Horse of the Year

Show13 Oct Nursery & Prep Parents’

Big Breakfast18 Oct Romania Challenge Team

departs Careers Evening – The Arts

19 Oct Half Term commences @ 1615

31 Oct Term recommences


November 20115 Nov Stonar Fireworks and

Bonfire Night @ 18008 Nov Parent Talk – Drugs,

Alcohol & Teenagers @ 1830

11 Nov Remembrance Day Service @ 1030

17 Nov Year 7 Taster Day24 Nov Concert, Rachel Fowler

Centre, Melksham @ 123024 – 26 Nov Othello – Senior School

Production @ 1930

December 20111 Dec Concert, Atworth @ 19304 Dec Stonar Christmas Riding

Show @ 09006 Dec Pre-prep Nativity

Performance @ 18009 Dec Carol Service, Bath Abbey

@ 1100 End of Term

January 20124 Jan Spring Term commences

fROM ThE hEADDear Parents and Friends

I do hope you enjoyed a wonderful summer break. Our pupils have embarked upon the autumn term with all the energy and enthusiasm that characterises Stonar. Whilst they were away there was a great deal of activity at the school as the staff here worked at a tremendous rate to prepare the school for an exciting new year.

A number of important new initiatives are now fully under way, most notably the beginning of our planned expansion of co-education in the Prep School and it is clear that our boys are enjoying their smart new uniform. The majority of our senior girls are opting to take full advantage of the extended day, either to participate in a greatly extended programme of activities at 4.30 or to use the newly re-furbished Learning Resources Centre to complete their prep. New IT and study facilities in the boarding houses have transformed evening prep, too.

I hope that you will enjoy reading this new look Stonar News which reflects the success our pupils achieve in so many areas and highlights the extensive range of opportunities which the school provides in order to stimulate and engage their imaginations and talents. I look forward to seeing you at some of the many events planned for this term.

With best wishes,



The special guest at Stonar’s Speech Day was Claire Young, the straight-talking, no-nonsense business woman who reached the finals in the 2008 series of the BBC’s The Apprentice.

Since her success on The Apprentice, a process she described as “life-changing”, Claire has worked non-stop, setting up numerous business ventures. She is passionate about promoting entrepreneurship to the younger generation and heads the National Apprenticeship Service Young Ambassador Network.

Claire joined pupils as they ran fundraising stalls at the pre-Speech Day fete. She chatted with all and offered motivational words of wisdom to the school’s young entrepreneurs. Following lunch and prize-giving, Claire delivered a speech which encouraged girls to follow their ambitions and remain focussed. As a former pupil at another GSA school, Claire also reinforced the benefits that single-sex education brings to girls when they reach GCSE and A levels. She was delighted to sign autographs and have photos taken with girls afterwards and having watched the wonderful Musical Ride with a ‘Blues Brothers’ theme, Claire even bought one of Stonar’s horses.

Parents and pupils alike found Claire’s speech inspiring and full of practical advice. It was the perfect addition to a day celebrating the impressive achievements and progress of pupils across the school community.Elizabeth Thomas, head


1 A* and 2 A grades. Katy Donnelly gained 2 A grades and a B which secured her place at Royal Holloway University, London, to read Psychology.

GcSE RESulTSOverall pass rate: 100% A* - A grades: 40.8% A*- C grades: 93.9%

100% of pupils achieved at least 5 passes at grades A* - C with more than 40% of all GCSE papers taken yielding a pass at A* and A grades – double the national average and a fantastic achievement.

Top achievers were: Ellie Sutcliffe who gained a magnificent 13 A* grades; Millie Corp who achieved 8 A* and 4 A grades; Eloisa MacLachlan who achieved 7 A* and 4 A grades; Alice Bibby, one of Stonar’s leading riders, who achieved 5 A* and 7 A grades.

The level of achievement at GCSE has been consistently high over the past 6 years with the overall percentage of A* - C grades being regularly in excess of 90%. There has also been an increase in the number of GCSE subjects studied by each girl.

A wide range of subjects yielded 100% passes at A* to C. Over 60% of results in English Literature, Geography and RS were A* and A grades, whilst in the ICT full course, all candidates gained an A or A* grade.

A lEvEl RESulTSA Level grades: A*: 9.9% A* - B: 61.5% A* - C: 83.5% A* - E: 100%

Stonar’s 2011 A level and GCSE results have exceeded expectations. For the fourth year in a row, the overall pass rate at A Level is 100%, with an excellent 34.1% of passes at A* and A grades and 83.5% at A* to C grades. As Stonar educates pupils with a wide range of academic ability, who undertake a huge array of activities outside the classroom, we are particularly proud of their achievements.

Over 60% of A Level grades were at B or above, securing places on courses at the UK’s most competitive universities. Maths and the Sciences proved strong with 80% of pupils achieving grade B or above. History, French and Psychology also yielded high grades. Pupils studying Art all secured places on their first choice courses.

There were some outstanding individual results. Coco Hammond obtained 3 A* grades in Art, History and Psychology, and will take up her place at Leeds University for an Art Foundation course. Saskia Saloranta gained 3 A* grades in Mathematics, Biology and French. Other exceptional results included Minnie Ngan who achieved an A* and 3 A grades. Leila Royle-Davis, achieved



fESTIvAl Of SuSTAINAbIlITYOne of the ways in which Stonar enriches pupils’ learning is to bring their studies alive with practical experience of what is learned in the classroom. At the end of each summer term, everyone in the senior school comes off timetable and takes part in a 4-day Festival. This year’s theme was Sustainability.

Ten workshops were run in which pupils created everyday objects through activities using natural, recycled and locally sourced materials:

A Communications Workshop explored Paints and Pigments. Pupils examined how humans use colour in communication in a low technology world, and pigment origins. Pigments were created in the laboratory using common chemicals and turned into paints.

For many of us fashion is an everyday consideration. In the Clothing Workshop, pupils examined the origins

of textiles and tried to understand why clothes are so readily discarded in the western world when still functional. They also assessed the environmental impacts of clothes and their washing. Using radical new designs, the girls created clothing from scrap material and waste textiles, in a challenge to create some unusual but warm and waterproof garments for outdoor work.

In what was a truly enriching four days of discovery other workshops included Medicine: Drugs and Cosmetics, which examined how to stay healthy and hygienic using locally sourced materials; Medicine: Power of Plants, in which teas and ointments were created using plant and tree extracts; Decoration: Jewellery where pupils created attractive natural objects using simple chemical and physical processes; Food: Clay Ovens and Pizza – Stonar’s unique pizza oven built from scratch and locally sourced materials which successfully cooked an excellent batch of pizzas.


ThE GOOD lIfE AT STONARStonar pupils take mud in their stride; having transformed a former goat paddock into an impressive allotment with raised beds, all the digging and hard work has paid off. Head of Chemistry, Ms Pam Nix and pupils in the Allotment Club produced a wonderful range of produce. The leaves and lettuces were available on the salad bar during the summer term for staff and pupils to enjoy. At the Speech Day fete, the Allotment Stall was laden with kale, chard, beetroot, greens, carrots, lettuce and new potatoes. Everything sold very quickly and the feedback has been highly complimentary.

The stall earned £55 which will be ploughed back into the allotment to buy seeds as well as materials for building compost bins. Chief helpers this year were Jess Fellows, Eloise Brogden, Gemma Barber, Bea Titcombe and Phoebe Nickless-Dent.


In June, Year 7 Chemistry pupils took part in a workshop led by Ms Gracie Divall (MA Cambridge, Chemistry). Ms Divall is currently a student at Kingston University studying for an MA in Design with Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. The girls made cushions to display the properties of particular groups of elements from the Periodic Table.



A range of outings are arranged each term that put our pupils’ studies into context and bring their learning to life.

This summer term trips have included a Year 7, 8 and 9 art trip to Holbourne Museum in Bath. They looked at Peter Blake’s collection of art work - from a cabinet on Elvis Presley to boxes and boats made out of shells. There was a creative session to make Punch and Judy-style puppets which involved covering a balloon in plaster and creating extravagant features like an extra big nose or over-exaggerated eyebrows.

Year 7’s trip to the Roman Baths in Bath was in preparation for their Latin

A group of Year 10 pupils headed to the Brecon Beacons for a weekend of team building, climbing, abseiling and gorge walking. Everyone was encouraged to step outside their comfort zone and all the girls achieved far more than they thought possible, whether it was picking

Outside the academic programme, pupils have a huge array of clubs and activities to take part in, including the ever-popular Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme which provides skills, challenges and adventure. Many universities and employers regard the Award as an extra qualification.

DukE Of EDINbuRGhThe summer was busy for the Duke of Edinburgh teams, culminating in the Gold assessed expedition in the Peak District. In May, Gold and Silver groups navigated their way across the Brecon Beacons in very changeable weather conditions. Later in the term the Year 12 Gold group returned to the Brecons for a weekend of team building, camp-craft and navigation training.

The Year 10 Silver group headed to the Marlborough Downs to complete their practice expedition. Their mountain training stood them in good stead as they faced a first day of torrential rain with amazing good spirits. Three days later they were footsore but euphoric about their achievements and looking forward to the assessed expedition in Exmoor in October.

The Years 12 and 13 Gold groups completed their assessed expedition in the Peak District. Both groups were outstanding and on time at all check points; in fact we had to tell them to slow down! The scenery was spectacular, although not always appreciated when climbing up almost vertical slopes to reach the peaks. Congratulations to all who passed their expedition with flying colours. For some this was the final section of their award so hats will have to be bought to receive their awards from the Duke at St. James’s Palace.....


tiny bits of cardboard off the floor with their teeth or flinging themselves off a waterfall. As ever, Stonar girls showed that they are up to any challenge presented to them and don’t mind what they look like – as long as they are having fun.

Language and Roman Civilisation studies next year. They handled Roman artefacts and learned about the history and use of the Baths and of Roman building and technology. The picnic lunch is always a highlight and this was followed by a tour of the Baths themselves. During the tour the girls were able to talk to a ‘Roman slave’ and learned how she cared for her mistress including details of Roman makeup and hairdressing.

hITTING ThE hEIGhTS fOR chARITYCongratulations to Year 12 pupil Sophie Gray, who completed a gruelling fundraising climb to summit Mount Kilimanjaro during the summer. Sophie has raised over £1000 for Mencap and Wellow Trekking Centre – which has disabled riding provision.


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lOOkING bEYOND STONARStonar’s Sixth Form enables girls to achieve their full potential, as they are urged to take on challenges outside their comfort zones which will help them to flourish in school and in the future.

During the Summer Term the priority was exams. Boarding houses and study areas were suspiciously quiet save for occasional muttering of dates and equations and the frantic turning of pages. The Year 13s, with offers from top universities to meet, almost vanished from view, only surfacing post-exams, to enjoy Speech Day and the Summer Ball. The Year 12s attended talks on university application and writing personal statements. Our University Challenge group visited St John’s College, Oxford, to get a taste of life and expectations at Oxbridge and inspire them to aim for the very top academic institutions.

The new prefect team was elected in May; they quickly got to grips with their new roles, planning exciting innovations for the school. Following their return from study leave, the new leadership team was appointed with congratulations going to Sammy Baptiste (Head Girl) and Rachel Lui and Sophie Rhodes (Deputy Head Girls).

As the year drew to a close, Sixth Form girls enjoyed the Stonar Charity Summer Ball. This event was organised by the outgoing prefect team who demonstrated a considerable talent for arranging a large scale function whilst managing their heavy academic workload. Particular thanks go to Alice Rawlings, Charlie Lanz, Katie Jonzen, Cesci Addis and Katy Donnelly for all the hours of hard work they put into making the event such a success.

The Year 12s look forward to stepping into the shoes of Year 13 and leading the school through 2011/12.


For Sixth Formers who are keen to expand their culinary repertoire, Stonar offers the Leith’s Certificate of Food and Wine, a useful qualification for gap year jobs such as ski chalet hosting, the hospitality industry or simply as an excellent basis upon which to build your gastronomic skills.

Congratulations to this year’s Leith students who have all gained the certificate. The course is very demanding and covers all aspects of cooking including meat and fish cookery, pastries, bread making, sauces, desserts and cakes, vegetables and salads. Particular congratulations go to Rossanna Law and Coco Hammond who achieved distinctions. Rossanna clearly has great culinary talents as this follows her success in reaching the regional finals of Rotary Young Chef 2010. Rossanna will be studying Hospitality Business Management with Culinary Arts at Sheffield Hallam University.



REbEccA WEbSTER (hEAD GIRl 2007)‘Having successfully completed my first year of Medical School at Durham University I realise that the 14 years I spent at Stonar have provided me with a fantastic foundation on which to develop the rest of my life. From academic knowledge and study skills, to communication skills and empathy, my time at Stonar has had a profound influence on the person I am today.

Not everyone in my class at school came from a horsey family, a wealthy family, a clever family, a local family but at school I always felt that one’s background was unimportant. I could be myself, a girl who loved maths and running around the sports pitch, and my friend could be herself, a girl who loved reading and drama. However, despite natural tendencies I was always encouraged to participate in other activities which I might not necessarily have chosen. I am sure that in a bigger school I could have avoided ever having to be in a school play or playing in a school concert. At the time I might have tried to take the lazy way out but at Stonar that was not an option, therefore I discovered hidden talents and consequently developed lasting interests.

In the Prep School I was given the opportunity to learn several different musical instruments. I tried the flute, recorder, violin, cello, piano and singing and, although I ultimately realised that I preferred a hockey stick to a music stand, I am grateful that I had the chance to try. I have fond memories of all the Prep School plays in which I participated. On reflection, this gentle introduction to performing in public has been very important. I consider myself very fortunate to have gone to school in a beautiful location, where the staff were both enthusiastic and dedicated. I genuinely feel that the staff cared not only for my academic achievements but also my well-being. I was able to fulfil my academic potential alongside the numerous extra-curricular opportunities provided, but most importantly of all I was incredibly happy at Stonar.’


ANuP bISWASAnup Biswas, a world-renowned Indian cellist, gave a truly inspirational workshop on Indian music for Prep School pupils. Anup is also founder of a specialist music school in Calcutta, the Mathieson Foundation, for under-privileged children.

Following a mini-recital, he gave a wonderful interactive session to demonstrate Indian instruments and techniques, and invited pupils to play with him. Anup had managed to persuade one of the world’s leading Indian percussionists to help run the workshops and he was also joined by two students, a teacher and a governor from the Mathieson School. The musicianship on display was exceptional, delighting staff and pupils alike.

Visit the Mathieson School’s website - – not least because there are opportunities for gap year students to help at the school.

ED STAffORDAdventurer of the Year 2010, Ed Stafford captivated an audience of pupils, parents and Royal Geographical Society members in May, who gathered to hear his extraordinary tale of Walking the Amazon.

Despite walking through some of the most hostile villages and territories in South America, Ed gained the trust and friendship of those he encountered on the way. From aggressive tribal chiefs to corrupt military police, he achieved safe passage. The physical endurance, poisonous creatures and lack of funds called on Ed and his travelling companion, Cho’s considerable survival skills. Tales of eating spider monkey and tortoise drew gasps of revulsion from the audience. The pupils grilled Ed on his preparation for the trip and

Hearing tales of incredible individual experiences first-hand and watching live performances inspire us all. Every year Stonar invites a host of colourful characters to the school with what are often thought-provoking and always fascinating performances.

its physical rigours. He was touchingly candid and revealed how the adventure had been a humbling experience. Pupils were clearly inspired and contemplating their Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, fundraising trips and charity missions to Romania. Ed’s book Walking the Amazon was published in July.


Georgie Twigg, one of England’s rising international hockey stars, was guest of honour at Stonar’s Sports Awards Dinner in May. Georgie, 21, gave an inspirational speech and handed out prizes to the various award winners.

Georgie was called up to the England senior team in 2010, having been a regular in junior levels. She has set her sights on 2012, hoping to be called up for the England Olympic squad.



An incredible amount of charity work is undertaken at Stonar. This raises children’s awareness of the outside world and of those less fortunate than themselves, giving them a sense of perspective and compassion.

The Senior School’s main charity is People Against Poverty, formerly known as The Robin Hood Ministries. School Nurse, Sister Sue Day has taken a small group of Year 12 girls to Iasi in Northern Romania in October, each year since 2005. In Romania the girls work on physically and emotionally demanding projects, such as building small homes in the shanty town for impoverished families. Each girl has to raise funds for the trip throughout the year. The Prep School raised funds this year for the Tumaini Education Trust in Kenya and Guide Dogs for the Blind. The Prep News section contains more details.

REcORD fuNDS RAISED AT ROTARY GOlf DAYBradford-on-Avon Rotarians held their annual Charity Golf Day at Cumberwell Golf Club in May. At the 26th ‘Charity Hole’, Stonar pupils were ready for the golfers: armed with an impressive display, the Year 11 girls were fundraising for their impending charity mission to Romania in October.

The golfers paid £5 to play the hole; those who landed their ball across the lake and on to the green were entitled to £10 back. However such was the

mood of generosity that no one asked for their £10 and most kindly donated considerably more, resulting in a record sum of £610 being raised for People Against Poverty.

A NIGhT AT ThE OPERAIn late March Stonar staff, parents and pupils were treated to a wonderful evening of opera and songs from all our favourite shows courtesy of Opera Sulis in association with People Against Poverty. Our thanks go to Sue Sharp of Opera Sulis, and her team for outstanding entertainment. Champagne and canapés were served by our delightful boarding assistants. A hamper raffle organised by tutor groups proved a tremendous success. There were 28 hampers in all, created by staff and pupils across the school community. Thanks to everyone who contributed to these. Chocolates were awarded for the best four hampers.

The evening raised a total of £976.10 for the Romanian charity. Mrs Thomas also presented another cheque to Val Huxley from People Against Poverty for £1122.01. To find out more about Opera Sulis, visit their website:

chARITY cYclE RIDEAt 7am one Sunday morning in May, the Romania Challenge Team 2011 of Sarah Askew, Katie Tucker, Rebecca Schofield, Emma Double, Rhiannon Stevenson and Helena Stevenson, set off on a sponsored 55-mile bike ride accompanied by Sister Sue Day, Mr Blue and Mr Double. The team who were waved off by several parents and Mr Curtis departed from The Lock Inn, Bradford on Avon and followed the

canal towpath to Bristol Temple Meads. They arrived in time for a full cooked breakfast at a local café at 12 noon, joined by supportive parents.

The return journey was hard work and a great team building exercise. Thanks are due to Mr Double and Mr Blue who along with Sister Day and Jon Williams from People Against Poverty made the day a great success. Each member of the ride raised money towards their individual Romania Challenge fundraising target of £400. With a welcome extra boost from Mr Blue and Mr Double’s sponsorships, the total amount raised on Sunday was an incredible £2,810.30.

For more information about People Against Poverty, visit their new website


In April Stonar Enterprises held a series of events to promote the range of facilities available to the wider community. A perfect spring evening provided the backdrop for a Charity Gala Evening in association with The Community Foundation (Wiltshire) in aid of their “One Degree More” campaign. The evening raised over £700 via the raffle and donations. Taking advantage of the amazing weather, champagne and canapés were served on the lawn to guests including Stonar Governor, Dame Elizabeth Neville, High Sheriff of Wiltshire. This was followed by dinner and dancing in a marquee. Stonar’s excellent in-house catering ensured a fine dining experience and entertainment was provided by Opera Sulis and The Park Lane Big Band.




During exam season pupils revised hard in preparation. There is still plenty going on in the Houses at evenings and weekends, providing a welcome break from academic rigour.

cuRNOWIn their spare time Curnow girls successfully completed and WON the Head’s Challenge, which this year had an environmental theme to it. Curnow’s project was to refurbish the front garden and the results can be seen in the pictures below. Well done girls for all your hard work. The Senior School House Quiz was won by Curnow too – a special thanks to Alice Finch who brilliantly led the teams to victory. Additionally, Curnow came second in the Interhouse Drama Competition; well done to all who took part.

Curnow girls enjoy the gastronomic side of life; Year 8s had a fantastic Take Away evening and, in what has become a hugely popular evening feature – the Curnow Come Dine with Me, staff and pupils sampled some exotic dishes with the overall winners being Katie and Maggie with their amazing chocolate dish.

Rachel Lui & Sammy Baptiste

GANbROOkGanbrook girls brought the house down in the Interhouse Drama Competition improvisation with their impersonations of staff. Tilly Thomson performed such a good impression of Houseparent, Mrs Brighouse that the latter was tempted to take a few days off and let Tilly take over the running of the House.

Ganbrook celebrated success in Music (Abbie Short, Megan Cookson, Gloria Fong), Speech and Drama (Dionne Tutty, Kitty Cameron, Sophie Drew) and Riding (Helena Stevenson, Lucy Kelly). Farewells were said to Ganbrook leavers

including the Spanish and German girls who became part of the team during their time here. Ganbrook has a special ethos and a lively, happy atmosphere.

hART hOuSE The Summer Term was extremely successful for Hart House. Izzy Journeaux and Connie Holmes (junior section) and Charlotte Oswald (senior section) led Hart to a well deserved win in the Interhouse Drama Competition. Hart also came second in the Interhouse Quiz. On Speech Day Hart was awarded the House Trophy for the second time in three years. Considerable hard work and commitment go into the various interhouse competitions throughout the year and we are proud of each girl’s contribution. At Sports Day Holly Newman and Jess Fellows (Year 8), Daisy Cambray (Year 9), Sarah Pinfield (Year 10), Olivia Souto (Year 12) and the Year 12 4 x 100m team all set new school

records in their events. Everyone’s results culminated in Hart retaining the Sports Day Trophy for the fourth year in a row.

Hart House had a busy social life with barbecues in the garden, a Year 9 meal in Bath and a Year 10 restaurant and cinema trip. Year 11 boarders enjoyed a ‘goodbye’ meal in Bath at the end of their exams. Hart organised the end of term trip to Chessington World of Adventures and a Team Challenge in which teams took part in a treasure hunt, a ‘disposable’ bridal fashion competition, cryptic quizzes and an egg transportation safety engineering challenge.

We said farewell to those leaving to face new challenges; they will be greatly missed and we look forward to hearing their news. Thanks to all the Hart girls for their efforts in the house and especially to our 2011 House Captain Jenny Ibbott for her excellent leadership.



EquESTRIAN NEWSIn July Stonar bid farewell to Jill Storey, Director of Riding for 12 years and responsible for creating the outstanding Equestrian Centre we have today. We welcome Darrell Scaife BHSI, UKCC & British Eventing Accredited Coach, who joined in August. Darrell is an international event rider and trainer; he has particular experience of coaching youth teams in Ireland and South Africa.

The opportunities and achievements at the Equestrian Centre during the summer term have been considerable. Riders were recognised at the annual Sports Award Dinner in May.

AWARD WINNERS 2011Year Most Improved Rider of the Year 9 Laura Clothier Lucy Kelly 10 Valeria Shunina Sarah Pinfield 11 Emily Pope Alice Bibby 12 Alona Kalamanova Amelie Riedesel 13 Henrietta Gossage Charlie Lanz

STONAR hOSTS MAjOR EquESTRIAN EvENTSDuring the summer term Stonar hosted Junior ISODE and the British Eventing Horse Trials. At ISODE Stonar’s riders put in fantastic performances with teams coming 1st, 2nd and 3rd; there were also numerous individual placings. As usual this was a well-attended event with schools from around the UK participating.

This year’s BE event was the biggest and most successful ever held at Stonar, with a large, world class field of entrants. These included 2011 Badminton winner New Zealander Mark Todd, 2010 Badminton winner Australian Paul Tapner, GB’s William Fox-Pitt and Oliver Townsend, all of whom had top 10 placings. Former pupil Georgie Spence gained 1st, 3rd and 4th places in the Novice section.

Year 9 and 10 helpers excelled; Mark Todd and William Fox-Pitt took the time to talk to them and were highly complimentary about the quality of the ground. This was organiser Jill Storey’s last BE event at Stonar. A special tribute was made by Charlie Lane and Anthony Ffookes on behalf of British Eventing for developing the event into what it is today. Amber Woodhouse won the ‘Emma Jonathan Memorial Trophy’ as the highest placed Stonar competitor.

cOMPETING ExTERNAllYStonar riders have participated at eventing, show jumping and dressage competitions with some exceptional results. At the Princethorpe College & Kingsley 2-Day Event, the Stonar team of Grace Bibby, Sophie Andrews, Kirstie Johnson and Sarah Pinfield put in outstanding performances eventually coming 2nd by just one point. Grace was 4th individually and Sarah was 5th.

Many riders made a successful start to the British Eventing season. Top results included Alice Bibby who was 9th at the Pony Trial at Oasby in Linconshire and 8th in the Pony Trial at Aldon. Helly Stevenson was 2nd in the BE90 at Solihull and 3rd in the BE100 Open at Moreton in June.

In April Charlie Lanz was 3rd at Bicton in the BE100 National Schools qualifier. This qualifies her for the BE National Schools Championships to be held at Stonar in May 2012.

Show Jumper Gemma Maughan won the BS British Novice and was 3rd in the Discovery at WWEC. Ellie Webster was also placed 4th in the Discovery.

Year 9 pupil Laura Clothier made an outstanding start to her British Dressage career, riding new horse, 11 year old Hanoverian Lemon Breeze. She won the Elementary 57 at Moreton in April and the Elementary Qualifier at Kingston Maurwood College in May. To gain two elementary wins and a second place is an outstanding achievement, not to mention that Laura was just 14. Pupils also continue to show jump regularly at weekends at WWEC.


MOvERS & ShAkERS…WElcOME TONewly appointed Bursar Miss Sam Hughes BSc (Hon), ACA, who joined Stonar at the end of July. Miss Hughes is a chartered accountant and successful commercial finance director. Early in her career, Sam worked for PriceWaterhouseCoopers gaining extensive consultancy experience, which included advising Dean Close School and Cheltenham College. For the last 10 years Sam was a commercial finance director at Compass Group UK & Ireland, a Top 50 FTSE Company. From this role she brings a wealth of budgeting and contract management experience. She was renowned at Compass for her energetic and positive leadership style. Sam has two young daughters and includes gardening and skiing amongst her hobbies.

The Equestrian Centre’s new Director of Riding Mr Darrell Scaife BHSI, UKCC, British Eventing U18 Regional Coach. Darrell’s riding and coaching career has taken him all over the world. He has taught regularly in South Africa, Ireland, Singapore and the Far East. Darrell is still actively involved in Eventing, both as a rider and more recently, as a coach.

Assistant Director of Music, Miss Sophie Meehan BA (Hons) PGCE, who will be the new Prep School music teacher.

Miss Vicky Gray BA (Hons) PGCE who joins the PE department and will teach across the Prep and Senior Schools.

Miss Laura Garnett MA (Hons) PGCE, who joins the Senior School History department.

fAREWEll TO:Mrs Sandy Muir, Head of History (34 years). Sandy Muir joined Stonar in 1975 from South Africa, where she was living. Miss Denmark, Headmistress at the time, responded to her application with enthusiasm and Sandy was immediately instated as a Houseparent and then Head of Sixth Form. Subsequently Sandy became Head of History and has now handed over the mantle to Mr Sean Butler. Sandy will be much missed but hopefully will be back to visit very soon.

Jill Storey, Director of Riding (12 years). Jill Storey joined Stonar in 2000 and developed the Equestrian Centre with a vision and energy that lifted its reputation for equestrian excellence, both in the UK and overseas. Jill is moving to Ghana with her husband Justin and son Henry, where she will establish a national riding centre.


The ever-popular Wednesday evening accumulator competitions continued through the summer term. The 2011 Dressage winner is Helly Stevenson riding her own Quigley Heart Throb on a final score of 29, just ahead of Louise Harris and last year’s winner Leila Royle-Davies who both finished on a final score of 27.

The winner of the Show Jumping accumulator was Lucy Kelly on chestnut mare Moorland Mouse. Lucy has dominated this competition all year finishing on an amazing final score of 149 points, giving her an incredible lead of 91 points.

TRAINING & clINIcS Mary King Cross Country Clinic Five times British team gold medallist, three day event rider Mary King visits Stonar on a regular basis. Places are snapped up quickly and all who participated in the May clinic had a very enjoyable day. The next clinic takes place in November.

Regular clinics with Pammy Hutton, Anne Newbery and Director of Riding, Darrell Scaife will continue in the 2011/2012 academic year.

ENTERTAINING AT SPEEch DAYThis year’s excellent annual musical ride was performed to ‘The Blues Brothers’ to coincide with the splash of blue theme for the summer ball.



Anthony Curtis, Head of Careers and Psychology, describes his career and discusses how Stonar equips pupils for life beyond school.

What are your memories of school life? I had a happy school life, growing up near Stonar. Having been fortunate enough to travel and work around the world since, it is interesting to see so many people return near to where they grew up.

What was your favourite subject?My favourite subject was English, at least until I discovered Psychology in Year 12; this proved to be career and life changing for me. Four textbooks and more than thirty journal articles later, I am still learning about Psychology, mainly from students.

What made you decide to pursue teaching? I was inspired by many teachers and enjoyed communicating, so teaching seemed like a natural career choice. It was a chance meeting with an economics professor, Byron Eastman, who made the difference. He gave me the confidence and self-belief to teach. I also learned on my PGCE course that teaching is about sympathy, empathy, firmness and kindness. You can’t go too far wrong by adopting these core teaching principles.

Prior to joining Stonar, how did your career path develop? After reading Psychology at university, I took an unexciting job in local government. Following part-time teaching jobs and a PGCE, a full time teaching role opened up doors in higher education. I gained a Masters degree with Distinction from Bath University and an academic writing career. A new opportunity as a Head of Education for Wiltshire PCT opened my eyes to new challenges but teaching was always

my calling and so I returned. I am now awaiting my ‘viva’ for my completed Doctorate at UWE, Bristol – fingers crossed!

Who has inspired you the most and been a role model? And why? Apart from Byron Eastman, I met a remarkable man, David Thomas, whilst at Plymouth University who challenged me to take an exchange year in the USA. It was one of the best years of my life; I travelled and studied at the same time. David’s quiet yet determined faith answered so many questions I had about the true meaning and purpose of life.

What attracted you to work at Stonar School? My sister texted me to say she had found the perfect job for me. At the time I had a long commute and joining Stonar has restored my cherished work-life balance and much more.

I have grown to love Stonar, not only for its beautiful campus, talented staff and fantastic pupils who genuinely want to develop and achieve their full potential in life but also because Stonar prepares its pupils extremely well for the next stage in life; single sex education in small group settings underpins that preparation. I have also found the pupils here to be extremely talented and courteous.

What plans do you have for the development of the Careers Department? I would like the Careers Department to flourish and become embedded within the curriculum. The department organises a programme of careers events and I want to introduce regular, day-to-day careers advice and guidance, in partnership with ISCO (the Independent Schools’ Careers Service). Informed

careers guidance is the message that goes through the stick of rock of the school curriculum, regardless of year group.

What are the challenges facing female students when choosing a career and their higher education course? The world is changing and women have successfully challenged out-dated and stereotyped assumptions about the workplace and their role within it. In the UK, more women than men now go to university and with higher grades than their male counterparts. Claire Young, BBC ‘The Apprentice’ 2008 finalist summed it up very well on Speech Day when she said “just go for it!” It’s all about attitude and having a ‘can-do’ approach. With female role models like Claire Young, Captain Laura Bartlett (who flew the Lynx helicopter flights with Stonar pupils earlier this year) and Nurse Sue Day (who has made such a real difference in the lives of underprivileged children in Romania), we are not short of female role models at Stonar.

How well does Stonar equip its pupils for life after school? Stonar achieves its mission statement admirably by enhancing the development of confident, well qualified and independent young women who are equipped to succeed in the twenty-first century. It does this by combining first class educational opportunities with a wider curriculum that enhances independence and autonomous learning within a very caring and nurturing environment. Having said that, I think there is still more that can be achieved, for all of us.




A Memorial Service was held in early August for Colin Beard, former Chairman of Governors at Stonar and a member of the governing body from 1998 to 2011, who sadly passed away in July. Colin, whose daughter Anna-Louise attended Stonar from 1991 to 1999, was highly committed to the school following the excellent support his daughter received. Colin ran a family building business and was also involved with the schools that his sons attended. During his tenure as Chairman, significant developments included the new Sixth Form and Arts Centre, opened in 1999.


A chANcE fOR EvERYONE TO ShINEIn the Summer Term it was Year 8’s turn to entertain. Year 8 requested that we ‘Remain Indoors’ one evening in June to watch their production. The audience welcomed this advice because they were treated to a hilarious look at a post-apocalyptic Britain complete with plague victims, political broadcasts and still time for an episode of Blind Date. This black comedy was played to a packed and appreciative audience and involved the whole of Year 8, who wowed us with their comic timing, enthusiastic deliveries and the slickness of the performance as a whole.

DRAMATOP MARkS fOR GcSE PERfORMANcESThe 2011 GCSE drama pupils presented an eclectic mix of comedy and tragedy in their public performances in May. One group presented a light hearted look at the 1930’s in Coward’s classic comedy of manners Private Lives. Another group chose Frayn’s farcical comedy, Noises Off, while the third chose a dark and eerie approach to Potter’s tragedy, Blue Remembered Hills. The quality of each performance was outstanding and all the girls were credited with excellent marks by an external examiner.


GIRlS RuGbY cOMES TO STONARJohnny Wilkinson? Gavin Henson? Danny Cipriani?… it’s not just the boys who have fun! From September, Melksham Girls’ Rugby will hold midweek training sessions at Stonar and invite pupils to come along and try it out…

Melksham Girls’ Rugby has been running for 8 years. Our objective is to allow girls to enjoy learning about and playing rugby. Girls from 12–18 train weekly, with fixtures against other teams on Sundays. The season runs from September to May.

You do not have to have any previous playing experience to join.Aimee Young, PE Department

You do not have to have any previous playing experience to join, just enthusiasm and an enjoyment of team sports. We’ll teach you all you need to know about rugby. There is a place in a team for girls of all different skills, shapes and sizes; all you need are some rugby boots.

Our coaches encourage each girl to develop her skills and enjoy taking part in competitive, full-contact rugby, at the existing age groups of U15s and U18s; we also hope to create a new U13 age group. Training will be held at Stonar on Tuesday evenings and the club welcomes Stonar girls to come and learn the sport and progress together in club matches on Sundays.

The first three training sessions are free of charge; subsequently membership of Melksham Girls Rugby is £70 per season which includes full use of Melksham Rugby Club facilities and clubhouse bar for players and their families, coaching fees, RFU (Rugby Football Union) registration and RFU player insurance. An annual tour is organised, playing other girls’ teams, which is enjoyed by the players and their families.

For further information contact: Aimee Young, PE Department, Stonar School. E: [email protected]

Every pupil gets the chance to take part in productions at Stonar.

All the girls were credited with excellent marks by an external examiner.




YEAR 6 DESTINATIONS & AchIEvEMENTSYear 6 leavers achieved considerable success in entrance exams this summer. Several pupils gained scholarships into senior schools for Music, Drama and Sports, with all pupils receiving recognition for their hard work during the year, at Speech Day.

bOYS ARE hERE TO STAY!After the Governors’ exciting announcement that co-education will be phased in across the Prep School over the next few years, a new boys’ uniform was chosen and introduced for September 2011. The facilities for sports have been developed with the permanent addition of junior football and rugby pitches on the main field. The children will continue to benefit from specialist sports coaching from the age of 2 years old with Mr Barry Smith joining the Pre-Prep coaching team. With boys’ fixtures ready to be added in Year 3, this is an exciting time for sport in the Prep School.

YEAR 6 cREATE WEbSITESCongratulations to the Year 6 Enrichment Group who recently created their own websites. Ideas varied greatly and much was learned from Mrs Sherman, Head of ICT at the Senior School. The best web pages are displayed on the enrichment board in the Prep Hall.

Music and Drama are at the heart of life in the Prep School, with the children developing confidence and self-awareness by performing in school plays, formal and informal concerts throughout the year.

A MIDSuMMER NIGhT’S DREAM“If we shadows have offended…” I don’t think so Puck! The Prep School blew the audience away in June with their feel-good performance of Shakespeare’s classic comedy, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Years 3 – 6 presented a colourful and musical ride through fairy land and topped it off with a mirthful performance of Pyramus and Thisbe by Year 6’s very own mechanicals.

The play provides a chance for Year 6 to shine at the end of their time in the Prep School, a challenge to which they rose and surpassed the highest of expectations. It was a valuable opportunity to learn to be less self-conscious and more outwardly confident. These are important stepping stones in growing up and the assurance that the children showed throughout the play was testimony to their character. They handled the Shakespearean language with ease and their comic

timing was excellent. The versatile cast played to a packed hall and parents, friends and teachers alike enjoyed what was a great night’s entertainment.

MuSIcIn July, the children were lucky to be inspired by Anup Biswas, a world-renowned classical cellist who has founded a specialist music school in Calcutta, the Mathieson Foundation, for under-privileged children. Anup treated the children to an Indian music workshop, which consisted of a mini-recital on the cello followed by a wonderful interactive session in which he demonstrated a number of Indian instruments and techniques.

The school has recently appointed an Assistant Director of Music: Miss Sophie Meehan will be the new Prep School music teacher and is excited about developing this popular area of the Prep pupils’ experience.


chARITYRaising children’s awareness of the outside world and of those less fortunate than themselves is an important part of the children’s education and the Prep School achieves this through its charity work.

The Prep School concluded its fundraising programme for the Tumaini Trust. Over £7000 was raised and we were delighted to hear that this money will build a new boarding house at the Orphanage. Mrs Thethy visited Kenya in April and brought back many goodwill messages.

Fundraising for our new charity, the Guide Dogs for the Blind began in earnest with the annual school marathon. There was a great sense of achievement as many children surpassed personal goals and expectations. The community atmosphere was tangible as mums, dads, grandparents, brothers and sisters all raced around the track.

cOMMuNITYOne of our aims is to develop confident pupils by encouraging them to experience a wide range of opportunities within and beyond the curriculum. Our annual Grandparents’ Day took place in June and is a wonderful opportunity for the children to share their learning with a generation who rarely visit them in school. This year Reception and Year 1 invited their grandparents, and in some cases great-grandparents.

The visitors were treated to an art and craft lesson with their grandchildren. After a tour of the grounds with Senior School prefects, the grandparents enjoyed a performance of the musical dressage display. As a finale there was a cream tea in the marquee.

PREP bOARDINGFuller House is home to Stonar Prep’s boarders. It’s a wonderfully cosy farmhouse with a large garden and plenty going on.

From crafting jigsaw puzzles to hang on the walls, to learning to make their own suppers in-house on Saturday evenings, there’s never a dull moment. The girls dressed up

for Hart House’s summer garden party, enjoyed a trip to Bristol Zoo, visited Cotswold Wildlife Park and made kites galore.

On our return in September the girls were delighted with the new swings, so a big thanks to the Friends of Stonar for providing these. We wish the Year 6 boarders who are leaving Fuller lots of luck - you will be missed.

marathons in all and several thousand pounds raised.

Reception Harry 25 laps Year 1 Maddie 23 laps Year 2 Nico 32 laps Year 3 Izzy 25 laps Year 4 Georgia 34 laps Year 5 Josephine 34 laps Year 6 Sera & Georgia 31 laps each

Although this was not a competitive event, a particular ‘well done’ goes to the children who achieved the most laps in their class. A total of 1429 laps were completed, equating to a staggering 10

After three years, each class has now welcomed their grandparents to Stonar for a wonderful afternoon. Thanks to all the grandparents for travelling from far

and wide to visit us, and to the children’s parents who possibly had to organise two generations at the same time.



TEDDY bEAR’S PIcNIcThe Nursery classes, Reception and Year 1 enjoyed a Teddy Bear’s picnic on a sunny day at the end of the term. All the teddies were personally invited and many came dressed in their finest clothes for the occasion. Games and songs were followed by a parade to show off all the wonderful outfits. We then enjoyed the popular story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. A special teddy lunch was enjoyed by all.

PRE-PREP SPORTSThe Prep School welcomes Miss Vicky Gray into the PE department. Miss Gray will teach a variety of sports to several age groups. The Pre-Prep children will particularly benefit from her expertise in swimming, as the school continues to develop this area of the curriculum.

fOREST SchOOlForest School learning at Stonar Pre-Prep has been developed to provide positive outdoor experiences for children. Our stunning Forest School site allows all children aged 2–7 years to enjoy weekly Forest School sessions. The mix of free play and carefully planned activities by our Forest School Leader provides plenty of opportunities for exploration, excitement and adventure.

The Pre-Prep recently hosted a Forest School assembly for their parents. This was a chance for the children to show off some of their work in the Forest School and take their parents on-site to show them first-hand some of the amazing activities they have taken part in.


Following a picnic snack, the children took it in turns to sit on the ‘biggest tractor ever’, before it was time to take off the wellies and buckle up in the minibus again, saying ‘thank you’ to Mr and Mrs Carnie as they waved goodbye. It was the perfect Nursery outing.

Our stunning Forest School site allows all children aged between 2-7

years old to enjoy weekly Forest School


A PERfEcT OuTINGFor many Nursery children just boarding the Stonar minibus was a great adventure. But after travelling down the lanes to Mrs Carnie’s farm in Great Chalfield, there seemed to be no end to the delights in store. We were greeted by Tess the sheep dog who raced past us to round-up hundreds of sheep in the meadow. Mr Carnie then appeared on a quad bike with a trailer attached and children piled in for an exciting hay ride, stopping occasionally to notice the ancient oak tree or learn about the wildlife corridors throughout the farm. “It’s better than a roller coaster!” remarked Tom.

We encountered more friendly animals, such as Flo the goat who accompanied us throughout the morning; countless dogs, sheep, ponies and two talented pigs who showed off by sitting, begging and rolling over on command.

Stonar School Cottles Park Atworth Wiltshire SN12 8NT

T: +44 (0) 1225 701740 F: +44 (0) 1225 790830 E: [email protected] REGISTERED CHARITY NO: 309481
