Page 1: God Appointed Moments “Notorious Voodoo Priest Accepts ...part of evangelism and sharing God's Word is that one of the most notorious voodoo priest has given his life to Jesus. This

“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you.“

Philippians 1:3

God Appointed Moments

“Notorious Voodoo Priest Accepts Jesus” - #HeavenWins One lovely Sunday morning in July, this is the impactful text we received from Haiti. “Hallelujah! The best part of evangelism and sharing God's Word is that one of the most notorious voodoo priest has given his life to Jesus. This is very, very, very exciting!"

Miracle of Salvation. Bernard was a successful voodoo priest who practiced sorcery, spirit posses-sion, and death curses for 30 years. In fact, due to his influence, nine more witch doctors had come to the Chaffrey area making it a renowned center of voodoo worship. FYI. Pastor Duckson, lead pastor of the Biley Church, simply did NOT want to go to Chaffrey and begin an outstation ministry. He shared, “God say me - GO! I am with you.” I finally say, “I go.” For over a year, Pastor Duckson and his church leaders would walk an hour up the goat path to Chaffrey to meet in an open area... earnestly praying that God would break Satan’s grip on this village. Pastor Duckson told us, “People shook with Satan, but people come to accept Jesus Christ as Savior. Hallelujah.” One day, toward the end of June, as the sound of gospel music and preaching once again filled the air, it stirred Bernard’s heart with overwhelming hatred and intense rage. He and nine other voodoo priests had ruled this place in Haiti for years without opposition. This was his voodoo territory, and he was done with the new Christians! He made the decision to burn down their little worship structure. As Bernard threatened the Christians, instead of being scared of his power, Pastor Duckson and the Christians loved Bernard and shared with him the Good News of Jesus. He had never heard of heaven or hell. After asking them more about heaven, he assured them he was destined for hell. “I’ve done evil, I mean a lot of bad things, and I have killed lots of people. Surely God would never forgive me.” Pastor Duckson responded, “It’s not about what you have done. It’s about what Jesus did for you.” That evening Bernard gave his life to Christ and became a new creation. Immediately, he invited Pastor Duckson and the church family to burn all artifacts he used in voodoo rituals and sacrifices. As a miracle of transformation occurred, Bernard went from planning to burn down a church to burning his connection with voodoo!

“Their Needs + Christ’s Love + Your Heart = New Hope”

August 2017

Page 2: God Appointed Moments “Notorious Voodoo Priest Accepts ...part of evangelism and sharing God's Word is that one of the most notorious voodoo priest has given his life to Jesus. This

Moving Beyond Borders with the Gospel

Team #2 Sports Clinic/Community Outreach (MO) During the day, 750 children enjoyed the VBS/Sports Clinics at the different schools. In the evening, 700 people viewed Jesus film. Great response to salvation message. “Doing sports/games with the kids was a great experience. Children have incredible capacity to learn and grow athletically. I have coached for 15 years, and I know potential when I see it. Most importantly, the chance to share the joy of games and sports gave me a great opportunity to share the Gospel.” Zack Mills

Partner Participation Projects Construction — School Supplies (School starts in September) — General Fund

1. Chaffrey: Simple Worship Structure $3,000.00 2. Limonade: School Roof Replacement $2,500.00 3. Milot: Roof on Classroom Additions of 7th, 8th, and 9th Grades $5,000.00

4. Education: Back to School Supplies $4,000.00 5. General Fund: Expenses Ongoing

Grateful for Your God-Given Partnership, NHMI Leadership Team Contact Information

Email us. [email protected] (Brent) [email protected] (Ralph Morris)

Team #1 Medical (MO) Meeting basic health needs in the NHMI church/school communities. Over 600 people (mainly adults) received medical attention. “I had an absolutely wonderful time in Haiti! Loved being able to work in the pharmacy and take vitals during the medical clinics! Being able to experience the Haitian culture, the friendly people, and the pride that the pastors had in their church families was definitely amazing!” McKayla Hunt

Team #3 Construction/Educational Development (TN) Racing against time to build benches for the Bas Aviation Church, this team was asked to construct ten benches in one day as revival services were beginning that night ... and they did it! Also special thanks to Admin Coordinator Ken Wells and Pastor Kevin Gallimore who encouraged teaching staff at all NHMI schools, assisted with child sponsorship duties, and for the team as they were involved with village evangelism/food distribution.

Matt Tumas Admin - Pastoral Staff “What an incredible 30 hours it’s been since I landed In Haiti. Milot—hundreds of people impacted by Jesus Film and at Limonade—tremendous outstation ministry at Cime where there is no church. Was also able to encourage and challenge a group of fifty teenage Timothy’s (Training Up Next Gen Christian Leaders). Next Day: Chaffrey—salvation of voodoo priest. Prayed with Bernard. Moved me to tears.”