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Page 1: Go shopping

Go shopping

• Italian Fashion Brand Names

• Another industry in which Italian brands have come to the forefront is the fashion industry. Armani, Gucci , Prada (Miu Miu) and Versace are some of the most famous names that have had a huge impact on the world wide fashion scene. Another brand that has recently started to cause ripples in the world of fashion is Dolce & Gabanna.

Page 2: Go shopping

• Sales person: Hello, how are you doing

today?• You: I am doing pretty well, thank you.• Sales person: Are you looking

for anything particular today?• You: No, I am just looking /

browsing. • Sales person: Sure, I am right

here and if you need any help,

just let me know.• You: I will.

Page 3: Go shopping

• You: Excuse me, where is the

accessory section?• Sales person: Let me show you. It is righ

t there! What accessories are you

looking for?

• You: I am looking for a __

in red with _____ pattern.

• Sales person: We do have

something similar (to it).

How about that red one

In the display window?

Page 4: Go shopping

• You: Wow! It is exact

my style / me.

I’d like to get it

but I haven’t

finished shopping!• Sales person: Take your

time and I will keep it in

the counter for you~• You: Thanks a lot.• Sales person: You are very welcome.

It’s my pleasure!

Page 5: Go shopping

Finding your size

• You: Excuse me, I

would like to try

this on. Is it the

right size for me?

• Sales person: Yes, this one

should fit / work on you and

the fitting room is in the back.

The guy behind will help you.

Page 6: Go shopping

• Sales person: How many are you trying?• You: There are 5 in total/total 5 pieces. • Sales person: You can use the last room.

(few minutes later) Is everything good?

• You: Most pieces work but

I need a smaller size of

this one. It is a way too

loose. Do you have XS

for this one?

• Sales person: Let me

check for you.

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• Sales person: Sorry, the XS is sold out/ we sold out the XS. Would you like to try the S one.• You: Do you have the same style in different colors of XS?• Sales person: Yes, we do have the burgundy color in all sizes. Would you like to take a look? • You: Yes, please. I like to see how the burgundy one looks on me?

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Alteration• You: I think the pants is too long. I need it adjusted. Can you take one inch off for me?

• Sales person: Yes, we do alteration on our clothing and it is free of charge.

• You: How long will it take?

• Sales person:It will take about 3 days.

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At the register• Sales person: How would you like to pay this?

• You: I will pay with/by this gift card and whatever

left under/by my debit card.• Sales person: I am sorry but Your card didn’t go through.

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• Sales person: Do you have another card?

• You: That’s okay. I will just pay (by/in) cash. How much do I owe you?

• Sales person: You have 50 in credit of your gift card and your balance is 35 after that.

• You: Here is 35. Do you have a box for it or can you gift wrap it / can I get it gift wrapped?

• Sales person: I am sorry but we don’t have boxes. We will cover it with some wrapping paper and put in a nice bag.

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Find some accessories to go with/match the outfit

• You: Excuse me, I would like to find something to go with my dress. Do you have any good suggestion?

• Sales person: The headband is our new item this season and very popular. Besides, the color goes nicely with the print on the dress!

• You: I agree with you. They match pretty well. Is it also on sale ?• Sales person: Yes, everything in the store is 20% off today! No coupon required.

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Open Discussion &

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