Page 1: Genre, iconography and ideology
Page 2: Genre, iconography and ideology

The word nightmare gives

the audience an idea of

what the genre is going to

be. In this case horror.

The claw of Freddy gives a

sense that this is a slasher

movie because it is sharp and

as well as he look suspicious.

Freddy makes the glove his

wearing threatening. Whereas

if he wasn’t to wear it the

sharp glove will be fine.

The fact that the this poster is a

majority of black, red and white

gives a sense that this movie is a

horror. The colour red can be

associated with danger in this

case. The colour black could be

associated with death because

black tends to be worn at

funerals. However the colour

white in my opinion shows a bit

of hope and danger

because, white can be

associated with escape but on

the other hand being shown the

light of heaven. Also the to gain

hope is to overcome Freddy.

The typography used in this poster

is all in capitals so it can stand out to

the audience as well as the words


are in bigger fonts which shoot out

again to the audience. Traditional

writing mixed with comic sans. It is a

nightmare that happens in Elm


Freddy’s face you can tell has a

different texture which looks

burnt due to the hole in his

face. Also the hat emphasis's

the fact that he is mysterious

character and makes you

wonder what his eyes look like.

The use of the hat and the

burnt face may be to hide his

features which he may be

ashamed of in one hand or to

create fear within the audience.

He seems to be inhumane

because people don’t look like

him in society. This shows

there is an imbalanced

equilibrium between him and

society. Also the smirk on his

face tells me that he enjoys

what he does.

The information provided at the

bottom are the producers and

distributors. As you can see here

the sign of Warner Bros. are being

shown. As an audience seeing that

this movie is being produced by

Waner Bros. you’ll assume this

movie would be interesting and well

spent on.

His body structure shows

his strength and shows

that he is a male figure.

The medium shot in this

image shows that Freddy

is close to us and we

cannot escape him.

The missing of a tagline is effective because using a

tagline will distract the idea that Freddy is dominant.

Also adding a tagline of the actors may make the

audience associate Freddy with the character. Which

may take away the fear of the movie.

Page 3: Genre, iconography and ideology

The smashing in this

poster may suggest that

things go wrong in the

girls life.

This side of her face shows

the normal equilibrium of

where she stands. However

on the other side of her face

shows the destroyed, hurt

and possessed like face.

The blood on this side of

the face to me means

that the innocent side of

her face doesn’t deserve

what's going on however

the other side shows the

crazy side to her with the

red eyes. Also the red

bloody tear may be a cry

for dangerous help.

The colours used in this

poster are black which take

up the majority of the

poster. Black can be

associated with death. Red

is used which shows

danger, as well as white

which to me symbolises

everything was normal until

the red, which is danger

came alone.

The typography used is all

in capitals with traditional

comic sans wrtting. The

colour starts from red which

signifies blood slowly

dripping to become white.

The shot type of this poster is a

medium shot with the top bit of

her head cut off. This shows an

element of you being draw to the

image and a sense that you want

to know what’s going on.

The piercing eyes of

this girl make you feel

like she’s watching your


The information here tells us

that this film was based on a


The information that appears to

be missing is the production

company which to me is very

important because this draws in

more of an audience for the film.

The genre in which this movie belongs to in my

opinion is horrow because I believe this movie has

dark element shown. As well as killing because of

the blood dripping down her face.

The producers create a sense of tension and suspense

by the use of the cracks, the blood dripping from her

head as well as the red blood-shot eye.
