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Page 1: GATEWAY case examples

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A complete system for developing “Master Presentations”

- system for developing the most important corporate presentations such as attracting new investors, partners, clients, employees and improving organizational learning and efficiency.

Setting new presentation


Powerful & effective meetings

GATEWAY Compendium Series / Master Presentation Examples and Rationale / Version 4.0


Page 2: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Advanced Business Development

Powered by Visual Communications

Yielding Higher ROI

GATEWAY Innovation combines advanced visual

design with strategic business development to

optimize communications towards partners,

investors, customers, employees and members

of an organization.

Results of GATEWAY Innovation collaboration are

often reduced costs, improved revenue and

capital position together with better processes.

GATEWAY Innovation is breaking new grounds

as a combined strategy and communication

company. Explore our unique product offering

and learn about our world class tool box.

Page 3: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


How far can you go? GATEWAY Innovation works with ambitious companies, network organizations and projects. With a complete communication and presentation system we believe that growth is driven by solving communication challenges. Please explore our product offering to the right and in the following pages.

Are you open for new solutions to the following growth challenges: 1.  How can we efficiently attract more customer? 2.  How can we have more efficient processes in

attracting partners?

3.  How can we create better internal processes through more professional communications?

4.  How can we enhance our company value through better strategy and communication processes?

5.  How can we expand our financing options? We have our expertise in reflecting complex messages and yet simplifying them to fast track growth through powerful presentations!

Section I – Introducing a new presentation methodology

Page 4: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


“All-in-1” communication Companies can choose between different deliverables, but the GATEWAY Compendium/MASTER PRESENTATION format is the only one that may include “all-in-one” integration. GATEWAY material can be presented individually or together in one complete and consistent format, through our Compendiums that are illustrated in the following pages, these are formats we offer (please see section 3);

1.  Fact sheets

2.  Executive summaries

3.  Brochures

4.  Analysis

5.  Strategy documents

6.  Annual reports

7.  Embedded video teasers

8.  Client proposals

9.  Advertisements

10. Web page visualization and content

Which results would you be excited to achieve?

1.  Reduce 2/3 of your core corporate material? 2.  Save up to 50% of time and cost used on internal communication? 3.  Shorten customer sales cycles by over 50%? 4.  Fast track in attracting investors and partners processes? 5.  Improve corporate documentation to a world class level?

Fast-tracking growth by simplifying corporate communications!

In addition to combining strategy consultancy with visual communicating GATEWAY Innovation has a special focus: - we aim to identify the 20% of internal communication that has the potential to bring 80% of the value – having a special approach through MASTER PRESENTATIONS

Page 5: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Explore what is behind a Master Presentation System

Page 6: GATEWAY case examples

A complete system for better quality and efficiency: 1.  Reducing volume of presentations by improving the quality of the remaining 2.  Making presentation shorter, with better design/functionality/branding

3.  Integrating presentations better, supported by cloud based functionality

4.  Reducing internal costs, on better system for updates, upgrades and use  

“Master presentations”

System Fundamentals

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


The GATEWAY Innovation Master Presentation

System Offering

The order follows a logical order of actions in time, though most companies choose to go straight for testing the GATEWAY Master presentation and then may return for a more comprehensive approach. Pt. 1 ROI analysis and Target setting - gives in particular companies an opportunity to review current costs on producing, revising and using presentations throughout the organizations. An analysis can make it easier to narrow down the scope of area may yield the highest return. Pt. 2. Information Architecture Reviews gives particularly bigger organizations a map current where they should create better alignment. Pt. 3. Content Development, next page. In creating a master presentation we focus on business and industry specific content first, review, improve and restructure prior to applying visual design. Pt. 4. Multi purpose/use, see menu to the left, this shows the diversity of application areas we offer. Examples are given in section 2 of this presentation. Pt. 5. Modular, “All-in-one multiuse features”, section 3 gives multiple examples of independent use. Pt. 6. Cloud based access: better control and alignment of multiple presentations.

Page 7: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Pt. 1 and 2 of System Fundamentals

ROI & Information Architecture mapping

Page 8: GATEWAY case examples

Demanding business questions we address in creating a Master Presentation: 1.  What are the biggest challenges with existing material, where does

it have the highest potential for improvement?

2.  How can we create a Compendium with multiple uses towards multiple target groups?

3.  How can we create better clarity and precision with respect to describing value proposition, product offering, appeal to target groups and better show processes?

4.  Which missing content will radically improve the consistency, value and totality of the Compendium?

5.  What can be the tipping points were the business content reach a new level of competitive edge?  

Pt. 3, Business Content First – Visual Communications Next:

Critical and Creative Content Development

1.  We collect and radically condense existing material

2.  We define purpose/challenges for the project (important)

3.  We identify lacking content and how to get it

4.  We join in creating new business content

5.  We join searching new business content

6.  We create a better structure/navigation of content

7.  We join in several rounds of adjustments

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


We aim to develop world class business content and visual design to optimize company satisfaction!  

Page 9: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Section II: (nr 4 in our Presentation System)

Multi Purpose & Multi Target use

Page 10: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Master Presentations bring a new type of dialogue that will improve the effectiveness of your meetings. The following pages will show examples of a new presentation format that stands out.

Pt. 4, Introduction to multi purpose & multi target:

What will make a dialogue better?

1. Tailor presentations to the specific business purpose In the following pages you will explore how our Master presentations can be used in most of the business critical situations were effective and strong communication really matters.

2. Make more personal presentations Sitting closer together, getting more eye contact and less use of digital equipment are typical ways for how friends communicate. It is back to basics – by looking at the fundamentals of good communications we suggest to move away from the traditional project power point, when possible, and look for different and better ways to connect.

3. Excite and bring something new to the table The business content is often the most important, but how can you communicate your message in new ways that bring something new to the listener? How could you benefit from more striking presentation formats and visuals that let you have a more engaging dialogue.

4. Why not bringing it to the next level? How good can it get? What is the value of being able cutting down number of meetings because of reaching your meeting target faster? What would you benefit from if your presentation material was acknowledged as world class?

The expression “death by power point” alludes to that the creator of a power point is making a presentation too long, too confusing and often uninspiring by not preparing enough. Consequently there is a need for additional meetings because of inefficient communications. Better dialogue requires better clarity, better structure. with improved visuals. The right type of presentation tool should also inspire better and focused dialogues. Four challenges:

Page 11: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Product type: Financing and corporate Branding, Compendium Purpose: Ndorseit wants to communicate with Europe's biggest media agencies. GATEWAY Innovation has been involved in creating a Compendium for Partner profiling as well a financial prospect. Customer reference: ”GATEWAY Innovation has a great sense of detailing. They work with enthusiasm and we have a world class partner in elevating our communication and business material to a new level. Personal service and dedication to positive processes make collaboration enjoyable and efficient”.

Trygve Refvem, CEO Ndorseit

Also ask for our Partner Compendium developed for the company.

Page 12: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Product type: Financial/Investor Presentation Continued from last page

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Page 14: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Product type: Financing/Investor Presentation Purpose: Syncrotec has invested 4 million euro in its novel technology to position this towards charities world wide – a tournament auction system – to be used on mobile cell phone and potentially also broadcasted over TV. Customer reference: ”GATEWAY Innovation works with great speed and understands the underlying business needed to communicate with professional investors. We are impressed and feel fortunate to have found a partner that can assist us in optimizing what we have to offer to professional investors,

Eirik Kjølner, CEO Syncrotec

Also ask for our Partner Compendium developed for the company.

Page 15: GATEWAY case examples
Page 16: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Product type: Financial/Investor Presentation Purpose: Trianglo is offering furniture the world has never seen, a very comprehensive set of modular design that makes it possible to keep doing remodeling without always buying new furniture. The shared pricing model is also very attractive for interior designer – both from a financial standpoint and for flexibility in customization. The presentation will be used towards investors but also different partner and target groups. Customer reference: We are very impressed with GATEWAY Innovation. Their combination of business development and striking visual design makes us feel fortunate to collaborate with them. Their offering should have enormous potential internationally. There is great need for their type of service and we see GATEWAY Innovation as a long term partner.

Shaun Thanki, CEO Trianglo

Page 17: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Product type: Sales Presentation Purpose: Syncrotec is offering a novel IT auction solution for charities and the GATEWAY Compendium was created to position the company towards different charity customers in addition to position the company to attract resources and investors. Customer reference: “The best presentation we have had! GATEWAY Innovation is truly offering something unique you don’t find in the market: combining senior business strategy understanding with visual communications, we have gotten great reviews on our material”,

CEO and Founder, Erik Kjølner

Syncrotec is considering also expanding with an investor prospect, auction campaign tool kit and presentation of digital front/backend. Also see teaser video created.

Page 18: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Product type: Sales presentation Purpose: The company specializes in sales training through a methodology developed through many years of practice. The company has been featured in national on numerous occasions. GATEWAY Innovation found it of great interest when being requested by a consulting company actually specializing in sales training and yet asking for our assistance in visualizing how the company can be more effective in selling more of their programs more efficiently. Design and content by GATEWAY Innovation.

Page 19: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Product type: Sales Presentation Purpose: Working with world leading fashion partners the company has been compared to the Tom Ford fashion brand by national media. GATEWAY Innovation created from scratch a more comprehensive corporate communication format to extend the company profile in excellency in making tailored suites at an Armani quality. The target was to create higher volume sales and expand the brand awareness and competitive profile. Customer reference: I am very intrigued by what was created and see that this can take our brand, sales cycle and market recognition to the next level.

David Strømman, CEO Julius Caesar.

Page 20: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Product type: Sales Presentation Purpose: Health Diagnostic Laboratory (HDL) is a fast growing company, started in 2009 and no with a revenue by over $140 millions. The company is growing fast and needs to be efficient in making sales processes fast and efficient. GATEWAY Innovation was involved to start the European profile of the company also going internationally. Customer reference: GATEWAY Innovation is bringing our material to a new level by effectively concentrating and combining information from multiple sources and thus making compact presentations which are also a meeting a very high visual standard,

CEO, HDL Europe, Ove V. Solesvik

Page 21: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Product type: Sales material Purpose: Evolve has been successfully in engaging 400 companies to co-locate and to share knowledge and networks. As one of the biggest players of its kind the company wanted to expand further also to different markets and be even more effective in sales as well as having effective investor dialogues. Customer reference: GATEWAY Innovation has proved they can take existing material and take it to a level of professionalism that makes a difference.

CEO, Evolve, Marianne Wollan

Page 22: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Product type: Project Presentations Purpose: DNV is one of the worlds biggest certifying companies with global offices. In the U.S. they have sold their certification product to several hundred hospitals and plan to expand to many thousands. GATEWAY Innovation has done some initial work in scoping how current web and sales material can be concentrated and presented in a way to improve sales processes to the next level of efficiency and in building a strong corporate brand towards the hospital sector.

Page 23: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Product type: Project material, Compendium Purpose: Scanteam's practice areas include Aid Effectiveness; Capacity Development; Public Administration and Financial Management; Fragile States and Post-Conflict societies; Good Governance and Anti-corruption; Infrastructure, Energy and Environment; Private Sector Development; and Risk Analyses and Management. The purpose is to reflect complex services to multiple target groups more efficiently for internal knowledge transfer of methodology execution and for internal processes

For organizations focusing on Rights-based and Sustainable Development GATEWAY Innovation can assist with: 1.  Creating strategy for consistent

communication across all service areas. 2.  Fact sheets towards different target groups 3.  Video teasers to communication key value

propositions 4.  Partner focused-material

Page 24: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Product type: Member Organization Member Positioning Purpose: Representing the biggest cluster of IT companies in the country, they wanted communicate its offering looking for alternative ways of showcasing use and testimonials from different members. The goal is to get across the what, why, how and when to current members for increased engagement and to attract new once. Customer reference: The GATEWAY Innovation presentation format intrigued us and by having good experiences with GATEWAY in prior years we have been interested in testing this format both by using it ourselves but also by having workshops about this format for a best practice review with members.

Fredrik Syversen, ICT Norway

All pictures above show three different designs of a teaser.

Page 25: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Product type: Member recruiting and value increase of memberships, Compendium Purpose: ICT Grenland is with members such as Microsoft, HP down to smaller companies always looking for new ways to increase the 100 member based body and create value added services. Here is an illustration how key offering can become more clear, with better overviews and multipurpose use. Company reference: ”GATEWAY Innovation develops material with great independence and has impressed us with how they deliver advanced communication services while also understanding the substantive side of our needs as a member based organization”

Tor Arne Bellika, Management of ICT Grenland.

GATEWAY Innovation can to member organizations offer: -  Communications to better visualize key offering -  Create member cases -  Create video teasers on key offering -  Develop new programs to create additional funding -  Best practice workshops on international development

Page 26: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Product type: Internal education presentation Purpose: Innovation Norway IFU offering is granting 280 million NOK yearly to about 200 projects. The goal was to enhance internal knowledge transfer and more visually stronger communication also towards applicants, reflecting a complex offering in an intuitive and engaging way. Customer reference: ”The speed of delivery, deep understanding of Innovation Norway together with the application of visual design is probably only matched by a few”,

Oddbjørn Clausen, Manager the IFU Program

Innovation Norway may be using this on other offers as the compendium format may be ideal to present 15 local offices, 30 international offices, financing and advising offering.

Page 27: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Product type: Internal education Presentation Purpose: Having been involved in projects going beyond $200 million the BIT program has been involved in over 500 projects nationally and internationally – several receiving international awards for their innovation impacts. By involving GATEWAY Innovation we wanted to see how our material can be concentrated, communicated more efficiently both for internal alignment and to expand the offering. Customer reference: GATEWAY Innovation has had extensive experience in working with Innovation Norway and their understanding has been applied to multiple BIT projects, also this last deliverable shows a deep understanding and strong communication performance.

Roald Johannesen, Innovation Norway

Page 28: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Product type: Web visualizing Purpose: GATEWAY Innovation its own cloud based solution and is using our methodology and communication format to plan, communicate and engage external parties in developing a solution.

Page 29: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Product type: Web visualizing, Compendium Purpose: Oslo Hudpleieklinikk offering plastic surgery and dermatology services wanted upgrade its visual branding and uniqueness. By looking at current web page, suggesting a new structure and design this work was combined with fact sheet suggestions, advertisement example and brochure design – to get a consistent profile

In addition to corporate presentations we can create several targeted communication tools to show partner offering, international scaling plans and financial strategy.

Page 30: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Product type: Corporate Branding, Compendium Purpose: Tocircle industries has since 2003 developed unique pump, compressor and expander technology. The company has had an extensive R&D phase and even before commercializing their technology valued at over 50 million USD. Customer reference: ”GATEWAY Innovation has helped to elevate corporate material to a new level. We especially appreciate the speed of delivery and independence of not needing significant follow-up that comes high level strategy and business understanding. We happily use this material over other material to position towards attractive investor targets.

Ellef Kure, CEO, Tocircle Industries

In addition to corporate presentations we can create several targeted communication tools to show partner offering, international scaling plans and financial strategy.

Page 31: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Corporate branding Attracting talent and customers

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Extensive business advising


Product type: Political presentations Purpose: President Obama is one of the best speakers the world has seen, and yet his messages are only resonating with a fraction of the population. How to make President Obama even more efficient in his communications? Challenge: In last election the President collected more money than any candidates before him. He used and made Facebook well known over the world. Now it is back to basics; how can he get his messages across with better visual presentations – both to strengthen speeches and to follow-up by making them digitally available? The case is pending.

Page 32: GATEWAY case examples

1. Compendium features: -  Concentration: It can reduce power points form 60 to 20 pages

-  Quality: It empowers and surpass power point by look and feel -  Saving costs: It needs less updates, and saves time and money -  Modular structure; It let you use in multiple ways (splitting it up)

-  Flexibility: Integrates and stream lines different presentation formats -  Dialogue tool: It improves conversations and negotiations

-  Branding value: It make you stand out and clarify value proposition

In short; it optimizes you communication result and saves time!

2. Let us explore how you can cut 20% of your staffs work with presentations monthly: -  Less complexity; Have10 Compendiums instead of 50 Power Points

-  Fewer updates; Create a system for frequent but less updates -  Better results; Together we set targets for better performance

-  Better processes; Improving the standard for internal communications, also with a smart architecture/design

3. Practical roll-out (small and big companies): For a small company we may choose 1 or 2 Compendiums to start with, for a bigger company working with a project, department, sales, HR og strategy oriented team gives a test of efficiency and results, here 4-6 Compendiums may be a good start before a potential roll out for an entire division, a market, a country or whole company.

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Recruiting Attracting talent competitively

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Business advice


Ideal “make-over” presentations – let us identify which material that has the best improvement potential: -  Presentations used often (in projects, sales, education, introductions) -  Presentation that should not change more 4-6 times as year -  Presentations that should have high ROI (save costs/increase rev.) -  Presentations that are complex -  Presentations that have a lot of models or text -  Presentation that are used externally (partners, investors, customers)

- providing an alternative to the extensive use of Power Points to radically increase professionalism and efficiency!

Page 33: GATEWAY case examples

1. High text intensive presentation Applications it works best for: -  Like a brochure: give meaning without needing a presenter. -  Before & after a meeting: works better in preparing and follow-up of meeting.

-  Education: gives meaning without an instructor needing to be involved. -  Profiling of company on the web; works on its own to readers.

-  Works well as business plan; giving comprehensive information.

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Recruiting Attracting talent competitively

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Business advice

PRODUCT OFFERING BY GATEWAY INNOVATION Summary II – Formats to choose from (visual or more text focused)

2. Medium text intensive presentation (balanced) Applications it works best for: -  Improved and expanded power point: to live behind after meetings. -  During a meeting: works as dialogue tool in a meeting.

-  Education: makes it easier to transfer knowledge some detailing. -  Workshops; works for groups less than 10.

-  Investor prospect; can be used in investor meetings, but not replace the full business plan unless carefully prepared.

3. Low text intensive presentation (highly visual) Applications it works best for: -  Improved and expanded power point: like power point but more empowering -  During a meeting: works excellent as a dialogue tool for knowledgeable presenter

Education: can simplify knowledge transfer, but require informed instructor -  Workshops; works for any size of groups and bigger presentations

-  Investor prospect; can be used in pitch training and initial meetings

Efficient presentations: Choosing the right opening strategy before hitting your target

Page 34: GATEWAY case examples


Example of presentation formats that are ideal with the GATEWAY Innovation tabloid size and visual approach. Presentation types:

1.  Value proposition

2.  New branding elements

3.  A main offering/program

4.  An Executive Summary

5.  A process/methodology

6.  Client cases

7.  Web content

8.  Web layout

9.  Chapter/brochure

10. Text intensive documents

11. Team overview

12. Video teaser

13. Published articles

14. Advertisement format

15.  Information overview

Section III (nr 5 in our Presentation System)

Modular “All-in-one-format” Options

Presentations within the presentation

Page 35: GATEWAY case examples

Case study/substantiate value This page was used to compare the company to another company that had attracted 30 million dollars, thus increasing the perceived value of the company. Can be used separately and as part of full prospect presentation.

“All-in-one format” – Presentations within the presentation Format examples BY GATEWAY INNOVATION

Example of presentation formats that are ideal with the GATEWAY Innovation tabloid size and visual approach. Presentation types:

1.  Value proposition

2.  New branding elements

3.  A main offering/program

4.  An Executive Summary

5.  A process/methodology

6.  Client cases

7.  Web content

8.  Web layout

9.  Chapter/brochure

10. Text intensive documents

11. Team overview

12. Video teaser

13. Published articles

14. Advertisement format

15.  Information overview

Page 36: GATEWAY case examples

Front pages to change corporate branding and logo/design elements Here we combined the logo of two circles and included into the globe for being used as signature object to identify the company. Also introduced new color combinations for re- and upgraded company profile.

“All-in-one format” – Presentations within the presentation Format examples BY GATEWAY INNOVATION

Example of presentation formats that are ideal with the GATEWAY Innovation tabloid size and visual approach. Presentation types:

1.  Value proposition

2.  New branding elements

3.  A main offering/program

4.  An Executive Summary

5.  A process/methodology

6.  Client cases

7.  Web content

8.  Web layout

9.  Chapter/brochure

10. Text intensive documents

11. Team overview

12. Video teaser

13. Published articles

14. Advertisement format

15.  Information overview

Page 37: GATEWAY case examples

Replacing 12 pages by one fact sheet This presentation is reflecting 80% of a 12 page power point. By condensing to one profile/fact sheet it is much easier to share and use independently.

“All-in-one format” – Presentations within the presentation Format examples BY GATEWAY INNOVATION

Example of presentation formats that are ideal with the GATEWAY Innovation tabloid size and visual approach. Presentation types:

1.  Value proposition

2.  New branding elements

3.  A main offering/program

4.  An Executive Summary

5.  A process/methodology

6.  Client cases

7.  Web content

8.  Web layout

9.  Chapter/brochure

10. Text intensive documents

11. Team overview

12. Video teaser

13. Published articles

14. Advertisement format

15.  Information overview

Page 38: GATEWAY case examples

Executive summary 1-4 pages can be used as an Executive summary and used also independently.

Format examples BY GATEWAY INNOVATION “All-in-one format” – Presentations within the presentation Example of presentation formats that are ideal with the GATEWAY Innovation tabloid size and visual approach. Presentation types:

1.  Value proposition

2.  New branding elements

3.  A main offering/program

4.  An Executive Summary

5.  A process/methodology

6.  Client cases

7.  Web content

8.  Web layout

9.  Chapter/brochure

10. Text intensive documents

11. Team overview

12. Video teaser

13. Published articles

14. Advertisement format

15.  Information overview

Page 39: GATEWAY case examples

Showing a process A single page can reflect key action points in a business process. The menu to right reflects the where you are in a presentation. The page can be used together with related material or as a stand-alone 1 page presentation.

“All-in-one format” – Presentations within the presentation Format examples BY GATEWAY INNOVATION

Example of presentation formats that are ideal with the GATEWAY Innovation tabloid size and visual approach. Presentation types:

1.  Value proposition

2.  New branding elements

3.  A main offering/program

4.  An Executive Summary

5.  A process/methodology

6.  Client cases

7.  Web content

8.  Web layout

9.  Chapter/brochure

10. Text intensive documents

11. Team overview

12. Video teaser

13. Published articles

14. Advertisement format

15.  Information overview

Page 40: GATEWAY case examples

Showing a complex methodology A single page is reflecting content from 4 power pages and streamline the design and show how 4 different areas of their methodology relate to each other. This is a typical problem for larger organizations and an example of a very useful result of concentrating content on less pages.

“All-in-one format” – Presentations within the presentation Format examples BY GATEWAY INNOVATION

Example of presentation formats that are ideal with the GATEWAY Innovation tabloid size and visual approach. Presentation types:

1.  Value proposition

2.  New branding elements

3.  A main offering/program

4.  An Executive Summary

5.  A process/methodology

6.  Client cases

7.  Web content

8.  Web layout

9.  Chapter/brochure

10. Text intensive documents

11. Team overview

12. Video teaser

13. Published articles

14. Advertisement format

15.  Information overview

Page 41: GATEWAY case examples

Showing customer cases/fact sheets Customer deliverables can be showcased and presented as stand alone presentations, as fact sheets and down loadable on the web. This is from a multi million dollar TV campaign.

“All-in-one format” – Presentations within the presentation Format examples BY GATEWAY INNOVATION

Example of presentation formats that are ideal with the GATEWAY Innovation tabloid size and visual approach. Presentation types:

1.  Value proposition

2.  New branding elements

3.  A main offering/program

4.  An Executive Summary

5.  A process/methodology

6.  Client cases

7.  Web content

8.  Web layout

9.  Chapter/brochure

10. Text intensive documents

11. Team overview

12. Video teaser

13. Published articles

14. Advertisement format

15.  Information overview

Page 42: GATEWAY case examples

Printable document based on web page content This page is reflecting content on 5 different sub-sites of a web pages. This type of overview can be a printable document concentrating and reducing number of needed clicks.

“All-in-one format” – Presentations within the presentation Format examples BY GATEWAY INNOVATION

Example of presentation formats that are ideal with the GATEWAY Innovation tabloid size and visual approach. Presentation types:

1.  Value proposition

2.  New branding elements

3.  A main offering/program

4.  An Executive Summary

5.  A process/methodology

6.  Client cases

7.  Web content

8.  Web layout

9.  Chapter/brochure

10. Text intensive documents

11. Team overview

12. Video teaser

13. Published articles

14. Advertisement format

15.  Information overview

Page 43: GATEWAY case examples

Create web visualization By visualizing a new web solution prior to production you can better internally discuss and review preferred design, functionality and content. Another attractive feature you can test out the tentative solution with key target groups prior to starting costly development. Strong and efficient visualization can also improve dialogue with technical provider.

“All-in-one format” – Presentations within the presentation Format examples BY GATEWAY INNOVATION

Example of presentation formats that are ideal with the GATEWAY Innovation tabloid size and visual approach. Presentation types:

1.  Value proposition

2.  New branding elements

3.  A main offering/program

4.  An Executive Summary

5.  A process/methodology

6.  Client cases

7.  Web content

8.  Web layout

9.  Chapter/brochure

10. Text intensive documents

11. Team overview

12. Video teaser

13. Published articles

14. Advertisement format

15.  Information overview

Page 44: GATEWAY case examples

Chapter/Module One section of the presentation is introduced with this front page. This section of typically 4-7 pages can be a separate presentation.

“All-in-one format” – Presentations within the presentation Format examples BY GATEWAY INNOVATION

Example of presentation formats that are ideal with the GATEWAY Innovation tabloid size and visual approach. Presentation types:

1.  Value proposition

2.  New branding elements

3.  A main offering/program

4.  An Executive Summary

5.  A process/methodology

6.  Client cases

7.  Web content

8.  Web layout

9.  Chapter/brochure

10. Text intensive documents

11. Team overview

12. Video teaser

13. Published articles

14. Advertisement format

15.  Information overview

Page 45: GATEWAY case examples

Presenting text-intensive documents with more visual appeal. Here we have a 20 page word document that is concentrated to 12 pages in our presentation format. Sections than work a s brochure to stand alone.

“All-in-one format” – Presentations within the presentation Format examples BY GATEWAY INNOVATION

Example of presentation formats that are ideal with the GATEWAY Innovation tabloid size and visual approach. Presentation types:

1.  Value proposition

2.  New branding elements

3.  A main offering/program

4.  An Executive Summary

5.  A process/methodology

6.  Client cases

7.  Web content

8.  Web layout

9.  Chapter/brochure

10. Text intensive documents

11. Team overview

12. Video teaser

13. Published articles

14. Advertisement format

15.  Information overview

Page 46: GATEWAY case examples

Presenting your organization Can be also used separately or as print out from web, can also be used as part of annual report. Collecting the team on page can give an empowering position of breath of experience.

“All-in-one format” – Presentations within the presentation Format examples BY GATEWAY INNOVATION

Example of presentation formats that are ideal with the GATEWAY Innovation tabloid size and visual approach. Presentation types:

1.  Value proposition

2.  New branding elements

3.  A main offering/program

4.  An Executive Summary

5.  A process/methodology

6.  Client cases

7.  Web content

8.  Web layout

9.  Chapter/brochure

10. Text intensive documents

11. Team overview

12. Video teaser

13. Published articles

14. Advertisement format

15.  Information overview

Page 47: GATEWAY case examples

Linking a video to a presentation A video teaser (also this developed by GATEWAY Innovation), can be showcased in a presentation to reinforce the key messages. Also, a video can be embedded in a fact sheet to be played, combining off and online media seamlessly.

“All-in-one format” – Presentations within the presentation Format examples BY GATEWAY INNOVATION

Example of presentation formats that are ideal with the GATEWAY Innovation tabloid size and visual approach. Presentation types:

1.  Value proposition

2.  New branding elements

3.  A main offering/program

4.  An Executive Summary

5.  A process/methodology

6.  Client cases

7.  Web content

8.  Web layout

9.  Chapter/brochure

10. Text intensive documents

11. Team overview

12. Video teaser

13. Published articles

14. Advertisement format

15.  Information overview

Page 48: GATEWAY case examples

Power building through creative ways of showing published articles Article segments can be extracted, polished and used to profile the company. Can be accessible online as down loadable documents.

“All-in-one format” – Presentations within the presentation Format examples BY GATEWAY INNOVATION

Example of presentation formats that are ideal with the GATEWAY Innovation tabloid size and visual approach. Presentation types:

1.  Value proposition

2.  New branding elements

3.  A main offering/program

4.  An Executive Summary

5.  A process/methodology

6.  Client cases

7.  Web content

8.  Web layout

9.  Chapter/brochure

10. Text intensive documents

11. Team overview

12. Video teaser

13. Published articles

14. Advertisement format

15.  Information overview

Page 49: GATEWAY case examples

“All-in-one format” – Presentations within the presentation

Advertisement design Introductions and new sections in the presentation can be designed as a an advertisement and thus also be used in media or as teasers prior to a meeting.


Example of presentation formats that are ideal with the GATEWAY Innovation tabloid size and visual approach. Presentation types:

1.  Value proposition

2.  New branding elements

3.  A main offering/program

4.  An Executive Summary

5.  A process/methodology

6.  Client cases

7.  Web content

8.  Web layout

9.  Chapter/brochure

10. Text intensive documents

11. Team overview

12. Video teaser

13. Published articles

14. Advertisement format

15.  Information overview

Page 50: GATEWAY case examples

“All-in-one format” – Presentations within the presentation

Advertisement design From our own internal production… are you ready to try these type of presentations on your company?


Example of presentation formats that are ideal with the GATEWAY Innovation tabloid size and visual approach. Presentation types:

1.  Value proposition

2.  New branding elements

3.  A main offering/program

4.  An Executive Summary

5.  A process/methodology

6.  Client cases

7.  Web content

8.  Web layout

9.  Chapter/brochure

10. Text intensive documents

11. Team overview

12. Video teaser

13. Published articles

14. Advertisement format

15.  Information overview

Page 51: GATEWAY case examples

“All-in-one format” – Presentations within the presentation

Advertisement design Can also be used for campaigns in national media, i.e. charity. The case is pending.


Example of presentation formats that are ideal with the GATEWAY Innovation tabloid size and visual approach. Presentation types:

1.  Value proposition

2.  New branding elements

3.  A main offering/program

4.  An Executive Summary

5.  A process/methodology

6.  Client cases

7.  Web content

8.  Web layout

9.  Chapter/brochure

10. Text intensive documents

11. Team overview

12. Video teaser

13. Published articles

14. Advertisement format

15.  Information overview

Page 52: GATEWAY case examples

Reinforcing professionalism and giving a visual overview A presentation can end with an overview picture like this – to reinforce the overall content profile. This is also a good internal test of reviewing consistency of story line, structure and overall layout.

“All-in-one format” – Presentations within the presentation Format examples BY GATEWAY INNOVATION

Example of presentation formats that are ideal with the GATEWAY Innovation tabloid size and visual approach. Presentation types:

1.  Value proposition

2.  New branding elements

3.  A main offering/program

4.  An Executive Summary

5.  A process/methodology

6.  Client cases

7.  Web content

8.  Web layout

9.  Chapter/brochure

10. Text intensive documents

11. Team overview

12. Video teaser

13. Published articles

14. Advertisement format

15.  Information overview

Information Architecture

Page 53: GATEWAY case examples

One presentation dedicated the advertisement format Beyond showing customer examples, we also illustrate which target groups can have great use of this format.


Example of presentation formats that are ideal with the GATEWAY Innovation tabloid size and visual approach. Presentation types:

1.  Value proposition

2.  New branding elements

3.  A main offering/program

4.  An Executive Summary

5.  A process/methodology

6.  Client cases

7.  Web content

8.  Web layout

9.  Chapter/brochure

10. Text intensive documents

11. Team overview

12. Video teaser

13. Published articles

14. Advertisement format

15.  Information overview

Please also see our “Branding Presentation

Page 54: GATEWAY case examples

Sales material Less meetings better effect

Partner material Less meetings better effect

Project material Financing and implementations

Member recruiting More attractive offering

Internal communication Education and process efficiency

Web visualizing Planning and implementation

Technology visualization Explaining uniqueness & financing

Recruiting Attracting talent competitively

Concept dev. Visualizing and strategizing

Financial material Attracting capital and grants

Video teasers B2B communications

Coaching Business advice


You are welcome to ask for more company examples and explore our tool kit.

Innovate with GATEWAY
