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Hi, this is Jamie Angeli. Welcome to the Game Time video. I want to thank you for taking a look at this video. Hopefully, we can give you some ideas throughout this tape that will help you prepare your team for battle. Mentally, physically, and emotionally. Getting them ready, getting them to the proper mental focus so that they can be at their best.

I think it is very important that you spend enough time preparing your team through your pregame drills. You really need to focus, put enough attention on what your team does on the floor, oftentimes while you're in the locker room. I think it's important for these reasons.

Number one. You spend time preparing your players each day in practice. Why would you value game preparation as any less important?

Number two. What others see from your team on the floor is a direct reflection on you as a coach.

If your players lack discipline in their game preparation, then it's assumed you lack discipline in your basketball program.

Number three. I know several NBA and college scouts who make an extra effort just to get to the game early to see how their prospect warms up before a game. They are looking for his discipline, mental toughness, sincerity, and value for the game, and his overall ability to prepare himself to compete.

Number four. In a game of seconds, isn't it important to have your players prepared to make the best decision possible in a split second? Proper game preparation will help your players make the right decision when it counts.

Number five. Pregame warm-up drills is a great time for you as a coach to remind your players through a series of set drills what is fundamentally important to the success of your team.

Let's start out with our pregame warm-up drills. The first one is called four-corner lay-ups and it's a simple one to start out with, get your guys moving and passing, catching the ball at high speeds, making lay-ups at high speeds.

The ball starts underneath the basket. As you can see, we have four players spread out on the perimeter at each corner. The ball's going to start out, you're going to pass and follow your pass to start. Here we're receiving the pass, and let's hold it right here. He makes his pass, he follows his pass, and gets behind the person he just threw it to. As soon as this person catches the ball, he's going to pass opposite and follow his pass. And he's going to run behind his pass and get to that spot.

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The next person in line is going to throw across the court, catch it. As he passes, he's going to follow his pass and get to where he was. Where he passed it to. And the next guy in line is going to pass to your last man who's cutting to the basket for a lay-up. Again, the guy who passed it is going to follow his spot.

Stop right there. The man who passed it now is going to follow his spot. The guy who shoots the lay-up is going to run off the floor and as soon as the ball comes out of the net, the next man is going to grab it, we're going to throw here diagonally again to start the next possession. The next warm-up for this drill. Okay, let's see how it looks live. Let's start it. Get her going live.

Pass and follow. Pass and follow. Good. Good hands. Your hands are up. The ball is snapped. The ball comes out of the net.

You can see the ball moving corner to corner. The ball rarely touches the floor except for the man going in for the lay-up. Hands are up. Good chest pass. Good.

Right now, let's see if we can handle it on the move. We're going to see if we can switch it to a right-

handed lay-up. Let's go to right hand now. As simple as move the line over, we're going to go the opposite direction. We're going to go the opposite direction. Very simple. We shoot the right-handed lay-up now. Good job, guys. Good. Outlet. Nice. Pass. Follow your pass. Pass. Going hard for the lay-up. Next guy gets it out of the net. Snaps it out. Follows his pass. The other guy catches and fires. And that's your drill.

That's four-corner lay-ups. The ball is moving. Players are moving. You get good at passing. The hands are up. Catching the ball at fast speed. Making the lay-up at fast speed.

This next pregame drill is as old as the game of basketball. It's been around for a long time, but it's a classic. It is an excellent drill for working on your jump stops, your pivoting, and your passing. Again, it's a good warm-up before you get into action in the game.

You're going to have four passing lines. It's called four-line passing drill. Each line is going to have a ball in it. I want you to drive at each other hard right now. Drive through the middle.

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Come to a jump stop. Stop. Right there. They're going to drive hard at each other, come to a jump stop, a predetermined direction – and we'll go to our left. You're going to reverse pivot. Each player's going to reverse pivot and pass to the next guy in line, and they're going to follow their pass. Next group drives in. Jump stop.

Reverse pivot. Pass. Good. Drive it hard. Next group, let's go. Speed it up a little bit. Jump stop. Reverse pivot. Pass. Good. Good hard pass. Your hands are up. Good reverse pivot. Make sure you come to a solid jump stop without traveling. Work on the technique. Veer wide. You've got balance. You're coming to a good stop with balance.

All right, let's go to our right now. Go to the other direction. Other direction. Jump stop. Turn the other way. Good. Drive it hard. Jump stop. Reverse pivot in the other direction. Drive it hard. Jump stop. Reverse pivot. Good. Good. All right, let's hold it right there.

Now, like in any pregame drill it's important that you continue to stress the basics. You can't have guys just going through the motions. It's pregame. You want your guys to be thinking about doing things right.

And that means coming to a good solid jump stop, a good pivot without traveling, a good two-hand chest pass, the receiver should have their hands up.

This drill should go quickly. It's to be sharp but the ball should move and it should look very intense, very sharp, and the kids are really into it. The passes are looking good in the drill. As you can see, it's pretty easy to run at all levels. And once it's completed we can move onto our next drill.

All right, let's look at it one more time, going to our left. Drive it hard. Drive it hard. Go in. Jump stop. Go to our left.

Go to your left. The first pivot. Looking sharp. Now the hands are up when you catch the ball. The hands are up when you catch the ball. Good. Drive it hard. Good. All right, let's go to our right now. Drive it hard. Go to your right. Go to your right. Reverse pivot. Good. Drive it hard. Jump stop. Good. All right, hold it up right there. All right. That’s four-line passing.

This next pregame warm-up drill is called two lines, two balls. And this is how it looks. As you can see, we got lined up underneath the basket. One line is going to have basketballs in it. The other line is shooting.

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What we're going to work on here is not only pivoting and passing and lay-ups, we're trying to simulate a screening action in a game and popping back to the basketball for a shot. All right, I'm just going to walk through this one real quick and then we'll get it started.

This is the shooting line. They're going to run hard out to the free throw line, elbow him, and come to a jump stop. And stop right there. Now, they have the option in this drill to either make a reverse pivot and come back to the basketball for the shot or they can do a front pivot, or forward pivot. They can make a forward pivot and come back to the basketball.

What we're simulating right here though is a screening action in a game and then we're popping back to the basketball for the lay-up. As soon as they shoot the lay-up, they're off the floor, they're going to switch lines. The next group is going to go right after them.

Let's see how it looks right now. Shooting a right-handed lay-up. Let's go.

Comes out. Good jump stop. Reverse pivot. Comes back to the ball. Shoots the lay-up. Good. Shooter gets the rebound and gets off the court. Shooter gets his own rebound and gets off the court. The passer will go to the next line. Nice. Make a good jump stop, a good pivot. Come back hard at the ball.

Again, you're simulating the screening action. You're popping back to the basketball looking to score. It's a great way to get warmed up in a game, teaching your players to not only think about screening but also being an accurate scorer after they screen.

They screen and pop back to the basketball. One guy after another. It's a fast-paced drill. You see you get a lot of lay-ups in. One guy after another.

All right, let's move it over to the other side. All right, let's switch sides. Now we're going to go to the other side, work on our left-handed lay-up. Let's go. Same thing. Jump stop. Reverse pivot. Come back to the basketball. We'll shoot it left hand now. Good. Working on left-handed lay-ups now. We're working on the left hand. Get it in left hand. Let's go. A little hard now. Jump stop. Coming back to the ball. Working on the left-handed lay-up. Jump stop. Pivot. Come back to the ball. Good left-handed lay-up. Good. A good sharp pass. No excuse for a bad pass in this drill. Concentrate and make the lay-up. All right, good.

Pregame warm-up drill is your basic two-line lay-up drill, but we've added a passer in the corner now that will simulate a given goal lay-up. Giving a little more work into just

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your normal routine lay-up drill in the beginning.

All right, as we start out in the beginning the man in the corner's going to have to stand for two possessions just to get this started. But other than that, he'll pass and make his rotation. I'll explain here in a minute. We make our pass at the corner. It's a give-and-go cut. He passes. Gets the ball back. He's going to shoot the lay-up. All right, let's stop right there.

The guy who shot the lay-up will continue running on back to the rebounding line. The rebounding line, we'll come in, we'll grab the rebound. We'll immediately fire it out to the next shooter. As I said, this guy is staying for two because we want to keep the drill moving quick. Passes, gets it back and shoots the lay-up. Good. Rebounder's going to come in, get it, fire it out, pass, give-and-go lay-up. Here we go. Let's get it going live now.

All right, we get the rebound out of the net. We fire it out. Pass to the corner. Give-and-go lay-up. Nice. Rebounder gets it out of the net. Pass to the corner. Get it back. Take it in for the lay-up. Good.

Rebounder gets it out of the net. Fires it out. You want to encourage your rebounding lines to stay out wide and run in, guys. Stay out wide and run in as the shooter comes in. Don't start sneaking in early.

Good passes. Your hands are up. Your hands are up. The ball really doesn't even need to touch the floor, okay? The ball doesn't really need to really touch the floor. Don't even need to throw a bounce pass on this catch. Get it back. Had to shoot the lay-up. Good.

Get it out of the net. Fire it out. Good. Good two-hand chest pass. Moving without the basketball. Snapping it. Good. Rebounding line hustle in. Nice. Rebounding line stays out wide. Waits until the driver comes in. All right, and hold up right there.

Now obviously the same, we go down the left side of the floor, we just have to shift everybody over. All right. That's your normal two-line lay-up drill with a passer in a corner getting used to your players passing, cutting, and getting the ball back, shooting the lay-up at high speed.


This drill is called 3-man weave shooting. Again, you've all run 3-man weaves, lay-up drills. We're going to try to add a couple of more shots in this drill and make it a little more competitive, try to get more out of it.

As you can see, we're in our 3-man weave groups. Let's walk through the 3-man weave now. We're just going to pass and go behind our man. Pass and go behind. Pass and

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go behind.

And let's stop it right here. All right. You've got your first shot, is we're shooting your lay-up. Okay, the first man catches, shoots his lay-up. All right, he's going to shoot his lay-up and get his own rebound. The other person who came over off to the left side is going to get a pass from the coach for a shot. A jump shot. Like he's coming off a screen, catching the shot over in the corner. The other man who passed to him for shooting the lay-up is going to run as hard as he can to the sideline, touch, and come back in. Because now the man who shot the lay-up, he's going to get his rebound and

pass it back to the man coming in for a lay-up.

Okay? So you're getting a number one lay-up, you're getting a jump shot, and then you're getting another, hopefully, a two-foot power lay-up as the other guy's coming in for the short pass and the lay-up from the man who shot the original lay-up.

All right, let's take a look at this live. Okay, 3-man weave shooting. There's the pass. There's the lay-up. There's our jump shot. The lay-up guy gets his rebound, passes to the wing and cutting in for the lay-up. We break out to the outside so the next group can start right away.

Get a lot of shots in. You're getting a good jump shot. You're getting a lay-up. You're getting the two-foot power lay-up right here. It's working a good two-foot power lay-up on this guy coming in. Give him a good two-foot power lay-up. Good. So you get the lay-up, speed lay-up. You're also working on a power lay-up and you're getting a good jump shot here as if you're coming off the screen looking for the shot. A good two-foot power lay-up finish.

Get your rebound. Get off the floor. Get a lot of movement. You get some shots in. It looks sharp. You guys look prepared before the game. Making good passes. Hopefully, there's no turnovers. Good. Good job. Stay wide on the 3-man weave.

Remember those rules. It's your CYO basketball, YMCA growing up. Good pass. Stay wide. Cut and keep your hands up. The ball should be thrown right at the target every time. All right, let's hold it right there. Good.

That was 3-man weave shooting. Three-man weave shooting. Good action. Good passing. Get the jump shot in. You're getting a lay-up in and you're getting another guy coming to the rack for a two-foot power lay-up. A lot of options in that drill.

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Again, sticking with the 3-man weave, we'll add a little more action to this. We'll actually add some defenders in here working on a good closeout, defending the jump shooter as well as getting our traditional 3-man weave lay-up.

All right, let's walk through again, the basics of the 3-man weave. Pass and walk behind. Pass and walk behind. All right, now, stop right here. So your one guy is still going to shoot that lay-up just as in any other 3-man weave. Your other two passers and cutters are going to break out wide as they're following right in their motions. As soon as they get out there, the two people underneath the basket with the basketball are going to throw it out and work on a good closeout. Pass out, close out, defend the shooter. The shooters are going to shoot their shot and get their own rebound. Go ahead. Shoot. Get your own rebound.

And they're going to quickly hustle underneath the basket. Now, if you have more players than we have here today, you can have extra players underneath the basket ready to go to keep the drill moving a little faster. But right now we only have the two players with balls. But you can have extra players behind with two basketballs ready to go.

The shooter's going to shoot the lay-up, he's going to get his own rebound, and get off the floor. The two shooters are going to get their rebounds and get underneath the basket again. The defenders are going to close out. A good defensive closeout. They're not going to fly by on defense. Come to a

good closeout. And they're going to run to the outsides after they're done. All right, this is how it looks. Three-man weave with defense. All right, look sharp now, guys. Good passes. Good cuts.

Let's make that lay-up. Did you see the other two guys breakout? Close out. Defend the shot. Pass. Good. Close out. Guard that shooter. Nice.

You're getting three shots here quickly. You're getting a lot of passing, a lot of cutting. You're going to lay-up in it, two jumpers, in a relatively short period of time. It's a good warm-up drill. All of your warm-up drills should have a lot of movement, a lot of shots, a lot of

passes, a lot of cutting. Trying to take the most efficient use of your time.

Again, always stress to your players in doing the little things right. Good passes. The good closeout. Making the lay-up. Concentrating. Good two-hand chest pass. Finish the lay-up. Nice. A couple more, guys. A couple more.

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Again, then we move a lot quicker if you've got other people underneath the basket ready to step in as passers. Good. Again, the shooters get their own rebounds. Defenders close out. Come to a good closeout and they run out to the outside. All right, let's hold it up right there.

All right, that's 3-man weave shooting with defenders. Again, you're getting a lot of action in this drill. Passing, cutting, lay-ups, and especially working against defense. I can't tell you how important that is in your pregame drill.

As you know from your past history, a lot of your pregame drills are just lay-ups, wide open shots. Really not game-like. Here you're getting some game-like action with a pass and a guy closing out on you to shoot. So we're really trying to simulate a game activity here and this is a great drill to get your players ready shooting against pressure defense of someone coming out.

Now we're moving on to another variation of the 3-man weave. It's three passes, three lay-ups. All right, we're going to get the 3-man weave rotations. Let's walk through

them here.

Pass. Go behind. Pass and go behind. Now we get to this point… let's stop right here. Stop right there. When the guy catches it going in for a lay-up, the other two players are going to pass and get as wide as they can. Get as wide as they can, touch the sidelines. The guy who shoots his lay-up is going to get his own rebound. Okay, shoot your lay-up. Get your rebound. Then first closest guy will be over to his left here. He's going to step. He's coming in for the two-foot power lay-up.

Now, as he shoots… let's hold it right there. The guy who passed it to him is now going to run out to the corner. He's going to wait for an outlet pass a little later in this drill. He's going to shoot his lay-up. The third guy's coming in and he's going to shoot a lay-up. Get his own rebound. And here's where we make the outlet pass and we throw it to the next guy in line waiting. We already have a ball so the next group will start right away. Let's go again.

You want to start slow. We'll speed up. Again, the other two guys go wide. The guy gets his rebound. Shoots it in for the two-foot power lay-up. Again, he stays wide looking for the outlet.

We get under the net, we make the outlet pass. Throw it to the second guy in line.

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Next group is going.

Good passes. Good lay-ups. Get your own rebounds. Hand him the two-foot power lay-up. Two-foot power lay-up. Good. Hand it off. Two-foot power lay-up. Get your own rebound. Outlet.

Throw it to the second guy in line. Good. Make it sharp. Make it sharp, guys. Make the lay-ups. Get the ball under the net. Hand it to him. Two-foot power lay-up. Get it out to net. Hand it to him. Two-foot powers. Good. Outlet. Next group is going. Quickly. Right after another.

Working on good passing, cutting, lay-ups. Working on the two-foot power lay-ups down here. Looking sharp. Getting your hands ready. Good touch passes. Yeah, the drill moves quickly. Getting a lot of touches. A lot of shots. The drill looks sharp of it's run right. You're making good passes, no turnovers. The lay-ups are made. All right, last one. Let's get to it right here. Let's look sharp here.

Make the lay-up. Good. Under the net. Guy gets out for the outlet. Good. Hands it off. Again, the two-foot power lay-up. On to the net. Outlet. Pass. The drill is complete.

This pregame drill is called the mascot drill. Obviously, you can call it whatever you want. Whatever your mascot is, you just name it that. This is a great drill for a couple of reasons. One, again, you're getting a lot of movement. Good passing. Some dribbling. Jump stops in here. You're getting some lay-ups.

You're also getting an opportunity as a coach to come out here – I really think this is important. To get on the floor before the game, whether it's the head coach or the assistant coach, I think they should be out here through all your warm-ups. Not necessarily the head coach, but a coaching staff member should be out here watching all of your pregame drills. But this is a great opportunity to get a coach on the floor talking to your players as they're shooting their lay-ups. Hopefully, giving them positive feedback on the great things that they're doing.

All right, let's walk through this drill. This is how it's going to look. As you see, we've got our line set up. We've got three lines here. The line in the corner's going to have the basketballs. It's going to start out first, we're going to make a good outlet pass, a nice two-hand pass and he's going to run to the middle. Stop. Right there.

He's going to run to the middle of these two lines. He's going o receive the pass back and now he's going to throw it to the top line. Once he catches it now these two guys are going to attack the basket. He's going to drive it hard to the free throw line and stop right there. The man who passed it now is going to go to the end of the line. Over there. Okay. And he's going to get off the floor.

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These two are going to, again, attack the basket. You're going to drive it hard to the free throw line, come to a two-foot jump stop. He's going to be cutting to the basket for a lay-up. Bounce pass and a lay-up. Now, as soon as this person shoots the lay-up… let's stop right there. The person who made the pass is going to follow it in and get the rebound. And it's his job now to pass it and get back at the end of the line.

The shooter – and this is what I'm talking about as a coach, a good spot for you to be on the floor is right here. Because I would really recommend and encourage you to talk to all your players as they come through on these lay-up. So when the shooter talks, you may want to come by, give your guy a little high-five, tell him, "Nice job" or whatever. Maybe he missed a lay-up. Tell him to keep working on concentrating or whatever it is. But a good opportunity to give some positive strokes to each player as they come by. All right, let's take a look at this drill full speed here. Let's go.

Good pass. Catch. Get it back. Good. Now we drive it hard. Jump stop. Bounce pass for the lay-up. Let's go. Concentrate. Make those lay-ups. Concentrate lay-up. Make sure you go behind the coach. Make sure the guy who shoots the lay-up comes behind the coach. Good job. Come to a good two-foot jump stop. Bounce pass. Nice. Good job.

Coach can give some positive strokes as the guy comes by for the lay-up. Let's go. Make the good lay-up, the good pass. Drive it hard. A good jump stop at the free throw line. Make that lay-up. Hustle on out. Shooter gets done, makes a lay-up, gets right off the floor. Good job. The ball's moving, guys. There's not a lot of waiting. Passing, getting it back. Pass. Get it back. Drive it hard. Jump stop. Try to work on your timing on the lay-ups, guys.

Work on your timings. You're coming hard to the lay-up. Don't want to come too soon on that lay-up line. You want to wait until your dribbler catches the ball. Wait until he catches it. Now you both attack together. Come to a good two-foot jump stop. Wait until the dribbler catches it. Wait until he gets it. Now you come together. Good. Jump stop. Pass. Nice. That's it. Good.

Coach is here. Coach is here so make sure you give positive feedback to the players. As they run around, you may want to high-five them and talk to them a little bit. But, again, good passing, cutting. Let's finish with this one right here. Drive it hard. Two-foot jump stop. Take it in for the lay-up. Good.

That's your mascot drill. Again, call it what you want, your team mascot. But, again, I would stress to you as a coach to get out here on the court, talk to your players as they're shooting their lay-ups, encourage them. Encourage them every chance you get. Let them know how important it is that they look sharp in pregame drills, getting ready for your big game.


This is a pass, skip, and cut drill. Take a look at the alignments. We've got a guy in the corner, foul line extended. A line in the middle with the ball. And here we've got a little

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outlet man on the other side of the court. This is a quick walkthrough now.

The first man in this drill, first time only, is going to dribble all the way to the basket to start the drill. He dribbles it in, gets his own rebound. Shoots his lay-up, gets his own rebound. He's going to make a quick outlet now. Let's hold it there. This man's going to skip it across. The shooter is going to take that spot. Good. Pass and cross. Take his spot. Pass to the baseline. And now we cut in for the next lay-up. All right, let's stop right there.

Again, the outlet pass. Good. He follows to his spot. Good. Now we skip. Let's stop right here. When the ball is in flight across the court, that's the cue for the next man to make his cut to the basket.

And his cut is like this. He is driving it hard towards the ball, he gets to about the elbow, he's going to make a sharp cut to the basket looking for the pass back to the lay-up. It

is not a direct cut to the basket, it is a sharp-angled cut. He's looking to change speeds and get open for the lay-up. But he doesn't move until the ball is in flight. All right, let's take a look at this one full-speed. Let's get it going.

Again, the first guy starts out dribbling all the way to the basket. Gets his own rebound. Makes a good outlet pass. Here's the skip pass. Pass, skip, and cut drill. Good lay-up. Gets his rebound. The man waits until the ball's in flight. There it's in flight, you see the next cutter coming. Good. Gets his rebound, snaps it out. Here's the skip pass. There's the cutter. Pass, skip, and cut drill. Good. Outlet pass. Good. Skip drill. Nice. Good V-cut to the basket. Nice pass. Finished his lay-up outlet. Good.

Again, a fast-moving drill. You're working on some different passes, some different cuts. Getting an angle. It's great for your motion offense when you're trying to get a good back door cut.

You're working on ball movement, man movement. As you can see, they pass and move. Everybody passes and moves. They don't pass and stand. Pass and move on every opportunity. A couple more, guys. Finish strong. Good. You get your rebound. Outlet.

Good skip pass. Ball's in flight, the next man's coming. Good. These guys are all rotating after every pass.

As you can see, the last man in the corner, he's done, he goes to the end of the drill to start the new drill. This guy down here will be done. He makes the pass, he's off the

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court. Next guy moves down one. Everybody moves over a spot. You can see the rotation. All right, let's finish it right here. Good. A pass, skip, and cut drill.

Any set of pregame warm-up drills would not be complete unless you've had some good ball handling work in there. This is a good ball handling drill right now to work on called dribble, drive, and retreat. All right, we're just going to walk through it real quickly here, then we'll have all the lines do it. You want every player to have a basketball, spread it out on even lines across the end line down here. Let's just take this one line here.

To start the drill, the whole group, first group, is going to drive as hard as they can to that free throw line. Let's just break it down with this guy. He's going to drive it hard. Stop right here. You're going to drive hard to that line. You're going to break it down to here.

You keep your dribble going. All right? Your dribble's going to be behind you. You're going to get your arm up to protect the ball. You're going to be down in a defensive stance, a good low offensive stance, with the basketball. I want you to back up three dribbles. And when you get to that third dribble, you're going to explode as fast as you can to half court. Go as hard as you can. You're going to break down again. Back up three. And then explode off the court. Good. Bring it back.

All right, now the key is having all your lines do this together. You want them to drive it as hard as they can, come to a complete stop, while the dribble's going, protecting the basketball, and then backing up three dribbles with the ball behind them.

A lot of kids will want to stop with the ball right here, obviously, in front of the defense, which is not good. You want to make sure you get that ball back and protected. This will simulate, in a game situation, when you're driving the ball up the court, and now a trap comes at you and you've got to stop. You're going to change directions quickly. This is a good warm-up drill to teach them that.

Now, the rotations in line is very simple. The first four people in line are going to go as fast as they can to the free throw line and they're going to back up three dribbles. When they take off to that half court line, the next group, that's their signal. When they see them leave, the next group is going to go. All right? This is how it's going to look. Ready? Go.

Drive it hard. Break down. Back it up three. Take off. Go. Next group is ready. Good. Back it up three. Take off. All the way to half court. Back it up three.

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Take off. All right, let's run it back. Right hand. Everything's right hand. Go.

Drive it hard. Break down and protect. Bring it back three. Take off. Good. Break down. Back it up three. Speed. All the way out. Break it down. Back it up. Speed. Off the court. Good.

You really want to stress to them that they go full blast. They're really going hard. And then they're going to come to a stop. It's important to learn to play the game of basketball in two speeds. You've got to be able to play it fast and you've got to be able to play it in the city area – we like to call the half court area the city area as opposed to the freeway area, the full court – you've got to be able to play both. And what's just as important is you've got to be able to go from the speed to the quick area, or the freeway to the city, on a drop of a dime. The game is very quick and you've got to be able to change speeds quickly like that and this is a good drill.

Now we had them go right hand. Obviously, we can have them go left hand on the way back if you wanted. Another thin you could add to this drill is to have them work on a crossover dribble. Now when they back it up three dribbles they're going to cross it over to their left and they're going to go up there left-handed to the next line. All right, this is how it'll look. Ready? Go.

Drive it hard. Back it up three. Cross over. Attack. Hard. Good. Protect the ball. Cross over. Go. All the way to half court. Back it up three. Cross over. Off the floor. All right, let's bring it back and finish. Go.

Drive it hard. Protect. Back it up. Cross over. Drive it hard. Back it up three. Cross it over. Good. All the way. Good. Finish. Back it up three. Cross it over.

Make sure your guys bring it back three dribbles. Make sure they've got a nice low crossover below the knees. And make sure the balls cross over before they start going up the next line. This is a great drill. Obviously, you can run it in the half court pregame. It's also a great drill you can use full court using all the different sections of the floor all the way down.


The next drill is called the peer pressure speed lay-up. This is not only a good pregame warm-up drill, but it's also a good practice drill. I like to put a goal on this for how many lay-ups they have to make in a row before they can move on. It really stresses to them the concentrate while they're working hard and it makes them think a little bit more about their passing, their cutting, and their lay-ups if you put a goal on it. Obviously, you may have to make an adjustment for your pregame drills – tough to put a goal on it now – but think about that for your practice situation.

We've got three different lines. The guy's underneath the basket with the ball. There's a passing line. We have a receiving line here that's going to be coming towards the ball. And this is the sprint line here who'll be getting the lay-up, the eventual lay-up. They have to work on timing their sprint to the basket so they can catch it and lay it in

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with proper timing.

He's going to come towards the ball and we're going to make a good pass. While the ball's in the air, our feet are going to come in the air and we're going to come to a good two-foot jump stop here. I want him to work on a reverse pivot. He's going to make a reverse pivot and, again, here's the timing now.

This sprint line is going to be coming hard. We're going to make a good pass. He's going to shoot the lay-up, and right off the floor. Now, the guy who made the pass is going to rotate to the passing line. The

guy who went in and shot the lay-up… is that you? Okay, he's going to come off the floor and get the rebound, pass it to him, and he's going to that line.

So that's the rotation. The receiving line's going over to the sprint line. The sprint line's going to be underneath to make the next pass. So you're working on a good jump stop, a good pivot. You're working on your timing. Now this guy's going to be coming hard. You shouldn't have to wait too long to catch a pass. All right, let's see how it looks full speed. Let's go.

Jump stop. Reverse pivot. Nice. Get it out of the net. Next guy's coming. Reverse pivot. Good. Ball should snap. Spring line should be coming hard. Work on your timing. Get out wide. Work on your timing. Come hard. That guy makes a reverse pivot, he shouldn't have to wait too long. The guy should be right there for the pass. You've got to really work on your timing. Good passes. Get it out of the net. Shooter just lets it go. The guy'll rebound and throw it to you. Shooter gets underneath the basket, he's the next passer. Good.

All right, after you go in this direction for a while it's pretty simple. Let's switch lines now. Let's go in the other direction. It'll be a little harder shooting a left-handed lay-up, but all you have to do is just move the lines over. Receiving line, passing line. Let's get two guys down here and the rest are up.

All right, let's go. He runs at it now. We're doing a jump stop. Reverse pivot. Now we're shooting a left-handed lay-up. The shooter comes right out. Rebounder gets it, passes it to him. Good. One after another. Work on your timing. Work on your cut. Work on good passes. Shooting that left-handed lay-up. Good. A good jump stop. A good reverse pivot. Good jump stop. Good reverse pivot. Cutting line. All right, one more. Let's go. Go hard. Reverse pivot. Shoot the lay-up. Good.

That is peer pressure speed lay-up. Peer pressure lay-up. Again, it's a good fast-paced action where the guys are working on catching and receiving at fast speeds, making that lay-up. And again, if you put can put a goal on it in practice, this makes it a great drill for their concentration and really making sure they get it done right.

The next drill is called peer pressure split left, split right. We're going to show you taking

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it one direction right now, then later on we can show you going the other direction. It's a good passing, jump stop, cutting drill. It's going to work on your pivoting as well, making the lay-up, working together on this drill. You're going to have two lines out front. You want to put a manager or assistant coach, somebody at the free throw line making a good pass to the players. All right, let's walk through now.

This is going to be the passing line over here to my left. To my right is going to be the dribbling line. It starts out with a good pass across the court. As soon as he catches it…now, let's stop. As soon as he catches it, he's going to drive it hard to this spot. The other player's going to run to his spot. Let's jump stop there. We jump stop over there. Good. Both players jump stopped. They reverse pivot and face each other. Passes back. And now we hit the coach and now they x-cut off of each other to the basket. Let's stop right there.

The coach makes the pass. We're shooting a left-handed lay-up. Let's give it to this guy. He's shooting a left-handed lay-up. The other player must come in with his hands up in the air assuming, as all good rebounders do, that this shot is going to be missed. So he's coming off the coach off the x-cut with his hands up. If the shot is missed, he immediately catches it and tips it in. He's got to catch it and put it right back in. No missed lay-ups down here. If anything's missed, we're going to finish the lay-up. So make sure the other player has his hands up.

As soon as they're done, they run out to their opposite sides of the line and we execute the next pass, dribble, jump stop. All right? Let's get it going live. Here, let's look.

We pass across. We dribble. They both jump stop. Reverse pivot to each other. We pass. We hit the coach. We x-cut. The other guy's got his hands up, ready to get the rebound. The other two players are out to the opposite sides. Good jump stop. Good pivot. Good x-cut. Finish. Nice.

The drill looks good, it looks sharp on the court. Your guys are working together, getting a good pass from the coach. Again, another opportunity for your coach

on the floor to talk to the players to emphasize cutting and jump stops and pivoting, to make sure everything looks sharp. The other player must have his hands up coming to the basket, looking for the offensive rebound. Pass. Cut. X. Nice. The other guy's hands are up, ready to tip it in. Good jump stop. Good pivoting.

I can't stress to you enough how important it is to really work on the technique, the

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execution. That's why it's great to have a coach in a lot of your drills who can talk to the players through these drills. Pregame is not a time for your players to really stop thinking about doing the little things right. You really want to talk to them about executing, making sure everything is right, and their minds are sharp. Because those little things are going to make the big things in your offense look great.

All right, let's finish right here. Going in for the offensive rebound. It's not there. Great. And, again, if you want to go to the right-handed lay-up, you just simply switch the lines and now one is a passing line and one's the dribbling line, and we go the opposite direction. Let's see how that'll look.

Put the ball over here now. Switch it the other way this time now. We're going to pass. Good. Now he dribbles over. We go the other direction. Jump stop. Pass. Good. We hit the coach. Now we're looking at the right-handed lay-up. Other guy's got his hands up. Get the hands up as you come to the rebound, please. Get your hands up as you come to the rebound. Jump stop. Pivot. Good. Snap the ball.

Snap it. Good hard cuts. Hands are up, ready to tip it in. The next group should be ready to go right away. The next group should be ready to go right away. Snap the ball. Good hard cuts. Good hard cuts. Let's go. Snap it. Dribble hard. Jump stop. Reverse pivot. Snap it. Let's go, let's move. Pass and cut. Pass and cut. Let's go.

He shouldn't have to wait too long on that. It doesn't really matter who goes first on that x-cut. Just go. Jump stop on the reverse pivot. Jump stop. You've got to make jump stop. All right, let's hold it right there.

All right, that's peer pressure split right, split left. Working on left-handed lay-ups, right-handed lay-ups. You're working on good jump stops, good pivots. The drill looks sharp, especially when the lay-ups are going in, passes are being delivered, good solid jump stops, good hard dribbles across. Great preparation for the game.

I want to thank you for watching Game Time today. I hope these pregame drills will help prepare your team for battle. I hope you found some things today in these drills that will get your players to focus on the fundamentals, have them think about the things that are important to you as a coach so that they can come out and execute them in the game effortlessly, and certainly improve your chances of winning.


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