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GEOS 4310/5310 Lecture Notes: UnsaturatedFlow

Dr. T. Brikowski

Fall 2013

0Vers. 1.27, printed November 19, 2013

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I increasingly important in hydrology because it is the linkbetween the surface and the water table

I also because almost all solid waste disposal takes place abovethe water table (e.g. Yucca Mountain Nuclear WasteRepository)

I involves any water found between the ground surface and topof the capillary fringe

I unsaturated flow is also known as partially-saturated or vadosezone flow

I unsaturated zone pores are partially filled with water, i.e.pores contain water + air; consequently water surface tensionplays an important role in fluid movement (Fig. 1)

I more difficult to study and model than saturated flow, onlyrecently addressed in great detail

I good general online reference is Natural ResourcesConservation Service Soil Survey Manual

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Soil Makeup

Figure 1: Air-water-particle relationships in soil (Fig. 17.7, Keller, 2012).Changes in the distribution of air and water generally control soilbehavior.

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Unsaturated vs. Saturated Flow Regimes

Table 1: Comparison of saturated and unsaturated flow regimes Freezeand Cherry (after 1979, , p. 44). Symbols: moisture content (volumetric)θ, porosity φ, pressure head ψ, Pgage gage pressure (relative toatmospheric, Pgage = 0 at the water table), air-entry pressure Pa, andhydraulic conductivity K .

Saturated Unsaturated

Below water table Above water table (and capil-lary fringe)

θ = φ θ < φP > Pa P < Pa

Pgage > 0 Pgage < 0ψ > 0 ψ < 0h measured with piezometer h measured with tensiometerK 6= f (θ) K = K (θ)

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Basic Soil Properties

Table 2: Soil volumetric and weight properties, after Keller (Fig. 3A,2000).

Volume WeightVaair volume Air Wa

Vtotal volume

Vvvoid volume

Vwwater volume Water Ww W

Vssolid volume Solid Ws

And porosity n or φ = VvV

volumetric water content θv = VwV




saturation Rs or S = VwVv

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Surface Tension

I arises because liquid molecules at the air-water interface arepreferentially drawn away from the air by liquid-liquid bonds

I causes the air-water interface to be curved

I curves such that the surface area between the two phase isminimized (see also Hillel, 1980)

I similar tension arises along the interface between water andsolid

I Minimum surface energy (tension) is achieved by balancingthese two components

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Capillary Rise

I study using capillary tube example (Fig. 2)

I solid-liquid interfaceI against glass (polar surface), water forms an acute angle (the

wetting angle, where water is the wetting phase)I such an angle is sought by the water all around the water-tube

interfaceI tries to form the water surface in the tube into a

downward-pointing cone

I liquid-gas interfaceI air-water interface also seeks to be minimized (i.e. to be

rounded) in center of tubeI draws the interface in the center of the tube upwardI lowers the water pressure in the tube, and in general water

pressure inside a capillary tube is lower than atmospheric, byan amount equal to the total surface-tension

I non-wetting fluids work the opposite way, hence don’t trap airin the pores (e.g. Wikipedia)

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Capillary Tube

Figure 2: Capillary rise in a tube Fetter (Fig. 6.1, 2001).

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Capillary Fringe

I Knowing the tube radius, surface tension and the wettingangle, the capillary rise (or fluid pressure) can be calculated(eqn. 6-15, Fetter, 2001)

I soils can be modeled as bundles of capillary tubes

I a capillary fringe forms above the water table, where pores aresaturated but fluid pressure is negative

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Soil Moisture Balance

I as in the saturated zone, a water (moisture) mass balance canbe performed for the soil (Fig. 3–4)

I this is an important activity in agriculture, rangeland andforest management

I Definitions:I field capacity of soil: minimum soil moisture content resulting

from pure gravity drainage (Fig. 6.5, Fetter, 2001)I wilting point: minimum soil moisture content produced by

gravity drainage + plant evapotranspiration. Always lowerthan field capacity (Fig. 5)

I groundwater recharge cannot occur unless soil moisturecontent exceeds field capacity

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Moisture Budget

Figure 3: Soil moisture budget for a farm field Fetter (Fig. 6.3, 2001).PET computed using Thornthwaite Method, actual ET computed.

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Annual Moisture Variation

Figure 4: Hypothetical annual variation of soil moisture Fetter (Fig. 6.4,2001). Note especially groundwater and soil moisture recharge periods

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Texture vs. Water Content

Figure 5: Dependence of water content on grain size. Field capacity ismaximum storage possible under gravity drainage, wilting point isminimum storage under gravity drainage only. After Fetter (Fig. 6.5,2001).

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Pressure Head and Tension

I because of capillary forces, fluid pressure (or pressure head ψ)are generally negative (when given as gage pressures)

I soil scientists often refer to these as suction or tension head,and omit the negative sign

I fluid pressure and soil moisture content are directly relatedbecause of capillary forces

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Moisture Content: Measurement

I laboratory: gravimetric analysis (wet then dry weighing of soilsample)

I field:I tensiometer (measure pressure directly, good for low-suction

settings, Fig. 6)I resistance cells ( gypsum blocks, dissolve in ∼1 year, Fig. 7)I thermocouple psychrometer, good for high-suction settings

(Fig. 8)I TDR or time domain reflectometry (Fig. 9)

I Sends signal down a pair of conductors (waveguides)I speed of wave depends on interaction with surroundings,

determined by the dielectric constant of the soilI that varies directly with moisture contentI same principle as ground-penetrating radar (GPR)I accurate, flexible, mildly expensiveI most widely used is the Hydraprobe

I neutron probe (Fig. 10)I Given a source of fast (high-energy) neutrons

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Moisture Content: Measurement (cont.)

I these interact with pore water producing slow (thermal)neutrons

I measuring thermal neutron density indicates moisture contentI expensive, accurate at all suctions, but risky (neutron source


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Figure 6: Tensiometer for measuring soil suction in moist settings. Tubeis partly filled with water, low-permeability porous cup at bottom allowspressure equilibration with soil, pressure gauge measures suction (porepressure relative to atmosphere). See also SoilMoisture Inc..

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Gypsum Block Moisture Sensor

Figure 7: Gypsum (electrical resistance) block for measuring in-situmoisture content. Blocks equilibrate with soil, resistance of gypsum vs.moisture content known, and used to quantify moisture content. Blocksdissolve with time, leading to drift in measurements. After Hillel (Fig.7.2, 1980). See also SoilMoisture Inc..

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Thermocouple Psychrometer

Figure 8: Thermocouple psychrometer for measuring in-situ soil moisturecontent. Functions by measuring relative humidity within porous ceramiccup, which essentially indicates saturation. Effective in moist andrelatively dry settings, after Hillel (Fig. 7.13, 1980).

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TDR Probe

Figure 9: Time-domain reflectometry probe. Signal propagates downprobes, reflects from end, travel time is measured at top unit. SeeSoilMoisture, Inc. and TDR animation.

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Neutron Probe

Figure 10: Neutron probe for measuring soil moisture, especially usefulfor vertical profiles in boreholes. After Hillel (Fig. 7.3, 1980).

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Characteristic Curves

I the relationships between pressure head ψ, volumetricmoisture content, and hydraulic conductivity, are typicallydescribed graphically via characteristic curves (Fig. 11).

I Moisture Retention Curve (Fig. 13)I moisture content θ can be measured for a soil held under

varying pressure head ψI this is plotted as a moisture retention curve (e.g. Fig. 6.7,

Fetter, 2001).I two curves are generally found, depending on whether the

sample is being progressively dried or wetted. This is hysteresisI air-entry value:

I as a sample is gravity-drained from an initially saturated state,saturation changes little at first

I eventually the saturation begins to change rapidly with littlechange in ψ, as pores begin emptying, and air becomes acontinuous phase in the pores.

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Characteristic Curves (cont.)

I this occurs at the air-entry value ψa of pressure head, and thecorresponding fluid pressure is the air-entry or bubblingpressure (Fig. 13)

I HysteresisI hysteresis generally means a multi-valued function (e.g.

multiple values of θ are found for a given ψ, depending on thehistory of the sample)

I this phenomenon considerably complicates modeling ofunsaturated flow

I Conductivity curveI measured by fixing the sample θ and observing the water flow

rate. Darcy’s Law is used to obtain K (θ)

I conductivity decreases as pressure declines (i.e. withdecreasing saturation) because the water phase in the poresbecomes poorly connected.

I when logK is plotted against ψ, the curves are quite similar tothose for θ vs ψ (Fig. 14) or (e.g. Fig. 6.8 Fetter, 2001)

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Characteristic Curves (cont.)

I large pores will drain more quickly, which can preferentiallydirect flow (e.g. in the matrix rather than fractures infractured rock), or lead to surprising results (clay often hashigher conductivity than sand or gravel at low water content)(Fig. 15)

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Example Characteristic Curves

Figure 11: Idealized curves of tension head (ψ), hydraulic conductivity(K) and water content (θ) After Fetter (Fig. 6.8, 2001).

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Moisture Retention vs. Grain Size

Figure 12: Available moisture vs. grain size, after soil saturationsummary. “pF” is the logarithm of the height of water column (cm) thatwould yield the necessary suction.

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Water Content vs. P, Clay Loam





0.10 0.20 0.30sat = 0.32θ






Figure 13: Schematic moisture retention curve showing typical relationship between pressure head ψ andmoisture content θ in unsaturated materials. Hysteresis shown, where wetting curve always lies to the higher ψside of the drying curve. See also Fetter (Fig. 6.8, 2001) and Freeze and Cherry (Fig. 2.13, 1979).

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K vs. Water Content, Clay Loam








5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45


) (c



Moisture Content Θ (%)

Clay Loam Characteristic Curve

Figure 14: Schematic unsaturated conductivity curve showing typicalrelationship between moisture content θ and hydraulic conductivity (K)in unsaturated materials. See also Fetter (Fig. 6.8, 2001) and Freeze andCherry (Fig. 2.13, 1979).

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K vs. Grain Size

Figure 15: Dependence of hydraulic conductivity on water content andgrain size. Note crossover where coarse sediments become morepermeable at high water contents. After Fetter (Fig. 6.10, 2001).

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Unsaturated Flow Equation

I head in the unsaturated zone is the sum of the elevation zand pressure head ψ, just as in the saturated zone

I the flow equation is different than the saturated case, sinceconductivity is a function of ψ or θ

I Flow Equation (AKA Richards Equation, the form belowassumes ∇ψ � 1)


∂t= ∇ · (K (ψ)∇ψ)



[K (ψ)



]+ · · ·

I solution of this non-linear equation can be difficult, but anumber of good numerical models are available (e.g.HYDRUS2D)

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Storm Infiltration Pulse

Figure 16: Downward movement of infiltration pulse in a soil, withporosity of 29% (i.e. θ = 0.29 is full saturation). Field capacity is 0.06.After Fetter (Fig. 6.9, 2001). See also resistivity results from Norwayairport report.

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Drought Pulse

(a) 0.5m (b) 1.5m

(c) 1.0m (d) 2.0m

Figure 17: Soil moisture variation at 1 m depth, El Reno, OK 1998-2007. Note propogation and persistenceof moisture deficit with depth. From Garbrecht, Schneider, and Brown (2007).

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Texas Vertisol Summary

I Central Texas (primarily along the Edwards-Trinity groups) ischaracterized by Vertisols, a taxonomic soil group thatexhibits shrink-swell behavior (Fig. 18)

I one well-studied site is Riesel, TX (USDA-ARS Grassland, Soiland Water Research Laboratory, Allen et al., 2005)

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Vertisols in Texas

Figure 18: Distribution of soils with high shrink-swell potential in Texas(Vertisols). After USDA.

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Shrink-Swell in Soils

Figure 19: Shrink-swell process in Vertisols, and its consequences (Fig.17.11a-b, Keller, 2012)

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Dallas Sat-Unsat Zone Interaction

Figure 20: Seasonal changes in aquifer-soil interaction in BlacklandPrairie soil (Vertisol, Fig. 11, Allen et al., 2005).

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Dallas Sat-Unsat Zone Interaction 2

Figure 21: Seasonal changes in rainfall-runoff in Blackland Prairie soil(Fig. 13, Allen et al., 2005). This study also found no runoff occursuntil 20% of annual rainfall has re-moistened the soil.

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DFW Local Runoff Curve








Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec



















off C





Runoff Coefficient




Pr >


Normal Precip

Figure 22: DFW climate normals and high-JJA (summertime) averageprecipitation . Monthly runoff coefficient is computed as the ratio ofmonthly normal runoff divided by monthly normal precipitation for thebasin.

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DFW Local Runoff Curve (cont.)

I As water stress increases, significant changes in agriculturaland urban irrigation will be required.

I One method, surge irrigation (Fig. 23), enhances crop waterefficiency significantly (Fig. 24).

I a casualty of these issues is rice farming in Australia

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Surge Irrigation

Figure 23: Surge irrigation principles, after U. Neb. Left showsalternating distribution of irrigation surges, right shows resulting soilmoisture infiltration.

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Surge Efficiency

Figure 24: Surge irrigation benefits: increased irrigation efficiency (waterproductivity, or increased crop yield per unit of water). From a study ofVertisol agriculture, Ethiopia (Jiru and Van Ranst, 2010).

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Allen, PM et al. (2005). “Field data and flow system response in clay (vertisol)shale terrain, north central Texas, USA”. English. In: HydrologicalProcesses 19.14, pp. 2719–2736. issn: 0885-6087. doi: 10.1002/hyp.5782.

Fetter, C. W. (2001). Applied Hydrogeology. 4th. Upper Saddle River, NJ:Prentice Hall, p. 598. isbn: 0-13-088239-9. url:,1144,0130882399,00.html.

Freeze, R. A. and J. A. Cherry (1979). Groundwater. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-Hall, p. 604.

Garbrecht, J. D., J. M. Schneider, and Glenn. O. Brown (2007). “Soil WaterSignature Of The 2005-2006 Drought Under Tallgrass Prairie At Fort Reno,Oklahoma”. In: Proceedings of Oklahoma Academy of Science 87,pp. 37–44. url:

Hillel, D. (1980). Applications of soil physics. Academic Press, New York,p. 385. isbn: 0-12-348580-0.

Jiru, Mintesinot and Eric Van Ranst (2010). “Increasing water productivity onVertisols: implications for environmental sustainability”. English. In: JournalOf The Science Of Food And Agriculture 90.13, pp. 2276–2281. issn:0022-5142. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.4082.

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References (cont.)

Jury, W. A., W. R. Gardner, and W. H. Gardner (1991). Soil Physics. ISBN0-471-83108-5. New York: John Wiley and Sons, p. 328.

Keller, E. A. (2000). Environmental Geology. 8th. Upper Saddle River, NJ:Prentice Hall. isbn: 0-13-022466-9.

– (2012). Introduction to Environmental Geology. 5th. Prentice Hall. isbn:9780321727510. url:


Simunek, J., M. T. van Genuchten, and M. Sejna (1999). “Using theHYDRUS-1D and HYDRUS-2D codes for estimating unsaturated soilhydraulic and solute transport parameters”. In: Proceedings of theinternational workshop on Characterization and measurement of thehydraulic properties of unsaturated porous media. Ed. byM. T. van Genuchten, F. J. Leij, and L. Wu. Monograph. U.S. Dept. ofAgriculture, U. S. Salinity Laboratory. Riverside, CA: U. California-Riverside,pp. 1523–36.

Tindall, J. A. and J. R. Kunkel (1999). Unsaturated Zone Hydrology forScientists and Engineers. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. isbn:0-13-660713-6.
