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Population •

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Agenda of the lesson: Population Growth rate

(Birth Rates Versus Death Rates)

Population Distribution

(Influenced by Physical Environment & Level of technology)

Population Density

(High / Low)

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Questions for the video: What is the main message of the video?

In your opinion, is there anything man can do to avoid an incoming disaster if there is?

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Population growth rate

Population distribution

Population density

G-D-D =•Growth•Distribution•Density

1 2


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Population growth rate

Death Rates (DR)

Birth Rates (BR)


High Low Zero

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Factors that affect world population growth rate Birth Rates (BR)

This refers to the number of live births per 1000 people every year.

For example, if the birth rates for a country is 21 live birth, this means that for every 1000 people, 21 babies were born that year.

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Death Rates (DR)

This refers to the number of deaths per 1000 people per year.

For example, if the death rate is 9 deaths, this means that for every 1000 people in the country, 9 people died that year.

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When there is more births than deaths, there is an increase in population.

If the death rate is higher than the birth rate, there is a fall in the population.

If both the birth and death rate are equal, we say there is zero growth rate.

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20102002 2004

Source: Statistics in New Zealand

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What is trend now for the world population growth rates ? Give evidences Reflect and refer back to relevant

newspaper case studies being used so far.

Discuss with your partner. 5 minutes to write down your answers

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The trend now Today, the BR generally exceeds the DR. This leads to a rise in the population. This is largely due to better medical/health care,

improved hygiene, increased food supply due to advanced technology.

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Population growth rate

Population distribution

Population density


1 2



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Population growth rate

Death Rates (DR)

Birth Rates (BR)


High Low Zero


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Population Distribution

Physical Environment

Level of technology


Rural High Low

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Population Distribution This is the way people are spread out over an

area of land

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Factors Influencing population distribution Physical environmentPeople tend to live in areas with fertile soil and where climate is not extreme.River deltas usually have large populations due to the fertile soil. Examples are the Nile Delta in Egypt and the Ganges River Delta between India and Bangladesh.In contrast, fewer people live in mountainous areas or deserts.

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Level of technology Technology refers to the knowledge, skills and tools that people use to meet their needs.Improvements in technology means that places initially unsuitable for living can be made suitable.For example, Las Vegas is a city built within a desert.

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Explain how technology and the physical environment interact to give the population scenario (density /distribution) in Singapore ?

Refer to Singapore’s population distribution picture

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In addition to the level of technology and the environment, what are the other factors present which can affect population distribution?

Explain their influence on the population distribution

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Population growth rate

Death Rates (DR)

Birth Rates (BR)


High Low Zero


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Population Distribution

Physical Environment

Level of technology


Rural High Low


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Population growth rate

Population distribution

Population density

G-D-D =•Growth•Distribution•Density

1 2



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Population Density



Population Distribution

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Population density This is how many people live in an area of land

Population density=

Number of people in the area/Total land area

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Population density varies from place to place For example, Canada has a population density of 3 people

per sq km. What does this mean? Bangladesh has a population density of 1042 people per sq

km. What does this mean?

However, population density does not tell how many people are in a country because even within a country, people are spread out unevenly

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Does the city or the village have higher population density

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High rate of population growth Usually in less developed countries. Can you think of any

examples? We can use a population pyramid to show the pattern of

population growth. It shows the percentage/total number of people in different age groups and the proportion of males to females in a place

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Elderly: 60 and aboveWorking population: 15-59Young: 0-14

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Causes of high population growth rate Low Death Rate + High Birth Rate

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Low Death RateBetter medical and healthcareMedical care refers to the availability of hospitals, clinics, nurses, medical knowledgeHealth care refers to immunisation, nutritional knowledge, other measures aimed at improving quality of lifeBetter medical and health care leads to more babies surviving beyond one year old

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when few babies die within the first year, we say the infant mortality rate is low

Infant mortality rate refers to the number of deaths among infants under one year of age per 1000 live births per year

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Better hygienePeople will not fall sick and contract diseases so easily if living conditions are clean and hygienicDeath rate falls when there is a supply of clean water and when the environment is clear of disease-carrying pests

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High Birth RateLack of family planningIn less developed countries, people are less educated and have little knowledge on family planningThey may also have many children due to traditional beliefs. For example, some Hindu rituals require sons to perform them .

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Early Marriages Couples who marry early tend to have more children This is because the number of years that women who marry early have for childbearing is higherFor example in some parts of India, couples marry young and birth rates tend to be high

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Preference for sonsSome societies in India and China favour sons because they are seen as capable of carrying the family name when they marry Daughters move away from the family after marriage.

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Need for farm labour People in less developed countries rely heavily on farmingThey have more children to labour on the farm

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Consequences of High population growth rateHigher demand for resourcesPopulation increase means that more people are competing for resources and this could lead to shortages

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Higher demand for housing A larger population means that more people will be competing for housing.In some cities in India, people live in temporary shelters made from cardboard or wooden planks

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Higher demand for educationLarger population means that there must be sufficient schools and teachers to educate the youngLess developed countries may not have enough money to build enough schools and not everyone can be assured an education

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Higher demand for jobsA larger population means that more people will be competing for jobs

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Environmental ProblemsA larger population means more wastage generated and less developed countries may not have the means to dispose the waste properlyThis can lead to land and water pollution

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Actions to Control High Population Growth RateEducation on family planningFamily planning agencies in less developed countries have been sent to rural areas to educate people and give advice on family planning

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Incentives and penaltiesRewards in the form of monetary incentives can be given to couples who have fewer children Those with more children could be fined

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Example China uses both incentives and penalties to slow

population growth. The “one-child policy” allowed each couple to

have only one child. Incentives for housing and education were given to these couples.

Couples with more than one child had to pay a fine.

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However, in recent times, couples who are each an only child are allowed to two children to prevent an imbalance in the population.

With so few babies born, there may be less people to take care of the old in future

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Low population growth rate Usually in developed countries. Can you think of

any such countries?

Low DR + Low BR

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Causes of low Death Rate Higher standards of hygiene High standards of hygiene leads to clean food,

water and air. People are less prone to contracting diseases

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Better nutritionIn developed countries, people earn more income and can afford to buy sufficient food and water

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Better medical and healthcareLeads to longer, healthier livesVaccinations that are readily available can stop diseases from spreading In Singapore, world-class hospitals enable people to enjoy better medical care

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Causes of low Birth rateLater marriagesMore people marrying late.Women who marry late have fewer years left to have babies

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Fewer marriagesFewer marriages equals fewer birthsThis leads to a fall in population

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Preference for smaller familiesPeople in developed countries prefer smaller familiesAn increasing number of working women also choose to have fewer children in order to balance workCost of raising children has increased

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Consequences of Low population Growth RateAgeing populationThis refers to the population that is more than 60 years oldHeavier burden on the working population

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Higher taxesTaxes are collected from the working populationHence, a smaller working population means that taxes will be increased

Smaller talent poolFewer people to lead and serve the country These countries must turn to foreign talent

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Managing Low Population Growth Encouraging marriage and childbearingThe government can encourage married couples to have more kidsSingapore government gives tax rebates to women who have children when they are younger More child care centres also set up

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Meeting the needs of the elderly Special facilities built to support the ageing population

Building special facilitiesMore clinics, hospitals that cater to the elderly have to be built

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Help the elderly keep healthyExercise classes and courses are constantly organised for the elderly in SingaporeHealthy living is promoted through posters and television

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Encourage families to look after the elderlyFamily ties are promoted through various privileges and tax subsidies for families that look after the elderly

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Extended working lifeRaise the retirement ageJapan’s retirement age is 65 years oldSingapore’s retirement age is now 62 years old

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Encourage financial planningThe CPF scheme in Singapore forces working people to save and this allows them to be self-sufficient when they are old

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Summary The population growth rate of a country is

influenced by its birth and death rates.

The population distribution of a country is influenced by its physical conditions and level of technology.

The population density of a country is influenced by its population distribution.
