Page 1: Gobondery/NARRAF cricket and softball Gala Day in Peak Hill · 1 Tottenham Central School Newsletter Merilba Street Tottenham, NSW 2873 Phone: 02 68924006 Fax: 02 68924159 Email:


Tottenham Central School Newsletter

Merilba Street

Tottenham, NSW 2873

Phone: 02 68924006

Fax: 02 68924159

Email: [email protected]

Principal: Steve Garriock

Assistant Principal: Rose Martin

Head Teacher, Secondary Studies: Sarah Lindsay

P&C President: Rick Bennett

Monday, 25th March, 2013 Week 9 - Term 1

We’re on the web:


PSSA Rugby Union Trials Wednesday 27th

4Ts Secondary Gala Day– Trangie Thursday 28th


Whole school Friday 12th April

P & C meetings are held every third Tuesday of the month in the school

library at 7.00 pm.

Everyone is very welcome to attend

Next meeting

Tuesday, 21st May


Gobondery/NARRAF cricket and softball Gala Day in Peak Hill

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Principal’s Message

My congratulations to all the students who enjoyed the Gobondery/NARRAF Cricket/Softball Gala Day at Peak Hill last Friday. Our students played with enthusiasm, displaying good team spirit and sportsmanship. Well done! My thanks to Mrs Lindsay, Mrs Adam and all parents who helped transport and encourage our teams.

Last Thursday, secondary students attended a presentation from ‘Motivational Media’. This presentation was projected onto a massive screen in the hall with a very loud sound system. It featured the stories of young Australian teenagers, who against all the odds, have been successful in their chosen field and are making a difference to other teenagers lives. It included the story of a boy born without arms or legs who is now an internationally recognised motivational speaker, a reformed drug addict who is now a well-known, successful fashion designer. Also a Samoan girl who was bullied at school, became a bully and then formed a student group within her school in Sydney to support students who were being bullied. Her group raised awareness of bullying, introduced anti-bullying strategies and provided important peer support. All in all, there were many messages for our young teenagers. It was an inspiring presentation.

The School Fete is on Friday week, commencing at 12.30pm. Please keep this date free and if you are able to contribute in any way please contact Rick Bennett, Kim Williams or phone the school. We are still seeking helpers, donations to the White Elephant stall and contributions of cakes and slices. I am sure it is going to be a great day and I urge everyone to attend and support the afternoon. This newsletter contains information about the UNSW Academic Competitions. I encourage all students to enter some of the competitions. Please note that the entry form and full payment are required on Friday the 5th of April. These competitions give students good practise in sitting exams and also give valuable indication through results achieved of how they compare to other students from other schools. Congratulations to Hannah Smith and Sammy Dunn for their sporting endeavours last week. Hannah competed in the WA CHS Golf Championships on Monday, and Sammy in the WA CHS Boys Soccer Trials. All the best… Have a good week!

Steve Garriock

K/1/2 enjoying morning fitness

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School News


You are encouraged to use this space to give us any feedback on things which you feel you need to: congratulate a student, teacher or parent: let us know what you think of the newsletter format; make a suggestion or request. ___________________________________________________











Signed: __________________________________

IMMUNISATION FORMS All students in Year 7 and Year 9 boys were sent home an immunisation pack earlier in the term. Can these please be returned before this Wednesday, 28th March, as this is the day planned for immunising. Please read the information provided in the ‘Other News’ section. Thank you MOTIVATIONAL MEDIA On Thursday, 21st March, students from Years 7 – 12 attended Motivational Media, a 40 minute DVD film screened on a 16 metre wide movie screen with amazing visual imagery and the latest music played on loud surround sound. The film was titled ‘MAD for life – Making A Difference’ and aimed to challenge students to make a difference in their own lives. For the length of the film, students were captivated as they heard various stories from young Australians who have survived challenges in their lives and are now successful adults inspiring others- they are making a difference. All students enjoyed the presentation and came out with positive ideas in how to make a difference in their own lives. Some of the comments from students included: Anyone can do anything Never give up I can make a change The film was inspiring The cinema screen was great added with the

newest music. It was very cool. Set small goals to get to the big goal.

Tottenham Central School’s staff and students would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Easter

CANTEEN NEWS There are many great reasons to support the canteen.

It provides healthy and nutritional snacks and lunches

It can be a way of a rewarding children by allowing them buy their lunch and a treat

Using ‘real money’ to pay for lunch instead of ‘booking down’ encourages responsible use and understanding of money as well as reinforcing the concept of receiving change and the maths behind using money.

Please support the canteen.

If we don't use it we’ll lose it.

Please note the canteen will not be open on

Fete Day

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School News


Parent Helpers Needed! Thank-you to those parents and citizens who have offered to coordinate a stall or to help on stalls. We are still in need of a few more helpers and would be most appreciative of any parents that could volunteer to help with setting up or doing a shift on one of the P&C stalls at the Fete. Could you please check the proposed roster and see if you are able to help for half an hour. Donations Please (Cakes, Craft, Plants and Produce) We would appreciate any donations of cakes, craft, plants and produce for the fete stalls. Craft items can be left at the school anytime and cakes, plants and produce brought in on the day. We are also in need of frozen ice blocks (5L ice-cream containers of frozen water) for the SRC Stall White Elephant Any donations of preloved items in good, clean, saleable condition can be sent in prior to the fete or brought in on the day. Kid’s Raffle SRC are running their own ‘Kids Raffle’ with prizes like an i-tunes voucher, Reading Cinema movie tickets and 4L paint tin full of lollies. The students will be selling tickets during recess or lunch times from this week leading up to the Fete. Tickets are 50cents. Please support this fundraiser and initiative from the SRC. Things to do:

Spread the word to family & friends and mention that the fete is starting at 12.30pm Get things together for stalls and bring/send them in to school Organise your “Rock Star” outfit for the opening parade Bake up a storm for the cake stall, get creative with your craft and bring your goodies in on the day Prepare some seedlings/cuttings of plants for the plant stall Gather some eggs, fruit, pumpkins etc. for the produce stall Bring in saleable goods for the “White Elephant” stall Kids start entering in the Talent Quest, Obstacle course and Nerf War.

New Additions: There will be show bags selling for $8.00 at the SRC Stall and children can have their face painted. Next Fete Meeting The final Fete meeting will be held Wednesday, 3rd April in the school library at 3.30pm. We appreciate any input, ideas or suggestions and all are very welcome to attend. The annual Fete is a major fundraiser and enables the P&C to provide vital additional resources to the school and all its students. For further information please contact Rick Bennett – 68924070 or Kim Williams - 68928264

Fete News

K/1 will be running the ‘Lucky Stick’ stall at the fete. Any donations of new or used (in good condition) prizes would be appreciated. Prizes can be left at the office or sent to my classroom. Thank you Amanda Smith

Year 2/3 will be running a bottle stall and a balance game at the fete. Any donations of bottles or jars filled with produce/lollies or any other items from the community would be greatly appreciated. We would also appreciate any donations of little prizes for our game. These can be brought into our classroom at any time. Thank you Grace Stewart

4/5/6 will be running a stall similar to the old ‘Hoopla’ at the fete. Donations of new or used (in good condition) prizes will be appreciated. Prizes can be brought in to the classroom any time or dropped off at the office. Thank you Jodie Attenborough & Rose Martin


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Get creative! We need Cakes and Craft!

Our stall needs cakes, slices, cupcakes, biscuits,

sweet treats and craft items! Items can be sold individually, as a whole or as a mixed box. Please label your scrumptious cooked goodies and we will price them on the day. If you are able to help on the stall or have any questions,

please contact Susanna Horsburgh on (68924255). Any display cake stands with covers, or large clear cookie jars (clearly labelled)

would be a great help!  

Facebook As the Fete is fast approaching it would be wonderful to have permission from parents to include photographs of themselves and their children at our Fete on Facebook. . Please note, that children’s full names will not be published on Facebook, only first names. If you have no objection, complete this form and return it to school as soon as possible

Thanks P&C Executive ____________________________________________________________________________________

TCS Parents and Citizens Association - Facebook page

I CONSENT TO photographs of those named below to be used on the Tottenham Central School’s P & C Facebook page Family name: ………………………………………………………. Given names: ..................................................................................... ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. Signed (Parent/Carer/Guardian):......................................................... Please print name: ………………………………………………..…. Date:...............................................

P & C News

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Term 1

2013 Term Dates Term 1 Wednesday 6 February to Friday 12 April Term 2 Staff Monday 29 April Students Wednesday 1 May to Friday 28 June Term 3 Staff Monday 15 July Students Tuesday 16 July to Friday 20 September Term 4 Staff Monday 7 October Students Tuesday 8 October to Friday 20 December

School Calendar

WEEK 9 25th Mar

26th Mar

27th Mar PSSA Rugby Union

28th Mar 4Ts Secondary Gala Day - Trangie

29th Mar Good Friday

WEEK 10 1st Apr Easter Monday

2nd Apr State PSSA Swimming

3rd Apr State PSSA Swimming

4th Apr CHS State Swimming

5th Apr CHS State Swimming SCHOOL FETE PSSA Girls/Boys Soccer

WEEK 11 8th Apr

9th Apr

10th Apr

11th Apr

12th Apr Whole school assembly End Term 1

ARTICLES FOR NEWSLETTER In order for timely publication, it would be appreciated if all items to be included in the newsletter are received at the school office

before 10am on Monday. Any requests after this time will be denied.

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Sport News

WESTERN AREA CHS GIRLS GOLF Congratulations to Hannah Smith who participated in the CHS Western Area Golf Championships at Orange last Monday. Hannah placed second in the Championships. WESTERN AREA CHS BOYS SOCCER Congratulations to Sammy Dunn who participated in the CHS Western Area Boys Soccer trials last Tuesday. GOBONDERY/NARRAF CRICKET/SOFTBALL GALA DAY Congratulations to the 4/5/6 students who participated in the Gobondery/NARRAF Cricket/Softball Gala Day last Friday at Peak Hill. Thank you to all parents who transported and supported the students.

WESTERN AREA PSSA RUGBY UNION Good luck to Xavier Bryant, James Weston, Oliver Lees and Nathan Weston who are participating in the Western Area PSSA Rugby Union trials this Wednesday at Dubbo. 4T’S GALA SPORTS DAY This Thursday most of the secondary students will be involved in a sports gala day at Trangie against Tullamore, Trundle and Trangie playing lawn bowls and oztag. Good luck to all students.

Sport dates for Term 1


Registrations are now open for existing club members and NEW MEMBERS. Our first soccer training day will commence on Wednesday, 1st May (Term 2) at 3:30pm straight after school at the sports ground. Games are still being played on Saturday mornings. To re-register or if you are a new member, please go to the following website: You only have to record the player’s details and Parents/Guardian details, select which package (team) i.e. Minis, Mids, or Seniors. Once this has been done, it will show up at my end, I will then approve once fees are paid and then a receipt will be forwarded to you. Existing members your details should already be recorded, you just need to select which package (team) for 2013 you wish to play in. If you don’t have access to a computer, you can give me a call on 6892 4291 or email me and I will register for you. No payments are made online; payments are taken by Meggan Adam or myself, payable to Tottenham Junior Soccer Club. I will send out our Soccer Draw by email and any other relevant information that is required over the next few weeks. It’s a great day out with your kids so hope to see many participate. If you require any information or help in registering please don’t hesitate to ring me, Janine Fisher 6892 4291 or email: [email protected]

Carnival/Trials Venue Date

4 T’s Gala Day Trangie Thursday 28th March

PSSA State Swimming Homebush Tuesday 2nd – Wednesday 3rd April

CHS State Swimming Homebush Thursday 4th – Saturday 6th April

PSSA Girls Soccer Trials Dubbo Friday 5th April

PSSA Boys Soccer Trials Dubbo Friday 5th April

PSSA Rugby Union Trials Dubbo Wednesday 27th March

PSSA Knockout Tennis—Round 2 Orange Wednesday 3rd April

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Other News

Come and support our Centre’s Easter Street Stall this Thursday 10am – 1pm

outside Spears’ Foodworks. Lots of cakes, slices, scones, jams, plants,

eggs, produce and more for sale! Donations of goods or help much

appreciated! All proceeds go towards improving our

beautiful Centre.

YOUTH CLUB Thank you to Montana and Kara for supervising on Friday night. There is no Youth Club this Friday due to Easter. Meeting next week- 5th April at 6pm. PONY CLUB Thanks to everyone for a great day yesterday. Kevin will be coming across for a shoeing run this Saturday. If you need your horses’ feet tended to, please contact him asap for bookings: 0488761892. Our annual pony Club Camp will be held at the Tottenham Racecourse, 19th – 22nd April. Camp forms will be available this week, with early bird discount applying if returned before 3.30pm, Friday, 12th April. Enquiries L Jarvis – 68928211.


The next edition of Talking Tottenham will be published on Thursday, 11th April.

Could all articles of interest please be submitted

before Monday, 8th April

WHAT IS THE VAN DE GRAAF GENERATOR USED FOR? The Van de Graaff generator was invented in 1931 and is capable of producing extremely high voltages. It was invented to supply the high energy needed for early particle accelerators. These early accelerators were called atom smashers because they sped up sub atomic particles to extreme speeds and then smashed them into target atoms. It’s these collisions that create other sub atomic particles and high energy radiation such as x-rays.

NSW SCHOOL-BASED VACCINATION PROGRAM Each year NSW Health offers the vaccines recommended by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) for adolescents as part of the school-based vaccination program. In 2013 the following vaccines will be offered: Hepatitis B vaccine for all Year 7 students who have never received a course of hepatitis B vaccine when they were a baby Varicella (chicken pox) vaccine for all Year 7 students who have not previously received varicella vaccine or had chickenpox disease. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine will be offered to Year 7 male and female students, and to Year 9 male students, as a 3-dose course over a six-month period (students who commence HPV vaccination In Year 7 but do not complete the course may be offered catch-up doses at school into Year 8). Parent Information Kits will be sent home to parents/guardians. To consent to the vaccination of their child, parents/guardians are advised to read all the information provided, complete the consent Form and return it to their child's school. Please ensure that your child eats breakfast on the day of the school vaccination clinic. Parents/guardians who wish to withdraw their consent for any reason may do so by writing to the school Principal. The Procedure for Withdrawal of Consent is available on the NSW Health website at To improve vaccination completion, students will be opportunistically offered any missed doses throughout the year where possible. Please note that for HPV vaccine only, parents/guardians must record their Medicare Number (all 10 digits and the 11th number beside the child's name) on the Consent Form, as this Is required to record the student's information on the National HPV Vaccination Register and, for female students only, link to the National or State Cervical Screening Program. A Record of Vaccination will be provided to each student vaccinated at the clinic. Parents/guardians should ensure that this record is kept for future reference and should not assume that their child has been vaccinated If they do not receive this Record of Vaccination.


Tennis Coaching clinic

Conducted by Wayne Dunlop Dates 15th– 17th April 2013

Group and private lessons available. Please contact Kate Lees 68933800,

kj.lees@ if interested

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Tottenham Central School 2013 School Fees

All elective subjects attract fees to subsidise the costs of materials consumed by the students in those subjects. The fees for 2013 have been set at the appropriate level and are now due and listed below. If there is a possibility that the payment of these fees may cause financial difficulty please contact the school as soon as possible.

Elective Fees: These fees are compulsory - as they purchase materials used by individual students: Stage 4 Technology $60.00 - plus individual purchase of materials Stage 5 Information & Software Technology $10.00

Metal Technology $60.00 - plus individual purchase of materials Textiles Technology $20.00 - plus individual purchase of materials Agriculture $10.00 - plus individual purchase of materials

Stage 6 Hospitality $30.00 per term - plus $50 uniform hire or purchase of own uniform

Fees payable to Dubbo School of Distance Education are also due.

Voluntary Contributions: Infants/Primary (per child) $40.00 per year Secondary (per child) $40.00 per year Maximum $100.00 per family P&C Membership $2.00 per family ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please find enclosed school fees for 2013: Child/Children ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………..………….…… …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Family: …………………………………………………………………………….……

Elective Fees ………………………………………………………………………. Stage: ………….….

………………………………………………………………………. Stage: ……….……. ………………………………………………………………………. Stage: ……….……. Total enclosed: ……………..………. Signed ………………………………………………………….Date……………..……

Please pay before

the end of Term 1.

Thank you
