Page 1: Georgia magazine front covers analysis

Glittery, pink headline, attracts the younger female readers. And is attractive to the eye.

Makes you think and want to read more to see who is ‘stealing your crush’

Large photo of Jessie J, practically taking up the whole page, attracts readers because she is famous and a lot of young girls look up to her

Inside is an interview with Jessie J. Striking quote, makes people want to know more.

Rochelle is very pretty so people would want to copy her style and look like her, so they would like to get tips. Especially younger girls who want to live up to be like someone famous.

Photo of a young Lady Gaga attracts reader because they want to see what she looked like and was like before she turned famous and went nutty.

Answers peoples questions and queries that they could be too scared to go to the doctor about.

It is clear that this magazine is aimed at teen or young girls, because of the bright pink colours and the fact that it is a bit of a mess, and there is a lot of influential people on there that young girls could look up to like Jessie J. And an article on Harry Styles and Justin Bieber that obviously young girls with a crush would want to read.

Page 2: Georgia magazine front covers analysis

The headline is pretty much all covered up by the photo, meaning that the maker want people to take more notice of the photo.

Women would pick this magazine up because they want to read about Rihanna because she is famous and people look up to her. Men would pick this up because she looks very pretty and is like looking them in the eye.

Would attract older people if they are fans on Billy Joel because they want to hear about his comeback.

Strange headline, so people would wonder what its about and would want to read it to find out more.

Makes people want to read more as they wonder if there is a reason why the writer is using a Beyonce song to refer to Rihanna

This magazine would attract different types of people of all different ages and genders, but probably not teens though. The magazine front cover doesn’t really give much away apart from the fact that Rihanna is the main topic, so that intrigues the reader to find out more.