
Glen Huntly Primary School Grange Road, Glen Huntly Ph: 9571 2933 Fax: 9563 6314

Email: [email protected] Issue – 2nd March, 2017

Principal’s Report A reminder that GHPS Council has issued the 2017 Notice of Election and Call for Nominations as of 17th February, 2017.

Nomination forms need to be received and lodged by: 4.00 pm on Friday 10th March.

The terms of office, membership categories and number of positions in each membership category open for election are as follows – Membership category

Term of office Name of nominees required

Parent member 2 year vacancy

From the day after the date of the declaration of the poll on Tuesday 14th Mar, 2017 to and inclusive of the date of the declaration of the poll in 2019


DET employee member 2 year vacancy

From the day after the date of the declaration of the poll on Tuesday 14th March 2017 to and inclusive of the date of the declaration of the poll in 2019


If the number of nominations is equal to the number of vacancies, there will be no further call for nominations. It was also not necessary to hold a ballot.

Please complete the self-nomination form which was included within the newsletter of 17th February. I look forward to receiving your nomination and having a rewarding partnership with all of you.

Please contact me if you require any other advice or information or need another nomination form.

Leading the School Next Thursday 2nd March- to Friday, 3rd March, Ms Amy Tinetti and Mr John Jacobs and will lead the school as David Jenkins and I are required to attend the Annual Principal Network Conference for our region. Thank you very much to them for stepping up on this occasion. Please contact the office if you need to make an appointment on any matter arising in our absence.

Student Council Members and School Captains

Once again, congratulations to the 2017 Student Councillors who were presented with their badges at the Friday 24th February Whole School Assembly. School Captains: Freya and Uno introduced each Councillor, who made a speech. These are as follows:

Hello GHPS. My name is Anara and this is my partner, Evan. We are really thankful to the people who voted for us. We really are thankful for being 3F school representatives. I think I will be a good representative because I am kind and helpful. I think I will be a good 3F representative because I care for the school and others. This is 3F’s Mission Statement: In 3F we will always be kind and respectful to one another. We will be enthusiastic to learn new things. We will always be supportive and helpful to our classmates, because we are a team. Evan and Anara 3F

Hi, my name is Rhapsody and my name is Aidan. We are the 3S student councillors for 2017. We are honoured to be the student councillors and we thank everyone who voted for us. We will try our best to be kind and responsible and try to make GHPS better than it already is. Feel free to tell us your ideas so we can tell other student councillors and Mrs Alessi and see if they agree. Also, don’t hesitate to come to us if you have a problem or argument.

We will always listen to your ideas, and we will try to be the best student councillors possible. 3S Mission Statement: In 3S we are always gentle with our classmates. We work together as a team and we stand up for each other. We come to school with a positive attitude and we will learn to be resilient. We promise to be responsible for our own and other’s belongings. We will do these things because we know the “Together everyone achieves more”! Aidan and Rhapsody 3S

Our names are Dash and Yashvi. We are representing 4R this year for student council. We have been chosen to represent 4R because we are both confident public speakers and helpful students at GHPS. Thank you to everyone in 4R who voted for us. Some things we want to achieve this year are:

We hope to make our school more fun for everyone.

We also want more games for wet/sweat day timetable.

Also, more learning and education for all. Thank you. Dash and Yashvi 4K

Hi, my name is Ella and I’m in 4K. I am so happy to have been voted by my class to become a student council representative. I promise to listen to everybody’s opinions and ideas. I know I am new to GHPS, but I will always obey all of the school rules and always share information at the meetings with other members and Mrs Alessi. I will then share the discussions we have with my grade and all of you. Hi everyone, my name is Fred and I am a student councillor for 2017. In this role I will listen to your ideas and share them with other councillors. In meetings I will suggest fun ideas and encourage gold coin donations to get better facilities. Feel free to come up to me and tell me your problems and we can solve them together. I am helpful, trustworthy and friendly. I would also like to thank everybody who voted for me. I will make Glen Huntly Primary a better place. Fred and Ella 4R

Hi, my name is Rayyaan and I’m the student councillor for 5/6A. the other councillor, Alyana, is away for a few weeks. We would like to thank the students of 5/6A and the teachers for electing us. I have been at this school since Prep and my hobbies are playing the piano and reading. My aim is to prevent bullying in the school yard and to keep our surroundings clean.

I will do my best to help all students and will also put forward your ideas to the council. Feel free to approach me. Let’s make the school better together. Here is our class Mission Statement: In 5/6A-Z we communicate through listening first, and thinking about our words carefully. Because of this, we are better able to understand each other. With this understanding we try our hardest to assist those in need. Rayyaan and Alyana 5/6A

Hi I’m Arsha and I’m Aditi. We are the student councillors for 5/6P. We are honoured to be the student councillors for 2017. If you ever need any help, come to us. We will do our best to be the most responsible student councillors possible. Now here is our Class Mission Statement that our class put a lot of effort in to: In 5/6P we respect, care and are considerate of others. We follow the golden rule, meaning we treat people how we would like to be treated. We hope, when people walk in to our class, they see a resilient, hard-working, amazing, responsible class who helps each other. We are not violent, chaotic and, of course, not crazy. We are all extremely determined and are an amazing example to younger students. Arsha and Aditi 5/6P

Hi, my name is Aarushi and my name is Vid. We are the student council representatives for 5/6J. We will listen to our class and all your ideas too. We will work with Mrs Alessi to make school a better place to learn and have fun together. We are pleased to be student councillors of a great and enthusiastic class and school. Now we will proudly present our Mission Statement: This year, 5/6J will work as a team and try to succeed in any goals we set ourselves. We will motivate each other until the end. We are enthusiastic people and will aim high. We will encourage each other to try our best and even if we don’t succeed we will pick ourselves up to embrace our potential. Vidhath and Aarushi 5/6J

REPORTS of the first meeting are by Freya and Uno as follows: On Monday, 20th February, Student Council got together for their first meeting of 2017. We introduced ourselves to each other, and discussed two qualities of ourselves that we felt got us the role of Student Councillor. Next week, we will talk about Harmony Day and the Prep – 2 Easter Hat Parade. Freya and Uno 5/6J

Three Way Parent – Teacher Information Sharing Parents have been invited to attend the three way parent, student and teacher discussion meetings for Grades 1-6 on Tuesday 28th February and Wednesday1st March. Thank you to the parents who completed the Getting to Know You Questionnaire, which assisted us greatly in the preparation for the discussions.

Walkathon Last Friday we held our annual Walkathon and it was an exciting morning.

The whole school walked around the course and it was wonderful to see children from all age levels interacting and getting fit and healthy at the same time.

Thank you to the parents and friends who were able to join us, and thanks to staff and parents who helped. A big thank you to everyone who has brought their money raised back to school. Mandy Zent

2017 Little Book Worms (LBW) and our Library The wonderful GHPS Little Book Worms started back on Tuesday 21st February in the Library.

Reminder: Labour Day is on Monday 13th March and this is a public holiday. There will be no school on this day. Enjoy the time with your family.

Family Fun Night We look forward to seeing all our families at Family Fun Night tomorrow night commencing at 5.30pm on the East Site oval.

Thank you to GPA for organising the 3 Lil Monsters, Pizza truck and running a dessert stall. GPA will also be handing out an icy pole to every child.

We hope you can make it along with your picnic basket, drinks, rugs and chairs for a really enjoyable night. Libby Alessi Principal



IKAN – fish

BURUNG – bird


Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award during the last 2 weeks. Nandini 1/2E –persistence and resilience during her running record. Alex 1/2E – always being organised and producing work of an exceptional quality. Adhithi 1/2E – trying her best in all areas. Siddharth 1/2J – having a positive attitude and encouraging others. Stella 1/2J – enthusiastic participation in Book Club and Monster Maths. Aadi 1/2J – speedy addition facts in Monster Maths. Carlos 1/2M – contributions to conversations in our Monster Maths. Stephanie 1/2M – always working hard to keep our classroom environment tidy and safe. Tuhin 1/2M – improved reading in Book Club. Louisa 1/2M – working hard during Monster Maths. Pratham 1/2P – hard work and focus in both Book Club and Monster Maths. Amelia 1/2P – excellent contributions to our discussions about plants at the park. Alexander 1/2P – always being a kind and helpful member of 1/2P. Macy 1/2P – working extremely well during Book Club. Sienna 3F – always applying herself to all learning tasks to produce excellent work. Ari 3F – a creative narrative from a wonderful imagination. Kushal 3F – working well in classes to complete learning tasks with great results. Ritika 4K – kindness during a spelling session, helping others with their work. Om 4K – outstanding effort with his handwriting. Yashvi 4K – beautiful book presentation and homework. Sophia 4K – conscientious work in the classroom and excellent organisation. Archer 4K – sharing computer knowledge with others and always being willing to help. Hrithik 4R – demonstrating excellent sportsmanship and always encouraging his teammates during 3/4 sport. Karolin 4R – showing fabulous teamwork when exploring odd and even numbers in Maths. Veer 4R – always being a helpful and caring member of 4R. Ishu 4R – presenting her share time with confidence and enthusiasm. Jess 5/6A - For his peerless work ethic when attacking multiplication in mathematics groups. Rayyaan 5/6A - For his thoughtful reflections in his learning log. Rakhi 5/6A - for her effort and efficiency when researching population density. Jamie 5/6A - for his focus and creativity when developing a character in his writing.

Aarushi 5/6J – Well prepared student council speech delivered to your class on Monday. Congratulations. Effort = reward. Yashwanth 5/6J – Outstanding character profiles developed in our writing sessions this week. Congratulations Alyssa 5/6J - Detailed and highly skilfully crafted Learning Log responses. Jay 5/6J - A highly helpful ‘Folder Technician’ Phillip 5/6P - for your commitment to learning and always striving to achieve your best. Aditi 5/6P - For having the courage and confidence to stand for student council. Dyash 5/6P – your commitment to learning and always showing respect. Bhadra 5/6P – being an inspiring model of kindness, respect and compassion. Thank you for being a fantastic member of the class.

Higgins Medal Morning Tea

Congratulations to Freya for her Higgins Medal and we wish her all the best for the rest of the year! Kelly O’Dwyer

On Friday, 17th February, I went to the Higgins Medal Morning Tea at Kelly O’Dwyers electoral office. There were lots of people there, not just Higgins Medallists, but people who have been recognised in the Higgins Community throughout 2016. I had a great time. It was a privilege to attend, representing my school and myself. Freya 5/6J

HOUSE SWIMMING GHPS House Swimming Sports proved to be a fantastic start to the sporting school year. As a new teacher to the school, it was great to see students dress up in their house colours, sing their house chant and encourage their friends who were competing. The following students were outstanding on the day. A special congratulation is due to Fred in Grade 4K for finishing first in the 50m freestyle, backstroke and breastroke. Jennifer in grade 4K for also finishing first in the freestyle, breastroke and butterfly. Jorja in 5/6A as well as Freya in 5/6J, who both finished first in all competed events (freestyle, breastroke, backstroke and butterfly).

Well done to all students who participated, it’s important to remember that sport is about trying your best, active participation and enjoying being active with your friends.

Thank you to GHPS 3-6 teachers, the parents who came on the day to support their children and the school. Well done to the following students who have been selected for the District Swimming squad who will compete on the 3rd of March at Carnegie Swimming Centre; Alex V 3S. Fred, Ritika, Jennifer 4K. Imogen, Emma 4R. Igor, Jorja, Jim 5/6A. Ronnie, William, Arsha 5/6P. Lucy, Freya 5/6J Marie Kasambalis P.E teacher

WALKATHON I think the walkathon was great. I love exercise. Exercise is good for your muscles. I love that everyone walking laps will get much healthier and at the same time we all raise money for our school. It was lovely walking with all my friends and making some new friends too. Anara 3F

After assembly, we started to go to the park. Then we got a piece of paper that had boxes on it. We got a stamp for every lap. I did 10 laps. I had fun with Alice and Sienna. We are going to make lots of money for our school. Kashvi 3F

Thank You A big thank you to Raj (Aditya 4K) for supplying lots of apples to all of the Grade 3/4 area.


17th Feb qualified students District Swimming 17th Feb qualified students Swimming training 20th Feb All students Three way discussions 21st Feb All students Family Fun Night


Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or foster parents are eligible to apply for the

Education State Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund.

To be eligible for the fund, a parent or legal guardian of a student attending a Victorian Primary School MUST hold a Pension or Concession Card or Centrelink Health Care Card.

Families who hold a valid concession card must fill out a new form every year.

For more information, contact the office.


Academy 0f Dance Mckinnon / Ormond

Dance-Play 3 to 5 Yrs Ballet … RAD Syllabus

Jazz Tap … SFD Syllabus Contemporary

Contact us for your Trial Class Email .. [email protected]

9584 5074

As you would have already been informed at last week’s two Parent Information sessions, this year for Term 1, all students from Prep to Year 6 are participating in Drama classes and drama learning experiences.

Our whole school teaching team has elected to devote scheduled stimulated learning sessions to this important curriculum aspect of the new Victorian Curriculum, so that we are addressing the Performing Arts components more comprehensively.

The students have been enjoying these weekly sessions immensely and have been showing a great deal of enthusiasm, creativity, clever on-the-spot thinking and excellent natural dramatic skills. For Years three to six, the drama learning has been focused upon: Years 5 and 6: Theatre Sports in a vast array of situations, problem solving, adopting different characters, concluding with some play writing

Years 3 and 4: Acting out plays and concluding play writing

Students in Prep to Year 2 have experienced: Prep: Learning how to stay in character, adopt another role in short improvisations with known situations (at home, at school, shopping), exploring and showing how the characters are feeling.

Years 1 and 2: Communicating emotions and feelings non-verbally, using facial expressions and movement, posture, body movements; different role play scenarios and improvisations, learning how to stay in character.

David Jenkins Assistant Principal


Christine Donnan (Amber 1/2J) will be baking something delicious for this week’s cake raffle, so don’t forget to buy a ticket!
