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Gene vs. Sickness – a DialogSam M. Chen


Son: It was reported that Angelina Jolie had another “preventative surgery” to mitigate the risk of cancer. This shows the power of genetics. That is really great.

Father: Yes it is a great achievement – to predict a sickness before it happens. Making prediction is the main purpose of science. With science we now can predict exactly when solar eclipse starts and where on the Earth is the best location to watch.

Son: Is this why you submitted our samples to 23 & Me for mapping of our genes?

Father: Yes. But the reports from 23 & Me were not as clear as in Angelina's case. Obviously, we do not have the types of gene variants Angelina has so we don't need to worry about any chance of getting her types of cancer – well, even if we have that kind of gene we will not have such cancer because we are men = no female hormone to support the growth of such cancer. However, for most other disease, there is no clear conclusion of whether we will or will not have. What the report told us is that based on statistics (generated from limited population), we might have a little more chance or a little less chance than that population to get such disease. That is far from what people want to know.

Son: But you said science is to make prediction.

Father: This means genetics is not yet a mature science like orbital mechanics which can predict solar eclipse precisely. There is a lot of work needed before it becomes mature just like you need years of study and play to grow up. There might still be a lot of things to do when you grow up if you are interested.

Son: You seem knowing a lot. Why don't you make some effort?

Father: I am not in this field and do not have enough background or facility to work on it. I am only an outside observer. But I do have some questions on this subject.

Son: Question will not help. Answer will.

Father: If there is no question, how can you get an answer? The process of refining your questions is the process you getting close to an answer.

Son: As an outsider, what kind of question can you ask?

Father: The first question is: Is sickness digital or analog? That is, whether sickness has only two states – either you have it or not have it, or it is gradual – a little less sick or more sick.

Son: Why it matters?

Father: If we want to associate gene with sickness with a mathematical model, we need to describe both sickness and gene quantitatively. Whether you have a certain gene variant or not is definitely binary. If sickness is also binary, the model might be digital. Otherwise, there will be a transition between digital and analog.

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Son: Why do you want a mathematical model?

Father: If you look at those mature sciences, there are always formulas. Whether it is Newton's mechanics or Einstein's E = mc^2, those formulas are so clear and simple.

Son: Science is not simple, right?

Father: Science may be very complex but its principle shall be simple and straight forward.

Son: Why?

Father: You cannot prove why. It is just faith.

Son: Now you are talking about religion, not science.

Father: Well, to make a scientific conclusion, you cannot base on faith. You must prove it objectively using experiments or observations. In the pursuit of science, faith may help you to be persistent. For example, Newton was very religious, he believed that the world created by God must be simple. After years of effort, he discovered the theory of gravity which is expressed in a really simple formula. The law of gravity is not based on faith but the process of finding that law is. Of course faith is not necessary religious. Faith is just some kind of belief based on your experience or religion that you insist obsessively.

Son: So scientists must be stubborn?

Father: Probably so. This is one major difference between a scientist and an engineer. In science, any conclusion other than the correct one is wrong while in engineering, every route leads to Rome. Therefore, as a scientist, you don't compromise but as an engineer, you have to compromise every day.

Son: So you compromise with Mom on her Chinese medicine theory?

Father: I do not object to Chinese medicine theory. The problem is that researchers could not find physical evidence of “jinlo” - there is no physical entity along “jinlo” although there might be some signal pathway and some examples of effectiveness. Therefore, that is also not a mature science if we can call it science.

Son: What about dark matter? Maybe the connection is composed of dark matter so no one can see.

Father: That is an interesting idea using dark matter to explain “jinlo”. Many people may buy your idea. But be careful. Science is not Harry Porter. Let us have a look: dark matter was suggested by some astronomers to explain unknown sources of gravitational forces. You can argue that since most matter in the universe is dark matter and if they can exist in far away galaxy they have the same right to exist in your body. Can they co-locate with ordinary matter? I don't know. However, the more important thing is how they interact with us. If ghosts live in another world and never interact with us, we don't care about them and you can make whatever theory about them since you can never verify. Dark matter interacts with matter through gravity only – at least the current theory says so. Gravity is measurable only for very heavy stuff not in the cell level. The gravitational force between cells is too weak to measure. It is hence difficult to explain how dark matter plays a role as a medium for “jinlo”

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signal pathway. But the idea of trying to create new concept to explain an unknown is plausible. Science starts from hypothesis which is only some kind of speculation before proven.

Son: Then, what else can be used as possible explanation?

Father: Well, we were talking about genes, right? Genes can be suppressed by attraction from other molecules. Here I don't know if gene suppression is on/off only or gradual. My guess is gradual – to make more difficult for the gene to be copied to messenger RNA. Assume at “jinlo” nodes, the control genes can send those control protein to suppress certain genes of the next node, that will constitute a signal network. But that is only speculation.

Son: So you like to speculate in addition to rely on faith?

Father: Now you become philosophical. Those are ways to be used in your process of discovery. In fact, there are more to them. For example, most difficult problems at work I solved were not solved in office but at home when I was half asleep early in the morning (while I am not getting paid!). Under the condition of half awake and half dream, nerves in brain make strange connections and a new idea might emerge. Therefore, when you begin your career, don't stretch yourself too much and give yourself some time for reflex. Newton discovered law of gravity while resting under an apple tree. Steve Jobs likes to meditate Zen and religious people pray. Under those conditions, your brain might generate some idea you can not get under daily stress.

Son: So you like Philosophy.

Father: This is why I have a Ph.D. - doctor of philosophy. But I guess most Ph.D.'s do not care about philosophy. I hope you will like philosophy. It helps you thinking properly.
