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  • 8/14/2019 Gm Guide Index




    CHAPTER1: GAMEMASTERING101 5Your Most Important Job! 6

    Your First Ses sion 6

    Runni ng the Game 6

    Customi sing the Old World 7

    Managing Encounters and Enemies 9

    Improvising 10

    Runni ng a Session 11

    Watching t he Clock 11Group Dynam ics 12

    Comfort Zones 13

    Feedback and Improvement 13

    CHAPTER2: EPISODES& ACTS 14The Structu re of a Story 14

    The Rally Step 15

    The Reason to Rally 16

    Example Rally Step Triggers 16

    Planning Ahead 19

    Events and Actions Outside of Episodes 19

    Swapping Structure Mid-Stream 20

    Sample Episodes 21

    The Hostage Negotiat ion 21

    The Ambush 22

    Mistaken Identity 22


    Experience points 23

    Wealth 24

    Fatigue & Stress 24

    Fortune & Misfortune 24

    Party Tension 24

    Renown 25Environmental Complications 25

    Random Environmental Damage & Eects 25

    Intepreting the Dice Pool 26

    CHAPTER4: THEPROGRESSTRACKER 28Social Encounters 31

    Task Completion 31

    Failure Is Not an Option 31

    The Chase Scene 32

    Resource Tracking 32

    Party Reputation 32

    Investigation 3

    Combat Encounters 3

    Looming Danger 3

    CHAPTER5: CAMPAIGNPLAY 3Mini-Campaigns 3

    Episodic Serials 3

    Heroic Journeys 3

    Epic Quests 3

    Developing a Campaign and Linki ng Stories 3Plot Triggers & Character Hooks 3

    Interlude, Entry, & Exit Triggers 3

    Character Hooks 3

    Using Triggers & Hooks 3

    Elements of a Campaign 3

    Urban Settings 3

    Campaign Pacing 4

    Wilder ness Expedit ions 4

    Dungeons 4

    Social Conict 4

    High Fantasy vs. Gritty Realism 4

    Campaign Downtime: The Interlude 4Culmination of a Campaign 4

    Building to a Crescendo 4

    The Final Episode 4

    Tying up the Loose Ends 4

    Character Death 4

    Death & Campaign Style 4

    Introducing Replacement Characters 4

    CHAPTER6: ENEMIES& ADVERSARIES 44Making Memorable Bad Guys 4

    Managing Enemies 4

    Tracking Enemy Wounds & Abilities 4

    Ending Combat Encounters 4

    Customising Encounters 4

    More Challenging Encounters 4

    Less Challenging Encounters 4

    Managing Monsters 4

    Enemy Statistics 4

    Henchmen, Minions, & Underlings 4

    Encounters with Multiple Enemies 5

    Nemesis NPCs 5


  • 8/14/2019 Gm Guide Index


    Corruption in Play 52

    Corrupting Inuences 53

    Corruption Thresholds 53

    The Eects of Corruption 54

    Mutation & Insanity 54

    Losing Corruption 55

    Marks of Chaos 56


    Disease Ratings 58Catching a Disease 58

    Disease Stacks 58

    Disease Traits 59

    Infecting the Party 60

    Disease Checks & Recovery Checks 60

    Regular Recovery Checks 60

    Severity and Death 61

    Treatment Recover y Checks 61

    Divine Aid 61

    Other Medicine 61

    Specic Disease Eects 61

    Nurgles Rot 62Herbs & Medicines 63


    Imperial Cults, Temples & Shrines 67

    Holy Warrior s 67

    Wandering Priest s 68

    Prayers and Blessings 68

    CHAPTER10: THEIMPERIALCULTS 70Cult Structure and Hierarchy 70

    The Role of the Cults 71

    Life in a Cult 71The Cult of Manann 72

    Sample Strictures of Manann 72

    The Cult of Morr 73

    Sample Strictures of Morr 73

    The Cult of Myrmidia 74

    Sample Strictures of Myrmidia 74

    The Cult of Ranald 75

    Sample Strictures of Ranald 75

    The Cult of Shallya 76

    Sample Strictures of Shallya 76

    The Cult of Sigmar 77

    The Cult of Taal 77Sample Strictures of Sigmar 77

    Sample Strictures of Taal 78

    The Cult of Ulric 79

    Sample Strictures of Ulric 79

    The Cult of Verena 80

    Sample Strictures of Verena 80

    CHAPTER11: OTHERFAITHS 81The Dwarf Gods 82

    The Elven Gods 82

    Holy Days, Festivals, and Ritua ls 83

    Strange Festivals and Ritua ls of the Reikland 84

    Superstitions & Folk Customs 85

    Magic, Religion & Superstition 85

    Variations in Folk Customs 85

    CHAPTER12: CORRUPTION& HERESY 86Corruption & Cults 86

    The Ruinous Powers 88

    Khorne 88

    Nurgle 88Slaanesh 89

    Tzeentch 89

    Heresy & Renegades 90

    Witch Hunters 90

    Blood, Faith & Fire 91

    Agents of the Emperor 91

    Judge, Jury & Executioner 91

    Heresy & Literacy 92

    CHAPTER13: MAGICTHEORIES 93Magic in the Old World 95

    The Superiority of Teclisian Technique 95

    Magic Across the World 96Magic, Religion, & Chaos 96

    CHAPTER14: THECOLLEGESOFMAGIC 98The Founding of the Colleges 98

    History of the Colleges 99

    Joini ng a College 100

    College Ranks 101

    Apprentice & Acoly te 101

    Wiza rd Stas & Other Arcane Foci 101

    Wizard 102

    Higher Ranks 102

    Ranks & Symbols 103Perceptions & Superstitions 104

    Discipline 104

    Tomes & Ar tefacts 104

    Magical Sight 105

    CHAPTER15: THEEIGHTORDERS 107The Amber Order 107

    The College of the Amber Order 108

    Shamans 108

    Becoming an Amber Apprentice 108

    Opinions on the Amber Order 108

    The Amethyst Order 109

    The College of the Amethyst Order 109Spiriters 109

    Becoming an Amethyt Apprentice 109

    Opinions on the Amethyst Order 110

    The Bright Order 110

    The College of the Bright Order 110

    Pyromancers 110

    Becoming a Bright Apprentice 110

    Opinions on the Bright Order 111

    The Celesti al Order 111

    The College of the Celestial Order 111

  • 8/14/2019 Gm Guide Index


    Astromancers 111

    Becoming a Celestial Apprentice 112Opinions on the Celestial Order 112

    The Gold Order 112

    The College of the Gold Order 113

    Alchem ists 113

    Becoming a Gold Apprentice 113

    Opin ions on the Gold Order 113

    The Grey Order 114

    The College of the Grey Order 114

    Illusionists 114

    Becoming a Grey Apprentice 114

    Gavius Klugge 115

    Opin ions on the Grey Order 115The Jade Order 115

    The College of the Jade Order 115

    Elementalists 115

    Becoming a Jade Apprentice 116

    Opin ions on the Jade Order 116

    The Light Order 116

    The College of the Light Order 117

    Hierophants 117

    Becoming a Light Apprentice 117

    Opin ions on the Light Order 117

    CHAPTER16: FORBIDDENLORE 11Unauthorised Magic 11

    Magic beyond the Empire 11

    The Border Princes 11

    Bretonnia 11

    Kislev 11

    Norsca 11

    Sorcerers 11

    Dark Magic & High Magic 12

    Dark Magic Dhar 12

    High Magic Qhaysh 12

    Wizards withi n the Empire 12

    Magic & Heresy 12

    CHAPTER17: ANEYEFORANEYE 12Background 12

    Runni ng the Adventure 12

    A Histor y of Grunewald Lodge 12

    Using this Information in the Game 12

    What t he Characters Certainly Dont Know... 12

    Recent Events 12

    The Eldritch Order of the Unblinking Eye 12

    The Painting 12Chapter 1: Welcome to Grunewald 12

    Encounter 0: A Job Oer 12

    Encounter 1: The Reikwald 12

    Beastman Battle Progress Tracker 13

    Encounter 2: Let Me Get Your Bags 13

    Chapter 2: Investigation 13

    Schlaf Poisoning 13

    Layout of Grunewald Lodge & Grounds 13

    The Manor First Floor 13

    Kordens Ramblings 13

    The Manor Ground Floor 13

    The Manor Basement 14The Manor Roof 14

    The Grounds 14

    Other Characters 14

    The Dinner 14

    Schlaf Poisoning Recap 14

    Chapter 3: The Dramatic Finale 14

    Encounter 1: The Ritua l 14

    Encounter 2: The Beastmen 14

    Tying up Loose Ends 14

    Runni ng the Beastmen in the Final Battle 14

    Experience Rewards 15

    Master NPC Roster 15

    NPC & Creature Stats & Actions 15APPENDIX: CHARTS& TABLES 15

    Using the Charts & Tables 15

    Table A-1: Critical Wounds 15

    Table A-2: Insanity 15

    Table A-3: Misca st 16

    Table A-4: Mutation 16

    Table A-5: Diseases 16

    Conditions 16

    Locations 16


    NEWWFRP GAMEMASTERSThe Game Masters Guidecontains important rules andinformation for the player who will be running the War-hammer Fantasy Roleplay(WFR P) sessions as the GM. Itincludes suggestions and guidelines on managing long-term campaigns, handling character development, andcreating adventures. The book also contains the informa-tion to manage enemies and adversaries. The appendices

    feature charts and tables for reference. The Game MastersGuidealso features a complete introductory adventure,An

    Eye for an Eye.

    VETERANWFRP GAMEMASTERSThe Game Masters Guidecontains a wealth of informationfor new and veteran GMs alike. Some of the content fromthis guide has been compiled from previous bookssuchas the Tome of Adventure, Tome of Blessings, and Tome of

    Mysteriesfrom the popular Warhammer Fantasy RoleplayCore Set. This book also contains the rules for corruptionand mutation, as detailed in Winds of Magic, and the rulesfor disease as detailed in Signs of Faith.

    THEWFRP VAULTSThis book references cards and components from severaldierent WFR P products and component sets, includingTheGame Masters Vault andThe Players Vault. Availableseparately, TheGame Masters Vault is the perfect comple-ment to this book, featuring the components, cards, andother tools a GM may wish to use to help manage and runhis Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaysessions. The PlayersVaulthas t he resources and components someone runninga player character needs to manage his hero during a game.
