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Tow Hook

Player launches a grapple hook,

collecting items or pulling an object

towards the player’s location.

Created By: Aaron Bailey

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Platform: Computer

Number of Players: Single Player

Controls: Keyboard and Mouse: Mouse button 2 (Right Click)

Perspective: Side Scrolling

Mechanic Info

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The player will press Mouse Button 2 and a hook will shoot out horizontally, towards the way the player is facing.

If the hook hits a collectable, the item will be picked up and added to the player’s inventory.

If the hook hits an object with physics, the hook will drag that object X amount, back toward the player’s location. The player will be able to click the Mouse Button 2 again during the pull to release the object

If the hook isn’t successful then it will return back to the player and the ability will be able to be used again.

This mechanic is unique because it pulls objects or collectables to the player instead of actually hooking the player to the object. The ability is ranged and can be used when things are out of reach or just for the player’s convenience.

Summary of the Mechanic

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Tow Hook: Used on item

• Player recognizes an item that cannot be reached

• Player uses hook ability; hook shoots out and grabs item

• Hook stays attached to item, bringing it back to the player

• Player gains 1 of the item

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Tow Hook: Used on object

• Player notices that it is impossible to jump to the next level

• Player sees box object and uses hook

• Hook grabs item and player drops it at a convenient location

• Player uses object’s new positioning to reach the next level

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Lock Overload

Player reactively clicks on an interface where squares are randomly lit up to unlock objects.

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Platform: Computer

Number of Players: Single Player

Controls: Keyboard and Mouse: Clicking (Left Mouse Button)

Perspective: 2D interface, first person camera

Mechanic Info

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After the lock interface appears, the player will click on the square is glowing. The glowing square will change at a fixed pace but to random squares on the interface and the player will be timed. If the player clicks the wrong square, the timer will lose X amount of seconds and will have to restart if the timer reaches zero. If the players are successful, they can progress to getting what was locked, whether that be through a door, chest, etc.

This mechanic is unique because it is completely based on the player’s reaction time. There aren’t any puzzle pieces to put together or other sequences to solve. The order is always random and unique to every lock.

Summary of the Mechanic

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Lock Overload

• Player is faced with locked door

• Player starts the override process, clicking on green squares as they appear

• Player has 10 seconds to complete the override

• Player is successful and door opens to the next level

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Vent Interaction

Player places an alarm or poison gas in a vent, making the sound or gas travel to nearby vents, distracting or killing enemies.

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Platform: Computer

Number of Players: Single Player

Controls: Keyboard and Mouse: Q Key

Perspective: Side Scrolling

Mechanic Info

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When a player is next to a vent, they have two options; place alarm or place gas. The sound or gas will travel to vents within X amount of radius and effect enemies near those vents. The players can then decide how they want to deal with the challenges ahead. This ability is restricted based on how many alarms or gas items the player possesses.

This mechanic is unique because it provides a indirect way to deal with enemies that are too difficult to kill and it has a high emphasis on level design. Players won’t be able to use this ability freely so level designers have the control of game balance. This mechanic can be adapted to have any function as long as the action is performed through vents.

Summary of the Mechanic

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Vent Interaction: Used with poison gas

• Player sees a tough enemy ahead and notices a connecting vent system

• Player uses poison bomb and drops it on the vent

• Poison gas travels through the vent and covers the enemy’s area

• Enemy dies and ends up falling over to allow the player to jump the the next level

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Hover Trance

While undetected, players lift enemies on the screen into the air.

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Platform: Computer

Number of Players: Single Player

Controls: Keyboard and Mouse: C Key

Perspective: Side Scrolling

Mechanic Info

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Any time that the player is undetected, the player can press C to lift all enemies on the screen into the air and put them in a trance. This ability will have a large cool down and the enemies will be alerted once the trance is over.

This mechanic is unique because it gives players a way to traverse through the level without any pressure. This is a high risk/reward situation where players must time properly to succeed.

Summary of the Mechanic

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Hover Trance: Successful use

• Player sees an enemy that would take too many resources to defeat

• Player uses hover trance ability

• Enemies are lifted to the air and a path is cleared for the player

• Player quickly runs under the enemies and avoids detection

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Gamma Suit

Player emits a circular blast of gamma radiation, hurting enemies but also increasing the player’s radiation meter.

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Platform: Computer

Number of Players: Single Player

Controls: Keyboard and Mouse: E Key

Perspective: Side Scrolling

Mechanic Info

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The player attacks by pressing E, shooting out gamma particles and dealing damage in a radius around the player’s center. This will do X damage to surrounding enemies but fill up the player’s gamma meter with every use. If the gamma meter reaches 100%, the player dies.

This mechanic is unique because it is an attack that the player’s have to time. The attack is very effective but it will end up killing the player if spammed over a small amount of time.

Summary of the Mechanic

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Gamma Suit: Overused

• Player is being chased by an enemy

• Player starts using the gamma suit, which starts increasing the meter

• Player defeats enemy but panicked, overusing the ability and killing himself
