Page 1: Geologist, photographer, writer

Scott Engering Geologist · Writer · Photographer · English Language Teacher

BlogspotsThe Language of StoneI started this Blog, following communications with a representative of both the Instituto Geológico y Minero de España and Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Geologos in Madrid, in which the real need for Spanish geologists to improve their level of English was discussed. It explores the language used in Geological Conservation and Architectural Restoration, areas in which I have specialist expertise.

English Language ServicesThis is a very informal ongoing description of the various projects that I have undertaken as a teacher of English, as a foreign language.

MurciaAn account of my last trip to Spain, in January 2014, to participate in an Anglo-Hispanic cultural exchange project, staying with a Spanish host in their home and participating in a series of events, organised by The Language Workshop in Murcia.

Although primarily in Murcia to investigate potential opportunities for my English Language Services, I had time to visit some of the region’s tourist attractions.

TripadvisorVarious reports on cultural and tourist attractions that I have visited in the last 40 months; a couple of trips to Spain, as a field trip leader with groups of students of English, during summer schools, and places that I have been readily able to visit - mainly using public transport – in both South and West Yorkshire.

Creative Match Photographic PortfolioA selection of photographs that mainly record a wide variety of projects that relate to my professional interests in geology and historic architecture, which include many links to articles written for stone trade journals located in several countries in Europe and around the world.
