Page 1: GENEX Mobile Manager Administrator Guide(HP)(V100R002C00_04)(PDF)-En

GENEX Mobile Manager


Administrator Guide (HP)

Issue 04

Date 2013-08-30


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Issue 04 (2013-08-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Page 3: GENEX Mobile Manager Administrator Guide(HP)(V100R002C00_04)(PDF)-En

About This Document

ScopeThe system components of GENEX Mobile Manager (M2 for short) include M2 client software,M2 Server software, SAU software, eSAU software, and Agent Server software when the HPPC servers are used. This document is intended for M2 administrators and provides the conceptsand operation procedures of the M2 system administration tasks which are based on the SUSELinux Enterprise Server 10 operating system, Oracle 11g database, and the GaussDB database.The M2 system includes the M2 Server software, SAU software, eSAU software, and AgentServer software. This document also provides some routine and emergency maintenanceprocedures, commands, tools, and troubleshooting methods.

Product VersionThe following table lists the product versions involved in this document.

Product Name Version

GENEX Mobile Manager V100R002C00

Operating system SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10

Database M2 Server: Oracle 11g.1.0.7

Agent Server: GaussDB

Intended AudienceThis document is intended for:

l System engineersl Network operators

GENEX Mobile ManagerAdministrator Guide (HP) About This Document

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Change History

04 (2013-08-30)

This is the fourth commercial release for V100R002C00.

Compared with Issue 03 (2013-05-30), this issue includes the following changes.

Section Change Description

11.2.3 Backing Up SAU System DynamicData

Modified the procedure.

11.2.4 Restoring SAU System DynamicData

11.2.5 Backing Up eSAU System DynamicData

11.2.6 Restoring eSAU System DynamicData

SUSE Linux Users and Rights Modified the content description.

GaussDB Users and Rights

9.2.1 Agent Server System Database

11.1.4 Agent Server Backup Schemes

Changing the Password of User gaussdba Modified the procedure.

Changing the Password of the GaussDBDatabase User

6.2.5 Monitoring Agent Server DatabaseStatus

9.2.2 Checking GaussDB DatabaseRunning Status

9.2.3 Starting GaussDB

9.2.4 Stopping GaussDB

11.2.7 Backing Up Agent Server SystemDynamic Data

11.2.8 Restoring Agent Server SystemDynamic Data

12.2.15 Checking GaussDB DatabaseStatus

13.5 How Do I Start M2 System Services?

13.6 How Do I Stop M2 System Services?

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Section Change Description

13.1 How Do I Log In to the M2 Server inSSH Mode by Using PuTTY?

13.2 How Do I Use FileZilla to TransferFiles?

Entire document Changed the PostgreSQL database to theGaussDB database.

03 (2013-05-30)

This is the third commercial release for V100R002C00.

Compared with Issue 02 (2013-03-30), this issue includes the following changes.

Section Change Description

4.3 Updating the License Modified the procedure.

02 (2013-03-30)

This is the second commercial release for V100R002C00.

Compared with Issue 01 (2013-01-30), this issue includes the following changes.

Section Change Description

3.1 Changing the Host Name and IPAddress of the M2 Server

Modified the content description.

13.3 How Do I Start M2 System Services?(One-Click)

13.4 How Do I Stop M2 System Services?(One-Click)

13.5 How Do I Start M2 System Services?

13.6 How Do I Stop M2 System Services?

1.2 Powering Off the Server (DL580) Modified the procedure.

2.1 Changing the Time Zone of the Server

2.2 Changing the Date and Time of theServer

3.1 Changing the Host Name and IPAddress of the M2 Server

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Section Change Description

11.2.2 Restoring M2 System Dynamic Data

13.3 How Do I Start M2 System Services?(One-Click)

13.4 How Do I Stop M2 System Services?(One-Click)

01 (2013-01-30)

This is the first commercial release for V100R002C00.

Compared with Draft A (2012-11-20), this issue includes the following changes.

Section Change Description

5.2 Configuring FTP Transfer Modified the content description.

SUSE Linux Users and Rights

SUSE Linux Users and Rights

Oracle Users and Rights

5.2.1 Introduction to FTP TransmissionPolicy

Changing the Password of the GaussDBDatabase User

Modified the procedure.

8.2.2 Checking Agent Server ServiceStatus

9.1.2 Checking Oracle Database RunningStatus

9.2.2 Checking GaussDB DatabaseRunning Status

12.2.15 Checking GaussDB DatabaseStatus

13.5 How Do I Start M2 System Services? Optimized the content description.

13.6 How Do I Stop M2 System Services?

5.1.5 Managing M2 Users Added.

5.1.6 Managing Agent Server Users

6 Monitoring the M2 System

7 Managing Logs

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Section Change Description

Modifying FTP Security TransferConfigurations


Entire document Optimized the content description.

Draft A (2012-11-20)This is a draft for V100R002C00.

Organization1 Powering On and Powering Off the Server

This chapter describes how to power on and power off M2 server when the HP DL580 serveracts as M2 server.

2 Configuring Time

This chapter describes how to configure the time zone, date, and time of the server.

3 Configuring Server Parameters

This chapter describes how to change the host name of the server, add or delete the server'sroutes, and set the IP address of the M2 server.

4 Managing License

You have permission for the M2 only after obtaining a license. The license file controls theresources and functions of the M2.

5 Setting M2 System Security

This chapter describes how to manage M2 system users and how to configure FTP transfer forM2 server.

6 Monitoring the M2 System

This chapter describes how to monitor the M2 system. You can learn the status of the services,processes, hard disks, and databases on the M2 system services, component information of theM2 system services, and operation logs on the client through M2 system monitoring.

7 Managing Logs

This section describes how to manage the operation logs, system logs, and security logs of theM2.

8 Managing Processes and Services

This chapter describes how to manage the system processes and services of M2, SAU, eSAU,and Agent Server.

9 Managing Databases

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This chapter describes how to manage the M2 databases. It also describes the procedures forchecking the database status of M2 and Agent Server.

10 Managing Files and Disks

This chapter describes how to manage the file system and disks of the server.

11 Backing Up and Restoring Data

This chapter describes how to back up and restore M2 system dynamic data.

12 Routine System Maintenance

This chapter describes the system routine maintenance which is a type of preventivemaintenance. Routine maintenance is classified into daily maintenance, weekly maintenance,and monthly maintenance. Specified items and guidelines are provided and you can add or deletethe items as required.

13 FAQs

This section describes the common frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the M2 and thecorresponding solutions.

ConventionsSymbol Conventions

The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Symbol Description

Indicates a hazard with a high level or medium level of riskwhich, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if notavoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if notavoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss,performance deterioration, or unanticipated results.

Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or savetime.

Provides additional information to emphasize or supplementimportant points of the main text.

General Conventions

The general conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

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Convention Description

Times New Roman Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.

Boldface Names of files, directories, folders, and users are inboldface. For example, log in as user root.

Italic Book titles are in italics.

Courier New Examples of information displayed on the screen are inCourier New.

Command Conventions

The command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface.

Italic Command arguments are in italics.

[ ] Items (keywords or arguments) in brackets [ ] are optional.

{ x | y | ... } Optional items are grouped in braces and separated byvertical bars. One item is selected.

[ x | y | ... ] Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated byvertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.

{ x | y | ... }* Optional items are grouped in braces and separated byvertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of allitems can be selected.

[ x | y | ... ]* Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated byvertical bars. Several items or no item can be selected.

GUI Conventions

The GUI conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titlesare in boldface. For example, click OK.

> Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">"signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder.

Keyboard Operations

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The keyboard operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Format Description

Key Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.

Key 1+Key 2 Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressing Ctrl+Alt+A means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.

Key 1, Key 2 Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A meansthe two keys should be pressed in turn.

Mouse Operations

The mouse operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Action Description

Click Select and release the primary mouse button without movingthe pointer.

Double-click Press the primary mouse button twice continuously andquickly without moving the pointer.

Drag Press and hold the primary mouse button and move thepointer to a certain position.

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About This Document.....................................................................................................................ii

1 Powering On and Powering Off the Server.............................................................................11.1 Powering On the Server (DL580)...................................................................................................................................21.2 Powering Off the Server (DL580)..................................................................................................................................2

2 Configuring Time..........................................................................................................................42.1 Changing the Time Zone of the Server..........................................................................................................................52.2 Changing the Date and Time of the Server....................................................................................................................62.3 Changing the Date, Time, and Time Zone of the Client................................................................................................72.4 Checking DST................................................................................................................................................................82.4.1 DST..............................................................................................................................................................................82.4.2 Querying the DST Rules of a Time Zone....................................................................................................................9

3 Configuring Server Parameters................................................................................................113.1 Changing the Host Name and IP Address of the M2 Server........................................................................................123.2 Adding or Deleting Routes of the Server.....................................................................................................................14

4 Managing License........................................................................................................................154.1 Viewing the Current License in the System.................................................................................................................164.2 Obtaining the ESN........................................................................................................................................................174.3 Updating the License....................................................................................................................................................17

5 Setting M2 System Security.......................................................................................................195.1 Managing Users............................................................................................................................................................205.1.1 Managing SUSE Linux Users of the M2...................................................................................................................205.1.2 Managing SUSE Linux Users of the Agent Server...................................................................................................285.1.3 Managing Oracle Database Users..............................................................................................................................305.1.4 Managing GaussDB Database Users.........................................................................................................................345.1.5 Managing M2 Users..................................................................................................................................................365.1.6 Managing Agent Server Users...................................................................................................................................375.1.7 Changing the Password of Default User Administrator for the Remote Management Port...................................375.2 Configuring FTP Transfer............................................................................................................................................385.2.1 Introduction to FTP Transmission Policy..................................................................................................................38

6 Monitoring the M2 System........................................................................................................40

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6.1 Setting the Monitoring Parameters...............................................................................................................................416.1.1 Setting the Parameters for Monitoring the M2 Server..............................................................................................416.1.2 Setting the Parameters for Monitoring the Disk Usage of the M2 Server.................................................................426.1.3 Setting the Parameters for Monitoring the Service Status of the M2 Server.............................................................436.1.4 Setting the Parameters for Monitoring the Database Usage of the M2 Server..........................................................436.2 Monitoring the Status of the M2 Server.......................................................................................................................446.2.1 Monitoring the Service Status of the M2 Server.......................................................................................................446.2.2 Monitoring the Database Status of the M2 Server....................................................................................................456.2.3 Monitoring Agent Server Service Status...................................................................................................................456.2.4 Monitoring Agent Server Process Status...................................................................................................................466.2.5 Monitoring Agent Server Database Status................................................................................................................466.2.6 Monitoring the Disk Status of the M2 Server............................................................................................................476.2.7 Monitoring the Resource Status of the M2 Server....................................................................................................476.2.8 Viewing the Component Information of the M2 Server............................................................................................476.2.9 Refreshing the Monitoring Information....................................................................................................................486.2.10 Saving the Monitoring Information.........................................................................................................................486.3 Interface Reference for System Monitoring.................................................................................................................486.3.1 Parameters for Setting the Monitoring Thresholds of the M2 Server.......................................................................496.3.2 Parameters for Setting the Hard Disk Monitoring Thresholds of the M2 Server......................................................506.3.3 Parameters for Setting the Database Monitoring Thresholds of the M2 Server........................................................526.3.4 Parameters for Setting the Service Monitoring Thresholds of the M2 Server..........................................................546.3.5 Parameters for Monitoring the Service Status of the M2 Server...............................................................................556.3.6 Parameters for Monitoring the Hard Disk Status of the M2 Server..........................................................................566.3.7 Parameters for Monitoring the Database Status of the M2 Server............................................................................576.3.8 Parameters for Monitoring the Status of the M2 Server............................................................................................586.3.9 Parameters for Viewing the Information About M2 Server Components.................................................................59

7 Managing Logs.............................................................................................................................607.1 Log Types.....................................................................................................................................................................617.1.1 The M2 Operation Logs............................................................................................................................................617.1.2 The M2 System Logs.................................................................................................................................................627.1.3 The M2 Security Logs...............................................................................................................................................637.1.4 eSAU Service Logs...................................................................................................................................................647.1.5 SAU Service Logs.....................................................................................................................................................657.1.6 Agent Server Service Logs........................................................................................................................................657.2 Managing M2 Server Logs...........................................................................................................................................657.2.1 Checking the M2 Operation Logs.............................................................................................................................657.2.2 Collecting Statistics on the M2 Operation Logs........................................................................................................677.2.3 Checking the M2 System Logs..................................................................................................................................687.2.4 Collecting Statistics on the M2 System Logs............................................................................................................707.2.5 Checking the M2 Security Logs................................................................................................................................717.2.6 Collecting Statistics on the M2 Security Logs..........................................................................................................73

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7.2.7 Checking eSAU Service Logs...................................................................................................................................737.2.8 Checking SAU Service Logs.....................................................................................................................................747.2.9 Checking Agent Server Service Logs........................................................................................................................747.3 Setting Log Templates..................................................................................................................................................757.4 Setting an M2 Log Forwarding Server.........................................................................................................................767.5 Managing Log Data......................................................................................................................................................777.5.1 Setting M2 Log Dump...............................................................................................................................................777.5.2 Setting M2 Log Export..............................................................................................................................................787.6 Reference of the Log Management GUI......................................................................................................................797.6.1 Security Log List.......................................................................................................................................................797.6.2 Parameters for Checking Operation Logs ................................................................................................................857.6.3 Parameters for Collecting Statistics on Operation Logs............................................................................................887.6.4 Parameters for Checking System Logs......................................................................................................................907.6.5 Parameters for Collecting Statistics on System Logs................................................................................................927.6.6 Parameters for Checking Security Logs....................................................................................................................947.6.7 Parameters for Collecting Statistics on Security Logs..............................................................................................967.6.8 Parameters for Setting a Log Forwarding Server......................................................................................................997.6.9 Parameters for Setting M2 Log Timing Dump........................................................................................................1007.6.10 Parameters for Setting M2 Log Timing Export.....................................................................................................104

8 Managing Processes and Services..........................................................................................1078.1 Managing M2 Processes and Services........................................................................................................................1088.1.1 M2 Server Services and Processes..........................................................................................................................1088.1.2 Checking M2 Server Service Status........................................................................................................................1108.1.3 Starting M2 Server Services....................................................................................................................................1118.1.4 Stopping M2 Server Services..................................................................................................................................1128.1.5 SAU Services and Processes...................................................................................................................................1138.1.6 Checking SAU Service Status.................................................................................................................................1138.1.7 Starting SAU Services.............................................................................................................................................1148.1.8 Stopping SAU Services...........................................................................................................................................1158.1.9 eSAU Services and Processes..................................................................................................................................1158.1.10 Checking eSAU Service Status.............................................................................................................................1168.1.11 Starting eSAU Services.........................................................................................................................................1168.1.12 Stopping eSAU Services.......................................................................................................................................1178.2 Managing the Agent Server Processe and Service.....................................................................................................1188.2.1 Agent Server Services and Processes......................................................................................................................1188.2.2 Checking Agent Server Service Status....................................................................................................................1188.2.3 Starting the Agent Server Service...........................................................................................................................1198.2.4 Stopping the Agent Server Service..........................................................................................................................119

9 Managing Databases.................................................................................................................1219.1 Managing Oracle Databases.......................................................................................................................................1229.1.1 M2 System Databases..............................................................................................................................................122

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9.1.2 Checking Oracle Database Running Status.............................................................................................................1229.1.3 Staring Oracle..........................................................................................................................................................1239.1.4 Stopping Oracle.......................................................................................................................................................1249.2 Managing GaussDB Database....................................................................................................................................1259.2.1 Agent Server System Database................................................................................................................................1259.2.2 Checking GaussDB Database Running Status........................................................................................................1269.2.3 Starting GaussDB....................................................................................................................................................1269.2.4 Stopping GaussDB..................................................................................................................................................126

10 Managing Files and Disks.....................................................................................................12810.1 Clearing Up the Disk Space for the Server...............................................................................................................12910.2 Clearing Up the Disk Space for the Client...............................................................................................................134

11 Backing Up and Restoring Data...........................................................................................13611.1 Backup Schemes.......................................................................................................................................................13711.1.1 M2 Backup Schemes.............................................................................................................................................13711.1.2 SAU Backup Schemes...........................................................................................................................................13811.1.3 eSAU Backup Schemes.........................................................................................................................................13911.1.4 Agent Server Backup Schemes..............................................................................................................................13911.2 Backing Up and Restoring the M2 System..............................................................................................................14011.2.1 Backing Up M2 System Dynamic Data................................................................................................................14011.2.2 Restoring M2 System Dynamic Data....................................................................................................................14211.2.3 Backing Up SAU System Dynamic Data..............................................................................................................14411.2.4 Restoring SAU System Dynamic Data..................................................................................................................14511.2.5 Backing Up eSAU System Dynamic Data............................................................................................................14611.2.6 Restoring eSAU System Dynamic Data................................................................................................................14711.2.7 Backing Up Agent Server System Dynamic Data.................................................................................................14811.2.8 Restoring Agent Server System Dynamic Data....................................................................................................149

12 Routine System Maintenance...............................................................................................15112.1 Routine Maintenance Items......................................................................................................................................15212.2 Daily Maintenance....................................................................................................................................................15312.2.1 Viewing the CPU Usage of the Server..................................................................................................................15312.2.2 Checking the Core Files of M2..............................................................................................................................15412.2.3 Checking the Core Files of SAU...........................................................................................................................15512.2.4 Checking the Core Files of eSAU.........................................................................................................................15512.2.5 Checking SUSE Linux Error Logs........................................................................................................................15612.2.6 Checking M2 Logs................................................................................................................................................15612.2.7 Checking SAU Logs..............................................................................................................................................15712.2.8 Checking eSAU Logs............................................................................................................................................15712.2.9 Checking Agent Server Logs.................................................................................................................................15812.2.10 Checking M2 Service Status................................................................................................................................15812.2.11 Checking SAU Service Status.............................................................................................................................159

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12.2.12 Checking eSAU Service Status...........................................................................................................................16012.2.13 Checking Agent Server Service Status................................................................................................................16112.2.14 Checking Oracle Database Status........................................................................................................................16112.2.15 Checking GaussDB Database Status...................................................................................................................16212.3 Weekly Maintenance Items......................................................................................................................................16312.3.1 Viewing the Hard Disk Usage of the Server.........................................................................................................16312.3.2 Checking the Server Time.....................................................................................................................................16412.3.3 Cleaning Up the Disk Space of the Server............................................................................................................16412.3.4 Cleaning Up the Disk Space of the Client.............................................................................................................17012.4 Monthly Maintenance Items.....................................................................................................................................17012.4.1 Checking and Setting M2 Server User Rights.......................................................................................................17112.4.2 Checking the Power Supply of the Server.............................................................................................................17112.4.3 Checking the M2 System License.........................................................................................................................171

13 FAQs...........................................................................................................................................17313.1 How Do I Log In to the M2 Server in SSH Mode by Using PuTTY? ....................................................................17413.2 How Do I Use FileZilla to Transfer Files?...............................................................................................................17713.3 How Do I Start M2 System Services? (One-Click)..................................................................................................17913.4 How Do I Stop M2 System Services? (One-Click)..................................................................................................18013.5 How Do I Start M2 System Services?......................................................................................................................18113.6 How Do I Stop M2 System Services?......................................................................................................................183

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1 Powering On and Powering Off the Server

About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to power on and power off M2 server when the HP DL580 serveracts as M2 server.

1.1 Powering On the Server (DL580)This section describes how to power on the M2 server when the HP DL580 is used.

1.2 Powering Off the Server (DL580)This section describes how to power off the M2 server when the DL580 is used.

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1.1 Powering On the Server (DL580)This section describes how to power on the M2 server when the HP DL580 is used.


Step 1 Power on the keyboard, video, and mouse (KVM) connected to the server.

The KVM is an operation and maintenance console that is used to control multiple PCs andservers through a keyboard, a monitor, and a mouse.

Step 2 Turn on the power switch of the server to start it, as shown in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1 Power switch of the DL580 server

Step 3 After the server is started, check the status of database services by referring to 9.1.2 CheckingOracle Database Running Status and check the status of M2 services by referring to 8.1.2Checking M2 Server Service Status.Start the corresponding services by referring to 8.1.3 Starting M2 Server Services, 8.1.7Starting SAU Services, 8.1.11 Starting eSAU Services, 8.2.3 Starting the Agent ServerService, 9.1.3 Staring Oracle, and 9.2.3 Starting GaussDB if database services and M2services are not started.


1.2 Powering Off the Server (DL580)This section describes how to power off the M2 server when the DL580 is used.


Before powering off the server, you need to stop the M2 services and then stop the databasesoftware.

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Step 1 Stop M2 system services.

You can check whether the M2 one-click installation packgeM2V100R002C00SPC400OneKeyInstall_pkg.tar or one-click script is availablein the /export/home/m2install directory by running ls /export/home/m2install.l Stop M2 system services by referring to 13.4 How Do I Stop M2 System Services? (One-

Click) if at least one of the above is available.l Stop M2 system services by referring to 13.6 How Do I Stop M2 System Services? if neither

of them is available.

Step 2 Stop Oracle services. For detailed operations, see 9.1.4 Stopping Oracle.

Step 3 Log in to the server as user root, and then run the following commands to power off the server:

# sync; sync; sync; sync; sync; sync

# shutdown -h now

Step 4 Turn off the power switches of other devices and the cabinet as required.


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2 Configuring Time

About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to configure the time zone, date, and time of the server.

2.1 Changing the Time Zone of the ServerThe accuracy of the server time is dependent on the time zone of the SUSE Linux operatingsystem. You need to change the time zone of the server when the time zone of the server isinconsistent with the local time zone.

2.2 Changing the Date and Time of the ServerThis section describes how to change the date and time of the server. The server time is closelyrelated to system operations such as scheduled task processing and database informationdumping. Therefore, you must ensure that the server time is correct so that the system runsproperly.

2.3 Changing the Date, Time, and Time Zone of the ClientThis section describes how to change the date, time, and time zone of the M2 client that is basedon the Windows operating system. You can change the date, time, and time zone of the M2 clientby changing the date, time, and time zone of the Windows operating system.

2.4 Checking DSTThis section describes how to view the daylight saving time (DST) rules.

GENEX Mobile ManagerAdministrator Guide (HP) 2 Configuring Time

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2.1 Changing the Time Zone of the ServerThe accuracy of the server time is dependent on the time zone of the SUSE Linux operatingsystem. You need to change the time zone of the server when the time zone of the server isinconsistent with the local time zone.

Contextl If you need to change both the time zone and the time, you must first change the time zone.

l This section describes how to modify the time zone of the M2 server based on the actualrequirements. Changing the time zone of the server results in the reset or invalidation ofall timers that depend on the operating system. Therefore, you need to stop the M2 andOracle services so that the reset or invalidation of timers does not result in function failureand data error.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user root, and then run the following command in the command terminalwindow to query the time zone of the server.

# grep TIMEZONE /etc/sysconfig/clock

If ... Then ...

The time zone of the server is correct End.

The time zone of the server isincorrect

Perform Step 2.

Step 2 Stop M2 system services.

You can check whether the M2 one-click installation packgeM2V100R002C00SPC400OneKeyInstall_pkg.tar or one-click script is availablein the /export/home/m2install directory by running ls /export/home/m2install.

l Stop M2 system services by referring to 13.4 How Do I Stop M2 System Services? (One-Click) if at least one of the above is available.

l Stop M2 system services by referring to 13.6 How Do I Stop M2 System Services? if neitherof them is available.

Step 3 Stop Oracle services. For detailed operations, see 9.1.4 Stopping Oracle.

Step 4 Log in to the server as user root, and then run the following command in the command terminalwindow to open the YaST Control Center window.

# yast2

Step 5 In the left pane of the YaST Control Center window, click system, and then click Date andTime in the right pane.

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Step 6 According to the description in Time Zone and Clock Settings, change the values of Regionand Time Zone to the actual values.

Step 7 Click Accept.

Step 8 Start Oracle services. For detailed operations, see 9.1.3 Staring Oracle.

Step 9 Start M2 system services.

You can check whether the M2 one-click installation packgeM2V100R002C00SPC400OneKeyInstall_pkg.tar or one-click script isavailable in the /export/home/m2install directory by running ls /export/home/m2install.

l Start M2 system services by referring to 13.3 How Do I Start M2 System Services? (One-Click) if at least one of the above is available.

l Start M2 system services by referring to 13.5 How Do I Start M2 System Services? ifneither of them is available.


2.2 Changing the Date and Time of the ServerThis section describes how to change the date and time of the server. The server time is closelyrelated to system operations such as scheduled task processing and database informationdumping. Therefore, you must ensure that the server time is correct so that the system runsproperly.

Contextl If you need to change both the time zone and the time, you must first change the time zone.

l This section describes how to modify the time zone of the M2 server based on the actualrequirements. Changing the time zone of the server results in the reset or invalidation ofall timers that depend on the operating system. Therefore, you need to stop the M2 andOracle services so that the reset or invalidation of timers does not result in function failureand data error.

l You must ensure that the time of the server is within the validity period of the serversoftware license so that all services can be normally started.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user root, and then run the following command in the command terminalwindow to query the date and time of the server:

# date

If ... Then ...

The date and time of the server are correct End.

The date and time of the server are incorrect Perform Step 2.

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Step 2 Stop M2 system services.

You can check whether the M2 one-click installation packgeM2V100R002C00SPC400OneKeyInstall_pkg.tar or one-click script is availablein the /export/home/m2install directory by running ls /export/home/m2install.

l Stop M2 system services by referring to 13.4 How Do I Stop M2 System Services? (One-Click) if at least one of the above is available.

l Stop M2 system services by referring to 13.6 How Do I Stop M2 System Services? if neitherof them is available.

Step 3 Stop Oracle services. For detailed operations, see 9.1.4 Stopping Oracle.

Step 4 Log in to the server as user root, and then run the following command in the command terminalwindow to change the date and time of the server.

# date mmddHHMMYYYY.SS



l mm indicates month.

l dd indicates date.

l HH indicates hour.

l MM indicates minute.

l YYYY indicates year.

l SS indicates second.

Step 5 Run the date command again to query the date and time of the server. If the query results showthat the date and time of the server is incorrect, perform Step 4 again to change the date andtime.

Step 6 Start Oracle services. For detailed operations, see 9.1.3 Staring Oracle.

Step 7 Start M2 system services.

You can check whether the M2 one-click installation packgeM2V100R002C00SPC400OneKeyInstall_pkg.tar or one-click script isavailable in the /export/home/m2install directory by running ls /export/home/m2install.

l Start M2 system services by referring to 13.3 How Do I Start M2 System Services? (One-Click) if at least one of the above is available.

l Start M2 system services by referring to 13.5 How Do I Start M2 System Services? ifneither of them is available.


2.3 Changing the Date, Time, and Time Zone of the ClientThis section describes how to change the date, time, and time zone of the M2 client that is basedon the Windows operating system. You can change the date, time, and time zone of the M2 clientby changing the date, time, and time zone of the Windows operating system.

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ContextThis section describes how to change the date, time and time zone of the Windows XP operatingsystem.


Step 1 Open the Control Panel window, and then double-click Date and Time.

Step 2 In the Date and Time Properties dialog box, change the date, time and time zone of the clientby referring to Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Changing date and time

Item Operation

Time Click the Date & Time tab, and then set hour, minute, or second in theTime area.

Date Click the Date & Time tab, and then set date in the Date area.

Time zone Click the Time Zone tab. Then, select the local time zone from the drop-down list.

Step 3 Click OK.


2.4 Checking DSTThis section describes how to view the daylight saving time (DST) rules.

2.4.1 DSTThis section describes Daylight Saving Time (DST) and the impact DST has on the M2.

ConceptDST is short for Daylight Saving Time and is one hour earlier than the standard time. Forexample, in eastern United States, ten o'clock in the morning in the standard time system iseleven o'clock in the morning in the DST system.

Impact of DST on the M2l The local time of the operating system is automatically increased by one hour when DST

is applied. DST does not affect the system clock. Therefore, the M2 timer is not affectedafter DST is applied. The logs and traces of the M2, however, uses the local time. As aresult, one hour of logs and traces are missing.

l In normal cases, the local time of the operating system automatically decreases by one hourwhen DST is disabled in the M2. This does not affect the storage and switchover of timebecause DST does not affect the system clock. The files generated on the modules of the

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M2 are named by time stamps. When DST is terminated, the files generated later may coverthe existing files.

2.4.2 Querying the DST Rules of a Time ZoneThis section describes how to query the Daylight Saving Time (DST) rules of a time zone. TheDST rules may be adjusted according to the requirements of the local government. Before settingDST, you need to query the corresponding DST rules based on the time zone name so that theDST rules defined in the time zone name are consistent with the actual situation.


The SUSE Linux operating system supports two time zone formats: Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) and time zone name. GMT support time difference but does not support DST. The timezone name specifies the time difference and DST rules. For the countries or regions that do notuse DST, you are advised to use the GMT format. For the countries or regions that use DST,you must use the time zone name format.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user root.

Step 2 Run the following command to query the DST rules of a time zone in a specific year:

# zdump -v Time zone | grep Specified year

l if DST rules exist, they are displayed as four lines in the command result; if no DST ruleexists, DST is not used.

l The format of the command result is as follows:Time zone name UTC = Local time/DST isdst=0/1

l The UTC is the same as the GMT.

l isdst=0 indicates that DST is not applied, and isdst=1 indicates that DST is applied.


l If you do not specify the year in | grep , the command result shows the DST rules of the time zone in allyears.

l In a particular time zone, DST may start or end on a fixed date. Alternatively, DST may start or end on aday of week XX of month XX every year. That is, DST starts or ends on a fixed week but not on a fixeddate. For example, at Alaska in the United States, DST starts on the Sunday of the second week of Marchevery year and ends on the Sunday of the first week of November every year.

l You can run the zdump command to view the DST of the time zone in the last year, current year, and nextyear and then deduce the universal DST jumping rule according to the command results.


Examplel Run the following command to query the DST rules in the Asia/Beijing time zone in 2007:

# zdump -v Asia/Beijing|grep 2007

No information is displayed.The preceding information indicates that no DST rule exists for the PRC time zone in 2007.

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l Run the following command to query the DST rules in the US/Alaska time zone in 2007:# zdump -v US/Alaska|grep 2007

The following or similar information is displayed:US/Alaska Sun Mar 11 10:59:59 2007 UTC = Sun Mar 11 01:59:59 2007 AKST isdst=0US/Alaska Sun Mar 11 11:00:00 2007 UTC = Sun Mar 11 03:00:00 2007 AKDT isdst=1US/Alaska Sun Nov 4 09:59:59 2007 UTC = Sun Nov 4 01:59:59 2007 AKDT isdst=1US/Alaska Sun Nov 4 10:00:00 2007 UTC = Sun Nov 4 01:00:00 2007 AKST isdst=0

– The first and second lines of the command result indicate that the time changes fromMar 11 02:00:00 2007 to Mar 11 03:00:00 2007 and DST starts.

– The third and fourth lines of the command result indicate that the time changes fromNov 4 02:00:00 2007 to Nov 4 01:00:00 and DST ends.

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3 Configuring Server Parameters

About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to change the host name of the server, add or delete the server'sroutes, and set the IP address of the M2 server.

3.1 Changing the Host Name and IP Address of the M2 ServerThis section describes how to change the IP address and host name of the M2 server as required.

3.2 Adding or Deleting Routes of the ServerThis section describes how to add or delete routes of the server. By adding or deleting routes onthe server, you can set up or delete the routes from the local network to the target networks.

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3.1 Changing the Host Name and IP Address of the M2Server

This section describes how to change the IP address and host name of the M2 server as required.


Step 1 Stop M2 system services.

You can check whether the M2 one-click installation packgeM2V100R002C00SPC400OneKeyInstall_pkg.tar or one-click script is availablein the /export/home/m2install directory by running ls /export/home/m2install.l Stop M2 system services by referring to 13.4 How Do I Stop M2 System Services? (One-

Click) if at least one of the above is available.l Stop M2 system services by referring to 13.6 How Do I Stop M2 System Services? if neither

of them is available.

Step 2 Stop Oracle services. For detailed operations, see 9.1.4 Stopping Oracle.

Step 3 Log in to the server as user root and run the following commands.

# . /opt/Nastar/

# cd /opt/Nastar/tools/tools_ip

# ./

Step 4 When the system displays the following information, set the host name, private IP address, subnetmask, and gateway of the server as required:

*********************************************************** ** Configure System Parameters for PC server ** *********************************************************** Please input host name [Default:nassvr,Q:quit]: Please input IP address [Default:,Q:quit]: Please input net masks [Default:,Q:quit]: Please input default route [Default:,Q:quit]:

Step 5 When the system displays the following information, type Y and press Enter:Are you sure to continue?[Y/N]

When the system displays the following information, the private IP address of the server ischanged successfully:

CfgOracleFile.......Success ChgProductIP........Success ChgEsauCFG........Success DeleteLoadCFG.......Success Change IP is completed Please reboot machine

Step 6 Run the following commands to change the private IP address of the server recorded in theeSAU configuration file:

# cd /opt/esau/script/modifyesau

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# sh /opt/esau Old private IP address of the server new private IP addressof the server

Step 7 Run the following commands to change the private IP address of the server recorded in theSAU configuration file:

# cd /opt/PSSAU/script/modify

# sh /opt/PSSAU Old private IP address of the server new private IPaddress of the server

Step 8 Run the following commands to change the public IP address of Agent Server:


You are advised not to change the public IP address. Changing the IP address will affect the deployed M2Agent that accesses Agent Server using the old IP address.

# cd /opt/Nastar/tomcat/script/modify

# sh New public IP address of the server

Step 9 Run the following commands to restart the server:

# sync; sync; sync; sync; sync; sync

# shutdown -r now

Step 10 Perform the following substeps 10 minutes after the server is started to check that M2 systemservices are running.

1. Check that M2 services are running. For detailed operations, see 12.2.10 Checking M2Service Status.Restart M2 services if M2 services are not running. For detailed operations, see 8.1.4Stopping M2 Server Services and 8.1.3 Starting M2 Server Services.

2. Check that eSAU services are running. For detailed operations, see 12.2.12 CheckingeSAU Service Status.Restart eSAU services if eSAU services are not running. For detailed operations, see 8.1.12Stopping eSAU Services and 8.1.11 Starting eSAU Services.

3. Check that SAU services are running. For detailed operations, see 12.2.11 Checking SAUService Status.Restart SAU services if SAU services are not running. For detailed operations, see 8.1.8Stopping SAU Services and 8.1.7 Starting SAU Services.

4. Check that GaussDB services are running. For detailed operations, see 12.2.15 CheckingGaussDB Database Status.Restart GaussDB services if GaussDB services are not running. For detailed operations,see 9.2.4 Stopping GaussDB and 9.2.3 Starting GaussDB.

5. Check that Agent Server services are running. For detailed operations, see 12.2.13Checking Agent Server Service Status.Restart Agent Server services if Agent Server services are not running. For detailedoperations, see 8.2.4 Stopping the Agent Server Service and 8.2.3 Starting the AgentServer Service.


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Follow-up Procedure

You must change the IP address of the server where you want to log in when you log in to theM2 client again.

3.2 Adding or Deleting Routes of the ServerThis section describes how to add or delete routes of the server. By adding or deleting routes onthe server, you can set up or delete the routes from the local network to the target networks.


You have logged in to the server as user root.

Procedurel View, add, and delete routes by referring to Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Adding, deleting, and viewing a route

Operation Command Example

Viewing aroute

# netstat -r -

Adding aroute

# route [-v] [-A family] add [-net|-host] target [netmask Nm] [gw Gw][metric N] [mss M] [window W] [irttI] [reject] [mod] [dyn] [reinstate][[dev] If]

# route add -net192.168.2.128 netmask255.255.255.128 gw192.168.2.129

Deleting aroute

# route [-v] [-A family] del [-net|-host] target [gw Gw] [netmask Nm][metric N] [[dev] If]

# route del -net192.168.2.128 netmask255.255.255.128

Automatically adding aroute for theserver eachtime theserver isrestarted

l # vi /etc/init.d/boot.route

Write one or multiple route add[-net|-host] target [netmaskNm] [gw Gw] [metric N] [mss M][window W] [irtt I] [reject] [mod][dyn] [reinstate] [[dev] If]commands in the file.

l Run the following command forthe setting to take effect:# chmod +x /etc/init.d/boot.route# chkconfig boot.route on

Write the followinginformation into the /etc/init.d/boot.route file:route add -net gw192.168.2.130


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4 Managing License

About This Chapter

You have permission for the M2 only after obtaining a license. The license file controls theresources and functions of the M2.

4.1 Viewing the Current License in the SystemThis section describes how to view the current license of the M2.

4.2 Obtaining the ESNThis section describes how to obtain the ESN of the M2 system when the current license is aboutto expire. The ESN is used for you to apply for a license.

4.3 Updating the LicenseThis section describes how to import a license file when the existing license of the M2 is aboutto expire.

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4.1 Viewing the Current License in the SystemThis section describes how to view the current license of the M2.

Prerequisitesl M2 services are running properly.

l You have logged in to the M2 client.

l The license has been imported.


Table 4-1 describes the detailed information of the license.

Table 4-1 License information

Item Attribute Description Example


Product Name of the product managedby the license

GENEX Mobile Manager

Resource Name of the resourcemanaged by the license

M2 Agent License(Pro)

Capacity Quantity of the resourceallowed in the license


Consumption Consumed quantity of theresource


Overflow Time Expiry date of the license 2012-12-31


Product Name of the product managedby the license

GENEX Mobile Manager

Function Name of a function managedby the license

UMTS Basic FunctionV100R002 or later version

Support or Not Whether the license allowsusers to use the function



Step 1 In the main menu, choose Help > License Management > License Information.

Step 2 On the Resource Control Item and Function Control Item tab pages of the LicenseInformation dialog box, check the resource and function control information of the license.


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4.2 Obtaining the ESNThis section describes how to obtain the ESN of the M2 system when the current license is aboutto expire. The ESN is used for you to apply for a license.

PrerequisitesYou have successfully installed the operating system of M2 server.

ContextThe ESN is necessary for you to prepare the license file, and therefore you must obtain the ESNin advance.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user root.

Step 2 Run the following command to check the ESN information.

# ifconfig

Information similar to the following is displayed:

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C:29:A3:95:1C

inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fea3:951c/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:74928795 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:33718898 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:45001321224 (42916.6 Mb) TX bytes:22258980186 (21227.8 Mb)

lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1 RX packets:222080086 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:222080086 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:43084623898 (41088.6 Mb) TX bytes:43084623898 (41088.6 Mb)

In the displayed information, 00:0C:29:A3:95:1C is the ESN of the M2 system.


4.3 Updating the LicenseThis section describes how to import a license file when the existing license of the M2 is aboutto expire.

Prerequisitesl M2 services are running properly.

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l You have obtained a new license.l You have logged in to the M2 client.

ContextThe services provided with M2 are license-controlled. You need to update the license on theclient to use the corresponding resources or functions.


Step 1 In the main menu, choose Help > License Management > License Information.

Step 2 In the displayed License Information dialog box, click the Function Control Item tab.

Step 3 Click Update License.

Step 4 Select the license file.

Step 5 Click Open.

Step 6 In the displayed License Comparison Result window, click OK.

Step 7 Click Close.

Step 8 Log in to the M2 client again for the license to take effect.

Step 9 Assign M2 Agent licenses. For detailed operations, see Operation and Maintenance > GENEXMobile Manager Operator Guide > Preparing for M2 Agent Analysis > Managing M2Agent Licenses > Assigning M2 Agent Licenses in GENEX Mobile Manager ProductDocumentation.


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5 Setting M2 System Security

About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to manage M2 system users and how to configure FTP transfer forM2 server.

5.1 Managing UsersThis section describes how to manage user accounts and rights during M2 operations. The usersinclude SUSE Linux OS users, Oracle database users, and GaussDB database users.

5.2 Configuring FTP TransferThe traditional plaintext FTP mode or the SSL/SSH-based FTP encryption mode can be usedfor transferring data between the FTP client and server. By default, the File Transfer Protocolover SSL (FTPS) mode is used.

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5.1 Managing UsersThis section describes how to manage user accounts and rights during M2 operations. The usersinclude SUSE Linux OS users, Oracle database users, and GaussDB database users.

5.1.1 Managing SUSE Linux Users of the M2This describes how to manage SUSE Linux users during M2 operations. The users includeroot, omcuser, ftpuser, and oracle. They are created when the Linux operating system isinstalled. You can change the passwords of these users according to the actual situation. Youcan also create and manage new user accounts as required.

SUSE Linux Users and RightsThis section provides information about SUSE Linux users involved in the operation of theM2 system, such as the user name, usage, rights, user group, used shell, and home directory.

Besides the default user root, users oracle, omcuser, and ftpuser are created in the SUSE Linuxoperating system.

For details about the SUSE Linux user accounts, see Table 5-1.

Table 5-1 SUSE Linux users


Function InitialPassword

Rights UserGroup



root As the default useraccount in thesystem, user root isauthorized tocontrol allresources, createother user accounts,assign the rights toother users, andperform all systemoperations.


User root has thehighest rights in thesystem.User root isauthorized toinstall and uninstallthe M2 systemserver applicationsand to start andstop the M2 systemservices.

other, bin,sys, adm,uucp, mail,tty, lp,nuucp,daemon,anduser.root



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Function InitialPassword

Rights UserGroup



oracle As the administratorof the databasesoftware, useroracle is responsiblefor the operationand maintenance ofthe databasesoftware.Normally, duringthe installation ofthe Oracle, useroracle isautomaticallycreated in the M2system and youneed not create useroracle manually.


User oracle isauthorized toperform alloperations on thedatabase.





As the operator ofthe M2 system, useromcuser isresponsible foroperating andmaintaining the M2system, such asquerying systemstatus, backing upand restoring thesystem.Normally, duringthe installation ofthe SUSE Linuxoperating system,user omcuser isautomaticallycreated in thesystem, and youneed not create useromcuser manually.


User omcuser isauthorized toperform routineoperation andmaintenance andaccess thedatabase.User omcusercannot install anduninstall the M2system serverapplications.

root, sys,omcsysm,dba,oinstall,and disk



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Function InitialPassword

Rights UserGroup



ftpuser User ftpuser isresponsible for datacollection.Normally, duringthe installation ofthe SUSE Linuxoperating system,user ftpuser isautomaticallycreated in thesystem, and thusyou need not createuser ftpusermanually.


User ftpuser isauthorized totransmit data.

dialout,video, andomcuser



Changing the Password of User rootThis section describes how to change the password of user root.

Prerequisitesl The old password of user root is available.l The new password of user root is available.


The password can contain 8 to 30 characters, including digits 0 to 9, lowercase letters a to z, uppercaseletters A to Z, and special characters @%-=_.]{}. To improve password security, you are advised to usethe following password policies:

l The password contains at least one uppercase letter.

l The password contains at least one lowercase letter.

l The password contains at least one digit.

l The password contains at least one special character.

l The password does not contain the user name.

The password must also meet the requirements of the operating system. For details about the passwordpolicies of the operating system, see the DVD-ROM delivered with the operating system.

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Step 1 Log in to the server as user root, and then type the old password of user root.

Step 2 Run the following command to change the password of user root:

# passwd root

New Password:new password

Reenter New Password:new password

If Password changed or Changed successfully is displayed, the password ischanged successfully.


Changing the Password of User omcuserThis section describes how to change the password of user omcuser.

Prerequisitesl The old password of user omcuser is available.l The new password of user omcuser is available.


The password can contain 8 to 30 characters, including digits 0 to 9, lowercase letters a to z, uppercaseletters A to Z, and special characters @%-=_.]{}. To improve password security, you are advised to usethe following password policies:

l The password contains at least one uppercase letter.

l The password contains at least one lowercase letter.

l The password contains at least one digit.

l The password contains at least one special character.

l The password does not contain the user name.

The password must also meet the requirements of the operating system. For details about the passwordpolicies of the operating system, see the DVD-ROM delivered with the operating system.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user root, and then run the following commands to change the passwordof user omcuser.

# passwd omcuser

New Password:new password

Reenter New Password:new password

If Password changed or Changed successfully is displayed, the password ischanged successfully.


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Changing the Password of User ftpuserThis section describes how to change the password of user ftpuser when you log in to the serveras user root.

Prerequisitesl The old password of user ftpuser is available.l The new password of user ftpuser is available.


The password can contain 8 to 30 characters, including digits 0 to 9, lowercase letters a to z, uppercaseletters A to Z, and special characters @%-=_.]{}. To improve password security, you are advised to usethe following password policies:

l The password contains at least one uppercase letter.

l The password contains at least one lowercase letter.

l The password contains at least one digit.

l The password contains at least one special character.

l The password does not contain the user name.

The password must also meet the requirements of the operating system. For details about the passwordpolicies of the operating system, see the DVD-ROM delivered with the operating system.


Step 1 Run the following commands to stop M2 services:1. Check that the M2 services are running properly. For detailed operations, see 8.1.2

Checking M2 Server Service Status.2. Stop M2 services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.4 Stopping M2 Server Services.


Currently, the M2 Server are co-deployed with the Agent Server. The Tomcat server provided with M2services is used in Agent Server services. The Agent Server services are stopped when the M2 services arestopped.

Step 2 Perform the following substeps to stop eSAU services:1. Check that the eSAU services are running properly. For detailed operations, see 8.1.10

Checking eSAU Service Status.2. Stop eSAU services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.12 Stopping eSAU Services.

Step 3 Perform the following substeps to stop SAU services:1. Check that the SAU services are running properly. For detailed operations, see 8.1.6

Checking SAU Service Status.2. Stop SAU services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.8 Stopping SAU Services.

Step 4 Log in to the server as user root, and run the following command to change the password ofuser ftpuser:

# passwd ftpuser

New password: New password

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Reenter new password: New password

When Password changed or Changed successfully is displayed, the password ischanged successfully.

Step 5 Run the following commands to modify the configuration items related to the ftpuser passwordof eSAU.

# cd /opt/esau

# . ./

# cd /opt/esau/script/modifyesau

# sh /opt/esau Old password New password ftpuser

Step 6 Run the following commands to modify the configuration items related to the ftpuser passwordof SAU.

# cd /opt/PSSAU

# . ./

# cd /opt/PSSAU/script/modify

# sh /opt/PSSAU Old password New passwordftpuser

Step 7 Start M2 services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.3 Starting M2 Server Services.


Agent Server services are started when M2 services are started.

Step 8 Start eSAU services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.11 Starting eSAU Services.

Step 9 Start SAU services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.7 Starting SAU Services.


Changing the Password of User oracleThis section describes how to change the password of user oracle.

Prerequisitesl The old password of user oracle is available.l The new password of user oracle is available.

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The password can contain 8 to 30 characters, including digits 0 to 9, lowercase letters a to z, uppercaseletters A to Z, and special characters @%-=_.]{}. To improve password security, you are advised to usethe following password policies:

l The password contains at least one uppercase letter.

l The password contains at least one lowercase letter.

l The password contains at least one digit.

l The password contains at least one special character.

l The password does not contain the user name.

The password must also meet the requirements of the operating system. For details about the passwordpolicies of the operating system, see the DVD-ROM delivered with the operating system.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user root, and then run the following commands to change the passwordof user oracle.

# passwd oracle

New Password:new password

Reenter New Password:new password

If Password changed or Changed successfully is displayed, the password ischanged successfully.


Creating SUSE Linux Users

This section describes how to create SUSE Linux users. You can create other SUSE Linux usersas required.

Contextl This section describes how to create user test1. User test1 with user ID 123 belongs to the

staff user group. The main directory /home1 is automatically created. The template filesare saved in the /etc/skel directory. This user account adopts the B shell program.

l The template files are used to ensure a unified operating environment.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user root, and then run the following command to create user test1.

# useradd -d /home1 -g staff -m -k /etc/skel -u 123 -s /bin/bash test1

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l -d /home1: indicates that the main directory is home1. Change /home1 to the actual main directorywhen you create other users.

l -g staff: indicates that the user belongs to the staff group. Change staff to the actual group when youcreate other users.

l -m: indicates that the system creates this directory automatically if the main directory does not exist.

l -k /etc/skel: copies the template files in a specified directory to the main directory. Common templatefiles include .profile and .cshrc files. If the main directory already exists, ensure that the user whocreate the main directory and the users that are in the same user group as the user who create the maindirectory have the read, write, and operation permissions of the directory.

l -u 123: indicates that the user ID is 123. One user has a unique ID. Replace the ID with the actual userID when you create other users.

l -s /bin/bash: indicates that the user uses B Shell. Change B Shell to the actual shell.

Step 2 Run the following command to set the password for the new user account:


The password can contain 8 to 30 characters, including digits 0 to 9, lowercase letters a to z, uppercaseletters A to Z, and special characters @%-=_.]{}. To improve password security, you are advised to usethe following password policies:

l The password contains at least one uppercase letter.

l The password contains at least one lowercase letter.

l The password contains at least one digit.

l The password contains at least one special character.

l The password does not contain the user name.

The password must also meet the requirements of the operating system. For details about the passwordpolicies of the operating system, see the DVD-ROM delivered with the operating system.

# passwd test1

New Password:new password

Reenter New Password:new password

If Password changed or Changed successfully is displayed, the password ischanged successfully.


Deleting SUSE Linux UsersThis section describes how to delete SUSE Linux users. You can delete the SUSE users that arenot required. User root cannot be deleted.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user root, and then run the following command to delete SUSE Linuxusers:

# userdel -r User name

After the previous command is executed, run the following command. If su: user nameof the deleted user does not exist is displayed, deleting the user accountsucceeds.

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# su - Name of the user to be deleted

CAUTIONYou cannot delete a login user by running the userdel command.


5.1.2 Managing SUSE Linux Users of the Agent ServerAgent Server and sM2 Server are co-deployed in the current version. The management of usersroot and omcuser is the same while the management of user gaussdba of Agent Server isdifferent from that of the M2.

SUSE Linux Users and RightsThis section provides information such as user name, function, user group, used shell, homedirectory, and rights about the SUSE Linux users involved in the operation of the AgentServer system.

For details about the SUSE Linux user accounts, see Table 5-2.

Table 5-2 SUSE Linux users


Function InitialPassword

Rights UserGroup



root As the default useraccount in the system,user root isauthorized to controlall resources, createother user accounts,assign the rights toother users, andperform all systemoperations.


User root has thehighest rights in thesystem.User root isauthorized to installand uninstall theM2 system serverapplications and tostart and stop theM2 systemservices.

other,bin, sys,adm,uucp,mail,tty, lp,nuucp,daemon,user.root



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Function InitialPassword

Rights UserGroup




As the operator of theM2 system, useromcuser isresponsible foroperating andmaintaining the M2system, such asquerying systemstatus, backing up andrestoring the system.Normally, during theinstallation of theSUSE Linuxoperating system,user omcuser isautomatically createdin the system, and youneed not create useromcuser manually.


User omcuser isauthorized toperform routineoperation andmaintenance andaccess thedatabase.User omcusercannot install anduninstall the M2system serverapplications.

root,sys,omcsysm, dba,oinstall,disk




GaussDBadministrator accountof the Agent Serverdatabase software.User gaussdba isresponsible for theroutine operation andmaintenance of theGaussDB databasesoftware.Normally usergaussdba isautomatically createdin the system whenthe GaussDB isinstalled, andtherefore you do notneed to creategaussdba manually.

Users setthepasswordasrequiredwheninstallingthe serversoftware.

As an operatingsystem user, thisuser is authorizedto start, access, andperform the routineoperation andmaintenance on theGaussDB database.




Changing the Password of User gaussdba

This section describes how to change the password of user gaussdba.

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Prerequisitesl The old password of user gaussdba is available.

l The new password of user gaussdba is available.


The password can contain 8 to 30 characters, including digits 0 to 9, lowercase letters a to z, uppercaseletters A to Z, and special characters @%-=_.]{}. To improve password security, you are advised to usethe following password policies:

l The password contains at least one uppercase letter.

l The password contains at least one lowercase letter.

l The password contains at least one digit.

l The password contains at least one special character.

l The password does not contain the user name.

The password must also meet the requirements of the operating system. For details about the passwordpolicies of the operating system, see the DVD-ROM delivered with the operating system.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user root, and then run the following commands to change the passwordof user gaussdba.

# passwd gaussdba

New Password:new password

Reenter New Password:new password

If Password changed or Changed successfully is displayed, the password ischanged successfully.


5.1.3 Managing Oracle Database UsersThis section describes the Oracle users and rights for M2 database and the procedure for changingthe password.

Oracle Users and Rights

This section describes the Oracle users used by the M2 and the related rights. To operate theOracle database on the M2 Server, you must use the Oracle user accounts.

Only the Oracle user is authorized to use the Oracle database. After the Oracle database isinstalled, the system provides the default user accounts, namely, SYS and SYSTEM.

For details about the Oracle user accounts, see Table 5-3.

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Table 5-3 Oracle users

User Name Initial Password User Description

SYS Changeme_123 User sys has the highest rights.

SYSTEM Changeme_123 User system has the highest rights.

SYSMAN sysman This user is created inside the Oracledatabase. It has expired or has been locked.

WMSYS wmsys This user is created inside the Oracledatabase. It has expired or has been locked.


mgmt_view This user is created inside the Oracledatabase. It has expired or has been locked.


oracle_dcm This user is created inside the Oracledatabase. It has expired or has been locked.

TSMSYS tsmsys This user is created inside the Oracledatabase. It has expired or has been locked.

DBSNMP dbsnmp This user is created inside the Oracledatabase. It has expired or has been locked.

OUTLN outln This user is created inside the Oracledatabase. It has expired or has been locked.

DIP dip This user is created inside the Oracledatabase. It has expired or has been locked.

ALARMDB Changeme_123 This is a product data user.


Changeme_123 This is a product data user.


Changeme_123 This is a product data user.

IMAPSMDB Changeme_123 This is a product data user.


Changeme_123 This is a product data user.

IMAPTMDB Changeme_123 This is a product data user.

IMAP_DB Changeme_123 This is a product data user.

naspa Changeme_123 User naspa is used to access the Oracledatabase of the M2 system.

Changing Passwords for Oracle Database UsersThis section describes how to change passwords for Oracle database users.

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Prerequisitesl The old password of Oracle users is available.

l The new password of Oracle users is available.


CAUTIONYou cannot change the password of a single database user. This function changes the passwordof the Oracle administrator and the passwords of the table space users of the databases in theM2.A user password of the Oracle database can contain only Arabic numerals, case-insensitiveletters, and _. The valid password length contains 8 to 30 characters. To improve passwordsecurity, the password must:

l Start with a letter.

l Contain one or more letters.

l Contain one or more Arabic numerals.The password must also meet the requirements for the Oracle database. For details about thepassword policies of the Oracle database, see the DVD-ROM delivered with the Oracle database.


Step 1 Stop the eSAU services.1. Log in to the server as user omcuser.2. Run the following command to stop the eSAU services:

~> cd /opt/esau

~> . ./

~> esau_stop

3. Run the following command to check whether the eSAU services are stopped:

~> esau_ps

l If the information similar to the following is displayed, eSAU service processes arestopped. Perform Step 2.1.Monitor............................not runningeSAU...............................not runningSysMonitor.........................not running[All Services: 3 ] [Running: 0 ] [Not Running: 3 ]

l If the displayed information is not consistent with the preceding information or noinformation is displayed, eSAU service processes are not stopped completely. PerformStep 1.4.

4. Run the following command to forcibly stop the eSAU services:

~> esau_kill

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Step 2 Stop the M2 services.1. Log in to the server as user omcuser.2. Run the following command to stop the M2 services:

~> cd /opt/Nastar

~> . ./

~> stop_svc

3. Run the following command to check whether the M2 services are stopped:

~> svc_ps

l If no command output is displayed, the M2 services have been stopped. Go to Step2.5.

l If there is any command output, the M2 services do not stop. Go to Step 2.4.4. Run the following command to forcibly stop the M2 services:

~> kill_svc

5. Run the following command to stop the M2 daemon process:

~> stop_daem

6. Run the following command to check whether the M2 daemon process is stopped:

~> daem_ps

If no command output is displayed, the M2 daemon process has been stopped. Go to Step2.8.

If there is any command output, the M2 service does not stop. Go to Step 2.7.7. Run the following command to forcibly stop the M2 daemon process:

~> kill_daem

8. Run the following command to check whether the TAO process is stopped:

~> ps –ef|grep 9999|grep –v grep

If no command output is displayed, the TAO process has been stopped. Go to Step 3.1.

If there is any command output, the TAO process does not stop. Go to Step 2.9.9. Run the following command to forcibly stop the TAO process:

~> stop_tao_services

Step 3 Change passwords for the Oracle database users.1. Run the following command to switch to the directory where the script is stored:

~> cd /opt/Nastar/tools/config

2. Run the following command to modify the script of changing passwords for Oracle databaseusers:

~> ./


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Welcome to use Config tools Modify Tool (1.1.0)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please select a(n) operator type1--IP2--Database server name3--Database password4--Password of ftpuserR--ReturnQ--Quit------------------------------------------------------------------Please make a choice[1-4]: ------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Type 3 and press Enter.4. Type a password as prompted and confirm it.

The following message is displayed:

Are you sure to continue?Y--Yes.Q--Quit.R--Re-inputP--Return pre-stepPlease make a choice[Y/Q/R/P]:

5. Type Y and press Enter.

After password change, the following message is displayed:

------------------------------------------------------------------ Operator complete!------------------------------------------------------------------

6. Exit the script as prompted.

Step 4 Restart the M2 services.

~> cd /opt/Nastar

~> . ./

~> start_svc

Step 5 Restart the eSAU service.1. Log in to the server as user omcuser.2. Run the following commands to restart the eSAU service:

~> cd /opt/esau

~> . ./

~> esau_start


5.1.4 Managing GaussDB Database UsersThis section describes the GaussDB database users and rights for Agent Server and the procedurefor changing the password of the GaussDB database users.

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GaussDB Users and Rights

This section describes the GaussDB users involved in the operation of the Agent Server databaseand the rights of these users. User accounts must be available if you want to perform operationson the GaussDB database of Agent Server.

Only a GaussDB user is authorized to use the GaussDB database. During the process of installingthe server software, the system prompts you to type user names and passwords of usergaussdba and mmagents. The initial passwords are the same.

Table 5-4 GaussDB user


Initial Password User Description

gaussdba Users set the password asrequired when installing theserver software.

gaussdba is the administrator of theGaussDB database.

mmagents Users set the password asrequired when installing theserver software.

mmagents is used for Agent Server toaccess the GaussDB database.

Changing the Password of the GaussDB Database User

This section describes how to change the password of GaussDB database users.

Prerequisitesl The old password of the GaussDB database user is available.

l The new password of the GaussDB database user is available.


The password can contain 8 to 30 characters, including digits 0 to 9, lowercase letters a to z, uppercaseletters A to Z, and special characters @%-=_.]{}. To improve password security, you are advised to usethe following password policies:

l The password contains at least one uppercase letter.

l The password contains at least one lowercase letter.

l The password contains at least one digit.

l The password contains at least one special character.

l The password does not contain the user name.

The password must also meet the requirements of the operating system. For details about the passwordpolicies of the operating system, see the DVD-ROM delivered with the operating system.


Step 1 Stop the Tomcat service.

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1. Log in to the server as user omcuser.2. Run the following commands to stop the Tomcat service processes:

~> cd /opt/Nastar

~> . ./

~> cd tomcat

~> . stop

service stopping...service stopped successful.

If the displayed information is consistent with the preceding information, Tomcat servicesare stopped.

Step 2 Change the password of the GaussDB database user.1. Log in to the server as user omcuser.2. Run the following commands to change the password for logging in to the GaussDB


~> cd /opt/Nastar

~> . ./

~> cd /opt/Nastar/tomcat/script/modify

~> .

Information similar to the following is displayed:

Please enter the password for gaussdba:Please enter the old password for the role mmagents:New Password:Reenter New Password:

Type the password of the operating system user gaussdba, and the old and new passwordsof user mmagents as prompted.


5.1.5 Managing M2 UsersThis section describes how to manage M2 users. You can manage the accounts and rights ofthese users and monitor the sessions and operations of these users. This helps ensure systemsecurity.

PrerequisitesYou have obtained the account and password of the M2 system administrator.

Procedurel For details about how to manage M2 users, see the section Operation and Maintenance

> Security Management > Configuration and Management of User Securityin theGENEX Mobile Manager Product Documentation.


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5.1.6 Managing Agent Server UsersThis section describes how to manage Agent Server users. You can manage the accounts andrights of these users and monitor the sessions and operations of these users. This helps ensuresystem security.


You have obtained the account and password of the Agent Server administrator.

Procedurel For details about how to manage Agent Server users, see the section Operation and

Maintenance > Security Management > Configuration and Management of UserSecurityin the GENEX Mobile Manager Product Documentation.


5.1.7 Changing the Password of Default User Administrator for theRemote Management Port

This section describes how to change the password of default user Administrator by logginginto the management window at the remote management port.

Prerequisitesl You have obtained the IP address of the existing remote management port.

l You have obtained the old password of user Administrator for the remote managementport.

l You have planned the new password of user Administrator for the remote managementport.


CAUTIONThe password of user Administrator for the remote management port must adhere to thefollowing rules:

l The password does not contain the user name. It contains 8 to 30 characters, including digits0 through 9, lowercase letters a through z, uppercase letters A through Z, and the followingspecial characters: @ % - = _ . ] {}.

l The password contains at least one uppercase letter.

l The password contains at least one lowercase letter.

l The password contains at least one digit.

l The password contains at least one special character.

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Step 1 Enter https://IP address of the remote management port in the address box of the web browser,and press Enter. The page for logging into the remote management port is displayed.

TIPIf the system displays There is a problem with this website's securitycertificate, click Continue to this website (not recommended).

Step 2 Enter the name and password of user Administrator, and click Log In. The managementwindow at the remote management port is displayed.

Step 3 In the navigation tree, choose Administration > User Administration

Step 4 In the User Administration area, select Administrator in the Local Users list.

Step 5 Click Edit.

Step 6 In User Name and Login Name, enter Administrator. In Password and Password Confirm,enter the new password of user Administrator.

Step 7 Click Update User to validate the new password of user Administrator.

Step 8 Click Sign Out to exit the remote management port.


5.2 Configuring FTP TransferThe traditional plaintext FTP mode or the SSL/SSH-based FTP encryption mode can be usedfor transferring data between the FTP client and server. By default, the File Transfer Protocolover SSL (FTPS) mode is used.

5.2.1 Introduction to FTP Transmission PolicyThis section describes basic concepts of FTP transmission policies and FTP policies of theM2 server.

Basic Concepts

The FTP client and the FTP server communicate with each other on the basis of security protocolsto ensure data confidentiality and integrity. Security protocols consist of Secure Shell (SSH),SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), Security Socket Layer (SSL), and FTP Over SSL (FTPS),as described in Table 5-5.

Table 5-5 Basic Concepts

Concept Description

SSH The SSH protocol is usually used to replace the Telnet protocol that istraditional and insecure. It supports the setup of an encrypted tunnel betweenthe SSH client and the SSH server. After setting up a TCP connection, the clientand server can transmit data through the encrypted tunnel.

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Concept Description

SFTP As a secure FTP protocol developed from the SSH protocol, the SFTP protocolis used to transfer files in encryption mode.

SSL The SSL protocol is used to protect all application protocols based on the TCPor other transfer protocols.The SSL protocol is mainly used to identify communication entities andprovides a secure channel for data confidentiality and integrity. The SSLprotocol meets the following basic security requirements: data confidentiality,data integrity, and entity identification.

FTPS As a secure FTP protocol developed from the SSL protocol, the FTPS protocolis used to encrypt data during FTP login connection and data transmission.

Overview of the FTP Transmission PolicyThe traditional plaintext FTP mode or the SSL/SSH-based FTP encryption mode can be usedfor transferring data between the FTP client and server. By default, the FTPS mode is used.

FTP Policies of the M2 ServerThe M2 system only involves the FTP transfer between the SAU and eSAU. By default, theFTPS mode is used, as shown in Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1 Encrypted FTP transmission modes

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6 Monitoring the M2 System

About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to monitor the M2 system. You can learn the status of the services,processes, hard disks, and databases on the M2 system services, component information of theM2 system services, and operation logs on the client through M2 system monitoring.

6.1 Setting the Monitoring ParametersYou can set parameters for the server monitoring, hard disk monitoring, database monitoring,and service monitoring. When a threshold is reached, the M2 generates an alarm.

6.2 Monitoring the Status of the M2 ServerBy monitoring the running status and resource status of the M2, you can understand the healthcondition of the M2 and handle the exceptions of the M2 hardware and software in time.

6.3 Interface Reference for System MonitoringThis topic describes the parameters displayed on system monitoring GUIs.

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6.1 Setting the Monitoring ParametersYou can set parameters for the server monitoring, hard disk monitoring, database monitoring,and service monitoring. When a threshold is reached, the M2 generates an alarm.

6.1.1 Setting the Parameters for Monitoring the M2 ServerYou can set the server monitoring parameters to monitor the performance of the M2 server,including the CPU usage and memory usage. This helps you to find and handle performanceexceptions in time, ensuring that the M2 server runs effectively. When the CPU usage or memoryusage reaches the specified threshold, the M2 client receives an alarm. You can also determinewhether to display pop-up messages on the client. After you enable this function, the M2 clientdisplays a pop-up message, prompting you of the high CPU or memory usage on the server.

Contextl The parameter Server status refresh interval indicates the sampling interval. That is, the

CPU and memory usage is sampled at the specified interval.

l CPU overload indicates that the CPU usage is larger than the threshold for alarm generation.

l If the CPU usage sampled each time is larger than the threshold for alarm generation, itmeans that the CPU is continuously overloaded. In this case, the number of continuousCPU overload times is equal to that of continuous sampling times.


Step 1 Choose System > System Monitor > Settings from the main menu.

Step 2 In the System Monitor Settings dialog box, click the Server Monitor tab.

Step 3 Set the parameters.

Step 4 Click OK.



l When the number of sampling times with overloading reaches the specified value, a highCPU usage alarm is generated. If the CPU usage sampled at a time is smaller than thethreshold for alarm clearance, the high CPU usage alarm is cleared.

l When the memory usage is larger than the threshold for alarm generation, a high memoryusage alarm is generated. When the memory usage is smaller than the threshold for alarmclearance, the high memory usage alarm is cleared.

l When a high usage alarm is generated, the round icon in the CPU Usage or MemoryUsage column turns red on the Server Monitor tab page in the System MonitorBrowser window. If you enable the function of displaying pop-up messages, you canreceive performance exception messages on the status bar of the client.

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6.1.2 Setting the Parameters for Monitoring the Disk Usage of theM2 Server

You can set the disk monitoring parameters to monitor the disk usage of the M2 server. Thishelps you to find and handle insufficiency of the disk space in time, thereby preventing serviceexceptions. When the disk usage reaches the specified threshold, the M2 client receives a highdisk usage alarm. You can also determine whether to display pop-up messages on the client.After you enable this function, the M2 client displays a pop-up message, prompting you of adisk exception.


Step 1 Choose System > System Monitor > Settings from the main menu.

Step 2 In the System Monitor Settings dialog box, click the Hard Disk Monitor tab.

Step 3 On the Hard Disk Monitor tab page, set Hard disk status refresh interval and the thresholdsfor alarm generation and clearance.

To set the thresholds, specify default values shared by all disks under Default value setting.Then, you can specify other values in Advanced settings for a specific disk. The detailedprocedure is as follows:

1. Click + before Default value setting, and then set the thresholds for generating and clearingalarms of different severities. The threshold specified for generating alarms of a lowseverity must be smaller than that for generating alarms of a high severity.

2. Expand Advanced settings, and then click + before the server name. You can view thatall disks use the default thresholds. To specify other values for a disk, click + before thedisk name, and then click the cell after the name. In the drop-down list, select Customizevalue. In the text box, enter the thresholds for generating and clearing alarms of differentseverities. If you do not want to receive alarms of a disk, select Disable alarmgeneration.

Step 4 Optional: Expand Advanced setting until the disk name is displayed. In the Enable Bubblecolumn, select Enable or Disable.

Step 5 After the setting, click OK.


Resultl When the hard disk space usage reaches the threshold set for generating alarms of a certain

severity, a corresponding alarm is generated. When the usage reaches the preset thresholdfor a higher severity, an alarm of the higher severity is generated and the existing alarm isautomatically cleared. When the usage is lower than a threshold for clearing alarms of aseverity, the alarm of this severity is cleared.

l When a high disk usage alarm is generated, the round icon in the Status column turns redon the Hard Disk Monitor tab page in the System Monitor Browser window. If youenable the function of displaying pop-up messages, the message The hard disk partitionis abnormal is displayed on the status bar of the client.

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6.1.3 Setting the Parameters for Monitoring the Service Status of theM2 Server

You can set the interval of refreshing the service status and determine whether to display pop-up messages. If you enable the function of displaying pop-up messages, the M2 prompts servicechanges and refreshes the service status at the specified refresh interval.


Step 1 Choose System > System Monitor > Settings from the main menu.

Step 2 In the System Monitor Settings dialog box, click the Service Monitor tab.

Step 3 On the Service Monitor tab page, set Service status refresh interval and determine whetherto display pop-up messages.

Step 4 Click OK.


Resultl On the Service Monitor tab page in the System Monitor Browser window, information

is refreshed at the specified interval.

l When the tooltip function of some services is enabled, a status indicator is displayed on thestatus bar in the lower-right corner of the GUI. When all the services for which the tooltipfunction is enabled are running, the status indicator is displayed green. When one ormultiple such services are stopped, the status indicator is displayed red and a pop-upmessage is displayed.

6.1.4 Setting the Parameters for Monitoring the Database Usage ofthe M2 Server

You can set the database monitoring parameters to monitor the M2 database usage. This helpsyou to find and handle insufficiency of the database space in time, thereby preventing serviceexceptions. When the database usage of the M2 server reaches the lower threshold, the M2receives a high database usage alarm.


Step 1 Choose System > System Monitor > Settings from the main menu.

Step 2 In the System Monitor Settings dialog box, click the Database Monitor tab.

Step 3 On the Database Monitor tab page, set Database status refresh interval and the thresholdsfor alarm generation.

To set the thresholds, specify default values shared by all databases under Default valuesetting. Then, you can specify other values in Advanced settings for a specific database. Thedetailed procedure is as follows:

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1. Click + before Default value setting, and then set the thresholds for generating alarms ofdifferent severities. The threshold specified for generating alarms of a low severity mustbe smaller than that for generating alarms of a high severity.

2. Expand Advanced settings, and then click + before the server name and database instancename. You can view that all databases use the default thresholds. To specify other valuesfor a database, click + before the database name, and then click the cell after the name. Inthe drop-down list, select Customize value. In the text box, enter the thresholds forgenerating alarms of different severities. If you do not want to monitor the usage of adatabase, select Disabled Monitoring.

Step 4 After the setting, click OK.


Resultl When the database usage of the M2 server reaches the threshold for alarm generation, the

M2 generates an alarm. When the usage is smaller than the threshold, the correspondingclearance alarm is generated.

l When the condition for generating a high database usage alarm is met, the round icon inthe Status column turns red on the Database Monitor tab page in the System MonitorBrowser window.

6.2 Monitoring the Status of the M2 ServerBy monitoring the running status and resource status of the M2, you can understand the healthcondition of the M2 and handle the exceptions of the M2 hardware and software in time.

6.2.1 Monitoring the Service Status of the M2 ServerBy viewing the information such as the service names and service status, you can monitor theservice status of the M2. This helps you to understand the running status of the M2 server. Thus,you can identify and handle exceptions in time, ensuring efficient running of the M2 server.

ContextIf a service is stopped or abnormal, its status icon is displayed in red.


Step 1 Choose System > System Monitor > Browser from the main menu.

Step 2 In the mainSystem Monitor Browser window, click the Service Monitor tab.

Step 3 On the Service Monitor tab page, right-click an service and choose Details.


You can also double-click a service to access the Service Details dialog box.

Step 4 In the displayed Service Details dialog box, view the service details and dependencies betweenservices.


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6.2.2 Monitoring the Database Status of the M2 ServerBy using this function, you can view the information such as the database name, server name,and database status. The information helps you to understand the running status of the M2 server.Thus, you can identify and handle exceptions in time, ensuring efficient running of the M2 server.


If the database space is insufficient, contact Huawei technical support engineers to determinean expansion solution.


Step 1 Choose System > System Monitor > Browser from the main menu.

Step 2 In the mainSystem Monitor Browser window, click the Database Monitor tab.


The database monitoring parameters vary according to different databases. For the Oracle database, theavailable parameters for database monitoring include Database Name, Total Data Space, Free DataSpace, Total Data Space Usage, Table Space Usage, and Status.

Step 3 On the Database Monitor tab page, view the database status of the M2 server.

Whether Status of a database is Normal depends on the preset alarm threshold. When thedatabase usage exceeds the threshold, Status changes to Abnormal.


6.2.3 Monitoring Agent Server Service StatusThis section describes how to monitor the service status of Agent Server to know its runningstatus by checking Tomcat service status.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.


l If you have logged in to the server as another user, you can run the su - omcuser command in thecommand terminal window to switch to user omcuser.

l If you are required to type a password after the su - omcuser command runs, type the password of useromcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to check the Tomcat service:

~> cd /opt/Nastar

~> . ./

~> cd tomcat

~> . status

If the following information is displayed, the Tomcat service is started successfully.

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service is running.


6.2.4 Monitoring Agent Server Process StatusThis section describes how to check and monitor Agent Server process status to know AgentServer running status.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to check Agent Server process status:

~> cd /opt/Nastar/tomcat/script

~> sh

The CPU usage and memory usage of the current Agent Server process are 0.0% and 0.9%respectively if the information similar to the following is displayed:

%CPU %MEM NAME 0.0 0.9 tomcat

Step 3 Press Ctrl+C to exit Agent Server process checking.


6.2.5 Monitoring Agent Server Database StatusThis section describes how to check and monitor Agent Server database status to know AgentServer running status.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user gaussdba (The home directory is /home/gaussdba).


l If you have logged in to the server as any other user, run su - gaussdba to switch to gaussdba.

l Enter the password of user gaussdba if required when you run the su - gaussdba command.

Step 2 Run the following command to check whether GaussDB database services are started:

~> gs_ctl query

If the information similar to the following is displayed, GaussDB database services are started.Otherwise, GaussDB database services are not started.



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6.2.6 Monitoring the Disk Status of the M2 ServerBy using this function, you can view the information such as the total disk capacity and diskusage to understand the disk status of the M2 server. Thus, you can identify and handle exceptionsin time, ensuring efficient running of the M2 server. If the disk usage is too high, you need toclear or expand the disk.


Step 1 Choose System > System Monitor > Browser from the main menu.

Step 2 In the mainSystem Monitor Browser window, click the Hard Disk Monitor tab.

Step 3 On the Hard Disk Monitor tab page, view the disk status of the server.

Whether Status of an item is Normal depends on the preset threshold for alarm generation.When the usage of the item exceeds the threshold, Status changes to Abnormal.


6.2.7 Monitoring the Resource Status of the M2 ServerBy using this function, you can view the system resource usage of the M2 server that you havelogged in to. Thus, you can identify and handle exceptions in time, ensuring efficient runningof the M2 server.


Step 1 Choose System > System Monitor > Browser from the main menu.

Step 2 In the mainSystem Monitor Browser window, click the Server Monitor tab.

Step 3 On the Server Monitor tab page, view the status of the M2 server.


6.2.8 Viewing the Component Information of the M2 ServerYou can view the information about the components installed on the M2 server that you havelogged in to, including the names, version numbers, and functions of the components.


Step 1 Choose System > System Monitor > Browser from the main menu.

Step 2 In the mainSystem Monitor Browser window, click the Component Information tab.

Step 3 On the Component Information tab page, view the information about all installed components.


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6.2.9 Refreshing the Monitoring InformationThe monitoring information on the M2 client is automatically refreshed based on the specifiedmonitoring interval. If you want to refresh the monitoring information immediately, you canclick Refresh on each monitor tab page.


l Only the current tab page is refreshed.

l After you switch to another monitor tab, the monitoring information on this tab page isrefreshed immediately.


Step 1 Choose System > System Monitor > Browser from the main menu.

Step 2 In the mainSystem Monitor Browser window, click the tab corresponding to the monitoringinformation to be refreshed.

Step 3 Click Refresh.


6.2.10 Saving the Monitoring InformationTo facilitate future analysis of the information monitored at certain time, you can save themonitoring information.


Step 1 Choose System > System Monitor > Browser from the main menu.

Step 2 In the mainSystem Monitor Browser window, click the tab corresponding to the monitoringinformation, and then click Save As.


l The monitoring information can be saved in the format of TXT, HTML, CSV, or XML. The defaultformat is XML.

l Two types of encoding formats are supported: ANSI - Latin 1 and UTF-8. The default encoding formatis ANSI - Latin 1. You are recommended to use the default encoding format if the saved file does notneed to support multiple languages; otherwise, UTF-8 is recommended.

Step 3 In the Save dialog box, select a path, enter a file name, and click Save.


6.3 Interface Reference for System MonitoringThis topic describes the parameters displayed on system monitoring GUIs.

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6.3.1 Parameters for Setting the Monitoring Thresholds of the M2Server

This topic describes the parameters of CPU monitoring and memory monitoring. When settingthe CPU monitoring and memory monitoring thresholds of the server, you need to set theseparameters.


Parameter Description Setting


Number ofconsecutiveCPU overloads(10-400)

Description:l If the CPU usage sampled each

time is larger than the alarmgeneration threshold, it meansthat the CPU is consecutivelyoverloaded. When the numberof consecutive overload timesreaches the specified value, ahigh CPU usage alarm isgenerated.

l If the CPU usage sampled at atime is smaller than the alarmclearance threshold, the highCPU usage alarm is cleared.

Value:Value range: 10-400Default value: 40

Server statusrefresh interval(2-60 seconds)

Description:Refresh interval of servermonitoring, that is, the CPU usageis sampled every x seconds.

Value:Value range: 2-60Default value: 15


CPU usage (%) Description:Set Alarm GenerationThreshold and Alarm ClearanceThreshold for the CPU usagealarm and determine whether toenable the pop-up prompt.

Value:Value range of usage:1-99. Default value:90.Value range of offset:1-99. Default value:70.

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Parameter Description Setting

Memory usage(%)

Set Alarm GenerationThreshold and Alarm ClearanceThreshold for the memory usagealarm.l If the memory usage is larger

than Alarm GenerationThreshold of Memory usedrate, the M2 generates a highmemory usage alarm.

l If the memory usage is smallerthan Alarm ClearanceThreshold of Memory usedrate, the M2 generates aclearance alarm, promptingthat the high memory usagealarm is cleared.

l After you enable the pop-upprompt, if the status isabnormal, a pop-up prompt isdisplayed.

Value:Value range of usage:1-99. Default value:95.Value range of offset:1-99. Default value:85.

6.3.2 Parameters for Setting the Hard Disk Monitoring Thresholdsof the M2 Server

This topic describes the parameters of hard disk monitoring. When setting the hard diskmonitoring thresholds of the server, you need to set these parameters.


Parameter Description Setting


Hard diskstatus refreshinterval(60-3600seconds)

Description:Refresh interval of hard diskmonitoring.

Value:Value range: 60-3600Default value: 60

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Parameter Description Setting


Default valuesetting (%)

Description:Default thresholds forgenerating and clearing ahigh hard disk usage alarm ofthe M2 server.l When the hard disk usage

is larger than AlarmGeneration Thresholdof an alarm severity, theM2 generates a high harddisk usage alarm of thisseverity.

l When the hard disk usageis smaller than AlarmClearance Threshold ofan alarm severity, theM2 clears the high harddisk usage alarm of thisseverity.

l After you enable the pop-up prompt, if the harddisk status is abnormal, apop-up prompt isdisplayed.

Setting method:

Click + to expand Defaultvalue setting. Set the defaultthresholds for generating andclearing high hard disk usagealarms in different severities.


Value range: 1-99

Default value of AlarmGeneration Threshold:

l warning: 60

l Minor: 70

l Major: 80

l critical: 90

Default value of AlarmClearance Threshold:

l warning: 55

l Minor: 65

l Major: 75

l critical: 85

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Parameter Description Setting

Advancedsettings (%)

Description:User-defined thresholds forgenerating and clearing ahigh hard disk usage alarm ofthe M2 server. You can setthresholds for individualdisks.l When the hard disk usage

is larger than AlarmGeneration Thresholdof an alarm severity, theM2 generates a high harddisk usage alarm of thisseverity.

l When the hard disk usageis smaller than AlarmClearance Threshold ofan alarm severity, theM2 clears the high harddisk usage alarm of thisseverity.

l After you enable the pop-up prompt, if the harddisk status is abnormal, apop-up prompt isdisplayed.

Setting method:1. Click + before Advanced

settings to expand thenodes.

2. Click + before the servername to expand nodes.

3. Click + before a diskpartition name to expandnodes. In the drop-downlist after the disk partitionname, select a thresholdsetting mode.

Value:l If you select Default

value, the M2 uses thethreshold specified inDefault value setting.

l If you select Customizevalue, the M2 usescustomized thresholds ofalarms. The value rangeis 1-99.

l If you select Disablealarm generation,theM2 doesn't reportalarms of the diskpartition.

6.3.3 Parameters for Setting the Database Monitoring Thresholdsof the M2 Server

This topic describes the parameters of database monitoring. When setting the databasemonitoring thresholds of the server, you need to set these parameters.


Parameter Description Setting


Database statusrefresh interval(300-3600seconds)

Description:Interval of databaserefreshing.

Value:Value range: 300-3600Default value: 300

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Parameter Description Setting


Default valuesetting (%)

Description:Default threshold forgenerating a high databaseusage alarm of the M2server.l When the database usage

is larger thanThreshold of an alarmseverity, the M2generates a highdatabase usage alarm ofthis severity.

l When the database usageis smaller thanThreshold of an alarmseverity, the M2 clearsthe high database usagealarm of this severity.

Setting method:Click + to expand Defaultvalue setting. Set thedefault threshold forgenerating high databaseusage alarms in differentseverities.Value:Value range: 1-100Default value:l warning: 85l Minor: 90l Major: 95l critical: 98

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Parameter Description Setting

Advancedsettings (%)

Description:User-defined threshold forgenerating a high databaseusage alarm of the M2server. You can setthresholds for individualdatabases.l When the database usage

is larger thanThreshold of an alarmseverity, the M2generates a highdatabase usage alarm ofthis severity.

l When the database usageis smaller thanThreshold of an alarmseverity, the M2 clearsthe high database usagealarm of this severity.

Setting method:1. Click + before

Advanced settings toexpand nodes.

2. Click + before the servername to expand nodes.

3. Click + before thedatabase instance nameto expand nodes.

4. Click + before adatabase name to expandnodes. In the drop-downlist after the databasename, select a thresholdsetting mode.

Value:l Default value: Use

default thresholds for thedatabase usage alarms ofdifferent severities.

l Customize value:Customize thresholdsfor the database usagealarms of differentseverities.Value range: 1-100Default value:

– warning: 85

– Minor: 90

– Major: 95

– critical: 98l Disabled Monitoring:

Disable the databasemonitoring.

6.3.4 Parameters for Setting the Service Monitoring Thresholds ofthe M2 Server

This topic describes the parameters of service monitoring. When setting the service monitoringof the server, you need to set these parameters.

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Parameter Description Setting

Services MonitorParameter Settings

Service status refreshinterval (60-3600seconds)

Description:Interval of servicerefreshing.

Value:Value range:60-3600Default value: 60

Service MonitorScreen Tip Settings

Default Group Description:Set whether todisplay the servicestatus at the lowerright corner of theM2 system monitor

client by using or


l If all themonitoredservices are

running, isdisplayed.

l If a monitoredservice is stopped,

is displayed.

l You can double-

click or toaccess the ServiceMonitor tab.

Setting method:Select a service fromthe Service Namedrop-down list.Select Enable orDisable in thecorresponding Pop-up drop-down list.

6.3.5 Parameters for Monitoring the Service Status of the M2 ServerThis topic describes the parameters in the query results on the Service Monitor tab. Whenmonitoring the service status of the M2 server, you need to set these parameters.


Parameter Description

Service Name Description:Name of a service.

Process Name Description:Name of a process.

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Parameter Description

Description Description:Description of functions, interfaces, and other information ofa service.

Status Description:Status of a service.

Startup Mode Description:Service startup mode: Automatic, Manual, or Disabled. TheDisabled mode is available only for stopped services.

Auto Restart Times Description:The system monitor automatically restarts the service whenthe service stops abnormally. This parameter indicates thetimes for automatically restarting the service.The number of restart times is cleared when the M2 isrestarted.NOTE

l The service automatically restarts when Startup Mode of theservice is set to Automatic.

l By default, this menu item is hidden. You can press Ctrl+Alt+R to display it.

Start Time Description:Time when a service is started.

Server Name Description:Name of a server.

6.3.6 Parameters for Monitoring the Hard Disk Status of the M2Server

This topic describes the parameters in the query results on the Hard Disk Monitor tab. Whenmonitoring the hard disk status of the M2 server, you need to set these parameters.


Parameter Description

File System Description:Hard disk partitions and their paths.

Total Size (MB) Description:Total size of a specified partition. It equals to the sum of UsedSize and Free Size.

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Parameter Description

Used Size (MB) Description:Size of the used space of a specified partition.

Free Size (MB) Description:Size of the remaining space of a specified partition.

Usage (%) Description:Usage of a specified partition.

Status Description:State of a specified partition: Normal or Abnormal. If thehard disk usage is equal to or larger than the threshold, thestate is Abnormal.

6.3.7 Parameters for Monitoring the Database Status of the M2Server

This topic describes the parameters of the query result displayed in the Database Monitor tab.When monitoring the database status of the M2 server, you need to set these parameters.

Parameters for Oracle

Parameter Description

Database Name Description:Name of the database on the M2 server.

Total Data Space (MB) Description:Total size of the data space in a database.

Free Data Space (MB) Description:Size of the remaining data space in a database.

Total Data Space Usage (%) Description:Rate of the used data space and the total data space ina database.

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Parameter Description

Table Space Usage (%) Description:Rate of the used table space and the total table spacein a database.NOTE

The Oracle database occupies the table space in a greedymanner. The high-water mark determines the used andunused blocks in a segment. The high-water mark increasesafter data is added, but does not decrease after data is deleted.The M2 calculates the Oracle data usage by monitoring thehigh-water mark. Therefore, the Oracle data usage monitoredby the M2 does not decrease after data deletion.

Status Description:Database state: Normal or Abnormal. If the databaseusage is equal to or larger than the threshold, the stateis Abnormal.

6.3.8 Parameters for Monitoring the Status of the M2 ServerThis topic describes the parameters in the query results on the Server Monitor tab. Whenmonitoring the status of the M2 server status, you need to set these parameters.


Parameter Description

Server Name Description:Name of the M2 server.

Server Status Description:State of the M2 server: Active or Standby.

OS Description:Operating system of the server.

Total Physical Memory (MB) Description:Total capacity of the physical memory on the server.

Free Physical Memory (MB) Description:Remaining capacity of the physical memory on theserver.

Total Swap Memory(MB) Description:Total virtual memory space of the M2 server when theserver runs the Solaris or Linux OS.

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Parameter Description

Free Swap Memory(MB) Description:Remaining virtual memory space of the M2 server whenthe server runs the Solaris or Linux OS.

CPU Usage (%) Description:Usage of the CPU.

Memory Usage (%) Description:Usage of the memory, including the physical memoryand virtual memory.

6.3.9 Parameters for Viewing the Information About M2 ServerComponents

This topic describes the parameters on the Component Information tab page. When viewingthe information about M2 server components, you can see these parameters.


Parameter Description

Component Description:Component name of the M2 server.

Version Description:Component version of the M2 server.

Description Description:Component description of the M2 server.

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7 Managing Logs

About This Chapter

This section describes how to manage the operation logs, system logs, and security logs of theM2.

7.1 Log TypesThe M2 has operation logs, system logs, security logs. These logs record different loginformation.

7.2 Managing M2 Server LogsThis section describes how to check and collects statistics about operation logs, system logs,and security logs to learn about users' operations on M2 server, the running status of M2 server,and security-related operations.

7.3 Setting Log TemplatesBy setting log templates, you can save the specific query and statistical conditions in logtemplates. This helps you to query and collect statistics on logs conveniently.

7.4 Setting an M2 Log Forwarding ServerYou can set an M2 log forwarding server to forward the M2 logs to a third-party server.

7.5 Managing Log DataBy dumping logs, you can periodically or manually clear the log information that is not required,preventing the log information from occupying many resources. By exporting logs to files, youcan view logs and identify faults.

7.6 Reference of the Log Management GUIThis topic provides the reference information of the log management GUI.

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7.1 Log TypesThe M2 has operation logs, system logs, security logs. These logs record different loginformation.

7.1.1 The M2 Operation LogsThis topic describes the information such as the meaning, path, and parameters of the M2operation logs. By querying the M2 operation logs, the maintenance personnel can view the useroperation information that the M2 records. In addition, by collecting statistics on the M2operation logs, the maintenance personnel can count the number of statistics items based on thestatistical conditions.

DescriptionThe operation log records the operations that are performed on the M2 client but do not affectthe M2 security, such as creating views, acknowledging alarms, and clearing alarms.


Operation logs are stored in the database. You can query them through the client. The entry forquerying operation logs through the client is Security > Log Management > Query OperationLogs.

You can dump operation logs from the database to a file. The entry for dumping operation logsis Maintenance > Task Management.In the Task Type navigation tree, choose DatabaseCapacity Management > Operation Log Dump, The default dump paths are /opt/Nastar/var/ThresholdExport/Log.

After the operation logs are dumped, the M2 generates the associated folder and log file:

l Folder: In the dump path, the M2 generates a folder named the date of the dump operation.The format of the name is YYMMDD.

l Log file: The following two files are generated in the folder: YYMMDDHHMMSS-operation-log-dateThreshold_info.xml and YYMMDDHHMMSS-operation-log-dateThreshold-number.extension. The file with the suffix _info.xml saves theconfiguration information of the dumped logs, and the file with the suffix -number.extension saved the information about the dumped logs.


Operation logs can be dumped to a .csv, xml, txt, or html file, and the file can be compressed to a .zippackage.


Parameter Name Parameter Meaning

Operation Name Name of an operation that the user performs on the M2.

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Parameter Name Parameter Meaning

Risk Level Levels of risks caused by the operations that are performed on the M2:Warning, Minor, and Risk.

Operation User M2 user.

User Type Type of the user who performs an operation.

Start Time Time when an operation starts. It is accurate to second.

End Time Time when an operation ends. It is accurate to second.

Operation Category Type of an operation.

Operation Terminal IP address of the host where an operation is performed.

Operation Object Object that an operation is performed on.

Operation Result Result of an operation: successful, failed, partially successful, ongoingand canceled.

Details Other useful information about an operation.

7.1.2 The M2 System LogsThis topic describes the information such as the meaning, path, and parameters of the M2 systemlogs. By querying the M2 system logs, the maintenance personnel can view the system operationinformation that the M2 records. In addition, the maintenance personnel can collect statistics onthe M2 system logs based on the log severity or source.

DescriptionThe system log records the tasks that are performed on the M2 server and affect the running ofthe M2. These tasks are triggered on the M2 client, such as starting and executing scheduledtasks, or triggered on the M2 server, such as starting and stopping the M2 service.

PathSystem logs are stored in the database. You can query them through the client. The entry forquerying system logs through the client is Security > Log Management > Query SystemLogs.

You can dump system logs from the database to a file. The entry for dumping system logs isMaintenance > Task Management.In the Task Type navigation tree,choose DatabaseCapacity Management > System Log Dump The default dump paths are /opt/Nastar/var/ThresholdExport/Log.

After the system logs are dumped, the M2 generates the associated folder and log file:

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l Folder: In the dump path, the M2 generates a folder named the date of the dump operation.The format of the name is YYMMDD.

l Log file: The following two files are generated in the folder: YYMMDDHHMMSS-system-log-dateThreshold_info.xml and YYMMDDHHMMSS-system-log-dateThreshold-number.extension. The file with the suffix _info.xml saves the configuration informationof the dumped logs, and the file with the suffix -number.extension saves the informationabout the dumped logs.


System logs can be dumped to a .csv, xml, txt, or html file, and the file can be compressed to a .zippackage.


Parameter Name Parameter Meaning

Level Levels of risks caused by the operations performed on the M2: Warning,Minor, and Risk.

Source Module where the M2 performs an operation.

Time Time when an operation is performed. It is accurate to second.

Basic Information Basic operation information.

Operation Result Result of an operation: successful, failed or unknown.

Details Other useful information about an operation.

7.1.3 The M2 Security LogsThis topic describes the information such as the meaning, path, and parameters of the M2 securitylogs. By querying the M2 security logs, the maintenance personnel can view security informationthat the M2 records. In addition, by collecting statistics on the M2 security logs, the maintenancepersonnel can count the number of statistics items based on the statistical conditions.

DescriptionSecurity logs record the security operations that the user performs in the M2, for example, login,logout, and unlocking.

PathSecurity logs are stored in the database. You can query them through the client. The entry forquerying security logs through the client is Security > Log Management > Query SecurityLogs.

You can also dump security logs from the database to a file. The entry for dumping security logsis Maintenance > Task Management.In the Task Type navigation tree,choose Database

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Capacity Management > Security Log Dump, The default dump paths are /opt/Nastar/var/ThresholdExport/Log.

After the security logs are dumped, the M2 generates the associated folder and log file:l Folder: In the dump path, the M2 generates a folder named the date of the dump operation.

The format of the name is YYMMDD.l Log file: The following two files are generated in the folder: YYMMDDHHMMSS-

security-log-dateThreshold_info.xml and YYMMDDHHMMSS-security-log-dateThreshold-number.extension. The file with the suffix _info.xml saves theconfiguration information of the dumped logs, and the file with the suffix -number.extension saves the information about the dumped logs.


Security logs can be dumped to a .csv, xml, txt, or html file, and the file can be compressed to a .zippackage.


Parameter Name Parameter Meaning

Security Event Event that is related to M2 security.

Risk Level Levels of risks caused by the operations that are performed on the M2:Warning, Minor, and Risk.

Operation User M2 user.

User Type Type of an M2 user.

Operation Time Time when an operation is performed. It is accurate to second.

Operation Terminal IP address of the host where an operation is performed.

Operation Object Object that an operation is performed on.

Operation Result Result of an operation: successful, failed or partially successful.

Details Other useful information about an operation.

7.1.4 eSAU Service LogsThis section describes the information such as the meaning of eSAU service logs and the savepath. The operation and maintenance (OM) personnel locate and analyze problems by checkingeSAU service logs.

DescriptioneSAU service logs record eSAU's processing information about Counter data.

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eSAU service logs are server logs and the save path is /opt/esau/var/logs.

7.1.5 SAU Service LogsThis section describes the information such as the meaning of SAU service logs and the savepath. The operation and maintenance (OM) personnel locate and analyze problems by checkingSAU service logs.


SAU service logs record SAU's processing information about raw MCHR data.


SAU service logs are server logs and the save path is /opt/PSSAU/var/logs.

7.1.6 Agent Server Service LogsThis section describes the information such as the meaning of Agent Server service logs and thesave path. The operation and maintenance (OM) personnel locate and analyze problems bychecking Agent Server service logs.


Agent Server service logs consist of two parts: the log information recorded by Tomcat and thatrecorded by Agent Server. Their log files are catalina.out and AMS.log. Agent Server servicelogs record the procedures of the agent or M2 client connecting to Agent Server, for example,registration request sent by the agent, file uploading, and configuration information delivery.


Agent Server service logs are saved in /opt/Nastar/tomcat/logs.

7.2 Managing M2 Server LogsThis section describes how to check and collects statistics about operation logs, system logs,and security logs to learn about users' operations on M2 server, the running status of M2 server,and security-related operations.

7.2.1 Checking the M2 Operation LogsYou can check the M2 operation logs to know the operation records of the M2.

Contextl If you query the operation logs based on the operation users, only the names of the users

that have performed operations are displayed in Available Operation User in the SelectOperation User dialog box.

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l By default, users that not in SMManagers groups can query the operation logs ofthemselves only. To query the operation logs of all users, set isQueryAll in thelogsvc.xml file on the M2 server to 0, run the following command to import the parametersin the file to the database, and restart the M2 service for the setting to take effect.

# cd /opt/Nastar

# . ./

# SettingTool -cmd import -file /opt/Nastar/etc/conf/logsvc.xml

# svc_adm -cmd reload -type sac

# stop_svc

# start_svc

l The query result is generated based on the existing data in the database. If the database isempty, there is no matching query result.

l If a value in the Operation User column in the log query result is an invalid user, the systemmay have been attacked.


Step 1 Choose Security > Log Management > Query Operation Logs from the main menu.

Step 2 In the Filter dialog box, set the filtering conditions, and then click OK.


l You can also click Cancel in the Filter dialog box, and then query logs in the Query OperationLogs window in the following ways:

l Click Template Filter, and then select Open. Select a template from the template list, and thenclick Open to use an existing template to query logs. If no template exists on the M2, see 7.3 SettingLog Templates to create a template.

l Click Filter. Set the query conditions in the Filter dialog box, and then click OK to query logs.

l Click Choose at the lower left corner in the Filter dialog box. In the Select Operation Name dialogbox, you can view the operations that can be monitored.

Step 3 Right-click in the query window and perform the following operations.

Operation Name Operation Method

Details Right-click a log in the window and choose Details, or double-clickthe log.NOTE

The Log Details dialog box displays the time, risk level, or results of theoperation that generates the log.

Save All Records 1. Right-click a log in the window and choose Save All Records.2. In the Save dialog box, select the path to save records, and then

click Save.NOTE

The log records can only be exported as TXT, HTML, CSV, PDF or XLS files.The default file format is XLS file.

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Operation Name Operation Method

Save SelectedRecords

1. Select one or more logs in the window, right-click, and then chooseSave Selected Records from the shortcut menu.

2. In the Save dialog box, select the path to save records, and thenclick Save.

NOTEThe log records can only be exported as TXT, HTML, CSV, PDF or XLS files.The default file format is XLS file.

Save SpecifiedRecords

1. Right-click a log in the window and choose Save SpecifiedRecords.

2. In the Save Specified Record dialog box, set the start row and endrow of logs and the name of the file to be saved, and then clickOK.


In the Save Specified Records dialog box, click on the right of Filename. In the Save dialog box, select the path for saving the records. The logrecords can only be exported as TXT, HTML, CSV, PDF or XLS files. Thedefault file format is XLS file.

Print All Records 1. Right-click a log in the window and choose Print All Records.2. In the Print dialog box, set the print parameters, and then click


Print SelectedRecords

1. Select one or more logs in the window, right-click, and then choosePrint Selected Records from the shortcut menu.

2. In the Print dialog box, set the print parameters, and then clickPrint.

Print SpecifiedRecords

1. Right-click a log in the window and choose Print SpecifiedRecords.

2. In the Print Specified Records dialog box, set the start row andend row, and then click OK.

3. In the Print dialog box, set the print parameters, and then clickPrint.


7.2.2 Collecting Statistics on the M2 Operation LogsYou can know the operation status by collecting statistics and analyzing the M2 operation logs.For example, you can collect statistics about the frequently performed operations within a period.

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The statistical result is generated based on the existing data in the database. If the database isempty, there is no matching statistical result.


Step 1 Choose Security > Log Management > Operation Log Statistics from the main menu.

Step 2 In the Filter window, set the statistical items and statistical conditions, and then click OK.


You can also click Cancel, and then collect statistics in the Operation Log Statistics window in thefollowing ways:

l Click Template, and then select Open. Select a template from the template list, and then click Opento use an existing template to collect statistics on operation logs. If no template exists on the M2, see7.3 Setting Log Templates to create a template.

l Click Filter. Set Statistical Items and Filter Criteria in the Filter window, and then click OK tocollect statistics on operation logs.



In the Operation Log Statistics window, the statistical result is displayed.

Perform the following operations as required:

l Click Print to print the statistical result.

l Click Save As to save the statistical result.

7.2.3 Checking the M2 System LogsYou can check the M2 system logs to know the important events that occur when the M2 isrunning.

Contextl By default, the users in only the Administrators group can query the system logs.

l The query result is generated based on the existing data in the database. If the database isempty, there is no matching query result.

The query result is generated based on the existing data in the database. If the database is empty,there is no matching query result.


Step 1 Choose Security > Log Management > Query System Logs from the main menu.

Step 2 In the Filter dialog box, set the filtering conditions, and then click OK.

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You can also click Cancel in the Filter dialog box, and then query logs in the Query System Logs windowin the following ways:

l Click Template Filter, and then select Open. Select a template from the template list, and then clickOpen to use an existing template to query logs. If no template exists on the M2, see 7.3 Setting LogTemplates to create a template.

l Click Filter. Set the query conditions in the Filter dialog box, and then click OK to query logs.

Step 3 Right-click in the query window and perform the following operations.

Operation Name Operation Method

Details Right-click a log in the window and choose Details, or double-clickthe log.NOTE

The Log Details dialog box displays the time, risk level, or results of theoperation that generates the log.

Save All Records 1. Right-click a log in the window and choose Save All Records.2. In the Save dialog box, select the path to save records, and then

click Save.NOTE

The log records can only be exported as TXT, HTML, CSV, PDF or XLS files.The default file format is XLS file.

Save SelectedRecords

1. Select one or more logs in the window, right-click, and then chooseSave Selected Records from the shortcut menu.

2. In the Save dialog box, select the path to save records, and thenclick Save.

NOTEThe log records can only be exported as TXT, HTML, CSV, PDF or XLS files.The default file format is XLS file.

Save SpecifiedRecords

1. Right-click a log in the window and choose Save SpecifiedRecords.

2. In the Save Specified Record dialog box, set the start row and endrow of logs and the name of the file to be saved, and then clickOK.


In the Save Specified Records dialog box, click on the right of Filename. In the Save dialog box, select the path for saving the records. The logrecords can only be exported as TXT, HTML, CSV, PDF or XLS files. Thedefault file format is XLS file.

Print All Records 1. Right-click a log in the window and choose Print All Records.2. In the Print dialog box, set the print parameters, and then click


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Operation Name Operation Method

Print SelectedRecords

1. Select one or more logs in the window, right-click, and then choosePrint Selected Records from the shortcut menu.

2. In the Print dialog box, set the print parameters, and then clickPrint.

Print SpecifiedRecords

1. Right-click a log in the window and choose Print SpecifiedRecords.

2. In the Print Specified Records dialog box, set the start row andend row, and then click OK.

3. In the Print dialog box, set the print parameters, and then clickPrint.


7.2.4 Collecting Statistics on the M2 System LogsYou can know the system status by collecting statistics and analyzing the M2 system log. Forexample, you can know the type of the services that raise the most alarms.

ContextThe statistical result is generated based on the existing data in the database. If the database isempty, there is no matching statistical result.


Step 1 Choose Security > Log Management > System Log Statistics from the main menu.

Step 2 In the Filter window, set the statistical condition, and then click OK.


You can also click Cancel, and then collect statistics in the System Log Statistics window in the followingways:

l Click Template, and then select Open. Select a template from the template list, and then click Opento use an existing template to collect statistics on system logs. If no template exists on the M2, see 7.3Setting Log Templates to create a template.

l Click Filter. Set the statistical condition in the Filter window, and then click OK to collect statisticson system logs.


ResultIn the System Log Statistics window, the statistical result is displayed.

Perform the following operations as required:l Click Print to print the statistical result.l Click Save As to save the statistical result.

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7.2.5 Checking the M2 Security LogsYou can check the M2 security logs to know the M2 security operations of the M2.

Contextl If you query the security logs based on the operation users, only the names of the users that

have performed operations are displayed in Available Operation User in the SelectOperation User dialog box.

l By default, the users in only the SMManagers group can query the security logs.l The query result is generated based on the existing data in the database. If the database is

empty, there is no matching query result.l If a value in the Operation User column in the log query result is an invalid user, the system

may have been attacked.

The query result is generated based on the existing data in the database. If the database is empty,there is no matching query result.


Step 1 Choose Security > Log Management > Query Security Logs from the main menu.

Step 2 In the Filter dialog box, set the filtering conditions, and then click OK.


l You can also click Cancel in the Filter dialog box, and then query logs in the Query Security Logswindow in the following ways:

l Click Template Filter, and then select Open. Select a template from the template list, and thenclick Open to use an existing template to query logs.

If no template exists on the M2, see 7.3 Setting Log Templates to create a template.

l Click Filter. Set the query conditions in the Filter dialog box, and then click OK to query logs.

l Click Choose at the lower left corner in the Filter dialog box. In the Select Security Event dialog box,you can view the operations that can be monitored.

Step 3 Right-click in the query window and perform the following operations.

Operation Name Operation Method

Details Right-click a log in the window and choose Details, or double-clickthe log.NOTE

The Log Details dialog box displays the time, risk level, or results of theoperation that generates the log.

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Operation Name Operation Method

Save All Records 1. Right-click a log in the window and choose Save All Records.2. In the Save dialog box, select the path to save records, and then

click Save.NOTE

The log records can only be exported as TXT, HTML, CSV, PDF or XLS files.The default file format is XLS file.

Save SelectedRecords

1. Select one or more logs in the window, right-click, and then chooseSave Selected Records from the shortcut menu.

2. In the Save dialog box, select the path to save records, and thenclick Save.

NOTEThe log records can only be exported as TXT, HTML, CSV, PDF or XLS files.The default file format is XLS file.

Save SpecifiedRecords

1. Right-click a log in the window and choose Save SpecifiedRecords.

2. In the Save Specified Record dialog box, set the start row and endrow of logs and the name of the file to be saved, and then clickOK.


In the Save Specified Records dialog box, click on the right of Filename. In the Save dialog box, select the path for saving the records. The logrecords can only be exported as TXT, HTML, CSV, PDF or XLS files. Thedefault file format is XLS file.

Print All Records 1. Right-click a log in the window and choose Print All Records.2. In the Print dialog box, set the print parameters, and then click


Print SelectedRecords

1. Select one or more logs in the window, right-click, and then choosePrint Selected Records from the shortcut menu.

2. In the Print dialog box, set the print parameters, and then clickPrint.

Print SpecifiedRecords

1. Right-click a log in the window and choose Print SpecifiedRecords.

2. In the Print Specified Records dialog box, set the start row andend row, and then click OK.

3. In the Print dialog box, set the print parameters, and then clickPrint.


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7.2.6 Collecting Statistics on the M2 Security LogsYou can know the security operations by collecting statistics and analyzing the M2 security logs.For example, you can know the period during which maximum number of security operationsare performed and the operations that are performed most frequently.


The statistical result is generated based on the existing data in the database. If the database isempty, there is no matching statistical result.


Step 1 Choose Security > Log Management > Security Log Statistics from the main menu.

Step 2 In the Filter window, set the statistical items and filtering conditions, and then click OK.


You can also click Cancel, and then collect statistics in the Security Log Statistics window in the followingways:

l Click Template, and then select Open. Select a template from the template list, and then click Opento use an existing template to collect statistics on security logs. If no template exists on the M2, see7.3 Setting Log Templates to create a template.

l Click Filter. Set Items and Filter Criteria in the Filter window, and then click OK to collect statisticson security logs.



In the Security Log Statistics window, the statistical result is displayed.

Perform the following operations as required:

l Click Print to print the statistical result.

l Click Save As to save the statistical result.

7.2.7 Checking eSAU Service LogsThis section describes how to check eSAU service logs.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to check whether there are errors in the /opt/esau/var/logsdirectory.

~> cd /opt/esau/var/logs

~> grep ERROR*

l Collect corresponding log files if you can identify which processes are abnormal onsite. Ifthis occurs, contact Huawei technical support engineers.

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l Otherwise, perform Step 3.

Step 3 Optional: Run the following commands to compress the log files. Then contact Huaweitechnical support engineers.

~> cd /opt/esau/var

~> tar -zcvf error.tar.gz logs


7.2.8 Checking SAU Service LogsThis section describes how to check SAU service logs.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to check whether there are errors in the /opt/Nastar/var/logsdirectory.

~> cd /opt/PSSAU/var/logs

~> grep ERROR*

l Collect corresponding log files if you can identify which processes are abnormal onsite. Ifthis occurs, contact Huawei technical support engineers.

l Otherwise, perform Step 3.

Step 3 Optional: Run the following commands to compress the log files. Then contact Huaweitechnical support engineers.

~> cd /opt/PSSAU/var

~> tar -zcvf error.tar.gz logs

Step 4 Run the following commands to check the error logs upon BS script execution.

~> cd /opt/PSSAU/var/output/log

~> grep ERROR*

l Collect corresponding log files if you can identify the processes with errors at the site. If thisoccurs, contact Huawei technical support engineers.

l Otherwise, perform Step 3 again to pack the log files. Then contact Huawei technical supportengineers.


7.2.9 Checking Agent Server Service LogsThis section describes how to check Agent Server service logs to know the important events thatoccur when Agent Server is running.

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Contextl Agent Server records the information generated when it interacts with the agent to locate

the problems that occur during the interaction. The information includes: the registrationrequest sent by the agent, authorization, file uploading, and configuration informationdownloading.

l Agent Server records the information generated when it interacts with M2 Client to locatethe problems that occur during the interaction. The information includes: the configurationinformation of the agent, and version and license information.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following command to navigate to the save path where Agent Server service logs aresaved.

~> cd /opt/Nastar/tomcat/logs

Step 3 Run the following command to check the log information recorded by Agent Server.

~> tail -f AMS.log


You can navigate to /opt/Nastar/tomcat/logs using FTP tools to download the log and then analyze it.

Step 4 Run the following command to check the log information recorded by Tomcat.

~> tail -f catalina.out


You can navigate to /opt/Nastar/tomcat/logs using FTP tools to download the log and then analyze it.


7.3 Setting Log TemplatesBy setting log templates, you can save the specific query and statistical conditions in logtemplates. This helps you to query and collect statistics on logs conveniently.


The operations for setting the log query and statistic collection templates are similar. Thefollowing is an example of setting the log query template.


Step 1 Choose Security > Log Management > Query Operation Logs from the main menu.

Step 2 In the Filter dialog box, click Cancel.

Step 3 You can perform the following operations in the Query Operation Logs window.

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Task Operation

Create a template 1. Choose Template Filter > New.2. In the Enter Template Name dialog box, enter the template name,

and then click OK.3. In the Filter dialog box, set the filtering conditions of template

parameters, and then click OK.

Modify a template If there is already a log query template or a log statistics template onthe M2, you can do as follows to modify the template:1. Choose Template Filter > Open. Select a template in the Open

dialog box, and then click Open.2. In the Query Operation Logs window, click Filter.3. In the Filter dialog box, modify the query conditions in the log

template, and then click OK.4. In the Query Operation Logs window, choose Template Filter >


Save As You can do as follows to save and modify a log query or statisticstemplate:

1. Choose Template Filter > Save As.2. In the Enter Template Name dialog box, enter the template name,

and then click OK.

Delete a template If there is already a log query template or a log statistics template onthe M2, you can do as follows to delete the template:

Delete the operations in the template.1. Choose Template Filter > Delete.2. In the Delete dialog box, select the specified template, click

Delete.3. In the Confirm dialog box, click Yes.


7.4 Setting an M2 Log Forwarding ServerYou can set an M2 log forwarding server to forward the M2 logs to a third-party server.

ContextThe log forwarding server forwards only security logs, operation logs, and system logs.

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Step 1 Choose System > Transmit Log from the main menu.

Step 2 You can perform the following operations in the Log Forwarding Server window.

Task Operation

Add In the Create Log Forwarding Server dialog box, set the server that receivesthe logs. See 7.6.8 Parameters for Setting a Log Forwarding Server.NOTE

l To enable the log forwarding function, select Yes from the Enable drop-down list.

l The IP address cannot be set to a loopback address.

l String Filter does not support wildcards.

l The switchover between the primary and secondary servers is supported when thevalue of Protocol is TCP. When the primary sever fails, the secondary server takesover the service and receives the logs. When the primary server is recovered, theservice is switched back to the primary server.

l You can set a maximum of five servers to receive logs.

Modify In the Log Forwarding Servers dialog box, select a server record, and thenclick Modify. In the displayed Modify Log Forwarding Server dialog box,set the server information of logs.

Delete In the Log Forwarding Servers dialog box, select a server record, and thenclick Delete.

Refresh After another user updates the information about the log forwarding server,you can click Refresh to obtain the updated information.

Cancel To exit the Log Forwarding Server dialog box.


7.5 Managing Log DataBy dumping logs, you can periodically or manually clear the log information that is not required,preventing the log information from occupying many resources. By exporting logs to files, youcan view logs and identify faults.

7.5.1 Setting M2 Log DumpBy setting M2 log dump, you can periodically or instantly dump security logs, operation logs,and system logs of the M2. The dumped logs are saved in files and deleted from the database.This prevents database space insufficiency.

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ContextEach of the types Operation Log Dump, Security Log Dump and System Log Dump has adefault system task that is provided by the M2. You are not allowed to delete this system task,but you can modify its setting. In addition, you cannot create new tasks of these three types.


Step 1 Choose Maintenance > Task Management from the main menu.

Step 2 In the Task Type navigation tree, expand the Database Capacity Management node, chooseOperation Log Dump, Security Log Dump or System Log Dump.

Step 3 Double-click the task in the task list.


In the task list, right-click the log dump task and choose Run Immediately. The log dump task is performedinstantly.

Step 4 In the displayed Attribute dialog box, set the parameters on the Common Parameters andExtended Parameters tabs. For the parameter descriptions, see 7.6.9 Parameters for SettingM2 Log Timing Dump.

Step 5 Click OK.


7.5.2 Setting M2 Log ExportBy setting M2 log export, you can periodically or instantly export security logs, operation logs,and system logs of the M2. The exported logs are saved in files. Thus, they cannot be deletedfrom the database.

ContextEach of the types Operation Log Export, Security Log Export and System Log Export hasa default system task that is provided by the M2. You are not allowed to delete the system task,but you can modify its setting. In addition, you cannot create new tasks of these three types.


Step 1 Choose Maintenance > Task Management from the main menu.

Step 2 In the Task Type navigation tree, expand the File Interface node, choose Operation LogExport, Security Log Export or System Log Export.

Step 3 Double-click the task in the task list.


To perform the operations such as executing an export task instantly, suspending an task, and setting timingsuspending and resuming, right-click the log export task in the right area and choose the correspondingmenus.

Step 4 In the Attribute dialog box, set the parameters on the Common Parameters and ExtendedParameters tabs. For the parameter descriptions, see 7.6.10 Parameters for Setting M2 LogTiming Export.

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The format of the export files of logs is CSV or XML.

Step 5 Click OK.


7.6 Reference of the Log Management GUIThis topic provides the reference information of the log management GUI.

7.6.1 Security Log ListM2 security logs record security operations that the user performs on the M2. You can find outinsecure operations performed on the M2 by periodically browsing M2 security logs. BrowsingM2 security logs also improves M2 security.

Security log list

Security Event RiskLevel


User Management Minor To implement the function of managing users on theM2.

Grant user access Minor To implement the function of assigning rights tousers on the M2.

Reset Password Risk To change the current password. The change takeseffect at the next login.

User Group Management Minor To implement the function of managing user groupson the M2.

Grant usergroup access Minor To implement the function of assigning rights to usergroups on the M2.

Force Users to Exit Risk To force the user to log out of the M2 if necessaryto ensure network security.CAUTION

After forcible logout, the user needs to log in to the M2again.

Edit Security Policy Risk To set the password policy and account policy.

Monitor Users Minor To monitor user sessions recorded by the M2.Viewing user operations helps the maintenancepersonnel to ensure that the M2 runs normally.

Unlock Users Minor To unlock the locked user account.

Security rightsmanagement

Minor To implement the function of managing securityrights by category on the M2.

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Security Event RiskLevel


Object Set Management Minor To implement the function of managing object e setson the M2.

Operation SetManagement

Minor To implement the function of managing operationsets on the M2.

Query Security Logs Minor To query security logs.

Security Log templatesetting

Minor To customize the template for querying securitylogs. The maintenance personnel can use thistemplate to conveniently query the same type ofsecurity logs.

Check access Minor To implement the function of checking rights on theM2.

Check combined access Minor To implement the function of checking combinedrights on the M2.

Query static information Minor To query the static information about the M2.

Log in to the server Minor To log in to the M2 server.

Log out the server Risk To log out of the M2 server.

Get All Login Session Minor To view sessions of all online users of the M2.

Get user login sessions Minor To view sessions of M2 online users exceptadministrators.

Get system mode Minor To view the system mode on the M2.

Get session mode Minor To view the session mode on the M2.

Get domain information Minor To view the domain information on the M2.

Get security object Minor To view M2 security objects such as users, usergroups, and objects.

Get access by SO Minor To implement the function of inheriting rights bysecurity object on the M2.

Query domain by SO Minor To implement the function of querying domains bysecurity object on the M2.

Query compressed SO Minor To implement the function of querying compressedsecurity objects on the M2.

Get usergroup Minor To implement the function of querying user groupson the M2.

Get usergroupinformation

Minor To implement the function of querying theinformation about user groups on the M2.

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Security Event RiskLevel


Get all users Minor To implement the function of querying all users onthe M2.

Get access by group Minor To inherit rights of the user group. On the M2, a usercan inherit the rights of the user group that the userbelongs to.

Get account information Minor To implement the function of querying all userinformation on the M2.

Get all usergroup Minor To implement the function of querying all usergroup information on the M2.

Get users Minor To implement the function of querying any users onthe M2.

Get access by user Minor To inherit rights of other users on the M2.

Get user name by id Minor To obtain a user name by ID on the M2.

Get user id by name Minor To obtain an ID by user name on the M2.

NB login Minor To access the M2 by using an external user account.

Change password Risk To change a user password according to the networkmaintenance requirement.

Revert password Risk To revert a user password according to the networkmaintenance requirement.

Unlock terminal Minor To unlock the locked terminal.

Modify user groupdescription

Minor To modify the user group description according tothe network maintenance requirement. This helpsthe maintenance personnel to quickly understand thecategory that the user group belongs to.

Modify user group name Minor To modify the user group name according to thenetwork maintenance requirement. After themodification, users with the same properties aremerged into the modified user group.

Create user group Minor To create a user group. A user group includes userswith similar properties. Creating a user group withcustom permissions achieves the user managementin a centralized manner.

Delete user group Minor To delete unnecessary M2 user groups to ensuresecurity of the network and M2.

Grant rights Minor To assign rights to users and user groups accordingto the network maintenance requirement. Thisfacilitates network management.

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Security Event RiskLevel


Cancel rights Minor To delete rights of users or user groups for M2applications and devices.

Paste rights Minor To implement the function of assigning rights toother users through rights paste on the M2.

Query access policy Minor To implement the function of querying the rightpolicy on the M2.

Bind user Minor To bind operation sets and object sets to a user.

Unbind user Minor Unbind objects from a user.

Bind user group Minor To bind operation sets and object sets to a usergroup.

Unbind user group Minor Unbind objects from a user group.

Create user Minor To create users according to the networkmaintenance requirement and assign differentpermissions to users for the purpose of convenientnetwork management.

Delete user Risk To delete unnecessary user accounts for the purposeof network security. Misoperations and damagesmay be caused when invalid users use the disclosedaccounts to log in.CAUTION

After deleting a user account, you cannot use it to log into the M2 except that you have created the same useraccount again.

Modify user description Minor To implement the function of modifying the userdescription on the M2.

Modify user loginduration

Minor To implement the function of changing the userlogin time segment on the M2.

Modify account validity Minor To implement the function of modifying accountson the M2.

Modify user attribute Minor To implement the function of modifying userattributes on the M2.

Modify account LogOutPolicy

Minor To implement the function of modifying the accountlogout policy (if a user does not perform operationsin a long period, the user is logged out automatically)on the M2.

Modify password expirydate

Minor To implement the function of changing the passwordexpiry date on the M2.

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Security Event RiskLevel


Set user ACLs Minor To allow the user to access the M2 by using thespecified IP addresses or IP address segments.

Set security policies Minor To set security policies according to the networkmaintenance requirement. This ensures that theM2 runs securely and normally.

Query child domain Minor To implement the function of querying childdomains on the M2.

Change user passwordvalid days

Minor To implement the function of changing the userpassword validity period on the M2.

Modify user passwordstatus

Minor To implement the function of modifying userpassword status on the M2.

Add system ACL Minor To add IP addresses or IP address segments to thesystem ACL. Users are allowed to access the M2 byusing the specified IP addresses or IP addresssegments.

Modify system ACL Risk To change IP addresses or IP address segments inthe system ACL. Users are allowed to access theM2 by using the specified IP addresses or IP addresssegments.

Delete system ACL Minor To delete IP addresses or IP address segments fromthe system ACL.

Create object set Minor To plan and create a object set. After you assign theobject set to a user or user group, the user or usergroup has the permissions to perform operations onthe objects included in the object set. This helpsassign and manage M2 user permissions in acentralized manner.

Modify object set name Minor To modify a object set name according to thenetwork maintenance requirement. Objects with thesame properties are merged into the modified objectset.

Modify object setdescription

Minor To modified the object set description according tothe network maintenance requirement. Objects withthe same properties are merged into the modifiedobject set.

Add object set member Minor To add objects to the specified object set accordingto the network maintenance requirement.

Delete object set member Risk To delete objects from the specified object setaccording to the network maintenance requirement.

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Security Event RiskLevel


Delete object set Risk To delete unnecessary object sets in time.

Bind object set to objectset

Minor To bind a object set to another object set accordingto the network maintenance requirement. The userdoes not need to reconfigure properties for objectsets with the same properties.

Unbind object set toobject set

Minor To unbind a object set from another object setaccording to the network maintenance requirement.

Create operation set Minor To create an operation set. After you assign theoperation set to a user or user group, the user or usergroup has the permissions to perform the operationsincluded in the operation set. This helps assign andmanage M2 user permissions in a centralizedmanner.

Modify operation setname

Minor To modified an operation set name according to thenetwork maintenance requirement. Operations withthe same properties are merged into the modifiedoperation set.

Modify operation setdescription

Minor To modified the operation set description accordingto the network maintenance requirement.Operations with the same properties are merged intothe modified operation set.

Add operation setmember

Minor To add operations to the specified operation setaccording to the network maintenance requirement.

Delete operation setmember

Risk To delete operations from the specified operation setaccording to the network maintenance requirement.

Delete operation set Risk To delete unnecessary operation sets in time.

Bind operation set tooperation set

Minor To bind an operation set to another operation setaccording to the network maintenance requirement.The user does not need to reconfigure properties foroperation sets with the same properties.

Unbind operation set tooperation set

Minor To unbind an operation set from another operationset according to the network maintenancerequirement.

Add subresource accessto user group

Minor To assign a user group the permission to accesssubresources.

Delete subresourceaccess from user group

Minor To revoke the permission to access subresourcesfrom a user group.

Add subresource accessto user

Minor To assign a user the permission to accesssubresources.

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Security Event RiskLevel


Delete subresourceaccess from user

Minor To revoke the permission to access subresourcesfrom a user.

Security UserManagement

Minor To implement the function of managing securityusers on the M2.

Security User GroupManagement

Minor To implement the function of managing securityuser groups on the M2.

Security Object SetManagement

Minor To implement the function of managing securityobject sets on the M2.

Security Operation SetManagement

Minor To implement the function of managing securityoperation sets on the M2.

7.6.2 Parameters for Checking Operation LogsThis topic describes the parameters in the Filter dialog box. When checking operation logs, youcan refer to this topic to set the filtering conditions.



Description Settings

Operation User

Description:To select operation users forquerying their operationlogs.

Setting method:

In the Filter dialog box, click . From the SelectOperation User dialog box, select one or moreitems.NOTE

By default, all users' operation logs will be queried.


Description:To select operationterminals. Queriedoperation records aredisplayed by operationterminal.

Setting method:

In the Filter dialog box, click . From the SelectOperation Terminal dialog box, select one ormore items.

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Description Settings

Operation Result

Description:To query logs by operationresult.

Value:l Successful means that the operation is complete

and all results are returned.l Failed means that the operation fails.l Partially successful means that the operation is

complete and part of operation results arereturned.

l Ongoing means that the operation is beingcarried out but results are not yet returned.

l Canceled means that the operation is canceled.Setting method:In the Filter dialog box, select one or more itemsfrom the Operation Result group box.


Description:To query logs by risk level.

Value:Warning, Minor, and RiskSetting method:In the Filter dialog box, select one or more itemsfrom the Risk Level group box.


Description:To set the time range withinwhich the operationsgenerated can be queried. Ifthe time range is not set, alllogs generated at any timeare queried.NOTE

From means the start time,and To means the end time.

Setting method:In the Filter dialog box, select From and To checkbox on the left side, and then enter the date and time

directly in the text box, or click and set the timein the Date/Time Selection dialog box.Example:Example: Set the time range to 02/08/200900:00:00-02/09/2009 00:00:00.NOTE

To set the time format, choose File > Preferences fromthe main menu, expand Region Settings, and then choosethe Time node. Set Time Format in the area on the right.

When you set the M2 time to DST, the DST check boxis selected automatically.

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Description Settings


Description:In the Query OperationLogs window, you can setwhether to display theDetails column ofoperation logs.In Detail informationcontains, enter theinformation to be displayedin the Details column. TheM2 filters operation logsbased on the informationprovided in Detailinformation contains.

Setting method:In the Filter dialog box, select the Detailinformation contains check box, and then enterthe fields to be contained in Details in the text boxthat is on the right of the check box.

Operation Name

Description:To query logs by operation.

Setting method:

In the Filter dialog box, click corresponding to Operation Name. In the SelectOperation Name dialog box, select one or moreitems.

Operation Object

Description:To query logs by operationobject.

Setting method:

In the Filter dialog box, click corresponding to Operation Object. In the SelectOperation Object dialog box, select one or moreitems.


Description:User type of the user thatperforms an operation.



Description:Start time of an operation.



Description:End time of an operation.



Description:Category to which anoperation belongs.


Details Description:Details about an operation.NOTE

The Added by DS log recordsin the details is unreliable.


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7.6.3 Parameters for Collecting Statistics on Operation LogsThis topic describes the parameters in the Filter dialog box. When collecting statistics onoperation logs, you can refer to this topic to set the statistical conditions.

Statistical items

Parameter Description Settings

Row Statistical Item

Description:To set the row heading ofthe statistical result table.

Value:The parameter values include (None),Operation User, User Type, OperationName, Operation Category, OperationTerminal, Operation Result, andOperation Object.

Statistical Item

Description:To set the row heading ofthe statistical result table.This parameter is the sub-item of the precedingparameter StatisticalItem.

Value:The parameter values include (None),Operation User, User Type, OperationName, Operation Category, OperationTerminal, Operation Result, andOperation Object.NOTE

You can set at most one of both StatisticalItem in Row to (None). The statistical results aregrouped by Statistical Item.


Statistical Item

Description:To set the column headingof the statistical resulttable.

Value:The parameter values include (Count),Operation User, User Type, OperationName, Operation Category, OperationTerminal, Operation Result, andOperation Object.

Example Description:To preview the style of thestatistical result table.


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Filter Criteria

Parameter Description Settings


Description:To collect statistics by user.

Setting method:

Click . In the Select Operation Userdialog box, select one or more items.NOTE

By default, statistics on all users' operation logswill be collected.


Description:To collect statistics by IPaddress of the terminal.

Setting method:

Click . In the Select OperationTerminal dialog box, select one or moreitems.


Description:To collect statistics byoperation result.

Value:l Successful means that the operation is

being carried out and all results arereturned.

l Failed means that the operation fails.l Partially successful means that the

operation is complete but part ofoperation results are returned.

l Ongoing means that the operation isbeing carried out but results are not yetreturned.

l Canceled means that the operation iscanceled.

Setting method:From the Operation Result group box,select one or more items.

Risk Level Description:To collect statistics byoperation level.

Value:Warning, Minor, and RiskSetting method:From the Risk Level group box, select oneor more items.

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Parameter Description Settings


Description:To collect statistics by timerange.From means the start time, andTo means the end time.

Setting method:Select From and To check boxes on the leftside, and then enter the date and time directly

in the text box, or click and set the timein the Date/Time Selection dialog box.Example:Example: Set the time range to 02/08/200900:00:00-02/09/2009 00:00:00.NOTE

To set the time format, choose File >Preferences from the main menu, expandRegion Settings, and then choose the Time node.Set Time Format in the area on the right.


Description:In the Operation LogStatistics window, you can setwhether to display the Detailscolumn of operation logs.In Detail informationcontains, enter the informationto be displayed in the Detailscolumn. The M2 filtersoperation logs based on theinformation provided in Detailinformation contains.

Setting method:Select the Detail information containscheck box, and then enter the fields to becontained in Details in the text box that is onthe right of the check box.


Description:To collect statistics byoperation.

Setting method:

Click corresponding toOperation. In the Select Operation Namedialog box, select one or more items.


Description:To collect statistics byoperation object.

Setting method:

Click corresponding toOperation Object. In the Select OperationObject dialog box, select one or more items.

7.6.4 Parameters for Checking System LogsThis topic describes the parameters in the Filter dialog box. When checking system logs, youcan refer to this topic to set the filtering conditions.

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Parameter Description Settings

Source Description:To select the source of systemlogs for query.

Setting method:In the Filter dialog box, click

. In the Select Source dialogbox, select one or more items.NOTE

By default, all sources' system logswill be queried.

Level Description:To query logs by log level.

Value:Warning, Minor, and Risk.Setting method:In the Filter dialog box, selectone or more items from theLevel group box.

Operation Result Description:To query logs by log operationresult.

Value:Failed, Successful, andUnknown.Setting method:In the Filter dialog box, selectone or more items from theOperation Result group box.

Time Range Description:To query logs by time range. Ifthe time range is not set, all logsgenerated at any time arequeried.NOTE

From means the start time, and Tomeans the end time.

Setting method:In the Filter dialog box, selectFrom and To check box on theleft side, and then enter the dateand time directly in the text box,

or click and set the time inthe Date/Time Selection dialogbox.Example:Example: Set the time range to02/08/200900:00:00-02/09/2009 00:00:00.NOTE

To set the time format, choose File> Preferences from the mainmenu, expand Region Settings, andthen choose the Time node. SetTime Format in the area on theright.

When you set the M2 time to DST,the DST check box is selectedautomatically.

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Parameter Description Settings

Detail informationcontains

Description:In the Query System Logswindow, you can set whether todisplay the Details column ofsystem logs.In Detail information contains,enter the information to bedisplayed in the Details column.The M2 filters system logs basedon the information provided inDetail information contains.

Setting method:In the Filter dialog box, selectthe Detail informationcontains check box, and thenenter the fields to be contained inDetails in the text box that is onthe right of the check box.

Time Description:Time for executing a systemoperation.


Basic Information Description:Basic information about a systemoperation.


Details Description:Details about a system operation.NOTE

The Added by DS log records in thedetails is unreliable.


7.6.5 Parameters for Collecting Statistics on System LogsThis topic describes the parameters in the Filter dialog box. When collecting statistics on systemlogs, you can refer to this topic to set the statistical conditions.

Statistical items

Parameter Description Settings

Row StatisticalItem

Description:To set the row heading of thestatistical result table.

Value:The parameter values include(None), Level, and Source.



Description:To set the column heading of thestatistical result table.

Value:The parameter values include(Count), Level, and Source.

Example Description:To preview the style of thestatistical result table.


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Filter Criteria


Description Settings

Source Description:To collect statistics by source.

Setting method:

Click . In the Select Source dialog box,select one or more items.NOTE

By default, statistics on all sources' system logswill be collected.

Level Description:To collect statistics by log level.

Value:Warning, Minor, and Risk.Setting method:From the Level group box, select one or moreitems.


Description:To query logs by log operationresult.

Value:Failed, Successful, and Unknown.Setting method:From the Operation Result group box, selectone or more items.


Description:To collect statistics by time range.If the time range is not set, all logsgenerated at any time are queried.From means the start time, andTo means the end time.

Setting method:Select From and To check box on the leftside, and then enter the date and time directly

in the text box, or click and set the timein the Date/Time Selection dialog box.Example:Example: Set the time range to 02/08/200900:00:00-02/09/2009 00:00:00.NOTE

To set the time format, choose File >Preferences from the main menu, expand RegionSettings, and then choose the Time node. SetTime Format in the area on the right.

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Description Settings


Description:In the System Log Statisticswindow, you can set whether todisplay the Details column ofsystem logs.In Detail information contains,enter the information to bedisplayed in the Details column.The M2 filters system logs basedon the information provided inDetail information contains.

Setting method:Select the Detail information containscheck box, and then enter the fields to becontained in Details in the text box that is onthe right of the check box.

7.6.6 Parameters for Checking Security LogsThis topic describes the parameters in the Filter dialog box. When checking security logs, youcan refer to this topic to set the filtering conditions.


Parameter Description Settings


Description:To query logs by user.

Setting method:

In the Filter dialog box, click . In theSelect Operation User dialog box, select oneor more items.


Description:To query logs by IP addressof the terminal.

Setting method:

In the Filter dialog box, click . In theSelect Operation Terminal dialog box, selectone or more items.


Description:To query logs by operationresult.

Value:l Successful means that the operation is

complete and all results are returned.l Failed means that the operation fails.l Partially successful means that the

operation is complete and part of operationresults are returned.

Setting method:In the Filter dialog box, select one or moreitems from the Operation Result group box.

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Parameter Description Settings

Risk Level Description:To query logs by risk level.

Value:Warning, Minor, and Risk.Setting method:In the Filter dialog box, select one or moreitems from the Risk Level group box.

Time Range Description:To query logs by time range.If the time range is not set, alllogs generated at any timeare queried.From means the start time,and To means the end time.

Setting method:In the Filter dialog box, select From and Tocheck box on the left side, and then enter thedate and time directly in the text box, or click

and set the time in the Date/TimeSelection dialog box.Example:Example: Set the time range to 02/08/200900:00:00-02/09/2009 00:00:00.NOTE

To set the time format, choose File > Preferencesfrom the main menu, expand Region Settings, andthen choose the Time node. Set Time Format inthe area on the right.


Description:In the Query SecurityLogs window, you can setwhether to display theDetails column of securitylogs.In Detail informationcontains, enter theinformation to be displayedin the Details column. TheM2 filters security logsbased on the informationprovided in Detailinformation contains.

Setting method:In the Filter dialog box, select the Detailinformation contains check box, and thenenter the fields to be contained in Details inthe text box that is on the right of the checkbox.


Description:To query logs by securityevent.

Setting method:In the Filter dialog box, click

corresponding to SecurityEvent. In the Select Security Event dialogbox, select one or more items.

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Parameter Description Settings


Description:To query data by operationobject.

Setting method:In the Filter dialog box, click

corresponding to OperationObject. In the Select Operation Objectdialog box, select one or more items.

User Type Description:User type of the user thatperforms a security event.



Description:Time for executing asecurity event.


Details Description:Details about a securityevent.


7.6.7 Parameters for Collecting Statistics on Security LogsThis topic describes the parameters in the Filter dialog box. When collecting statistics on securitylogs, you can refer to this topic to set the statistical conditions.

Statistical items

Parameter Description Settings

Row Statistical Item

Description:To set the row heading of thestatistical result table.

Value:The parameter values include(None), Operation User, UserType, Security Event, OperationTerminal, Operation Result,Operation Object, and RiskLevel.

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Parameter Description Settings

Statistical Item

Description:To set the row heading of thestatistical result table. Thisparameter is the sub-item of thepreceding parameter StatisticalItem.

Value:The parameter values include(None), Operation User, UserType, Security Event, OperationTerminal, Operation Result,Operation Object, and RiskLevel.NOTE

You can set at most one of bothStatistical Item in Row to (None). Thestatistical results are grouped byStatistical Item.

Column Statistical Item

Description:To set the column heading ofthe statistical result table.

Value:The parameter values include(Count), Operation User, UserType, Security Event, OperationTerminal, Operation Result,Operation Object, and RiskLevel.

Example Description:To preview the style of thestatistical result table.


Filter Criteria

Parameter Description Settings


Description:To collect statistics by user.

Setting method:

Click . In the Select Operation Userdialog box, select one or more items.


Description:To collect statistics by IPaddress of the terminal.

Setting method:

Click . In the Select OperationTerminal dialog box, select one or moreitems.

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Parameter Description Settings


Description:To collect statistics by operationresult.

Value:l Successful means that the operation is

complete and all results are returned.l Failed means that the operation fails.l Partially successful means the

operation is complete, and someoperation results are returned.

Setting method:In the Result area, select one or moreitems.

Risk Level Description:To collect statistics by risk level.

Value:Warning, Minor, and Risk.Setting method:From the Risk Level group box, selectone or more items.

Time Range Description:To collect statistics by timerange. If the time range is notspecified, all logs generated atany time are queried.From means the start time, andTo means the end time.

Setting method:Select From and To check box on the leftside, and then enter the date and time

directly in the text box, or click andset the time in the Date/Time Selectiondialog box.Example:Example: Set the time range to02/08/2009 00:00:00-02/09/200900:00:00.NOTE

To set the time format, choose File >Preferences from the main menu, expandRegion Settings, and then choose the Timenode. Set Time Format in the area on theright.


Description:In the Security Log Statisticswindow, you can set whether todisplay the Details column ofsecurity logs.In Detail informationcontains, enter the informationto be displayed in the Detailscolumn. The M2 filters securitylogs based on the informationprovided in Detail informationcontains.

Setting method:Select the Detail information containscheck box, and then enter the fields to becontained in Details in the text box that ison the right of the check box.

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Parameter Description Settings


Description:To collect statistics by securityevent.

Setting method:

Click corresponding toSecurity Event. In the Select SecurityEvent dialog box, select one or moreitems.


Description:To collect statistics by operationobject.

Setting method:

Click corresponding toOperation Object. In the SelectOperation Object dialog box, select oneor more items.

7.6.8 Parameters for Setting a Log Forwarding ServerThis topic describes the parameters for setting a log forwarding server. When setting a logforwarding server, you can refer to this topic to perform setting.


Parameter Description Settings

Master ServerIP Address

Description:IP address of the primary server.The server receives the logsforwarded by the M2.


Master ServerPort

Description:Port number of the primary serverthat receives forwarded logs.

Value:Value range: 1-65535.

Standby ServerIP Address

Description:IP address of the secondary serverthat receives forwarded logs.


Standby ServerPort

Description:Port number of the secondaryserver that receives forwarded logs.

Value:Value range: 1-65535.

Protocol Description:Protocol for log forwarding.

Value:Value range: TCP or UDP.

Enable Description:Whether to enable the server toreceive forwarded logs.

Value:Value range: Yes or No.

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Parameter Description Settings

Syslog Level Level of the logs to be forwarded. Value range: Emergency, Alert,Critical, Error, Warning, Notice,Informational, and Debug.NOTE

The mapping between the M2 log leveland the Syslog level is: risk-critical,minor-warning, warning-notice. If youneed to forward the M2 log of the Risk

level, click on the right, and selectCritical in the Syslog Level Selectiondialog box.

String Filter Description:A log is forwarded only when thelog contains the specified string.

Value:Value range: 0-50Unit: characterDefault: None

Remark Description:Remarks on the log forwardingserver.

Value:Value range: 0-255Unit: characterDefault: None

State Description:State of the connection between theM2 and the third-party Syslogserver. The state can be Connect,Disconnect, or Unkonwn. If theEnable parameter for the server isset to No, the connection betweenthe M2 and the third-party Syslogserver is in the Unkonwn state.When the Enable parameter for theserver is set to Yes, the Connectstate indicates that the M2 canproperly communicate with thethird-party Syslog server, and theDisconnect state indicates that theM2 fails to communicate with thethird-party Syslog server.


7.6.9 Parameters for Setting M2 Log Timing DumpThis topic describes the parameters for setting M2 log timing dump in the centralized taskmanagement. When you set log timing dump, you can refer to this topic to perform setting.

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Common Parameters

Table 7-1 Parameters Applicable for both One-time and Periodic Tasks

Parameter Description Settings

Task name Description:Refers to the name of a timing task.

Value:l A maximum of 64 bytes.l Unique and not null.l Case sensitive.


Description:l One-time: If you select this

option, the system runs thecreated task once at the definedtime point.

l Periodic: If you select thisoption, the system runs thecreated task periodically.

Value:l One-timel PeriodicNOTE

The execution type cannot be configuredagain after the task is created.

Start time Description:This parameter sets the time forstarting a task.

Value:The start time should be later than thetime displayed on the server.NOTE

For a one-time timing task, if you haveselected Run immediately, the Starttime parameter is invalid. The task isperformed immediately after the relatedsettings are complete.

During the DST, if you select DST, thespecified time uses the DST standard.NOTE

At other time except DST, the optionDST is unavailable.

Task type Description:Refers to the type of a timing task.


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Table 7-2 Parameters Only Applicable for Periodic Tasks

Parameter Description Settings


Description:Interval between periodic tasks. Ithas two enlistments: duration andunit.

Value:l The period can be represented in

either of the following units:minutes, hours, days, weeks,months. Second is not supported.The supported units of Period varyaccording to the task type.

l The value range for period shouldbe as follows: Minute (1 - 366 x 24x 60), Hour (1 - 366 x 24), Day (1- 366), Week (1 - 52), Month (1 -12).

NOTEThe execution interval cannot beconfigured again after a dump task iscreated.


Description:This parameter indicates the timesthat a periodic task is executed.NOTE

This parameter is displayed in theAttribute dialog box only after youset it when creating and copying aperiodic task.

Value:0 - 65535NOTE

l 0 indicates that the number of timesfor executing periodic tasks is notrestricted.

l The execution times cannot beconfigured again after the task iscreated.

End time Description:End time of a periodic task.NOTE

This parameter is displayed in theAttribute dialog box only after youset it when creating and copying aperiodic task.

Value:Later than Start time, and earlier than01/18/2038 11:14:07.NOTE

The end time cannot be configured againafter the task is created.

During the DST, if you select DST, thespecified time uses the DST standard.NOTE

At other time except DST, the optionDST is unavailable.

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Extended Parameters

Table 7-3 Extended Parameters

Parameter Description Setting

Compressfile afterexport

Description:This parameter is used to set whether compress filesafter dumping. If yes, export files will becompressed to a .zip file. After compression, thesource files are deleted.

Value:Yes or No

File type Description:This parameters indicates the format of the dumpfiles of logs.

Value:Value range: CSV,XML, TXT or HTML.

File path Description:This parameter indicates that dump log files aresaved to the specified path on the server.

Value:Value: a specified pathRule: It is notrecommended tochange the default filepath. If you need tospecify a new file path,ensure that the userimapuser haspermission to read andwrite the target folderunder this path.

Storageperiod indatabase(days)

Description:When a dump task is executed, the logs older thanthis period are dumped.

Value:Value range: 1-180.Default value: 30.

Export FileManagement

Description:l Hold files for XX days: In the dump directory,

the log files older than this period are deleted.l Hold max. XX files: In the dump directory, if

the number of log files exceeds the value of thisparameter, the M2 deletes the oldest dump filesuntil the number of log files in this directorybecomes less than the value of this parameter.

l Hold max. XX MB file data: In the dumpdirectory, if the total size of log files exceeds thevalue of this parameter, the M2 deletes theoldest dump files until the total size of log filesin this directory becomes less than the value ofthis parameter.

Value:l The value range of

Hold files for XXdays is 1-180.Default value: 15.

l The value range ofHold max. XX filesis 200-2000.Default value: 1000.

l The value range ofHold max. XX MBfile data is200-4096.Default value: 1024.

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7.6.10 Parameters for Setting M2 Log Timing ExportThis topic describes the parameters for setting M2 log timing export in the centralized taskmanagement. When you set log timing export, you can refer to this topic to perform setting.

Common Parameters

Table 7-4 Parameters Applicable for both One-time and Periodic Tasks

Parameter Description Settings

Task name Description:Refers to the name of a timing task.

Value:l A maximum of 64 bytes.l Unique and not null.l Case sensitive.


Description:l One-time: If you select this

option, the system runs thecreated task once at the definedtime point.

l Periodic: If you select thisoption, the system runs thecreated task periodically.

Value:l One-timel PeriodicNOTE

The execution type cannot be configuredagain after the task is created.

Start time Description:This parameter sets the time forstarting a task.

Value:The start time should be later than thetime displayed on the server.NOTE

For a one-time timing task, if you haveselected Run immediately, the Starttime parameter is invalid. The task isperformed immediately after the relatedsettings are complete.

During the DST, if you select DST, thespecified time uses the DST standard.NOTE

At other time except DST, the optionDST is unavailable.

Task type Description:Refers to the type of a timing task.


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Table 7-5 Parameters Only Applicable for Periodic Tasks

Parameter Description Settings


Description:Interval between periodic tasks. Ithas two enlistments: duration andunit.

Value:l The period can be represented in

either of the following units:minutes, hours, days, weeks,months. Second is not supported.The supported units of Period varyaccording to the task type.

l The value range for period shouldbe as follows: Minute (1 - 366 x 24x 60), Hour (1 - 366 x 24), Day (1- 366), Week (1 - 52), Month (1 -12).

NOTEThe execution interval cannot beconfigured again after a dump task iscreated.


Description:This parameter indicates the timesthat a periodic task is executed.NOTE

This parameter is displayed in theAttribute dialog box only after youset it when creating and copying aperiodic task.

Value:0 - 65535NOTE

l 0 indicates that the number of timesfor executing periodic tasks is notrestricted.

l The execution times cannot beconfigured again after the task iscreated.

End time Description:End time of a periodic task.NOTE

This parameter is displayed in theAttribute dialog box only after youset it when creating and copying aperiodic task.

Value:Later than Start time, and earlier than01/18/2038 11:14:07.NOTE

The end time cannot be configured againafter the task is created.

During the DST, if you select DST, thespecified time uses the DST standard.NOTE

At other time except DST, the optionDST is unavailable.

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Extended Parameters

Table 7-6 Extended Parameters

Parameter Description Setting

Compressfile afterexport

Description:This parameter is used to set whether compressexport files. If yes, export files will becompressed to a .zip file. After compression, thesource files are deleted.

Value:Yes or No

Export FileType

Description:This parameters indicates the format of theexport files of logs.

Value:Value range: CSV, XML,TXT or HTML.

File path Description:This parameter indicates that export log files aresaved to the specified path on the server.

Value:Value: a specified pathRule: It is notrecommended to changethe default file path. If youneed to specify a new filepath, ensure that the userimapuser has permission toread and write the targetfolder under this path.

Export FileManagement

Description:l Hold files for XX days: In the export

directory, the log files older than this periodare deleted.

l Hold max. XX files: In the export directory,if the number of log files exceeds the valueof this parameter, the M2 deletes the oldestexport files until the number of log files inthis directory becomes less than the value ofthis parameter.

l Hold max. XX MB file data: In the exportdirectory, if the total size of log files exceedsthe value of this parameter, the M2 deletesthe oldest export files until the total size oflog files in this directory becomes less thanthe value of this parameter.

Value:l The value range of

Hold files for XXdays is 1-180.Default value: 15.

l The value range ofHold max. XX files is200-2000.Default value: 1000.

l The value range ofHold max. XX MB filedata is 200-4096.Default value: 1024.

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8 Managing Processes and Services

About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to manage the system processes and services of M2, SAU, eSAU,and Agent Server.

8.1 Managing M2 Processes and ServicesThis section describes how to manage M2 processes to ensure that M2 processes and servicesare running properly.

8.2 Managing the Agent Server Processe and ServiceThis section describes how to manage Agent Server processes to ensure that Agent Serverprocesses and services are running properly.

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8.1 Managing M2 Processes and ServicesThis section describes how to manage M2 processes to ensure that M2 processes and servicesare running properly.

8.1.1 M2 Server Services and ProcessesThis section describes the M2 Server processes and services of the M2 system. When the M2system is running properly, the M2 server starts the processes related to the M2 Server. Eachprocess provides distinct services and functions.

Table 8-1 lists the services and functions provided by the running processes related to the M2Server when the M2 system is running properly.

Table 8-1 Services and functions provided by the running processes related to the M2 Server

Service ProcessName




l The DesktopService0101 service can display and operatedata on several types of clients. The multiple desktop servicesthat are deployed can share the access pressure of multipleclients on the server.

l You must start this service.l Required services: none.


eam_agent l The EAMService service provides the function of NE accessmanagement and maintains a globally complete NE list.

l The process is independent and can be started as required.l Ruired services: none.



l The EmfGnlDevDm service provides the function ofmanaging common devices of third-party NEs.

l You must start this service.l Required services: none.


itm_agent l The ItmService service provides the function of centralizedtask management.

l You must start this service.l Required services: none.


lic_agent l The LicenseService service provides a service interface thatis used to check the validity of the license file of the currentversion.

l You must start this service. Once it starts, you must not stopit.

l Required services: none.

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Service ProcessName



log_agent l The LogService service records the system-relatedinformation in files. You can query the system operation logson the client.

l The ForwardingService service reads the log information inthe format of syslog from the database and forwards the loginformation to a third-party Syslog server in the format ofRFC3164 UDP or RFC3195 TCP.

l You can start this service as required.l Required services: none.




l The SystemService service enables you to query the M2version information such as the version of the operatingsystem, software version of the client, software version of theserver, and client upgrade information.

l You must start this service. Once it starts, you must not stopit.

l Required services: none.



l The MaintenanceService service enables the periodicbackup of the important system configuration files, databasedata, and real-time data of MOs. In the ATAE cluster system,you can distribute this process to different slave nodes.

l You must start this service. Once it starts, you must not stopit.

l Required services: none.


med_agent l The MediationService0101 service creates, deletes, andobtains the NE engines mirrored to the network devices fromthe M2 system and also manages the related eventinterceptors. The NEs using various network managementprotocols can communicate with the M2 system by using thecorresponding NE engines.

l You must start this service. Once it starts, you must not stopit.

l Required service: PartitionService.



l The CommonLicService service manages the informationabout NE license files, such as invalidity, export, andadjustment information.

l The SSLManageService service manages the SSLconnections between the M2000 and NEs. It also manages theSSL certificates used by the SSL connections.

l The SSLManageService service depends onCommonLicService service.


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Service ProcessName




l The CAService service provides the function of handling usercomplaints.

l You must start this service.l Required services: none.



l The PartitionService service divides the managed objectsinto different partitions. All the partitions are managed bydifferent processes. The processes are deployed on differentservers so that the load is balanced when there are largenumber of managed objects.

l You must start this service. Once it starts, you must not stopit.

l Required services: none.



l The PortTrunkingService service can converge all theservice ports of the M2 to enable all them to be presented asa single port to the firewall. You can configure the port so thefirewall port can be configured easily.

l When using a fixed port to traverse the firewall, ensure thatthe service mapping to this port is started, and the servicecannot be stopped.

l Required services: none.


sm_agent l The SecurityService service controls the access rights to allsensitive resources in the element management system(EMS). Only authorized users can access these resources. Theservice controls the access of resources by controlling the useroperation rights.

l You must start this service. Once it starts, you must not stopit.

l Required services: LogService and LicenseService.

8.1.2 Checking M2 Server Service StatusThis section describes how to check the status of M2 Server services. This operation requiresfew system resources and does not affect system operation.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser and navigate to the installation directory of the M2 serversoftware (the default installation directory is /opt/Nastar).

~> cd /opt/Nastar

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l If you have logged in to the server as another user, you can run the su - omcuser command in thecommand terminal window to switch to user omcuser.

l If you are required to type a password after the su - omcuser command runs, type the password of useromcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to view M2 Server service status:

~> . ./

~> svc_adm -cmd status

The command output similar to the following information is displayed:

[All Services: 24 ] [Running: 24 ] [Not Running: 0 ]

l In the command output, if the service status is Running, the service is running properly.

l In the command output, if the service status is Not Running, the service is not started.

l In the command output, if the service status is No License, the service is not registered.


The M2 may dynamically generate processes and services when it is running. The number of processesand services queried each time may be different.


8.1.3 Starting M2 Server ServicesThis section describes how to run the start_svc command to start all the M2 services. The systemdoes not process the M2 services that are already started but starts only the M2 services that arenot running.


The Oracle database services are running normally. For details on how to start the Oracledatabase service, see 9.1.2 Checking Oracle Database Running Status.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser, and then run the following command to navigate to theinstallation directory of the M2 server software (the default installation directory of the M2server software is /opt/Nastar):

~> cd /opt/Nastar


l If you have logged in to the server as another user, you can run the su - omcuser command in thecommand terminal window to switch to user omcuser.

l If you are required to type a password after the su - omcuser command is run, type the password ofuser omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to start the M2 services:

~> . ./

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~> start_svc

Step 3 Run the following commands to start the Tomcat service:

~> cd tomcat

~> ./ start

Step 4 Check whether all M2 services are started. For detailed operations, see 12.2.10 Checking M2Service Status.


8.1.4 Stopping M2 Server ServicesThis section describes how to use commands to stop M2 Server services.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser, and then run the following command to navigate to theinstallation directory of the M2 server software (the default installation directory of the M2server software is /opt/Nastar):

~> cd /opt/Nastar


l If you have logged in to the server as another user, you can run the su - omcuser command in thecommand terminal window to switch to user omcuser.

l If you are required to type a password after the su - omcuser command is run, type the password ofuser omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to stop the M2 Server services.

~> . ./

~> stop_svc

Step 3 Run the following command to check whether the service processes are stopped:

~> svc_ps

l If no command result is displayed, the service processes are stopped.l If any command result is displayed, run the kill_svc command to forcibly stop the running

service processes.

Step 4 Run the following command to stop the daemon process:

~> stop_daem

Step 5 Run the following command to check whether the daemon process is stopped:

~> daem_ps

l If no command result is displayed, the daemon process is stopped.l If any command result is displayed, run the kill_daem command to forcibly stop the daemon.

Step 6 Run the following command to check whether the TAO process is stopped:

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~> ps -ef |grep 9999 |grep -v grep

l If no command result is displayed, the TAO process is stopped.

l If any command result is displayed, run the stop_tao_services command to forcibly stop theTAO process.


8.1.5 SAU Services and ProcessesThis section describes the functions provided by SAU services and processes.

When the server is running properly, the processes related to the SAU software start and stopaccording to the SAU services. Each process corresponds to a unique service and providesdifferent functions. Table 8-2 describes SAU services and processes.

Table 8-2 SAU services and processes

Service ProcessName


Monitor sf_monitor l Interception process, which monitors the running statusof SAU processes.

l Service must be started.l Required service: none.


sf_env l Service process, which allows users to upload data tothe eSAU.

l This service must be started.l Required service: Monitor.

SysMonitor0 sf_env l Interception process, which monitors the status of theSAU.

l This service must be started.l Required service: Monitor.


sf_env l Service process, which converts the data source formatto MCounter format.

l This service must be started.l Required service: Monitor.


sf_env l Service process, which allows users to collect raw data.l Required service: Monitor.

8.1.6 Checking SAU Service StatusThis section describes how to check the status of SAU services.

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Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to check SAU services:

~> cd /opt/PSSAU

~> . ./

~> ps_query

When the following or similar information is displayed, SAU services are running.

Service Agent: PSau.Calculator [1 service(s)] pid: 24663 PSau.Calculator [running] Service Agent: PSau.Collector [1 service(s)] pid: 24692 PSau.Collector [running] Service Agent: PSau.Controller [1 service(s)] pid: 24556 PSau.Controller [running] Service Agent: SysMonitor [1 service(s)] pid: 24589 SysMonitor [running] [All Services: 4 ] [Running: 4] [Not Running: 0 ]

l In the displayed information, if the state of the service is Running, you can infer that theservice operate properly.

l In the displayed information, if the state of the service is Not Running, you can infer thatthe service is abnormal.

l At the end of the displayed information, if the value of Not Running is 0, you can infer thatall the SAU services operate properly. Otherwise, some SAU services have not been started.


8.1.7 Starting SAU ServicesThis section describes how to start SAU services.

PrerequisitesOracle database services are started. For details about the running status of Oracle databaseservices, see 9.1.2 Checking Oracle Database Running Status.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to start SAU services:

~> cd /opt/PSSAU

~> . ./

~> ps_start

Step 3 Check whether all SAU services are started. For detailed operations, see 12.2.11 Checking SAUService Status.


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8.1.8 Stopping SAU ServicesThis section describes how to stop the SAU services.


Check that no preprocessing tasks are running before you stop SAU services. Otherwise, preprocessingresult might be incorrect.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to stop the SAU services:

~> cd /opt/PSSAU

~> . ./

~> ps_stop

Step 3 Run the following command to ensure that all SAU services have stopped:

~> ps_query

l If no command output is displayed, the SAU services have stopped.

l If any command output is displayed, run the ps_kill command to forcibly stop the services.


8.1.9 eSAU Services and ProcessesThis section describes the functions provided by the eSAU services and processes.

When the server is running properly, the processes related to the eSAU software start and stopaccording to the eSAU services. Each process corresponds to a unique service and providesdifferent functions. Table 8-3 describes the eSAU services.

Table 8-3 eSAU services and processes

Service ProcessName


Monitor sf_monitor l Interception process. It provides the function of monitoringthe status of eSAU processes.

l This service must be started.l Required service: none.

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Service ProcessName


eSAU sf_env l Service process. It provides services of querying multi-dimension data, and collecting Counter data and saving itto the database.

l This service must be started.l Required service: Monitor.

SysMonitor SysMonitor l Interception process. It provides the function of monitoringthe eSAU system.

l This service must be started.l Required service: Monitor.

8.1.10 Checking eSAU Service StatusThis section describes how to check the status of eSAU services.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to view eSAU service status:

~> cd /opt/esau

~> . ./

~> esau_ps

When the following or similar information is displayed, eSAU services are running.

Monitor...........................runningeSAU...........................runningSysMonitor.....................running[All Services: 3] [Running: 3] [Not Running: 0 ]

l In the displayed information, if the state of the service is Running, you can infer that theservice operate properly.

l In the displayed information, if the state of the service is Not Running, you can infer thatthe service is abnormal.

l At the end of the displayed information, if the value of Not Running is 0, you can infer thatall the eSAU services operate properly. Otherwise, some eSAU services have not beenstarted.


8.1.11 Starting eSAU ServicesThis section describes how to start eSAU services.

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Oracle services are started. For details about the running status of Oracle services, see 9.1.2Checking Oracle Database Running Status.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to start eSAU services:

~> cd /opt/esau

~> . ./

~> esau_start

Step 3 Check whether all eSAU services are started. For detailed operations, see 12.2.12 CheckingeSAU Service Status.


8.1.12 Stopping eSAU ServicesThis section describes how to stop the eSAU services.


Before stopping the eSAU services, ensure that no data aggregation task is running. Otherwise, an exceptionmay occur during the task execution, which causes the data exception.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to stop the eSAU services:

~> cd /opt/esau

~> . ./

~> esau_stop

Step 3 Run the following command to ensure that all eSAU services have stopped:

~> esau_ps

Information similar to the following is displayed:

Monitor............................not runningeSAU...............................not runningSysMonitor.........................not running[All Services: 3 ] [Running: 0 ] [Not Running: 3 ]

l If the value of Running is 0, eSAU services are stopped.

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l If the value of Running is not 0, run esau_kill to forcibly stop eSAU services.


8.2 Managing the Agent Server Processe and ServiceThis section describes how to manage Agent Server processes to ensure that Agent Serverprocesses and services are running properly.

8.2.1 Agent Server Services and ProcessesThis section describes the functions provided by the Agent Server services and processes.

When the server is running properly, the processes related to the Agent Server software startand stop according to the Agent Server services. Each process corresponds to a unique serviceand provides different functions. Table 8-4 describes the Agent Server services.

Table 8-4 Agent Server services and processes

Service Process Name Description

Tomcat tomcat Web server that Agent Server relies on. HTTPSservices are provided to the agent and Client after thetomcat service is started.This service must be started.Required service: none.

8.2.2 Checking Agent Server Service StatusThis section describes how to check the status of Agent Server services. Check the service statuson the Agent Server consumes occupies few system resources and does not affect the systemrunning.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.


l If you have logged in to the server as another user, you can run the su - omcuser command in thecommand terminal window to switch to user omcuser.

l If you are required to type a password after the su - omcuser command runs, type the password of useromcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to check the Tomcat service:

~> cd /opt/Nastar

~> . ./

~> cd tomcat

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~> . status

If the following information is displayed, the Tomcat service is started successfully.

service is running.


8.2.3 Starting the Agent Server ServiceThis section describes how to start Agent Server service.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser, and then run the following command to navigate to theinstallation directory of the M2 server software (the default installation directory of the M2server software is /opt/Nastar):

~> cd /opt/Nastar


l If you have logged in to the server as another user, you can run the su - omcuser command in thecommand terminal window to switch to user omcuser.

l If you are required to type a password after the su - omcuser command is run, type the password ofuser omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to start the Tomcat service:

~> . ./

~> cd /opt/Nastar/tomcat

~> . start

When the following or similar information is displayed, Tomcat service is running.

service starting...service startup successful.


8.2.4 Stopping the Agent Server ServiceThis section describes how to stop the Agent Server service.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser, and then run the following command to navigate to theinstallation directory of the M2 server software (the default installation directory of the M2server software is /opt/Nastar):

~> cd /opt/Nastar

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l If you have logged in to the server as another user, you can run the su - omcuser command in thecommand terminal window to switch to user omcuser.

l If you are required to type a password after the su - omcuser command is run, type the password ofuser omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to stop the Tomcat service:

~> . ./

~> cd /opt/Nastar/tomcat

~> . stop

When the following or similar information is displayed, Tomcat service is stopped.

service stopping...service stopped successful.


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9 Managing Databases

About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to manage the M2 databases. It also describes the procedures forchecking the database status of M2 and Agent Server.

9.1 Managing Oracle DatabasesThis section describes how to manage the Oracle database of M2. It also describes the proceduresfor checking the database status.

9.2 Managing GaussDB DatabaseThis section describes how to manage the GaussDB database of Agent Server. It also describesthe procedures for checking the database status.

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9.1 Managing Oracle DatabasesThis section describes how to manage the Oracle database of M2. It also describes the proceduresfor checking the database status.

9.1.1 M2 System DatabasesThe system database of M2 is Oracle.

Table 9-1 describes the M2 databases.

Table 9-1 M2 system database

Database Function

imap_db schema Stores system related data. The database requires at least 1000 MBdata space.

imapeamdb schema Stores the data about NE access management. The database requiresat least 500 MB data space.

imaplogdb schema Stores system log data. The database requires at least 500 MB dataspace.

imapsmdb schema Stores security management data. The database requires at least 400MB data space.

9.1.2 Checking Oracle Database Running StatusThis section describes how to check Oracle database running status.

PrerequisitesYou have installed the Oracle database system.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user root.

Step 2 Run the following command to check whether Oracle database services are started:

# ps -fu oracle

UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMDOracle 5141 1 0 21:36 ? 00:00:00 ora_pmon_imapdb....Oracle 5157 1 0 21:36 ? 00:00:00 ora_dbw0_imapdb...Oracle 5165 1 0 21:36 ? 00:00:00 ora_lgwr_imapdbOracle 5167 1 0 21:36 ? 00:00:00 ora_ckpt_imapdbOracle 5169 1 0 21:36 ? 00:00:00 ora_smon_imapdb...

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Oracle 5197 1 0 21:36 ? 00:00:00 ora_arc0_imapdb.../opt/oracle/oradb/home/bin/tnslsnr LISTENER -inherit

l If the command result contains at least the following six processes, Oracle database servicesand listening services are running normally.

– ora_pmon_ imapdb

– ora_dbw0_ imapdb

– ora_lgwr_ imapdb

– ora_ckpt_ imapdb

– ora_smon_ imapdb

– /opt/oracle/oradb/home/bin/tnslsnrl If no command output is displayed, Oracle database services are not started properly. Start

database services by referring to 9.1.3 Staring Oracle.


9.1.3 Staring OracleThis section describes how to start Oracle database services.


Step 1 Check whether Oracle database services are started. For detailed operations, see 9.1.2 CheckingOracle Database Running Status.Skip the following steps if Oracle database services are started; if not, perform the followingsteps to start the services.

Step 2 Log in to the server as user oracle.

If you log in to the server as another user, you can run the su - oracle command to switch touser oracle.

Step 3 Run the following commands to start the Oracle database service.

~> sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> startup

l If the following or similar information is displayed, the database is started properly.Total System Global Area 1610612736 bytes Fixed Size 2046264 bytes Variable Size 385877704 bytes Database Buffers 1207959552 bytes Redo Buffers 14729216 bytes Database mounted. Database opened.

l If the following information is displayed, the database has started.ORA-01081: cannot start already-running ORACLE - shut it down first

Step 4 Run the following command to exit the SQL.

SQL> exit

Step 5 Run the following command to start the database listener:

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~> lsnrctl start

l If the command result contains the following information, the database listener is startedsuccessfully.The command completed successfully

l If the command result contains the following information, the database listener has started.Listener using listener name LISTENER has already been started

Step 6 Run the following command to exit the user oracle.

~> exit


9.1.4 Stopping OracleThis section describes how to stop Oracle database services.


CAUTIONCheck that M2 services and eSAU services are stopped before you stop Oracle database services.


Step 1 Check that M2 services are stopped.1. Check M2 service status. For detailed operations, see 8.1.2 Checking M2 Server Service

Status.2. If M2 services are running, stop M2 services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.4 Stopping

M2 Server Services.

Step 2 Check that eSAU services are stopped.1. Check eSAU service status. For detailed operations, see 8.1.10 Checking eSAU Service

Status.2. If eSAU services are running, stop eSAU services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.12

Stopping eSAU Services.

Step 3 Run the following commands to stop the database listener:

# su - oracle

~> lsnrctl stop

l If information similar to the following is displayed, the database listener is stopped.The command completed successfully

l If information similar to the following is displayed, the database listener has been stoppedbefore you run this command.Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=nassvr)(PORT=1521)))TNS-12541: TNS:no listener TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

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TNS-00511: No listener Linux Error: 111: Connection refusedConnecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=IPC)(KEY=EXTPROC0)))TNS-12541: TNS:no listener TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error TNS-00511: No listener Linux Error: 2: No such file or directory

Step 4 Run the following commands to stop the database services:

~> sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> shutdown immediate

l If the following information is displayed, the database is stopped.Database closed.Database dismounted.ORACLE instance shut down.

l If the following information is displayed, the database has been stopped before you run thiscommand.ORA-01034: ORACLE not availableORA-27101: shared memory realm does not existLinux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory

l If the following information is displayed, the database is also stopped.ORA-01012: not logged on

Step 5 Run the following command to exit the SQL.SQL> exit

Step 6 Run the following command to exit user oracle.

~> exit


9.2 Managing GaussDB DatabaseThis section describes how to manage the GaussDB database of Agent Server. It also describesthe procedures for checking the database status.

9.2.1 Agent Server System DatabaseThe system database of Agent Server is GaussDB.

Table 9-2 describes the Agent Server database.

Table 9-2 Agent Server system database

Database Function

GaussDB It is the database of Agent Server and is used to save configurationdata.

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9.2.2 Checking GaussDB Database Running StatusThis section describes how to check GaussDB database status.

PrerequisitesYou have installed the GaussDB database system.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user gaussdba (The home directory is /home/gaussdba).


l If you have logged in to the server as any other user, run su - gaussdba to switch to gaussdba.

l Enter the password of user gaussdba if required when you run the su - gaussdba command.

Step 2 Run the following command to check whether GaussDB database services are started:

~> gs_ctl query

If the information similar to the following is displayed, GaussDB database services are started.Otherwise, GaussDB database services are not started.



9.2.3 Starting GaussDBThis section describes how to start GaussDB database services.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user gaussdba (The home directory is /home/gaussdba).


l If you have logged in to the server as any other user, run su - gaussdba to switch to gaussdba.

l Enter the password of user gaussdba if required when you run the su - gaussdba command.

Step 2 Run the following command to start GaussDB database services:

~> gs_ctl start -l db.log -D /opt/gaussdb/data

If the information similar to the following is displayed, GaussDB database services are started.

server starting.... doneserver started


9.2.4 Stopping GaussDBThis section describes how to stop GaussDB database services.

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Step 1 Log in to the server as user gaussdba (The home directory is /home/gaussdba).


l If you have logged in to the server as any other user, run su - gaussdba to switch to gaussdba.

l Enter the password of user gaussdba if required when you run the su - gaussdba command.

Step 2 Run the following command to stop GaussDB database services:

~> gs_ctl stop -m fast

If the information similar to the following is displayed, GaussDB database services are stopped.

waiting for server to shut down.... doneserver stopped


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10 Managing Files and Disks

About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to manage the file system and disks of the server.

10.1 Clearing Up the Disk Space for the ServerBefore clearing up the disk, you need to ensure that the files you want to delete are not requiredfor future operations. Deleting useful files by mistake may lead to improper system running.

10.2 Clearing Up the Disk Space for the ClientThis section describes how to clear up the disk space for M2 so that more free disk space isavailable.

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10.1 Clearing Up the Disk Space for the ServerBefore clearing up the disk, you need to ensure that the files you want to delete are not requiredfor future operations. Deleting useful files by mistake may lead to improper system running.


During the routine operation and maintenance, back up and delete the following files:

l Files containing the information about the M2 server

l Software upgrade packages and decompressed files

l Trace logs

l Temporary files created during system operation

CAUTIONYou can delete files when the server is running. Before deleting files, run the ls -l command tocheck the time when the files were generated. Do not delete the files generated on the currentday.


Step 1 Export the files containing the information about the M2 server and back up the files to a localhard disk.

The following files are included:

l User log files

User log dump files are saved in the /opt/Nastar/var/userlogs/ directory.

l Core files generated by the system

Core files are saved in the /opt/Nastar/var/logs, /opt/esau/var/logs, and /opt/PSSAU/var/logs directories.

l History trace files

Historical trace files are saved in the /opt/Nastar/var/logs/tracebak, /opt/esau/var/logs/backup, and /opt/PSSAU/var/logs/backup directories.

Step 2 Delete M2 software upgrade packages and decompressed files.

After the software is successfully upgraded, you can delete the original upgrade packages andthe decompressed files. The upgrade packages and decompressed files are stored in a directorythat is named after the upgrade patch in the /export/home/M2update directory.

Step 3 Perform the following substeps to delete the trace logs of M2 services.

1. Run the following command to edit the tracemonitor_svc_ex.xml file:

# vi /opt/Nastar/etc/conf/tracemonitor_svc_ex.xml

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2. Press i to start editing.

3. Change the value of tracebackupnum in the tracemonitor_svc_ex.xml file to decreasetrace backup files.

Edit the tracemonitor_svc_ex.xml file in the /opt/Nastar/etc/conf/ directory to set thetrace log monitoring period, size limit, and number of backup files. /opt/Nastar is the defaultinstallation directory of the M2 server software.

You can change the value of checktracetime to set the period for monitoring the trace log.You can change the value of tracebackupnum to set the number of backup trace files foreach process in the /opt/Nastar/var/logs/tracebak directory. The system checks the tracefile every 300 seconds. If the number of trace files corresponding to one process in thetracebak directory exceeds the preset value, the system deletes the earliest trace files insequence.

The content of the tracemonitor_svc_ex.xml file is as follows:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

<tracemonitor name="tracemonitor" mount="/imap/tracemonitor"><!-- CCB-ITEM checktracetime indicates that how long trace file will be checked!Min value is 300 seconds! --> <param name="checktracetime">300</param><!-- CCB-ITEM tracebackupnum indicates the max number of reserved trace file! --> <param name="tracebackupnum">50</param></tracemonitor>

4. Press Esc after the change is complete. Run the command :wq! and press Enter to savethe change and exit the vi editor.

Step 4 Perform the following substeps to delete the trace logs and processed files of eSAU:

1. Run the following command to edit the configuration file:

# vi /opt/esau/etc/FileManagerConfig.xml

2. Press i to start editing.

3. Modify the saveDays attribute of the following configuration items in the file to reduce thetime for backing up trace logs and saving the processed files.

In the preceding example, files in /opt/esau/data/eSAUSucceed are successfully processedand those in /opt/esau/data/eSAUFailed fail to be processed. The system checks thecorresponding directories every 300 seconds. saveDays is the storage duration (days). Ifthe value exceeds the threshold, the system deletes the earliest trace files in sequence.

<Para path="/opt/esau/data/eSAUSucceed" saveDays="0.5" dirCheckISecs="300" scriptRoot=""/><Para path="/opt/esau/data/eSAUFailed" saveDays="30" dirCheckISecs="300" scriptRoot=""/><Para path="/opt/esau/var/logs/backup " saveDays="30" dirCheckISecs="300" scriptRoot=""/>

4. Press Esc after the change is complete. Run the command :wq! and press Enter to savethe change and exit the vi editor.

5. Run the following commands to restart eSAU services for the setting to take effect.

a. Stop eSAU services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.12 Stopping eSAU Services.

b. Start eSAU services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.11 Starting eSAU Services.

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Step 5 Perform the following substeps to delete the trace logs and processed files of SAU:1. Run the following command to modify the /opt/PSSAU/etc/platform/log_cfg.xml file.

# vi /opt/PSSAU/etc/platform/log_cfg.xml

2. Press i to start editing.3. Change the value of <MaxCount>10</MaxCount> to reduce the number of history logs

you want to dump.

The content of the log_cfg.xml file is as follows: You can change the value of<MaxCount>10</MaxCount> to set the number of history logs of each type you want todump in the /opt/PSSAU/var/logs/backup directory. If the value is reduced, the systemdeletes the earliest trace files in sequence.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><LogSys><!-- Min:10 Max:1000 Def:30 Unit:MB --> <MaxSize>30</MaxSize><!-- Min:1 Max:1000 Def:10 --> <MaxCount>10</MaxCount><!-- Value:true|false Def:false --><!-- true:check if zip by file size and date, false:check if zip only by size--> <CheckZipMode>true</CheckZipMode><!-- Value:true|false Def:false --><!-- true:write log direct, false:write log by thread --> <SynchronousLog>true</SynchronousLog></LogSys>

4. Press Esc after the change is complete. Run the command :wq! and press Enter to savethe change and exit the vi editor.

5. Perform the following substeps to modify the /opt/PSSAU/etc/FileManagerConfig.xmlfile.

# vi /opt/PSSAU/etc/FileManagerConfig.xml

6. Press i to start editing.7. If you modify the saveDays configuration item under <!-- to delete according to time --

>, the system automatically deletes the earliest files in sequence. If you modify themaxSpace configuration item under <!-- to delete according to size-->, the system scansthe files in the directory. If the value exceeds the threshold, the system deletes the earliesttrace files in sequence.

Modify only the configuration items in bold in the following displayed information:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!--TODO:use XPath tree structure --><FileManagerConfig> <FileDelInfo delaySecs="100" intervalSecs="300"> <!-- to delete according to time --> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/filepath" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="0" dirCheckISecs="300"/><Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/M2_MCHR" saveDays="90" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/MCounter" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/ReduceMCounter" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/ftpdir" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/reduceDir" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/EDR" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="1"

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dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/PCRF/master" saveDays="3" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/PCRF/cu" saveDays="0.125" rmSubDir="0" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/db/PCRF_QUOTA_INDEX" saveDays="0.125" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/db/PCRF_SUBSCRIBER_INDEX" saveDays="0.125" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/logupload" saveDays="0.125" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/logs" saveDays="10" rmSubDir="0" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/log" saveDays="10" rmSubDir="0" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/operation" saveDays="10" rmSubDir="0" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/var/logs" saveDays="10" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <!--to delete according to size --> <FilePathGrp name="COUNTER" maxSpace="50" cleanupPercent="50" > <!--maxSpace:Gb--> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/filepath" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="0" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/MCounter" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/ReduceMCounter" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/ftpdir" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/reduceDir" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> </FilePathGrp> <FilePathGrp name="FTP" maxSpace="10" cleanupPercent="50" > <!--maxSpace:Gb--> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/EDR" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/PCRF/master" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/PCRF/cu/download" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/PCRF/cu/SUBSCRIBER" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/PCRF/cu/SUBQUOTA" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/PCRF/cu/QUOTA" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/db/PCRF_QUOTA_INDEX" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/db/PCRF_SUBSCRIBER_INDEX" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/logupload" dirCheckISecs="300"/> </FilePathGrp> <FilePathGrp name="LOG" maxSpace="30" cleanupPercent="50" > <!--maxSpace:Gb--> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/logs" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/log" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/operation" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/var/logs" dirCheckISecs="300"/> </FilePathGrp> </FileDelInfo>

<!--focus on disk -->

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<DiskMonitorInfo delaySecs="100" intervalSecs="3600"> <Disk name="/export/home/" alarmSizePercent="75" deleteSizePercent="90"> <Para path="sysm/PSSAU/var/output"/> <Para path="sysm/PSSAU/var/data/MCounter"/> <Para path="sysm/PSSAU/var/data/ReduceMCounter"/> <Para path="sysm/PSSAU/var/data/EDR"/> <Para path="sysm/PSSAU/var/data/PCRF"/> <Para path="sysm/PSSAU/var/operation"/> <Para path="sysm/PSSAU/var/logs"/> </Disk> <Disk name="/" alarmSizePercent="75" deleteSizePercent="90"> <Para path="var/logs"/> </Disk> </DiskMonitorInfo></FileManagerConfig>

8. Press Esc after the change is complete. Run the command :wq! and press Enter to savethe change and exit the vi editor.

9. Perform the following substeps to restart SAU services for the setting to take effect.

a. Stop SAU services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.8 Stopping SAU Services.b. Start SAU services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.7 Starting SAU Services.

Step 6 Perform the following substeps to delete the useless files.

CAUTIONBefore clearing up disk space, check that the files you want to delete are no longer required.Deleting useful files by mistake might cause abnormal system running.

1. Log in to the server as user root.2. Delete the core files of M2, SAU and eSAU.

The three types of core files are saved in the following directories respectively: /opt/Nastar/var/logs, /opt/PSSAU/var/logs, and opt/esau/var/logs.

l Delete the core files one week earlier.l For the core files within one week, contact Huawei technical support engineers.

Delete the core files that the Huawei technical support engineers confirm useless.3. Delete all files in the /var/tmp directory after you stop M2 services.

l Stop M2 services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.4 Stopping M2 Server Services.l Restart M2 services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.3 Starting M2 Server Services.

4. Delete the log files in /opt/Nastar/var/logs, /opt/PSSAU/var/logs, and opt/esau/var/logs.

Step 7 Delete the historical data that has been processed by the M2 service process.1. Log in to the server as user omcuser.

Run su - omcuser to switch to user omcuser if you have logged in to the server as otherusers:

2. Run the following command to navigate to the /opt/Nastar/var/data/nastarm directory.

~> cd /opt/Nastar/var/data/nastarm

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3. Delete all files in survey_bak, survey_missingformater, and survey_invalid_bak.

4. Delete all files in registerReport_bak.

5. Delete all files in statusReport_bak.

Step 8 Delete the trace logs of Agent Server.

1. Log in to the server as user omcuser.Run su - omcuser to switch to user omcuser if you have logged in to the server as otherusers.

2. Run the following command to navigate to the /opt/Nastar/tomcat/logs directory.

~> cd /opt/Nastar/tomcat/logs

3. Optional: If you need to locate the problems, back up the files in the directory.

4. Run the following command to delete all files in the directory.

~> rm –rf *

5. Restart the Tomcat service.

a. Run the following commands to stop the Tomcat service.

~> cd /opt/Nastar/

~> . ./

~> cd /opt/Nastar/tomcat

~> . stop

b. Run the following commands to restart the Tomcat service:

~> cd /opt/Nastar/

~> . ./

~> cd /opt/Nastar/tomcat

~> . start


10.2 Clearing Up the Disk Space for the ClientThis section describes how to clear up the disk space for M2 so that more free disk space isavailable.


You have installed the client software.


l You are advised not to delete the files generated on the current day.

l You are advised not to delete files when the client is running.

l Before you delete a file, check that it can be deleted. Deleting useful files by mistake maylead to system operation errors.

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Step 1 Delete historical trace logs.


Clearing up disk space tasks involves deleting historical trace logs on the client.

The historical trace logs are saved in the Installation directory of the client software\client\tracefile directory.


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11 Backing Up and Restoring Data

About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to back up and restore M2 system dynamic data.

11.1 Backup SchemesThis section describes the backup schemes for M2, SAU, eSAU, and Agent Server.

11.2 Backing Up and Restoring the M2 SystemThis section describes how to back up and restore M2 system dynamic data.

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11.1 Backup SchemesThis section describes the backup schemes for M2, SAU, eSAU, and Agent Server.

11.1.1 M2 Backup SchemesThis section describes the M2 system backup based on aspects such as backup scenarios andbackup file naming rules.

Backup of M2 Dynamic Data

Dynamic data backup of the M2 system involves backing up the imapdb database and thedynamic data generated when the M2 server software is running.

Table 11-1 describes the backup contents, backup modes, and storage media of the dynamicdata backup.

Table 11-1 Dynamic data backup

Item Content


l Database imapdbl M2 system files: files in the /export/home/omc/var and /export/home/

sysm directories


Periodic backup: Set any day in a week to perform full backup. After theperiodic backup is activated, the system performs a round of full backup everyweek. When a new round of full backup is performed, all the backup files ofthe previous round are deleted automatically.


Hard disk

Directory ofbackup files

/export/home/backup/omc (This item does not need to be created manually.)

After the backup is performed, the backup contents are automatically packaged as a backup file.

Rules for Naming Backup Files of Dynamic Data

The backup files of dynamic data are named in the following format: all-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.tar.


The file name all-20040601042002.tar refers to a full backup file generated on 01.06.04 at04:20:02.

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l After the system performs backup, the latest backup information is recorded in the /export/home/backup/omc/backupstate.log file. The information contains the date on which the backup file isgenerated, directory for storing the backup file, and the file name.

l During the data backup, the all-YYYYMMDDhhmmss folder is generated in the /export/home/backup/omc directory for storing backup files. When the data backup is complete, the folder iscompressed into the all-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.tar file, and the all-YYYYMMDDhhmmss folder isautomatically deleted.

11.1.2 SAU Backup SchemesThis section describes the SAU system backup based on aspects such as backup scenarios andbackup file naming rules.

Backup of SAU Dynamic Data

Dynamic data backup of the SAU system involves the backup of the dynamic data andconfiguration files generated when the SAU software is running.

Table 11-2 describes the backup contents, backup modes, and storage media of the dynamicdata backup.

Table 11-2 Dynamic data backup

Item Content


SAU system files: files in the /opt/PSSAU/var and /opt/PSSAU/etc directories


Manual backup


Hard disk

Directory ofbackup files

/export/home/backup/pssau (You need to create this directory manually.)

After the backup is performed, the backup contents are automatically packaged as a backup file.

Rules for Naming Backup Files of Dynamic Data

The backup files of dynamic data are named in the following format: all-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.tar.


The file name all-20040601042002.tar refers to a full backup file generated on 01.06.04 at04:20:02.

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11.1.3 eSAU Backup SchemesThis section describes the eSAU system backup based on aspects such as backup scenarios andbackup file naming rules.

Backup of eSAU Dynamic DataDynamic data backup of the eSAU system involves the backup of the dynamic data andconfiguration files generated when the eSAU software is running.

Table 11-3 describes the backup contents, backup modes, and storage media of the dynamicdata backup.

Table 11-3 Dynamic data backup

Item Content


eSAU system files: files in the /opt/esau/var and /opt/esau/etc directories


Manual backup


Hard disk

Directory ofbackup files


After the backup is performed, the backup contents are automatically packaged as a backup file.

Rules for Naming Backup Files of Dynamic DataThe backup files of dynamic data are named in the following format: all-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.tar.


The file name all-20040601042002.tar refers to a full backup file generated on 01.06.04 at04:20:02.

11.1.4 Agent Server Backup SchemesThis section describes the Agent Server system backup based on aspects such as backupscenarios and backup file naming rules.

Backup of Agent Server Dynamic DataDynamic data backup of the Agent Server system involves the backup of the dynamic data andconfiguration files generated when the Agent Server software is running.

Table 11-4 describes the backup contents, backup modes, and storage media of the dynamicdata backup.

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Table 11-4 Dynamic data backup

Item Content


l Agent Server databasel Agent Server configuration information


Manual backup


Hard disk

Directory ofbackup files

l Dada backup path: /export/home/gaussdb/backupl Agent Server configuration information path: /export/home/agents/

backup (You need to create this directory manually.)

After the backup is performed, the backup contents are automatically packaged as a backup file.

Rules for Naming Backup Files of Dynamic Data

Database dynamic data backup files are named as follows: ams-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.bak.

Agent Server service dynamic data backup files are named as follows: agentServer-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.tar.

For example:

The file name ams-20040601042002.bak indicates a full backup file generated at 04:20:02 on1st June, 2004.

The file name agentServer-20040601042002.tar indicates a full backup file generated at04:20:02 on 1st June, 2004.

11.2 Backing Up and Restoring the M2 SystemThis section describes how to back up and restore M2 system dynamic data.

11.2.1 Backing Up M2 System Dynamic DataThis section describes how to back up M2 system dynamic data.

Prerequisitesl You have logged in to the M2 client.

l You are authorized to back up M2 system dynamic data.

l The hard disk where you want to back up the dynamic data has sufficient free space.

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ContextGenerally, M2 dynamic data is backed up periodically. The periodic backup of the dynamic datais performed in full backup mode.

Dynamic data backup has no restriction on backup time. The backup can be performed whenthe system is running.


Step 1 Choose Maintenance > Task Management.The Task Management window is displayed.

Step 2 Choose Task Type > Backup > Server Backup, and then double-click the Server Backupnode in the navigation tree in the left.

The Attribute dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-1.

Figure 11-1 Periodic backup (1)

Step 3 Click the Common Parameters tab, and then set Task Name and Start Time.

Step 4 Click the Extended Parameters tab, and then set Backup Medium, as shown in Figure 11-2.

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Figure 11-2 Periodic backup (2)

Step 5 Click OK to save the settings.

After you apply the settings, the system periodically backs up data.


Currently, M2 supports backup using only hard disks. When you use a hard disk as the backup medium,log in to M2 server and check whether the all-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.tar file is available in /export/home/backup/omc/.


11.2.2 Restoring M2 System Dynamic DataThis section describes how to restore M2 system dynamic data.

Prerequisitesl You have logged in to the server as user root.l The backup files for restoring the M2 dynamic data are obtained.

l The M2 is running properly or the static data restoration is complete.


Based on the latest full backup files of the M2, you can restore the M2 system data. After youperform the restoration operation, all the contents in the backup file package are restored.

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CAUTIONM2 services are stopped if you perform dynamic data restore operations. M2 server cannotprocess the data reported by the agent during this period.


Step 1 Run the following commands to copy the backup files to a hard disk if the backup files are storedon a tape. Skip this step and go to Step 3 if the backup files are stored on a hard disk.

# cd /

# tar xvf /dev/st0

If the following message is displayed during the execution of the commands, ignore the message.

tar: Removing the initial "/" from member names

CAUTIONThe decompressed file is stored in the same path as the compressed one. The save path of thedecompressed file is irrelevant to the path where you perform the decompression operation.

Step 2 Stop M2 system services.

You can check whether the M2 one-click installation packgeM2V100R002C00SPC400OneKeyInstall_pkg.tar or one-click script is availablein the /export/home/m2install directory by running ls /export/home/m2install.

l Stop M2 system services by referring to 13.4 How Do I Stop M2 System Services? (One-Click) if at least one of the above is available.

l Stop M2 system services by referring to 13.6 How Do I Stop M2 System Services? if neitherof them is available.

Step 3 Restart the Oracle database.

For details about how to stop and start Oracle services, see 9.1.4 Stopping Oracle and 9.1.3Staring Oracle respectively.

Step 4 Log in to the server as user omcuser to restore M2 system dynamic data.

1. Decompress the backup file that contains the dynamic data you want to restore.

~> cd /export/home/backup/omc/

~> tar xvf /export/home/backup/omc/name of the dynamic data backup file -C /

For example, before restoring the full dynamic data backup file generated on 18:06:222008-01-30, you need to decompress the relevant package.

~> tar xvf /export/home/backup/omc/all-20080130180622.tar -C /

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You need to decompress the relevant package regardless of whether the file to be restored is a fullbackup file or an incremental backup file.

2. Navigate to the save path of the decompressed file.

~> cd /export/home/backup/omc/name of the dynamic data backup file

For example:

~> cd /export/home/backup/omc/all-20080130180622

3. Run the following script to restore dynamic data:

~> ./

4. When the system displays the following message, type the password of user sys of thedatabase.Note: Enter q/Q to exit this tool.Please input the supperuser's password of database[default:dbpasswd]:


You can type q or Q to stop running the script.

5. When the system displays the following message, type 1 to start restoring dynamic data.

Please make a choice[1-2]:

After the restoration is complete, the system displays Operation succeeds

Step 5 Start M2 system services.

You can check whether the M2 one-click installation packgeM2V100R002C00SPC400OneKeyInstall_pkg.tar or one-click script isavailable in the /export/home/m2install directory by running ls /export/home/m2install.l Start M2 system services by referring to 13.3 How Do I Start M2 System Services? (One-

Click) if at least one of the above is available.l Start M2 system services by referring to 13.5 How Do I Start M2 System Services? if

neither of them is available.

Step 6 Delete the decompressed backup files after the data restoration.

~> cd /export/home/backup/omc

~> rm -rf Backup package decompression directory

For example:

~> rm -rf all-20080130180622


11.2.3 Backing Up SAU System Dynamic DataThis section describes how to back up SAU system dynamic data.

Prerequisitesl You are authorized to back up SAU system dynamic data.

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l Hard disk space is sufficient.

Contextl Dynamic data is fully backed up.

l Dynamic data backup has no restriction on backup time. The backup can be performedwhen the system is running.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user root.

Step 2 Run the following commands to back up dynamic data to the specified directory.

# cd /opt/PSSAU/script/admin

# sh


The backup data is saved in the following specified directory: /export/home/backup/pssau.

If the dd-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.tar file is generated in the current /export/home/backup/pssau directory after the commands are executed, the SAU system dynamic data backupsucceeds. Otherwise, the backup fails.


11.2.4 Restoring SAU System Dynamic DataThis section describes how to restore SAU system dynamic data.

Prerequisitesl The backup files for restoring the SAU dynamic data are obtained.

l The M2 server is running properly or the static data restoration is complete.


Based on the latest full backup files of the SAU, you can restore the SAU system data. Afteryou perform the restoration operation, all the contents in the backup file package are restored.

Stop SAU services when you restore the dynamic data.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user root.

Step 2 Perform the following substeps to stop SAU services:1. Check that the SAU services are running properly. For detailed operations, see 8.1.6

Checking SAU Service Status.2. Stop SAU services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.8 Stopping SAU Services.

Step 3 Run the following commands to restore the dynamic data.

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1. Run the following script to restore dynamic data:

# cd /opt/PSSAU/script/admin

# sh

The following information is displayed:

Please input restore package path and name:

2. Enter the save path of the dynamic data, and press Enter.

For example, enter the following if the path of the backup package is /export/home/backup/pssau:


3. Enter the file name of the dynamic data, and press Enter.

For example, enter the following if the name of the backup package is dd-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.tar:


Step 4 Start SAU services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.7 Starting SAU Services.


11.2.5 Backing Up eSAU System Dynamic DataThis section describes how to back up eSAU system dynamic data.

Prerequisitesl You are authorized to back up eSAU system dynamic data.

l Hard disk space is sufficient

Contextl Dynamic data is fully backed up.

l Dynamic data backup has no restriction on backup time. The backup can be performedwhen the system is running.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user root.

Step 2 Run the following commands to back up dynamic data to the specified directory.

# cd /opt/esau/script/admin

# sh


The backup data is saved in the following fixed directory: /export/home/backup/esau

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If the dd-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.tar file is generated in the current /export/home/backup/esau directory after the commands are executed, the eSAU system dynamic data backupsucceeds. Otherwise, the backup fails.


11.2.6 Restoring eSAU System Dynamic DataThis section describes how to restore eSAU system dynamic data.

Prerequisitesl The backup files for restoring the eSAU dynamic data are obtained.

l The M2 is running properly or the static data restoration is complete.


Based on the latest full backup files of the eSAU, you can restore the eSAU system data. Afteryou perform the restoration operation, all the contents in the backup file package are restored.

Stop eSAU services when you restore the dynamic data.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user root.

Step 2 Perform the following substeps to stop eSAU services:

1. Check that the eSAU services are running properly. For detailed operations, see 8.1.10Checking eSAU Service Status.

2. Stop eSAU services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.12 Stopping eSAU Services.

Step 3 Run the following commands to restore dynamic data.

1. Run the following script to restore dynamic data:

# cd /opt/esau/script/admin

# sh

The following information is displayed:

Please input restore package path and name:

2. Enter the save path of the dynamic data, and press Enter.

For example, enter the following if the path of the backup package is /export/home/backup/esau:

/export/home/backup/esau3. Enter the file name of the dynamic data, and press Enter.

For example, enter the following if the name of the backup package is dd-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.tar:


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Step 4 Start eSAU services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.11 Starting eSAU Services.


11.2.7 Backing Up Agent Server System Dynamic DataThis section describes how to back up Agent Server system dynamic data.

Prerequisitesl You are authorized to back up Agent Server system dynamic data.l Hard disk space is sufficient.

Contextl Dynamic data is fully backed up.l Dynamic data backup has no restriction on backup time. The backup can be performed

when the system is running.


Step 1 Use PuTTY to log in to the server in SSH mode as user root

Step 2 Run the following commands to created the backup directories /export/home/gaussdb/backup and /export/home/agents/backup.

# mkdir -p /export/home/agents/backup

# mkdir -p /export/home/gaussdb/backup

Step 3 Run the following commands to modify the owner of /export/home/gaussdb to gaussdba andthe group to omcsysm.

# chown -R gaussdba.omcsysm /export/home/gaussdb

Step 4 Run the following commands to modify the owner of /export/home/agents to omcuser and thegroup to omcsysm.

# chown -R omcuser.omcsysm /export/home/agents

Step 5 Run the su - gaussdba command to switch to user gaussdba.

Step 6 Run the following commands to back up Agent Server system database:

~> cd /export/home/gaussdb/backup

~> tar -C /opt/gaussdb -cf /export/home/gaussdb/backup/ams-`date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%s"`.tar data

If the ams-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.tar file is generated in the current /export/home/gaussdb/backup directory after the commands are executed, the Agent Server database backup succeeds.Otherwise, the backup fails.

Step 7 Run the su - omcuser command to switch to user omcuser.

Step 8 Run the following commands to back up Agent Server system dynamic data:

~> cd /export/home/agents/backup

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~> tar -C /opt/Nastar/webapps/AMS/WEB-INF -cf agentServer-`date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%s"`.tar classes

If the agentServer-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.tar file is generated in the current /export/home/agents/backup directory after the commands are executed, the Agent Server system dynamicdata backup succeeds. Otherwise, the backup fails.


11.2.8 Restoring Agent Server System Dynamic DataThis section describes how to restore Agent Server system dynamic data.

Prerequisitesl The backup files for restoring the Agent Server dynamic data are obtained.l The M2 server is running properly or the static data restoration is complete.l The GaussDB database has been initialized.

ContextBased on the latest full backup files of the Agent Server, you can restore the Agent Server systemdata. After you perform the restoration operation, all the contents in the backup file package arerestored.

Stop Agent Server service when you restore the dynamic data.


Step 1 Perform the following substeps to stop Agent Server service:1. Check that the Agent Server service is running properly. For detailed operations, see 8.2.2

Checking Agent Server Service Status.2. Stop Agent Server service. For detailed operations, see 8.2.4 Stopping the Agent Server


Step 2 Log in to the server as user root.

Step 3 Run the following commands to restore the Agent Server system database:

# su - gaussdba -c "gs_ctl stop -m fast"

# cd /export/home/gaussdb/backup

# mv /opt/gaussdb/data /opt/gaussdb/data.bak

# tar xf ams-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.tar -C /opt/gaussdb

# su - gaussdba -c "gs_ctl start"

ams-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.bak is the name of the file you want to restore.

The restoration succeeds if there is no error after you execute the commands and exit thecommand-line interface.

Step 4 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

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Step 5 Run the following command to restore the Agent Server configuration data:

~> cd /export/home/agents/backup

~> tar -xvf agentServer-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.tar -C /opt/Nastar/webapps/

agentServer-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.tar is the name of the file you want to restore.

Step 6 Start Agent Server service. For detailed operations, see 8.2.3 Starting the Agent ServerService.


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12 Routine System Maintenance

About This Chapter

This chapter describes the system routine maintenance which is a type of preventivemaintenance. Routine maintenance is classified into daily maintenance, weekly maintenance,and monthly maintenance. Specified items and guidelines are provided and you can add or deletethe items as required.

12.1 Routine Maintenance ItemsThis section provides maintenance item lists for your reference during the daily, weekly, andmonthly maintenance of the M2 system.

12.2 Daily MaintenanceThis section describes the daily system maintenance operations, which helps you learn therunning status and trend of the system so as to improve the troubleshooting efficiency. Dailymaintenance and operation (OM) involves viewing resource status of the server, process status,logs, and so on.

12.3 Weekly Maintenance ItemsThis section describes weekly maintenance operations, which helps you identify exceptions suchas function failure and performance decrease and provides guidance for you to take actionsaccordingly. You can also back up data during weekly maintenance to avoid data loss. Weeklymaintenance operations also involve checking the disk usage of the server, checking server time,and clearing up disks of the server and client.

12.4 Monthly Maintenance ItemsMonthly maintenance helps the system operate securely, stably, and reliably in a long term.Monthly maintenance involves checking and setting user rights of M2 server, checking powersupply of the server, and checking M2 system licenses.

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12.1 Routine Maintenance ItemsThis section provides maintenance item lists for your reference during the daily, weekly, andmonthly maintenance of the M2 system.

Table 12-1 lists the recommended maintenance items of the M2 system. You can add or deletemaintenance items as required.

Table 12-1 List of maintenance items

Routine MaintenanceTask

Maintenance Period


Checking the CPU usageof the server

Daily The CPU usage should be lower than 80%. If tasksare running longer than normal and the CPU usagealways exceeds 80%, exceptions or managementcapability risks may exist.

Checking the core filesof M2

In the /opt/Nastar/var/logs/ directory, no filewhose name starts with "core" is available.

Checking the core filesof SAU

In the /opt/PSSAU/var/logs/ directory, no filewhose name starts with "core" is available.

Checking the core filesof eSAU

In the /opt/esau/var/logs/ directory, no file whosename starts with "core" is available.

Checking SUSE Linuxerror logs

No error log is generated.

Checking M2 logs Logs of certain processes are collected for faultlocation.

Checking SAU logs Logs of certain processes are collected for faultlocation.

Checking eSAU logs Logs of certain processes are collected for faultlocation.

Checking Agent Serverlogs

Logs of certain processes are collected for faultlocation.

Checking M2 servicestatus

All services are running properly. There is no itemwhose status is "not running".

Checking SAU servicestatus

All services are running properly. There is no itemwhose status is "not running".

Checking eSAU servicestatus

All services are running properly. There is no itemwhose status is "not running".

Checking the servicestatus of the AgentServer database

All services are running properly. There is no itemwhose status is "not running".

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Routine MaintenanceTask

Maintenance Period


Checking the status ofthe Oracle database

The Oracle database is running properly and itsusage is less than 90%.

Checking GaussDBdatabase status

The GaussDB database is running properly and itsusage is less than 90%.

Checking the hard diskusage of the server

Weekly The usage of each disk is less than 90%.

Checking the server time The time of the M2 server is correct.

Cleaning up disks on theserver

Back up the information that is required for furtheroperations. Then, clean up the disk to free upstorage space.

Cleaning up disks on theclient

Back up the information that is required for furtheroperations. Then, clean up the disk to free upstorage space.

Checking and settingM2 system user rights

Monthly Permission is correctly granted to related users.

Checking the powersupply of the server

The power supply is normal.

Checking the M2 systemlicense

The license is within the valid period and nomessage indicating the expiration of the license isdisplayed.

12.2 Daily MaintenanceThis section describes the daily system maintenance operations, which helps you learn therunning status and trend of the system so as to improve the troubleshooting efficiency. Dailymaintenance and operation (OM) involves viewing resource status of the server, process status,logs, and so on.

12.2.1 Viewing the CPU Usage of the ServerThis section describes how to check whether the CPU usage is within the specified range.

Prerequisitesl You have logged in to the M2 client.l You are authorized to view the CPU usage.

ContextNormally, the CPU usage should be less than 80%.

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Procedurel View the CPU usage on the client.

1. Choose System > System Monitor > Browser.

2. On theServer Monitor tab page of the System Monitor Browser window, viewUsage(%).

l Log in to the server to view CPU usage.

1. Log in to the server as user root.

2. Run the following command to view the CPU usage.

# top

Information similar to the following is displayed:

In the displayed information, CPU usage is normal if the values in the %CPU columndo not exceed 80. Otherwise, contact Huawei technical support engineers.

top - 16:28:29 up 9 days, 5:50, 13 users, load average: 0.09, 0.07, 0.23Tasks: 629 total, 1 running, 627 sleeping, 0 stopped, 1 zombieCpu(s): 1.0%us, 0.7%sy, 0.0%ni, 98.3%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%stMem: 16039M total, 15834M used, 205M free, 225M buffersSwap: 8189M total, 1310M used, 6878M free, 12945M cached

PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND16702 root 15 0 5916 1524 792 R 5 0.0 0:00.08 top 1 root 16 0 800 292 244 S 0 0.0 0:26.06 init 2 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:02.02 migration/0 3 root 34 19 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.13 ksoftirqd/0 4 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.04 migration/1 5 root 34 19 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.16 ksoftirqd/1 6 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.04 migration/2 7 root 34 19 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.18 ksoftirqd/2 8 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.04 migration/3 9 root 34 19 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.08 ksoftirqd/3 10 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.83 migration/4 11 root 34 19 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.26 ksoftirqd/4 12 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.07 migration/5 13 root 34 19 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.15 ksoftirqd/5 14 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.02 migration/6 15 root 34 19 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.08 ksoftirqd/6 16 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.04 migration/7 17 root 34 19 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.09 ksoftirqd/7 18 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:01.20 migration/8 19 root 34 19 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.10 ksoftirqd/8 20 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.02 migration/9 21 root 34 19 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.12 ksoftirqd/9 22 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.06 migration/10 23 root 34 19 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.05 ksoftirqd/10 24 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.04 migration/11 25 root 34 19 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.06 ksoftirqd/11 26 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.87 migration/12


12.2.2 Checking the Core Files of M2This section describes how to check the core files in the /opt/Nastar/var/logs directory.

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Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

l If you have logged in to the server as another user, you can run the su - omcuser commandin the command terminal window to switch to user omcuser.

l If you are required to type a password after the su - omcuser command is executed, type thepassword of user omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following command to navigate to the /opt/Nastar/var/logs directory.

~> cd /opt/Nastar/var/logs

Step 3 Run the following command to check whether there is any file whose name starts with "core"in this directory.

~> ls -ltr core*

l Delete the files whose names start with "core" and that are generated one week ago or earlier.

l If there are core files generated within one week in the directory, contact Huawei technicalsupport engineers.


12.2.3 Checking the Core Files of SAUThis section describes how to check the core files in the /opt/PSSAU/var/logs directory.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following command to navigate to the /opt/PSSAU/var/logs directory.

~> cd /opt/PSSAU/var/logs

Step 3 Run the following command to check whether there is any file whose name starts with "core"in this directory.

~> ls -ltr core*

l Delete the files whose names start with "core" and that are generated one week ago or earlier.

l If there are core files generated within one week in the directory, contact Huawei technicalsupport engineers.


12.2.4 Checking the Core Files of eSAUThis section describes how to check the core files in the /opt/esau/var/logs directory.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

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Step 2 Run the following command to navigate to the /opt/esau/var/logs directory.

~> cd /opt/esau/var/logs

Step 3 Run the following command to check whether there is any file whose name starts with "core"in this directory.

~> ls -ltr core*

l Delete the files whose names start with "core" and that are generated one week ago or earlier.

l If there are core files generated within one week in the directory, contact Huawei technicalsupport engineers.


12.2.5 Checking SUSE Linux Error LogsThis section describes how to view the SUSE Linux error logs to determine the status of thesystem. Viewing the SUSE Linux logs requires few system resources and does not affect thesystem operation.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user root.

Step 2 Run the following command to check whether the files contain error information:

# more /var/log/messages

In normal cases, the logs do not contain the err or failed messages.

Step 3 Run the following command to check whether the logs in the memory contain error information.

# dmesg


12.2.6 Checking M2 LogsThis section describes how to check M2 logs to check where there are errors.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to check whether there are errors in the /opt/Nastar/var/logsdirectory.

~> cd /opt/Nastar/var/logs

~> grep ERROR*

l Collect corresponding log files if you can identify the processes with errors at the site. If thisoccurs, contact Huawei technical support engineers.

l Otherwise, perform Step 3.

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Step 3 Optional: Run the following commands to pack M2 log files. Then contact Huawei technicalsupport engineers.

~> cd /opt/Nastar/var

~> tar –zcvf error.tar.gz logs


12.2.7 Checking SAU LogsThis section describes how to check SAU logs to check where there are errors.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to check whether there are errors in the /opt/Nastar/var/logsdirectory.

~> cd /opt/PSSAU/var/logs

~> grep ERROR*

l Collect corresponding log files if you can identify which processes are abnormal onsite. Ifthis occurs, contact Huawei technical support engineers.

l Otherwise, perform Step 3.

Step 3 Optional: Run the following commands to compress the log files. Then contact Huaweitechnical support engineers.

~> cd /opt/PSSAU/var

~> tar -zcvf error.tar.gz logs

Step 4 Run the following commands to check the error logs upon BS script execution.

~> cd /opt/PSSAU/var/output/log

~> grep ERROR*

l Collect corresponding log files if you can identify the processes with errors at the site. If thisoccurs, contact Huawei technical support engineers.

l Otherwise, perform Step 3 again to pack the log files. Then contact Huawei technical supportengineers.


12.2.8 Checking eSAU LogsThis section describes how to check eSAU logs to check that there is no error.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

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Step 2 Run the following commands to check whether there are errors in the /opt/esau/var/logsdirectory.

~> cd /opt/esau/var/logs

~> grep ERROR*

l Collect corresponding log files if you can identify which processes are abnormal onsite. Ifthis occurs, contact Huawei technical support engineers.

l Otherwise, perform Step 3.

Step 3 Optional: Run the following commands to compress the log files. Then contact Huaweitechnical support engineers.

~> cd /opt/esau/var

~> tar -zcvf error.tar.gz logs


12.2.9 Checking Agent Server LogsThis section describes how to check Agent Server logs to check where there are errors.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to check whether there are errors in the /opt/Nastar/tomcat/logs directory.

~> cd /opt/Nastar/tomcat/logs

~> grep ERROR*

l Collect corresponding log files if you can identify which processes are abnormal onsite. Ifthis occurs, contact Huawei technical support engineers.

l Otherwise, perform Step 3.

Step 3 Optional: Run the following commands to pack the log files. Then contact Huawei technicalsupport engineers.

~> cd /opt/Nastar/tomcat

~> tar –zcvf err.tar.gz logs


12.2.10 Checking M2 Service StatusThis section describes how to check the service status of each M2 process to see whether it isrunning properly.

Prerequisitesl You have logged in to the M2.

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l You have the permission to check service status.

Procedurel Check the service status on the client.

1. Choose System > System Monitor > Browser.

2. On the Service Monitor tab page of the System Monitor Browser window, checkthe service status of the server.

– If a service is abnormal, the icon for this service is displayed in red.

– In the System Monitor Browser window, right-click any area. In the displayedshortcut menu, select Refresh to refresh the current window.

l Check the service status by running commands.

1. Log in to the server as user omcuser.


l If you have logged in to the server as another user, you can run the su - omcuser commandin the command terminal window to switch to user omcuser.

l If you are required to type a password after the su - omcuser command runs, type thepassword of user omcuser.

2. Run the following command to navigate to the M2 server software installationdirectory. (The default installation directory is /opt/Nastar.)

~> cd /opt/Nastar

3. Run the following commands to check M2 service status:

~> . ./

~> svc_adm -cmd status

The command output similar to the following information is displayed:

[All Services: 24 ] [Running: 24 ] [Not Running: 0 ]

– In the command output, if the service status is Running, the service is runningproperly.

– In the command output, if the service status is Not Running, the service is notstarted.

– In the command output, if the service status is No License, the service is notregistered.


The M2 may dynamically generate processes and services when it is running. The number ofprocesses and services queried each time may be different.


12.2.11 Checking SAU Service StatusThis section describes how to check SAU service status to see whether it is running properly.

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Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to check SAU services:

~> cd /opt/PSSAU

~> . ./

~> ps_query

When the following or similar information is displayed, SAU services are running.

Service Agent: PSau.Calculator [1 service(s)] pid: 24663 PSau.Calculator [running] Service Agent: PSau.Collector [1 service(s)] pid: 24692 PSau.Collector [running] Service Agent: PSau.Controller [1 service(s)] pid: 24556 PSau.Controller [running] Service Agent: SysMonitor [1 service(s)] pid: 24589 SysMonitor [running] [All Services: 4 ] [Running: 4] [Not Running: 0 ]


l In the displayed information, if the state of the service is Running, the service operate properly.

l In the displayed information, if the state of the service is Not Running, the service is abnormal.

l At the end of the displayed information, if the value of Not Running is 0, all the SAU services operateproperly. Otherwise, some SAU services have not started.


12.2.12 Checking eSAU Service StatusThis section describes how to check eSAU service status to see whether it is running properly.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to view eSAU service status:

~> cd /opt/esau

~> . ./

~> esau_ps

When the following or similar information is displayed, eSAU services are running.

Monitor...........................runningeSAU...........................runningSysMonitor.....................running[All Services: 3] [Running: 3] [Not Running: 0 ]

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l In the displayed information, if the state of the service is Running, you can infer that the service operateproperly.

l In the displayed information, if the state of the service is Not Running, you can infer that the serviceis abnormal.

l At the end of the displayed information, if the value of Not Running is 0, you can infer that all theeSAU services operate properly. Otherwise, some eSAU services have not been started.


12.2.13 Checking Agent Server Service StatusThis section describes how to check Agent Server service status to see whether it is runningproperly.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

Step 2 Run the following commands to check Agent Server service status:

~> cd /opt/Nastar

~> . ./

~> cd tomcat

~> . status

service is running.

l In the displayed information, if the state of the service is running, the service operateproperly.

l In the displayed information, if the state of the service is not running, the service is abnormal.


12.2.14 Checking Oracle Database StatusThis section describes how to check Oracle database status.

Prerequisitesl You have logged in to the M2 client.

l You are authorized to check the status of the Oracle database.

Contextl If the database usage exceeds the preset threshold, the icon of this item is displayed in red.

l You can right-click in the System Monitor Browser window and choose Refresh fromthe shortcut menu to refresh the current window.

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Procedurel Check Oracle database status on M2 client.

1. Choose System > System Monitor > Browser.

2. On the Database Monitor tab page of the System Monitor Browser window, checkthe usage of the Oracle database.

l Check Oracle database status of the M2 using commands.

1. Log in to the server as user root.

2. Run the following command to check whether Oracle database services are started:

# ps -fu oracle

UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMDOracle 5141 1 0 21:36 ? 00:00:00 ora_pmon_imapdb....Oracle 5157 1 0 21:36 ? 00:00:00 ora_dbw0_imapdb...Oracle 5165 1 0 21:36 ? 00:00:00 ora_lgwr_imapdbOracle 5167 1 0 21:36 ? 00:00:00 ora_ckpt_imapdbOracle 5169 1 0 21:36 ? 00:00:00 ora_smon_imapdb...Oracle 5197 1 0 21:36 ? 00:00:00 ora_arc0_imapdb.../opt/oracle/oradb/home/bin/tnslsnr LISTENER -inherit

– If the command result contains at least the following six processes, Oracle databaseservices and listening services are running normally.

– ora_pmon_ imapdb

– ora_dbw0_ imapdb

– ora_lgwr_ imapdb

– ora_ckpt_ imapdb

– ora_smon_ imapdb

– /opt/oracle/oradb/home/bin/tnslsnr

– If no command output is displayed, Oracle database services are not startedproperly. Start database services by referring to 9.1.3 Staring Oracle.


12.2.15 Checking GaussDB Database StatusThis section describes how to check GaussDB database status. GaussDB is the database softwareof Agent Server.

PrerequisitesYou have started the Agent Server service. To check whether Agent Server service are started,see 8.2.2 Checking Agent Server Service Status.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user gaussdba.

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l If you have logged in to the server as another user, you can run the su - gaussdba commandin the command terminal window to switch to user gaussdba.

l If you are required to type a password after the su - gaussdba command runs, type thepassword of user gaussdba.

Step 2 Run the following command to navigate to the home directory:

~> cd ~

Step 3 Run the following command to check GaussDB database status.

~> gs_ctl query

If the information similar to the following is displayed, GaussDB database services are started.Otherwise, GaussDB database services are not started.



12.3 Weekly Maintenance ItemsThis section describes weekly maintenance operations, which helps you identify exceptions suchas function failure and performance decrease and provides guidance for you to take actionsaccordingly. You can also back up data during weekly maintenance to avoid data loss. Weeklymaintenance operations also involve checking the disk usage of the server, checking server time,and clearing up disks of the server and client.

12.3.1 Viewing the Hard Disk Usage of the ServerThis section describes how to check the disk usage and delete expired log files, temporary files,and other files that are no longer in use. This operation requires few system resources and doesnot affect system performance.

Prerequisitesl You have logged in to the M2 client.

l You are authorized to check the disk usage of the server.

Contextl In normal cases, the usage of each disk partition should be lower than 80%.

l The space available on each disk partition must be sufficient to back up the M2.

Procedurel View the hard disk usage of the server on the client.

1. Choose System > System Monitor > Browser.

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2. In the System Monitor Browser window, click the Hard Disk Monitor tab to viewthe disk usage of the server.

l View the hard disk usage by running commands.

1. Log in to the server as user root and run the following command to view the hard diskusage.

# df -k

2. View the hard disk usage.

– In normal cases, the hard disk usage is lower than 80%, and the value of Use% issmaller than 80%.

– View the disk partition with the largest available space. The available space mustbe sufficient to back up the M2.

– If the disk space is insufficient, clean up the disk space by referring to 10.1Clearing Up the Disk Space for the Server.


12.3.2 Checking the Server TimeThis section describes how to check the time of the server to ensure that the server time is thesame as the actual time.


Step 1 Log in to the server as user root, and then run the following command to check the time of theserver.

# date

The server time is displayed, for example:

Wed Aug 29 14:57:51 CST 2012

Step 2 Change the server time by referring to 2.2 Changing the Date and Time of the Server if it isincorrect.


12.3.3 Cleaning Up the Disk Space of the ServerBefore clearing up the disk, you need to ensure that the files you want to delete are not requiredfor future operations. Deleting useful files by mistake may lead to improper system running.


During the routine operation and maintenance, back up and delete the following files:

l Files containing the information about the M2 server

l Software upgrade packages and decompressed files

l Trace logs

l Temporary files created during system operation

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CAUTIONYou can delete files when the server is running. Before deleting files, run the ls -l command tocheck the time when the files were generated. Do not delete the files generated on the currentday.


Step 1 Export the files containing the information about the M2 server and back up the files to a localhard disk.

The following files are included:

l User log filesUser log dump files are saved in the /opt/Nastar/var/userlogs/ directory.

l Core files generated by the systemCore files are saved in the /opt/Nastar/var/logs, /opt/esau/var/logs, and /opt/PSSAU/var/logs directories.

l History trace filesHistorical trace files are saved in the /opt/Nastar/var/logs/tracebak, /opt/esau/var/logs/backup, and /opt/PSSAU/var/logs/backup directories.

Step 2 Delete M2 software upgrade packages and decompressed files.

After the software is successfully upgraded, you can delete the original upgrade packages andthe decompressed files. The upgrade packages and decompressed files are stored in a directorythat is named after the upgrade patch in the /export/home/M2update directory.

Step 3 Perform the following substeps to delete the trace logs of M2 services.1. Run the following command to edit the tracemonitor_svc_ex.xml file:

# vi /opt/Nastar/etc/conf/tracemonitor_svc_ex.xml

2. Press i to start editing.3. Change the value of tracebackupnum in the tracemonitor_svc_ex.xml file to decrease

trace backup files.

Edit the tracemonitor_svc_ex.xml file in the /opt/Nastar/etc/conf/ directory to set thetrace log monitoring period, size limit, and number of backup files. /opt/Nastar is the defaultinstallation directory of the M2 server software.

You can change the value of checktracetime to set the period for monitoring the trace log.You can change the value of tracebackupnum to set the number of backup trace files foreach process in the /opt/Nastar/var/logs/tracebak directory. The system checks the tracefile every 300 seconds. If the number of trace files corresponding to one process in thetracebak directory exceeds the preset value, the system deletes the earliest trace files insequence.

The content of the tracemonitor_svc_ex.xml file is as follows:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

<tracemonitor name="tracemonitor" mount="/imap/tracemonitor">

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<!-- CCB-ITEM checktracetime indicates that how long trace file will be checked!Min value is 300 seconds! --> <param name="checktracetime">300</param><!-- CCB-ITEM tracebackupnum indicates the max number of reserved trace file! --> <param name="tracebackupnum">50</param></tracemonitor>

4. Press Esc after the change is complete. Run the command :wq! and press Enter to savethe change and exit the vi editor.

Step 4 Perform the following substeps to delete the trace logs and processed files of eSAU:1. Run the following command to edit the configuration file:

# vi /opt/esau/etc/FileManagerConfig.xml

2. Press i to start editing.3. Modify the saveDays attribute of the following configuration items in the file to reduce the

time for backing up trace logs and saving the processed files.

In the preceding example, files in /opt/esau/data/eSAUSucceed are successfully processedand those in /opt/esau/data/eSAUFailed fail to be processed. The system checks thecorresponding directories every 300 seconds. saveDays is the storage duration (days). Ifthe value exceeds the threshold, the system deletes the earliest trace files in sequence.

<Para path="/opt/esau/data/eSAUSucceed" saveDays="0.5" dirCheckISecs="300" scriptRoot=""/><Para path="/opt/esau/data/eSAUFailed" saveDays="30" dirCheckISecs="300" scriptRoot=""/><Para path="/opt/esau/var/logs/backup " saveDays="30" dirCheckISecs="300" scriptRoot=""/>

4. Press Esc after the change is complete. Run the command :wq! and press Enter to savethe change and exit the vi editor.

5. Run the following commands to restart eSAU services for the setting to take effect.

a. Stop eSAU services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.12 Stopping eSAU Services.b. Start eSAU services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.11 Starting eSAU Services.

Step 5 Perform the following substeps to delete the trace logs and processed files of SAU:1. Run the following command to modify the /opt/PSSAU/etc/platform/log_cfg.xml file.

# vi /opt/PSSAU/etc/platform/log_cfg.xml

2. Press i to start editing.3. Change the value of <MaxCount>10</MaxCount> to reduce the number of history logs

you want to dump.

The content of the log_cfg.xml file is as follows: You can change the value of<MaxCount>10</MaxCount> to set the number of history logs of each type you want todump in the /opt/PSSAU/var/logs/backup directory. If the value is reduced, the systemdeletes the earliest trace files in sequence.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><LogSys><!-- Min:10 Max:1000 Def:30 Unit:MB --> <MaxSize>30</MaxSize><!-- Min:1 Max:1000 Def:10 --> <MaxCount>10</MaxCount><!-- Value:true|false Def:false --><!-- true:check if zip by file size and date, false:check if zip only by size--

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> <CheckZipMode>true</CheckZipMode><!-- Value:true|false Def:false --><!-- true:write log direct, false:write log by thread --> <SynchronousLog>true</SynchronousLog></LogSys>

4. Press Esc after the change is complete. Run the command :wq! and press Enter to savethe change and exit the vi editor.

5. Perform the following substeps to modify the /opt/PSSAU/etc/FileManagerConfig.xmlfile.

# vi /opt/PSSAU/etc/FileManagerConfig.xml

6. Press i to start editing.7. If you modify the saveDays configuration item under <!-- to delete according to time --

>, the system automatically deletes the earliest files in sequence. If you modify themaxSpace configuration item under <!-- to delete according to size-->, the system scansthe files in the directory. If the value exceeds the threshold, the system deletes the earliesttrace files in sequence.

Modify only the configuration items in bold in the following displayed information:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!--TODO:use XPath tree structure --><FileManagerConfig> <FileDelInfo delaySecs="100" intervalSecs="300"> <!-- to delete according to time --> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/filepath" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="0" dirCheckISecs="300"/><Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/M2_MCHR" saveDays="90" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/MCounter" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/ReduceMCounter" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/ftpdir" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/reduceDir" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/EDR" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/PCRF/master" saveDays="3" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/PCRF/cu" saveDays="0.125" rmSubDir="0" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/db/PCRF_QUOTA_INDEX" saveDays="0.125" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/db/PCRF_SUBSCRIBER_INDEX" saveDays="0.125" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/logupload" saveDays="0.125" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/logs" saveDays="10" rmSubDir="0" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/log" saveDays="10" rmSubDir="0" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/operation" saveDays="10" rmSubDir="0" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/var/logs" saveDays="10" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <!--to delete according to size --> <FilePathGrp name="COUNTER" maxSpace="50" cleanupPercent="50" > <!--maxSpace:Gb--> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/filepath" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="0" dirCheckISecs="300"/>

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<Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/MCounter" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/ReduceMCounter" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/ftpdir" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/reduceDir" saveDays="1" rmSubDir="1" dirCheckISecs="300"/> </FilePathGrp> <FilePathGrp name="FTP" maxSpace="10" cleanupPercent="50" > <!--maxSpace:Gb--> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/EDR" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/PCRF/master" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/PCRF/cu/download" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/PCRF/cu/SUBSCRIBER" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/PCRF/cu/SUBQUOTA" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/data/PCRF/cu/QUOTA" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/db/PCRF_QUOTA_INDEX" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/db/PCRF_SUBSCRIBER_INDEX" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/logupload" dirCheckISecs="300"/> </FilePathGrp> <FilePathGrp name="LOG" maxSpace="30" cleanupPercent="50" > <!--maxSpace:Gb--> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/logs" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/output/log" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/opt/PSSAU/var/operation" dirCheckISecs="300"/> <Para path="/var/logs" dirCheckISecs="300"/> </FilePathGrp> </FileDelInfo>

<!--focus on disk --> <DiskMonitorInfo delaySecs="100" intervalSecs="3600"> <Disk name="/export/home/" alarmSizePercent="75" deleteSizePercent="90"> <Para path="sysm/PSSAU/var/output"/> <Para path="sysm/PSSAU/var/data/MCounter"/> <Para path="sysm/PSSAU/var/data/ReduceMCounter"/> <Para path="sysm/PSSAU/var/data/EDR"/> <Para path="sysm/PSSAU/var/data/PCRF"/> <Para path="sysm/PSSAU/var/operation"/> <Para path="sysm/PSSAU/var/logs"/> </Disk> <Disk name="/" alarmSizePercent="75" deleteSizePercent="90"> <Para path="var/logs"/> </Disk> </DiskMonitorInfo></FileManagerConfig>

8. Press Esc after the change is complete. Run the command :wq! and press Enter to savethe change and exit the vi editor.

9. Perform the following substeps to restart SAU services for the setting to take effect.

a. Stop SAU services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.8 Stopping SAU Services.

b. Start SAU services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.7 Starting SAU Services.

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Step 6 Perform the following substeps to delete the useless files.

CAUTIONBefore clearing up disk space, check that the files you want to delete are no longer required.Deleting useful files by mistake might cause abnormal system running.

1. Log in to the server as user root.2. Delete the core files of M2, SAU and eSAU.

The three types of core files are saved in the following directories respectively: /opt/Nastar/var/logs, /opt/PSSAU/var/logs, and opt/esau/var/logs.

l Delete the core files one week earlier.l For the core files within one week, contact Huawei technical support engineers.

Delete the core files that the Huawei technical support engineers confirm useless.3. Delete all files in the /var/tmp directory after you stop M2 services.

l Stop M2 services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.4 Stopping M2 Server Services.l Restart M2 services. For detailed operations, see 8.1.3 Starting M2 Server Services.

4. Delete the log files in /opt/Nastar/var/logs, /opt/PSSAU/var/logs, and opt/esau/var/logs.

Step 7 Delete the historical data that has been processed by the M2 service process.1. Log in to the server as user omcuser.

Run su - omcuser to switch to user omcuser if you have logged in to the server as otherusers:

2. Run the following command to navigate to the /opt/Nastar/var/data/nastarm directory.

~> cd /opt/Nastar/var/data/nastarm

3. Delete all files in survey_bak, survey_missingformater, and survey_invalid_bak.4. Delete all files in registerReport_bak.5. Delete all files in statusReport_bak.

Step 8 Delete the trace logs of Agent Server.1. Log in to the server as user omcuser.

Run su - omcuser to switch to user omcuser if you have logged in to the server as otherusers.

2. Run the following command to navigate to the /opt/Nastar/tomcat/logs directory.

~> cd /opt/Nastar/tomcat/logs

3. Optional: If you need to locate the problems, back up the files in the directory.4. Run the following command to delete all files in the directory.

~> rm –rf *

5. Restart the Tomcat service.

a. Run the following commands to stop the Tomcat service.

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~> cd /opt/Nastar/

~> . ./

~> cd /opt/Nastar/tomcat

~> . stop

b. Run the following commands to restart the Tomcat service:

~> cd /opt/Nastar/

~> . ./

~> cd /opt/Nastar/tomcat

~> . start


12.3.4 Cleaning Up the Disk Space of the ClientThis section describes how to clear up the disk space for M2 so that more free disk space isavailable.


You have installed the client software.


l You are advised not to delete the files generated on the current day.

l You are advised not to delete files when the client is running.

l Before you delete a file, check that it can be deleted. Deleting useful files by mistake maylead to system operation errors.


Step 1 Delete historical trace logs.


Clearing up disk space tasks involves deleting historical trace logs on the client.

The historical trace logs are saved in the Installation directory of the client software\client\tracefile directory.


12.4 Monthly Maintenance ItemsMonthly maintenance helps the system operate securely, stably, and reliably in a long term.Monthly maintenance involves checking and setting user rights of M2 server, checking powersupply of the server, and checking M2 system licenses.

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12.4.1 Checking and Setting M2 Server User RightsThis section describes how to regularly set the M2 user rights to ensure the security of the M2system.


Step 1 Log in to the M2 client as user admin.

Step 2 Choose Security > Security Management.

Step 3 Set the rights of M2 users in the Security Management window.

Adhere to the following principles when you set user rights:l Delete expired user accounts in time.l Classify users into different user groups based on user rights, and then assign rights to user

groups instead of users. This minimizes the impact on the performance of the M2 system.


12.4.2 Checking the Power Supply of the ServerThis section describes how to check the power supply of the server.


Step 1 Check the power supply indicators on the server and the monitor.

In normal cases, all power supply indicators are on and green and all fault indicators are off.

Step 2 To view the power supply failure information recorded in the recent logs by the SUSE Linuxoperating system, run the following commands:

# more /var/log/messages

# more /var/log/warn

In normal cases, the logs do not contain any power supply failure information.

Step 3 Check that the power supply of the server works properly.

In normal cases, all the indicators of the external power supply are on and green, and all the faultindicators are off.


12.4.3 Checking the M2 System LicenseThis section describes how to check the M2 system license to ensure that M2 system servicesare running within the valid period.

Prerequisitesl You have installed the license in the M2 system.l You have logged in to the M2 client.

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ContextA message is displayed one week before the license expires.


Step 1 In the main menu, choose Help > License Management > License Information.

Step 2 The expiry time of the M2 license is displayed in the first row of the Resource Control Itemtable in the License Information dialog box, as shown in Figure 12-1.

Figure 12-1 License information


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13 FAQs

About This Chapter

This section describes the common frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the M2 and thecorresponding solutions.

13.1 How Do I Log In to the M2 Server in SSH Mode by Using PuTTY?This section describes how to log in to the server in SSH mode by using the PuTTY tool.

13.2 How Do I Use FileZilla to Transfer Files?The M2 supports SFTP transfer by default as SFTP transfer improves the security of file transfer.FileZilla is a dedicated file transfer tool that supports both SFTP transfer and resumabledownload. You are advised to use FileZilla to transfer files.

13.3 How Do I Start M2 System Services? (One-Click)This section describes how to start M2 system services using the one-click script. After runningthe commands to start M2 services, all M2 services are started. The system ignores the M2processes that are already started and starts only the inactive services.

13.4 How Do I Stop M2 System Services? (One-Click)This section describes how to stop M2 system services using the one-click script. After runningthe commands to stop M2 services, all M2 services are stopped.

13.5 How Do I Start M2 System Services?This section describers how to start M2 system services. After running the commands to startM2 system services, all M2 services are started. The system ignores the M2 processes that arealready started and starts only the inactive services.

13.6 How Do I Stop M2 System Services?This section describers how to stop M2 system services. After running the commands to stopM2 system services, all M2 services are stopped.

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13.1 How Do I Log In to the M2 Server in SSH Mode byUsing PuTTY?

This section describes how to log in to the server in SSH mode by using the PuTTY tool.

Prerequisitesl You have contacted Huawei technical support engineers to obtain PuTTY at http:// for Huawei technical support to download the software at Software Center > Controlled Tool > Core Network Line >Wireless OSS > iManager M2000-II > Public Tools.

l The PC communicates with the server properly.


CAUTIONAfter operating system hardening is performed, if you fail to log in to the server as user root inpassword authentication mode using SSH, you can log in to the server as a user other thanroot, for example, user omcuser, in SSH mode. Then, run the su - root command to switch touser root.


Step 1 Decompress In the decompressed folder, double-click putty.exe. A dialog box isdisplayed, as shown in Figure 13-1.

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Figure 13-1 PuTTY Configuration

Step 2 Optional: To record operation logs, choose Session > Logging from the left navigation tree,select Log all session output in the Session logging area, and set the save path of the operationlogs in the Log file name area, as shown in Figure 13-2.

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Figure 13-2 Logging

Step 3 Choose Session in the left pane, select SSH in the right pane, enter server IP address in HostName (or IP Address), and then click Open to log in to the server, as shown in Figure 13-3.

When PuTTY is started for the first time, the PuTTY Security Alert dialog may be displayed.Click Yes to continue.

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Figure 13-3 Session

Step 4 Type the user name and password for the server to log in to the server as prompted.login as: [email protected]'s password:Last login: Wed Dec 21 14:04:49 2011 from are trying to access a restricted zone. Only Authorized Users allowed.


13.2 How Do I Use FileZilla to Transfer Files?The M2 supports SFTP transfer by default as SFTP transfer improves the security of file transfer.FileZilla is a dedicated file transfer tool that supports both SFTP transfer and resumabledownload. You are advised to use FileZilla to transfer files.

Prerequisitesl You have obtained the IP address of the destination server.

l The communication between the PC and the destination server is normal.

l You have obtained the file to be uploaded to the server and have saved the file to the PC.

l You have contacted Huawei technical support engineers to obtain at and decompressed it to the PC.

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Path for Huawei technical support to download the software at Software Center > Controlled Tool > Core Network Line >Wireless OSS > iManager M2000-II > Public Tools.

l You have obtained the user password of the destination server.


Step 1 Double-click filezilla.exe to start the tool.

Step 2 In the upper left area of the FileZilla window, click .

Step 3 In the lower left area of the Site Manager dialog box, click New Site.

Step 4 On the General tab page, set site parameters according to Table 13-1.

Table 13-1 Parameters in the Site Manager dialog box

Parameter Description

Host Enter the IP address of the destination server.

Port 22Port 22 is the default port for SFTP transfer.

Server type SFTP

Logon type Normal

User Enter the user name and password of the destination server. The user haspermission to access the destination directory.NOTEl If the user uploads or downloads files, the user must also have the permission to

upload from or download to the destination directory.l If you cannot connect to the server through SFTP as user root using the FileZilla

after operating system security hardening is performed. To connect to the serverthrough SFTP, you can use a user account other than root, for example, omcuser.


Step 5 Click Connect.


l You can ignore the dialog box displayed during the connection. Click OK in the dialog box.

l After the connection is successful, the Remote Site area displays directory information on the remoteserver.

Step 6 In the Remote site area, set the destination directory on the server. For example, /opt.After you set the directory, the Remote site area displays all files stored in this directory.

Step 7 In the Local site area, set the source directory on the PC. For example, D:\FILE.After you set the directory, the Local site area displays all files stored in this directory.

Step 8 Perform the following operations as required.

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Purpose Operation

Upload files In the Local site area, right-click the file to be uploaded and chooseUpload from the shortcut menu.

Download files In the Remote site area, right-click the file to be downloaded and chooseDownload from the shortcut menu.


If the upload or download fails, click the Failed transfers tab in the lower left area of the FileZilla window.Then right-click the file that fails to be transferred and choose Reset and requeue selected files from theshortcut menu to resume the file transfer.


13.3 How Do I Start M2 System Services? (One-Click)This section describes how to start M2 system services using the one-click script. After runningthe commands to start M2 services, all M2 services are started. The system ignores the M2processes that are already started and starts only the inactive services.


How do I start M2 system services using the one-click script?


You can check whether the M2 one-click installation packgeM2V100R002C00SPC400OneKeyInstall_pkg.tar or one-click script is available in the /export/home/m2install directory by running ls /export/home/m2install.

l Perform the following steps to start M2 system services if at least one of the above is available.

l Start M2 system services by referring to 13.5 How Do I Start M2 System Services? if neither ofthem is available.

Step 1 Optional: Log in to the server as user root. Then, run the following commands to decompressone-click installation packge:

# cd /export/home/m2install

# tar -xvf M2V100R002C00SPC400OneKeyInstall_pkg.tar

Step 2 Check that the Oracle database services are started properly.

1. Check Oracle database service status. For detailed operations, see 9.1.2 Checking OracleDatabase Running Status.

2. Start Oracle database services if they are not normally started. For detailed operations, see9.1.3 Staring Oracle.

Step 3 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

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Step 4 Run the following commands to start M2 system services:

~> cd /export/home/m2install

~> sh

The following information is displayed:

Start services:PSSAU .......... [OK]eSAU .......... [OK]M2Server .......... [OK]

l If the preceding information is displayed, M2 system services are started successfully.

l Otherwise, M2 system services fail to be started. If this occurs, perform Step 4 again. If youfail to start M2 system services several times, contact Huawei technical support engineers.


13.4 How Do I Stop M2 System Services? (One-Click)This section describes how to stop M2 system services using the one-click script. After runningthe commands to stop M2 services, all M2 services are stopped.


How do I stop M2 system services using the one-click script?


You can check whether the M2 one-click installation packgeM2V100R002C00SPC400OneKeyInstall_pkg.tar or one-click script is available in the /export/home/m2install directory by running ls /export/home/m2install.

l Perform the following steps to stop M2 system services if at least one of the above is available.

l Stop M2 system services by referring to 13.6 How Do I Stop M2 System Services? if neither ofthem is available.

Step 1 Optional: Log in to the server as user root. Then, run the following commands to decompressone-click installation packge:

# cd /export/home/m2install

# tar -xvf M2V100R002C00SPC400OneKeyInstall_pkg.tar

Step 2 Log in to the server as user omcuser.

Step 3 Run the following commands to stop M2 system services:

~> cd /export/home/m2install

~> sh

When the following information is displayed, type yes.Warning : you are going to stop all products' servicesAre you going to continue [yes/no]: yes

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If the following information is displayed, all the services are stopped. Otherwise, perform Step4 to forcibly stop services.

PSSAU .......... [OK]eSAU .......... [OK]M2Server .......... [OK]

Step 4 Perform the following step to forcibly stop M2 services if you fail to stop the services in Step3. Otherwise, skip this step.

1. Run the following commands to forcibly stop the SAU process:

~> cd /opt/PSSAU

~> .

~> ps_kill

2. Run the following commands to forcibly stop the eSAU process:

~> cd /opt/esau

~> .

~> esau_kill

3. Run the following commands to forcibly stop the M2 daemon process:

~> cd /opt/Nastar

~> .

~> kill_daem

4. Run the following command to check whether the TAO process is stopped:

~> ps -ef |grep 9999 |grep -v grep

l If no command output is displayed, the TAO process has been stopped.

l If there is any command output, the TAO process has not been stopped. If this occurs,run the following command to forcibly stop the TAO process:

~> kill –9 Process ID

Process ID in the preceding command indicates the process ID in the second columnof the command output.


13.5 How Do I Start M2 System Services?This section describers how to start M2 system services. After running the commands to startM2 system services, all M2 services are started. The system ignores the M2 processes that arealready started and starts only the inactive services.


How do I start M2 system services?

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You can check whether the M2 one-click installation packgeM2V100R002C00SPC400OneKeyInstall_pkg.tar or one-click script is available in the /export/home/m2install directory by running ls /export/home/m2install.

l Start M2 system services by referring to 13.3 How Do I Start M2 System Services? (One-Click)if at least one of the above is available.

l Perform the following steps to start M2 system services if neither of them is available.

Step 1 Start M2 services.1. Log in to the server as user omcuser, and then run the following command to navigate to

the installation directory of the M2 server software (the default installation directory of theM2 server software is /opt/Nastar):

~> cd /opt/Nastar

2. Run the following commands to start the M2 services:

~> . ./

~> start_svc

3. Run the following command to check whether all M2 services are stared.

~> svc_adm -cmd status

Check the value of the parameter Not Running: If the parameter value is 0, all servicesare normally started. Otherwise, some M2 services are not started.

Step 2 Start eSAU services.1. Log in to the server as user omcuser.2. Run the following commands to start eSAU services:

~> cd /opt/esau

~> . ./

~> esau_start

3. Run the following command to check whether all eSAU services are stared.

~> esau_ps

Check the value of the parameter Not Running: If the parameter value is 0, all servicesare normally started. Otherwise, some eSAU services are not started.

Step 3 Start SAU services.1. Log in to the server as user omcuser.2. Run the following commands to start SAU services:

~> cd /opt/PSSAU

~> . ./

~> ps_start

3. Run the following command to check whether all SAU services are stared.

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~> ps_query

Check the value of the parameter Not Running: If the parameter value is 0, all servicesare normally started. Otherwise, some SAU services are not started.

Step 4 Start Agent Server service.

1. Log in to the server as user omcuser, and then run the following command to navigate tothe installation directory of the M2 server software (the default installation directory of theM2 server software is /opt/Nastar):

~> cd /opt/Nastar

2. Run the following commands to start the Tomcat service:

~> . ./

~> cd /opt/Nastar/tomcat

~> . start

When the following or similar information is displayed, Tomcat service is running.

service starting...service startup successful.

Step 5 Start GaussDB database services.

1. Log in to the server as user gaussdba.

Run the following command to switch to user gaussdba if you have logged in to the serveras other users:

~> su - gaussdba

2. Run the following command to start GaussDB database services:

~> gs_ctl start -l db.log -D /opt/gaussdb/data

If the information similar to the following is displayed, GaussDB database services arestarted.

server starting.... doneserver started


13.6 How Do I Stop M2 System Services?This section describers how to stop M2 system services. After running the commands to stopM2 system services, all M2 services are stopped.


How do I stop M2 system services?

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You can check whether the M2 one-click installation packgeM2V100R002C00SPC400OneKeyInstall_pkg.tar or one-click script is available in the /export/home/m2install directory by running ls /export/home/m2install.

l Stop M2 system services by referring to 13.4 How Do I Stop M2 System Services? (One-Click) ifat least one of the above is available.

l Perform the following steps to stop M2 system services if neither of them is available.

Step 1 Stop M2 services.1. Log in to the server as user omcuser, and then run the following command to navigate to

the installation directory of the M2 server software (the default installation directory of theM2 server software is /opt/Nastar):

~> cd /opt/Nastar

2. Run the following commands to stop the M2 Server services.

~> . ./

~> stop_svc

3. Run the following command to check whether the service processes are stopped:

~> svc_ps

l If no command result is displayed, the service processes are stopped.l If any command result is displayed, run the kill_svc command to forcibly stop the

running service processes.4. Run the following command to stop the daemon process:

~> stop_daem

5. Run the following command to check whether the daemon process is stopped:

~> daem_ps

l If no command result is displayed, the daemon process is stopped.l If any command result is displayed, run the kill_daem command to forcibly stop the

daemon.6. Run the following command to check whether the TAO process is stopped:

~> ps -ef |grep 9999 |grep -v grep

l If no command result is displayed, the TAO process is stopped.l If any command result is displayed, run the stop_tao_services command to forcibly

stop the TAO process.

Step 2 Stop eSAU services.1. Log in to the server as user omcuser.2. Run the following commands to stop the eSAU services:

~> cd /opt/esau

~> . ./

GENEX Mobile ManagerAdministrator Guide (HP) 13 FAQs

Issue 04 (2013-08-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Page 200: GENEX Mobile Manager Administrator Guide(HP)(V100R002C00_04)(PDF)-En

~> esau_stop

3. Run the following command to ensure that all eSAU services have stopped:

~> esau_ps

Information similar to the following is displayed:

Monitor............................not runningeSAU...............................not runningSysMonitor.........................not running[All Services: 3 ] [Running: 0 ] [Not Running: 3 ]

l If the value of Running is 0, eSAU services are stopped.

l If the value of Running is not 0, run esau_kill to forcibly stop eSAU services.

Step 3 Stop SAU services.

1. Log in to the server as user omcuser.

2. Run the following commands to stop the SAU services:

~> cd /opt/PSSAU

~> . ./

~> ps_stop

3. Run the following command to ensure that all SAU services have stopped:

~> ps_query

l If no command output is displayed, the SAU services have stopped.

l If any command output is displayed, run the ps_kill command to forcibly stop theservices.

Step 4 Stop Agent Server service.

1. Log in to the server as user omcuser, and then run the following command to navigate tothe installation directory of the M2 server software (the default installation directory of theM2 server software is /opt/Nastar):

~> cd /opt/Nastar

2. Run the following commands to stop the Tomcat service:

~> . ./

~> cd /opt/Nastar/tomcat

~> . stop

When the following or similar information is displayed, Tomcat service is stopped.

service stopping...service stopped successful.

Step 5 Stop GaussDB database services.

1. Log in to the server as user gaussdba.

Run the following command to switch to user gaussdba if you have logged in to the serveras other users:

GENEX Mobile ManagerAdministrator Guide (HP) 13 FAQs

Issue 04 (2013-08-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Page 201: GENEX Mobile Manager Administrator Guide(HP)(V100R002C00_04)(PDF)-En

~> su - gaussdba

2. Run the following command to stop GaussDB database services:

~> gs_ctl stop -m fast

If the information similar to the following is displayed, GaussDB database services arestopped.

waiting for server to shut down.... doneserver stopped


GENEX Mobile ManagerAdministrator Guide (HP) 13 FAQs

Issue 04 (2013-08-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

