Page 1: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One




KaraSievewright &RobinFolvikGraphicHistoryCollective

Ethan Heitner, artist

Page 2: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One
Page 3: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One




Illustrator JuliaSmith,PhDAuthor,Researcher


Illustrator RobinFolvikResearcher,Writer

Collective Members





Page 4: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One
Page 5: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One


MayDay:AGraphicHistoryofProtest (BetweentheLines,2012)DrawntoChange:GraphicHistoriesofWorking-ClassStruggle (BetweentheLines,2016)

Page 6: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One


“Workingon theWater,FightingontheLand: Indigenous Labour onBurrard Inlet”byTaniaWillardandtheGHC



Page 7: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One
Page 8: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One


Page 9: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One


1. Research 2. Transcribing 3. ScriptWriting

Page 10: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One


Page 11: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One


1. ThumbnailsorStoryboards2. Pencils- usecolouredpencilthatcan

beeasilyeraseddigitally3. Inking4. Scanning5. Photoshop - cleanupandfix


Page 12: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One
Page 13: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One
Page 14: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One
Page 15: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One
Page 16: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One
Page 17: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One

Even though it’s not perfect, it still helps think about the story in a different way!

Page 18: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One

Illustrate! Educate! Organize! Installation at the Cumberland Museum & Archives

Page 19: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One
Page 20: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One



1. Firstpersonusespaintormarkersto

createarandommarkon thepage

2. Secondpersonusesadifferentmarkertocreateacreature



1. In1minute

2. 30seconds

3. 5secondsWhathappens?

Page 21: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One



Materials:Postitnotes andpencils

Step1Breakoffintogroups offive.Assigneachpersonanumber 1- 5

Step2Writethestoryontheboard:1. Anexplorer islookingfortreasureintheocean2. Theygotothebottom oftheocean3. Theypickupatreasure atthebottom ofthesea4. Theyreturn hometolotsofexcitement5. Butthen theyrealizetheygotthewrongthing

Step3Eachperson isgoingtodrawtheir number lineofthestoryin3– 5panels.Onepanelperapost-itnote.

Step4Eachgroup isgoingtosticktheir panelstothewallorlaythemonthetableinorder.Takealookateveryone’sstories.Lookathowdifferent peopletoldthesamestory.Ignorevisualdifferences.

*Alsocalled TheWrongPlanet,fromDrawingWordsandWriting Pictures,JessicaAbelandMattMadden

Step5Gobacktoyourgroup, together decidewhereyouneedtoaddmorepanelstomakethestorybetter.Doyouneedtostretch outtheactionorcreate bridgesbetweensections.Thinkingabout pacing.

Step6Lookatyourstorynow.Arethere panelsyoucantakeout?Aretherefunnypartsthatyoucanmakefunnier.

Step7Lookaroundateveryone’sstories.Reviewthemtogether. Talkabouthowthestorieswork.

Page 22: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One



1. Everyonegetsapagewith9panelsonit.2. Usuallyyoustartwithapromptlike:

● Iusedto…(like,believe,dosomething)● Thiscanbefictionalornon-fictional

1. Everyonestartstheircomicinthefirstpanelusingthepromptandthenpassesittothepersonontheirleft.

2. Eachpanelgets4minutes.3. Attheendyoucangothroughthestories.

Page 23: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One


Page 24: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One

3.CreatingComics:MinicomicsActivity:Createaonepagecomicthatcanbefolded intoasmallbook


Page 25: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One


Activity:Createahistorical comic1. Studentsdoarchivalresearchorinterviewelders

2. Writeastoryscriptbasedonresearch

3. Createastoryboard

4. Createthevisualseitherthroughdrawing,usingfoundor



Skills:Reading, researching, writing, story creation, digital skillsSubjects:

English (or other language), Art, History, Computers

Page 26: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One
Page 27: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One
Page 28: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One

Display on comics prepared for the April 1954 Senate Subcommittee Hearings into Juvenile Delinquency. At the hearing there was a special focus on comic books(TIME Magazine)

Page 29: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One

Prepared by Provincial Advisory Board on Objectionable Publications

Page 30: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One
Page 31: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One


Page 32: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One

“TheBattleofBallantynePier:AnInjury toOneisanInjurytoAll”DavidLester

Page 33: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One


Page 34: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One


Page 35: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One

“CoalMountain” byNicoleMarieBurton

Page 36: Getting Graphic with the Past - Canada's History · “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love” by Jo SiMalaya Alcampo and Althea Balmes “The Battle of Ballantyne Pier: An Injury to One





Ethan Heitner, artist
