Page 1: Geological Study Cross Section Check List Rev0

Consultancy Service for Preliminary Design of the National Railway Project in the Sultanate of Oman

TASK: Geological StudyTOPIC: Cross Section




Is the Document coding correct and coherent with the list of deliverables?

Is the Document title correct?Are the date, symbols, logos, revision n. (or final submission), names correct (design team/drawn, k-expert/verified, two project engineers/approved, engineer manager/authorized, project director/released)?

Is the wording, text correct in meaning and language?GEOLOGICAL MAPIs present the k-plan that shows the reference cross section analyzed respect to the whole alignment?Is the geological map excerpt of the specific segment on the required scale (1000/10000)?

Is the geological map legend of the specific segment indicated?

Are all the outcropping formations exhaustively described in the legend?Are the colors of the legend the same as the legend of the official geological map of Sultanate of Oman?

Is the North direction on the geological map legend of the specific segment indicated?

Are the longitude and latitude shown along the alignment?Are the boreholes/wells, performed during the campaign of geotechnical investigations, shown?

Are the geophysical points shown?Are the boreholes and wells (indicated by another symbol), performed during other work, shown?Are the tectonic contacts between the geological formations realistic with the tectonic framework of existing geological maps shown on a larger scale?Are the stratigraphic contacts between the geological formations realistic with the geological time frame?

REFERENCE/BIBLIOGRAPHYIs reported that the legend is extracted from the official geological map of Sultanate of Oman?Are reported in the legend the references of boreholes/wells (and other) that are not part of the present work but were used for a better understanding?

Is reported in the legend where the contours lines have been obtained from?

Design Team Key Expert (or Expert)Date Name/Signature Date Name/Signature

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Page 2: Geological Study Cross Section Check List Rev0

Consultancy Service for Preliminary Design of the National Railway Project in the Sultanate of Oman

TASK: Geological StudyTOPIC: Cross Section



INTERFACE CONTROLCheck if the k-plan is the latest update

Design Team Key Expert (or Expert) Project EngineerDate Name/Signature Date Name/Signature Date Name/Signature



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