

Generator Rentals:


In emergency situations or power outages, rental

generators remain ideal for businesses to continue

regulatory operations without loss of production.

But before you rent a generator,

Here are 3 important factors you must

consider to get the perfect generator for your business needs.

Source of Power1.

Source of Power

• Many generators find their source of power through gas and diesel.

Diesel is often the preferred power for larger units by its ability to generate good power

output but can be more expensive to operate then gas generators.

Safety Functionality2.

Safety Functionality

• When looking to rent a generator, it is important to take note of what safety features are enabled such as:

• Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)• Oil Level Detection• Circuit Breaker

Size and Shape


Size and Shape

• Rental generators come in many different sizes and output charges.

It is a good rule of thumb to rent a generator that produces slightly more power than your business requires.