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Newsletter of the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®

41397 Buecking Drive � Temecula, CA 92590-5668951.296.6261 � FAX 951.296.9117 �

Volume 16 Number 2 June 2005



In Act IV of Shakespeare’s Othello, Desdemona, soon tobe murdered by her husband in an unjustified fit of crazedjealousy, says:

Those that do teach young babesDo it with gentle means and easy tasks (IV,ii).

Though the context in which Desdemona’s words occur isanything but gentle—Othello has just cruelly labelled her awhore—they nonetheless offer a wonderful description ofJesus’ gentleness with us, his younger brothers and sisters.Indeed, throughout A Course in Miracles, Jesus refers to usas children, for in our spiritual awareness we are like chil-dren, totally unaware of the illusory nature of the worldaround us. Thus we need an elder brother to teach us gently,without demanding that we perform what is beyond ourcapabilities—the gentle means of forgiveness, and the easytasks of its application to our special relationships. In thisarticle we look at how Jesus is gentle and easy with us, mod-eling how we are to be with ourselves and with each other.

A Gentle and Easy Fairy Tale

We begin by examining one of the clearest, though oftenmisunderstood ways in which Jesus demonstrates his kindgentleness, exemplifying the principle of not further frighten-ing those who are already afraid (T-2.IV.5). As he says in thetext, he must

…use the language that this [separated] mind can under-stand, in the condition in which it thinks it is.…[he] mustuse all learning to transfer illusions to the truth, taking allfalse ideas of what you are, and leading you beyond themto the truth that is beyond them (T-25.I.7:4-5).

Thus Jesus brings his non-dualistic truth to the fearful anddualistic world in which we, his frightened younger siblings,find ourselves, addressing his message of forgiveness to theguilt-ridden minds that still believe they are separated. Bythis gentle and loving means, he leads us through the illu-sions to the truth.

Consider the story Jesus tells us about God and His“response” to the tiny, mad idea. The Course teaches that the

ego speaks first and is wrong (T-5.VI.3:5; 4:2), and the HolySpirit is the answer. Therefore, Jesus’ answer to the ego isframed within the contours the ego has first established, withwhich we have already identified. Yet does he keep thesecontours and shift to a kind and loving content, illustratingthe important teaching that the Holy Spirit does not takeaway our special relationships, but transforms them bychanging their purpose (e.g., T-17.IV.2:3-6).

Jesus’ gentle and easy fairy tale lovingly tells hisyounger siblings of their Father’s Love, correcting the ego’sharsh, cruel, and deceptive nightmare of His wrath. The ego’stale of sin, guilt, and fear was designed to instill the fear ofGod in the mind of His dreaming Son, causing him to leavehis home in the split mind and make a mindless physicalworld of time and space, inhabited by bodies. Thus, the Sonis told that his separation was born of his wish to have a selfthat was independent of his Source. This act, labeled sin bythe ego, constituted the usurping of God’s role as Creator, notto mention His destruction at the hands of His Son. The ensu-ing guilt set up fear of the future, which drove the Son out ofhis mind—literally and figuratively. Into this mindless dreamof self-hatred and terror, Jesus enters to soothe his brothersand sisters by telling them a different tale, one designed tocomfort and bless, at the same time it gently awakens themfrom the ego’s nightmare of guilt and death. Recall thisdescription of the Holy Spirit’s gentle correction:

How can you wake children in a more kindly way thanby a gentle Voice that will not frighten them, but willmerely remind them that the night is over and the light hascome?… You merely reassure them that they are safe now.… The Holy Spirit never itemizes errors because He doesnot frighten children, and those who lack wisdom arechildren.…Children do confuse fantasy and reality, andthey are frightened because they do not recognize the dif-ference. The Holy Spirit makes no distinction amongdreams. He merely shines them away (T-6.V.2:1,3; 4:1,3-5).

Therefore, using the language of children to reassure uswe are safe now, Jesus gently holds us in his arms as he whis-pers softly that all is well: “Our Father is not angry. To thecontrary, He misses us, is lonely without our presence, and

Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

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Gentle Means and Easy Tasks (continued)


weeps over our having left home (T-2.III.5:11; T-5.VII.4:5).Moreover, as proof of His Love for us, He created the HolySpirit to come into our sleeping minds and gently awaken usfrom our dreams of abandonment and betrayal.”

This kind story leaves us with the easy task of acceptingthe loving truth of his words by rejecting the harsh sounds ofthe ego’s tale of guilt and pain. Were we not so gently heldand lovingly comforted, the task of turning away from theego would be well nigh impossible, and we would remainforever condemned to a life of futility, bitterly coping withthe ego’s “truths” of a life born of fear, lived in fear, and end-ing in fear. In its place, Jesus offers us a life lived under thegentle means of forgiveness, to which we now turn. Thus hemeets us where we believe we are, and with great and lovingcare leads us down his easy path that takes us back to the lov-ing Arms we never left.

Being Gentle and Easy with Ourselves

The very fact we are here in a body, identifying our-selves as students of A Course in Miracles, tells us we arecreatures of fear, for only the fearful come into the dreamthat is the world:

Fear is the one emotion of the world. Its forms aremany—call them what you will—but it is one in content.… Each…[dream] contains the whole of fear, the oppositeof love, the hell that hides the memory of God, the crucifix-ion of His holy Son (The Gifts of God, pp. 115-16).

Yet, despite the fearful aspects of the road that leads outof the world, the path of forgiveness is gentle and easy, for itasks so little of us. As Jesus says of his course:

This course requires almost nothing of you. It is impossibleto imagine one that asks so little, or could offer more(T-20.VII.1:7-8).

We are not asked to change ourselves or perform herculeanspiritual feats, but merely to look at the ego without judg-ment:

Forgiveness… is still, and quietly does nothing.…Itmerely looks, and waits, and judges not (W-pII.1.4:1,3).

No effort is required, therefore, except to undo our resistanceto this gentle and easy process, born of the fear of losing ourspecial identity. It is this fear of being without specialnessthat makes the gentleness of forgiveness become an experi-ence of pain and difficulty. And yet even here we are notasked to struggle against this fear, which is why Jesus tellsus:

And if you find resistance strong and dedication weak, youare not ready. Do not fight yourself (T-30.I.1:6-7).

We are the ones who make this process of undoing diffi-cult, simply by our reactions to the ego. Recall the originalproblem:

Into eternity, where all is one, there crept a tiny, mad idea, atwhich the Son of God remembered not to laugh. In his for-

getting did the thought become a serious idea, and possibleof both accomplishment and real effects (T-27.VIII.6:2-3).

The problem was not the tiny, mad idea of being separatefrom God, but rather choosing to listen to the ego and takingit seriously. Extrapolating to our everyday experiences, theproblems are never the forms—the external manifestationsof guilt—but our internal reactions to these problems. Inother words, we are not asked to deny what our eyes see, butonly the ego’s interpretation of what they see; choosingvision over judgment. Thus, asking Jesus to help us with ourresistance means looking at it without judgment. It is not asin to be afraid—“You have not sinned, but you have beenmistaken” (T-19.IV-B.11:8)—but judging oneself for itmakes the error a sin, which we believe deserves punish-ment, not correction. In these contexts, “remembering tolaugh” means being able to forgive oneself for being afraidof the truth. Since all our mistakes are one, by forgiving oneexpression we forgive them all. All mistakes are one mistake;all corrections are one Correction—regardless of their forms:

The tiny tick of time in which the first mistake was made,and all of them within that one mistake, held also the Cor-rection for that one, and all of them that came within thefirst (T-26.V.3:5).

Such understanding is wonderfully freeing, for it allowsus not to be affected by the many vicissitudes of our ever-changing world. Regardless of external events or the shiftingmoods of those around us, we can remain at peace, if we sochoose. We can therefore be gentle with ourselves, for ourlives become easy once we learn from Jesus the unity of allrelationships and events—not in form, but in content. Hislove within our right minds remains constant, and is thefoundation for our gentle response to all circumstances in ourlives. Thus are we freed of the terrible and unending burdenof trying to make the imperfect perfect, which can be likenedto trying to fill a sieve with water—a thankless and hopelesstask if there ever were one. We are then liberated from theego’s plan to divert our attention from the mind—the sourceof the problem and the answer—so that we focus only on theexternal, along with the difficulties of life in the body. Butseeing the problem only in the mind’s mistaken choice for theego, and the solution only in the mind’s corrected choice forthe Holy Spirit, simplifies our living by unifying our class-room. Jesus invites us to share his gentleness as we look withhim at the mind’s decision, forgiving our errors as we aregrateful for our easy lessons.

If, however, we are not gentle and easy with ourselves,able to overlook our expressions of fear, how could we thenbe gentle and easy with others? In the end, of course, forgive-ness is one—whether we forgive another or ourselves. Bylearning to be gently forgiving of our own egos, the process ofdoing likewise for others becomes easy. And so we shift ourattention to the outer expressions of our special relationshipwith the ego, the means this course uses to heal the mind.

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Gentle Means and Easy Tasks (continued)


The Gentle and Easy Path of Forgiving OurSpecial Relationships

If we follow Jesus’ previously quoted words about theHoly Spirit, we will never itemize the errors of another, seek-ing to make their particular sins justified fodder for our ego’shungry dogs of fear (T-19.IV-A.11-15). We would recognize,following from what we discussed in the previous section,that no matter how heinous the crime or egregious the sin,the fact remains that fear of love is the ultimate motivator forall wrong-minded behavior. Thus we place them in one cate-gory—mistakes born of fear. In this manner we allow our-selves to be taught by the Holy Spirit, as we saw above, notto be afraid of the ego’s dreams. If we perceive mistakesinstead of sins, there is no malice, and so there can be no fearof attack and consequently no need for defense. Since fear,therefore, is unnecessary as a defense against the truth oflove, and moreover is illusory, our function could not be sim-pler. After all, accepting what is true is the easiest thing in theworld. It is resisting its simplicity that is difficult and ener-vating. And so we remember these words of Jesus, whichecho Desdemona’s quiet wisdom:

How simple is salvation! All it says is what was nevertrue is not true now, and never will be.…Can this be hardto learn by anyone who wants it to be true? Only unwilling-ness to learn it could make such an easy lessondifficult.… [Salvation] teaches but the very obvious. Itmerely goes from one apparent lesson to the next, in easysteps that lead you gently from one to another, with nostrain at all (T-31.I.1:1-2,5-6; 2:3-4; italics mine).

And from the manual, the way out:

“Give up what you do not want, and keep what you do.”How simple is the obvious! And how easy to do!(M-4.I.6:6-8)

Using the Jesus of A Course in Miracles as our model,we learn to be kind and easy with each other, giving up theguilt we do not truly want and accepting the peace that wedo. This, however, is impossible as long as our specialneeds—conscious or not—are present to distort our percep-tion, ultimately having us see others only as separate objectsexisting to meet our needs. Thus we see shadows of our pastsof scarcity and deprivation, which justify our current speciallove and hate perceptions. Our brothers and sisters, compan-ions on the journey, are misperceived as potential means ofsatisfying our cannibalistic appetites for the priceless pearlsof innocence the ego tells us we desperately need to survive.How then could we remember that we journey “together, ornot at all” (T-19.IV-D.12:8)?

Readers of my book on Helen Schucman,1 scribe ofA Course in Miracles, may recall her experience on theAtlantic City boardwalk:

Several times that summer I felt something like the“subway experience” of years before [an earlier experiencewhen Helen felt an indescribable love for people on theNew York City subway].… It generally took place in acrowd of people, for whom I could feel a brief but power-ful affinity. One took place on a warm evening when Louis[Helen’s husband] and I were walking along a crowdedresort boardwalk. A sudden sense of deep emotional close-ness to everyone there swept over me, with a clear and cer-tain recognition that we were all making the same journeytogether to a common goal.

Helen later recalled the incident more specifically in a letter toWilliam Thetford, her partner in the Course’s scribing, writtenin the summer preceding the Course coming through her:

One evening we were walking and Jonathan [Helen’s“other” name for Louis] pointed out a brain-injured boy(about 12 or so) who was being pushed by his parents in acarriage. There were other cripples [an Anglicism for theretarded] there, too. As we walked I suddenly…got a senseof everyone walking happily and very much together onthe same path.…we’ll all make it home eventually. Some-times I love everybody very much (pp. 115, 140).

How could we not feel love and compassion for everyliving thing, to cite Buddha’s famous teaching, knowing weshare the same disability of spiritual weakness and the needto awaken together from its separation nightmare of sufferingand pain? How could we not love everybody very muchwhen we realize we are part of the same self that needs to begathered together, as we read in this prayer of Jesus from thelate second-century Gnostic text, The Odes of Solomon:

And I sowed my fruits in hearts, and transformed them intomyself: and they received my blessing and lived;

And they were gathered to me and were saved; becausethey were to me as my own members and I was their head.

In another Gnostic text, The Second Treatise of the GreatSeth, Christian despite its title, Jesus echoes this samethought: “I came to my own and united them with myself.”2

Jesus’ gathering of his own unto himself reflects the re-uniting of the split-off Sonship that had fragmented into theworld of materiality—joined again as one light, one love, oneSon. While we still believe we are here in the body, thisvision of oneness is expressed by our not giving power to theappearances of separation and differences, to which the bodyand world witness. Thus, while our eyes see a world in whichspecialness reigns, our healed minds perceive only expres-sions of love or calls for it. Either way, our response that isborn of Jesus’ love for us can only be love. And so he asks ofus:

Dream softly of your sinless brother, who unites withyou in holy innocence.… Dream of…[his] kindnessesinstead of dwelling in your dreams on his mistakes. Selecthis thoughtfulness to dream about instead of counting up

1. Absence from Felicity: The Story of Helen Schucman and Her Scribing of A COURSE IN

MIRACLES. 2. Cf. my Love Does Not Condemn, pp. 317, 318.

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Gentle Means and Easy Tasks (continued)


the hurts he gave.… And do not brush aside his many giftsbecause he is not perfect in your dreams (T-27.VII.15:1,3-4,6).

Indeed, no one is perfect here, and it would hardly beloving to insist we, or others, be without blemish. Yet we canallow ourselves to feel the pain behind everyone’s imperfec-tions, including our own, thereby looking kindly on another’smistakes and recognizing the fear behind the maladaptiveattempts to somehow survive at someone else’s expense—the mistake of the world. Behind these ego thoughts, we allcarry within us the memory of our perfection as God’s Son,at one with Him and all creation. Thus the gap between thisperfect memory and our imperfect experience is the seat ofall pain and sickness, as we read:

The gap is little. Yet it holds the seeds of pestilence andevery form of ill, because it is a wish to keep apart and notto join.…The purpose of the gap is all the cause that sick-ness has. For it was made to keep you separated, in a bodywhich you see as if it were the cause of pain (T-28.III.4:2-3,5-6).

No one but walks the earth without trying to cope withthis deep pain, whose cause is kept concealed within the gapof separation, for all wander here “uncertain, lonely, and inconstant fear” (T-31.VIII.7:1). Some deny this under specialcloaks of happiness, peace, and love, while others project thepain outright, seeking to impose it on another, displacingresponsibility for their own suffering. Yet Jesus’ kindness tous, reflecting his gentle means and easy tasks, becomes ourmodel for responding to another’s fear, regardless of its formof expression. Having experienced his forgiving love, we areable to step aside from the ego and allow the gentle kindnessof this love to flow easily through our minds, embracingthose who may not know it. Thus we offer the gift we havereceived and become one with it—both its Source and Its

effects. With a joy that is not of this world, we can join withJesus in praying to our God:

In joyous welcome is my hand outstretched to everybrother who would join with me in reaching past tempta-tion, and who looks with fixed determination toward thelight that shines beyond in perfect constancy.…And aseach one elects to join with me, the song of thanks fromearth to Heaven grows from tiny scattered threads of mel-ody to one inclusive chorus from a world redeemed fromhell, and giving thanks to You (T-31.VIII.11:1,5).

And so our arms open in gentleness to hold those in lovewho still fear it, and as we comfort those who tremble, ourlove reminds them of the gentle means and easy tasks withwhich we reached this quiet center, the garden of love thatbeckons to the world that still believes it lives in a desert ofdeath:

The desert becomes a garden, green and deep and quiet,offering rest to those who lost their way and wander in thedust. Give them a place of refuge, prepared by love forthem where once a desert was.…The love they broughtwith them will stay with them, as it will stay with you. Andunder its beneficence your little garden will expand, andreach out to everyone who thirsts for living water, but hasgrown too weary to go on alone.…And you will recognizeyourself, and see your little garden gently transformed intothe Kingdom of Heaven, with all the Love of its Creatorshining upon it (T-18.VIII.9:3-4,7-8; 10:4).

How joyful to give what we have received! How full ourgratitude for the loving brother whose gentleness brought usthis joy! How loved we are, for Love has never ceased to callus home! Thus we all answer the call together, for it sings ineach of us as one, gently calling us to walk the easy path offorgiveness, lovingly guided by the quiet wisdom of Love,that we be but Itself. �

THE LIGHTHOUSE (ISSN 1060-4987) is the newsletter of the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®. The Foundation is a not-for-profit organizationfounded in 1983 to help students of A Course in Miracles through workshops, courses, books, and audio and video tapes.

THE LIGHTHOUSE is published and sent out four times a year (March, June, September, December) by the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®,41397 Buecking Drive, Temecula, CA 92590-5668. Periodicals Postage Paid at Temecula, California and additional mailing offices.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE LIGHTHOUSE, Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®, 41397 Buecking Drive, Temecula, CA 92590.

Articles published in THE LIGHTHOUSE are copyrighted by the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®.

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We gratefully appreciate any donations, which are tax-deductible, to offset thecosts of printing and mailing this newsletter.

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Alexandria, VA: Sponsored by the Institute for the Advancement of Service, Kenneth and Gloria willspeak on Wednesday, September 7, between 7:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. The title of the talk is “The HealingPower of Kindness.” Please call Susan Trout to register and for more information: 703.706.5333.

Virginia Beach, VA: Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D., Charles Thomas Cayce, Ph.D., and Tom Baker, LCSW,will participate in Your Soul’s Journey–Part 2: A COURSE IN MIRACLES and the Cayce Readings at the Asso-ciation for Research and Enlightenment, 215 67th Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451. This in-depthexchange will be held September 9-11, and is designed to increase your grasp of both perspectives “toenliven a sense of life’s deeper meaning.”

For more information about this event, please contact the A.R.E. at 888.273.0020, or register on their Website at:

Irvine, CA: Kenneth and Gloria will be speakers at the 2005 Conference on Transformational Conscious-ness, presented by the Institute for Global Transformation. The Conference will be held at the HiltonHotel, across from the John Wayne Airport.

Dates: Saturday, September 24 • 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Speakers will discuss the “mystery and relevanceof transformational consciousness during this pivotal time in history.”

Sunday, September 25 • 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. • Speakers will hold breakout sessions with Conferenceattendees. All attendees are invited to contribute their ideas and suggestions on the Conference theme.

Fee: $250.00 for both days.

To register, or for additional information, please contact the Institute for Global Transformation by phone(706.654.4788), or on the Internet at

Anaheim, CA: On October 1 from 1:00 p.m–3:00 p.m., Kenneth will present a talk entitled “A Course inMiracles: To Be In the World Yet Not of It” at the Learning Light Foundation, 1212 East Lincoln Avenue,Anaheim, CA 92805. The fee is $16.00. If you require further information, please call 714.533.2311.



The near-universal preoccupation with the issues of sex and money can be traced to the ego’s agendaconcealed in our minds—specifically, its plan to keep us rooted in the body and the world so we will neverget to the real source of pain and conflict, which is the mind’s decision to sustain the separation from God,but not be held responsible for it. In the context of the ego’s principles and its doctrine of specialness andseparate interests, both sex and money can be seen as behavioral forms that give expression to the contentof our minds. The focus in this book, therefore, is on identifying the content that gives rise to the guilt,conflict, myths, and obsession associated with sex and money. Forgiveness enables us to shift our attentionfrom the complexity of behavior to the simplicity of purpose. Thus sex and money, which have come toexpress the ego’s guilt-inducing thought system of one or the other, are transformed in purpose to reflectthe Holy Spirit’s healing principle of together, or not at all.

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This eight-volume set is the end product of a series of classes I conducted at ourFoundation’s former location in New York. The classes consisted of a line-by-lineanalysis of the lessons, introductions, reviews, summaries, and the Epilogue. I haveconsiderably enlarged some of the original discussion, supplying additionalreferences to other relevant portions of the Course, the Preface, the two pamphlets,poems from The Gifts of God, and the prose poem “The Gifts of God.” This workcan thus be seen as a complete Course companion to accompany students on theirown journey through the workbook.

My purpose in presenting the classes originally, as it remains in this book, wasto help students better understand the meaning of the lessons and their place in thecurriculum of A Course in Miracles, and most of all, to help students see theimportance of applying the daily lessons to their everyday lives. Without suchapplication, the brilliance of Jesus’ words is wasted, and they become simply asterile system of intellectual teachings.

This book can be read in at least three ways: 1) straight through, as one woulddo with the text; 2) different lessons at different times; or 3) one lesson at a time,as a companion to each lesson. I would urge students, however, if they are doingthe workbook for the first time, to read the lessons as they are, without mycommentary. In other words, as with all my other work on A Course in Miracles,this book is meant to supplement a student’s experience of the workbook, not tosubstitute for the workbook as it was given to us. (Adapted from the Preface) Eight-Volume Boxed Set

THE HEALING POWER OF KINDNESSVolume Two: Forgiving Our Limitations

This second book on kindness centers on two statements of caution Jesus offersin A Course in Miracles. Characteristic of his gentle guidance, he tells us not tobe disturbed by the shadows surrounding our “little willingness” to learn fromhim, and not to despair because of our limitations. These cautions were thethemes of two workshops presented at our center—“Shadows of Limitation” and“Sweet Are the Uses of Adversity”—that form the basis of this book. If we iden-tify with the ego, our limitations become cause for comparison and judgment,and thereby impel us to seek ways to overcome the imperfections in our bodiesand the world. This focus serves the ego’s purpose of concealing the mind’s deci-sion for guilt, substituting a limited self for the unlimited Self of Christ. Identify-ing with the loving Presence of the Holy Spirit in our right minds, we recognizeour self-defeating choice, thus allowing true correction to heal. We now lookkindly on our imperfections, redefining them not as our reality but as meredetours on our journey home. These shadows of limitation become the contoursof the classroom that Jesus uses to teach us his kind lessons of forgiveness. Thusdo they ultimately fade in the light of the Atonement, in which we all are joinedas the one perfect Son of God.#B-20 � $6.00 ISBN 1-59142-155-1


Available Now!

Fall 2005

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* * * * * * * * * * N E W R E L E A S E S * * * * * * * * * *Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

PARENTS AND CHILDREN: OUR MOST DIFFICULT CLASSROOM. These classes focus on what it means to be a right-minded parent and a right-minded child. The former role involves being faithful to the changing function of parent, at thesame time respecting the child’s decision-making mind to choose its life experiences, and whether to perceive them throughthe eyes of the ego or the Holy Spirit. We know we have attained spiritual maturity when we no longer think of our parents orparental surrogates as authorities—on the level of content—but as brother and sister walking with us on the path that leads ushome. Thus, both forms of this primary relationship can, if we so choose, exemplify Jesus’ message of forgiveness: not seeinganother’s interests as separate from our own.Available August 2005

THE LESSONS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. This workshop contrasts the lessons of the ego with the lessons of the Holy Spirit.The ego’s lessons focus on all-exclusiveness and the preservation of the ego, and can be stated this way: 1) To Have, Take Allfrom All; 2) To Have Conflict, Teach Conflict to Learn It; and 3) Be Vigilant Only against God and His Kingdom. The HolySpirit’s lessons reflect His message of the all-inclusive nature of God’s Son, and our need to choose against the ego: 1) ToHave, Give All to All; 2) To Have Peace, Teach Peace to Learn It; and 3) Be Vigilant Only for God and His Kingdom.Available August 2005

TRANSFORMATION: THE JOURNEY THROUGH FORM TO FORMLESSNESS. This final day of a five-day Academy classsummarizes the week’s theme of journeying through form to formlessness. The two sessions are each based on one of Helen’spoems: “Transformation” and “The Star Form” respectively. The first session focuses on the shift from wrong-minded toright-minded perception, reversing the ego’s thought system of separation by seeing through Christ’s vision and hearing“creation’s song.” The second session completes the journey by reflecting the transcendence of form and return to the form-lessness of God: “There was a cross, but it has disappeared. There was a world, but there is only God.”Audio: #T-111 • two tapes • $10.00 #CD-111 • three CDs • $20.00

ART AND A COURSE IN MIRACLES: REFLECTIONS OF HOLINESS. Against a backdrop of James Joyce’s distinctionbetween proper and improper art, the workshop discusses the perfect integration of form and content as the core of great art, aswell as the essence of advanced teachers of God. The true work of art (form) emanates from the artist’s inner experience(content), as opposed to concerns such as fame, power, or approval. Through integrating the content of the Holy Spirit’s truthin specific forms, both artist and student become reflections of the holiness within, expressed in whatever form that holinesscan be communicated without fear.Audio: #T-110 • four tapes • $20.00 #CD-110 • four CDs • $25.00

“SWEET ARE THE USES OF ADVERSITY.” Based on a line from Shakespeare’s As You Like It, the workshop focuses on thecontrast between the ego’s and the Holy Spirit’s ways of looking at life’s trials. Where the ego sees justified punishment for sins,the Holy Spirit sees opportunities for learning that nothing in the world has power to take away the Love and the peace of Godthat are within us. An important corollary to this theme is accepting our own lack of acceptance of the Holy Spirit’s vision—theessence of forgiveness: not taking the tiny, mad idea seriously, nor its many and varied expressions within the dream.Audio: #T-109 • four tapes • $20.00 #CD-109 • four CDs • $25.00

HELEN SCHUCMAN: A GIFT OF GOD. This workshop on Helen Schucman focuses on Kenneth Wapnick’s intimate relation-ship with the scribe of A Course in Miracles for the last eight years of her life. A major part of the discussion centers on theimportance of accepting people’s choices for themselves, without seeking to impose our own values or belief systems onthem. Only then can we see past what appear to be clouds of darkness to the light of Christ that shines so brightly in each ofus. This allows us to recognize, as was so demonstrable in Helen, the universality of the split mind—wrong and right minds,and the decision maker—and the Mind of Christ.Audio: #T-108 • two tapes • $10.00 #CD-108 • two CDs • $15.00

Now also available on CD:#CD-81 Justice Returned to Love (4 CDs) $25.00#CD-82 The Problem of Evil (4 CDs) $25.00#CD-72 An Overview of A Course in Miracles (1 CD) $10.00#CD-5 The Ego & Forgiveness (3 CDs) $20.00


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The Lighthouse in its entirety (in .pdf format) is available to download from our Web site at You will needAdobe Reader to view the newsletter, and if this program is not already installed on your computer, you will find a link on oursite. In addition, you can have the page monitored by, and each time a new edition of the newsletter isadded to the Web site you will receive a notification by e-mail. Activation of page monitoring can also be found on our site. Ifyou wish to receive our newsletter in this form only, please let us know and we will remove your name from The Light-house mailing list.


The complete Course is now available in a smaller-sized edition (8"x 5" differing from the 9"x 6" regular-sized editions).Printed on the same quality paper as the traditional Softcover and Hardcover editions, this newly designed book’s type size isslightly smaller than that of the traditional versions. Anexo a Un curso en milagros, the new Spanish translation of the supple-ments (Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process, and Practice and The Song of Prayer) is also available. Both of these publicationsmay be ordered from the Foundation for Inner Peace Web site (, as well as our order form on page 19.


Our latest series of excerpts is from our tape album “Healing the Dream of Sickness,” a workshop presented by Kenneth inFebruary 2002. After a review of the metaphysical basis of sickness and the body, the discussion develops the unique view ofA Course in Miracles that the source of all sickness, regardless of the form, is not the body or the world, but our unconsciousbelief in sin and guilt. Healing therefore centers on the removal of this cause through our looking without judgment at ourdecision to push love away and then blame our plight on external sources. This looking—the meaning of a relationship withJesus—is the core of healing. These excerpts can be found at the Foundation’s Web site at


Browse our Web site, where you can order Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES publications at a 10% discount; register forthe Temecula Center programs; add your name to our mailing list or change your mailing list address; read past articles from TheLighthouse; find program schedules for both the Temecula Center and the La Jolla branch; and consult our teaching aids, includ-ing our online excerpts series. You may also access our Question and Answer Service ( at our Web site.


We have a link to, Web site of IDEPI, a Spanish teaching organization run by Eduardo Iannici and his wifeAdriana. The site, which is in Spanish, serves all of Latin America, and consists of extensive discussions of A Course inMiracles, as well as Spanish translations of articles from The Lighthouse, our Excerpts Series, excerpts from variousFoundation publications, and portions of our Question and Answer Service. You may contact IDEPI through E-mail at:[email protected]. Please note that this site is currently designed specifically for Internet Explorer browsers. Other browsersmay experience problems viewing the site.


Most of the Foundation books and a few tapes have been translated into German. For information, please contact: GreuthofVerlag und Vertrieb GmbH • Herrenweg 2 • D79261 Gutach i. Br. • Germany • Tel. 7681-6025 • FAX 7681-6027. Many of theFoundation books have also been translated into Spanish, the most recent being Awaken from the Dream, and these can beordered from our publications list on page 16. In addition to the books already listed, Absence from Felicity will be available inlate 2005.

Dutch: The Talk and The Most Commonly Asked Questions. Order from Ankh-Hermes bv • Postbus 125 • 7400 ACDeventer • Netherlands.

Italian: The Talk. Order from Gruppo Editoriale Armenia • Via Valtellina, 63 • 20129 Milano, Italy.Danish: The Talk, The Most Commonly Asked Questions, and Absence from Felicity. Order from SphinX Publishers •

Løvstræde 8 • 1152 København K • Denmark.Slovene: The Talk. Order from Zalozba Quatro • Zabnica 31 • 1357 Notranje GoriceFrench: The Talk. Order from our publications list on page 16.Afrikaans: The Talk. Order from Henri Theron • 302 Monterey Bay Road • Mouille Point, Cape Town • 8005 South Africa


Page 9: Gentle Means and Easy Task



Motel 6 Best Western Country Inn Best Value Inn951.676.7199 (2.6 miles) 951.676.7378 (1.1 miles) 951.676.5700 (2.5 miles)

Hampton Inn Extended Stay Doubletree Suites Hotel951.506.2331 (2.4 miles) Kitchenettes Embassy Suites Hotel

951.587.8881 (.9 miles) 951.676.5656 (2.8 miles)Holiday Inn Express 951.699.2444 (1 mile)

For a list of additional lodging accommodations in the surrounding area(20-45 minutes from Temecula), please call our office at 951.296.6261between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PT, Monday through Friday.

Many food establishmentsare nearby in Temecula.

Call the Temecula Comfort Inn (.5 miles/951.296.3788) and identify yourself as a student attending class at the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES

® to receive a group discount. RESERVE EARLY!!!



a) We accept registrations by mail, FAX, telephone,and on our Web site at

b) If you register by mail or FAX, please allowenough time for your registration form to reach usand the confirmation form to reach you in return.

c) If you register by phone, please have your creditcard ready when you call.

d) All program fees must be paid in full—by check,money order, or credit card. International studentsmay also use wire transfer (call our office forinformation). Your check or money order shouldbe made payable to ITIP-ACIM (in US funds only,drawn on a US bank). There will be a $20 fee forany check returned to us for insufficient funds.


a) Confirmation information will be given over thephone if your registration form does not reach us

in time for a letter to be sent to you. In thisinstance, you may call the office Monday–Friday,9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Pacific time to verify youracceptance into a program.

b) It is important that you double-check the regis-tration information sent with your confirma-tion letter to ensure the accuracy of theinformation. In the event the program you registerfor is filled, your registration form and fee will bereturned to you, unless you have requested thatyour name be placed on a waiting list. Thus, youmay be confirmed either as a participant or asbeing on the waiting list.


While we do accept walk-in registrations, programoccupancy cannot be guaranteed.


Our bookstore, Oasis of Peace, is open 9:00 a.m–5:00 p.m. daily. Please note that weekend hours may beadjusted when classes are being held at the Foundation.

Page 10: Gentle Means and Easy Task


SEMINARSTime: 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. • Fee: $25.00


Sunday, July 10 Sunday, October 23


Saturday, July 23 Sunday, November 6


Saturday, November 19

Half-day seminars are relatively informal, allowing for more discussion and questions than one-day workshops.


Sunday, November 20




Sunday, December 11

W-8 “THE REAL ALTERNATIVE”Saturday, July 9

W-9 WHEN 2 + 2 = 5Saturday, August 6



Saturday, October 15



Temecula Center


ONE-DAY WORKSHOPSTime: 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. • Fee: $40.00


The Foundation conducts weekly ninety-minute discussion and study groups on the Course (except on morningswhen an Academy class is in progress). These Wednesday sessions (11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.–8:30p.m.) are facilitated by the Foundation Staff. There is a $5.00 fee per session.


Kenneth Wapnick will present introductory lectures for those interested in learning more about A Course in Miraclesand what it says. The program format will include a question-and-answer period. No Registration Required.

TIME: 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m

DATES: Saturday, October 22 � Saturday, December 10

Page 11: Gentle Means and Easy Task


A-6 “WHOEVER DEGRADES ANOTHER DEGRADES ME”Dates: July 24 – 26 Fee: $90.00

A-6D1 July 24 Fee: $30.00 A-6D2 July 25 Fee: $30.00 A-6D3 July 26 Fee: $30.00

The above line from Walt Whitman’s “Song to Myself” is the basis for this class on the oneness of God’s Son—in Heavenand on earth. When one is attacked—by ourselves or others—we are all attacked, for God’s Son is one. When forgiveness isoffered—by ourselves or others—we are all forgiven, for God’s Son is one. This reflects the Holy Spirit’s forgiveness, for Hesees no sin but only the one Son’s call for the love he denied in the separation. Through discussion and readings, we shallexplore how Jesus’ principle of together, or not at all gently corrects the ego’s fundamental maxim of one or the other.


Dates: August 21 – 23 Fee: $90.00

A-7D1 August 21 Fee: $30.00 A-7D2 August 22 Fee: $30.00 A-7D3 August 23 Fee: $30.00

Jesus asks us to question every value that we hold (, and the ego’s primary value is maintaining our separationthrough engaging in the practice of separate interests, the home of the special relationship. This class, through readings and dis-cussion, will focus on examining the value to our individual and special identities of preserving these separate interests, con-trasting it with the Holy Spirit’s purpose of showing us the true cost inherent in this misplaced value—“the ‘sacrifice’ ofOneness”—and the value in perceiving our interests as shared with everyone.

A-8 “DO YOU PREFER THAT YOU BE RIGHT OR HAPPY?”Dates: October 16 – 18 Fee: $90.00

A-8D1 October 16 Fee: $30.00 A-8D2 October 17 Fee: $30.00 A-8D3 October 18 Fee: $30.00

To honestly answer this important question from the text (T-29.VII.1:9) means confronting our stubborn refusal to admit thatour thought system of separation and specialness is wrong, and Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness and shared interests are true;one brings suffering and despair as surely as the other brings happiness and peace. Readings will augment discussion of thiscontrast, encouraging students to examine the differing responses their split minds give to Jesus’ question, and the reasonsbehind their decision to prefer one over the other.


Dates: November 7 – 11 Fee: $150.00

A-9D1 November 7 Fee: $30.00 A-9D2 November 8 Fee: $30.00 A-9D3 November 9 Fee: $30.00

A-9D4 November 10 Fee: $30.00 A-9D5 November 11 Fee: $30.00

Our lives are symphonic variations on a basic theme of victimization, usually held in place by our earliest memories, whichthus offer clues to the ego’s meaning for our coming here. Yet these memories, to borrow Freud’s term, are but screens to con-ceal the ego’s earliest memory—our decision to believe in the separation from God, thereby making it serious and real. How-ever, even this past memory screens the present Memory (T-28.I) of the Holy Spirit’s Thought of Atonement. Throughdiscussion and readings, this five-day class will retrace these memories back to the Source of all memory—the Father’s Love.

A-10 “I WILL FORGIVE BUT NEVER FORGET.”Dates: December 4 – 6 Fee: $90.00

A-10D1 December 4 Fee: $30.00 A-10D2 December 5 Fee: $30.00 A-10D3 December 6 Fee: $30.00

This variation of forgiveness-to-destroy (S-2.II) will be explored through discussion and readings. “I will forgive but neverforget” has long been the shibboleth of the world’s practice of forgiveness, wherein another’s sin is made real (and thus not for-gotten), and then forgiven as an act of charity. Yet this favorite form of ego hypocrisy merely reinforces the belief in the realityof separation and sin. The Holy Spirit’s forgiveness gently undoes this belief by teaching us there is nothing to forget, sincenothing happened to separate God’s Son from his Creator, nor from the rest of the Sonship. Thus we are taught to forgive byforgetting what never was.

ACADEMY CLASSESFaculty: Drs. Kenneth Wapnick, Rosemarie LoSasso, and Jeffrey Seibert

Times: 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

ALL Academy 9 classes will be taught by Kenneth Wapnick

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2Disc. Group

Study Group

3 4 5








Study Group






13 14 15 16Disc. Group

Study Group

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Study Group



25 26

27 28 29 30Disc. Group

Study Group


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 IAS

Disc. Group

Study Group

8 9






12 13 14Disc. Group

Study Group

15 16 17

18 19 20 21Disc. Group

Study Group

22 23 24




26 27 28Disc. Group

Study Group

29 30


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 1 2 3Disc. Group

Study Group

4 5 6




8 9 10Disc. Group

Study Group

11 12 13

14 15 16 17Disc. Group

Study Group

18 19 20








24Disc. Group

Study Group

25 26 27

28 29 30 31Disc. Group

Study Group


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

3 4 5 6Disc. Group

Study Group

7 8 9




11 12 13Disc. Group

Study Group

14 15 16

17 18 19 20Disc. Group

Study Group

21 22 23



25 26 27Disc. Group

28 29 30

31 A-6 A-6 Study Group


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 LL

2 3 4 5Disc. Group

Study Group

6 7 8

9 10 11 12Disc. Group

Study Group

13 14 15








19Disc. Group

Study Group

20 21 22




24 25 26Disc. Group

Study Group

27 28 29

30 31


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3








7Disc. Group

Study Group

8 9 10




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Study Group

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18 19 20 21Disc. Group

Study Group

22 23 24



26 27 28Disc. Group

Study Group

29 30 31


Page 13: Gentle Means and Easy Task


REGISTRATION FORM FOR THE TEMECULA CENTER• You may use the same form if you are attending with another student.• Registrations without the correct amount of money accompanying them will be returned.

PERSON 1: (Please print)

Name ________________________________________


City/State/Zip __________________________________

Phone: Day ( ) Eve. ( )____________

E-mail (optional): _______________________________

PERSON 2: (Please print)

Name ________________________________________

Address ______________________________________


Phone: Day ( ) Eve. ( ) ___________

E-mail (optional): ______________________________

* * * * R E L E A S E F O R M * * * *

I hereby grant the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES® per-

mission to videotape me. I understand that the finished videomay be sold to the public, as well as shown on the internet, andthat I will receive no compensation for said videotape.



* * * * R E L E A S E F O R M * * * *

I hereby grant the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES® per-

mission to videotape me. I understand that the finished videomay be sold to the public, as well as shown on the internet, andthat I will receive no compensation for said videotape.

__________________________________________________ Signature


Our Workshops, Classes, and Discussions are videotaped.Please sign and date the Release Form below. If you do not wantto be videotaped, you will be seated in the rear of the auditorium.

Our Workshops, Classes, and Discussions are videotaped.Please sign and date the Release Form below. If you do not wantto be videotaped, you will be seated in the rear of the auditorium.

Place me on the waiting list if program is filled: � yes � no

Note: If you are also ordering publications, please send separate payment.

��Check or money order enclosed for $

��Credit card information: � American Express � Discover � MasterCard � VISA

Person 1: Exp Date: _____________ No. CVV2/CID Number: ____________

Person 2: Exp Date: _____________ No. CVV2/CID Number: ____________

Important Credit card billing address if different from above:

Person 1: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Person 2: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

• Signature(s) required: Mail to: Institute Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES


41397 Buecking Drive Temecula, CA 92590

FAX: 951.296.9117

• Make check or money order payable to the Institute for Teaching Inner Peace through A Course in Miracles, or ITIP-ACIM (US funds only,drawn on a US bank), or provide credit card information to secure a place for the programs listed on pages 10-11.

Page 14: Gentle Means and Easy Task



W-8 July 9 W-9 August 6

W-10 August 20 W-11 October 15

W-12 November 20 W-13 December 3

W-14 December 11





Please use program numbers listed on page 11when registering for portions of, rather than acomplete, Academy class.

A-6 July 24 – 26 $90.00

A-7 August 21 – 23 $90.00

A-8 October 16 – 18 $90.00

A-9 November 7 – 11 $150.00

A-10 December 4 – 6 $90.00

ONE-DAY WORKSHOPS—$40(10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.)






Person 1 $

Person 2 $

Person 1 $

Person 2 $

Person 1 $

Person 2 $

Person 1 $

Person 2 $

Person 1 $

Person 2 $

Person 1 $

Person 2 $

Person 1 $

Person 2 $

Person 1 $

Person 2 $

Person 1 $

Person 2 $

Person 1 $

Person 2 $

Person 1 $

Person 2 $


SEMINARS—$25(1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.)

S-7 July 10 S-8 July 23

S-9 August 7 S-10 October 23

S-11 November 6 S-12 November 19

If this is your first time attending a program at the Foundation, please let us know how you heard

about us: _____________________________________________________________________




Page 15: Gentle Means and Easy Task



Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat





2 3

4 5 6 7 8


9 10

11 12 Tape


13 Tape


14 15


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19 Tape


20 Tape


21 22


23 24

25 26 Tape


27 Tape


28 29




Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

3 4 5 6 7


8 9

10 11 12 13 14


15 16



18 Tape


19 Tape


20 21


22 23

24 25 Tape 26 Tape 27 28 29 30

31 Study Study Lecture


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4


5 6

7 8 9 10 11


12 13

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19 20

21 22 23 24 25


26 27

28 29 30 31


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat





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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 3 Tape


4 Tape


5 6


7 8



10 11 12 13


14 15

16 17 18 19 20


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25 Tape


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30 31 Tape



Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Tape


2 3


4 5

6 7 Tape


8 Tape


9 10


11 12



14 Tape


15 Tape


16 17


18 19

20 21 22 23 24


25 26

27 28 29 30

“WHO IS JESUS?”Dates: July 18—July 25 (Mon.)

July 19—July 26 (Tue.)Fee: $10 plus tape setRegistration ends: July 7

“THE CHANGELESS DWELLING PLACE”Dates: September 12—October 3 (Mon.)

September 13—October 4 (Tue.)Fee: $20 plus tape setRegistration ends: September 1

TAPE STUDYMonday: 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. or Tuesday: 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Pre-registration is required at the La Jolla Branch of the Foundation. Call: 858. 551.1227.



La Jolla Branch

7843 Girard Avenue, Suite E � La Jolla, CA 92037 � 858.551.1227


LECTURESClasses are held each Thursday (except Thanksgiving) from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

The fee for these lectures is $5, payable at the door.

SUNDAY WORKSHOPS10 a.m. – 1 p.m. • $15 feeNo registration required.


Date: July 17


Date: September 18

FW-8 “THE SELF-ACCUSED”Date: October 9


Date: November 13

“LOVING NOT WISELY, BUT TOO WELL”Dates: October 24—November 14 (Mon.)

October 25—November 15 (Tue.)Fee: $20 plus tape setRegistration ends: October 13

Page 16: Gentle Means and Easy Task


Item Title Price

Books (Kenneth and Gloria Wapnick)

B-1 Christian Psychology in A Course in Miracles (KW) $5.00

B-3 A Talk Given on A Course in Miracles (KW) 6.00

B-4 Glossary-Index for A Course in Miracles (KW) 10.00

B-5 Forgiveness and Jesus (KW) 16.00

B-6 The Fifty Miracle Principles of ACIM (KW) 8.00

B-7 Awaken from the Dream 10.00

B-9 Love Does Not Condemn (KW) (sale price) 20.00

B-10 A Vast Illusion (KW) 12.00

B-11 Absence from Felicity (KW) 17.00

B-12 Overeating: A Dialogue Based on ACIM (KW) 5.00

B-13 ACIM & Christianity: A Dialogue (KW/Clarke) 7.00

B-14 The Most Commonly Asked Questions About ACIM 8.00

B-15 The Message of ACIM (2 volume set) (KW) 22.00

B-16 The Journey Home (KW) 16.95

B-17 Ending Our Resistance to Love (KW) 5.00

B-18 Life, Death and Love (KW) 25.00

B-19 The Healing Power of Kindness: Volume 1 (KW) 6.00

B-20 The Healing Power of Kindness: Volume 2 (KW) 6.00

French Translations of Books (Kenneth Wapnick)

B-3f Introduction Générale à Un Cours en Miracles $6.00

Spanish Translations of Books(Kenneth and Gloria Wapnick)

B-1s Psicología cristiana en Un curso en milagros (KW) $5.00

B-3s Una introducción básica a Un curso en milagros (KW) 6.00

B-4s Glosario-Indice para Un curso de milagros (KW) 10.00

B-5s El perdón y Jesús (KW) 16.00

B-6s Los 50 principios del milagro de UCEM (KW) 8.00

B-7s Despierta del sueño: Una presentación de UCEM 10.00

B-13s UCDM y el cristianismo: Un diálogo (KW/Clarke) 7.00

B-14s Las preguntas más comunes en torno a UCDM 8.00

B-15s El mensaje de Un curso en milagros (KW) 22.00

Tapes (Kenneth and Gloria Wapnick)

T-1 The Simplicity of Salvation (KW) (8 tapes) $48.00

T-2 Christian Psychology in ACIM (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00

T-3 Atonement without Sacrifice (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00

T-5 The Ego and Forgiveness (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00

T-9 Special Relationships—Part 1 (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

T-10 Special Relationships—Part 2 (KW) (6 tapes) 36.00

T-13 Cause and Effect (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

T-15 The Gifts of God (KW) (3 tapes) 18.00

T-16 Seek Not to Change the Course (2 tapes) 10.00

T-17 Love Does Not Oppose (8 tapes) 48.00

T-18 The Song of Prayer (KW) (10 tapes) 60.00

T-19 The Origin of A Course in Miracles (KW) (1 tape) 6.00

T-20 I Will Be Still an Instant and Go Home (1 tape) 6.00

T-21 Jesus: Teacher • Model (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

T-22 The Authority Problem (KW) (5 tapes) 30.00

T-23 Our Gratitude to God (KW) (5 tapes) 30.00

T-24 Sickness and Healing (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

T-25 What It Means to Be a Teacher of God (KW) (6 tapes) 36.00

T-26 Overeating: A Dialogue (KW) (1 tape) 6.00

T-27 To Judge or Not to Judge (KW) (4 tapes) 24.00

T-28 Healing the Unhealed Healer (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

T-29 The Real World (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

T-30 True Empathy (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

T-31 Jesus: The Manifestation of the Holy Spirit (KW) (5 tps) 30.00

T-32 The Laws of Chaos (KW) (12 tapes) 72.00

T-33 “There Must Be Another Way” (KW) (1 tape) 6.00

T-34 Metaphysics of Separation and Forgiveness (KW) (1 tp) 6.00

T-35 Workbook of A Course in Miracles (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

T-36 Making the Holy Spirit Special (KW) (7 tapes) 42.00

T-37 The Meaning of Judgment (KW) (1 tape) 6.00

T-38 The Web of Specialness (KW) (12 tapes) 72.00

T-39 Duality as Metaphor in ACIM (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

T-40 Rules for Decision (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

T-41 I Want the Peace of God (KW) (1 tape) 6.00

T-42 Forgiving Jesus: “Stranger on the Road” (KW) (2 tps) 10.00

T-43 The Bible from the Perspective of ACIM (6 tapes) 36.00

T-44 The Theology of A Course in Miracles (2 tapes) 10.00

T-45 The Inheritance of God’s Son (2 tapes) 10.00

T-46 The Sign of Christmas Is a Star (2 tapes) 10.00

T-47 The Holy Christ Is Born in Me Today (2 tapes) 10.00

T-48 From Time to Timelessness (KW) (1 tape) 6.00

T-49 Climbing the Ladder Home (KW) (5 tapes) 30.00

T-50 How Will the World End? (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00

T-51 The Importance of Jesus (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00

T-52 Learning from the Holy Spirit (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00

T-53 The Meaning of Forgiveness (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00

T-54 The Kindness of Healing (KW) (1 tape) 6.00

T-55 Gift of the Ego: Fear • Gift of God: Love (KW) (8 tps) 48.00

T-56 The Experience of ACIM (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

T-57 Separation and Forgiveness (KW) (7 tapes) 42.00

The Workbook Lessons of ACIMNumber of tapes per item number in parentheses.

T-58-1 (8) $32.00 T-58-4 (8) $32.00T-58-2 (10) $40.00 T-58-5 (8) $32.00T-58-3 (11) $44.00 T-58-6 (10) $40.00

T-59 The Quiet Answer (KW) (3 tapes) 18.00

T-60 The Obstacles to Peace (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

Classes on the Text of ACIM Eight tapes per item number.

T-61-1 (Volume 1) through T-61-8 (Volume 8)

T-62 The Meaning of the Holy Instant (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00

T-63 From Darkness to Light (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-64 The Pathway of Forgiveness (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

Item Title Price


32.00per itemnumber

Page 17: Gentle Means and Easy Task


Compact Discs (Kenneth Wapnick)

CD-5 The Ego and Forgiveness (3 CDs) $20.00

CD-15 The Gifts of God (4 CDs) 25.00

CD-18 The Song of Prayer (13 CDs) 70.00

CD-21 Jesus: Teacher • Model (10 CDs) 55.00

CD-31 Jesus: The Manifestation of the Holy Spirit (6 CDs) 35.00

CD-42 Forgiving Jesus: “Stranger on the Road” (2 CDs) 15.00

CD-51 The Importance of Jesus (2 CDs) 15.00

CD-53 The Meaning of Forgiveness (2 CDs) 15.00

CD-54 The Kindness of Healing (2 CDs) 15.00

CD-55 Gift of the Ego: Fear • Gift of God: Love (10 CDs) 55.00

The Workbook Lessons of ACIMNumber of CDs per item number in parentheses.

CD-58-1 (7) $40.00 CD-58-5 (8) $45.00CD-58-2 (5) $30.00 CD-58-6 (9) $50.00CD-58-3 (5) $30.00 CD-58-7 (10) $55.00CD-58-4 (12) $65.00

Classes on the Text of ACIM Eight CDs per item number.

CD-61-1 (Volume 1) through CD-61-8 (Volume 8)

CD-65 Love and Be Silent (4 CDs) 25.00

CD-66 Jesus: Symbol and Reality (4 CDs) 25.00

CD-72 An Overview of A Course in Miracles (1 CD) 10.00

CD-77 To Be or Not To Be (4 CDs) 25.00

CD-81 Justice Returned to Love (4 CDs) 25.00

CD-82 The Problem of Evil (4 CDs) 25.00

CD-83-1 Classes on the Manual of ACIM – Vol. I (10 CDs) 55.00

CD-83-2 Classes on the Manual of ACIM – Vol. II (10 CDs) 55.00

CD-84 The Quality of Mercy (4 CDs) 25.00

CD-85 A Tale Told by an Idiot (3 CDs) 20.00

CD-86 The Journey: From Ego Self to True Self (16 CDs) 85.00

CD-87 Living in the World: Prison or Classroom (8 CDs) 45.00

CD-88 Healing: Hearing the Melody (4 CDs) 25.00

CD-89 Deciding for God (2 CDs) 15.00

CD-90 Loving Not Wisely, but Too Well (4 CDs) 25.00

CD-91 Jesus: Light in the Dream (2 CDs) 15.00

CD-92 Letting Go of Judgment (3 CDs) 20.00

CD-93 Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process & Practice (8 CDs) 45.00

CD-94 Jesus: “The Ancient Love” (4 CDs) 25.00

CD-95 Escape from Love: Dissociating ACIM (2 CDs) 15.00

CD-96 Walking with Jesus (3 CDs) 20.00

CD-97 Jesus: “Bright Stranger” (4 CDs) 25.00

CD-98 Who is Jesus? (3 CDs) 20.00

CD-99 Jesus: Companion on Our Journey (4 CDs) 25.00

CD-100 Jesus: Songs of Gratitude and Love (32 CDs) 100.00

CD-101 “What It Says”: From the Preface of ACIM (4 CDs) 25.00

CD-102 The Ghost of Caesar: Guilt’s Shadow (4 CDs) 25.00

CD-103 Jesus: Fantasy or Truth? (2 CDs) 15.00

CD-104 The Arch of Forgiveness (3 CDs) 20.00

Item Title Price

T-65 Love and Be Silent (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-66 Jesus: Symbol and Reality (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-67 Living A Course in Miracles (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-68 Special Relationships/Home of Guilt (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-69 Dreaming the Dream (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-70 The Compassion of the Miracle (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-71 Approaching A Course in Miracles (KW) (1 tape) 5.00

T-72 An Overview of A Course in Miracles (KW) (1 tape) 6.00

T-73 The Time Machine (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-74 Forgiveness and the End of Time (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-75 Healing the Dream of Sickness (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-76 The Changeless Dwelling Place (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-77 To Be or Not To Be (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-78 Form vs. Content: Sex and Money (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-79 The Prodigal Son (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-80 Returning Home (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-81 Justice Returned to Love (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-82 The Problem of Evil (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-83-1 Classes on the Manual of ACIM – Vol. I (KW) (10 tps) 40.00

T-83-2 Classes on the Manual of ACIM – Vol. II (KW) (10 tps) 40.00

T-84 The Quality of Mercy (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-85 A Tale Told by an Idiot (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-86 The Journey: From Ego Self to True Self (KW) (12 tps) 60.00

T-87 Living in the World (KW) (8 tapes) 40.00

T-88 Healing: Hearing the Melody (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-89 Deciding for God (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00

T-90 Loving Not Wisely, but Too Well (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-91 Jesus: Light in the Dream (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00

T-92 Letting Go of Judgment (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-93 Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process & Practice (KW) (8 tps) 40.00

T-94 Jesus: “The Ancient Love” (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-95 Escape from Love: Dissociating ACIM (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00

T-96 Walking with Jesus (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00

T-97 Jesus: “Bright Stranger” (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-98 Who is Jesus? (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00

T-99 Jesus: Companion on Our Journey (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-101 “What It Says”: From the Preface of ACIM (KW) (4 tps) 20.00

T-102 The Ghost of Caesar: Guilt’s Shadow (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-103 Jesus: Fantasy or Truth? (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00

T-104 The Arch of Forgiveness (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00

T-105 Three Metamorphoses (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-106 The Inner Voice (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00

T-107 Shadows of Limitation (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-108 Helen Schucman: A Gift of God (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00

T-109 “Sweet Are the Uses of Adversity” (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-110 Art and ACIM: Reflections of Holiness (KW) (4 tps) 20.00

T-111 Transformation: ...Form to Formlessness (KW) (2 tps) 10.00

Item Title Price


40.00per itemnumber

Page 18: Gentle Means and Easy Task


CD-105 Three Metamorphoses (4 CDs) 25.00

CD-106 The Inner Voice (3 CDs) 20.00

CD-107 Shadows of Limitation (4 CDs) 25.00

CD-108 Helen Schucman: A Gift of God (2 CDs) 15.00

CD-109 “Sweet Are the Uses of Adversity” (4 CDs) 25.00

CD-110 Art and ACIM: Reflections of Holiness (4 CDs) 25.00

CD-111 Transformation: ...Form to Formlessness (3CDs) 20.00

Videos (Gloria and Kenneth Wapnick)

V-1 Seek Not to Change the Course – VHS (US) $30.00

V-1p Seek Not to Change the Course – VHS (PAL non-US) 40.00

V-3 The Real World (3-hr. unedited) – VHS (US) 30.00

V-3p The Real World (3-hr. unedited) – VHS (PAL non-US) 40.00

V-4 The Real World (2-hr. edited) – VHS (US) 20.00

V-4p The Real World (2-hr.) – VHS (PAL non-US) 30.00

V-5 Interview with Kenneth and Gloria – VHS (US) 15.00

V-5p Interview w/Kenneth and Gloria – VHS (PAL non-US) 20.00

V-6 Visionaries—VHS (US) 10.00

Videos (Kenneth Wapnick)

V-7 The Pathway of Forgiveness – VHS $30.00

V-7p The Pathway of Forgiveness – VHS (PAL non-US) 40.00

V-8 Living A Course in Miracles – VHS 30.00

V-8p Living A Course in Miracles – VHS (PAL non-US) 40.00

V-9 The Meaning of the Holy Instant – VHS 20.00

V-9p The Meaning of the Holy Instant – VHS (PAL non-US) 30.00

V-10 Special Relationships: The Home of Guilt – VHS 30.00

V-10p Specl Reltnshps:/Home of Guilt – VHS (PAL non-US) 40.00

V-11 Love and Be Silent – VHS 30.00

V-11p Love and Be Silent – VHS (PAL non-US) 40.00

Item Title Price


Classes on the Text of ACIM One 2-hour VHS tape per item number; item num-bers correspond to chapters (i.e., V-12-2 is Chapter 2)

V-12-in through V-12-31

V-13 Justice Returned to Love – VHS 30.00

V-14 The Time Machine – VHS 30.00

V-15 Forgiveness and the End of Time – VHS 30.00

V-16 From Darkness to Light – VHS 30.00

V-17 Jesus: Symbol and Reality – VHS 30.00

V-18 Dreaming the Dream – VHS 30.00

V-19 The Compassion of the Miracle – VHS 30.00

V-20 Healing the Dream of Sickness – VHS 30.00

V-21 The Changeless Dwelling Place – VHS 30.00

V-22 To Be or Not To Be: Hamlet, Death, & ACIM – VHS 30.00

V-23 Form vs. Content: Sex and Money – VHS 30.00

V-24 The Prodigal Son – VHS 30.00

V-25 The Problem of Evil – VHS 30.00

Classes on the Manual of ACIMOne 2-hour VHS tape per item number.

V-26-1 through V-26-10

V-27 The Quality of Mercy – VHS 30.00

V-28 A Tale Told by an Idiot – VHS 30.00

V-29 Healing: Hearing the Melody – VHS 30.00

V-30 Loving Not Wisely, but Too Well – VHS 30.00

V-31 An Introduction to A Course in Miracles – VHS 10.00

V-32 Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice – VHS 60.00

V-33 “What It Says”: From the Preface of ACIM – VHS 30.00

Nightingale-Conant (Gloria and Kenneth Wapnick)

NT-1 Living A Course in Miracles album (8 tapes) $69.95

NC-1 Living A Course in Miracles (8 CDs) 79.95

Item Title Price

Item Title Price

F-2 A Course in Miracles (Combined Softcover) $30.00

F-11 A Course in Miracles (Combined Hardcover) 35.00

F-15 A Course in Miracles (New Combined Paperback) 20.00

F-1s Un Curso de Milagros (Spanish) 35.00

F-3 The Song of Prayer 6.00

F-4 Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice 6.00

F-34s Anexo a Un curso en milagros (Spanish Supplements) 10.00

F-5 The Gifts of God 21.00

F-6 Workbook Lesson Cards 21.00

F-7 What It Says (1 audio tape) 10.00

F-8 What It Says (1 video tape) 30.00

F-9 Readings from A Course in Miracles (1 audio tape) 10.00

F-10 The Story of A Course in Miracles (1 video tape) 60.00

F-10p The Story of ACIM (1 video tp) VHS (PAL non-US) 60.00

F-12 A Course in Miracles (2nd Ed.) (42 audio tapes) 150.00

F-12cd A Course in Miracles (2nd Ed.) (59 CDs) 170.00

P-13 Concordance of ACIM 50% discount 25.00

F-14 The Forgotten Song (1 video tp/ Part I only of F-10) 30.00

F-14dvd The Forgotten Song (DVD/ Part I only of F-10) 30.00

C-3 Electronic version of ACIM—Win (CD-ROM only) 40.00

C-4 Electronic version of ACIM—MAC (CD-ROM only) 40.00

Item Title Price

A Course in Miracles and Related Material (retail only)

15.00per itemnumber

15.00per itemnumber

Page 19: Gentle Means and Easy Task


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The Foundation is located just off I-15. From the north,take the CA-79 N/Winchester Road exit and stay in the farright lane. Turn right onto Winchester Road/CA-79, againstaying in the far right-hand lane. Turn right onto JeffersonAvenue, which is the first stop light. Continue straight onJefferson (heading north) for two long blocks until youreach Buecking Drive. Turn right onto Buecking Drive.The Foundation is the second building on the left.

From the south, take the CA-79N/Winchester Road exit,turning left onto Winchester Road. Get into the far rightlane and turn right onto Jefferson Avenue, which is the sec-ond stop light. Continue straight on Jefferson (headingnorth) for two long blocks until you reach Buecking Drive.Turn right onto Buecking Drive. The Foundation is the sec-ond building on the left.


Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®

41397 Buecking DriveTemecula, CA 92590-5668
