Page 1: GAME ON19e21141e53b5c034df6-fe3f5161196526a8a7b5af72d4961ee5.r45.c… · Rhodri Thomas Partner, Strutt & Parker Strutt & Parker is one of the UK’s leading property firms, and land

GAME ONThe Game Shooting & Fishing Census | 2014

Revealed: Who is shooting where and why this year

Page 2: GAME ON19e21141e53b5c034df6-fe3f5161196526a8a7b5af72d4961ee5.r45.c… · Rhodri Thomas Partner, Strutt & Parker Strutt & Parker is one of the UK’s leading property firms, and land

The Game Shooting & Fishing Census | 2014 1


Introductionpage 3

Forewordpage 4

Gun and shoot owner profilepage 5

The detail behind the headlinespage 10

The detail behind the headlinespage 15

Rod and fishery profilepage 12

So what does the census tell us?page 16

43% of guns are prepared to travel over 200 miles to shoot









Page 3: GAME ON19e21141e53b5c034df6-fe3f5161196526a8a7b5af72d4961ee5.r45.c… · Rhodri Thomas Partner, Strutt & Parker Strutt & Parker is one of the UK’s leading property firms, and land

2 The Game Shooting & Fishing Census | 2014 The Game Shooting & Fishing Census | 2014 3

The continued growth of GunsOnPegs, now with 69,000 members, alongside the expertise of Strutt & Parker, has enabled us to conduct the second census into game shooting and fishing.

Whilst it is relatively easy to discover information about the providers of the sport, learning what the customers want and expect is less straightforward. Given the dramatic change the internet has brought about to the selection process of a venue, it is vital that expectations are delivered by the provider.

With the ever increasing competition and costs, shoot and fishery owners must constantly review their offering in order to maintain their position and build their customer base.

This census provides some fascinating data for all those involved in both shooting and fishing, which will assist both providers as well as participants in gaining a better understanding of the UK market.

In the past it has been easy to stereotype those that participate in shooting and fishing. These results should dispel some of those myths.


The average spend per peg is £619

Page 4: GAME ON19e21141e53b5c034df6-fe3f5161196526a8a7b5af72d4961ee5.r45.c… · Rhodri Thomas Partner, Strutt & Parker Strutt & Parker is one of the UK’s leading property firms, and land

4 The Game Shooting & Fishing Census | 2014 The Game Shooting & Fishing Census | 2014 5


James HorneChairman, ITap Group Limited and James Purdey & Son Limited

Having been a keen shooting person for many years, I took over my first shoot near Newmarket. It was through this shoot that I met the original founders of eBay and this led to the idea of a version of eBay for shooting and fishing, so GunsOnPegs and RodsOnRivers were born. They are a free to use and impartial service for both providers and participants. Now with a combined audience of 75,000 members, this database has enabled us and our partners Strutt & Parker to deliver this fascinating insight into these sports.

Rhodri Thomas Partner, Strutt & Parker

Strutt & Parker is one of the UK’s leading property firms, and land and estate management has been at the very heart of our business for the past 129 years. Game shooting and fishing continue to be a vital part of the rural economy, and consequently both have far-reaching impacts on the lives of those who own, live, work, and visit the countryside. After the success of last year’s census, we are delighted to be working once again with James and Chris Horne and their team at GunsOnPegs. This census continues to be the most comprehensive of its kind, and trends are already appearing which give essential guidance to those providing game shooting and fishing in a continually changing marketplace. I hope you will find the results interesting and, indeed, some of them surprising.

Guns are spending 13% more on shooting this year compared to last, which is fantastic news for the sport. 22% of respondents indicated that they are expecting to spend more this season with 9% expecting to spend less, giving a net balance of 13%. 10% of the overall expenditure is spent on shooting abroad, but there is a 10% decrease in those guns wishing to shoot outside the UK, so it will be interesting to monitor this trend in future years.

How much do people spend?

Who goes game shooting?

Shooting is a sport enjoyed by people from many different backgrounds and a wide range of professions – including tradesmen, property, IT, finance and agriculture. Only a small number of independently wealthy people responded to our survey, and a significant proportion of respondents were retired. These findings counter the stereotypical myth that shooting is a sport of the elite. Whilst the vast majority of participants are male, the number of ladies taking part is also continuing to grow.



6% are tradesmen

71%are over

Average spend

£5,691Up 13% on previous



Average spend per peg

Guns prepared to pay

£35bird ex VAT


14%use Twitter

41%use Facebook

30%use LinkedIn46

years old


are interested in sh

ooting o



the UK

Gun and shoot owner profile

Page 5: GAME ON19e21141e53b5c034df6-fe3f5161196526a8a7b5af72d4961ee5.r45.c… · Rhodri Thomas Partner, Strutt & Parker Strutt & Parker is one of the UK’s leading property firms, and land

6 The Game Shooting & Fishing Census | 2014 The Game Shooting & Fishing Census | 2014 7

Where do people shoot?

How far do people travel?

The most popular areas to shoot in the UK are the South East, South West and Scotland. The vast majority shoot pheasant and partridge, with 21% shooting grouse. Only 7% acknowledge walked up shooting as their preferred style of day, with most having no preference on driven or walked up. Interestingly, 30% have no preference for type of land; however 61% state that they shoot over rolling land. These figures could lead one to believe that the desire to have a social day out at a shoot has precedence over a desired location. Price is also an issue, with higher bird shoots charging more per bird.

The number of shoots visited per gun per season continues to grow, and is now at an average of over five different shoots. It is clear that guns now like to visit more shoots in a season than ever before, rather than taking a number of days at the same venue. One factor that could provide an explanation for this is the ever increasing number of roving syndicates, with 57% of guns part of a travelling group. The distance that guns are prepared to travel is significant; with 43% happy to travel over 200 miles to shoot. This is good news for shoots located in rural areas, and also shows that guns like variety and are less likely to visit just one shoot per season. Times have changed, and shoots should recognise that the days of keeping the same guns throughout the season are gone. Healthy competition will help drive shoot standards up and shoots will need to become more adept at marketing and promoting themselves to keep their business thriving.

Average bag size

124 80%would like to shoot high birds at some point in the season

43%Prepared to travel over

200 miles toa shoot

18Average number of daysshooting per annum

of a rovingsyndicate...

Guns part


64%like to shoot over wooded valleys, moorland and Highland

The expectations of guns and the hospitality provided by shoots continues to be mismatched, and it is evident that many shoots are not offering guns sufficient choice. The suggestion from the results is that guns must clearly communicate what they expect from a day, and shoots must clearly communicate their hospitality offering. 89% of shoots offer a three course meal yet 47% expect it. 24% of shoots offer champagne during the mid-morning break but only 13% of guns expect it.

What do guns expect at a shoot?

How guns prefer to take their game home at the end of the day paints a fascinating and perhaps unexpected picture. 63% of younger guns prefer their game on the feather rather than dressed and packed. Only 42% of those over 66 years of age prefer their game on the feather. There could be many explanations for this interesting result. Taking a bird on the feather offers more options for preparing the game compared with receiving oven ready birds. It could also be said that younger guns feel a duty to be involved in the complete shooting process, following a greater interest in food provenance in recent years.

How do guns like to receive their game?

73% expect refreshments

on arrival

of guns prefer to travelaround a shoot in a 4x443%



Feather Dressed

Over 66

Under 35




Page 6: GAME ON19e21141e53b5c034df6-fe3f5161196526a8a7b5af72d4961ee5.r45.c… · Rhodri Thomas Partner, Strutt & Parker Strutt & Parker is one of the UK’s leading property firms, and land

8 The Game Shooting & Fishing Census | 2014 The Game Shooting & Fishing Census | 2014 9



There has been a considerable growth in simulated shooting over the last five seasons. This sport has extended the shooting season and also offers a great opportunity for practice. Coupled with this increase, there is a trend for more guns taking shooting lessons. It could be that the increase in number of lessons taken is related to the increasing cost of a game day. Enjoying the day by being able to capably connect with the quarry is vital, so lessons are a sensible investment.

Do guns practice?

Just 22% of shoots offer advice on cartridges, yet 45% of guns would like to receive advice. Again, this highlights a mismatch between what guns expect and what shoots offer. Only 68% of shoots stipulate the need for fibre wadded cartridges, yet 83% of guns prefer to use fibre waddings.

What cartridges should be used?

would appreciate

of shoots45%22%



The average is

comparedwith 1.05 last year

of guns do not have lessons

The average is

compared with 1.28 last year

1.78 DAYSThis year

go simulated shooting,compared with 33% last year

advice on


of gunsjust

offer advice on








per annum

of simulatedshooting

An alarming 20% of guns are happy to shoot without public liability insurance. Whilst the overall number admitting this has decreased from 34% since last year, it is still a great concern to both shoots and guns. Significant risk lies with the shoot in the event of an accident involving an uninsured gun. Similarly, only 36% of shoots recommend shoot cancellation insurance and only 11% of guns take it out. There is also a rise from 12% last year to 18% this year of shoots not providing a full refund if a cancellation occurs.

Do guns take any insurance?


89%do not take outcancellationinsurance THEIR GUNS





of guns

last year 66% did not have lessons

Page 7: GAME ON19e21141e53b5c034df6-fe3f5161196526a8a7b5af72d4961ee5.r45.c… · Rhodri Thomas Partner, Strutt & Parker Strutt & Parker is one of the UK’s leading property firms, and land

10 The Game Shooting & Fishing Census | 2014 The Game Shooting & Fishing Census | 2014 11

Gun Survey Gun facts 96% of guns surveyed were male

71% were over 46 years old

49% use social media

32% shoot in Scotland

21% prefer to shoot grouse

Average number of days shot per annum = 18

Number of days purchased per year = 10

Average bag size = 124 (previous season 131)

Average amount spent per day, per gun = £619

Over 50% of guns pay by cash

80% would like to shoot high birds at some point in the season

43% prefer to use a 4x4

35% prefer a gun bus

83% use fibre wadded cartridges when shooting game

85% like to stay within 10 miles of the shoot

21% are happy to pay £200+ on a hotel

45% expect birds dressed

43% are not prepared to pay overage

57% are part of a roving syndicate

Average number of shotguns owned = 3.7

70% insure guns through their home insurance

67% expect to receive elevenses

47% expect to receive a three course meal either at lunch or after the shoot

65% never receive a contract from the shoot

6% have experienced financial loss through shooting

11% take out shoot cancellation insurance

49% only use an over/under gun

27% only use a side-by-side gun

24% use both over/under and side-by-side guns

39% own a rifle

57% own a dog

17% of guns surveyed were retired

Average number of shoots visited per year = 5

Average spend on shooting per annum = £5,691

Shoot Owner SurveyShoot profile14% of shoots are in Scotland and 28% in the South of England

75% of shoots offer high bird shooting

26% describe their shoot as a wooded valley shoot, 46% describe their shoot as rolling land

55% of shoots offer 4x4 access

49% of shoots offer a gun bus

68% of shoots stipulate that fibre wadding cartridges should be used

22% of shoots offer accommodation on the shooting estate

54% have arrangements with local hotels

70% advise pickers up to take care about leaving game for guns with dogs to collect

33% offer dressed birds

52% do not advise on cartridge to bird ratios

54% don’t charge overage (last year 54%)

59% of shoots are owned, 41% are leased

62% only sell full days, 36% sell individual gun days

13% of shoots consider themselves to be commercial, 43% part commercial and 44% are private

61% have a syndicate

45% describe their topography as rolling land and 28% as lowland

63% have wildfowl and 34% have deer. Less than 42% shoot ground game

100% provide a verbal health & safety briefing

Average Game cover acreage is 27.75 acres Stock type PercentageDay olds 19 (twice as many commercial shoots take

in day olds)Poults 78 (75% of all part commercial and private

shoots use poults)Rear your own 17Ex layers 2Wild birds only 6 (shoots believe that between 13-15%

of their birds are wild)Average price Per Poult Day oldPartridge £4.05 £0.98Pheasant £3.56 £0.78


Detail behind the headlinesAdditional stats from our census, further details available on request.

PurchasingPayment methods offered: 91% cheque, 61% cash, 77% bank transfer, 8% debit/credit card, 11% Shoot Pay

Nearly 50% of all shoots require a 50% deposit, 27% take no deposit.

69% of all shoots require the deposit on booking, 15% three months or more before

23% of shoots are now registered as sporting clubs

38% of shoots provide a contract, yet 70% of guns say they have never received one

38% of shoots do not pay VAT

The most common method of booking is by telephone (92%)

Insurance38% of shoots recommend guns take out cancellation insurance, yet only 11% do!

44% of shoots offer another day in the event of a cancellation (18% do not)

If a gun fails to attend, 51% do not offer money back, 13% offer an alternative day and 3% return the money

Only 42% of shoots offer a formal safety card, whilst 100% do a briefing

Hospitality75% of shoots offer elevenses, and 68% of guns expect to receive elevenses

24% offer champagne yet only 13% would expect it

89% of shoots offer a three course meal, yet only 47% expect to receive one either at lunch or after the shoot

At 75% of shoots you are live on the peg, 25% start with a horn

43% of shoots always stop for lunch

Cartridges and overage68% stipulate fibre wadding

Only 22% of shoots advise on cartridges, but 45% would like advice

79% of shoots prefer guns to pick up used cartridges

32% of shoots charge +/- 5 or 10%.

10% of shoots charge by the bird shot, down from 13% last year

72% of shoots do not have an underage policy

Shoot owner factsOver 97% show pheasant and 79% show partridge

Average number of birds put down was 8,927:Average returns: 39.24%

Average Pay Average Used 2014 2013 2012Pickers up £31.61 £28.25 (£29) 4.2Beaters £28.68 £23.79 (£25) 15

Over 51% try to integrate/introduce beaters to the guns during the day

Employee benefits:There has been a reduction across the board. Including housing provision, utility bills, vehicles, dog and clothing allowance65% employ a gamekeeper26% employ an underkeeper

Source of new clients:Word of mouth 73% | Internet 25% | Other 2%

Page 8: GAME ON19e21141e53b5c034df6-fe3f5161196526a8a7b5af72d4961ee5.r45.c… · Rhodri Thomas Partner, Strutt & Parker Strutt & Parker is one of the UK’s leading property firms, and land

12 The Game Shooting & Fishing Census | 2014 The Game Shooting & Fishing Census | 2014 13

Over 90% of fisheries surveyed provided fly fishing rather than coarse fishing, and 76% of fisherman only go fly fishing. Of this figure, 52% go salmon fishing.

On average, six different rivers are visited by rods each year, and the average number of fishing days per season is 21, with two of these outside the UK.

Only 22% of rods are a member of a static syndicate, however of those that are part of a syndicate; 52% are a member of one and 30% are members of more than four.

What type of fishing do rods do?

Catch levels are low this year due to a water shortage throughout most of Europe, so the majority of fishermen expect to spend a similar amount next year. 18% expect to pay more, and only 6% expect to pay less.

43% of those surveyed would only pay up to £50 per day for trout fishing and 39% are prepared to pay up to £300 per day for salmon fishing.

The average expenditure is £1,600 per annum and 80% of this expenditure is within the UK.

How much do rods spend?



43% per day for trout fishing

only pay up to £50

39% £300 per day for salmon fishing

are preparedto pay up to

is the average expenditure per annum and 80% of this is within the UK


rivers are visited by r ds each yearOn average, six different

of rods


About 63% of fisheries sell their fishing in blocks of one week, which helps to explain the high average number of days fished. Over 75% of bookings are made by telephone or email, with 69% of fisheries requiring a deposit when booking. 33% of fisheries would not provide a full refund due to cancellation and over 80% of fisheries do not require rods to have insurance.

How do rods buy fishing?

The fishing market differs from the shooting market in that 80% of fisheries do not provide any form of hospitality. However, the majority (87%) do provide a fishing hut or bothy, and 40% offer a limited range of tackle and flies.

What can rods expect?

80% sell fishing

87% provide either a fishing hut or a bothy



80%of fisheries do not require rods to have insurance @

are made by

Over 75% of bookings

telephone or email

sell their fishing in blocks of one week

63%of fisheries


Rod and fishery profile

Page 9: GAME ON19e21141e53b5c034df6-fe3f5161196526a8a7b5af72d4961ee5.r45.c… · Rhodri Thomas Partner, Strutt & Parker Strutt & Parker is one of the UK’s leading property firms, and land

14 The Game Shooting & Fishing Census | 2014 The Game Shooting & Fishing Census | 2014 15

With nearly 40% of fishermen preferring to stay overnight when fishing, just over half the fisheries surveyed offer accommodation, yet nearly 75% do not have any arrangements with local hotels.

Where do rods stay?

Despite the ever increasing availability of technology, over 43% of fisheries do not wish to allow webcams on their water. This is despite the fact that there is an increasing trend for fishermen watching the water levels by camera before departing for fishing.

Do fisheries use webcams to monitor water levels?

to allow webcams on their water

of fisheriesdo not wish


do not have any arrangements with local hotels

75% 40%of fishermanprefer to stay overnight when fishing

Fishery Owner SurveyFishery owner facts40% of all fisheries surveyed were in Scotland

33% stocked their fishery and 60% stocked with sterile fish

The average number of beats is three, and 42% are double banked

Average length of beat is five miles, with an average of 18 pools

37% had water levels affected in the last 10 years

80% employ staff, with 84% employing a ghillie or beat-keeper

70% of fishery owners provide benefits for their staff, with 42% offering a house and 41% a vehicle

If a rod fails to attend 69% would not return the money

If a day is cancelled 33% would not offer to reschedule the day

Nearly 80% do not require rods to have any form of insurance

Profile50% class their fishing as commercial, with 31% part commercial and 19% private

Brown trout, salmon and sea trout are the most commonly caught species

70% offer salmon fishing

65% offer sea trout fishing

25% offer rainbow trout

37% of fisheries had an abstraction licence on their beat

Purchasing75% of bookings are made through email or telephone. About 26% are made through an agent

54% of owners require a 50% deposit when making the booking, and 78% of those require the deposit when making the booking

77% do not supply any form of contract

Hospitality54% provide a set of scales

73% keep and display catch data

40% supply tackle and flies

53% offer accommodation on the estate, 75% do not have any arrangements with local hotels

Only 6% offer dressed fish

20% offer boats for hire

94% do not have webcams on their water and 43% would not consider their use

60% allow dogs on their fishery

Rod facts76% expect to spend the same amount on fishing next year

18% expect to spend more on fishing next year

6% expect to spend less on fishing next year

22% are part of a static syndicate

76% go fly fishing

Average of 6 fisheries visited per year


Detail behind the headlinesAdditional stats from our census, further details available on request.

Page 10: GAME ON19e21141e53b5c034df6-fe3f5161196526a8a7b5af72d4961ee5.r45.c… · Rhodri Thomas Partner, Strutt & Parker Strutt & Parker is one of the UK’s leading property firms, and land

16 The Game Shooting & Fishing Census | 2014 The Game Shooting & Fishing Census | 2014 17

This census has enabled us to examine some of the trends within the shooting and fishing market as well as gaining further confirmation of the validity of the data from the first census. We are delighted with the results!

What are the main features?

Without doubt the census destroys the myth that the participants in shooting and fishing are the wealthy elite. Whilst the sports are expensive, the diversity of employment is enormous and perhaps not surprisingly the largest group are retired people representing some 17% of the market, and over 70% of participants are over the age of 46. The spread of profession ranges from tradesmen to property, to IT and finance to agriculture with only a small percentage of independently wealthy people. We estimate that around 100,000 people are the principal buyers of shooting for themselves and others, whilst over 300,000 actively participate in driven game shooting.

The mobility and number of shoots visited is an ever increasing feature. The number of shoots visited per gun per season is over five. This reflects the growing number of roving syndicates; 57% of guns are part of a travelling group. It is also evidenced by the number of sporting agents who offer roving syndicate membership rather than just selling full days as has historically been the case.

The distance guns are prepared to travel is significant, with the majority happy to travel over 200 miles to shoot. This is good news for shoots located in rural parts of the UK, but also implies that shoots must recognise that the days of keeping the same guns throughout the season are gone and that they have to be more adept at marketing and ensuring their overall standard is

high. This movement of guns has created an extensive network of hotels that are gun and dog friendly. The income from shooting parties in the “low” season is a welcome boost to the rural economy. There are over 200 hotels now featured in the Good Shoot Hotel Guide.

The use of social media has had a profound effect on the shooting and fishing markets with over 40% of people using Facebook. Additionally, the continued expansion of GunsOnPegs and RodsOnRivers who are fast approaching 75,000 members has enabled contact between both providers and purchasers of shooting and fishing which was previously nearly only served by word of mouth.

The need for providers of shooting to recognise that they are in the highly competitive world of the entertainment business is one that many shoots have been slow to grasp. It is of course vital that the expectations of guns and the hospitality provided by shoots is matched and it is evident that many shoots should consider their offering more carefully. For example, 89% offer guns a three course meal yet only 47% expect it. Nearly half (43%) of all shoots always stop for lunch. As in previous years 24% of shoots offer champagne at mid-morning break but only 13% of guns expect it. There is a clear opportunity here for both shoots and guns to improve communication in order to better meet each other’s expectations. Only 38% of shoots provide

So what does the Census tell us?

James HorneCEO, GunsOnPegs and RodsOnRivers

Rhodri Thomas Partner, Strutt & Parker

a shoot contract. This is an obvious shortcoming and could easily resolve misunderstandings between shoots and guns.

An encouraging feature of the survey is the average annual spend. 22% indicate that they are expecting to spend more on shooting this season with 9% expecting to spend less, resulting in a net increase of 13%. This is a very positive trend, however whilst expenditure is going up and 10% of the expenditure is abroad, there is a 10% decrease in those guns wishing to shoot outside the UK. This suggests that the quality and variety of shooting in the UK is meeting customers’ needs. During the shoot booking season of 2014 GunsOnPegs has seen a higher level of bookings than ever before, which supports this increased level of expenditure.

We continue to be amazed at the number of guns who shoot without insurance. Whilst this is down to 20% from 34% last year, it should be a great concern to shoots, as the risk shifts to the shoot in the event of an accident. There are now day ticket public liability insurance pads available to shoots in a joint GunsOnPegs / BASC initiative. This enables shoots to check each gun has insurance on the day, and already this season many have been issued-confirming the number of guns uninsured. Shoot cancellation insurance also shows a disconnect; only 11% of guns take it out, yet 38% of shoots recommend it.

A fundamental aspect of shooting should be that what is shot is then consumed in the food chain. For some years we have seen a steady increase of commercial shoots providing dressed birds to guns rather than birds on the feather.

It is of fundamental importance to shooting that everyone that participates should eat and promote the eating of game. We have been fascinated by the trend that the younger age groups prefer to receive birds on the feather with the older generations preferring them ready dressed. The trend across every decade of age group is consistent and indicates that the younger guns are keen to eat game in many variations rather than simply the traditional roast. This is an exciting story as it will almost certainly encourage the major retailers to continue to develop the game food market.

The sports of both shooting and fishing are in good health, with strong demand and a relatively elastic supply; many shoots have increased the number of birds put down this season and fisheries continue to expand. Whilst there are many potential threats, it is important that main providers monitor the trends. The emerging trend, particularly amongst young guns, of preparing game for their own consumption is certainly encouraging, and just one example of how the sport is evolving to become a multi-faceted social pursuit.

For further information, or to discuss any of the findings of the census, please contact James Horne at GunsOnPegs or Rhodri Thomas at Strutt & Parker.

Page 11: GAME ON19e21141e53b5c034df6-fe3f5161196526a8a7b5af72d4961ee5.r45.c… · Rhodri Thomas Partner, Strutt & Parker Strutt & Parker is one of the UK’s leading property firms, and land

18 The Game Shooting & Fishing Census | 2014

Rhodri ThomasStrutt & Parker 13 Hill Street London W1J 5LQ

01722 344031 07710 038283

E: [email protected]

James HorneGunsOnPegs 6, 59-60 Jermyn Street London SW1Y 6LX

07785 361 768 0207 491 1363

E: [email protected]

Copyright Strutt & Parker, 2014. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without prior written consent by Strutt & Parker. The information contained herein is general in nature and is not intended, and should not be construed, as professional advice or opinion provided to the user, nor as a recommendation of any particular approach. It is based on material that we believe to be reliable. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, we cannot offer any warranty that it contains no factual errors. Survey conducted online from June to July 2014 and data is applicable as of print date.
