
Creative Led Programmatic

Digital marketer (see beard)

Tech enthusiast

Programmatic evangelist

10 years experience

Aviva, Nestle & Sony

Introduction To Audience Store

A leading edge Programmatic media specialist, partnering with Brands

& Agencies to deliver AWESOME campaigns

Viewability As Standard - Only pay when your ad is seen.

Multi Format - VoD, rich media, dynamic ads capabilities.

Creative Led - High quality, data driven, creative production.

Our Unique Selling Point’s

Introduction To Programmatic

Why Use Programmatic?

A Focus On Automation & Numbers In Programmatic Has Led To Neglect Of Creative Quality

Missing products

creating grey


Confused, crowded and small product


Although I Guess It Could Be Worse…

Cover your home in

a what?

The new 7” will


Selling cleaning

products to


Poor Quality Ads Are Leading To A Rise In AdBlockersAd Blocker usage is set to hit 100% by 2017

*Actually it will be 28%

And Good Creative Is Important To Drive EngagementConsumers’ answer to "How important is each of the following in getting you to

interact with online ads?"

So How Can We Improve Our Programmatic Creative?

Moving from silo


By improving the process!

To integrated


( At Audience Store our Creative team sit with the Operations & Analytics team)

Dynamic Creative Optimisation

What Is DCO?

DCO is a creative template with interchangeable

content, which is then optimized on performance.

• Able to create multiple iterations of an ad within

one creative shell.

• Able to optimise according to audience, in real-


Then Is This The Death Of Creative Agencies?

Well… No but they need to know how to better use data and their place vs. automated systems

1. Background Images & Colour

The order of the images can be changed, or just have different images for the frames.

We would also be able to change the background colour.

2. Text

There can be a few variables on this element:

– Wording of the text

– Colour

– Font size

– Where the text is placed

3. Call To Action

This is the element that can vary the most:

– Wording of the Call to Action

– Colour of text

– Colour of button

– Font size

– Button size

4. Exit URL

The URL which the creative is clicking through to.

How Can Data Inform Creative?

• Impressions

• Clicks

• Click Through Rate

• Conversions

• Custom Metrics dependant on what components are within the creative

Reporting Feedback

DCO Reporting Examples

How Should The Feedback Loop Look?

We can geo-target a user and within the creative showing a map as to where that store is.

Frame 1: Showing different messaging according to when the sale ends.

Frame 2: Geo target users based on nearest store – very effective on mobile.

Combining Rich Media And DCO For Furniture Village

Frame 1 Frame 2

In order to maximise Brand gains we must align our creative –

(Remember 45% of people are more likely to engage with our ad when they recognise

the Brand)

• Cross channel: Ensuring our audience recognises our Brand of advertising across

Social, Branded Content, Display, VoD & Offline.

• Cross device: Ensuring our ad is optimised to slot into a mobile environment as well

as desktop, but optimising some ads to the unique potential of the device (touch

screen etc.).

Brand & Creative Alignment

Programmatic enables you to connect with your customer by relating your Brand to

something they already like.

Targeting Based On Related Interest

Crown Plaza aligns itself with Golf to attempt to

persuade business travellers its their Brand

1) Build Creatives that are ready for all screens and all channels at all times.

2) Make it personal with smart creative – leverage DCO and advanced

targeting signals (geo, interest, demographic etc) to deliver the most

relevant ad for the user in real time.

3) Share campaign results and data with creative teams! – Establishing

a proper feedback loop will allow them to know what formats, features,

calls to action etc. work best.

The Key Takeaway

To improve your programmatic creative follow this simple 3 step process.