
Glycoconjugate Expression in Normal, Metaplastic,and Neoplastic Human Upper Gastrointestinal Mucosa

Chikao Shimamoto,* Wilfred M. Weinstein,* and C. Richard Boland**Department of Medicine and the Michigan Gastrointestinal Peptide Research Center, University of Michigan School of Medicine,Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105; Ann Arbor Veterans Administration Medical Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105; and tDepartment ofMedicine and Center for Ulcer Research and Education (CURE), University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine,Center for the Health Sciences, Los Angeles, California 90024


Glycoconjugate structure in upper gastrointestinal epitheliumwas studied using five lectins to determine the relationshipbetween aberrant differentiation and glycoconjugate expres-sion. Specimens of normal esophagus, stomach, and duodenumwere examined and compared with specimens of columnar me-taplasia in the esophagus (Barrett's esophagus) and specimensof adenocarcinoma of the esophagus and stomach. Specificterminal glycoconjugate structures were found for the esopha-gus, stomach, and duodenum. Minor differences were foundbetween the antral and fundic gland mucosae, reflecting theirrespective cell populations. In biopsies of Barrett's esophagus,gastric-type columnar metaplasia expressed glycoconjugatesindistinguishable from those in the normal stomach. In special-ized-type columnar metaplasia, a more restricted expression ofglycoconjugates was seen resembling the normal duodenum.The presence of low grade dysplasia in Barrett's esophagusassociated with adenocarcinoma had no impact on glycoconju-gate expression. However, a distinctive difference in glycosy-lation was seen in high grade dysplasia of the columnar-linedesophagus and in adenocarcinoma of the esophagus and stom-ach. Barrett's esophagus is a morphological mosaic in whichthe glycoconjugate expression resembles that seen in the nor-mal stomach and duodenum. However, in high grade dysplasiaand carcinoma, variable deletion of glycoconjugate expressioncan be found.


Glycoconjugates are abundantly expressed in gastrointestinalepithelium, and play a central role in a wide range of cellularbehavior (1). Much of the heterogeneity expressed among gly-coconjugates is due to structural variations in the carbohydrateportion of the molecule (2). Specifically, although only fivedifferent monosaccharide residues may be found in mamma-lian gastrointestinal mucins,' an extremely rich range of diver-

Address correspondence to Dr. Boland, Gastrointestinal Unit (11 D),Veterans Administration Medical Center, 2215 Fuller Road, AnnArbor, MI 48105.

Receivedfor publication 24 September 1986 and in revisedform 10August 1987.

1. The term mucus refers to the viscid secretory product of mucus-se-creting epithelium. Mucous is the adjective derived from the nounmucus. Mucin is the high molecular weight glycoprotein that impartsthe physical characteristics to, and excepting water is the principal

The Journal of Clinical Investigation, Inc.Volume 80, December 1987, 1670-1678

sity may be generated by differences in the carbohydrate se-quences and anomeric linkages between adjacent sugar resi-dues (3, 4).

Certain antigenic structures may be recognized in glyco-proteins that are associated with the process of normal cellulardifferentiation (5, 6). The mechanism for this is in part due todifferential expression of glycosyltransferase activities duringthe process of differentiation (6). Different forms of mucin areexpressed not only as a function of location within the gastro-intestinal tract (7, 8), but also in association with the process ofdifferentiation (9). In addition, a specific form of mucin notseen in normal colon is expressed in benign and malignantcolonic neoplasms, which may be detected using lectin histo-chemical techniques (9, 10). Gastrointestinal mucins have at-tracted interest because their structural diversity reflects mod-ifications in glycoprotein synthesis and processing that accom-pany cellular differentiation, neoplasia, inflammatory boweldisease (1 1), and possibly peptic ulcer disease (12).

A paradigm of aberrant cellular differentiation occurring inresponse to chronic injury is the phenomenon of columnarmetaplasia in the esophagus in the setting of chronic gastro-esophageal reflux (Barrett's esophagus). In this disease process,squamous epithelium is progressively replaced by columnarepithelium in a cephalad direction, and an increased risk forthe development of adenocarcinoma is observed (13). Thisepithelium has been characterized histologically ( 14), in termsof cell kinetics (15), and histochemically (16-18). However,traditional histochemical techniques are limited in their abilityto define the structure of mucins.

Wehave previously utilized fluorescent lectins to charac-terize differences in structure that occur with differentiationand in a variety of neoplastic and preneoplastic lesions in thecolon (19, 20). Lectins are available that will identify and local-ize a variety of terminal carbohydrate structures on fixed sec-tions of tissue. Thus, it was hypothesized that this same tech-nique would permit the identification of differentiation-asso-ciated structures in mucins of the upper gastrointestinal tract.Therefore, a study was designed in which mucosal biopsieswere obtained from patients with Barrett's esophagus andcompared with sections obtained from the esophagus, stom-ach, and duodenum of these patients. Specimens of gastricadenocarcinoma, esophageal adenocarcinoma, and dysplasiaarising in the setting of Barrett's epithelium were also investi-gated for comparative purposes.

component of, mucus. A mucin-type glycoprotein is a biochemicalterm for a glycoprotein containing oligosaccharide chains that are co-valently linked through an O-glycosidic bond (therefore termed "0-linked") between the reducing carbon of n-acetylgalactosamine andthe amino acids threonine or serine.

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Tissues. Biopsies from 10 patients with Barrett's esophagus withoutcarcinoma or high grade dysplasia were obtained at endoscopy. In eachpatient, biopsies were obtained from the esophagus, stomach, andduodenal bulb. In the esophagus, biopsies were taken beginning at theupper margin of the lower esophageal sphincter region and at 2-cmintervals proximally. Each patient had one biopsy containing squa-mous epithelium taken proximal to the Barrett's zone. In the Barrett'szone, 49 esophageal biopsies were obtained from the 10 patients, 5±1biopsies per patient spanning 5.8±1.2 cm in the distal esophagus. Thegastric and duodenal biopsies were taken as follows: duodenal bulb,distal antrum (1 cm proximal to the pylorus), and the proximal stom-ach (2 cm below the lower esophageal sphincter region).

All biopsies were taken with the jumbo pinch biopsy forceps(Olympus FB 13K). Each sample was oriented mucosal-side-up on

monofilament plastic mesh (21) and was fixed in modified Bouin'ssolution containing 1% acetic acid. 4-,gm serial sections were preparedfor conventional light microscopy. Approximately half the sectionswere stained with hematoxylin and eosin and the remainder were

stained with hematoxylin and eosin-Alcian Blue, pH 2.5.All the histology was graded independently by Dr. Weinstein with-

out prior knowledge of the lectin-staining results. The biopsies con-

taining columnar epithelium in the esophagus were assessed with sepa-rate notations for the type of surface epithelium and for the underlyinggland types, similar to that described previously (22). The surface epi-thelium was noted as either gastric or specialized type. Glands beneaththe lining epithelium were characterized separately as fundic, cardiac-fundic, or mucous type. A gastric type of surface epithelium in theesophagus referred to the appearance of gastric-type mucous-liningcells that stained negatively (i.e., colorless) with the hematoxylin andeosin-Alcian Blue, pH 2.5 stain. Specialized epithelium referred tosurface epithelium that contained blue-staining goblet cells or cells thatlooked gastric in type but stained blue with the Alcian Blue stain. Ifmost but not all of the surface epithelium was of one type, it was

designated on the basis of the predominant type (gastric or specialized).3 of the 49 biopsies that were designated specialized actually containedsubstantial areas of gastric-type lining epithelium. Therefore, for thelectin-staining studies these biopsies were analyzed separately for boththeir gastric-type and specialized-type of staining pattern. Overall, 27biopsies or portions of biopsies were designated as gastric-type and 25as specialized for the lectin-binding studies.

The majority of the biopsies from Barrett's esophagus containedonly mucous-type glands beneath the lining epithelium. However, in 9of the 49 biopsies, the underlying glands were of fundic gland or car-

diac-fundic (mixed) gland type. These biopsies were all from the loweresophageal sphincter region.

The 10 duodenal biopsies were normal, as were five of the tenantral biopsies. The other five antral biopsies exhibited superficial or

full-thickness mucosal gastritis. All 10 biopsies from proximal stomachcontained fundic gland mucosa; there were mixed fundic-cardiacglands in two. Two of the ten fundic gland biopsies had inflammatorychanges, superficial in one and focal atrophic in the other. Three gas-

tric biopsies (two antral gland, 1 fundic gland) contained areas ofintestinal metaplasia. One duodenal biopsy contained gastric surfacecell metaplasia.

Specimens of neoplasia were obtained as follows. Two surgicalresections and two endoscopic biopsy specimens of esophageal adeno-carcinoma were obtained and fixed in buffered formalin. One of thesecancers occurred in the documented setting of Barrett's esophagus, butcolumnar metaplasia could not be documented in the other threeinstances. All of the specimens of esophageal cancer were histologicallywell or moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. Seven endoscopicbiopsies of esophageal adenocarcinoma occurring in the setting ofBarrett's esophagus were obtained and fixed in Bouin's solution. Eachof the specimens of esophageal and gastric adenocarcinoma came fromdifferent patients.

Ten surgical specimens and two endoscopic biopsy specimens of

gastric adenocarcinoma were obtained and similarly fixed in bufferedformalin. In the case of gastric adenocarcinoma, 4 of 12 specimenswere well or moderately differentiated (all intestinal type) adenocarci-noma, whereas 8 of 12 were poorly differentiated (all diffuse type)adenocarcinoma. Specimens of nonneoplastic gastric mucosa distantfrom the cancer were also obtained for comparison with the neoplastictissue.

Finally, eight biopsies of Barrett's epithelium from patients whoalso had esophageal adenocarcinoma were obtained and fixed inBouin's solution and were found to have high grade dysplasia. Thesetissues were evaluated as a separate group.

Lectin labeling. 4-,um paraffin-embedded sections were used forthese studies. Each section of tissue was deparaffinized in xylene andrehydrated through serial alcohol solutions to PBS. The tissues werelabeled with FITC-conjugated lectin in a concentration of 100 /g/ml.50 Ml of lectin was applied to the tissue section, incubated for 20 min,and washed off with PBS. The tissue sections were then mounted ingelvatol (Montsanto Co., St. Louis, MO)and the slides were examinedwith a Zeiss epifluorescence microscope.

The lectins used and their corresponding hapten sugars are listed inTable I. The specificity of binding was documented by specific inhibi-tion in the presence of 200 mMhapten sugar. The lectins were ob-tained commercially from Vector Laboratories (Burlingame, CA) andE-Y Laboratories (San Mateo, CA).

Each of the lectins was applied to each of the 123 specimens col-lected. Because of the obvious morphological configuration of eachspecimen, it was not possible to blind the fluorescence microscopist tothe identity of the tissues. However, the fluorescence microscopist wasblinded to the clinical information regarding each case, and the histo-pathologist was blinded to the lectin-binding findings while assigningthe tissues to the various pathological categories. Prior investigationusing this technique has demonstrated a high degree of intra- andinterobserver reproducibility (23, 24).

The binding of fluorescent lectins to tissues was scored from 0 to3+. Zero indicated negative staining, and the most intense degree oflabeling was assigned a score of 3+. Scores of 1+ and 2+ referred toweak and intermediate levels of binding, respectively. The fluorescencemicroscopist identified distinct components of the mucosa within eachbiopsy and scored them independently. One microscopist scored all ofthe specimens (Dr. Shimamoto). Schematic representations indicatethe components that were identified and scored individually. Thismethod permitted the individual scoring of glycoconjugates that wereintracellular, localized within a goblet cell theca, or secreted. It was notpossible to clearly distinguish whether the labeling that occurred alongthe luminal surface of an epithelial cell represented cell membranelabeling or the presence of secreted glycoconjugates (e.g., mucus) thathad become adherent to the luminal surface of the cell. Labeling in thisregion was referred to as membrane-associated. This labeling was re-corded independently of secreted mucus that was clearly distinguish-able from the membrane-associated labeling.

Glycoconjugate expression was recorded in terms of region withinthe upper gastrointestinal tract, pathological diagnosis, lectin used, cellpopulation within the biopsy, and intensity of labeling.

Table I. Lectins and Carbohydrate Binding Determinants

Lectin Carbohydrate binding determinants

PNA Gal ,B-1,3 GalNAc (T antigen)DBA a-GaINAc (blood group A)UEA, a-Fucose (blood group 0)s-WGA GlcNAcLFA Sialic acid

Gal, Galactose; GalNAc, n-acetylgalactosamine.

Glycoconjugate Expression in Metaplasia 1671


Superficlal epithellum

Basal epithellum

Laming propria _

Sup. *P. *ac op.Figure 1. Lectin-binding studies in

100 - b the normal esophagus (n = 10).The line sketch (a) serves to indi-cate the domains labeled in thesections; the results are expressedin the bar graph (b). The height ofthe bar indicates the percentage of

a tissues labeled with each of thelectins. The solid portion of thebar indicates that percentage with3+ labeling (maximum); the linedportion of the bars indicates 2+labeling (intermediate); and the

W U P D L W U P D L open portion of the bar indicatesI + labeling (weakly present). The

height of the bar represents the percent (0-100) of those tissues la-beled. The data are expressed individually for each domain in the tis-sue section. Sup. ep., Superficial epithelium, i.e., the superficial halfof the epithelial layer; Bas. ep., basal epithelium, i.e. the lower half ofthe epithelial layer. The individual lectins are indicated along thebottom of the graph: W, s-WGA; U, UEA1; P, PNA; D, DBA; andL, LFA (for all figures).


Esophagus. Fig. 1 a is a schematic representation of squamousesophageal mucosa. The superficial and basal portions of theepithelium have been scored separately. Fig. 1 b is a bar graphin which the data are recorded in terms of the percentage of thebiopsies labeled with each of the lectins in each mucosal zone.The height of the bar indicates the percentage of biopsies la-beled by each of the lectins. In the case of esophageal mucosa,80-90% of the biopsies showed no labeling with the panel oflectins, most of the labeling was weak, and there were no im-portant differences in labeling between the superficial andbasal portions of the epithelium.

Proximal stomach: fundic gland mucosa. Fig. 2 a is a sche-matic representation of the fundic gland mucosa, in whichvarious portions of the mucosa have been independently eval-uated. Fig. 2 b is a bar graph in which the data are recorded interms of percentage of the biopsies labeled as discussed above.

It is apparent that succinylated wheat germ agglutinin (s-WGA)2(W in the figures), ulex europeus agglutinin, (UEA0)(U in the figures), and peanut agglutinin (PNA) (P in the fig-ures) labeled the apical cell membrane, the adherent and se-creted mucus, the surface epithelium, the pit epithelium, andthe parietal cell zone in the upper half of the gland in the

2. Abbreviations used in this paper: DBA, dolichos biflorus agglutinin;GlcNAc, n-acetylglucosamine; LFA, limax flavus agglutinin; PNA,peanut agglutinin; s-WGA, succinylated wheat germ agglutinin;UEA,, ulex europeus agglutinin,.

a ~~~~~~~~~Secreted mucus

ApIcal cell membraneSurface epitheliumPit epithelium

parietal cell zone

J Fundlc glands

-I ~ ~ ~ z= Muscularls mucosae



Figure 2. Lectin-binding studies in the normal fundic gland mucosa(n = 10). The line sketch (a) serves to indicate the domains labeledin the sections, and the results are expressed in the bar graph (b). Thebars and axes are as described in Fig. 1. Mem., Membrane-associatedlabeling, i.e., that on the cell membrane adjacent to the lumen or se-creted mucus adherent to the luminal surface; Sur. ep., labeling inthe cytoplasm of the surface epithelium and pit epithelium;, labeling of the parietal cell zone, which is in the upper half ofthe deep fundic gland; C.C. zone, labeling of the chief cell zone,which is in the lower portion of the fundic gland mucosa; Sec. muc.,labeling of secreted mucus. The individual lectins are indicated alongthe bottom of the graph as described in Fig. 1.

gastric fundus. Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA) (D in thefigures) and limax flavus agglutinin (LFA) (L in the figures) didnot tend to label these regions. UEAI, but not s-WGAor PNA,labeled the chief cell zone in the lower part of the fundic gland,which indicated differential expression of carbohydrate struc-tures in this portion of the mucosa. UEA1 labeled all of theepithelium, including the surface, pit, and glandular domains,which indicated the expression of terminal fucosyl residues inall cell types.

Gastric antrum. Labeling in the antrum was generally simi-lar to that in the fundic gland mucosa, so the data have notbeen independently expressed graphically. s-WGA, UEA1,and PNA prominently labeled the cell membrane, adherentmucus, superficial epithelium, and pit epithelium. These three

1672 C. Shimamoto, W. M. Weinstein, and C. R. Boland

lectins labeled the full length of the antral glands. DBAshowedlabeling throughout the antral glands, but was > 2+ in only20% of the biopsies. LFA did not bind to any glycoconjugatesin this region. Thus, the gastric fundic and antral gland muco-sae had a similar expression of carbohydrate structures, withthe exception that binding sites for s-WGAand PNAwere notseen in the chief cell zones of fundic glands.

Gastric-type columnar metaplasia. Fig. 3 a is a schematicrepresentation of regions evaluated in gastric-type columnarmetaplasia in the esophagus. Fig. 3 b is a bar graph of thelectin-binding results in biopsies with exclusively gastric-typesurface epithelium, or with major zones of it in the biopsies.The labeling patterns using s-WGA, UEA1, PNA, DBA, andLFA closely resembled those of the gastric antrum, with theexception of secreted mucus, which showed binding bys-WGAand UEA, in all cases.

Duodenum. Fig. 4 a is a schematic representation of theduodenal epithelium. Fig. 4 b is a bar graph of lectin labeling inthis region. Although s-WGA, UEA1, and PNA labeled theglycoconjugates adherent to the microvillar membranes ofduodenal epithelium, there was a conspicuous absence ofbinding with these three lectins in the villus and crypt entero-cytes of this region. However, s-WGAand UEAI bound to thegoblet cell mucin in the villi and crypt of the duodenum. Themucin in the Brunner's glands of this region contrasted sharplywith glycoconjugates found elsewhere in the duodenum withintense binding by s-WGA, UEAI, and PNA. Binding by DBAand LFA was not seen in this epithelium. Thus, there was amore restricted expression of the carbohydrate structures thatbind these lectins in the duodenum, and the glycoconjugates

a .Microvillar membrane

Secreted mucus

Apical membrane

Z:( Surface epithellum

Pit epithelium

_. .Mucous glands

lMuscularis mucosae

Sur. ep. Gland Sec. muc.

19 ri 1 n E b


Figure 3. Lectin labeling of epithelial glycoconjugates in gastric-typeBarrett's epithelium (n = 27 specimens). Mem., Sur. ep., and Sec.muc. refer to lectin labeling in epithelial domains as defined in Fig.2. Gland, labeling in the underlying (deep) mucous glands. The barsand axes are as defined in Fig. 1.

Figure 4. Lectin labeling of epithelial glycoconjugates in the duode-num (n = 10). Mem. refers to labeling of the same domains as de-fined in Fig. 2. Sur. ep. includes that of the villi. G.C.M., Villous andcrypt goblet cell mucins; Cr. ep., crypt epithelium; Br. gl., Brunner'sglands. The bars and axes are as described in Fig. 1.

found in Brunner's glands contrasted sharply with those syn-thesized in the overlying epithelium.

Specialized columnar metaplasia. Fig. 5 a is a schematicrepresentation of specialized-type columnar metaplasia in theesophagus. Fig. 5 b is a bar graph of the lectin-binding studiesin this region. The surface, pit, and villous epithelium allshared a uniform pattern of lectin binding in this tissue, andare recorded as surface epithelium in Fig. 5 b. Compared withthe findings in nonspecialized columnar metaplasia, this epi-thelium showed a reduction in binding with the lectins PNAand DBA.

Two differences were seen between glycoconjugates in spe-cialized columnar epithelial metaplasia and those in normalduodenum. First, throughout the epithelium of specializedmetaplasia, all of the tissues showed binding by UEA1 and 60%bound s-WGA, whereas none of these lectins labeled the sur-face or crypt epithelium in the normal duodenum. Secondly,in approximately half of the metaplastic tissues, the binding ofLFA to goblet cell mucin was seen, a feature present in none ofthe normal tissues.

Dysplasia in Barrett's esophagus. Five biopsies of Barrett'sesophagus not associated with esophageal cancer containedfoci of cytological abnormalities that fell into the poorly de-fined category of "low grade dysplasia." Four of these were

Glycoconjugate Expression in Metaplasia 1673





Figure 5. Lectin labeling of epithelial glycoconjugates in specializedBarrett's epithelium (n = 25 specimens). Mem. and Sec. muc. referto epithelial domains as defined in Fig. 1. Sur. ep. in this figure refersto labeling in the surface, pit, and villous-type epithelium. G.C.M.,Labeling of goblet cell mucin; Gland, labeling of glycoconjugates inthe underlying mucous glands. The bars and axes are as described inFig. 1.

seen in gastric-type columnar metaplasia and one was in spe-cialized-type metaplasia. When analyzed separately, these tis-sues had the same lectin labeling patterns as were seen in theother gastric-type and specialized-type metaplastic tissueswithout foci of low grade dysplasia, including labeling with thelectin LFA. Because of the small numbers and difficulty inmaking this diagnosis, these biopsies were not considered fur-ther as separate groups.

Fig. 6 depicts the lectin labeling of glycoconjugates in highgrade dysplasia in Barrett's epithelium from patients with ade-nocarcinoma of the esophagus. In these tissues, there was acomplete loss of the expression of lectin-binding glycoconju-gates in the superficial epithelium and the upper half of theglandular elements. Note the "normal" expression of bindingsites for s-WGA, UEA1, PNA, and DBA in the deep mucousglands of this epithelium. The lectin LFA did not bind to anytissue in this group.

Esophageal adenocarcinoma. The labeling of the surfacemembrane or cytoplasmic glycoconjugates among the elevenmoderately to well differentiated esophageal adenocarcinomasis depicted in Fig. 7. Again, labeling by s-WGAwas seen in allthe tumors, whereas there were intermediate degrees of label-ing with UEAI and PNA. Weak labeling by DBAwas seen inonly one tumor and no tumor bound LFA. Among the adeno-carcinomas of the esophagus, most of the labeling occurred onthe cell membrane that made up the lumenal perimeter of themalignant gland. Cytoplasmic labeling was much less promi-

Figure 6. High grade dysplasia in Barrett's epithelium (n = 8 speci-mens). Mem. and Sur. ep. in this bar graph refer to epithelial label-ing domains as defined in Fig. 2. Pit. ep. refers to labeling in the epi-thelium of the pits or crypts. Gland refers to labeling in deep mucousglands. The bars and axes are as described in Fig. 1.

nent than in the gastric carcinomas, and labeling of secretedmucins was not seen.

For both benign and malignant tissues, there did not ap-pear to be any differences in labeling related to the fixative, i.e.,Bouin's or formalin.

Gastric adenocarcinoma. The labeling of cytoplasmic, cellsurface membrane, and secreted glycoconjugates in moder-ately and well differentiated gastric adenocarcinomas is indi-cated in the left panel of Fig. 8. In these four cancers, thebinding of s-WGA, UEA1, and PNA to cytoplasmic, mem-brane-associated, and secreted glycoconjugates was promi-nent, whereas labeling by DBAand LFA was not seen. Theright panel of Fig. 8 depicts lectin labeling in the eight poorlydifferentiated gastric adenocarcinomas. In this instance,s-WGA and PNA prominently labeled both the cell surfacemembrane and cytoplasm. In these poorly differentiated ade-nocarcinomas, no well-formed glands or secreted mucins werevisualized. The labeling by UEA1 was absent among all thepoorly differentiated tumors, which contrasted with the label-ing seen in the moderately and well-differentiated gastric ade-nocarcinomas.

Nonneoplastic gastric mucosa was examined in eight speci-mens from four of the resected specimens of gastric cancer,and was found to have the same glycoconjugate expression asthose gastric specimens from patients with Barrett's esophagus.


,, _ | |; Figure 7. Labeling of cell surface mem-brane and cytoplasmic glycoconjugates inadenocarcinoma of the esophagus (n= 11 specimens). The bars and axes are

W U P D L as described in Fig. 1.

1674 C. Shimamoto, W. M. Weinstein, and C. R. Boland

M/W DAC PDAC Figure 8. Labeling of100 100- cytoplasmic, cell surfaceoMI I Lomembrane, and se-

creted glycoconjugatesin gastric adenocarci-noma (n = 12 speci-mens). Labeling of gly-

S * * * a m M coconjugates inx' l ||moderately and well-

differentiated gastric ad-enocarcinoma (M/WDAC) is depicted on theleft bar graph (n = 4

W U P D L W U P D L specimens). Thebarsand axes are as described in Fig. 1. Labeling of glycoconjugates inpoorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is depicted in theright bar graph (n = 8 specimens). Secreted glycoconjugates were notlabeled in any of these specimens. The bars and axes are as describedin Fig. 1.

Metaplasia in the stomach and duodenum. Foci of intes-tinal metaplasia were encountered in three gastric biopsies. Inall three there was an abrupt change in glycoconjugate expres-sion from that typical of the stomach to that characteristic ofduodenum. Fig. 9 is a photomicrograph that illustrates theparallel changes in morphology and glycoconjugate expres-sion.

Similarly, one focus of gastric metaplasia was found in anotherwise normal specimen of duodenal mucosa. The bindingof lectins to the metaplastic tissue underwent an abruptchange, and resembled that seen in gastric epithelium.


The results indicate that the esophagus, stomach, and duode-num all have their characteristic "fingerprint" with respect toterminal glycosylation patterns as measured by the binding oflectins. Metaplastic tissues synthesize glycoconjugates true tothe morphological configuration of the tissue, regardless of itsanatomic location in the upper gastrointestinal tract. The de-velopment of low grade dysplasia is not accompanied by im-portant changes in glycosylation, however high grade dysplasiaand carcinoma have their own characteristic patterns of glyco-sylation, including a variable deletion of several terminal car-bohydrate structures.

The normal stomach has prominent expression of struc-tures that bind s-WGA(which recognizes n-acetylglucosamine[GlcNAc] residues), UEA, (which recognizes the alpha-linkedfucose, such as that in the blood group 0 or H structure), andPNA (which recognizes the exposed disaccharide galactosebeta 1,3 n-acetylgalactosamine, or the T-antigen). Structuresrecognized by DBA (which binds the terminal alpha-linkedn-acetylgalactosamine in blood group Al) are more selectivelyexpressed, and those binding LFA (sialic acid) are not seen. Areview of the patients' blood types revealed that DBAlabeledonly biopsies from blood group A patients (data not pre-sented). Although this is not surprising, it differs from thecolon, in which DBAbinds to colonic mucins from patientswith all ABOblood types (8, 9). The labeling by LFA was

potentially more interesting, as it was only found in specializedcolumnar metaplasias, and not in any normal tissues. How-ever, LFA did not bind to high grade dysplasia or cancer,which limited its value as an indicator of imminent neoplasia.A second sialic acid-binding lectin, that from Limulus poly-phemus, was used on each of the tissues in this study, butbound to none of them (data not presented).

This work provides corroborating evidence for the struc-tures characterized by other biochemical techniques in whichseveral heterogeneous H+, Lewisb+ blood group antigenshave been detected (25), and those in which blood group Astructures have been isolated (26) from purified human gastricmucins. Lewis antigens have also been localized immunohisto-chemically in the stomach and duodenum (27). Additionally,a variety of shorter oligosaccharide structures terminating inGlcNAc have been characterized by nuclear magnetic reso-nance spectroscopy in canine gastric mucins (28) that mayrepresent partially glycosylated precursor chains, and may ac-count for at least some of the heterogeneity of gastrointestinalmucins. The work presented here provides detail regarding theprecise localization of the expression of different forms ofmucin-type glycoconjugates, and adds suggestive evidence onthe relative quantitative expression of different oligosaccharidespecies in different mucosal "microenvironments."

In spite of the morphological differences between the fun-dic and antral gland mucosae, only minor differences in gly-coconjugate expression were seen, specifically the absence ofbinding sites for PNAand paucity of those for s-WGA in thechief cell zone in the lower portion of the fundic glands. Thislatter observation suggests a selective expression of glycocon-jugates by chief cells. No change in the pattern of glycoconju-gate expression was seen in the mucous neck cell region, whichis thought to be the proliferative region of gastric epithelium(29). The expression of different glycoconjugate structuresthroughout the crypt unit has been reported in the small intes-tine (1, 5) and colon (7, 9), which may reflect either differen-tiation-dependent or other functionally dependent changes inglycosylation.

The duodenal mucosa differed from gastric mucosa with amarked reduction in lectin-binding sites in both the villus andcrypt regions. Brunner's glands differed strikingly from theoverlying epithelium in that glycoconjugates in the formerwere bound by s-WGA, UEA1, and PNA.

In metaplastic epithelium, differentiated tissue is found inan inappropriate location. These lectin-binding studies haveallowed a comparison between glycoconjugate structures inmetaplasia and those found in normal tissues. Glycoconju-gates in columnar epithelial metaplasia demonstrated severalinteresting similarities and differences when compared withthe corresponding normal tissues. Gastric-type Barrett's epi-thelium showed the same labeling pattern as was seen in nor-mal gastric mucosa. This is not especially surprising since mostof the biopsies with gastric-type epithelium were from thelower esophageal region or within 2 cm of it. This may notreflect metaplasia in all instances; it may reflect an imperfector discrepant (squamo-columnar) histologic junction in rela-tion to the location of the lower esophageal sphincter region.

The specialized type of epithelium differed from normalduodenal mucosa in that increased UEA, and s-WGAbindingwas seen throughout the metaplastic tissue compared withsurface and crypt epithelium in the normal duodenum. In

Glycoconjugate Expression in Metaplasia 1675

Figure 9. Fluorescent photomicrograph of tis-sue section labeled with fluorescent lectin(x 300). Antral gland biopsy stained with fluo-rescent PNAdemonstrates normal surface epi-thelium in the upper right and a focus of in-testinal metaplasia on the left half of the fig-ure. Note that PNAlabels the normalepithelium on the right, but labels neither thesurface epithelium nor goblet cell mucin inthe intestinalized portion on the left. Thisabrupt change in labeling is characteristic ofthat observed among the various foci of meta-plasia in the biopsies.

general the glycoconjugate structures expressed in metaplastictissue more closely resembled those of normal rather thanneoplastic tissues.

Dysplasia is a morphological term which refers to tissuethat is thought to have a defect in differentiation, and it isperhaps the earliest identifiable form of neoplasia. The pres-ence of low grade dysplasia had no important effects on glyco-conjugate expression in this study. This may reflect the diffi-culty in distinguishing low grade dysplasia from nondysplasticcolumnar metaplasia (i.e., ordinary Barrett's mucosa) (30).However, a distinct change was seen in high grade dysplasia, inwhich the expression of several terminal carbohydrate struc-tures, those bound by s-WGA, UEA1, PNA, and DBA, werenot expressed in the surface epithelium. This was of particular

interest because these carbohydrate structures were expressedin normal gastric epithelium, whereas binding sites for DBAand UEAI tended not to be expressed in the glycoconjugates ofadenocarcinoma of the esophagus and stomach. This could beaccounted for by a failure of terminal glycosylation in highgrade dysplasia and carcinoma. However, the synthesis of amore complex carbohydrate structure not recognized by thelectins used in this study could produce similar results. In anyevent, the perturbation in terminal glycosylation patterns isfirst seen in high grade, rather than low grade, dysplasia. De-tailed structural studies on glycoconjugates from these types oftissues will be necessary to unravel the mechanisms that un-derlie the change in glycoconjugate structure seen in neoplastictissues.

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It was of additional interest that UEA1 binding sites wereconsistently expressed in well-differentiated gastric adenocar-cinoma but not in poorly differentiated gastric adenocarci-noma. DBA binding was not seen in either morphologicalvariant of gastric cancer, which is consistent with previousreports of a deletion of blood group A activity in gastric carci-noma (31). Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma was charac-terized by a partial reduction of s-WGAand PNAbinding sitesas well. In fact, the progression from normal to fully malignanttissue was generally characterized by a stepwise deletion ofterminal glycosylation structures in mucin-type glycoconju-gates, an observation consistent with other recent reports(32, 33).

In summary, a glycoconjugate profile has been defined foreach distinct epithelial cell population in the stomach, duode-num, and columnar-lined esophagus (Barrett's esophagus).Glycoconjugate expression in epithelial metaplasia was foundto resemble the structures expressed in normal tissues. Minoralterations in glycoconjugate expression were found in lowgrade dysplasia of the columnar-lined esophagus, however arestriction in the expression of glycoconjugates was seen inhigh grade dysplasia. Restricted glycoconjugate expression wasalso found in adenocarcinomas of the esophagus and stomach.These studies demonstrate that glycosylation of mucin-typeglycoconjugates is preserved in epithelial metaplasia, but isaberrant in the settings of high grade dysplasia and cancer.Fluorescent lectin studies on tissue sections permit the detailedlocalization of glycoconjugates structures within different cellpopulations in normal, metaplastic, and neoplastic tissues.This experimental approach provides information on epithe-lial microdomains not generally available with techniques di-rected towards more complete biochemical characterization.


The authors are indebted to Ms. Brooks Comstock for her patientmanuscript preparation, to Myriam Marin for the histological prepara-tions, to William 0. Dobbins III, M.D., and the Histochemistry Coreat the Ann Arbor VA Medical Center for histological preparations; toDarlene Scott for help in retrieving many tissue blocks and sections,and to Barbara Dyko, Ph.D. for the mucosal line sketches and graphs.

This work was supported in part by the Medical Research Serviceof the Veterans Administration, by U.S. Public Health Service grantCA 39233, awarded by the National Cancer Institute, Department ofHealth and HumanServices, by U.S. Public Health Service grant P30AM34933, and by National Institutes of Health grant DK-17328 tothe Center for Ulcer Research and Education.


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