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Why L&D Struggles With Social Media…and How to Fix it

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Welcome aboard…

Presenter Co-Pilot

Steve Boller Marketing & Communications Strategist @steveboller

Leanne Batchelder VP of Client Relations @lmbatch

Company  @BLPIndy

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Questions, Answers Are these true for you? •  I use social media at home. •  I use social media for personal use…

at work. •  My company prohibits social media at

work. •  My company uses social media for

work purposes. •  My company ENCOURAGES social

media for work purposes.

Send us an IM response to this: “It would be hard to use social media at my company because…”

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…Did  You  Watch  the  Olympics?

…You probably already knew the results before NBC’s broadcast.

Live streams and results were available on social media…but NBC tried to ignore it.

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Is Your Training Like NBC’s Olympic TV Coverage?




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Set up Twitter…fast

Create Buy-In hierarchy  

What You’ll Learn

Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) aka Informal Learning

Coaching and support

Twitter chats

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Social Media is growing  (duh)

Based on the fact that you are here, I don’t need to bore you with the facts and figures. You know social media is growing…fast.

The train has left the station. Are you on it?

If not, why?  

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Social Media, Social Networks

What’s the difference?

Social networks are “websites, portals, or channels where people get together to share information with

each other.”

Social Media is “content that gets shared, published, and circulated amongst various social networking


Definition paraphrased from Carlo Ople:

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Myths and Legends

IM us:  What  excuses  do  you  hear  people  use  to  jus6fy  not  using  social  media?  

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Learning  Examples

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Just  the  Facts

✔ The  US  Marines  and  CIA  use  social  media.    ✔ The  Tin  Can  API  and  BLPLMS  make  informal  learning  trackable  in  an  LMS.  

✔ Everyone  needs  a  break  at  work…social  media  is  a  good  way  to  take  one.  

According to the 2012 eLearning Guild Informal Learning Research Report: 50-80% of workplace learning is informal.

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What is PKM?

✔  How  we  naturally  learn.              

✔  Informal,  ongoing,  as  needed.  


✔ We’ve  always  done                              it..  Social  media  makes  it  easier.  


This is you, doing PKM

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PKM ≥ Informal Learning

We’ve  been  learning  informally  for  a  

long time.

“Official” Definition Informal learning includes situations where the learner determines some combination of the process, location, purpose, and content and may not even be aware that instruction has occurred. Dr. Saul Carliner, director of the education doctoral program and associate professor at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, and author of Informal Learning Basics              

My Definition: Informal learning is what we do when we start walking, riding bikes, talking, and searching Google. It’s intuitive and we don’t even realize we are doing it.

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PKM ≥ Informal Learning

We’ve  been  learning  informally  for  a  

long time.

My Definition: Informal learning is what we do when we start walking, riding bikes, talking, and searching Google. It’s intuitive and we don’t even realize we are doing it.

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You aren’t a Trainer anymore.  

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You aren’t a Trainer anymore.  

Trainer   Community  Manager  

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You aren’t a Trainer anymore.  

Trainer   Community  Manager  

Break down silos.

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Expert view: eLearning Guild Simple  social  media  technologies  that  people  are  already  using  can  be  very  

valuable  for  informal  learning.  (Pa'  Shank  PhD  CPT,  eLearning  Guild  Research  


 IM us: What social media tools are best for PKM?


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Network  Overload

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Which social network do you need?

Social  Network     Learning  uses  

Google+   Not  that  great..Google  hangouts  can  be  fun.  Facebook   Facebook  pages  and  groups  that  are  in  the  

workflow.  LinkedIn   Par6cipate  in  LinkedIn  groups…if  you  dare.  Niche  Networks   Pinterest,  Learnist,  SnapGuide…useful  tools  for  

learning.  Check  them  out  yourself!  YouTube   How-­‐to  guides,  educa6onal  content.  Blog/Wiki   Find  great  content,  leave  comments,  learn  from  

others.  TwiZer   Find  and  converse  with  thought  leaders  in  any  

field.  Ac6ve,  growing  social  community  with  loads  of  learning  possibili6es.  




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Create  Buy-In  

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Create  Buy-In  ✔ Who’s resisting? IT? CEO? L&D? Learners? YOU? ✔ Answer common ?s: Network security, time management, (insert yours here) ✔ Go beyond the tools. It’s not JUST about Twitter. ✔ Stick to your guns. ✔ Does it really make sense?

✔ Share success stories.

-Jane Bozarth @janebozarth

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Start from Scratch  

Meet Sally Social. She wants to: ✔ Set up an account

✔ Find people in her industry ✔ Follow industry trends

✔ Network    

Let’s  get  her  started.  

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5 Ways to interact…

Plain tweet


Quote tweet

Mention (uses @steveboller)

Direct Message

Remember your #Hashtags!

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…But, what should I tweet about?

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How to tweet…and Like it! Share your interests…business and personal  

Free-write for insight

Don’t force it

Conversation is key

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Explain  “why  games?”  

Show  and  tell  

Link  games  to  learning    hierarchy  

Don’t train, coach

Mandating won’t work. Big, large scale training programs won’t work. Acting like a friendly, little league soccer coach will work.  

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Explain  “why  games?”  

Show  and  tell  

Link  games  to  learning    hierarchy  

Don’t train, coach

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Have a coaching strategy…

Individual meetings with leadership

Listen more than you speak

Adapt the coaching

Let leaders set the tone

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Show  and  tell  

Link  games  to  learning    hierarchy  

Death by policy… Don’t Do it! We scrapped our first social media policy draft…it was too specific and too demanding.

IM us: Does your company have a social media policy or set of guidelines?  

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Show  and  tell  

Link  games  to  learning    hierarchy  

Death by policy… Don’t Do it! We scrapped our first social media policy draft…it was too specific and too demanding.

Social  Media  Policies…   Social  Media  Guidelines…  

cover  your  legal  tracks.   suggest  usage  methods.  

explain  what  NOT  to  do.   show  ways  to  get  started.  

are  as  simple  as  possible.   help  people  grow  into  the  tools.  

IM us: Does your company have a social media policy or set of guidelines?  

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Show  and  tell  

Link  games  to  learning    hierarchy  

You’ve “trained” them…now what?

✔ Your team is busy.

✔ New habits need a behavior trigger.  

✔ A little organization goes a long way.

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Show  and  tell  

Link  games  to  learning    hierarchy  

Twitter chats rock

#TalkTech Thursdays at 3 pm EST

✔  Learn through conversation

✔ Regular behavior trigger  

✔ Idea generation inside and outside the organization  

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How to host…

Post a blog announcement

Promote it!

Use Tweetchat to participate

Post a transcript

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Promote It


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Where We Started (December 2011)

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Benefits of Twitter chats…

Rapid info exchange

Break down silos

Regular task acts as a behavior trigger.

Encourages reading, synthesizing through Twitter.

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What about Internal Networks?

Didn’t work for us, might work for you.


You’re still building silos.

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Set up Twitter…fast

Create Buy-In hierarchy  

What We’ve Learned

Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) aka Informal Learning

Coaching and support

Twitter chats

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Dare to make your company learning different.  

Just in time

In the workflow


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Thank You

•  [email protected] • •  Twitter: @BLPIndy, @SteveBoller

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Additional Resources  

•  7  Great  TwiZer  chats  for  Learning  •  Tweetchat  tutorial  •  How  to  use  Google  Reader  •  Favorite  iPad  apps,  produc6vity  apps  for  content  cura6on.  

•  Tools  for  power  users  

Current  clients  can  access  these  resources  on  our  Client  Only  web  portal.  Ask  your  BLP  Account  Manager  for  details.  
