
Gigabit Ethernet signal transmission usingasynchronous optical code divisionmultiple accessPHILIP Y. MA,1,* MABLE P. FOK,2 BHAVIN J. SHASTRI,1 BEN WU,1 AND PAUL R. PRUCNAL1

1Lightwave Communications Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA2Lightwave and Microwave Photonic Laboratory, College of Engineering, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Received 23 September 2015; revised 19 November 2015; accepted 19 November 2015; posted 20 November 2015 (Doc. ID 250006);published 15 December 2015

We propose and experimentally demonstrate a novel archi-tecture for interfacing and transmitting a Gigabit Ethernet(GbE) signal using asynchronous incoherent optical codedivision multiple access (OCDMA). This is the first suchasynchronous incoherent OCDMA system carrying GbEdata being demonstrated to be working among multi-userswhere each user is operating with an independent clock/data rate and is granted random access to the network.Three major components, the GbE interface, theOCDMA transmitter, and the OCDMA receiver are dis-cussed in detail. The performance of the system is studiedand characterized through measuring eye diagrams, bit-er-ror rate and packet loss rate in real-time file transfer. OurLetter also addresses the near-far problem and realizes asyn-chronous transmission and detection of signal. © 2015Optical Society of America

OCIS codes: (060.2330) Fiber optics communications; (060.2360)

Fiber optics links and subsystems.

Incoherent optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) hasbeen studied intensively due to its unique networking advan-tages, including asynchronous access, soft blocking, switchlesspacket transmission, increased spectral efficiency (with M-arymodulation), and flexible provisioning of differentiated qualityof service (QoS) [1–5]. A huge number of users can be sup-ported using a minimal number of wavelengths through thesoft blocking characteristic by having each of the OCDMAcodes share the same wavelengths with different code sequen-ces. Moreover, by assigning even fixed code with different codelengths and weights, incoherent OCDMA networks can carryheterogeneous traffic with different data rate and errors foreach subscriber, enabling much more flexible allocation of thenetwork bandwidth than other conventional multiplexingtechniques such as time division multiplexing (TDM) or wave-length division multiplexing (WDM) [6]. OCDMA also pro-vides a protocol-independent physical transmission layer; thus,

it is suitable to be used for various types of networks. Theunique advantages and characteristics of both coherent [7–9]and incoherent [10–12] OCDMA have been studied and in-vestigated intensively in recent years.

Ethernet technology has been the most commonly used com-puter networking technology in the local area networks (LANs).With the fiber-optic network as the backbone, it has been themost widely spread wired LAN technology. To utilize the capac-ity of optical LANs, the use of OCDMA becomes particularlyattractive. The transmission of fast Ethernet [13] and GigabitEthernet [14] over OCDMA have been previously demonstratedusing coherent and incoherent OCDMA, respectively.

In this Letter, we propose and experimentally demonstrate anarchitecture for interfacing and transmitting a Gigabit Ethernet(GbE) signal over asynchronous incoherent OCDMA. Unlikeprevious architecture, our approach does not require the distri-bution of a central clock to each transmitter and receiver,thus supporting independent clock rates for each user and trulyasynchronous operation of the system without waiting for thedesignated transmission time slot. The laser source is generatedfrom distributed feedback laser diodes (DFB-LDs), while thedata rates of each OCDMA signal are asynchronous and gov-erned by each of the Ethernet signals. The receiver exploits afour-wave mixing (FWM) wavelength-aware receiver for multi-access interference (MAI) removal, together with a semiconduc-tor optical amplifier (SOA) for amplitude noise suppression[15]. The signal is converted to an electrical format using aband-limited low-speed photodetector such that non-return-to-zero (NRZ) signals result for interfacing with a standard clockand data recovery (CDR) system for asynchronous detection.With the use of media converter, the signals are converted toEthernet data easily, and real-time file transfer is achieved. Themeasurements of eye diagrams, bit-error rate, and packet lossrate are thereby performed and discussed.

Figure 1 shows the asynchronous incoherent OCDMAarchitecture transmitting Ethernet signals among four users:1, 2, 3, 4. The whole system consists of three major compo-nents: the GbE interface, the OCDMA transmitter, and theOCDMA receiver.

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The GbE Interface bridges between the devices operating onoptical signals and those operating on electronic signals.Ethernet ports of all the four computers are connected to amedia converter through a bidirectional LAN cable for the con-version between Ethernet data and NRZ signals. On theOCDMA transmitter side, the NRZ signals are launched tothe CDR module, where a clock signal can be extracted fromthe NRZ signal and separated from the data. The extractedclock and data signals are then amplified by a radio-frequency(RF) amplifier before entering the OCDMA transmitter. TheGbE interface on the OCDMA receiver side works in a similarway, except for the replacement of the RF amplifier with atransceiver. The transceiver takes the advantage of a low-speed(1.25 Gb/s) photodetector to band-limit the return-to-zero(RZ) OCDMA receiver output and converts it to an NRZ elec-trical signal that perfectly interfaces with the CDR module.The recovered clock and data are then launched to the mediaconverter for the conversion to Ethernet data. Note here thatwe only connect the media converters of User 3 and 4 back tothose of Users 1 and 2, respectively, for completing the com-munication paths between two pairs of OCDMA transmittersand receivers but, in general, these four media converters can beinterconnected.

The incoming clock and data signals are used to generateOCDMA signals through pulse carving and data modulationat two electro-absorption modulators (EAMs). The opticalsource being modulated comes from a DFB-LDs module, wherethe following three wavelengths are used: 1550.17, 1551.90,and 1553.30 nm. The optical signals carrying the clock and datainformation are optically amplified before being encoded byfiber Bragg grating (FBG) arrays using wavelength-hoppingtime-spreading (WHTS) codes with 17 time chips within onebit. The weight sequences for Encoders 1 and 2 are (0, 3, 6) and

(0, 7, 14), respectively, where the numbers correspond to thechip positions relative to the first wavelength. After encodingfor both Users 1 and 2, the OCDMA signals are then combinedby a 50∶50 coupler and transmitted to the OCDMA receiverside. It is worth mentioning here that transmitters (as well asreceivers, as discussed below) all operate on their own clockrates determined by the Ethernet data they are transmitting,rather than a centralized one, which demonstrates trueasynchronization.

In order for Users 3 and 4 to receive the signals, theOCDMA signals have to be first decoded by correspondingFBG arrays, where they align all the spectral components ofthe targeted code in time to form an autocorrelation peak whilespreading the spectral components of the interfering users overtime as MAI. MAI needs to be removed by an auto-correlationpeak discriminator (ACPD) to avoid detection failure and, inour design, a FWM wavelength-aware receiver is employed. AnFWM wavelength-aware receiver is made up of a 40 m highlyGe-doped nonlinear fiber (HDF) for FWM and a 4 nm opticalnotch filter for blocking the MAI after FWM. The HDF has75 mol.% GeO2, resulting in a large nonlinear coefficient of35 W−1 km−1 [16]. In addition to MAI, the amplitude noiseat the HDF and photodetector introduced by the overlappingof the autocorrelation peak and MAI is another factor that de-grades signal detectability [17,18]. Therefore, an SOA is usedto reduce the amplitude noise within the FWM wavelength-aware receiver output.

The users can operate in a synchronous way, with all users ata centralized data rate of 1.25 Gb/s, or in an asynchronous waywhere each user has its own individual data rate which is notsynchronized among each other. Suppose User 1 is the mainuser while User 2 acts as the interfering user at the receiver forUser 1; then, in asynchronous operation, User 1 operates at

Fig. 1. Asynchronous incoherent OCDMA architecture interfacing Gigabit Ethernet. (CDR, clock and data recovery; DFB-LDs, distributedfeedback laser diodes; EAM, electro-absorption modulator; EDFA, erbium-doped fiber amplifier; FBG, fiber Bragg grating; ACPD, auto-correlationpeak discriminator; SOA, semiconductor optical amplifier.)

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1.249974 Gb/s while User 2 operates at 1.249972 Gb/s. Eachuser has its unique code sequence after encoding as shown inFig. 2 with 40 ps full-width at half-maximum pulses.

After decoding, the power of the MAI (PM ) could be smalleror larger than that of the autocorrelation peak (PA) due to thenear-far effect. Figure 3 considers the successful extraction ofautocorrelation peak in terms of different PM∕PA ratios.Figure 3(a) shows the decoded signal inside OCDMA receiverat a 0 dB PM∕PA ratio, with both autocorrelation peaks andMAIobserved. Figure 3(c) shows the decoded signal with PM∕PA ra-tio of 2 dB, where the amplitudes of the autocorrelation peaksand MAI peaks become indistinguishable. As we increase thePM∕PA ratio to 6 dB, the intensity of MAI is even larger thanthat of autocorrelation peaks, as shown in Fig. 3(e). The impor-tance of FWM wavelength-aware receiver lies in the fact that it iscapable of removing the resultedMAI completely, no matter howstrong it is, as evidenced in Figs. 3(b), 3(d), and 3(f).

In a real OCDMA system, the overlapping of MAI and theautocorrelation peak cannot be avoided in many cases, espe-cially with asynchronous operation. The overlapping leads tosevere amplitude noise resulting from FWM and beating innonlinear fibers and photodetectors. We utilize an SOA in ourOCDMA receiver to reduce the amplitude noise before the1.25 Gb/s photodetector. If we make a comparison betweenthe eye diagrams shown in Figs. 4(a) and 4(b), noise reductiondefinitely plays an indispensable role in helping to open the eyein its middle region.

For the GbE interface on the OCDMA receiver side, theMAI removal exhibits even more significance as the performanceof transceiver and CDR module can be severely degraded byMAI. Figure 5 shows the eye diagrams observed at the transceiver

and CDR module for different PM∕PA ratios. When the MAIpower is comparable to that of autocorrelation peaks [Fig. 5(a)],neither transceiver nor CDR module performs well in signal de-tection. As we decrease the PM∕PA ratio to −2 dB [Fig. 5(b)],the eye diagrams at both transceiver and CDR module start totake shape, while their MAI tolerance are not exactly consistent.It is evident that while the recovered clock and data signal mayshow a clear eye, the OCDMA receiver output signal may stillnot be correct at the transceiver, and the reason could be attrib-uted to the fact that NRZ-like optical CDMA signal interfacesbetter with the CDR module than the RZ-like OCDMA signalwith transceiver. Only when we are able to reduce the PM∕PAratio to be as low as −9 dB [Fig. 5(c)] can the eye diagrams atboth the transceiver and CDRmodule behave as they do withoutMAI [Fig. 5(d)].

The bit-error rate (BER) measurements of the OCDMA sig-nal at both the transceiver and CDR module are shown inFig. 6. Once again, we have to emphasize the importance ofMAI removal, and we consider minus PM/PA ratio to showthe importance of MAI removal; even a small amount ofMAI residual could result in diversified BER curves comparedto a no-MAI case. At the absence of FWM wavelength-awarereceiver, the CDR module presents a better BER over the trans-ceiver since it has a greater tolerance of MAI as shown above.The BER improves quickly with a decrease in MAI power andapproaches the no-MAI curve when the PM∕PA ratio could berestricted to be less than −9 dB for transceiver and less than−6 dB for CDR module. A typical 10−9 BER could be obtainedat −24 dBm receiver power under perfect MAI removal.

We conduct real-time file transfer for our OCDMA systemas well. Among all four users, we ask Users 1 and 2 to send files

Fig. 2. Encoded OCDMA signal output of the OCDMA transmit-ters of two users: (a) User 1 and (b) User 2.

Fig. 3. Decoded OCDMA signal at the OCDMA receiver ofUser 1. (a) Without MAI removal and PM∕PA � 0 dB, (b) withMAI removal and PM∕PA � 0 dB, (c) without MAI removal andPM∕PA � 2 dB, (d) withMAI removal and PM∕PA � 2 dB, (e) with-out MAI removal and PM∕PA � 6 dB, and (f ) with MAI removal andPM∕PA � 6 dB.

Fig. 4. Eye diagrams of (a) decoded OCDMA signal after only MAIremoval and (b) decoded OCDMA signal after both MAI removal andamplitude noise suppression.

Fig. 5. Eye diagrams observed at transceiver (up) and CDR module(down) of User 3. (a) Without MAI removal and PM∕PA � 0 dB,(b) without MAI removal and PM∕PA � −2 dB, (c) without MAI re-moval and PM∕PA � −9 dB, and (d) with MAI removal.

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to Users 3 and 4 using TCP protocol. It normally takes 1 minto complete the transfer of a 200 MB file. Meanwhile, we mea-sure the packet loss rate during the file transfer, as shown inFig. 7. The packet loss rate that is acceptable depends on thetype of data being sent but, normally, less than 1% packet loss is“good,” and 1–3% is “acceptable.” Apparently, the packet lossrate of the system is sensitive to the input power of each user.With a power ratio of MAI∕Main User � 0 dB (input opticalpower to transceiver is −23 dBm for User 1 and −20 dBm forUser 2, input optical power is measured when serving as theMain User), User 1 has a packet loss rate of 0.003%, whileUser 2 has a packet loss rate of 1% which requires more opti-mization. The packet loss rate difference could be attributed tothe fact that the performance of transceiver can also be affectedby the OCDMA receiver output power (insets of Fig. 7) and afiner tuning of the OCDMA Receiver 2 is needed. Consideringthe near-far effect with a power ratio of MAI∕Main User �3 dB (input optical power to transceiver is −18 dBm forUser 1, −15 dBm for User 2), both users present higher packetloss rates with User 1 to be 1.9% and User 2 to be 10%.Further improvements could be made to improve the ampli-tude noise suppression on beating within nonlinear fibers.

We have experimentally demonstrated a novel asynchronousOCDMA scheme that allows GbE signal transmission amongmultiple users. Each user is able to perform data transmission

with individual clock rate and asynchronous data rate. Detailedstructure designs are presented for a GbE interface, OCDMAtransmitter, and receiver. MAI from the OCDMA system isremoved completely based on an FWM wavelength-awarereceiver, and the near-far issue is addressed. The complete re-moval of MAI allows the use of a low-speed photodetector withthe same data rate as the OCDMA signal without any inter-ference from MAI. It also allows the OCDMA signal to be in-terfaced with a CDR system to realize asynchronous detectionby converting the RZ OCDMA signal into an NRZ electricalsignal that inherently satisfies the input requirements of digitalcommunication systems. SOA is employed to reduce the am-plitude noise introduced by the overlapping of MAI with theautocorrelation peak as well. System performance is evaluatedunder harsh conditions by measuring the BER and packet lossrate in real-time file transfer.

Funding. National Science Foundation (NSF) (ECCS1247298).

Acknowledgment. The authors would like to thankDr. Yanhua Deng for assistance in building the system.


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Fig. 6. BER measured at transceiver and CDR module of User 3. T,transceiver; R, clock and data recovery module.

Fig. 7. Packet loss rate using TCP protocol measured at differentMAI/Main User ratios. Insets: eye diagrams of transceiver against in-put optical power of (a) −14 dBm, (b) −18 dBm, and (c) −22 dBm.

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