Page 1: Gaining from the Knowledge of Other Disciplines

Gaining from the Knowledge of Other DisciplinesUsing a Sociological Theory to Study and Foster the Adoption of Innovative Services in Academic Libraries

Crystal Hampson, C-EBLIP Fall Symposium, Saskatoon, SK, October 14, 2015

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Gaining from the Knowledge of Other Disciplines | Crystal Hampson

Page 3: Gaining from the Knowledge of Other Disciplines

Gaining from the Knowledge of Other Disciplines | Crystal Hampson

Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT)Introduction

Used across cultures Varied disciplines Everett Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations

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Gaining from the Knowledge of Other Disciplines | Crystal Hampson

Basic Elements of IDT

IDT studies how an innovation is communicated through a social system using certain communication channels over time.

(Rogers 5)

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Gaining from the Knowledge of Other Disciplines | Crystal Hampson

Adopter Categories

Innovators (2.5%) Early adopters (13.5%) Early majority (34%) Late majority (34%) Laggards (16%)

(Rogers 281)

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Gaining from the Knowledge of Other Disciplines | Crystal Hampson

Developing and Evaluating New ServicesInnovation Attributes

Individual’s perception of:1. Relative advantage – better than current2. Compatability – needs, values, experiences3. Complexity – easy to understand, use4. Trialability – try it first5. Observability – see others using it

(Rogers 219-266)

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Gaining from the Knowledge of Other Disciplines | Crystal Hampson

Innovation-Decision Process

Five Stages:1. Knowledge – general awareness, why, how2. Persuasion – form attitude3. Decision – adopt or reject4. Implementation – modify, or “re-invent”5. Confirmation – may discontinue

(Rogers 20-21, 168-218)

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Gaining from the Knowledge of Other Disciplines | Crystal Hampson

Promotion and Advocacy

Stage Communication Channel

Knowledge Mass communication (one-to-many)

Persuasion Subjective, evaluative information from near peers (two-way)

(Rogers 18-20, 168-218)

Communication Channels

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Adoption Over Time


Gaining from the Knowledge of Other Disciplines | Crystal Hampson

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(“University of Saskatchewan Students from the School of Public Health.jpg”)

Gaining from the Knowledge of Other Disciplines | Crystal Hampson

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Gaining from the Knowledge of Other Disciplines | Crystal Hampson

Promotion and AdvocacyCommunication Through a Social System

Influenced by people like themselves Opinion leader - informal role May be for or against Can be over-used Make own judgments Not overly aligned (credibility)

(Rogers 26-27, 300-401)

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Influence OL directly or indirectly (Valente)

Promotion and Advocacy

Gaining from the Knowledge of Other Disciplines | Crystal Hampson

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Gaining from the Knowledge of Other Disciplines | Crystal Hampson

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(“Touring the Building.jpg”)

[email protected]

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Works Cited Batty, Lisa. “Reading Room at the British Museum.jpg” JPEG file. Wikimedia Commons,

30 Nov. 2005. Web. 18 Sept. 2015. <> Garnett, Ron. “Aerial View of the Campus.jpg” JPEG file. Flickr, 30 Jul 2005. Web. 18

Sept. 2015. <> Grandjean, Martin. “Moreno Sociogram 4th Grade.png” PNG file. Wikimedia Commons,

16 Mar. 2015. Web. 04 Sept. 2015. <>

Hvassing. “Diffusion of Ideas.svg.” SVG file. Wikimedia Commons, 28 Feb. 2012. Web. 02 Jun. 2014. <>.

Jones, Richard, Theo Andrew, and John MacColl. The Institutional Repository. Oxford: Chandos, 2006. Print. Chandos Information Professional Series.

Rogers, Everett M. Diffusion of Innovations. 5th ed. New York: Free Press, 2003. Print.

Gaining from the Knowledge of Other Disciplines | Crystal Hampson

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Works Cited “Touring the Building.jpg” JPEG file. Flickr, 21 Jul. 2015. Web. 18 Sept. 2015.

<> “University of Saskatchewan Students from the School of Public Health.jpg”. JPEG file.

Flickr, 21 Nov. 2008. Web. 18 Sept. 2015. <>.

Valente, Thomas W. “Social Network Approaches for Behaviour Change.” Rethink Research: University of Saskatchewan Research Intensification Series. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. 05 March 2015. Presentation.

Gaining from the Knowledge of Other Disciplines | Crystal Hampson
