Page 1: Glengala Kris White Gazette...School Program – Kelly lub. School will resume at 8.45am on Thursday 31st January for students in Year 1-6. Foundation will commence on Thursday 7th

Glengala PS School Vision – ‘PROUD’ Over the year we’ve been working on our school Vision. We believe keeping our Vision simple and linked to a key word will make it more 'lived', known and owned by all members of our community.

We have decided to link our Vision to the word PROUD, this links to our historically used

#GlengalaPROUD from our work with students, social media and school signage. The school Vision

qualities will not replace our 3 long established school Values of Respect, Responsibility & Safety.

Staff have generated a list of qualities linked to each letter of PROUD. ‘R’ will be represented by the

word Resilient. All other letters have options listed below. Please sign in to your Compass Portal to

find the link to our School Vision Survey. If you require support to access your Compass Portal please

contact the office admin team who will be happy to help you out. The survey will remain open until

the end of the 2018 school year. We will launch ‘PROUD’ at the start of the 2019 school year.

Volunteers Thank You Morning Tea – 14th December We are extremely fortunate to have such a supportive community that are willing to help out in so many ways. As part of our end of year celebrations we would like to recognise this support and say a big THANK YOU by holding our Volunteers Morning Tea at 11.10am next Friday 14th December. Please contact the front office to RSVP for this event.

Carols Evening – 17th December Come along and join us for our last and often biggest whole school event for the year - our Carols Evening. Bring your rug & small beach chairs along with your singing voices and enjoy a lovely, low key end of year celebration with the school community. A variety of food and drinks along with Raffles Tickets and some Christmas gifts will be on sale from 5pm, with Carols commencing at approximately 6pm.

Sweat Day Timetable With today and tomorrows taste of summer I thought it was a good chance to let the community know that when the weather is hot we will enact our Sweat Day timetable (same as wet day timetable). We use the SunSmart guide, along with advice from the Department of Education when making the decision to enact the Sweat Day timetable. Based on this, when the temperature reaches 35 or above we call students inside. We are fortunate to have air conditioned spaces for our students and staff.

End of Year Dismissal and School Return 2019 The end of Term 4 is fast approaching! Friday 21st December is the last day of school for 2018. Please join us for our final assembly from 12pm; school dismissal will follow this assembly. Please ensure that you have made arrangements for your child to be collected from school or booked into our After School Program – Kelly Club. School will resume at 8.45am on Thursday 31st January for students in Year 1-6. Foundation will commence on Thursday 7th February. As always if you have any questions, concerns or general feedback please don’t hesitate to come and have a chat, send me an email or give me a call.

Kris White Principal

[email protected]

Thursday 6th December, 2018 Issue 39

Principal - Kris White [email protected]


Glengala Gazette

Glengala Primary School

Dates to remember

Tuesday 11th December Year 6 Orientation Day

Year 6 Graduation 6:00pm—8:00pm

2019 Foundation Transition 9:30am—10:30am

Wednesday 12th December

Year 6 Big Day Out

Thursday 13th December 11:40am

School Choir Performance Sunshine Market Place

Friday 14th December School Council Meeting


Volunteers Morning Tea 11:15am

Monday 17th December

Carols 5:00pm

Thursday 20th December Learning Space Parties

Friday 21st December

Last Day of School 12:30pm Assembly

School Dismissal following assembly

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Page 3: Glengala Kris White Gazette...School Program – Kelly lub. School will resume at 8.45am on Thursday 31st January for students in Year 1-6. Foundation will commence on Thursday 7th

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CHRISTMAS RAFFLE This is only made possible with the generosity of our school


We ask for a donation from each family, to make our hampers

AMAZING and FULL of Christmas goodies!

If you can donate Christmas items including packaged food, decorations,

chocolates, toys or gifts please drop them off at the front office.

All donations are to be made by Wednesday 12th December with the winner to

be announced at our Carols evening on Monday 17th December.

Thank you to those families who have already donated a gift

towards our Christmas Hamper.

Raffle tickets went home yesterday with the eldest child from

each family.

Your support is greatly appreciated.

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When: Tuesday

December 11th Doors will open at

5.30 with formalities

starting at 6pm.

Where: Glengala

Primary School

We are looking forward to a


celebration Our final farewell will be held

at the last assembly of the

year. Come and wish our

Graduates all the best for

high school!

Page 5: Glengala Kris White Gazette...School Program – Kelly lub. School will resume at 8.45am on Thursday 31st January for students in Year 1-6. Foundation will commence on Thursday 7th

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Student Learning Space In recognition of

Amelia Hua Foundation Being an excellent role model. She is always, Respectful, Responsible and Safe in The Arts.

Alilia Tuitupou Foundation Practising her reading at home, contributing to group discussions about texts and moving up 2 reading levels! Fantastic work Alilia.

Kaide Sanders Foundation Reading single digit numbers and placing them in the correct order on a number line. Great job Kaide!

Muhaamad Ayaan Cheema

1/2 Exploring his creative talent through taking risks and excelling in his learning.

Yusef Al Majedy 3/4 Experimenting with new sewing techniques, such as running stitch and an over stitch.

Ruby Tran 3/4

For your great effort during Reading Comprehension. Ruby visualised and created a drawing of, “ Chloe the Topaz Fairy . “ She used time-lapse video on her iPad to film herself as she worked and posted it on Seesaw. Well done!

Fana Dkses 3/4 For your great effort during Friendship Saver. Fana created a poster outlining all the characteristics of someone who is caring. Fana presented her work clearly and posted it on Seesaw. Well Done!

Amelia Hurdle 5/6 Her excellent work in Reading Comprehension. Amelia was able to write a great summary of the key events in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Nadia Abdella 5/6 Excellent participation in Physical Education.

Nadia Abdella 5/6 Excellent work in Maths. Nadia has been learning how to create a budget in her money unit. Well done Nadia!

Skye Carter 5/6 Excellent overarm throwing back to the catcher in a minor game.

LIONS CHRISTMAS CAKES Please order your Lions Christmas Cake/s at the school office by Dec18th.

Lions Christmas Cake 1.5kg $17.00

Lions Christmas Cake 1kg $13.00

Lions Christmas Pudding 900gm $13.00

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Bee Three Achievers

Name Value House Act

Keira Tran Respect,

Responsibility Red Helping to clean up.

David Tuulakitau Responsibility Red Helping clean the Learning Space.

Mung Sen Khai Za Mung

Responsibility Red Helping other student’s with their learning.

Syed Mahad Atiff Respect,

Responsibility Red Volunteering to clean the LLC.

Muhammad Ayaan Cheema

Respect, Responsibility

Red Volunteering to clean the LLC.

Daniel Tuulakitau Responsibility Red Showing leadership by supporting some students on the yard to resolve conflict respectfully.

Darnell Amituanai Responsibility Red Looking after a new student.

Juelz Tuputala Responsibility Red Helping out around the Learning Space by putting Library books away.

Amelia Hueso-Fisher Responsibility Blue Volunteering to pick up papers in the yard during lunch.

Skye Carter Responsibility Blue Caring for another student.

Fana Dkses Responsibility Blue Always showing pride in the Learning Space by keeping it clean.

Peter Nguyen Respect Blue Peter was respectful un the yard by sitting to eat his food and putting his rubbish in the bin.

Maile Fangaake Responsibility Blue Being a great friend.

Thy Dan Nguyen Responsibility Green Picking up papers in the yard.

Nadia Abdella Responsibility Green Always being ready to learn.

Axel Molina Responsibility Yellow Whole body listening and responsibility for his learning.

Kang Lian Respect,

Responsibility Yellow Ready to learn at all times.

Valentina Bryant– Smith

Responsibility Yellow Handing in money and cleaning the school yard.

Bahara Jalal Responsibility Yellow Always being ready to learn.

Yusef Al Majedy Responsibility Yellow Helping out in the Learning Space with the Ipads.

Hassan Al Majedy Respect Yellow Co–operates consistently with the teacher and other students.

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Bee Three Achievers


Name Value House Act

Harry Tran Nguyen Responsibility Yellow Listens attentively to the responses of others.

Zeliha Donmez Respect Yellow Being a good friend and sharing in the sandpit.


FESTIVE HAMPERS Thank you to those families who collected a hamper last week.

There are still a few hampers left for collection from the canteen now. If any families are interested in collecting a hamper please pick one up by tomorrow, Friday 7th December. Thank You


Volunteer Youth Mentors Needed Would you like to help young people who are facing pro-found challenges in their life? Raise Foundation is seeking mentors to work with local high school students in our com-munity for 2 hours per week during school hours. If you are a great listener and have a genuine interest in working with young people, please contact 0426 972 473, or email [email protected] for more infor-mation

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