Download pdf - Global warming


Presented by:-Sheheryar Gull

Reg # 130101071

Aerospace 12A




• What is the Global warming?

• Causes of the Global warming.

• Green house effect

• Advantages and disadvantages of greenhouse effect

• Threats due to global warming

• Solution of threats

• Conclusion

What is Global warming?

The earth heats up (the temperature rises)

What causes global warming?

One thing that causes global warming is electrical pollution.

Electricity causes pollution in many ways, some worse than


In most cases, fossil fuels are burned to create electricity.

Fossil fuels are made of dead plants and animals.

Some common examples

Turning on a light

Watching T.V.

Listening to a stereo

Washing or drying clothes

Using a hair dryer

Riding in a car

Heating a meal in the microwave

Using an air conditioner

Playing a video game

Using a dish washer


the woods are lovely, dark and deep.

They’re our respite. Our places of peace. Our

natural air filters. Our water factories. Our

medicine cabinets. We literally can’t live without


So why are they disappearing?

About half of the world's tropical forests have been

cleared, according to the United Nations' Food

and Agriculture Organization.(FAO)

Forests currently cover about 30 percent of the

world’s land mass (National Geographic)

Forest loss contributes between 12 percent and

17 percent of annual global greenhouse gas

emissions (World Resources Institute)


Climate change

When forests are cleared, they emit CO2 back into the

atmosphere and put humanity on a dangerous collision

course with the worst of climate change. And the problem

is enormous. Deforestation accounts for about 11% of

global greenhouse gas emissions caused by humans —

that's comparable to the emissions from all of the cars and

trucks on Earth combined. It gives us a safe, low-cost way

to remove carbon from the atmosphere while also

providing benefits to people.

• The heat and light can get through the atmosphere, but it can’t get out. As a result, the temperature rises.

•Sometimes the temperature can change in a way that helps us.

What is greenhouse effect?

• The greenhouse effect is when the temperature rises because the sun’s heat and light is trapped in the earth’s


The greenhouse effect makes the earth appropriate

for people to liveon.

Without it, the earth would be freezing, It would be

freezing at night because the sun would be down. We

would not get the sun’s heat and light to make the night

somewhat warm.

On the other hand it would be burning hot , During the

day, especially during the summer, it would be burning

because the sun would be up with no atmosphere to filter

it, so people, plants, and animals would be exposed to all

the light and heat.

Global warming is also causing many more fires that wipe out

whole forests. This happens because global warming can

make the earth very hot.

In forests, some plants and trees leaves can be so dry that they

catch on fire.

What is global warming doing to the


Makes the sea rise : the water covers many low land

islands, the plants and causes some of them to die so,

the animals lose a source of food, along with their habitat

, but people lose two sources of food, plant food and

animal food.

What is Acid Rain?

Acid rain is a mixture of wet and dry deposition (deposited

material) from the atmosphere containing higher than normal

amounts of nitric and sulfuric acids.

The precursors, or chemical forerunners, of acid rain

formation result from both natural sources, such as volcanoes

and decaying vegetation, and man-made sources, primarily

emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx)

resulting from fossil fuel combustion.

Acid Rain

Effect of acid rainTaj Mahal color due to acid rain. Acid rain reacted with the

marble (calcium carbonate) of Taj Mahal. This caused

damage to this wonderful structure, ...

Infrared rays are absorbed by the ozone layer

Ozone layer

DNA damaged by UV light can cause skin cancer.

Infrared rays are harmful for life

Depletion of ozone layer

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

The most widely used ODS, accounting for over 80% of total stratospheric

ozone depletion.

Used as coolants in refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners in buildings

and cars manufactured before 1995.

Found in industrial solvents, dry-cleaning agents and hospital sterilants.

Also used in foam products — such as soft-foam padding (e.g. cushions and

mattresses) and rigid foam (e.g. home insulation).


Used in some fire extinguishers, in cases where materials and equipment

would be destroyed by water or other fire extinguisher chemicals. In B.C.,

halons cause greater damage to the ozone layer than do CFCs from

automobile air conditioners.

Methyl Chloroform

Used mainly in industry — for vapour degreasing, some aerosols, cold

cleaning, adhesives and chemical processing.

Carbon Tetrachloride

Used in solvents and some fire extinguishers.

Hydrofluorocarbons (HCFCs)

HCFCs have become major, “transitional” substitutes for CFCs. They are

much less harmful to stratospheric ozone than CFCs are. But HCFCs they

still cause some ozone destruction and are potent greenhouse gases.

In this section:

Depletion of ozone layer

Temperature Change


















How we can minimize the Global

warming?Small changes really add up

Replacing just 1 incandescent light bulb with 1 compact

florescent bulb saves about 150 pounds of carbon dioxide per year!

Drive JUST 10 fewer miles per weekAnnual savings:

$80; 520 pounds CO2

Wash clothes in cold water onlyAnnual savings:

$70; 500 pounds CO2

Reduce your garbage by 10% through greater recycling or reduced packagingAnnual savings:

1200 pounds CO2

Replace your old refrigerator with a new Energy Star:

Annual savings:$90; 700

pounds CO2

Set your thermostat down a few degrees in the winterAnnual savings:

$135; 1400 pounds CO2

Global warming awareness

Through seed distribution, agroforestory training, and our

country programs, we have empowered rural groups to

restore tree cover to their lands.

Planting trees protects the environment and helps to preserve

traditional livelihoods and cultures for generations.
