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COMPANY PROFILE +27-83-340 2107

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Why do we do what we do?By helping entrepreneurs and their enterprises to findclarity, stability and balance in their worlds, we willcontribute towards bringing clarity, stability andbalance to the world at large - one entrepreneur at atime.

We understand entrepreneurship: the hard work, therisk and reward, the countless challenges facingbusinesses on a minute-by-minute basis.

Whatever your situation – and we know it will beunique to you – we can help you can grow yourbusiness, and realise your dream.

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Who are we?

We are a dynamic consulting firm specialising inworking with entrepreneurs like you.

We’re well qualified to do this. We too areentrepreneurs so we know what it’s like to run & growa business; we know what you face; and what youneed. We will roll up our sleeves and get stuck intodoing what needs to be done.

We can help you to do just that by empowering yourpeople; designing & implementing processes; andenabling you to make profit to create your ideal future,hence our slogan PEOPLE. PROCESS. PROFIT.

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How can we support YOU ?

Coaching & Training


Job Design

& Grading




Relations &


Business Planning


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Coaching & Training

Are you ready for accelerated growth andmeasurable results NOW? We are not only yourstrategic advisor, but we can also provide much ofthe heavy lifting to enable you, the entrepreneur, totake your business to the next level of success.

With an emphasis on clarifying & implementing yourbusiness vision, our coaching interventions are idealfor start-ups, solo-preneurs, entrepreneurs, and smallbusiness owners as well as their employees.

We also offer customized training programmes foryour employees suited to your enterprise’s specificrequirements.

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Business Planning

Does your business have a clear strategy & plan?

Is the plan cascaded to other levels within the business?

Is the plan clear on measurable outputs; deliverables; responsibilities & standards.

Has the crux of your business plan been communicated to all employees?

If not, let us help you.

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BBBEE Support

BBBEE Consultation with Client:




Hand-over for BBBEE verification:






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Job Design & Job Grading

It is important for you to identify the type of work thatyour employees have to do, as well as the manner inwhich it has to be done by way of Job Analysis and JobDesign.

Job Grading will help you to determine the worth ofeach job in your business, and enables you to remunerateeach job fairly. This is a new requirement set out by theamended Employment Equity Act.

We are expert job evaluators, and will take the fuss outof this for you. Give us a try!

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Psychometric AssessmentsWith more than 17 years experience in the field of psychometricassessments, we can proudly say that our expertise in this fieldis solid. We pride ourselves on assisting entrepreneurs like youto optimise employee potential in your business.

Our psychometric assessments will assist you in the followingways:

• Recruitment and selection of the best candidate for the job.• Career development.• Succession planning.• Identify & optimize team dynamics.• Leadership / management readiness and development.• Identify training needs.

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Industrial Relations & H.R Support

We offer advice, guidance and the support you need totake swift and appropriate action fairly and within thebounds of labour law.

While you focus on your core business we will:

• Provide Industrial Relations guidance and advice;

• Conduct legal compliance audits;

• Compile contracts of employment;

• Compile disciplinary codes and procedures;

• Chair disciplinary hearings;

• Ensure strikes & lockouts are dealt swiftly and legally;

• Represent you at CCMA or Bargaining Council;

• Conduct wage negotiations with trade unions.

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Compliance & Risk Mitigation

We offer a wide range of Skills Development support –from identifying your relevant SETA (Sector Education andTraining Authority) through to the creation andsubmission of skills development plans & reports.

We are experts in developing & implementingEmployment Equity plans. We will guide you through theprocess and ensure that Employment Equity in yourbusiness not only meets the requirements of the EE Act,but also supports your growth and success.

Trust us to reduce your risks by safely guiding youthrough the mine-field of SA labour legislation.

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So, where to from here?

Contact Gavin Buys for a relaxed no-strings-attached chat over a cup of coffee and let’sexplore how we provide support to you, theentrepreneur and your business.

Phone : 083 340 2107 E-mail: [email protected]: