Page 1: Geographic, Political, Economic and Social Effects of WWII On Texas

Geographic, Political, Economic and Social

Effects of WWIIOn Texas.

Page 2: Geographic, Political, Economic and Social Effects of WWII On Texas

Geographic Impact

Question: Three facts about the

impact of WWII on the geography of


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AnswerTexans planted “Victory Gardens”

Gas and Oil increased production

Military bases were built across Texas due to our mild climate.

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Victory Garden Propaganda

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Geographic Impact Cont.

Question:What types of natural

resources was Texas able to contribute to the war effort?What were they used for?

Describe two…

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Lumber- built barracks

Oil – to fuel military vehicles

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How did the population of

Texas shift during WWII?

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People moved from the rural (country) to the urban (city) areas for job opportunities.

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Why was the geography of Texas good for

military use?

Give two reasons:

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Answer:Texas had a large amount

of unused landClimate was mild enough

to build military installations.

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Impact on Texas today

Those resources in demand during war time are major industries in Texas today.

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Political impactQuestion:

3 facts about the political impact of

WW II on Texas.

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Texans occupied every rank and branch of the services.

Chester W. Nimitz was one of the 12 admirals from Texas.

12,000 women served in the military.

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Question:Who were people from

Texas that held high ranking government or

military positions during WWII? Describe two…

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Answer: Oveta Culp Hobby: organized the

Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps. (WAAC).

Gen. Dewight D. Eisenhower: commander of allied forces in Europe.

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How many Texans served in the armed forces? How

many casualties were from Texas?

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Answer:Answer:750,000 served in the

armed forces

Over 22,000 casualties

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Numerous Casualties

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Question:Question:What types of military

installations were located in Texas

during World War II? Describe two….

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Army base – Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas

Internment camps – (Latin Americans and California Japanese)- Kenedy, Texas

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Impact on Texas Today

Political leaders from Texas still hold high ranking positions in

the government and the military. Since WWII there have been three presidents from Texas:

Lyndon B. Johnson, George Bush, and George W. Bush.

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Lyndon B. JohnsonLyndon B. Johnson36th President

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George BushGeorge BushAviator in WWII

41st President

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George W. Bush

43rd President

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Social Impact

Three facts about the social impact of World War II

on Texas.

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Women became more independent as they helped with the war effort in factories and in the military.

GI Bill – Provided free education and special loans for returning military.

Discrimination – African Americans and Mexican Americans experienced less discrimination in Europe and wanted the same equal treatment when they returned stateside.

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Question:Who were some Texans

who were heroes during WWII and what

did they do?

Describe two…

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Audie Murphy – the most decorated soldier with 33 awardsand medals. Famous Hollywood actor. Gen. Eisenhower – successfully ran the entire campaign on the European war front.34th U.S. President.

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Question:Question:What were ways that Texans changed their lifestyle to support the

war effort?

Describe Four…

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Answer: Texans rationed their everyday goods like

metals and certain foods like sugar. Texans planted “Victory Gardens” Purchased War Bonds Women had to take on the role of head of

household because their husbands went off to war.

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What were ways Texas Women

supported the war effort?

Describe two…

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Answer:Women joined

military units as WAAC’s, WAVES, and WASPS.

Worked in factories and businesses.

“Rosie the Riveter”

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Women and minoritiesServe in a

Desegregated military.

Impact on Texas TodayImpact on Texas Today

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Minorities inWIIMinorities inWII

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Economic Economic ImpactImpactQuestion:

Three facts about the economic impact of

World War II

On Texas.

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Answer:Answer:Factories were built in Orange and

Beaumont to build ships and airplanes.

The economy caused an increase in the Texas population.

The oil and gas industry grew during this time.

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How did jobs in

Texas change during World War II?

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They changed

from agriculture

to manufacturing.

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How did Texans

support the war economically?

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AnswAnswer:er: Texas provided 80%

of the oil needed

to fight the war.

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Question:What types of

Industries were the

most significant during WWII?

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Oil IndustryLumber IndustryConstruction

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Impact on Texas today

Wartime industries are still important in Texas

today; for example,

Oil and Lumber.
