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REVOLUTION OF 1918-19When Germany was clearly losing the First World War, the German Kaiser

Wilhelm II abdicated. In November 1918, the Government of Germany was left in the hands of a new Chancellor. Friedrich Ebert. Ebert and his colleagues drew up a new democratic constitution for Germany, and in

the summer of 1919, he was elected the first President of the new Weimar Republic

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A DEMOCRATIC GERMANYIn theory, the new Weimar constitution gave Germany a nearly perfect democratic system

The ‘lower house’, or Reichstag, was elected by proportional representation. The vote was by secret ballot and universal suffrage (every adult could vote). Elections were to be held at least every 4 years.

The ‘upper house’, or Reichstrat, was made up of representatives from each of the German states. It could delay new laws.

The president was also the head of state and was elected every seven years. The President appointed a chancellor (usually the head of the largest party in the Reichstag) to form a government. The Chancellor’s role was therefore similar to the Prime Minister’s role in Britain.

In practice, it proved very difficult to get one party into power. Governments were usually coalitions of different parties and they tended not to last very long.

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SPARTACISTS REVOLT, 1919OPPOSITION FROM THE LEFT In November 1918, an independent socialist state was created in

Bavaria under the leadership of Kurt Eisner Communists in Germany, known as Spartacists, wanted a

revolution similar to the one in Russia in 1917. In January 1919, Communist activists led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg seized power in Berlin and the Baltic ports.

Within weeks, however, all the revolts had been crushed by regular troops and the Freikorps (group of ex-soldiers). The Communist leaders were assassinated.

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German nationalists saw democracy as weak. For many nationalists, the new Weimar Republic was a symbol of Germany’s defeat in the war. They were furious with the Government for signing the hated Treaty of Versailles. Many Germans wanted a strong government to make Germany great again.

In March 1920, Wolfgang Kapp, an extreme nationalist, and a group of Freikorps units seized power in Berlin.

Kapp was not supported by the workers in the factories. The workers organised a strike in Berlin in support of the Government. Within hours, the German capital came to a halt and supplies of gas, water and coal stopped.

After four days, Kapp and his supporters gave up and fled Berlin. Ebert and the Weimar Government returned to power.

Kapp was obviously biased against the Weimar government. Even so, some people viewed the government in 1920 as weak, corrupt and without authority.

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According to the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany had to pay for the damage caused during the First World War. These payments were known as reparations and were a major burden to the new state.

The Reparations Commission announced that Germany would be required to pay 132,000 million gold marks in annual instalments.

In 1922, the German Government announced it would not be able to pay the annual instalment and asked for more time.

The British Government agreed to this, but the French Government insisted that Germany must pay. In January 1923, the French and Belgian Governments sent troops to the Ruhr, the centre of German industry. The results were disastrous for Germany.

German workers used ‘passive resistance’ against the invaders (they did not fight but they refused to co-operate)

Factories closed and the Germany economy ground to a halt.

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HYPERINFLATION, 1923The Weimar Government printed more and more money to make their reparations payments. However, printing money simply caused prices to rise out of control and caused hyperinflation. The German Mark became virtually worthless.

As prices rose, people’s savings became worthless (this caused particular hardship to the middle classes). In 1923, prices in shops were increased almost every hour.

At times, workers were paid twice a day so they could buy food before prices rose. People on fixed incomes, such as pensioners, suffered badly. Prices rose much faster than incomes and many people starved as they were

unable to afford food or fuel.

Value of mark to dollar

1914 $1 = 4 marks

1922 $1 = 7,000 marks

July 1923 $1 = 160,000 marks

November 1923 $1 = 4,200,000,000 marks

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CRISIS UNDER CONTROLIn September 1923, at the height of the economic crisis, a new government was formed by Gustav Stresemann.

He stopped the printing of worthless paper money in November 1923. He created a new currency called the Rentenmark. He also called off the resistance against the French occupation by

German workers in the Ruhr. The German economy began to recover slowly, although French troops did not withdraw from the Ruhr until 1925.

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Weimar Germany faced political as well as economic troubles in this period. In 1923, a new nationalist leader called Adolf Hitler first came to prominence.

In November 1923, Hitler and the Nazis tried to seize control of the Bavarian Government. The plan was to capture Munich and from there march on Berlin. Hitler was convinced people would join him in overthrowing the failed Weimar regime.

On 8th November, at a political meeting in the Munich beer hall, Hitler forced Kahr, the head of the Bavarian Government, at gunpoint to join him.

The Nazi plan soon began to go wrong. On 9th November, Bavarian police opened fire on Nazi Storm troopers in Munich and sixteen Nazis were killed.

Ludendorff (the former First World War general who was now a Nazi supporter) and Hitler were arrested and charged with high treason.

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However, it was clear that Hitler’s view had some support in Germany.

Many Nazi supporters, including Hitler, received light or minimum sentences.

Hitler served his sentence in the comfortable Landsberg Fortress and spent his time writing his memoirs.

The memoirs were published as Mein Kampf (my struggled), in which Hitler outlined his view of German history and what Germany needed to do to recover.

The Munich Putsch became an important piece of Nazi propaganda once the Nazis gained power.

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ECONOMIC RECOVERYFrom the end of 1923, the German economy began to recover

There was a new currency, the Rentenmark, and Ruhr industries restarted production.

In 1924, Stresemann, now Foreign Minister, signed the Dawes Plan. This gave Germany loans from the USA and reparation payments were made easier.

German industry benefitted from new investment and unemployment fell sharply.

However, some groups, such as shopkeepers, small businessmen and farmers, continued to struggle in these years.

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During the mid 1920s, Stresemann’s aim was to get Germany accepted again as a member of the international community. He had great success in this field.

Germany signed the Locarno treaties (a set of seven agreements) in 1925 and agreed to accept the Treaty of Versailles, the terms of which set out the borders between France, Germany and Belgium.

In 1926, Germany was admitted into the League of Nations.

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EXTREMIST GROUPS Despite the gradual recovery of the German economy, extreme political groups in Germany continued to grow.

In the elections of 1923, the Nazis won only 14 seats in the Reichstag, and in 1928, they won only 12. throughout the country, however, Hitler was building a small but firm base of support.

The communists were also organising themselves throughout the country. They created the Red Fighting League and regularly fought street battles with Nazi Storm troopers (the SA). In 1924, the KPD (Communists) held 45 seats in the Reichstag and this grew to 54 in the 1928 election.

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The Weimar Republic claimed some important cultural achievements.

German cinema developed in the 1920s and produced stars such as Marlene Dietrich.

Artists such as George Grosz and Otto Dix led new movements in the visual arts.

Theatre flourished, producing world-renowned writers such as Bertolt Brecht.

Walters Gropius’ Bauhaus School developed new ideas in design of buildings and furniture, and became one of the twentieth century's most influential artistic movements.

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The recovery of the German economy was fragile. It depended heavily on American money. In 1929, disaster struck with the Wall Street Crash.

Many US banks recalled their loans. German companies were unable to pay.

German businesses began to close. Millions lost their jobs.

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Between 1928 and 1930, German unemployment rose from 2.5 million to 4 million. This provided an opportunity for extremist groups such as the Communists and the Nazis

As unemployment rose, more and more people felt let down by the Weimar Government and began to support extremist parties.

In the 1930 election, the KPD (Communists) increased its number of seats in the Reichstag from 54 to 77.

Nazi support increased from 12 seats in 1928 to 107 in 1930. the Nazis were now the second largest political party in the Reichstag.

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HOW THE DEPRESSION HELPED HITLER It caused a period of chaos in Germany No government could take control and solve Germany’s terrible

economic problems. Unemployment was the major issue. In January, 1932, it stood at 6

million. Hitler promised to get these people back to work. Through clever campaigning and his brilliant speaking skills, Hitler gained support in many parts of German society, including among the wealthy and powerful industrialists.

German farmers were also in crisis. They could not sell their produce and the banks were repossessing their land.

In two years, Hitler led the Nazi party from being the second largest party in the Reichstag to being the only legal party in Germany. By July 1933, the Weimar Republic and the democracy it represented had been destroyed

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Fear of CommunismAs the depression deepened, some workers turned to the Communists and the KPD vote rose. This alarmed many middle-class businessmen and farmers. They supported the Nazis for their anti-Communist stance.

Disillusionment with democracyBy 1932, Germans had lost faith in democratic political parties. They were unable to agree on any actions to solve the problems of the depression. President Hindenburg was running Germany using his emergency powers.

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THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, 1932In the 1932 election, Hitler ran for President against the ageing President Hindenburg.

In his speeches, Hitler blamed the ‘November criminals’ (those who had signed the Treaty of Versailles) and Jews for the problems Germany was facing.

He promised to build a better Germany , and many people believed him.

Hitler did not win, but he only lost to Hindenburg on a second vote. The Nazis felt they were close to success.

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In 1932 general election campaign was very violent. Nazis and Communists fought each other in street battles and nearly 100 people were killed.

The Nazis became the largest party in the Reichstag and Hitler demanded to be made Chancellor. Hindenburg was suspicious of Hitler and refused, appointing Franz von Papen, a conservative politician with no Reichstag party base, as Chancellor.

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Papen had little support in the Reichstag. To achieve his aims, he needed to win more support in he Reichstag and so he called another election in November 1932.

The Nazis lost seats in the election, but they still remained the largest party. Papen did not get the increased support he needed.

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It was becoming increasingly clear that President Hindenburg could not continue to work with the chancellor who did not have support in the Reichstag

Hindenburg and von Papen decided to make Hitler chancellor. They believed they would be able to control him once he was in power. On 30th January 1933, Hitler became chancellor and von Papen vice-


When he was appointed, Hitler tried to increase the number of Nazis in government, persuading Hindenburg to dissolve the Reichstag and hold another general election

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During the election campaign, on the night of 27th February 1933, the Reichstag was burnt to the ground. A communist, Marinus van der Lubbe, was arrested for the crime, allowing Hitler and the Nazis to exploit the fire for their own purposes. They quickly blamed the KPD (communists)

Hitler persuaded president Hindenburg to pass an emergency law restricting personal liberty. Under this law, thousands of Communist supporters were thrown into prison. But despite increasing their share of the vote in the election, the Nazis still did not have an overall majority in the Reichstag. They were forced to join together with the 52 nationalist members to create a government.

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Hitler still did not have enough support to have complete control of Germany. An Enabling Act would give him the right to pass laws for the next four years without having to obtain the support of members in the Reichstag. However, to pass an Enabling Act, Hitler needed to obtain the votes of two-thirds of Reichstag members, but he only had the support of just over half.

Hitler ordered his Storm troopers to continue intimidating the opposition. The 81 communist members of the Reichstag were expelled. In an atmosphere heavy with violence, the Enabling Act was passed by 441

votes to 94. Hitler was given the power to rule for four years without consulting the


In July 1933, Hitler increased further his grip on power. Using the powers of the Enabling Act, he outlawed all other parties making Germany a one-party state. The democratic Weimar Republic had been destroyed and Germany had become a dictarotrship.

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THE NIGHT OF LONG KNIVES, JUNE 1934Once he had gained power, Hitler’s priority was to rid himself of possible rivals. Ernst Rohm, leader of the SA, had played a major role in helping Hitler achieve power. However

The German army saw the SA as a rival. It would not support Hitler unless the SA was disbanded.

Some members of the SA wanted Hitler to follow a socialist programme of reform. Hitler was opposed to this as he would lose the support of wealthy industrialists.

Rohm was a threat to Hitler’s dominance of the Nazi Party.

Hitler made a deal with the generals of the German army. They promised to support him as commander-in-chief of the armed forces if the SA was disbanded, and if he started a programme of rearmament. On 30th June 1934, assassination squads from the SS (Hitler’s body guards) murdered Hitler’s potential SA rivals (including Rohm). It is estimated that up to 400 people were killed in the ‘Night of the Long Knives’.

just over one month later, President Hindenburg died. Hitler thereafter combined the posts of chancellor and president and also became commander-in-chief of the armed forces. From this point onwards, soldiers swore personal allegiance to Hitler, who became known officially as der Fuhrer (the leader)

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PROPAGANDANazis believed in complete loyalty and obedience. One of the major tools for this was propaganda. Hitler made Joseph Goebbels Minister of Propaganda.Goebbels’ job was to spread Nazi ideas and encourage all Germans to be loyal to Hitler. Goebbels (a former journalist) used his new powers to control all information that reached the German people in the following ways

All newspapers were censored by the Government and only allowed to print stories favourable to the Nazis.

Radio was also controlled by the Government. Cheap radios (which could only receive the Government-controlled station and had a limited range) were manufactured so that most Germans could afford one.

The Nazis took control of the German film industry. German films of the 1930s often showed great German heroes defeating their enemies.

Goebbels organised mass rallies. At the rallies, hundreds of thousands of Nazi supporters sang songs and watch sporting events and firework displays

The Nazis used sporting events to spread their propaganda. The 1930 Berlin Olympics was used by the Nazis to suggest the superiority of the Aryan Race

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VICTIMS OF PROPAGANDAThe main aim of propaganda was to give the German people a Nazi view of events.Another aim was to target certain groups inside and outside Germany including:

Anyone who supported the terms of the Treaty of Versailles Foreigners who criticised Hitler and the Nazis Communists and socialists Democrats and liberals Jews

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A POLICE STATEIn July 1933, Germany became a one-party state. All other political parties were banned and people who criticised the Nazis were imprisoned. This policy was enforced ruthlessly by the SS and the Gestapo. The SS, originally Hitler’s bodyguards and the police force of the Nazi party, now controlled all Germany’s police forces. The Gestapo was the secret police. It used terror tactics to intimidate, arrest and kill possible opponents.

Political enemies of the Nazis, such as liberals, socialists and Communists, were often arrested and sent without trial to concentration camps. The Nazis also persecuted people they termed ‘asocials’ – people who did not fit in a Nazi state. The list included:

Gypsies Homosexuals Alcoholics Juvenile delinquents Prostitutes Tramps and beggars Anyone who refused to work

Such people were treated harshly. Around 500,000 tramps and beggars were sent to concentration camps in 1933. about the same number of Gypsies died in Auschwitz and other death camps

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NAZI CONTROL OF SOCIETYThe Nazis took control of key parts of everyday life

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EDUCATIONTeachers had to belong to the German Teachers League and follow a Nazi curriculum.

School textbooks were rewritten to support Nazi ideas and history. Children were taught that the Aryan race was superior to others. Outside school, parents were encouraged to allow their children to join

youth groups organised by the Nazis (for example, Hitler youth, German Girls League), where they indoctrinated with Nazi ideas and beliefs.

THE CHURCHIn 1933, the Catholic Church in Germany signed a concordat (agreement) with Hitler. Both sides agreed not to interfere with each other’s policies or actionsThe Nazis closed down a number of church organisations and set up their own ‘church’ called the Reich Church. It was not Christian and banned followers from using the Bible, crosses and religious symbols.

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THE ROLE OF WOMEN Hitler stated that women’s role was Kinder, Kuche, Kirche (children,

kitchen, church). Marriage loans were given to women who gave up their jobs. There were restrictions on the employment of women as civil servants

and in the professions. Women were not allowed to be members of the Reichstag.

WORK An organisation called the German Labour Front (DAF) replaced the trade

unions. Workers were not allowed to leave their jobs without government permissions, and strikes were made illegal.

Opposition was rare. By the late 1930s, pay had increased and workers accepted the long working hours, and lack of rights because of the higher pay.

From 1935, six months’ work for the Reich Labour Service was made compulsory for all young men.

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LEISURE DAF’s ‘Strength Through Joy’ organisation provided workers with sports

facilities, cheap holidays and entertainments. It also ran a scheme for workers to save up to buy a ‘people’s car’

(Volkswagen), although no one got a car through the scheme before production at the car plant was switched to military vehicles in 1939.

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Jewish people received the worst treatment of all those persecuted by the Nazis

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PERSECUTIONIn 1933, the Nazis organised a boycott of all Jewish businesses, doctors, dentists, etc. Jewish shops were marked with the star of David and the word ‘Jude’.Jewish children were intimidated at school and Germans were taught that Jews were unclean and responsible for Germany’s defeat in the First World War.In 1935, the Nuremberg Laws were introduced in Germany:

Jews could no longer be German citizens Marriages between Jews and Aryans were forbidden

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KRISTALLNACHTIt is not clear how much most Germans knew about the persecution. However, in 1938 an event occurred that left nobody in any doubt.On 7th November 1938, a Polish Jew, Herschel Grynszpan, shot a German diplomat, Ernst von Rath, in Paris. Hitler ordered an immediate attack on Jews and their property in Germany. From 9th-10th November,, thousands of Jewish businesses were attacked and 200 synagogues burnt down. This was called Kristallnacht (‘the night of crystal’ or ‘the night of broken glass’).violence against Jews in Germany increased. Himmler, head of the SS, began to expand the building of concentration camps.

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THE ‘FINAL SOLUTION’At the beginning of 1942, when the Second World War was at its height, the Nazis finalised their plans for the extermination of all Jews in Europe. This policy of genocide became known as the ‘Final Solution’

New extermination camps were built and older camps updated. Between 1942 and 1945, 4.5 million Jews were gassed in death camps

such as Auschwitz, Treblinka, Chelmno and Sobibor. In total, the Nazis murdered over 6 million Jews.

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OPPOSITION TO THE NAZISMany Germans thought Hitler was a fine leader and genuinely supported him. Even among those who did not, many were unwilling to put their lives at risk. The Gestapo could arrest people merely on suspicion of opposing the Government. People were encouraged to inform on others. Many people were imprisoned and executed without trial. Given this use of terror and the brainwashing techniques used by Goebbels and the youth groups, it is understandable why there was so little opposition. However, there was some:

Many people, including Jews, left Germany and fled to other countries. These included famous scientists, artists, writers and musicians who criticised the Nazi regime.

Some Church leaders, such as Galen, the Catholic Bishop of Munster, and the Lutheran Pastor Niemoller, spoke out against Hitler. Niemoller was arrested in 1937 and spent the next eight years in concentration camps.

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THE JULY PLOTThe most famous opposition plot against Hitler took place on 20th July 1944, six weeks after the Allied armies landed in German-occupied France on D-Day. A group of army officers led by Colonel von Stauffenberg attempted to blow up Hitler at his Prussian headquarters. The bomb killed four people, but Hitler survived. The plotters were arrested, put on trial and executed.

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In 1933, nearly 6 million people were unemployed. When Hitler came to power her promised economic prosperity to German people. If he was to remain in power, therefore, he had to reduce unemployment.

Thousands of Germans were employed in public works schemes created by the Nazis. New roads, houses, hospitals and schools were built.

Businesses were paid subsidies to hire more workers. More jobs were created in the civil service. Some also took over jobs formerly held by Jews.

But rearmament was probably the key policy in getting Germany back to work.

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REARMAMENT The production of arms and ammunition was significantly increased. The Germany army, air force and navy were enlarged, despite restrictions

imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. Iron, steel and coal production rose rapidly as a result and made wealthy

Nazi industrialists, such as Krupps, even richer. Compulsory military service was introduced in March 1935. the number

of troops in the Germany army grew from 100,000 in 1933 to 1.4 million by 1939.

The effects of these measure were dramatic, and it is possible to see why many Germans were prepared to ignore the darker side of the Nazi regime.

Unemployment fell from over 6 million in 1933 to about 2500,000 in 1939.

By 1938, Germany was the wealthiest country in Europe and per capita (per head) incomes of Germans equalled those of people in Britain.

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EFFECTS OF REARMAMENT ON THE GERMAN ECONOMY The Nazis spent a large proportion of the country’s wealth on

maintaining huge numbers of people in the armed forces. Many of the former unemployed were in non-productive jobs (such as the

army). They did not contribute to economic recovery. Administration ad bureaucracy also increased significantly.

The German balance of payments throughout the 1930s (value of imports versus exports) gave cause for concern.

Germany’s worsening relations with its neighbours caused its share of world trade to fall from 10% in 1929 to 8% in 1938.

The German economy was built on preparing for war and territorial expansions

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GERMAN TERRITORIAL EXPANSIONHitler never concealed his aims. In Mein Kampf, he outlined his plan for Germany’s future. Hitler aimed to:

Destroy the Treaty of Versailles and make Germany great again Unite all the German peoples under on leader – as a result of the Treaty

of Versailles and the Treaty of St Germain, many Germans in the 1930s were living within borders of Poland, Czechoslovakia and Austria

Achieve lebensraum for the new Germany in eastern Europe. Hitler regarded the Slav peoples of eastern Europe, particularly the USSR, as inferior. These territories were therefore ideal for conquest and occupation.

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GERMAN VICTORIESThe war began spectacularly well for Germany Within six weeks of the German invasion of Poland in September 1939,

the Poles were defeated and out of the war. The German war machine had developed a new type of warfare –

Blitzkrieg (lightening war). Massive air power combined with fast-moving tanks (Panzers) brought quick victories from the German armed forces.

By June 1940, German troops had entered Paris and by the end of the year most of Europe including France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway and Denmark was under German occupation.

By the end of 1941, the Germans had advanced deep in the USSR and reached the outskirts of Moscow.

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THE IMPACT OF THE WAR ON GERMANYGermans soon felt the impact of war. Food rationing began in September 1939. from November 1939, clothes were rationed.

As the war went on, the state began to control life and work even more closely than before. The Gestapo kept a close watch for people who did not support the war effort. The SS became increasingly powerful. Germans were bombarded with propaganda. Sometimes they were told how well the war was going. Sometimes they were encouraged to support the war effort.

The conquest of Europe stretched German resources to their limits. All German industry was devoted to the war effort. From 1942 onwards, there were serious food shortages. An even bigger problem was shortage of housing due to bombing.

The Allies carried out massive bombing raids on German cities. In February 1945, 3,000 British and US bombers destroyed the German city of

Dresden. It is estimated that over 100,00 people died. The bombing raids did not defeat Germany, but they helped to undermine German

morale and disrupt industry.

By 1945, it was clear to most Germans that they were losing the war. In 1945, Goebbels was put in charge of the German Home Defence Force. He had to organise teenagers and old men to fight the invading Soviet, US and British forces. It was a hopeless situation.

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THE DEFEAT OF GERMANYIn the end, the combined forces of Britain, the USA and the USSR were too strong for Germany. There were times when it seemed that Britain might be strangled by the German U-boats attacking Atlantic supply lines. However, the enormous resources of the USA and USSR were too powerful even for Hitler’s Germany.

In January 1943, at Stalingrad, 300,000 German troops surrendered to the Soviet army.

In July 1943, Allied troops were advancing in Italy. In June 1944, the Allies launched their invasion on Normandy. By March

1945, Allied troops had crossed the Rhine into the heartland of Germany.

On 30th April 1945, deep in underground bunker under the Chancellory building, Hitler committed suicide. On 7th May 1945, Hitler’s Third Reich surrendered to the Allies; the Second World War (in Europe) was over)
