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Your facilitator is Bill Todd, Director of Possibilities for Rave Communication (a service of Rave Graphic Design).

The Social Media Revolution 2012

Play the video, man.

The Right Profile

We take in much of what we'll later remember about a person over a very short period of time, which usually occurs the first time we see the person. That impression is later very difficult for a person to overcome.

The very same thing is true in the online world, but instead of the person's physical self that gets that first glance, it's the person's profile. Well make sure that your profiles make the best impression possible.

Leveraging LinkedIn

How to Achieve an Effective and Complete Profile

1. Upload a Professional ImageThis is your best opportunity to make a great first impression, and it is essential to attracting connections.

How to Achieve an Effective and Complete Profile

2. Create a compelling headline.You only have 120 characters at the top of your profile to describe what you do to the world and grab their attention. Use brief, descriptive, compelling keywords so the right professionals on LinkedIn can discover you.

How to Achieve an Effective and Complete Profile

3. List your current position and at least two past positions.Use descriptive keywords that you quoted in your headline if possible, and be sure to describe your role for each position.

How to Achieve an Effective and Complete Profile

4. Complete the Specialties section of your profile.Utilize customer-focused keywords, as these are the terms that will help you show up in search results within LinkedIn.When thinking about these keywords, brainstorm words and phrases that people in your target markets might search for to find someone with your background, experience, and service offering.

How to Achieve an Effective and Complete Profile

5. Give recommendations first.Request recommendations that can be displayed on your profile. The best way to receive recommendations is to first give them! Hint: You will need at least three recommendations in order for LinkedIn to label your profile completed.

How to Achieve an Effective and Complete Profile

6. Complete the Interests and Groups and Associations sections.Each of these terms will be hyper-linked and will take you to other users in the network who share these interests.

Twitter Profiles:
Effective and Complete
BEFORE You Tweet.

Twitter Profiles:
Effective and Complete BEFORE You Tweet

1. Design every element of your profile to best reflect your business.Your name, bio, website and profile picture should all work together to tell your story.

Twitter Profiles:
Effective and Complete BEFORE You Tweet

2. Choose a profile image that shows the best face of your business.

Twitter Profiles:
Effective and Complete BEFORE You Tweet

3. Write a clear and informative bio that describes your business, products or services. Experiment to find the best way to maximize those 160 characters.

Twitter Profiles:
Effective and Complete BEFORE You Tweet

4. Fill in an accurate location, and include a link to your website.

Coming in the Third Section

How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day

After the Break

How Social Media Really Works

How to Start a Movement.

How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day

3 minutes Check for Twitter chatter about your company and its competitors. 2 minutes Scan Google News and Blogs Alerts for important articles. 3 minutes Filter and flag relevant industry-related LinkedIn questions. 2 minutes Log in to Facebook to scan your wall for comments.

How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day

So what type of information and tweets should you be looking out for?

How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day

Relevant questions about your company: If someone tweets, Should I buy X product or its competitor's product? you want to be ready to respond. If not directly by offering helpful content about your business, perhaps you could point that person to a customer of yours.

How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day

Relevant questions about your industry: Being helpful by answering someones question is a great way to develop credibility with that person. In the event they need a product or service related to the one(s) your business provides, they might end up coming to you!

How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day

Requests for support:If a customer tweets a request for help (either directly to you or perhaps to their network), you should notice that tweet and respond accordingly. Happy customers are essential for the long-term results of your business.

How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day

Complaints and feedback:Critics are always out there, and its important to acknowledge and resolve issues as they come up.Best Practice: Refer to the article B.O.P.P. Formula How to Deal With Negative Comments on the Facebook Group Page

How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day

Praise: Please sir, can I have some more? Praise is a wonderful thing to receive! Why not say thank you? Re-tweet it. Save it to your favorites. Send that person a t-shirt! It's wise to appreciate those who appreciate you.

How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day

Competitor mentions: Competitor intel, anyone? Other people are praising, complaining, and asking questions about your competitors, too. You should monitor those conversations, if only for the information and data. Best Practices: or use Twitter Search and Advanced Search functions. Look for article Engage Your Audience With 7 Free Social Media Monitoring Tools on Facebook Group Page.

How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day


A great tool for searching for blog articles and news is Google itself! Google has Google News and Google Blogs, which are both great tools for collecting and searching for articles that are important to your business. To find this search function, conduct a Google search and click on either Blogs or News on the left-hand side. If it does not automatically appear for you, select More.

Best Practice: Using Google in the Classroom: Two Simple Tips to Refine Your Search on Facebook Group Page

How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day

Google Alerts

Another option for tracking relevant articles is to set up Google Alerts for blog and news coverage. For these alerts, you can choose to make them real-time and monitor your coverage throughout the day, or schedule them to be sent to your email or Google Reader once per day. Up to you!

How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day

So what should you be monitoring on LinkedIn?

How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day

LinkedIn Answers:

This section of LinkedIn is a great way to showcase your expertise. Many LinkedIn users use this feature to request information, resources, business tips, and advice. Similar to Twitter, LinkedIn enables you to monitor questions that are relevant to your business and industry. By taking a moment to respond with a thoughtful answer, you could win Best Answer. When answering, you also have the opportunity to link to relevant resources. Did you or your company recently publish a blog article that addresses the topic in question? You should link to it!

How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day

Group Discussions:

LinkedIn members also interact often within LinkedIn Groups by posting discussion questions, topics, and more to the group. These discussions offer other opportunities to answer, comment, and link to your resources when it makes sense and is valuable to the community.

How to Build and Monitor An Amazing Facebook Page

Everything on Facebook Starts with Your Page.

How to Build and Monitor An Amazing Facebook Page

Why do these steps matter? Because all of your work is about building connections for your business.

How to Build and Monitor An Amazing Facebook Page

Not just clicks. Not just likes. It's about building relationships.

How to Build and Monitor An Amazing Facebook Page

We are given an empty canvas. So let's rock.

How to Build and Monitor An Amazing Facebook Page

1. Set your cover and profile photos.

Profile picture: Use a logo or picture that people associate with your business.

Cover photo: Use a photo that captures the essence of your brand and showcases your product or service.

How to Build and Monitor An Amazing Facebook Page

2. Add Milestones to define key moments.

This is an engaging way to invite customers into the story of your business. Use photos to leverage the visual appeal of Facebook.

How to Build and Monitor An Amazing Facebook Page

3. Pin important stories to top of your page.

A pinned post stays in place for seven days.

How to Build and Monitor An Amazing Facebook Page

3. Pin important stories to top of your page.

A pinned post stays in place for seven days.

Hover around the top of an update, click the pencil icon and pin it to the top of your news feed.

How to Build and Monitor An Amazing Facebook Page

4. Post Daily.

Regular updates keep fans engaged.

Best practice: Use Google Alerts to mine for interesting and helpful content online.

How to Build and Monitor An Amazing Facebook Page

5. Manage your page by using the Admin Panel.

How to Build and Monitor An Amazing Facebook Page

6. Respond to personal messages.

It's about the relationships. If you just talk at me, and never talk to me, why would I want to do business with you?

Make sure to receive and send personal messages.

How to Build and Monitor An Amazing Facebook Page

7. Make best use of views and apps.

Your photos, events, and custom apps are now easier to find.

How to Build and Monitor An Amazing Facebook Page

8. Highlight updates.

Star Updates: Hover around updates and click the star icon to highlight stories.

How to Build and Monitor An Amazing Facebook Page

9. Claim your vanity URL.

Username:If you haven't set your vanity URL, go to

Go Social 6 Week Kickstart

Go Social 6 Week Kickstart


Facebook: Complete all elements of the business page. 100%. No shortcuts.Begin to publish visual content. The new Timeline page design places more emphasis on visual content like images and videos, so use that to your advantage.

Twitter: Complete all elements of the profile page. 100%. No shortcuts.Search for followers based on interests and keywords.

LinkedIn: Complete all elements of the profile page. 100%. No shortcuts. LinkedIn will let you know when you are 100% complete.Invite five trusted professionals into your network.

Go Social 6 Week Kickstart


Facebook: Publish posts more than once a day. Stay responsive.

Twitter: Identify industry leaders and evangelists. Follow them. Search for followers based on interests and keywords.

LinkedIn: Accept any invitations that meet your criteria. Invite five trusted professionals into your network. Make sure your marketing headline is killer.

Go Social 6 Week Kick Start


Facebook: Publish posts more than once a day. Stay responsive. Add additional milestones to your time line

Twitter: Search for followers based on interests and keywords. Use the search features to find out what your competition is doing and saying online.

LinkedIn: Accept any invitations that meet your criteria. Invite five trusted professionals into your network. Write a recommendation for someone in your network who would appreciate the props.

Go Social 6 Week Kick Start


Facebook: Publish posts more than once a day. Stay responsive. Pin new promotions and posts every seven days.

Twitter: Find the locals. Use to search for people in your chosen area.

LinkedIn: Accept any invitations that meet your criteria.Invite five trusted professionals into your network.Join five more appropriate groups.Perform a company search on a competitor or a target organization.

Go Social 6 Week Kick Start


Facebook: Publish posts more than once a day. Stay responsive. Make a point to share and publicly praise fans.

Twitter: Think quality over quantity. Find the influence leaders and look at who they follow. Do same.

LinkedIn: Accept any invitations that meet your criteria. Invite five trusted professionals into your network. Join five more appropriate groups.Connect with all appropriate colleagues and classmates.

Go Social 6 Week Kick Start


Facebook: Publish posts more than once a day. Stay responsive. Create a post that includes a call to action or offers fans a great deal on your services.

Twitter: Focus on re-tweeting great content and promoting your followers.

LinkedIn: Accept any invitations that meet your criteria. Invite five trusted professionals into your network. Join five more appropriate groups.