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Page 1: Georgian, April 2014

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01perspect ives Inside the Writer’s Mind

Vol. 86 No. 02

22from big box to des ign that rocks Fitness and Athletics Center

george school choralesh ines at carneg ie hall A Joyful Performance

30alumni weekend Come back to campus May 9-11, 2014


Page 2: Georgian, April 2014

TABLE OF CONTENTS Vol. 86 | No. 02 | APRIL 2014


PHOTOS: Inside Front Cover: Independence Chairholder Terry Culleton, Laramore Chairholder Molly Stephenson, and Price Chairholder Meredith Alford ’01 gathered on Main South Porch. Thanks to generous donors who supported these funds, George School is able to honor outstanding teachers and provide competitive salaries and enrichment opportunities for faculty. Front Cover: Rosie Wood ’13 reviewed her writing assignment for English class. (Photos by Bruce Weller)


Inside the Writer’s Mind

02 Breaking into Television

04 Three Writers Watch, Listen, and Publish

06 Five Habits from a Pro

08 Emerging Writers Find Their Voices

11 A Rich Tradition of Writing

13 IB English: Writer’s Focus

16 eQuiz Highlights


22 From Big Box to Design that Rocks

26 George School Voices Share Stories

28 Stickney Endowed Scholarship Fund Helps Students Thrive

30 George School Chorale Shines at Carnegie Hall

36 Alumni Weekend

• Schedule of Events

• Alumni Award Recipient

Lael Brainard ’79

• Distinguished Service Award

Recipient John Streetz





Page 3: Georgian, April 2014


Writing has always been a core part of George

School’s curriculum. Today our students con-

tinue to be exposed to, and to practice, both crit-

ical and creative writing throughout their four

years of English study. All of our history students

write research papers, students write journals in

religion classes, lab reports in science, and essays

for college admission. George School sophomores

are using writing to make connections between

two distinct subject areas for the new TAD

(Thinking Across Disciplines) project, and all of

our more than one hundred IB Diploma candi-

dates will complete a 4,000 word extended essay

exploring a topic of their choice to be submitted

to a grading panel in Wales that will assess their

writing against that of students worldwide.

It isn’t surprising, then, that among George

School’s graduates are poets, textbook writers,

journalists, script writers, children’s book

authors, novelists, speech and song writers, non-

fiction authors, and increasing numbers of blog,

Twitter, and web-based writers. Among numer-

ous other distinctions, George School graduates

have earned Pulitzer Prizes, won Scholastic Art

and Writing awards, and been published in some

of the world’s most prestigious journals.

In this “Perspectives” section we will explore

the writing that just a few of our graduates, stu-

dents, and teachers are doing across a variety of

genres. You’ll learn about screenwriting and the

sometimes difficult Hollywood machine, explore

the fascinating work of a poet, a children’s book

author, and a songwriter, and read a brief his-

tory of faculty authors at George School. You’ll

read about a member of the Class of 2014 and her

Editor’s Choice Award winning poem, Citrus,

learn Emmy Laybourne’s five essential tips for

writing, and finally read all about the IB English:

Writer’s Focus course and explore the work our

students are doing in that popular class.

As Henry James, an American-born British

writer, once said “it takes a great deal of history

to produce a little literature.” The history of

writing at George School is rich—and we invite

you to explore it with us in this edition of the








Inside the Writer’s Mind

HEAD OF SCHOOL NANCY STARMER poses for a photo in Mollie Dodd Anderson Library. The library is filled during evening study times and throughout the day students can be found reading and writing for assignments and pleasure.


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APR I L 2014


“Do stuff.” That’s the maxim Sam Laybourne ’93

offers to those trying to break into the television


“There is so much learning you can do without

being a part of the bigger Hollywood machine,” said

Sam. “Study [television] shows, learn how to ana-

lyze scripts, and learn about structure—those are all

things you can do on your own to just learn. Shoot a

web series, short film, or pilot and stop spending all

your time looking for employment. The best way to

figure this industry out is to just start doing stuff.”

“Doing stuff” is how Sam got his start in the

industry nearly twelve years ago. After earning

a master’s in English from Columbia University

and spending a few years teaching at the Beacon

School in New York City, he set off on a whirlwind

adventure that would eventually find him back in

New York as executive producer and co-creator

of The Michael J. Fox Show.

“I wanted to try my hand at writing so I moved

out to Los Angeles. I wrote my own material,

worked on improv teams, and did just about any-

thing that allowed me to work in the creative space.”

With the help of a few friends, Sam worked his way

through the Hollywood ranks. He ghost wrote for

R.L. Stine, wrote an episode of Scout’s Safari for

NBC, and was eventually hired by Will Gluck as a

writer’s assistant for the show Luis on Fox—a great

opportunity for someone who was just starting out.

Despite these opportunities it was still several years

before he finally had the chance to move from an

auxiliary position to a staff position.

“I put in my time and learned from all the

great writers I was working with and through that

I got friendly with another writer, Tom Saunders,”

said Sam. “He recommended me for a job working

on Arrested Development and that was my first big

break.” After a stint on Arrested Development, Sam

spent some time bouncing around between shows,

a common occurrence for writers early in their

careers. Eventually, he landed a job writing and

producing for Cougar Town where he spent three

years honing his skills. When Will Gluck reached

out to Sam to find out if he was interested in part-

nering to create The Michael J. Fox Show, everything

fell into place.

The pair spent time developing the show, meet-

ing with Michael, and pitching the show to networks.



SAM LAYBOURNE ’93, on the set of The Michael J. Fox Show, shares lessons learned in the television industry. Here Sam is pictured with Christopher Lloyd from Back to the Future, a guest star in an upcoming episode.

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Luck and talent were on their side. When Sam and

Will pitched NBC, the network responded with an

amazing opportunity—they ordered twenty-two

episodes of the show outright. Sam had no choice

but to hit the ground running—something his

experience at George School had prepared him for.

“George School teaches you and encourages

you to focus on as many aspects of your creative

and social lives as you can,” he said. “You’re really

empowered to try your hand at everything—sports,

creative writing, musical theater, chorus. It’s like

cross-training for leadership—you have the oppor-

tunity to do all these creative things but you also

have to work on your ability to express yourself and

be a leader.”

This cross-training in leadership and time

management was instrumental in helping Sam

develop skills that have come in handy this year

as executive producer of The Michael J. Fox Show.

“Early on George School gave me a lot of help

in thinking about leadership and how to take that

on as a point of pride,” he shared. “I see that in the

work I’m doing now and the way that I treat the

people that I employ, with care and kindness.”

Among those he employs is a group of writers

that Sam worked with to develop each episode of

the show.

“We rely on group writing almost exclusively,” he

said. “Typically, you come up with a germ of an idea

as a group and you outline a show. Then one writer

will spend a week or so developing that idea and

writing a first draft.”

Once the first draft is written the script will

come back to the group where they will work on

clarifying ideas and punching up jokes before it’s

sent to the studio and the network for comments

and approval.

“Working with Michael has been amazing; he’s

every bit as generous, thoughtful, fun, creative, and

fearless as billed. It is inspiring to work with him.”

Though the show has struggled during its first

season, Sam is hopeful that they will gain traction

with the remaining seven episodes of the show—

some of the best episodes of the season in his


“Our ratings haven’t been that high—we’re on

a tough night of television with a lot of competition.

It takes a while to get used to the tone of a show but

we’ve really heard rave reviews lately and it feels like

we’ve finally figured this thing out,” said Sam.

“I’m really hopeful that we’ll get to keep

doing it. There’s a lot of positive energy on the set,

so we’ll see.”

MICHAEL J. FOX, playing Mike Henry, and Anne Heche, playing Susan Rodriguez-Jones, headed to Sochi to cover the Winter Olympics in Season 1, Episode 15.

SAM LAYBOURNE ’93 reviews the most recent filming of a scene on set.

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APR I L 2014


You couldn’t pick three more disparate forms of

writing than children’s books, crime fiction, and

poetry, varying in length, topic, and audience.

And yet, three George School alumni, authors all,

have more in common than teenage years spent in


“I always wrote,” says Ann Herbert Scott ’44,

recalling her first published poem in an elementary

school letterpress booklet. “And I always had

a sense of wanting to write.”

As a senior at George School, Ann was the

editor of the George School News. “We taught our-

selves,” she says. “I learned how to write editorials

in the bathroom after lights out.” Ann remembers

Stephen Sondheim ’46, “one very bright sophomore,

who brightened our George School News with

crossword puzzles about the life of the school”

and her column of comments and verse inspired

by the The New Yorker “Talk of the Town” that she

continued in the weekly paper at the University of


After a bachelor’s in English from the

University of Pennsylvania and a master’s in social

ethics from Yale, Ann worked in low-income hous-

ing projects in New Haven. There she discovered

that “there were virtually no books for children

of color. So I, and other people, began thinking

of books that might be of interest to those children

and to the children of the world.”

After marrying a theoretical physicist, William

Scott, and moving to Nevada, Ann found time

to write. Her first book was Big Cowboy Western,

“because fifty years ago that was what a small boy

with a cowboy hat in a project had called himself.”

Many other books followed, most of them

coming “from listening to children” and “all about

children and emotions and adventure.” On Mother’s

Lap, about making room for a new baby, was

inspired by her son and illustrated with an Inuit

boy. A girl she encountered in a post office, whose

voice got softer and softer as no one responded to

her greeting of “Hi,” led to the appropriately titled

Hi, another book with a multiracial cast. Brave as a

Mountain Lion tells of a Native American boy afraid

to perform in a spelling bee. Ann considers the sto-

ries presents from the children who inspired them.

“They come from the voice of a child, and I’ve had

the good luck to hear the child and to have an excel-

lent artist to illustrate them.”

Along the way she also found time to help

her husband with his scholarly writings and to

pen a history of the US census. “I get interested in

things,” describes Ann, who now lives at Friends

House, a retirement community north of San

Francisco. To hear her tell it, her greatest skill as a

writer is the ability to watch and listen.

Poet Jaki Vincent Shelton Green ’71 also draws

inspiration from the voices of those around her.

Growing up in the rural South, she based much of

her early writing on “the civil rights movement,


Three Writers Watch, Listen, and Publish

GEORGE SCHOOL ALUMNI Ann Herbert Scott ’44, Jaki Vincent Shelton Green ’71, and Dennis Tafoya ’77 share their insights about the craft of writing.

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being in a rural community, and witnessing the

beautiful ordinariness of everyday life.” But all was

not beautiful in her Southern life. After protest-

ing racism in her high school, Jaki was expelled

and, upon her return, shunned by both whites

and blacks. Reading and writing became her sol-

ace. “Books have been my friends since I was a very

young child,” she recalls. “Books and my writing

sustained me before I went to George School.”

At the urging of a family friend, Jaki came to

George School for her junior and senior years. It

was an extraordinary change. “It didn’t matter that

I was different. I was honored for being different. I

was encouraged to question, to look at things that

were not just, and to articulate displeasure with

things that affected disenfranchised people. I had

never been in classes that had let me speak openly

and write openly about what I wanted to write

about.” Armed with “a dozen or so journals,” she

wrote voraciously. “I would go to the pond or down

to the fields and write for hours. George School was

a very interesting cultural shock for me, but it was

there that I really discovered my writing voice.”

Jaki worked in community economic develop-

ment for more than twenty years, all the while writ-

ing and drawing on the people she encountered.

“I’m sitting there working with this woman, listen-

ing to her story, and she’s a poem,” says Jaki, whose

poetry covers a range of topics—the South, fam-

ily, nature, identity, political consciousness—all

with a “decidedly female voice.” She is the author

of several books, including Dead on Arrival, Masks,

and Conjure Blues, and her work has appeared in

numerous publications, including online.

Jaki also creates and facilitates cultural

programs. “I’ve been very intentional about how

writing and the arts empower and transform lives,”

she explains. She got her first taste at George School

through a community service project tutoring

students in Trenton. Over forty years later she still

works with people in “marginalized communities

who are also writing and have powerful stories to

tell.” These include the incarcerated, the homeless,

the mentally ill, survivors, and the elderly as well

as teachers, hospice care providers, and substance

abuse counselors. It’s a desire that “comes from

family and community and was nurtured at George


Today Jaki has retired from her full-time

job so she can spend more time on her writing

and artistic residencies. She is also coping with

an aggressive inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis

that has severely limited the use of her hands—but

not her voice or her spirit. In October she will be

inducted into the North Carolina Literary Hall of

Fame, adding to a list of distinctions that includes

being the first Piedmont Laureate in 2009.

Dennis Tafoya ’77 was also a prodigious reader

and writer, but aside from some pieces he submit-

ted to electronic journals, he wasn’t expecting to

write for more than himself. Getting published was

a happy accident. A producer saw some of his sto-

ries on the web and asked if he had a novel. “I had

about two-thirds of one,” he concedes, “so I got it

finished, and she helped me get a manager in L.A.,

who helped me get a literary agent, who got me to

St. Martin’s—actually Minotaur, the crime division

of St. Martin’s.” Dope Thief was published in 2009.

“I didn’t know I was writing a crime novel. I

thought I was writing a literary novel with crimi-

nals,” admits Dennis. “I enjoy writing about people

who are in extreme situations.”

“My education as a writer came largely from

reading,” he adds. “I love to read, and teachers were

instrumental in that, particularly John Gleeson ’65,

who got me thinking about literature and the job

that books do. I’ve always been a very eclectic


Dennis’s education as a writer of crime fiction,

however, comes from “a ton of research. I have no

background as a newspaper writer, cop, or parole

officer.” In fact, Dennis is in business-to-busi-

ness sales. “So I read obsessively about these sub-

jects.” He sees the humor in his situation. “I live in

Lambertville [New Jersey]. I drive a Camry. I’m a

suburban guy with a dark imagination who writes

about criminals and junkies and inmates. I hear

from them once in a while. They’ll give me updates

on prison slang. I spend a lot of time trying to get

all the details right, and they seem to think I do a

good job.”

Dennis counts himself lucky to have gotten

some great reviews and to have a publisher who is

giving him time to develop and to build his audi-

ence. His second book, The Wolves of Fairmount

Park, like his first, has been optioned for a film,

though he knows it may never get made. A third

novel, The Poor Boy’s Game, is due out this spring.

As exciting as this is, “The biggest thrill has been

meeting and spending time with fellow writers.”

Ultimately, whether these writers had their

first piece published five years ago or fifty, they

are united by a desire to read, to write, to capture

authentic stories by listening carefully, and to take

part in a broader community of artists.

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APR I L 2014

I had the privilege of coming to George School

and speaking about the Monument 14 trilogy and

my life as a novelist last year. I spoke with several

students about the habits I have put into place that

help to keep me humming along in my daily work.

Here’s a little recap.

I only write if have at least two hours

in front of me.

Most days, it takes me at least forty-five minutes to

calm down my mind and get ready to write. It’s a

horrible forty-five minutes, during which time the

temptation to check emails and answer phone mes-

sages is nearly unbearable. But if I can wait it out,

I will eventually find my way into the core of my

own creativity.

Now, if I do all that suffering and finally get

there and the words start to f low and then all of a

sudden I have to stop because, say, it’s time to pick

my kids up from school, or I have a dentist appoint-

ment, or I have to go have lunch with some dearly

beloved friend—it makes me want to gouge my

heart out. Sorry, dearly beloved friend, I’m hating

your guts for a moment.

That’s why I leave myself at least two hours to

write—preferably six.

I write five days a week.

When I am working on a novel, if I do not give it

a certain amount of my bandwidth, I lose momen-

tum. I think of it this way: I’ve asked a group of

characters to come and hang around me while I

tell a story about what is happening to them. I owe

them my company. It’s sort of like inviting guests to

a party—if I don’t pay attention to them, they get

bored and wander off.

Now, this is not to say that I write five days

a week every week! No, I have to take weeks off at

a time when I need to prepare for a book launch.

And during the editing process, I find I can work

in fits and starts. In fact, when I’m editing, I prefer

to work for shorter lengths of time—it helps me to

have a fresh eye when I sit down again.

But if I’m focusing on drafting a novel, I try

to clear my schedule as best I can so that I can not

only write five days a week, but also follow habits

3, 4, and 5.

Five Habits from a Pro





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I write at the same time each day.

That way the party guests know when to show up!

I used to know a comedy improviser who did eight

shows a week in a big Off-Broadway improv com-

pany. He said that at 7:55 p.m. every night, whether

he was working or not, he’d start to get an adrena-

line rush and his mind would suddenly sharpen up.

You can train yourself to work that way too. Come

9:00 a.m. your ideas will start f lowing if you’ve

started writing every weekday at 9:00 a.m. for a


I also happen to like writing in the morning.

That’s when I have the most juice. I try not to do

“office work” like answering emails or writing

newsletter articles in the morning. I don’t want to

spend my best stuff on emails and witty tweets!

I act like a professional athlete.

Sort of.

I don’t like, you know, work out.… But I do eat

three meals a day with protein and I get at least

eight hours of sleep a night. Writing is hard. It takes

brain power!

I need to eat the right foods and get plenty

of rest if I’m going to perform at my desk.

I don’t judge until it is time to edit.

When I was working as an actor and rehearsing for

an audition, I used to reserve a chair for my inner

Critic. (Yeah, with a capital C.) I would rehearse

the scene and then I’d sit down in the chair and

review the scene as the critic, “Wow, you’re never

going to get this part! You’re too old for it and why

are you making your voice all dopey like that?

They’d be crazy to hire you and your pants are

horrible.” Then I’d stand up and turn and face

the Critic chair and defend myself. “Screw you!”

I’d shout. “I could totally book this and my voice

sounds great and I’m only twenty-eight and these

pants are awesome!”

Then I’d go change my pants and ace the


I don’t let that creepy Critic sit down with me

when I start to write. My desk chair just isn’t big

enough for the two of us.

You cannot create and judge at the same time.

It’s like trying to drive a car while slamming on the


And when you take your foot off the brake—

when you allow yourself to relax and trust your

internal creative engine—you’ll f ly.

Emmy Laybourne ’89 is the author of the Monument 14 trilogy which tells the story of four-

teen kids from Monument, Colorado who are trapped in a superstore as civilization collapses

outside the gates. Her third book in the series, Savage Drift will be released on May 9 by

Macmillan. She’s delighted to connect with present, past, or future George School students on

Twitter (@EmmyLaybourne) or Facebook (




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APR I L 2014

Alexa (Lexi) Hornbeck ’10 is a traditional writer in

the sense that her words are intended to be read.

From her first piece of fiction—a ten-page story

about a raccoon family, penned or, probably more

accurately, penciled in first grade—to the in-prog-

ress cult novel Death of a Thousand Paper Cuts, Lexi

has known that, “I was born to be a writer. I have no

choice. I’ve always needed to write and have felt it’s

a natural part of my day, a natural part of life.”

Lexi is quick to explain that her writing and

her dream of a writing career were nurtured at

George School. “My freshman year I had EWo [Eric

Wolarsky], and he is still one of my big inspirations.

I always knew I wanted to write, but he made me

think I could be a writer. When I started reading the

kind of fiction I wanted to write, when I realized the

complexity of these writers’ minds, I realized I had

so much more to do to get to that point.” She appre-

ciates not just how Eric teaches literature, but how

he incorporates a love and understanding of art his-

tory. “He would talk about these works of art in a

poetic, story way, and he showed me how important

it is to document cultural consciousness, to be an

artist who can catalog the emotions of the world.”

English with Terry Culleton, film class with

Scott Hoskins, and being on Argo, George School’s

literary magazine, also helped Lexi hone her craft.

She loved critiquing her peer writers’ work (anony-

mously) and receiving their critiques in return.

A “more adult version” of that process unfolded in

the writing seminars of New York City’s Eugene

Lang College, the New School’s liberal arts college.

There she has churned out twenty-five-page stories

weekly and served as the art director and fiction

editor for the university’s literary journal, Eleven

and a Half. She will graduate this summer with

a major in literary studies, a focused concentration

in fiction writing, and a minor in poetry.

“Most days you can find me cataloging imag-

ination beneath a light bulb in my five-bedroom

warehouse loft in Brooklyn,” Lexi says. She writes

at least 1,000 to 1,500 words a day. “My goal is to

create fiction that cross-breeds a number of genres

and narrative voices, and cleverly speaks to cultur-

ally important issues—mental illness, diversity in

America, and the interpretation of art—without

giving readers a prescription for how to view the

Emerging Writers Find Their Voices BY ANDREA LEHMAN


What does it mean to write in 2014? Unlike the generation before them, today’s young writers are

inhabiting a creative landscape in which you don’t need a publisher or an agent or even your words

printed on paper. You can simply write and get your words out there in the form of your choosing.

The media for three recent George School graduates vary. What is constant is their need to capture

the human experience through art.


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world.” She especially loves to write character-

driven fiction with a postmodern perspective.

Meanwhile, she works a full-time internship

for Breakthru Radio and TV, writing weekly op-ed

pieces and interviewing people on the street. “It

has kept me connected to what is really happen-

ing in the world. Writing fiction allows me to hide,

where writing journalism allows me to understand

what I’m hiding from.” Or, as she puts it, “Life is

just lousy fiction, and I’m its witness hiding in the


One thing Lexi won’t write is a blog. “There’s too

much blog writing that’s bad, that’s destroying writ-

ing itself. Readers are looking to be entertained

more than informed.”

Though she ultimately envisions grad school,

for now Lexi is content to soak up life experience

with “five roommates from all different states and

countries and all walks of life” and a love-hate

relationship with the city. “Once you understand

what it truly means to be a starving artist living in

New York, you realize how unromantic it really is.

Despite the chaos, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Kabir Chopra ’09, on the other hand, wants you to

see what he writes. Also living in New York City, he

is primarily a filmmaker, having graduated from

New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts with

a bachelor of fine arts in dramatic writing [screen-

writing] and minors in South Asian studies and

the business of entertainment, media, and technol-

ogy. Kabir thinks in—and cranks out—short films

the way Lexi turns out short stories. “I can make a

whole film in a week,” he admits. Many of the films

he’s written and directed have been screened at New

York film festivals or are available on the web (on

YouTube and

“I like romantic stories, dating stories. I’ve lived

in New York for five years. All I’m hearing is dating,

marriage, divorce, infidelity. It’s what I see every

day.” But his rom-coms have a decidedly millennial

edge: Strangers (about internet dating), Addicted—

the Series (a dark comedy about video game addic-

tion), The Dating Sim (about mobile gaming and

online dating), and Love, Bearly (a teddy bear’s-eye

view of a relationship). They don’t tend to end hap-

pily ever after.

Kabir readily admits that the foundation for his

life in film was laid at George School—and in more

than his film class. “Being at George School opened

my mind to all the possibilities of art. I learned how

to write. I learned storytelling and not just through

writing, but through photography as well. Visually

that helped hone my skills.” (It is also helping him

make a living photographing parties, events, and

actors’ headshots.) In addition, Terry Culleton’s

“fantastic” IB Higher Level Writer’s Focus course

“kicked my butt about being a writer and having an

eye for stories. But George School’s biggest contri-

bution was that it helped me believe in myself as an

artist and gave me the confidence to go out there

and make my mark.”

Kabir’s goal is to write and direct his first fea-

ture film. He’s writing a script “in the same vein as

My Best Friend’s Wedding” and then plans to shoot

it as a short and send it to film festivals. If he can

get funding, he’ll make it full length. Until then,

he continues to make shorts. “The technology has

made it so easy to film your work, put it online,

email it out, and let it be out in the world. Anyone

who has an iPhone or computer can see what I

wrote. That’s the best part of being a writer: you can

create characters in a world and have people experi-

ence it. Isn’t that what every writer wants?”


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APR I L 2014

The words that Jacob Folk ’11 writes are meant to be

heard. Since he was eight, he has written music. As

part of the Zealots, a George School band, “I wrote

songs about women and drinking, because that’s the

kind of music that I listened to,” Jacob admits. “It

wasn’t until I graduated high school that I started to

find my own voice as a songwriter. I stopped trying

to copy my favorite artists and started writing what

I felt.” Today he is writing material that is more

jazz-influenced and experimental, “a brutally hon-

est, emotionally charged suite that is unlike any-

thing I’ve ever done before.”

Jacob’s goal is to keep writing so that he can

keep writing better. “I heard Ira Glass (of NPR)

say that a true artist is defined by good taste, not

good art,” he explains. “The ability to distinguish

between good and bad art objectively, even your

own, is what ultimately makes a successful artist.”

To help him achieve that success, Jacob

is studying music technology at Philadelphia’s

University of the Arts. “I’m spending most of my

time either in the school’s studio or in my aptly

named studio apartment. The recording pro-

cess captivates me because it allows me to sculpt

my songs. Post-production is an exciting new

dimension for me with infinite sonic possibilities.

Listening to what I have recorded also allows me to

analyze my music more objectively.”

So, too, did the critiques he received at George

School, an experience with which Lexi and Kabir

are also familiar. “The IB program helped me to

develop a unique writing style and to approach

education creatively,” Jacob says. “Terry Culleton

was very influential. In his senior creative writing

course, students brought in original pieces of cre-

ative writing to be critiqued by the rest of the class,

in whatever format they chose. I think it’s extremely

important to make constructive use of external


These days, putting work out there for feedback

is theoretically easy, but reaching the right audi-

ence may not be. “The digital revolution has made

it a breeze for anyone to upload their music to the

internet and release it without the help of a label,”

Jacob points out. “This is great in many ways, but it

also makes it difficult to sort through the massive

amounts of material out there. Independent musi-

cians are taking over, but it’s harder than ever to get


What these three are discovering is that devel-

oping as a young writer in 2014 involves exploring

emotions, refining their worldview, finding their

artistic voice, letting their imagination go, main-

taining a critical eye, and living life. Unlike their

predecessors, today’s young writers have the bene-

fits and the obstacles of technology. They may very

well find it easy to speak and hard to be heard.


Page 13: Georgian, April 2014



From Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist and former

George School English teacher James Michener

to our newest faculty author, ceramics teacher

Amedeo Salamoni, whose book Wood-Fired

Ceramics: 100 Contemporary Artists was published

in 2013, George School has a long history of fac-

ulty who have published works across a variety of

genres. You might expect to see that kind of aca-

demic output from a college or university, but such

scholarly achievement from a high school is rare.

It speaks to the intellectual richness of which our

community is so proud.

Poet and George School English teacher Terry

Culleton has been writing poems about a delightful

assortment of quirky fictional saints for almost a

dozen years. That collection, A Communion of Saints,

was published by Anaphora Literary Press in 2011.

“They just began appearing in my brain,” said

Terry, who described the creative process involved

in writing the book as “much like channeling their

voices and lives. I still feel like they are independent

entities living their own lives. I just happened to

render them into verse.”

There’s St. Anorexius, an ascetic who feasts

on the thoughts or the remnants of food, hoping to

reduce himself to a beam of pure light. St. Apneus

sleeps himself into a Godmare-like death but with

his body mysteriously preserved. St. Concentrata,

a prominent figure in the book, endured abuse and

abandonment before being sent to a convent as

unmarriable, probably because she preferred women.

A former Bucks County Poet Laureate and

the faculty sponsor of Argo, George School’s liter-

ary magazine, Terry has also published poems in

The Amherst Review, The Birmingham Review, The

Cumberland Review, Edge City Review, Janus, and

The Schuylkill Valley Journal. He has appeared on

TV and radio, including NPR.

Chris Odom, who teaches George School’s

robotics and programming classes, authored a very

different kind of work—a robotics textbook, BasicX

and Robotics: The Art of Making Machines Think—

inspired by the feedback he received from students

in his computer programming and robotics course.

“I’m always driven by my students,” Chris

said. “Their questions and innovations are very

exciting.” If a student came up with a particularly

interesting breakthrough or solution in class, he

included it in the book.

Formerly a rocket scientist at Clemson

University in South Carolina, Chris wrote BasicX

and Robotics because he perceived a need for a text-

book that provided a complete curriculum for

robotics at the high school or college level. Existing

instructional books on the topic, he said, provide

projects for students without teaching the computer

programming skills that would allow them to prog-

ress to advanced robotics work later.

His book builds from simple explanations

to complex challenges, teaching students BasicX,

which he described as a “subset of Visual Basic,

the world’s most popular programming language.”

Students benefit from learning BasicX, he said,

because they can apply it to further work in robot-

ics or to computer programming in any field,

including consumer electronics, physics, and


A Rich Tradition of WritingBY EMMA FOLK ’09

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APR I L 2014

Chris is currently writing another book along the

same lines as BasicX and Robotics, the working title

of which is Physical Computing and Robotics with

Arduino. The book, which students in his Computer

Programming and Robotics class are testing out for

the first time this year, is written around the pow-

erful, up-and-coming Arduino Due and Teensy 3.1


Former English and history teacher Susan

Wilf, translated poems and essays included in

No Enemies, No Hatred: Selected Essays and Poems,

by Chinese writer and human rights activist Liu

Xiaobo who was awarded the 2010 Nobel Peace

Prize, despite being imprisoned for “inciting

subversion of state power.”

The goal was to get Liu’s writings into English

quickly “to raise the level of worldwide awareness

of his situation, of what he stands for, and of the

quality of his writing and ideas,” said Susan.

Susan translated two poems including “Your

Lifelong Prisoner,” a love poem for his wife that

alludes to his imprisonment and their forced sep-

aration, and “My Puppy’s Death,” with his child-

hood perspective of the Cultural Revolution.

She also translated “Elegy to Lin Zhao, Lone

Voice of Chinese Freedom,” an essay about a young

woman executed for her political beliefs, and “On

Living with Dignity in China,” an essay about the

erosion of the moral fiber of Chinese society and

Liu’s commitment to follow in the footsteps of non-

violent martyrs like Jesus, Gandhi, and Martin

Luther King Jr.

George School ceramics and sculpture teacher

Amedeo Salamoni became George School’s most

recently published author with his book Wood-

Fired Ceramics: 100 Contemporary Artists. The book

includes over 500 color photographs and features

the work of 100 ceramic artists who still use the

sometimes unpredictable method of wood-firing.

During the two year process of writing and editing

the book, Amedeo spent months traveling to visit

artists living on the east coast from Pennsylvania

to Maine.

“I put a call for artist submissions out to the

ceramics community and received an overwhelm-

ing response to the call,” said Amedeo. “I then

spent the next six months sorting through the sub-

missions, narrowing them down first by my initial

feeling of the quality of the work, then by how

I wanted the book to be formed. I labored over

keeping a balance of work from functional to sculp-

tural and work that utilized the many firing styles

and kilns that are out there.”

Terry, Chris, Susan, and Amedeo join the

ranks of many more George School faculty authors,

like former English teacher James Michener who

wrote the Pulitzer-Prize-winning Tales of the South

Pacific that inspired a Broadway classic and

launched his career as one of America’s most

beloved storytellers, Kenneth Keskinen who wrote

an epic poem entitled “Iron Roses,” a memoir

called The Taken and the Had, and a novel called

New Bedford Boy, and former English and history

teacher W.D. Ehrhart who has published a num-

ber of works, many of which are inspired by his

experience serving in the Vietnam War, including

Vietnam-Perkasie: A Combat Marine Memoir.

In the classroom and in the literary field, our

faculty members continue to set an example that

inspires other writers.

Page 15: Georgian, April 2014



George School has always taught students to write

well, with “writing” defined as essay writing.

Students write early and often, primarily in history

and English, and they develop skills that prepare

them for college and its multitude of papers.

Until recently, however, young people inter-

ested in creative writing had to write on their own

time outside the curriculum. Then in 2007, the

English Department launched a Writer’s Focus

version of its senior Higher Level International

Baccalaureate (IB) World Literature course.

Developed by teacher and writer Terry Culleton, it

has been a huge success, growing from one section

to three and expanding the definition of “writing

well” at George School.

As befits a course that leads to both the Higher

Level IB English and AP English Literature and

Composition exams, Writer’s Focus students are

bright and accomplished. In fact, they must have

received at least a B+ in their junior IB English

course—reflecting well-developed critical essay-

writing skills—to be eligible. But the students who

choose this course are also interested in pursuing

their creative side. As Terry puts it, “They like to

put things together rather than dissect them.” And

many of them like to do both.

About half of the Writer’s Focus course is

spent reading and analyzing literature and writing

papers to prepare for the spring IB and AP exams,

on which students typically get high scores.

“Many could take the tests in September and

do well,” Terry says, attributing their solid essay-

writing skills to the English curriculum’s well-

thought-out vertical sequence. It transitions from

freshman year’s concrete descriptive and narrative

essays through the increasing sophistication of

sophomore year’s compare/contrast and persuasive

essays to critical essays that require analytical and

abstract thinking, beginning junior year.

The other half of the course is spent on stu-

dents’ creative writing, with the first term focused

on drama and dialogue, the second on poetry, and

the third on prose. Two of four weekly class periods

are devoted to workshopping classmates’ work.

In a typical workshop period, the class

addresses two or three pieces. They are read aloud,

and then their writers remain silent while their

peers offer critiques about what does and doesn’t

work. Critiquing is not criticizing, Terry explains.

“The group learns how to critique. They are really

marvelous in that regard. They’re respectful and

supportive but also honest. There’s always an inter-

play between what the kids would call harsh and

what they’d call being too nice. It’s all calibrated

to give writers outside evidence of how well they

achieved what they thought they achieved.”

IB English: Writer’s Focus BY ANDREA LEHMAN






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APR I L 2014

For the writer, workshopping provides valuable

input, and Terry encourages students to bring

pieces they don’t think are working in order to

improve them. But the exercise also teaches writers

to become their own best judges. Since Terry typi-

cally does not offer his opinion, they must learn to

sift through class comments to find for themselves

what’s useful.

They must also “develop a little bit of rhino

skin,” as Terry calls it, as they grow from being “so

narcissistic they don’t want others to read a piece”

to being confident enough to “put it out there in

the world. You want your pieces to have a life of

their own. Part of the development of young writers

is getting outside of themselves a little.” It’s a pro-

cess that helps them develop as young adults as well

as young writers.

Workshopping benefits the critiquer as much

as the critiqued. Students hone analytical skills as

they focus on the details of each piece. This pre-

pares them for the passage commentary section

of the IB exam, in which they analyze text they

have never seen.

“It’s what they do in workshop every week,”

Terry says. Even though the IB exam does not

assess the creative writing directly, he believes that

all the skills these student-writers learn are useful

for the IB, since it is a skills-based rather than con-

tent-based assessment.

The benefits of what students develop in

Writer’s Focus—language and writing skills, self-

discovery, maturity, professionalism, and creative

thinking—extend well beyond the IB and AP tests,

however. As Terry sees it, the course serves as a

counterpoint to the demands of getting into col-

lege. “One of the things students learn in school is

how to evaluate a teacher and what he or she wants

or doesn’t want. They learn to shape their work

to the teacher to maximize their grade. That’s so

uncreative. Writing is non-reducible. The more you

try to reduce it to a grade, the more you lose it. It

disappears. Everything else in their life is a to-do

list. That makes it hard for them to be exploratory

and to take risks. But the heart of creativity is to

take risks. It’s a risk not to take risks. You’ll write

something predictable and formulaic.”

Terry loves his Writer’s Focus classes. “The

best part of my day is when I walk into the class-

room,” says the 1992 Bucks County Poet Laureate

and author of A Communion of Saints. “I’m a writer.

It’s what I do. I love talking with students about

their writing. I keep it focused on them, but I feel

I can bring my hard-won experience from years of

doing my own writing.”

Students love the class, too, each for different

reasons. For Sophie Myles ’14, “This has been the

most rewarding class I have taken at George School

by far. The workshops allow you to get to know

and understand your classmates in an entirely

different way. Reading what they produce allows

for an insight into the way their mind works, the

way they perceive the world.”

“ I love talking with kids about their writing. I keep it focused on them, but I feel I can bring my hard-won experience from years of doing my own writing.”






ENGLISH TEACHER Terry Culleton often meets with students outside of his classroom, cultivating a community of writers at George School.

Page 17: Georgian, April 2014




I yearn for the half forgotten lavender days,

when our hearts were only as heavy

as the lace of a honey bee’s wing –

when we would press fallen petals to our quivering


and stare out

through the impossible center of chrysanthemums

so everything looked lovely.

But of course it did not take long for our f lowers to


Like orange peels, our eyelashes fell from our


carried on a breath of a wish –

but keep in mind,

even dandelions are unwanted wildflowers.

I want nothing more than to forget the way your

name tasted like tangerines,

like the blood oranges and sweet limes we sucked

between our teeth,

while standing at the kitchen sink in the heat of that

vivid afternoon.

I will never understand the perishable nature of

memory –

that can spoil as those same fruits –

whose juices we let roll down our chins and stain

our hearts.

“Citrus” written by Sophie Myles ’14 was selected for

the 2013-2014 winter issue of Just Poetry, published

by the National Poetry Quarterly and received the

“Editor’s Choice” award and scholarship. Sophie’s

poem was chosen from a pool of national submissions

for inclusion in the journal.

Peter Ryan ’14 values “the diversity of opinions and

the fact that all stand as equal peer critics in the


For Katie Rodgers ’14, “The most impor-

tant thing I ever learned from Terry is that ‘a story

starts when a boundary is crossed.’ This revolu-

tionized my approach to both reading and writing


By opening themselves up and taking risks

as a group, the class becomes a “we’re-all-in-this-

together quasi-family,” says Terry.

With Writer’s Focus a success, Terry would

like to cultivate a community of writers at George

School, “a core of students who see writing as cen-

tral to their existence.” A public reading series that

the English Department hopes to initiate would

play into that. These plans and the long-term

impact of the class are yet to be determined.

Some of the young writers profiled in this

issue of the Georgian are Writer’s Focus alums,

and doubtless other students feel as Jackson

Sizer ’14 does: “This class has reinforced my dream

to one day be a published writer. It has taught me

that with the right guidance, anyone can write


It may be too early to know how many writing

careers the course sparks, but it is certainly foster-

ing creative spirits.

“ Writing is non-reducible. The more you try to reduce it to a grade, the more you lose it. It disappears. Everything else in their life is a to-do list. That makes it hard for them to be exploratory and to take risks. But the heart of creativity is to take risks. It’s a risk not to take risks. You’ll write some-thing predictable and formulaic.”

Page 18: Georgian, April 2014


APR I L 2014

eQuiz Highlights

The January eQuiz asked alumni to reflect on the

writing they do in their personal and professional

lives. From their responses we learned that writ-

ing is woven through all facets of a person’s life.

From holiday letters to grant writing to fiction

and literature, there are certain similarities in the

writing process that prevail no matter the genre.

Explore those similarities in the responses to the

eQuiz that are highlighted here.

Writing for Life

1958 | Carol Park DiJoseph

Compare the value of writing to the tools found

in an ordinary household toolbox. Angry that you

can’t resolve an issue? Use the hammer of declara-

tive sentences, vivid adjectives, no-nonsense verbs.

You’ve nailed it. Want to please and f latter? Use the

pliers of sweet nothings and gentle nudging. You’ll

have twisted and turned your way to success. Want

to persuade a board of directors? Use the screw-

driver to secure the most salient points with facts,

figures, and cogent arguments that leave no doubt

of your ability. Your confidence will be contagious.

Word of caution: tools can be dangerous too. Treat

them with respect.

1962 | Sally Wislar Farneth

Writing is a survival skill, no matter what your


1964 | Kathryn McCreary

Daily writing is as important to me as drinking

coffee is to other folks.

1970 | John D. Nepley

As an industrial engineer working in factories, it

is my job to look for ways to improve the process.

This means communicating with people at all levels

of an organization. Clear, concise communications

with appropriate use of data is paramount to gain-

ing acceptance of change.

1972 | Barbara Winn

Email has replaced letter writing, but I often use

it the old-fashioned way, reporting news in anec-

dotal form to family and friends and resisting the

modern trend to abbreviate everything. It’s both a

release from tension and a channel for creativity.

1977 | Debra Gross Balka

I love to write. Especially over the last twenty years.

I take time and care to write just about anything

and everything, whether it’s a birthday card to my

dearest friend or my father’s eulogy....I say what

I want to say “just right.”

1980 | Paul M. Stafford

Writing is how I communicate, sometimes with

myself. It’s cheap psychotherapy and a great way to

collect thoughts and have a richer inner life. If you

don’t belong to a book group, you can explore your

reaction to books by writing about them, and also

keep track of what you’ve read.

1994 | Jen Onyx Oryn

I work with children in the hospital to help them

understand what is going on while they are there

and make it less of a traumatic experience for them.

Part of my job is to write books to use with children

as a teaching tool. Sometimes the books simply

have photographs of what they might see in the

hospital, but often there is a story that I integrate

with the photos, to make the book more engaging

for children and families.

2013 | Jake Kaplan

Being able to clearly express myself is critical in all

aspects of my life.










other (many of the other responses included smart phones)

tablet (iPad, Samsung Galaxy, etc.)


Page 19: Georgian, April 2014



How has writing played a role in your career? I manage an investment fund, so I don’t write

nearly as much as I’d like to. I write a letter to my

investors twice a year, and I write a memo to myself

for each investment in the fund. I’ve also written

a couple long-form articles. They are a lot of fun

and a lot of work. Op-eds are more approachable,

though it’s not often that my opinion is in demand.

What does the writing process look like for you?Writing isn’t easy for me—it never has been. I want

to say everything at the same time. Great writers

glide from idea to idea, keeping you right there

with them. I can’t pull that off, so I normally end

up saying about 10 percent of what I set out to. John

McPhee outlines his writing process in the Spring

1994 issue of “Writing on the Edge.” I’ve tried to

adopt some of his techniques, with the addition of

iAnnotate and Evernote for marking up and collat-

ing source material.

Did a particular teacher at George School inspire your career choice? I should say two things about writing and my time

at GS. First, bless Adriana Rosman-Askot for teach-

ing Julio Cortazar’s short stories. Second, my

sincere apologies to anyone who was stuck in an

English or Spanish class with me. I’m not sure that

my adolescent literary analysis made any sense,

but I know I thought it did at the time. My biggest

inspiration at George School was Terry Culleton.

Terry was Bucks County Poet Laureate when he

taught my freshman English class. He suffered a

family tragedy the year before and read us a poem

about it. It was wrenching. Gorgeous. This was a

real writer following his calling. He drove a taxi in

Philly before teaching at GS, which I always imag-

ined like Faulkner working as a night security

guard, minus the drinking.

What advice would you give to students interested in writing?Before I give any advice to anyone on writing,

I should say that it is a craft, and I’m a hack. You

can tell straight away when you are in the hands

of a great writer, and if you want to write anything

like them you have to read them. The best writing

I’ve read recently is Pulphead by John Jeremiah

Sullivan, John McPhee’s Assembling California,

and my friend Mac Funk’s new book Windfall.

If students read just one writer, I’d suggest M.F.K.

Fisher. Google her name, “minestrone,” and

“huggermuggery” to see why. Or read Consider

the Oyster (and David Foster Wallace’s Consider

the Lobster while you’re at it). I’d also suggest

working with as many editors as possible—I’m

always f loored by what a good editor can do. My

recent piece in the Atlantic was really struggling

until the editor asked, “Isn’t this what you really

want to say?” And my mother has always been my

secret weapon—she’s a close reader and an ace

condenser. One other piece of advice is to try to

think in complete sentences. I grew up on comput-

ers, where editing each sentence as you go is easy,

maybe too easy.

Alumni Profile: Ethan Devine ’96

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APR I L 2014

Sources of Inspiration

1956 | Briant H. Lee

I was influenced by William Cleveland to go into

theater, my writing developed as a result of that

exposure and my own self guidance afterward.

1956 | Natalie Scull

Adventures large and small, travel, music,

the outdoors.

1958 | Maris Clymer Langford

Ernestine Robinson. She is why I received

a master’s degree in English.

1963 | Kathleen Neal Cleaver

Many times it is reading; sometimes it is conversa-

tions; other times it just is a f lash of imagination....

1964 | Judith McIlvain

Love for my subject matter, the art of sharing, and

life experiences. My historical fiction focuses on

a Quaker family in the 50s, which is how I grew up.

1965 | Wayne Parsons

All the English classes. My three teachers were

Walter Johnson, Edward Ayers, and Arthur

Brinton. All the classes required writing assign-

ments. These good basics prepared me for the more

advanced work at college.

1969 | Holly Gross Kruse

A face on the sidewalk, a fragment of conversation,

a memory, the indigo of the early morning sky,

almost anything.

1972 | Pamela Suppa Dalton

John Gleeson ’65 helped me understand the impor-

tance and value of being able to tell a story in

written form. My success as a scientist depends on

being able to tell my story convincingly and inter-

estingly enough that people will want to fund the


1973 | Anne Stearns Pardun

Words themselves. A simple rhyme that tickles

me and leads to other turns of phrase especially

in moments of inspiration for children’s stories!

Often this happens at night before I fall asleep

when my mind is winding down and sorting

through random thoughts.

1976 | Nancy Leson

From the time I was a kid, I wanted to write for

a living. At GS, I wrote for the school paper and

the literary magazine. Then I graduated and spent

seventeen years waiting tables. I got a journalism

degree in my early thirties and used that and my

work experience to launch a successful career as a

restaurant critic, food writer, and radio personality.

1977 | Eric Hellman

Walt Hathaway planted a seed by telling me I could

be a writer, but I went and did science instead.

Thirty years later... I took up blogging, and that has

led to what I’m doing now, which is finding ways to

support authors who want their work to be free.

1979 | Tod Rutstein

I do a lot of writing as part of my profession as

an educator. I also find that I do a lot of personal,

ref lective writing. Expressing myself in writing

is perhaps the thing I approach with greatest


1986 | Kif Scheuer

Creativity comes from a compelling problem, a

great story to tell, a personal passion for the issues.

Grant writing (my most consistent type of writing)

is a funny business. You have to absorb yourself

in the issue and convince yourself for the moment

that your proposed approach is the be all and end

all solution and convey that passion, while also

having your written response conform to often

absurd formats or poorly articulated prompts.

2003 | Katheryne Kramer

I think my creativity is sparked when I am given

a structure, whether it’s the legal or regulatory

framework underpinning a problem or the rhyme

scheme of a sonnet.

2004 | Daniel Suchenski

Many of my George School teachers and a support-

ing and encouraging environment in which to

adequately express myself.

2006 | Amanda Darby

Ralph Lelii, reading a poem to kick off every IB

English class session.

Page 21: Georgian, April 2014



You’re double majoring in Journalism and Creative Writing at Northwestern. Did your George School years influence your university studies?My newspaper teacher, Gretchen Nordleaf-Nelson,

and the rest of the staff of the Curious George

pushed me to be a better journalist and a bet-

ter writer. With each new edition, they gave me

encouragement and support. Now, I push myself

because of them. As far as creative writing goes,

I owe Terry Culleton much of my confidence in

that. In his Writer’s Focus class my senior year,

I honed my voice as a writer and am more comfort-

able in every piece I write because of him.

How are you hoping to pursue writing after college?Ideally, one day you’ll see me on ESPN and read

my articles in Sports Illustrated. But truth be told,

the journalism came after the poetry and prose.

I used to read a lot as a kid, and that love for litera-

ture grew into a love for creating as much as it was

a love for consuming. In my mind, though I have

a tremendous passion for journalism, I really see

it more as a way of paying the bills and supporting

my dream of being a great fiction writer/poet.

What about writing motivates you?There’s nothing better than when I see the look in

someone’s eyes when they really identify with the

words I put on a page. They light up as some deep

closed chest is unlocked and love pours out. It’s a

way of connecting, because I always put my heart

on the page. I’m very competitive, so when I sink

my teeth into a new activity, all I want to do is be

the best. Between ambition and connection, I have

enough motivation to write until my fingers fall off.

What does the writing and editing process look like for you?A big mess! I work very hard to write and edit.

But my mind moves at a thousand miles an hour

and I often have trouble keeping up. Sometimes

I delete entire works and just start over, rather than

deal with editing. Other times I meticulously comb

through each and every sentence. There is no right

way to edit. All I can say definitively on the subject

is an old cliché; writing is rewriting. I rewrite

everything. Sometimes all at once, sometimes in

little pieces.

What sparks your creativity?Small things. Little interactions. Seeing a snowflake

land gently on a pretty girl’s nose. A pleasant

smile from the old lady that works in the local CVS.

A nice cup of tea. I know that’s boring, but that’s

reality. All it takes is for something to affect me,

and I never know what it’s going to be or where it’s

coming from.

What advice would you offer current students interested in writing?Tell a lot of stories. You never know when a story

you tell will inspire you to something brilliant.

And write everything down. Harry Potter started

on a napkin. That doesn’t mean it’ll happen like

that for you. But if you don’t write it down, then it

definitely won’t.

Alumni Profile: Keita Erskine ’13

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APR I L 2014

Sources of Inspiration (continued)

2009 | Olivia Burns

Everything that deals with the Middle East; I

read the news, I read fiction about it, I read aca-

demic papers, and I’ve been lucky enough to travel

there and see it firsthand, which is the best way to

get a sense of the region, and is subsequently very


2013 | Justin Becker

American Literature, Terry Culleton Writer’s Focus

class. Ralph Lelii’s Theory of Knowledge, Fran

Bradley’s Economics, and all of my religion classes

at George School. The experiences I had were so

free and loving and accepting of the written art

that it made me want to peruse it more and more,

my teachers were all so inspiring and brilliant.

Battling Writers Block

1961 | Richard L. Brown

A sort of writer’s block occurs to me where I begin

to go down a path and realize, reluctantly, that it

leads nowhere. I have learned to get up and take

a short walk. I have also learned to be suspicious

of sentences, words, and concepts with which I fall

in love. They can be hard to erase even where logic

tells me that they are leading me astray, sort of like


1971 | Elizabeth S. Taylor

I don’t believe in blocks. I believe in Tillie Olsen’s

explanation that sometimes we need times of

silence just as a field must be allowed to stay fallow

for a season or two so it can regenerate its essential


1972 | Valerie Kester Morrissey

I most certainly have suffered from writer’s (and

artist’s) block. I used to get upset about it but not

anymore. I find something else to do or a change

of scene. I take a short trip or go to a museum.

1979 | Laure Kemper Crooks

Doing something completely unrelated (often

either involving exercise or being outside).

1986 | Kirby W. Rosenbluth

Walk away! Get away from the assignment and

clear my head. Then come back and start fresh.

1986 | Emmy Laybourne Podunovich

I find that when I’m blocked, it’s usually because

there’s something wrong in my work-in-progress.

Either I’ve tried to force a plot turn, or a character

is acting in a way against his or her true nature.

Once I fix the problem, the block dissolves.

1989 | Christopher Horner

If I can’t write, I write more. Even if the result is

garbage and has to be removed later, for me the

process of forcible writing tends to get me back

on track.

Advice and Encouragement

1953 | Dave Steward

Any GS student who wants to write should listen

to the smart teachers and read voraciously.

1955 | Richard Grausman

Don’t write a cookbook unless you know your

subject extremely well. Don’t write a cookbook to

become rich and famous. Other than novels, don’t

write a book until you have a publisher.

1967 | David Miller

The challenge is to get “the story behind the story.”

Anyone can write banal blather. How do you get

someone to want to read the entire story? There’s

always something if you are willing to dig deep

enough and ask the right “open-ended” questions.

1984 | Harold Buck

The advice I have heard is: Set up a four-hour block

each day for writing. You don’t have to write but

you can’t do anything else if you aren’t writing.

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As an English professor at Bates, what did your research primarily focus on?I am a medievalist, which means I study the Middle

Ages. I’m particularly interested in the earliest

vernacular writing of the late thirteenth and

fourteenth centuries. By the end of the thirteenth

century, the Catholic Church became concerned

with teaching Christianity to those who were illit-

erate, so they wrote the scriptures, as well as more

popular stories, in simple poetic form so they could

be taught to the people. Because much was lost

from the early years of Greek and Roman civili-

zation, people in the late thirteenth century knew

very little historical information, but they did know

these stories. And when they didn’t have stories,

they made them up. I wrote a book and many arti-

cles about the kinds of narratives they constructed

and relied upon to explain the things they knew

very little about. The book was called Everyday

Saints, for the way the saints in the narratives were

made to sound like people in their everyday lives.

Did a particular teacher or class at George School inspire you to study medieval literature?When I was taught by the wonderful Evan Jones in

ninth grade English, he came in on the first day of

class reading Beowolf and it blew me away. I was so

fascinated by this wonderful old language. I didn’t

immediately know I would be a medievalist, but it

was in that class that I became inspired by lighting

the f lame of the knowledge of the past. I recall him

once writing a Tennyson quotation at the bottom of

an essay I wrote that said “to follow knowledge like

a sinking star, beyond the utmost bounds of human

knowledge.” His faith in me inspired me as a writer

and teacher and I owe him a huge debt of gratitude.

What is your writing process like?I write at my computer, which I never thought

I would do. I was a traditionalist and thought

I would always write my first draft by hand. I try to

sit down at the computer for an hour every morn-

ing, when I have the psychological energy, and just

write. When I have written a sufficient amount,

often over the course of a few days, I print it out,

read the hard copy, make notations and then return

to edit on the computer. Before I’m done I will have

done that more than once. It’s very important to me

to do the editing on the hard copy, to really look at

and sit with what I’ve written. When people ask me

about the writing process, I’ll sometimes tell the

following story. I was on a hiking trip once with a

former student of mine, when, at the end of a long

hard day when we were all exhausted, I asked her,

“Stephanie, do you like hiking?” She said to me,

“I like having hiked.” I often feel that way about

writing. The initial process is often really hard, but

once you’ve got the work down on paper, finishing

it becomes a joy.

What other advice would you give to current students interested in writing?Read, read, read. I sometimes worry that, with all

its ways of capturing our attention, the media has

made it so that people are much less likely to just sit

down with a book. But reading is how you acquire

a voice and sense of style. The best way to be a

writer is by reading good writing.

Alumni Profile: Anne Thompson ’57

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APR I L 2014

The limestone belt, pictured here on Retford, is seen on numerous buildings across campus.

Nearly every academic and residential building on campus features brick similar to the red and coventry bricks chosen for the new Fitness and Athletics Center.

From Big Box to Design that RocksBY LAURA LAVALLEE

In Design: Intelligence Made Visible, author Terence

Conran wrote that design “comprises 98 percent

commonsense and 2 percent of a mysterious com-

ponent which we might call art or aesthetics.” He

also importuned that to be successful “a designer

has to research his subject before he puts pen to

paper or mouse to computer.”

Research was certainly a crucial part of the design

process for the Fitness and Athletics Center.

Without discernment, a very different building

might have been built on the south end of campus.

“First we held a charrette, to determine what

was needed in the building and what the most

important things were,” said Ted Nickles, Physical

The final design assimilates architectural details from around campus including the west entrance portico to Hallowell Arts Center and metal clad windows.

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Terrazzo f loor-ing was chosen for the central corridor because it is a historically durable and resilient f loor-ing made of mostly recycled materials.

Plant Committee member and former member

of the George School Board of Trustees. “We got

written proposals from a number of different

architectural firms and from there we chose three

architects to interview. After the interviews,

Bowie Gridley Architects, the same firm who had

designed Mollie Dodd Anderson Library, was

chosen for the project.”

Initially, the goal was to incorporate the

Worth Sports Center into the design, making use

of the existing pool and gym and saving the build-

ing from demolition. After extensive work to

explore this possibility it was determined that both

the building and the pool had structural issues

making the cost of renovating them almost as

expensive as building a new facility. With this in

mind, the Physical Plant Committee began explor-

ing alternative options.

“There was a quick, two-to three-month effort

in the spring of 2011 to study locating the proposed

athletic center on other sites to allow the exist-

ing facility to remain until the new facility was

completed,” shared Stuart Billings, Bowie Gridley

Architects associate and project manager for the

The northeast corner of the Fitness and Athletics Center features a window wall much like the northeast corner of the library. The windows provide abundant natural light during the day.

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APR I L 2014

George School Fitness and Athletics Center. “The

most logical site was across the street in the exist-

ing parking area; however the design studies deter-

mined that this site would entail very costly site

work and impact the tennis courts, the parking lot,

and the softball field.”

It was back to the drawing board again,

this time with infinite possibilities. After much

discussion and exploration it was determined that

a new building would be erected on the site where

Worth Sports Center stood.

“I think function always drove the design,”

said Stuart. “Critical design issues for us were to

reduce the mass of the facility and understand the

views of the building from Main Building, South

Lawn, the Mollie Dodd Anderson Library, and the

meetinghouse. We also wanted to integrate sus-

tainability—maximize daylighting of the spaces

and energy efficiency—and to respect the campus

context, not be too modern or rigidly historic or


With this in mind, Bowie Gridley created

a number of designs, all incorporating a “central

street,” a design element that still exists in the final

building. The wide corridor leads visitors from the

entrance doorway past the window wall of the pool,

directly back to the two gymnasiums. Partway

down the walkway visitors have a choice of ascend-

ing to the second f loor by elevator or by a wide,

substantial stairway, edged on one side by a partial

wall of glass.

“The first drawing didn’t have the character

that the building ended up having, it had more

f lat roofs and a ‘big box store’ look,” said Head

of School Nancy Starmer. “Gyms are essentially

‘big box’ buildings, but the fact that it blends in as

well as it does—as a much as a 100,000 square foot

building can—is impressive.”

The Physical Plant Committee members Jen

Parker Holtz ’89 and Ted spent many hours work-

ing with the architects to ensure the building would

fit in aesthetically with the meetinghouse, Mollie

Dodd Anderson Library, and the other

campus buildings.

And a walk about campus reveals these

aesthetic threads. Most academic and dormitory

buildings are red and conventry brick, carefully

selected for color and texture. The classical look

of Hallowell’s west entrance is mirrored in the

Meetinghouse Lane entrance to the Fitness and

Athletics Center, albeit about twice as tall. The

walls of windows along the north wall of the new

Marshall-Platt Pool are similarly significant in size

to the window-wall in the Anderson library,

and for the same reason… to let in energy-saving

natural light.

The new design “rocks,” both figuratively

and literally. The f looring in the main corridor

will be terrazzo, a f looring material invented more

than 1500 years ago that is quite literally made of

rocks—and marble, granite, and other age-old


George School held a charrette—an intense period of design or planning that brings together all interested parties— to plan the Fitness and Athletics Center in March 2010. More than thirty-five members of the community including parents, students, faculty, staff, and board members came together to discuss plans.

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The popularity of terrazzo f looring has waxed and

waned over the years, including at George School.

For instance, an area of dark green terrazzo existed

in the food service area of Main dining room until

2012 when it was removed during the dining room


“We chose terrazzo because of its life cycle

benefits,” explained Stuart. “It lasts for 100 years,

uses recycled materials, and is extremely easy to

maintain. No need for waxes and other finishes and

it cleans up with soap and water, so it’s green both

intrinsically and in maintenance.”

Not surprisingly, the terrazzo f looring will

contain rugged materials tumbled together in tones

of green and white, the school colors that replaced

buff and brown in 1999. Three lounges—one near

the Meetinghouse Lane entrance on the first f loor

and two on the mezzanine corridor—will bring a

softer aspect to the building with furnishings that

are both colorful and comfortable. The new Fitness

and Athletics Center, like the terrazzo that will

ground the central corridor, will blend function,

design, and sustainability with beauty, strength,

and conviviality.

To quote Anne LeDuc, former girl’s athletic

director and hockey, lacrosse, and basketball coach

and a stalwart supporter of this project, “a recent

behind the scenes tour of the new Fitness and

Athletics Center has left me speechless. The exte-

rior is overwhelmingly handsome and the inside

design—containing the state-of-art pool, gymna-

siums, wrestling room, recreational space, locker

rooms, showers, meeting rooms, spacious hallways,

window views, etc.—is downright exciting. It will

help change the lives of countless students, faculty,

parents, and friends as the Mollie Dodd Anderson

Library and meetinghouse did when they were




FUTURE Snave Foundation


The Snave Foundation has issued a challenge. When we raise

the next $1 million for the Fitness and Athletics Center,

the foundation will add $150,000 to our initiative.


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APR I L 2014

Each child is different, I was telling myself, taking a nostalgic walk around the George School campus. Be the best mother you can be and allow them to follow their own hearts. I was back in Newtown for a revisit day with my youngest child, Faith. She was weighing the pros and cons of enrolling as a boarder at George School, just as her older brother, Quin, had seven years ago. Quin, now 22, started at George School in the fall of 2006. He was a dispir-ited 14-year-old, given to wearing the hood of his sweatshirt up so that his face was hid-den. While he had never known failure, he had also never known ease in school. Over-measured, frequently-tested, quantified and profiled, he had all but disappeared under that hood. I knew my boy was in there, my

magical and quirky child who could figure out how to take apart my Kitchenaid mixer and fix it, my marvelously funny kid who could read a room better than he could read a book, but I couldn’t quite find him. Leaving him at George School was a leap of faith for me and relief for him. Quin discovered himself during his years there, somewhere between that third floor room in Orton and Carter’s woodshop. The hood came down, the smile was easy on his face. He grew tall and winsome; he made a lot of jokes. He hijacked the Westtown moose head. I got comments from the Admission Office, where his co-op was to be a tour guide. “We love Quin. We just wish he wouldn’t give tours in his pajamas.”

George School Voices Shares Stories

EACH CHILD IS DIFFERENT This post was written by Rebecca, mom of Quin ’09 and Faith ’17.

George School Voices, our new blog, is a website that

is designed to give you a behind the scenes look

at George School through the eyes of our students,

faculty, staff, parents, and alumni. You can find it at The blog includes limericks,

thoughts about the Theory of Knowledge class and

gratitude, and even a post about life after George

School from a member of the Class of 2012. It is fun

and funny, cerebral and thought-provoking, warm

and inviting; just like George School. Since its launch

in early December 2013, the blog has had more

than 30,000 views by visitors from more than sixty


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“What?” he asked when confronted. “It makes people realize they can be comfort-able here.” He also had his struggles. I became more intimate with the Dean’s office than I wished. I sought solace on the porch of Main with Jenna, his advisor who quickly became mine, too. Between the struggles, he was encouraged. He learned that he would be valued after making a mistake, maybe even more so for having fallen down, gotten up, and dusted himself off. He found himself to be a gifted artist, a valued friend, a trusted ally. His senior year, he took an unfinished hunk of wood and made it into a glowing bowl with a deep curve to the rim. When he gave it to me, he explained that the weight of the bowl would settle into the shape of my palm, making the heavy thing almost weight-less. He found, in this elegantly articulate way, the marriage between form and func-tion, between the prosaic and the lyric, the beauty in the every day. And he did it with-out words. Now Faith, his sister, was thinking about coming to George School. Her brother was on the west coast in design school, distant enough in time that only a handful of faculty would describe her as “Quin’s sister” rather than Faith. Still, as the youngest of four, she wanted her own place, her own story, her own adventure. She didn’t want to walk in anyone’s footsteps.

I wanted her to have the same revelatory experience her brother had; I wanted her to learn there are many different paths, all equally valuable, to finding your gifts. I wanted her at George School, where I knew she would be seen and heard, not just mea-sured and tested. I wanted to take her by her slim shoulders and say “This is your place, not just your brother’s.” I knew I couldn’t pick a school for her; I knew I had to let her choose for herself. So on that revisit day, I took one last long walk around George School, stopping where Quin had graduated, so dapper in his jacket that day, all the white of the girls’ dresses, the green of the grass, the light so kind and sweet and soft after those dark first days. I said a silent thank you to George School and got into the car with Faith, ready to hear she had decided to go to a different school, a new place where she could make her own way. I started the car and drove the long way out, past the barn. “I’m going to George School,” Faith said before I had pulled out into traffic. “I feel like the people here are good to each other all the time, not just when other people are watching.” And so it begins. A new path.


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APR I L 2014

When George Stickney,

Jr. ’34 and wife

Valentina decided to

establish the George

H. Stickney, Jr. ’34

Endowed Scholarship

Fund, they were plant-

ing figurative seeds.

The fund would help

bright students who

couldn’t otherwise afford George School to attend

the school George loved.

In the years that followed, the couple caught

glimpses of the saplings those seeds were becom-

ing through letters from scholarship recipients.

Though George would not live to see the trees

mature, Valentina carried her husband’s plans for-

ward and dramatically increased the scholarship’s

reach, planting a forest for the future.

At George School, George was a member

of the Boys’ Glee Club and Mixed Chorus. A three-

season athlete, he was a member of the varsity

wrestling team, the varsity football team, the

varsity soccer team, and the varsity track team.

After graduating from George School eighty years

ago, George earned a bachelor’s degree from the

University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and

owned a successful New Jersey real estate firm.

In 1986, the Stickneys made their initial dona-

tion—$23,000—to endow the Stickney scholarship

fund, with no restrictions apart from the need of

the students. To date it has funded eleven of them.

“I want to thank you for the George H.

Stickney, Jr. ’34 Endowed Scholarship Fund that

your husband gave to George School,” wrote

Zauraiz Syeda ’15. “Without it, I never would have

had this amazing opportunity to be a student here

and benefit from the George School community…

I would never have had this chance at letting my life


Similar sentiments were voiced by other recipients

in regular letters to the Stickneys and, after George

died, to Valentina alone. Students shared not only

their gratitude but also their enthusiasm for George

School. Their notes included a look into their lives

at school and the impact that their ability to attend

George School has had.

“This being my senior year and pursuing the

IB Diploma, I have a very demanding workload.

I find that all of my classes are highly invigorating

and full of depth, requiring me to work harder and

think more deeply than I ever have before…. In the

fall term I ran cross-country. Although cross-coun-

try appears to be an individualistic sport, it is actu-

ally very team-oriented and I love being a part of

such a unified whole,” wrote Arya Mazanek ’11.

“This year is my second year in George

School’s IB program. It has been both a challeng-

ing and exhilarating ordeal…. The public school

near me does not offer any courses that come close

to the intensity of the IB classes. Thank you for the

opportunity to expand my mind,” shared Arun

Blatchley ’08. “Including monologue performances,

I will have been involved in fourteen George School

productions by this spring. Without the support

of the George School community, I may not have

chosen to pursue a career in acting…. But the

aspect of this experience I cherish most of all is the

simple act of living here.”

These letters and others like them had their

own impact on the Stickneys. Shortly before George

died in 1997, they received a letter from Jason

White ’98 that read, “I would not be at George

School, but would be stuck in Brooklyn without

this scholarship.” George told Valentina that he

wanted to do more for the school, so in 1998,

happy to hear that Jason was doing well at Brown

University, she honored her husband’s wish and

made a second gift to the fund. After Valentina

herself passed away in 2013, the school learned that

Stickney Endowed Scholarship Fund Helps Students Thrive

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she had bequeathed an additional $830,000 to its

financial aid endowment.

Hearing this news, some recipients have reit-

erated their thanks, including Jarrad Packard ’04.

The Georgetown University graduate and mem-

ber of the Yankton and Oglala Sioux feels that

his life working on the Management Policy and

Internal Control Staff at the Indian Health Service

in Washington DC is due in large part to George


“I loved George School. I often wonder where

my life would be if I wasn’t afforded the opportu-

nity to go there. Being a George School student

opened up a world of opportunity I wouldn’t

have been exposed to living in South Dakota,”

said Jarrad. “The only reason I was able to attend

George School was because of the scholarship

provided for me. It was amazing meeting other

students from different parts of the world and from

a wide range of economic backgrounds. I was able

to relate to people and see myself in them. Another

important outlook I gained while at George School

was the feeling that I could be anything I wanted to

be. I attribute my passion for working with Indians

with my positive experience of being a George

School student.”

Jason White, the young man whose letter

influenced the Stickneys sixteen years ago, is cur-

rently getting his master’s in civil engineering in

Perth, Western Australia. “I am glad that what I

wrote in my letter inspired the Stickneys to help

more students go to George School,” he said.

“I was very happy to have an opportunity to

succeed in whatever I wanted through George

School. The Stickneys’ generosity allowed me to be

in an environment that opened my mind and my

heart to possibilities and emotions that would help

me later in life that I could not foresee back then.

I’m very thankful for that and I hope their generos-

ity helps many others to do the same.”

George’s late niece, Mary (Molly) Stickney

Hobson ’61 said, “My uncle impressed me with

his lifetime of generous gifts, without fanfare. He

seldom let others know how generous he was, and

it was only through brief glimpses we were able to

see the true George, who did so much so that others

would not have to suffer.”

With their latest gift, the Stickneys have

ensured that many, many more young people will


ZAURAIZ SYEDA ’15, ARYA MAZANEK ’11, AND ARUN BLATCHLEY ’08 are among the many students that have benefitted from the generosity of George ’34 and Valentina Stickney.

“ Without the Stickney Endowed Scholarship, I never would have had this amazing opportunity to be a student here and benefit from the George School community…. I would never have had this chance at letting my life speak.”

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APR I L 2014

Since Carnegie Hall opened in 1891, the renowned

Manhattan concert venue has played host to count-

less exceptional performers. In March 2014, mem-

bers of the George School Chorale headed to New

York City to live out their dreams and perform on

one of the most well-known stages in the world.

It was magic. They delivered an unforgettable

performance at the iconic music hall.

“Just seeing them walk onto the stage was

thrilling, but the sound—oh, my, the sound—was

full of joy and beauty and energy and purpose,”

said religion teacher Carolyn Lyday, one of the

many members of the George School community in

the audience that night. “It made me feel glad to be


On the Road to Carnegie HallThe road to Carnegie Hall began about five years

ago when Chorale Director Jackie Coren first

learned of the three-day residency program at

Carnegie Hall offered by Manhattan Concert

Productions. The program, known as the “Octavo

Series,” invites qualified ensembles to “collabo-

rate with other high school choirs from across the

United States to perform [an] exciting repertoire—

a distinctive variety of six shorter works.”

“Last year it seemed I had the group that could

possibly do that,” said Jackie. “So I put together a

short audition CD and sent it to them, and we were


“We all thought she was joking when she

told us,” said Alie Tomlin ’15 from Levittown,

Pennsylvania. “This is a dream for all of us. To be

selected for this program, to train in New York, and

sing at Carnegie Hall is really an honor.”

“The simple thought of going and performing

on that stage brings joy to my heart,” said Travin

Williams ’16 from Fairburn, Georgia, when Jackie

shared the news with the Chorale members. “Being

able to sing at Carnegie Hall is a gigantic deal for

me. Singing for me is second nature. I’ve always

been able to sing in front of crowds, but at this

magnitude—it’s just unbelievable.”

George School Chorale Shines at Carnegie Hall

THE GEORGE SCHOOL CHORALE performed at Carnegie Hall on Monday, March 24 under the direction of master conductor Dr. Brad Holmes of Millikin University.

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“Our students were committed and worked very

hard all year,” said Jackie. “They rehearsed and yes,

practiced, practiced, practiced. To sing at Carnegie

Hall is an opportunity of a lifetime. It allows

students to broaden their horizons, and that setting

and achieving of goals is important.”

Their music included “Misericordias Domini

K. 222” by Amadeus Mozart, edited by Michael

Gibson, “And the Heart Replies” by Brad Holmes,

“Heartland” by Gary Fry, “Noel” by Todd Smith,

arranged by Brad Holmes in Kituba, and “Thou

Gracious God Whose Mercy Lends” arranged by

Mack Wilberg.

“I am amazed by their progress,” said Jackie.

“We worked with music they normally wouldn’t

experience and arrangements that can be diffi-

cult to learn. Our students made great progress

and gained confidence at every practice. Clearly

there was a lot of singing going on outside the


New York Residency ProgramAfter practicing inside and outside of their class-

room, members of the Chorale traveled to New

York City to meet their master conductor—

Dr. Brad Holmes of Millikin University—and the

students from three other high school choirs from

across the United States who were also accepted

into the program.

“It was pretty overwhelming. Together we were

more than 140 chorus members in one room,” said

Colin Chewning ’16, of Morrisville, Pennsylvania.

“The power of all of our voices was a different expe-

rience but one that was really, really awesome.”

The students from all four schools came well

prepared and Dr. Holmes was a master conductor

in every sense of the meaning. He was very person-

able and quickly made the students feel like it was

an honor to work with them. Singing during the

rehearsals was a whole-body experience, one that

was challenging, fun, and inspiring.

“Our rehearsals with Dr. Holmes were beyond

amazing,” said Jackie. “Very quickly he was able

to pull the four choirs into one group that seemed

to have been singing together for a long time. He

not only raised the level of their musicianship but

of their love of music.”

“It was wonderful to work with Dr. Holmes

and we were able to meet and interact with students

from around the country, all of them with differ-

ent backgrounds,” said Jewel Fort ’15 of El Dorado,

Arizona. “It was not only a musical connection, it

was also a connection with new friends. To me that

was an important part of the whole experience.”

“I don’t know many high school students

that can perform at this level of singing,” said Dr.


“The looks on our student’s faces beaming

with pride were worth every minute they spent

rehearsing,” said Arts Department Head Maureen

West, who traveled with the students to Carnegie

Hall for the rehearsals and performance in New

York. “I am so proud of them. Their dedication and

hours of learning and practicing with Jackie all year

were inspiring.”

The students spent more than ten hours in

intensive rehearsals over the three-day residency

program. In addition to the rehearsals, they

enjoyed a Broadway show and the sights and sounds

of New York.

On the StageFinally it was Monday night. Parents, teachers,

and other George School community members

settled into their seats, buzzing with excitement.

Backstage, students from four high school choirs

DURING THE PERFORMANCE of “Noel,” Jermaine Doris ’15 and Christian Sparacio ’14 gave solo performances and members of the full choir stepped forward to emphasize the power of the song.

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APR I L 2014

chatted and laughed together, tugging cuffs and

smoothing skirts. Then it was time to take the stage

and shine.

Tom Hoopes ’83, head of the Religion

Department, and his wife Beth were among the

audience. “We held George School Chorale mem-

bers in the light as they walked onto the stage,” said

Tom. The combination was luminous. Beth said,

“Imagine what it would feel like to be not just a

teacher or advisor but to be a parent of one of the


Dr. Holmes raised his baton and the perfor-

mance began. The opening song, “Misericordias

Domini K. 222” by Amadeus Mozart, filled the

concert hall and the hearts of the audience. Each

song, performed in the acoustically perfect hall,

built upon the success of the last. Too soon the

beautiful music was over.

The students ended their performance to

thunderous applause and a lifetime of special mem-

ories to share with family and friends. “It was an

honor to be invited to perform at Carnegie Hall,”

said Linh Phan ’16 of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

“Being on this stage has strengthened my love

for music and performing,” enthused Daisy Noe ’16

of Newtown, Pennsylvania.

Two members of the Chorale have even bigger

bragging rights. Jermaine Doris ’15 of Passaic,

New Jersey and Christian Sparacio ’14 of Marlboro,

New Jersey were selected during a special audition

process to give solo performances during “Noel”

by Todd Smith, in Kituba, a language from Central


“I was mulling it over all day—how would

I fill up this whole hall with just my voice,” said

Jermaine. “It’s nerve-racking, but incredible.”

“Going up on stage at historic Carnegie

Hall, alongside my peers and representing

George School—having a solo and singing with

Jermaine—and then hearing all the applause,” said

Christian at the end of the performance. “There

is nothing better. It was the best experience of my


“Be proud. Be joyful,” Maureen told George

School faculty and staff in an email the day of the

concert. “These wonderful musicians and students

are our legacy and great ambassadors for our entire


“Singing at Carnegie Hall was an amazing

experience. I became very close with the other

members of our Chorale because we spent so much

time together rehearsing for the concert over this

past year,” said Min Kyu Lee ’14 of Seoul, Korea

during meeting for worship at George School when

he stood to speak a few days after the performance.

“The concert was a high point in my life. It not only

changed my life, it changed who I am.”

WHEN NOT REHEARSING or performing, members of the chorale had the opportunity to explore New York City. They saw a Broadway performance of “Wicked” and visited the Top of the Rock observation deck at Rockefeller Center.

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We launched a new feature called

“Sweetheart Stories” and we can’t

wait to hear from you. Did your eyes

meet across a crowded classroom?

Was it love at first sight? Maybe

you found the love of your life at

a reunion.

To share your sweetheart story and

add a photo, just go to, and click the “Share

Stories & Photos” tab on the far left

of the home page to share your own

photo and story in the George School


It’s simple to do. If you have

questions, call Tessa Bailey-Findley

at 215.579.6572 for help.

Submit your George School sweetheart story and photo to our website

Got Stories?

William knew from the beginning that one day Annemarie would be his wife. When he told her that in 1998 she laughed it off. Just a year later they were dating.

It wasn’t long before William had moved to California to be with Annemarie during her undergrad career. In 2003, Annemarie realized what William had known since the beginning. She pro-posed, spontaneously, in the parking lot of a Home Depot. A year later they were married.

After an extended honeymoon which they spent traveling and working internationally, they re-turned to the states for the birth of their first daughter. Now they are happily settled in California and their second daughter was born last year.

In 2014 they will celebrate their ten-year anniversary, by dropping the kids off at grandma’s and heading to South America for a short trip.

William L. Haar ’00 and Annemarie Haar ’98

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APR I L 2014

Members of the Class of 1999

reunited outside of the meetinghouse

to share their fond

memories of George School.

The Class of 1964posed for their 45th reunion picture on the steps of South Main.

Alumni learned more about the new Mollie Dodd Anderson Library and current construction progress.

Remembering the Fun at




Page 37: Georgian, April 2014

The varsity girls’ lacrosse team (in tie-dyed shirts) welcomed the alumni team back to the field.

The dance department

presented a tribute

in memory of

Carter Waghorne ’99

on Red Square.

The varsity boys’ lacrosse team challenged the alumni lacrosse team in a competitive game for bragging rights.

Two new twin faculty homes were

dedicated, one in memory of Richard O.

Smith ’36 and the other in honor

of John and Jackie Streetz, former

faculty and staff members.

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APR I L 2014

Alumni Weekend 2014 will be here before you

know it—and we are looking forward to welcom-

ing back alumni and friends from the classes of

1939 to 2004 (and everyone in between). The cele-

bration will be filled with community-wide events

designed for all alumni as well as current students,

parents, and faculty. So make your plans, pack your

family, and join us for a fun-filled weekend recon-

necting with friends and classmates.

“Alumni weekend is for everyone in the com-

munity,” said Director of Alumni Relations Karen

Suplee Hallowell and parent of a 2007 graduate.

“We hope alumni, parents, and friends of the

school will all feel welcome to come back to cam-

pus and renew old friendships.”

This year’s celebration will include an

Instrumental Music open rehearsal on Thursday at

3:00 p.m. Orchestra alumni are invited to join for

“Pirates of the Caribbean” and “Radestky March.”

On Friday May 9, the events kick off with

assembly at 10:25 a.m. featuring Lael Brainard ’79,

a nominee for Board of Governors of the Federal

Reserve. At 11:15 a.m. join student tour guides for

a campus walking tour and see how things have

changed in the last few years, followed by lunch

in the dining room. At 1:30 p.m. hear the George

School Chorale perform the repertoire from their

recent performance at Carnegie Hall then

finish the day cheering on the Cougars as the

varsity boys’ tennis team takes on Solebury School

at 4:00 p.m. and the varsity boys’ baseball team

takes on Solebury School at 7:00 p.m. under the

lights at neighboring Northampton baseball field.

On Saturday, May 10 join current and former

faculty for breakfast at 8:00 a.m. in the Class of

1983 Café in the Mollie Dodd Anderson Library

followed by memorial meeting for worship in the

meetinghouse at 9:00 a.m. At 10:00 a.m. head over

to the tennis courts for open tennis or attend one of

two master classes—“Thirty Years of IB Program

Success” with Ralph Lelii or “A Conversation with

Lael Brainard ’79.”

At 11:00 a.m. honor Lael, John Streetz, former

George School faculty member and the first

African-American teacher at George School, and

our retiring faculty—Maria Crosman and Fran

Bradley during the All-Alumni Gathering.

At 2:00 p.m. find your way to Marshall Center

Lawn for a tree dedication in memory of Nate

McKee ’79 and at 3:30 p.m. the All Community

BBQ will kick off along Farm Drive after the

alumni games.

Round out your weekend with meeting for

worship and brunch on Sunday before departing

for home.


to see the full event details. Questions?

Contact Meg Peake ’03 at 215.579.6564.

Alumni WeekendMAY 9, 10, AND 11, 2014

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TH U R S D AY, M AY 83:00 p.m.Instrumental Music Open RehearsalMeetinghouse

F R I D AY, M AY 910:25-11:10 a.m. — seating begins at 10:00 a.m.All-School Assembly:

Economics in Challenging Times

Lael Brainard ’79

Auditorium, Walton Center

11:15 a.m.-NoonCampus Walking Tour

Admission Office

11:30 a.m.-12:3 0 p.m.Lunch with Students, Faculty,

and Alumni

Dining Room, Main

1:30 p.m.Carnegie Hall Redux

MeetinghouseJoin us in celebrating the students

of the George School Chorale as

they perform selections from their

recent Carnegie Hall debut.

4:00 p.m. Varsity Boys’ Tennis vs. Solebury


Tennis Courts

7:00 p.m.Varsity Boys’ Baseball vs. Solebury


Northampton Baseball Field

S ATU R D AY, M AY 108:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.Welcome Center

Anderson Library

8:00-9:00 a.m.Alumni-Faculty Breakfast

Class of 1983 Café, Anderson Library

9:00-9:4 5 a.m.Memorial Meeting for Worship


10:00 a.m.Tennis – Alumni and Students


Tennis Courts by Hallowell Arts Center

10:00-10:45 a.m. Master Classes

Thirty Years of IB Program Success

Conference Room, Anderson Library

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Coordinator Ralph Lelii shares his

perspective on this rigorous aca-

demic program that aims to create

a better and more peaceful world

through intercultural understand-

ing and respect.

A Conversation with

Lael Brainard ’79

Auditorium, Walton Center

Join Fran Bradley as he interviews

Lael Brainard ’79, economic advi-

sor during the Clinton and Obama

administrations. Her areas of exper-

tise include competitiveness, trade

policy, international economics,

US foreign assistance, and global


10:30 a.m.-2:3 0 p.m.Children’s Moonbounce

Orton Lawn

11:00 a.m.-NoonAll-Alumni Gathering

MeetinghouseJoin us in honoring economist Lael

Brainard ’79, former science teacher

John Streetz, and retiring teachers

Fran Bradley and Maria Crosman.

Noon-1:00 p.m.Buffet Lunches

1:00-2:3 0 p.m.Reunion Photos

2:00 p.m.Alumni Games

Boys’ Baseball, Boys’ Lacrosse

Girls’ Lacrosse

Playing Fields

2:00 p.m. Tree Dedication in Memory

of Nate McKee ’79

Marshall Center Lawn

3:30-6:00 p.m.All Community BBQ

Tent along Farm Drive, above baseball field

EveningOff Campus Reunion Events

S U N D AY, M AY 1110:45-11:30 a.m.Meeting for Worship


11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.Sunday Brunch

Dining Room, Main

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APR I L 2014

Alumni Award Recipient:Lael Brainard ’79

The distinguished résumé of economist Lael

Brainaird ’79 provides a hint as to why George

School chose her for its 2014 Alumni Award.

She has served in both the Clinton and Obama

administrations, most recently as the Treasury

Department’s top financial diplomat, and has been

nominated by President Obama for the Board of

Governors of the Federal Reserve. (As of this writ-

ing, she awaits confirmation.) But the Alumni

Award is not intended to reward career prestige as

much as to honor graduates who have used their

talents, expertise, and personal commitment to

make a positive impact on their communities and

the world. Determined to help forge economies that

improve lives, Lael has and will continue to make a

profound impact.

It’s hard to say which experiences most influ-

enced her life’s work, but Lael’s global perspective

certainly started young. The child of a foreign ser-

vice officer, she grew up largely abroad. “George

School was really the first time I’d lived anywhere

for four years,” she admits. “In a way, it was my

first home in the States.” When not at school, she

lived in Cold War Poland, in what she saw as “a

Communist country dominated by an oppressive


Meanwhile, at George School Lael was both

“adventurous and mischievous, f lirting with the

edges of the world” and inspired by her teach-

ers. She cites the intellectual vibrancy of English

teacher Ann Renninger and the positive support of

French teacher Claudie Fischer, “who always made

connections between what we were doing in the

classroom and how we could use it in the world.”

She also loved how Fran Bradley brought his work

in Central America into her economics course.

“He not only taught economics as an academic dis-

cipline,” she remembers, “but he also was really

motivated by how the economy was working for

people in the world. I had no intention of becoming

an economist at the time, but it animated my feel-

ing about how the economy could be innovative for

social mobility.”

Though neither her George School teachers

nor she herself could have predicted her varied jobs

or economic influence, she can in hindsight see

seeds sown thirty-five years ago. After attending

Wesleyan and Harvard, where she received a mas-

ter’s and doctorate in economics, Lael was an asso-

ciate professor of applied economics at MIT’s Sloan

School of Management. “I spent a long time in aca-

demia and loved it,” she says, “in part by being

inspired by teachers like Ann Renninger.” The

French she’d learned in Claudie’s class became vital

when she worked on micro-enterprise in Senegal.

In the Clinton administration, Lael was dep-

uty national economic adviser and deputy assistant

to the president for international economics. From

there she became a senior fellow at the Brookings

Institution, a Washington DC think tank, and

served as vice president and director of its Global

Economy and Development program. Before her

nomination to the Federal Reserve, she was under-

secretary for international affairs at Treasury,

where her job included negotiating on economic

issues with global financial leaders. Among her

areas of expertise are competitiveness, trade policy,

international economics, US foreign assistance, and

global poverty.

“Right now the greatest focus for me is the

way that the economy is working to provide oppor-

tunity. The power of our economy has been to

bring people of disadvantaged backgrounds up, to

unleash the power of their ideals. But it is no lon-

ger providing those kinds of opportunities. The

questions that I’ll be confronting at the Fed, after

the huge financial crisis, concern how we can

renew our economy so it provides for social mobil-

ity and dynamism. That’s where I see a connection

to Quakerism. We see potential in everybody, that

everybody should have an equal possibility to make

a contribution. We need to keep working so that the

economy is a strong foundation for our society and

an inspiration for people in other countries.”

If she is appointed to the Fed, George School’s

Alumni Award may not be the biggest accolade Lael

receives in 2014. But she still finds it “a wonderful

surprise and a huge honor.”

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Distinguished Service Award Recipient:John Streetz

With his wife Jackie, John Streetz integrated

George School in 1950, when he became the

school’s first faculty member of color (and she

the first office staff). John’s impact goes beyond

being a trailblazer, however. Long after his sixteen

years as a science teacher, student counselor, and

dean, he continued to give to the school as an advi-

sor, committee volunteer, and fundraiser. Now the

school is giving back to him, honoring him with its

Distinguished Service Award, for non-alumni. To

hear John describe it, it’s not the first gift he’s got-

ten from George School.

John received a rigorous science educa-

tion from Lincoln University in the 1940s, but he

still couldn’t get a job with local industry giants.

Instead he found work as a playground manager for

Media Friends School and over time taught natu-

ral science and shop there. Meanwhile, students at

George School were lobbying hard for integration.

With the support of then-head Richard McFeely,

John was hired.

Between 1950 and 1966, John, Jackie, and

soon-to-arrive daughter Pamela called George

School home, even “taking it with us wherever we

were.” John taught biology and chemistry, was a

class sponsor and day-boy counselor, coached track

and the new cross-country team, and in his last

year served as acting dean.

While helping countless students to grow, he

was growing himself. “I was lucky enough to have

several mentors, Dick McFeely and Bill Burton,

head of the Science Department, among them,”

John remembers. “They spent lives giving of them-

selves and giving to learning.” The school helped

him secure a GE fellowship to get his master’s from

Wesleyan University, and he was supported in

developing new science curricula. Students, too,

were “part of my learning curve.” In 1962 he and

Jackie took their first international trip when they

supervised a three-month work camp at an orphan-

age in Lahr, Germany—“very hard work and very


It’s a testament to the love his former work

camp students feel for him that John is still in

touch with so many of them, including both George

School and

School and European students. In fact, a German

member was the first person to contact John after

an earthquake hit California, where he now lives.

(From George School, he went on to be assistant

headmaster at Oakwood Friends School, in New

York, and then to California, where he worked at

the Athenian School and the California College of

Arts and Crafts.) Jackie passed away in 2013, and

John had surgery soon after. But he still enjoys an

active lifestyle, bicycling, birding, and seeing many

George School student and faculty friends.

Other testaments to John’s impact can be

seen on campus. In 2009 the school named new

faculty housing, a duplex, for the Streetzes—one

side for John and the other for Jackie. For its 50th

reunion in 2011, the Class of 1961 raised funds for

an endowed scholarship in tribute to their class

sponsor and his wife. And in more subtle ways,

George School has benefited from John’s service on

its advisory board, centennial campaign commit-

tee, and, for about a decade, Resources Committee,

which assessed and ensured the school’s educa-

tional quality and financial stability.

As Head of School Nancy Starmer put it in

describing why the committee selected John for the

award, “As a beloved teacher and courageous pio-

neer at George School, [he remains] an important

figure in the heart and soul of this school and the

extended George School community.” For John’s

part, he is “honored by an institution that is spiri-

tually and emotionally fulfilling and that stands

for values. It has been a place of support and nur-

ture for Jackie, Pamela, and me. In a word, it’s our


Page 42: Georgian, April 2014

New Program Offers Math SupportThe George School Mathematics

Department offers students a new way

to seek help if they are struggling with

homework problems or need clarifi-

cation on particular math concepts.

Monday through Thursday evenings

in the library students can seek help

from math teachers and student tutors

who are available during study hall.

Live Music Weekend Rocks MarshallFor two nights, George School’s

Marshall Center became a black-lit,

jam-packed club that pulsed with

music and dancing. The 2014 Live

Music Weekend, a longtime George

School tradition run by student orga-

nization Goldfish ’n Java, was held

on February 7 and 8, and was by

all accounts a huge success. About

twenty-eight acts, ranging from

acoustic duos to rock bands, rappers,

and rhythm and blues artists, took

to the stage to entertain the masses

for a total of ten hours on Friday and

Saturday nights.

APR I L 2014


George School Brings Jane Austen to LifeThe George School production of

Pride and Prejudice packed Walton

Auditorium for two consecutive

nights on February 21 and 22, keeping

the audience laughing and engaged

throughout the two hour show. With a

minimalist set and simple period cos-

tumes, the show relied on the acting

abilities of cast members to keep the

audience riveted.

Students Spend Spring Break in ServiceMore than thirty students spent their

spring break doing more than soaking

up the sun and sleeping late. Groups

of students participating in school-

sponsored service trips traveled to

Nicaragua, France, South Africa,

Washington, DC, and Mississippi.

They built houses with Habitat for

Humanity, worked as teaching assis-

tants, repaired schools and health

clinics, and supported food banks and

food kitchens. Learn more about their

work at

Campus News & Notes

Students Explore 3D PrintingOne of today’s hottest new technologies, 3D printing and rapid prototyping, is

being explored by George School students in their classrooms. While 3D print-

ing is still in its early stage, robotics and physics teacher Chris Odom predicts

that personal manufacturing, like personal computing, is about to become

mainstream in a big way.

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IB Students Participate in Weekend Science RetreatStudents in IB Science classes at

George School participated in a pirate

themed IB science retreat on January

17 and 18. Working in small groups,

the students wrote a hypothesis,

designed an experiment, ran trials to

test their experiment, and created a

poster that was presented at a science

fair on January 23.

Drayton Wins Green CupOver four weeks from January 15

through February 12, George School

students have been closely monitoring

their electricity usage as part of the

national Green Cup Challenge

organized by the Green Schools

Alliance. The challenge encouraged

students to decrease their electricity

consumption by lowering heat, turn-

ing off lights, taking shorter showers,

and finding other ways to conserve

energy. Despite the difficult winter,

the boys of Drayton Dorm were still

able to lower their average electricity

consumption by 8 percent during the

competition, winning the challenge.

Athletics NewsJerrica Bauer ’16 has earned a spot

among the top runners in the country

this year with her recent success at the

Pennsylvania State Championships

on March 1. Breaking her own school

record by nearly twenty-two seconds

in the 3,000 meter run, she earned a

sixth place medal overall and joined

the top ten runners in the state. Her

sixth place win also earned her a

ranking among the top fifty run-

ners nationally, no small feat for a


The boys’ varsity swim team took

second place at the Friends Schools

League Championship on February 8.

The boys finished strong beating

out a number of competitors includ-

ing Westtown, Shipley, Moorestown

Friends, Abington Friends, and

Friends Select.

George School’s varsity wrestling

team captured third place in the

Friends Schools League Championships

at Westtown School on February 8.

Aidan Greer ’14 placed sixth in the

132-pound weight class at the

Pennsylvania Independent Schools

Wrestling Tournament and quali-

fied to compete at the National Prep

Wrestling Tournament.

Maggie Cherney ’14, Emily Dave

’14, Nicole Frenock ’14, and Brittany

Mokshefsky ’14 have been named to

the 2013 Gladiator National Academic

Squad by the National Field Hockey

Coaches Association.


Student Photographers Exhibit at DrexelFour George School photography students had work selected for the 2014

Drexel University High School Photography Contest Exhibit. The images

are among 125 chosen from more than 1,350 photographs submitted by high

school students across the United States.

Exhibition Honors Student ArtThe Phillips’ Mill Youth Art Exhibition

honored eleven George School stu-

dents at its inaugural show. “Purple

Lake” by Maggie Chen ’15 was one

of the award winners selected by the

show’s juror, Marcia Weikert. Other

George School artists included in the

exhibition are Kailin Dong ’15, Jacob

Fisher ’14, Christina Gummere ’16,

Scott Hoang ’14, Virginia Johnson ’14,

Ceinwen Klaphaak ’14, Sophie

Myles ’14, Katie Rodgers ’14, Emily

Sohn ’14, and Esther Tang ’15.

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1947: Gouverneur (Gouv) Cadwallader ’47

1954: E. David Luria ’54, founder and direc-tor of the Washington Photo Safari.

1957: Elizabeth (Liz) New Weld Nolan ’57 and Judith (Judy) Talbot Campos ’57 at the wedding of Judith’s son Jim in February 2013.

1947: Arthur C. Henrie ’47 was photographed on his bike for the cover of a Pennswood Village publication.

1959: Robert C. Schmidt ’59, Robert (Bob) B. Dockhorn ’59, and Joan Postlethwaite Longcope ’59 gathered for their 50th college reunion at Oberlin.

1956: Marty Paxson Grundy and several George School grads gathered for a reunion in New Mexico last September.


Thanks to our alumni who shared

the following photos with us.

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1970: Roger L. Kay ’70 wrote, “Here is a screenshot of me from a client’s teleconferencing system. It was cold in the Northeast, and, after telling the people at the other end (who were in California) that I had been wearing a hat before the conference started, they encouraged me to put it back on. They also wanted an expression of optimism for the photo, which you see in the window inset on their huge conference-room display.

1967: Roger K. Eareckson ’67 (ffac) was honored by the Maryland State Athletic Directors Association by being voted into its athletic director’s hall of fame. Roger (in the back) displays his award.

1961: Margaret Uehlein Suby Dorney ’61 posed for a photo after successfully completing a twenty-seven-mile bike for hunger fundraiser for the Jamaica Plain MA food pantry in September.

1962: Clifford B. Heisler Jr ’62 celebrated his seventieth birthday.

1965: Margo Vitarelli ’65 shared photos of the botanical gardens and cultural site at the Manoa Heritage Center in Hawaii, where she works, and a personal photo taken in 2013.

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1979: Jennifer Keller ’79 celebrated with her daughter Susanna, who made the 7th/8th grade lacrosse team at Belmont Day School.

1987: Andes Van Syckle Hruby’87 and her daughter enjoy spring lacrosse.

1987: Sara Shepperd ’87 , sister Carrie Shepperd Butler ’90, and Carrie’s daughter Emily Stephens, were featured on an ABC News special about local dog rescue groups.

1975: Pamela J. Holberton ’75 holds her new puppy, Lucy B. Goosey.

1970: Wendy L. Talbot ’70 and her dog, Spirit, in August 2013.

1994: Abe Forman-Greenwald ’94 and Anna Forman-Greenwald ’98 posed for a photo at Lake Tahoe in their George School attire.

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1994 & 1999: The family of J. Charles (Chuck) O’Neill ’94 take a break while decorating his memorial tree at George School in December 2013.

1984: Pictured from left to right are: Tamis E. Nordling, Randi Mittleman, Laura Gold-berg Saluja, Jennifer Kasirsky, Elizabeth Eggleston, and Wendy L. Margulies.

1985: Jennifer Muth ’85 and her husband successfully navigated a swing bridge and some difficult terrain to take in the beautiful sights at the Wainui Falls in New Zealand.

1985: Tanya Y. Wright ’85 just launched ‘HAIRiette of HARLEM,’ an interactive se-ries for women with naturally textured hair.

1986: Scott A. Sharp ’86 posed with a motor-cycle that won second place in show at the Santa Clara CA Motorcycle Show after he restored it.

From left to right in the second photo are: Laura Goldberg Saluja, Jennifer Kasirsky, Tamis E. Nordling, Isabelle Fest—a French exchange student our senior year at George School, and Wendy L. Margulies.

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2000: Howard C. Lin ’00 posed with his family.

2002: David L. Waldman ’02 got engaged to Marian Leitner in November.

1995: Andrew L. Levengood ’95 married Barbara Heymann at the George School Meetinghouse in September. Andrew and Barbara are pictured here on the swings just below the girls’ soccer field.

1992: Jessica Miranda ’92 married John Punsalan in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico last summer.

1985: Lane J. Savadove ’85 married Melanie Julian in July 2013. GS friends Kurt G. Leasure and M. Kelly Rayel were there.

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2005: Morgan C. Siem ’05 performed on “Aerial Silks” as part of her work as a circus performer.

2003: Nicole I. Greenbaum ’03 performed on “Aerial Silks” in Melbourne Australia.

2001: Stephen P. Lunger ’01 (far right) performed with his company, Hip Hop Fundamentals, during a TED talk in Bermuda.

2003: Cristina (Tina) Rysz DiSabatino ’03 met Dominique Cherebin Martinez ’03 and Meredith Gluck ’03 for brunch in New York City.

2006: Hannah B. Kane ’06 recently traveled to Chile, Bolivia, and Brazil. Here she is overlooking Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
