Page 1: Gaining Control control 11.pdf · Gaining Control . Take it Off, Take it ALL Off . By: Joanne Vaughan, BSW, BSc, DSc . Clinical Nutritionist . Email: Website:

Gaining Control

Take it Off, Take it ALL Off

By: Joanne Vaughan, BSW, BSc, DSc

Clinical Nutritionist

Email: [email protected] Website:

Love Your Food Thoroughly

Page 2: Gaining Control control 11.pdf · Gaining Control . Take it Off, Take it ALL Off . By: Joanne Vaughan, BSW, BSc, DSc . Clinical Nutritionist . Email: Website:

Table of Contents Gaining Control .................................................................................................................. 1

You are going to learn the truth ....................................................................................... 3

Circadian rhythms govern ................................................................................................ 3

Circadian Rhythms of the Digestive System ....................................................................... 3

Simple Rules of the Road to Success .................................................................................... 5

Food Quiz .......................................................................................................................... 7

Frame of Reference ............................................................................................................ 9

Let’s Begin Today ..............................................................................................................10

Mental Imagery Goals to Begin .......................................................................................10

Goal #1 .....................................................................................................................10

Goal #2 .....................................................................................................................11

Goal #3 .....................................................................................................................11

Plan your evening meal starting with ...............................................................................12

Choose Your Colour .......................................................................................................13

Choose Your Protein ......................................................................................................15

Deserts and Delights ......................................................................................................16

Secret to Weight Loss ........................................................................................................18

Sections of the Brain ......................................................................................................19

Will Power .....................................................................................................................20

Divide Your Food Intake .................................................................................................21

Wisdom ........................................................................................................................21

Food Pattern Quiz ..........................................................................................................22

Does your struggle look like this scenario? .......................................................................22

Morning and Evening Routines are the Key ......................................................................23

The All Important Pivotal Points .........................................................................................24

Raw vs. Cooked .............................................................................................................25

Fresh Juicing .................................................................................................................26

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Snacking .......................................................................................................................26

Breads ..........................................................................................................................26

Use Pre-Technology as Your Guide ..................................................................................28

Gluten Intolerance, Food sensitivities, and Weight Gain ........................................................28

Dairy ............................................................................................................................30

More Mid-Morning Snacks ..................................................................................................30

Lunch ..............................................................................................................................32

Organic vs. Commercial Produce ........................................................................................34

Keys Points to Success ......................................................................................................35

#1 Aggravation - Food Sensitivities ....................................................................................35

Here is how that happens ...............................................................................................36

#2 Aggravation – Acid Reflux .............................................................................................38

Continuing with the Keys to Success ...................................................................................40

Circadian Rhythms .........................................................................................................40

Why Calorie Counting Does Not Work .................................................................................48

Basal Metabolic Rate ......................................................................................................48

Not all calories are the same ...........................................................................................49

Benefits of Exercise ...........................................................................................................51

Other Factors Affecting Weight Loss ...................................................................................53

Supplements and Nutraceuticals .........................................................................................59

Here is a Basic Profile for every age ................................................................................59

Children .....................................................................................................................59

Adult .........................................................................................................................60

Natural Approaches to the Inflammatory Process & Correcting Digestive Conditions of Over

Acidity ..............................................................................................................................62

Inflammatory Process ....................................................................................................62

Let's start with Causes ................................................................................................62

External Injuries .........................................................................................................63

Internal Inflammation .................................................................................................63

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The First Sign of Food Intolerances is Mucus ....................................................................65

Here is Why ...............................................................................................................65

Where to Start ...........................................................................................................65

Do this Simple Test.....................................................................................................66

Arthritis: Types and Approaches ......................................................................................66

Conditions of Arthritis .................................................................................................67

Natural Approaches ....................................................................................................68

Omega 3 fatty acids....................................................................................................68

Vitamin C ...................................................................................................................69

Proanthcyandins .........................................................................................................70

Correcting Digestive Disorders of Overacidity ...................................................................71

Problems Associated with Over Acidity .........................................................................71

The Role of Diet as a Contributing Factor to Over Acidity ...............................................71

Tip for heating to maintain healthy oil: .........................................................................73

Where to Start ...........................................................................................................76

Do This......................................................................................................................76

For Further Exciting and Informative Information .................................................................77

Copyright .........................................................................................................................78

Disclaimer: For Your Benefit and Ours ...............................................................................79

Appendix A – Recipes .......................................................................................................... i

World Class Salad ............................................................................................................ i

Oil and Vinegar Dressing .................................................................................................. ii

Almond Exceptional......................................................................................................... iii

Macaroons Exceptional .................................................................................................... iv

Macaroons Worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize ...................................................................... v

Morning Recipe............................................................................................................... vi

Soup Broth .................................................................................................................... vii

Hearty Vegetable Country Soup ..................................................................................... viii

Pepper and Garlic Tomato Soup ....................................................................................... ix

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Gaining Control

Weight control!

Weight loss!

Weight issues!

Weight has developed into an extremely lucrative industry. The myriad of ways to market and

sell weight loss is limited only by imagination.

The assumption that new approaches are better is just wrong, wrong on many levels. The idea

that if it is new, it is superior or it will be more successful is not the truth. The obvious attempt

to manipulate the hopes and goals of those who struggle with weight loss issues insults the

integrity of the people we as Professionals should be caring about. ‘New’ approaches imply

‘fresh’ approaches. Not so. You need the truth. The truth lies in the ageless, unchanging

physiology of weight loss, what it is, what it is not.

There are factors you need to consider if you are struggling with stubborn weight, it is under

the Chapter on ‘Other Factors Affecting Weight’. Don’t go there until you have read the book in

progression. Don’t give in to the quick fix notion. I have spoken to hundreds who have

successfully lost the weight they have battled for sometimes years. You are your own expert.

As Professionals, our job is to give knowledge we have studied for years; knowledge that will

translate into success for you. Your job is to take that knowledge and implement it and make it

work for you.

The true psychology behind each "new" approach implies fresh; implies discovery of something

that has not been previously understood; implies hope, excitement, etc. We all know that!

Resist the temptation to be sold a bill of goods that is packaged in instant transformation.

The basic beliefs that if you combine this or that food grouping; eliminate others; only eat this

or that and be on your way to losing weight is incredibly flawed.

If you, like millions of others, have encountered weight reduction programs that demand you

follow their guidelines or buy their foods, you have to ask yourself these questions:

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“How am I going to make the transition from prepackaged diet related foods

to normal eating again?” Plan________________________________________

“Do I want to have to rely on prepackaged diet related foods to sustain my

lifestyle?” Yes __ No __

“How do I make sensible choices on healthy eating beyond the prepackaged

diet related foods?” Plan_________________________________________

“Do I continue to heat up one meal for myself and prepare other meal choices

for my family?” Yes __ No __

Weight reduction and control is a much easier concept than you have been advertised into

understanding and/or believing. Believe first in your own body and the natural inclination we all

share to be a healthy weight.

We are on a Mission to find your Normal and Natural Weight. That is our goal!

Believe in the Laws of Nature and the natural circadian rhythms of the digestive

system, to obtaining your natural weight. Weight reduction is not about deprivation. Weight

reduction is not about dependency on other products or manufacturers.

Weight reduction is about knowledge. It is about eating food and in fact, eating an

abundance of good food. It is also about choosing healthy fats for satiety, vitality, health and


Abandon the complicated approaches and the marketing strategies. They either do not

understand or don’t care to educate. It is natural weight. It is systemic.

I would submit you are far too busy with living and enjoying your life to have to devote time

and money to what is simply a natural process.

Any approach that does not involve the natural desire of the body to return to a normal weight,

to me, simply sounds tiresome.

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Have you noticed all those packaged diet approaches come with catchy sounding names,

illusions of the warm sunny south or other such implications?

You are going to learn the truth

The knowledge you will learn has proven invaluable to thousands of people searching for

answers to underlying causes of stubborn weight issues. Along with returning to your normal

weight, the enjoyment and return of natural energy becomes yours again.

Some very sound, fundamental and unchanging threads make up the fabric of human

physiology and weight loss. The human body has not changed all that remarkably over the


You are about to embark on a journey of pivotal knowledge. Knowledge that is both proven

and simple to embrace. We are going to talk about eating in accordance with your Circadian

Rhythms, one of the most powerful tools in weight reduction and return to your natural weigh

Circadian rhythms govern:



Cleansing cycles or functions of the body. That simple map will guide you to a clear understanding of how to gain control of your cravings

in as few as a couple of days. You will use the same techniques all my clients use and it has

not failed them. Tools to use that stimulate your liver into releasing fatty acids to potentiate fat

burning. You will be armed and not so much dangerous as gorgeous or handsome.

You are ready, let’s go….

Circadian Rhythms of the Digestive System:

We have certain circadian rhythms that govern metabolic functions. These functions and

circadian rhythms have not changed for thousands of years.

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Our body has a certain indisputable need for specific nutrients. For example, our body requires

high quality protein or amino acids to carry out functions of cellular repair, to produce enzymes

and for immunity. We know the body runs on an intricate webbing and weaving of other tiny

nutrient molecules; vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and antioxidants.

Each organ, each cell has their unique nutrient requirements.

Weight management and weight reduction is marrying age old knowledge of the workings of

human physiology with time tested eating habits. Indulging in the love of good food is

synonymous with eating in compliance with the Laws of Nature.

For you, it really is that simple.

So why is weight control or reduction made to sound so complicated? Why are there so many convoluted approaches?

We will have to leave that answer to those who complicate it.

There are some very simple fundamental rules that work. They work because they are in

accordance with the physiological needs of the body.

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Simple Rules of the Road to Success

1. You need to balance your blood sugar in the a.m.

2. You need to have food in the morning. You do not have to eat like a Lumberjack, but

you do need to eat to balance your blood sugar and to ensure control over your eating

throughout the day. In the a.m., your body requires a source of easily digested foods

rich in vitamins, minerals, protein and essential fatty acids.

3. You need to consume healthy fats. Healthy fatty acids slow down digestion. Unhealthy

fatty acids, on the other hand, cause the digestive system to become sluggish and


Unhealthy fats include trans fats, hydrogenated fats, vegetable oils left at room

temperature or under fluorescent lights and rancid fats that are either past their

freshness or have been altered by heat.

Healthy fats include the omega 3 fatty acids, i.e. Hemp Hearts or Chia Seeds, virgin and

extra virgin olive oil, medium chain fatty acids found in coconut butter and short chain

fatty acids found in butter.

4. Circadian Rhythms: While you are not a washing machine, your body does go through

certain predominant metabolic functions in a 24-hour period:

Repair/Maintenance – generally from 6 p.m. to 4 a.m. Cleansing from 4 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Metabolism/Absorption from 10:00 a.m. to 6 p.m.

While all functions are occurring on some level throughout 24 hours, those are the predominant functions during those time frames.

You will learn how to eat in accordance with those cycles. This is the truth. This is one of the pivotal points of healthy weight reduction and control.

5. Your body was designed to move, stretch and breathe deeply.

6. Eat as close to nature as possible. This is the path to consuming the most nutrient

dense foods.

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7. Prepare simple, nutritious meals. No one stays on a path filled with the ongoing

challenge of creative thinking with meal planning. No one stays on a path of designer

foods provided by the company people pay to lose pounds.

8. History is our best teacher on how food should look and how food should be prepared.

Never before in history has our ‘food’ looked like it does in prepackaged products.

Those are the simple rules of feeding your body

It does not mean you need to become a food guru or that you are never allowed another piece

of decadent desert or treats.

It simply means, like all rules, you need to weigh in on the side of compliance.

The analogies in life are all around.

Success is compliance with those Laws of Nature. Understand how these apply to

you. These Laws of Nature will be your faithful companion to success.

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Food Quiz

Before we get into the heart of the matter, check below and answer a few questions. They are

formatted to help you think about and organize your thoughts around your present food

preferences and style of eating:

Do you experience food cravings through the day? Food cravings that include

fast food, sugary, unhealthy fats or processed foods. Yes ___ No ___

Does your breakfast include starch (cereals/toast), simple sugars (white sugar, brown sugar, honey, jams) or fried

foods (pancakes, griddle cakes, donuts) or pasteurized juices? Yes ___ No ____

Do you eat any food in the a.m.? Yes ___ No ___

When is your first intake of food during the day?

Time: _____

What is generally your first choice for nutrition in the day? Describe: _____________________________

How often do you eat during the day? Once ___ Three times ___ Four to Six _____

Are your food choices planned or are they governed by craving or convenience? Thought out ____ Dictated by cravings or convenience _____

When is your last meal of the day? Time? What does it consist of? When

______ Time ______ What ___________________________________________

Do you go to bed on a full stomach or a relatively empty stomach? Full _____ Comfortable _____

What percentage of your food choices are packaged or commercial foods, not

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including canned tomatoes or frozen vegetables? Prepackaged _____ Fresh ______

If you are contemplating weight reduction, what is the #1 reason you are motivated to do this? What was that first thought that just

came into your mind when you considered looking slimmer?




Why did I ask that last question?

Why, because you want to do this for the right reasons. If you are slightly overweight by let's

say 5 to 10 lbs, you may need to just calmly and slowly re-adjust your eating and timing of

eating to reduce those nuisance pounds.

If you are looking for more reduction, you may also just need to calmly and slowly re-adjust

your eating and timing.

Whether it is a little or a lot, we all start in the same place to begin.

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Frame of Reference

Research tells us those individuals who embark on knowledge around weight reduction and

health issues, as a whole, are amongst the brightest of the population.

We are going to engage some of that brightness right now. You are going to engage in a little

success oriented mental imagery.

Mental imagery is the affirmation of success without the immediate physical evidence. Mental

imagery is your tool to imagining your upcoming new physical reality.

“Short term imagery towards your long term goal”

You already know what your goal is. You've been well aware for awhile what your weight

reduction goals are. But, have you considered what you want to accomplish by the end of this


How about by the end of tomorrow evening or the end of this week?

Goals are oriented to success and if you are thinking goals, you are already thinking success.

Success is attained through the attainment of short term goals.

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Let’s Begin Today

Today, no matter what time it is; no matter if you have had a good day at the table of nutrition

or not so, it is going to get better.

I don't particularly care if you have just fallen off another weight loss program wagon.

If this has been a good day, congratulate yourself because it is going to get better

If it has been less than stellar, congratulate yourself because it is about to get


Here are some immediate, effective and gratifying goals you are going to accomplish by the end

of today. You will have achieved your first steps of success.

Each day you will have 3 Goals and you will be successful

Immediate Gratification for long term success is my idea of good planning

Mental Imagery Goals to Begin

Goal #1

I will chew my food thoroughly before swallowing. I will follow that rule to optimize digestion

and satiety, not simply so I have something to do between bites. I will use that rule as the #1

rule to protect my digestive system and ensure optimum absorption of nutrients

Chewing starts the digestive process. All nutrients are wrapped in a protective coating called

the cell wall. Chewing breaks down the cell wall, exposing vitamins, minerals and valuable

nutrients. Breaking down the cell wall takes valuable pressure off your digestive system and

potentiates optimum absorption of these vital nutrients. Absorption improves health, improves


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Goal #2

I will go to bed this evening on a relatively empty stomach and enjoying waking tomorrow

morning feeling lighter. Tomorrow, I will consume the majority of my food split between a mid

morning snack – lunch – mid afternoon snack. That will represent 50% of my daily intake

Breakfast will represent 25% of your daily food intake.

Supper represents 25% of your daily food intake. Supper will consist of 15% protein, 10%

carbohydrate with the balance in vegetables, soup or salad.

‘Your pattern of eating throughout the day will look like this:

25% - for breakfast

50% - between a mid morning snack, lunch and a mid afternoon snack

25% - for supper

This breakdown captures one very important Circadian Rhythm of your digestive system –

Metabolism and Absorption. Remember your digestive system and essential digestive workers

called Enzymes are most active during the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Consuming the

majority of your food during that time correlates with high digestive activity.’

Goal #3

I will enjoy the results of going to bed on a comfortable, relatively empty stomach. Those

results are a lighter and breezier feeling the next morning. Those other results are a little

smaller belly, less water retention, a leaner face, a little shapelier behind, a little looser fitting

pant. Most important is a wonderful moment of pleasure and contentment

This is a fact. Try one day of what I am teaching you and you will enjoy that immediate result.

The following morning, you will feel lighter. Your digestive system, including your stomach and

small intestinal tract will not be burden with a volume of wasting food and unnecessary water

retention. Water retention is your body’s attempt to neutralize the toxins that result from food

sitting undigested in your intestinal tract.

You will start to enjoy an immediate result of loosing unnecessary water retention. It’s just as

important to reduce unhealthy inflammation (water retention) along the intestinal tract and

other internal areas as it is to lose unwanted fat.’

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These 3 goals are your poster to mental imagery

Here is how you use them:

Write them down on separate pieces of paper.

Make 2 copies of each one.

Read them when you awaken in the a.m. Care them in your wallet or purse.

Read them before supper. Read them before bed.

Check your watch… What time is it?”

If it is mid afternoon right now, let's get going on meal planning:

Plan your evening meal starting with

1. 3 vegetables that reflect various colours of the rainbow.

2. A world class salad. 3. A healthy protein. 4. A complex carbohydrate.

See “World Class Salad” in Appendix A for an example. You have just put together a world class salad



It is interesting. It is full of colour. It is nutrient dense and above all satisfying. Most important,

it is easy and fast. It is rich with precious fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. It has some

naturally occurring sugars, (however no fruit sugars) along with the healthy fats.

If you do not have issues of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, you can also include a tablespoon or

three of chic peas or black beans – optional.

If you suffer any kinds of Irritable Bowel, please avoid legumes, at least for now.

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If time is not on your side this evening, choose oil and vinegar based salad dressing. See “Oil

and Vinegar Dressing” in Appendix A.

You have a simple delicious salad dressing. If you need to buy your dressing, buy it from the

Cooler section of your grocery store, not off the shelf. Watch you are purchasing Olive Oil

dressing not Soybean Oil based. I am miserable when I see Soybean Oil. I am really not a fan

of Canola Oil but if you must, use sparingly and drizzle Olive Oil as well as an added bonus

Look for a dressing that is virgin or extra virgin olive oil based with flax seed oil

Keep all you oils in the fridge. If you keep them on the door, they tend not to harden. If you

need to, run the bottle under a little warm water. Do that rather than opt for the unhealthy

convenience of leaving your precious oils out in room temperature.

Choose Your Colour

Three vegetables, choose from this list:

Broccoli Asparagus Celery Cabbage Kale

Yellow Beans Green Beans Cauliflower Carrots Leeks

Red/Spanish/Vidalia Onions Peppers – all colours Beets

Spinach Lettuces Fennel Cucumber

Squashes Yams Zucchini

Use frozen vegetables as well. They are picked at the height of freshness, flash frozen and

slightly par blanched.

Today you have an array of assorted frozen vegetables from which to choose.

Here are just a few options:

whole green and yellow beans

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Mediterranean mix - an assortment of four or five vegetables

broccoli alone

cauliflower alone


¼ cup filtered water and 1 tablespoon butter

Water and butter in the bottom of a pot Bring to a simmering roll

Add the vegetables using about ½ cup per vegetable per person.

If you are using one pot, which is perfectly suitable, be sure to arrange the vegetables from

bottom to top in order of how quickly they cook. Add only enough water to come up ½ inch on

the pot. There is enough water in the frozen vegetables to cook properly. Turn your stove on

to medium – low heat for about five minutes to thoroughly warm and defrost the vegetables

(about 3 - 4 on the range button). Finish cooking for another three to five minutes on medium

heat, a setting of around 4 to 5 on most ranges. Finish the vegetables with a drop of butter

and let it run down into the nutrients dense water which you will use as a kind of vegetable

sauce. I mean you can start to do some pretty fancy things with that water but really on a

daily basis, just spoon it over the delicious vegetables.

You can use tetra pack vegetable broth rather than water – it is not that expensive and it really

packs a nutrition punch as well as gorgeous flavour.

You can also add some fresh herbs to the cooking process – WOW – how to WOW your Familia

with a simple, yet culinary giant of flavour. Here’s how: either Basil, Tarragon, Thyme, almost

any actually, take about 3 -6 sprigs, place them midpoint between the vegetables and let them

cook. When done, take out the herbs, you can rough cut them by removing the leaves, roll up

in a ball and rough cut, then add back as a sprinkle or as part of the buttery vegetable sauce.

Speaking of Butter: never allow margarine to touch your lips. Margarine is nothing more than

unstable long chain vegetable fatty acids that easily oxidize and cause free radical damage in

your body.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is rich in antioxidants.

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Coconut Oil is a wonderful source of medium chain fatty acids.

Butter consists of short chain fatty acids.

Short chain and medium chain fatty acids go directly to the energy cycle. Medium chain fatty

acids increase your basal metabolic rate. Neither is generally stored in adipose or fat cells. Long

and extra long chain fatty acids are more likely sources for extra fat storage. The body prefers

long and extra long chain fatty acids for storage for future use as energy

Soon as your vegetables are done, arrange on a serving platter. Pour the flavour rich oils over

the vegetables. To enhance the flavours further:

Add a squeeze of lemon or lime

Sprinkle finely chopped lemon or lime zest over the vegetables. Be sure to wash the

skin first.

Add a tablespoon of slivered almonds or any chopped nuts or seeds

How enticing does that sound? It is nourishing, interesting to look at and it combines a wide

array of flavours and textures for your palate. The addition of healthy fat slows down digestion

so you will stay satisfied and full longer.

Choose Your Protein

Whole roasted chicken as opposed to anemic boneless chicken breasts.

Whole roasted turkey. Even an omelet, is a fine choice for a supper meal.

How about haddock loins or salmon loins or sole filets or another delicious fish? How about a lean cut of lamb or beef?

Whole chicken on a bed of onions, celery and carrots with a ½ cup of vegetable stock pored

over. Add a few fresh herbs – or not – doesn’t matter. I recently started to use Halal chicken –

Incredible – reasonably priced, humanely raised, thick dense meat, natural yellowish skin tells

me and my stomach and my family’s stomach, this is good

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Don’t be afraid to add a tablespoon of honey or maple syrup to the cooking bird. You need

sweet; you just don’t need white sugar, fructose, artificial sweeteners or any other processed

sugar that just spikes your blood sugar.

Listen, when you are on a mission to your natural weight and your way back to feeding your

body as it deserves to be fed, flavour is just so important. Heck, that’s why you chose the

foods the Advertisers entice you into buying … Come On’ all that white sugar, fat, fructose,

carbs … listen it had texture, it had flavour, it had crunch and it was tasty … it was not

satisfying, well except for the single moment, but it is not nourishing and you need to nourish.

Nourished cells do not crave. So, we are simply flipping the agenda, bringing you back to

Nature, feeding your body as it deserves. We are feeding your cells so they are nourished not

starved. We are adding flavours, textures, interest and a touch of healthy sweet – Just like you


Haddock loins or salmon loins can be done in the oven with fresh squeezed lemon and served

with a sprinkling of lightly toasted almonds. They can be pan fried in a tablespoon of expeller

pressed coconut oil – Found at Tropical Traditions.

Most fish filets can be done the same way. Spice up the pan fry with a serving of fresh dill,

lemon or lime zest and a ½ teaspoon of melted butter. An accompaniment of pine nuts or

almonds sprinkled over top before serving. Oh my, I can see the wide eyes and the open

mouths as you fancy to the kitchen table with your creation of gourmet delight. Lynn Crawford

– the Dinner Bell is ringing

Healthy fats and oils are oh so important. To gain a deeper understanding of the role of these short, medium, long chain fatty acids and the key role they play in health in my web article @

Deserts and Delights

Sugars in substantive quantity, whether naturally occurring or otherwise, tend to slow down

digestion and not in a healthy way.

White sugar is the absolute worst. Fruit sugars can and will also cause gastric distress.

Because of that, it is not a good idea to use fruits as a desert base. Not while you are tending

back to your natural weight at least

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Desert is also like Swimming: You need to wait ½ to one hour after eating before serving or

eating dessert. This is always true, but particularly true when you are moving towards healthy

weight reduction on a mission to find your natural weight. Not your Speedo weight but your

Natural Weight.

Use this rule of thumb:

It takes about twenty minutes for your brain (more specifically the hypothalamus) to register

food consumption. Twenty minutes also gives your digestive system a chance to genuinely start

the uninterrupted digestion of nutrients. If you are eating with your family or friends, use that

time to enjoy good company and good conversation or clear the dinner dishes, put on a pot of

tea , then chose either a coconut based recipe or an almond nut flour based recipe.

Refer to Almond Exceptional, Macaroons Exceptional, or Macaroons Worth of a Nobel Peace

Prize in Appendix A.

You have three very interesting, nutritious and satisfying desserts that are rich in healthy fats.

But Remember:

Wait for at least 30 minutes before having dessert.

If you are navigating the grocery shelves, go to the organic section for desert selections.

Satisfy faster, do not ‘spike’ your blood sugar, leave you feeling indulged but controlled

The research is in on the spectrum of cookies, etc. that are presumably non trans fats... I have

come to one correct conclusion...

While the claims of non trans fats may be true, the only reasonable way to guarantee a decent,

healthy dessert is to make it yourself using low carbohydrate recipes first or head to the

Grocery Store Organic section

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Secret to Weight Loss

The secret to your weight reduction and weight control begins in the a.m.

If you are not generally use to eating anything in the morning or if you waffle back and forth

between not eating and what to eat, the secret to your success is in understanding how

nutrients work in the a.m. For that we look to our ancestors… history vs. present day attitudes.

Our life styles have changed since rural and traditional societies. What has not changed is our

body’s requirement for certain nutrients. It may very well not make sense for you, considering

your lifestyle, to consume heavy foods in the morning.

Craving control and general control over your food intake through the day, however, does start

with nourishment in the morning. To ignore proper nourishment and a healthy start to

digestion is to invite disaster through the rest of the day

Let me take a minute here to explain one very important yet fundamental fact: You are hard

wired for survival.

The need for certain nutrients and the need for control over food volume is in the wise and

trusted hands of your ancient, old brain - in particular the Hypothalamus region.

When you allow yourself to get hungry, your survival instincts become stimulated. You will

reach for high sugar/ high fat foods

It is Physiological

It is not an issue of Will Power

The reason is simple. When blood sugar levels drop, as they do when you are in a state of

hunger, your brain signals a need for calories or glucose fast. That signal has the singular goal

of protecting you from the danger of losing consciousness or worse … plain and simple.

The fact is your brain, more specifically the hypothalamus region of your cortex, will not only

signal for an immediate source of glucose in the form of high sugar foods, your hunger will not

subside until an extra 10% of high caloric food is consumed. This is an insurance policy with the

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purpose of building body fat in the event of a similar situation occurring in the future. Every

person who has ever engaged in “dieting” will understand this phenomenon and how it has

stifled their best efforts to lose weight … that would be all of us.

Think of where the hypothalamus is located in the cortex.

Sections of the Brain

If you look to the far right you will see the reference to the Hypothalamus. It is a tiny section

of like minded brain matter

The hypothalamus is the small part of the brain you can see that does an amazing amount of

detail work to keep your body in homeostasis or balance. The tiny hypothalamus serves to

manage important health matters of your body. Behaviours involved in eating, drinking, general

arousal, rage, aggression, embarrassment, escape from danger, pleasure and reproduction are

under the charge of the hypothalamus.

The lateral and anterior parts stimulate or suppress the activity of the parasympathetic nervous

system: blood pressure regulation, digestion, elimination and reproduction.

You can clearly see where your Hypothalamus region is located. It is located just above the

brain stem, the ancient brain region, respectfully submitted. Your hypothalamus is finely tuned

to pick up hormonal and chemical changes in the body. It does not rely on your field of vision

to appreciate the land of plenty you live in. For our purposes of understanding hunger and how

hunger is stimulated, your Hypothalamus relies on the awareness of the quality of your nutrient

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and caloric intake in accordance with the nutritional requirements of your cells. It responds

quickly and decisively to changes that negatively impact your blood sugar and your basal

metabolic rate.

This is the real secret behind why fad diets do not work. If you excite your survival instincts,

will power is overridden by survival instincts plus 10%.

Will Power

Old brain trumps will power every time - remember that!

Will power is nonexistent, it never was the issue and won’t be any time soon or in the near


No more fighting with will power. You didn’t have a fight to start with. “Will power is a

fallacy”. Cravings and you control cravings. Cravings are about an imbalance in blood sugar

levels, food sensitivities and unhealthy intestinal flora. Natural appetite returns because your

body is healthy and your cells are nourished

For those who have some difficulty with food concepts in the morning, checkout Morning Recipe

in Appendix A.

1-2 digestive enzymes can be very helpful – I will get into that more in nutraceuticals

Those combinations are a rich source of antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids, protein, fiber,

vitamins, minerals and easily absorbed fruit sugars. It is an excellent, yet light start the day.

If you need a change or some variety, make some easy changes on the weekends. Add an

omelet or a frittata or salmon or haddock loins. Use a combination of coconut oil and butter in

your pan so you are getting those oils that will ensure satiety. Those same days, though,

continue to have your hemp hearts. Have them at lunch or mid morning but include them on a

daily basis.

How about Oatmeal or go to my page on

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Divide Your Food Intake

Am I repeating myself – yes for good reason

Food Intake through the day should wisely reflect this pattern:

25% - breakfast

50% - between mid-morning snack-lunch-mid afternoon snack 25% - supper

Remember when you consume your food like this; you will be eating in balance with your

circadian rhythms.

Remember also, the human body and all its nutritional needs are as old as human kind itself.

While the mistaken perception that you should be able to control your eating habits is

somewhat understandable, it remains incorrect. That notion does not work with the Laws of

Nature. How’s it been working for you so far …

It is also easy to understand the frustration when you can't get past those cravings. But those

cravings serve as indicators:

Your blood sugar is imbalanced, generally it has dropped You may be feeding the wrong bacteria, i.e. Yeast

You are allowing yourself to get hungry which also means you are not anticipating your body’s nutritional needs.

Rather than being upset that you are, yet again, succumbing to cravings, you should be upset

you allowed yourself to become that hungry in the first place.


Don't be angry or annoyed at yourself because you succumb to cravings

Do not be upset because you do not have ‘supposed’ will power to control how much or

what you eat.

Be unimpressed with the fact that you let yourself get that hungry in the first place

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Now that you have that knowledge, use that knowledge to work with the Laws of Nature. Start

to enjoy your right to a healthy, energetic body.

One more gem of wisdom:

Weight is not about the size of your frame, it is about the natural pool of health and energy that

you enjoy. Some individuals are much healthier with a few extra pounds, some are healthier

with a few less pounds. Health and healthy weight is about being in control of the source and

amount of nutrient dense foods that you eat.

For some, supper seems to present the biggest challenge in controlling food volume. If that is

your case, the explanation for this phenomenon is quite simply – You haven’t eaten enough

throughout the day.

Food Pattern Quiz

How much effort and how many attempts have you made to lose unnecessary


Do you see a pattern that generally dismantles your best attempts?

Take a moment to envision the following:

1. When is your first meal? 2. What is your first meal? 3. How much do you eat between 8 a.m. until 2 p.m.?

4. How do you manage food cravings when you are hungry?

You will see a pattern and it reflects one of the leading causes of the weight loss

struggle. It goes back to a perception of what will power really is.

Does your struggle look like this scenario?

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You wake in the morning

You resolve to take control of your eating habits

You skip breakfast

You have something like an apple for lunch

Supper arrives

You are famished

You eat too much…

You eat too fast…

You eat whatever you can get in your mouth first.

You feel awful about what you ate and the ‘loss of control’ that you ‘seemingly’ enjoyed

all day.

Next morning again you resolve to take charge.

Next day … same story

Do you see the obvious pattern? Knowing what you have learned to now, can you see

where blood sugar and survival instincts are the more likely factors influencing your out of

control eating, as opposed to a loss of ‘will power’? Take a closer look. Again, you do not have

to eat like a lumberjack to start the day, but you do need to balance your blood sugar in the

morning and you need to provide your body with vital nutrients.

Remember what I said earlier:

Old brain trumps will power every time!!!

Morning and Evening Routines are the Key

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How you start your day and how you finish your day. Start your day with the formula

we went over; eat throughout the day. Choose foods that are nutrient dense. Choose

foods as close to nature as possible.

I will get into that in a little more detail shortly.

Breakfast is simple, breakfast needs to consist of easily absorbed proteins, fatty acids

and carbohydrates.

Breakfast choices as outline earlier:

organic yogurt; plain; not less than 2% mf; ½ - 1 cup 4 -5 tablespoons hemp hearts - daily

2 fresh eggs Salmon, haddock or seafood rich in omega 3 fatty acids, especially EPA and DHA

Coconut milk

2 pieces of fruit. Alternate your choices every couple of days Occasionally ½ cup porridge with shredded coconut and ¼ cup yogurt.

Choose one or any combination, have the hemp hearts or chia seeds most days

The All Important Pivotal Points

Have your supper at a reasonable time.

You don’t want go to bed on an empty stomach or at the point where you are fighting

hunger pains, but you definitely don’t want to go to bed on a full stomach.

Remember the optimum digestive cycles? Your digestive system is at optimal

absorption and metabolism between the general hours of 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

Eating late, going to bed allowing that food to sit, really not being digested at any

capacity, allows for what? Let me ask you – what happens to food sitting idle in 100+

degree environment. And how does that make you feel in the morning?

Go to bed on a relatively empty stomach where you are comfortable yet in control.

If you get hungry mid evening, reach for one of the following choices:

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an apple or pear with one thin slice of cheese

a small bowl of popcorn, with a tablespoon of parmesan cheese

When you are preparing supper, prepare a little more than what you think everyone will likely

eat. Anticipate that you may have an evening hunger bout.

Another wise option is to prepare a little extra at meal times for lunches and snacks the next


Anticipate ahead so that there are food choices when you are hungry.

This will provide a level of protection from unhealthy choices.

The healthiest foods are simple and as close to natural as possible.

Raw vs. Cooked

The idea that raw vegetables are better than steamed or cooked is an issue of great debate.

Raw vegetables can be a source of digestive distress for many. Nutrient molecules are wrapped

in a protective coating of fatty acids and water molecules. Blanching breaks down the coating

making the nutrients more easily absorbed.

Raw vegetables from the lettuce family or generally any ingredients for a salad do not cause

digestive distress. Fruits are designed to be consumed in their raw state for sure.

Some vegetables, like the cruciferous family, contain compounds called goitetrons. Goitetrons

are well known as a thyroid suppressant.

This is a list of cruciferous vegetables:

Arugula Beet tops Bok Choy Broccoli

Brussels sprouts Cabbage Cauliflower Collard greens

Kale Kohlrabi Mustard greens Radishes

Rutabaga Swiss chard Turnips Watercress

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Blanching neutralizes that compound. This family of vegetables contains many nutrients

and compounds essential for health. For example, indole 3 carbinols which have been

researched for their protective qualities against illness

Cabbage contains Vitamin U known for its healing qualities in ulcerative conditions,

especially along the intestinal tract. Regular juicing containing cabbage juice is a

wonderful addition for individuals who suffer IBS.

As in all vegetables the above list is also full of naturally occurring fiber.

Fresh Juicing

Fresh juicing is an excellent source of easily absorbed vitamins, minerals and



Mid morning or mid-afternoon snacks can be included a menagerie of wonderful delicious

choices. For example, if you have made yourself a hearty sandwich, eat the balance as a snack

after lunch.

A small assortment of nuts and seeds. Small means 4-6 nuts and 2 tbsp. of assorted

seeds. Be sure you keep your assorted nuts and seeds in the freezer to preserve the

precious oils.

Nut muffin from the wonderful website. You can access non-starch

recipes @


Sour dough/ Rye combined are a good choice.


Dark, light and marble Rye are good choices

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Whole wheat is also good choice.

Gluten free breads

Choose grain rich breads, watch however not to choose breads with visible whole grains.

Whole grains with phytic acid intact can cause digestive distress.

Limit your bread consumption to two slices per day; add a half pat of butter to each slice. Do

not eat your bread dry. Dry bread is neither palatable nor necessary. Remember healthy fats

slow down digestion. Healthy fats provide satiety or satisfaction from hunger. Healthy fats turn

any carbohydrate into a slow burning carbohydrate. Slow burning carbohydrates provide a

steady stream of glucose for energy. Slow burning carbohydrates protect against blood sugar


Rice Cakes – don’t punish yourself with Rice Cakes – very high in sugar, more likely to peek

your blood sugar for the crush and burn and crave cycle

When preparing your food, remember - Prepare what you will find pleasurable and enjoyable

Start your day this way. You will gain control quickly.

Your body is hardwired to eat intuitively.

Part of my Studies included a Textbook on Intuitive Eating. The statement that Dr. S. Humbart

ND made early in his book struck me and stayed with me. He simply said as soon as you start

to correct the quality of food you consume, your cravings will change. You will begin to

gravitate to healthy foods and specific nutrients. While that can be a difficult concept to

comprehend and more especially if you are in the early going here, it is rooted in physiology.

Dr. Humbart speaks the truth.

The truth and comprehension of the truth sometimes takes time and experience to understand.

Remember though the old brain or hypothalamus region is hardwired to know the nutritional

needs of the body.

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Use Pre-Technology as Your Guide

Keep in mind, there was no fast food choices pre- technology. Natural sweeteners, healthy

unaltered nutrients were all that was available. Use pre technology as your guide. Serious

conditions like heart disease and cancer were less than 10% in those ‘good ole days’.

Prepackaged, processed foods have no rightful place in your body.

Gluten Intolerance, Food sensitivities, and Weight Gain

Gluten intolerances and food sensitivities in general can pose special problems. Folks did not

consume grains, pre-technology era, as they are consumed today. It was necessary to presoak

grains to soften the outer grain husk and neutralize the phytic acid enzyme.

Phytic acid is Public Enemy #2 in digestion:

Phytic acid has a pivotal role in nature; let me explain. Grains, seeds or anything that has the

potential to grow contains a compound called phytic acid. Phytic acid naturally binds all vital

nutrients in the grain to prevent germination of the seed. Soaking the seed or grain in water

neutralizes phytic acid, which in turn releases the abundance of nutrients to provide the

nourishment for the seed to grow and flourish.

Everything from legumes to oatmeal contains the compound. Tiny seeds like sesame or flax

contain too small an amount of phytic acid to interfere with good digestion.

When you choose your bread, watch for the presence of whole grains and avoid. Choose

instead, fermented grain bread like rye or rye/sour dough combinations.

For those who enjoy oatmeal for breakfast, soak the oatmeal overnight for the very reason I

just explained. To enhance the nutrition value and augment the flavour, add some shredded

coconut, you have just taken out of the freezer. Add a handful of nuts or seeds that you have

also just taken out of the freezer. Sprinkle them over your oatmeal. Try this as an alternative to

regular porridge. It is delicious and nutritious.

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Oatmeal is also very good for children. It provides their growing bodies with all the key

ingredients they need and the energy they require to play and concentrate in school.

Nutritional breakdown of Oatmeal

Energy Cal 557

Protein G 4.52

Total lipid (fat) G 1.03

Ash G 0.64

Carbohydrate, by difference G 29.38

Fiber, total dietary G 4.8

Sugars, total G 0.24


Calcium, Ca Mg 14

Iron, Fe Mg 1.19

Magnesium, Mg Mg 46

Phosphorus, P Mg 138

Potassium, K Mg 164

Sodium, Na Mg 1

Zinc, Zn Mg 1.28

Copper, Cu Mg 0.176

Manganese Mg 1.048

Selenium, Se Mcg 17.8

Thank You to

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Mid morning snacks can include organic yogurt, dressed up with some coconut, a few

nuts and a couple of tablespoons of berries. If you prefer it a little sweeter, add ½

teaspoon of honey or organic cane sugar – intact sugars

If you have the time and desire, invest in a yogurt maker. Use 2% mf organic milk to

make yogurt. It is so delicious, creamy and healthy. Organic or homemade has a

natural fresh, sweet taste to entice even the most suspicious palate. Lose the non-fat

or 1% fat way of thinking.


Generally, I do not encourage clients to consume ordinary milk products, other than fermented.

Regular milk can and usually does cause mucus reaction in most people. Remember, mucus is a

defensive reaction by the body against unhealthy foods. Milk, especially UHT or ultra heat

treated is a well known food allergen. Milk generally is a common food allergen but the

additional insult of ultra heat treated exacerbates the allergic reaction. If you are a milk

drinker, drink organic. Dairy of all choices and for many reasons should be organic, other

choices are rice milk, soy milk. Dried powdered milk are all bad or worse choices to dairy.

Healthy choices to regular dairy, rice and soy beverage are:

coconut milk

goat’s milk

nut milk

Filtered tap water. Examples are popular filters on your main water line or kitchen water


Emer gen C packets in water that provides 1 gram of mineral ascorbate Vitamin C plus

32 vitamins and minerals

More Mid-Morning Snacks

Mid morning snacks are just that. Choices are boundless.

A piece of salmon and rye bread as a snack

A natural sweetener like black strap molasses or brown rice syrup or honey or

homemade jam with a nut butter- made with xylitol - on one of the healthy breads. If you are unaccustomed to using xylitol as a sweetner, start slow –

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about ¼ tsp. It is ph alkaline and does repel certain bacteria – so just start slow – it is yummy, sweet and delicious

Make it light but make it and eat it. Yogurt with hemp hearts

Eat abundantly during the day.

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Lunch needs to include a salad and/or a hearty soup. In the colder winter months, stay with

hearty soups. Make your soup thick, filled with vegetables, soaked grains or Soup mixes found

in Grocery Stores. To follow is an excellent soup broth recipe. The secret to making soup broths

is in the length of time your ingredients cook. Your goal is to break down the bone matrix to

extract all the precious minerals and gelatin from the bone marrow.

Purchase a big soup pot, no less than 16L. Follow this next Soup Broth Recipe to make the

most delicious soup broth. It is rich with bone building minerals and vitamins. Along with

making soup, use it also as a liquid for cooking rice or making gravies for your family.

Checkout my soup broth recipe in Appendix A.

You have two options for cooking: put the soup on in the early morning and cook it all day or

put the soup on in the early evening and cook all night. You will so enjoy the wonderful aromas

throughout your home.

Cool and strain through a mesh strainer. Be careful not to try and handle the large pot of broth

all at once. It will be easier for you to dip the broth with a smaller pot and strain until you work

through most of the pot.

Make a soup. Make a simple soup using peas, carrots, cabbage, butternut squash, turnip,

pepper squash, etc.

Here are a few soup recipes:

Hearty Vegetable Country Soup

Pepper and Garlic Tomato Soup

The Varieties are boundless, so delicious, so nourishing, amazing source of bone building broth.

Minerals are also known as the calming nutrients. Eat soup!

Preparing plenty of soup broth will become a tradition of comfort and joy in your family.

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Point of fact: Stainless steel pots are not designed to fry in. Steel does not conduct heat evenly.

It does, however, make an excellent soup broth pot.

Everything is good in soup. There are recipe books written exclusively for soup. Soup is limited

only by your imagination.

Eat soup whenever you desire it. Have it for breakfast if you want.

Use a basic soup recipe, canned tomatoes, vegetables, jasmine, brown or basmati rice, cook

and freeze. When you take it out of the freezer, add other ingredients like fresh vegetables or

legumes like black beans or chic peas and a protein, finely chopped chicken or beef.

Adding spices will compliment the taste.

Pureeing vegetable soups will change the texture

Add garlic

Add heat with cayenne pepper, Tabasco or chopped jalapeño pepper

Use soup broth to make gravies and sauces. Always use unbleached flour and

butter to thicken.

Use soup broth to cook your rice.

Side bar for cooking rice: Always wash your rice before cooking. You cannot

imagine the dirt that will wash off

Here is how to do it:

Use a stainless-steel mesh colander

put the rice in the colander

add a drop or two of dish soap

put the colander under the filtered water tap wash

rinse it off well – really well

it is ready to use

Use the same technique when cleaning vegetables. Always add a couple or three drops of soap

to your water to cut the dirt. Your vegetables will taste better and be better for you. The first

time you do this honestly, you will be just amazed – I promise you won’t forget to wash your

greens and vegetables again – not frozen though, they are already washed and blanched.

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Organic vs. Commercial Produce

The issue of organic fruits and vegetables is truly a personal one. There is a mountain of

information on both sides of the fence. The choice is personal one. Do your due diligence and

make your decision.

Whether you buy commercial or organic, always follow this rule:

Look first for peak freshness. Don't be tempted to buy off the bargain shelf.

Picking at the peak of freshness guarantees maximum vitamins/mineral content. That is actually

one reason why frozen is a good choice. The vegetables are picked at the peak of freshness,

flash blanched and flash frozen.

Point of Interest: Different soil regions are generally deprived of certain minerals. Commercial

and organic produce share that problem. To be sure, most individuals take a high value

vitamin/mineral supplement to compensate.

Lunch ideas and supper ideas are interchangeable. The only difference should be in quantity.

Eat more at lunch; eat less at supper.

Remember, the key to satiety is eating more during the day. You will have more control at

night. It is not about using every reserve of will power that you have during the day, only to

lose all control at night.

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Keys Points to Success

Achieving short term goals are both attainments of success and the necessary path to success.

1 Eat in the a.m. Remember, if you are not interested in a significant amount of food, the

hemp hearts, fruit and a small amount of organic 2% yogurt is more than sufficient.

2 Remember your Emer gen C packs and definitely a digestive enzyme.

If you are still hungry, add an omelet to your breakfast.

3 Chew your food to a liquid before swallowing.

Chew! Chew! Chew!

Let's talk in a little more detail about the correct way to chew your food and why it is the only

way. While chewing may seem like an act of simplicity, it is quite the opposite. Improper

masticating is the root cause of two aggravating digestive conditions that left untreated

becomes chronic aggravating digestive conditions.

Both conditions are easy to avoid, both are a pain to correct:

#1 Aggravation - Food Sensitivities

Here’s how: Proper food masticating has several purposes.

Two keys ones:

To breaks down the cell walls of food and release inner nutrients of vitamins, minerals,

fatty acids and amino acids.

The second is to expose these nutrients to digestive enzymes starting with saliva. This

maximizes digestion and absorption.

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All of this is designed for the express purpose of maximum nutrient absorption into the blood


On the other hand, improper masticating results in swallowing chunks of food. Digestive

consequences lead to food sensitivities.

Here is how that happens

Chunks of food, when swallowed, stimulate your immune system because they are recognized

as foreign and potentially harmful, invasive matter in the body. It is the job of the immune

system to protect the body against potentially harmful matter. White blood cells, a large

component of your immunity, act as a first line of defense. White blood cells mount an

offensive attack on these molecules. A histamine reaction, to protect the body against possible

harm, results.

How do you recognize a histamine reaction?

Excessive throat clearing after eating


Sinus congestion

Itchy throat or itchy skin

Unexplained joint pain, in other words, joint pain unrelated to a specific injury

Fatigue after eating


Edema; water retention or joint swelling is another way to describe edema

Food cravings

Weight gain despite repeated attempts to lose weight

If these are familiar symptoms, what you don’t see is where the real problem is percolating.

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The direct damage is being done to:

The digestive system itself. Chronic histamine reaction, excessive mucus response,

causes injury to little absorptive microvillus, lining the digestive tract. Damage to

absorptive tissue leads to mal absorption.

And joint damage. In the long term, inflammation caused by histamine, directly causes

damage to joints. This in turn, results in arthritic conditions. That translates into pain

and needless suffering.

For most, the perplexing part of this lies in trying to uncover what is mistakenly believed to be a

problem caused by the food you are eating. Most will start on the complicated path of ferreting

through their diet, eliminating certain foods, picking and choosing at random. Most just end up

frustrated, with no positive results.

The largest part of food sensitivities is caused by how you are eating, not by what you are

eating. 90% of food sensitivities can be eliminated by proper chewing. Trying to break that

cycle is relatively simple. It requires attention to the detail of chewing food.

It also generally requires the use of supplemental digestive enzymes to assist in the rebuilding

of the digestive system. It requires a return to basic eating in order to heal the digestive

system. Dedication to what is called hypo allergic eating is often required to start the healing

process along the digestive tract.

On average it takes 12 weeks to start to realize cellular healing. Cellular healing is the point at

which the tiny microvilli start to rebuild themselves.

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#2 Aggravation – Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux is a second example of self imposed digestive injury. Acid Reflux or GERD is a life

time achievement award presented as a result of digestive disrepair caused by improper

masticating of food.

Here is how that happens:

Protein is broken down in the stomach. In order to do that, your stomach produces HCI or

hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid, as it called, is a strong acid necessary to break down

amino acids or protein. Food chunks, improperly chewed food, stimulate unnatural levels of

hydrochloric acid. A chronic and repeated pattern weakens the esophageal muscle that

separates your esophageal tube from the stomach. It is a one way flap that is necessary to

prevent food and acid from escaping back up the esophageal tube. The esophageal tube has

no mucus membranes to protect the esophageal lining. A weakened esophageal muscle allows

acid to escape the stomach region back into the esophagus resulting in the horrible burning

sensation. Left uncorrected, impaired digestion results with the possible consequence of having

to have the muscle tightened surgically.

Acid reflux has other arms that can potentially result in other problems.

Chronic use of antacids, prescription strength or otherwise, can lead to:

impaired protein absorption

impaired calcium absorption

impaired absorption of B12.

That is the tip of the iceberg. Healthy protein absorption, calcium absorption and B12

absorption require adequate acidic stomach ph level.

Are you convinced yet? Do you see the correlation of chewing to the maintenance of health?

Do you see the link between proper chewing and healthy weight reduction and healthy weight


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Chewing your food correctly, to a liquid in fact has a host of benefits:

ensures mixing of digestive enzymes in the saliva

takes pressure of the digestive system

breaks down cell walls of fruits and vegetables for easy extraction of nutrients for


helps protect against acid reflux disease

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Continuing with the Keys to Success

4 Eat in accordance with the Circadian rhythms of your digestive system.

Circadian Rhythms

Am I back here again – it just must be that important!

Early morning is dominated by the function of Cleansing

Mid morning to mid afternoon dominated by function of Metabolism & Absorption. Between

about 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. digestive organs, stomach, pancreas, liver are at their peak

producing digestive enzymes and metabolizing nutrient molecules.

Late evening to early morning is dominated by the function of Repair & Maintenance

You can logically see where eating late at night interferes with the body's natural rhythms.

Your digestive system is in peak enzymatic performance during the day. It is not so at night.

Other hormones and functions take over during the night.

At night the body needs to use the nutrients that have consumed during the day, for

maintenance and repair, not continual digestion. This is probably one of the most

misunderstood areas of the digestive system.

Do you recognize this scenario?

"You have eaten late at night, you go to bed on a full stomach and you are uncomfortable all

night. You wake in the morning feeling sluggish, with a kind of 'hung over' feeling. That ‘hung

over’ feeling is toxins sitting and wasting in your digestive system; your small and large

intestinal tract. That waste is feeding any number of unhealthy intestinal flora including Candida

or yeast cells. The food you have consumed has been sitting in 100+ degrees, wasting and


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Are you surprised now by the water retention, the headache, the possible constipation, the gas,

bloating and general feeling of malaise...?"

5 Stop eating after about 6:00 p.m. If you are get hungry later, have a small bowl of soup;

a low glycemic fruit, limited to either an apple or a pear and a thin piece of cheese; a

small bowl of left over vegetables with a sliver of protein, from supper … you get the idea.

Go to bed on a relatively empty stomach. Please do not go to bed on an empty stomach. This

will put you in low blood sugar which is counterproductive on the many levels we have

discussed. Just to remind you; it will first of all disrupt your sleep and secondly propel you into

eating foods high in fats and starch. It is at night, when you are tired that you more easily

succumb to cravings.

6 Water - This is another area that many professionals weight in on. So much controversy

abounds. Here is where the truth lies and I will explain the science. During normal activity

drink 6 - 8 glasses of water. The total includes water dense foods you have eaten. If you

have eaten a big salad and a couple of cups total of vegetables, you may only desire 4

glasses of water.

Please do not factor in coffee consumption. While I am a supporter of your right to drink your

java during the day, it is not factored in as a good source of hydration.

If you are an athlete, you will drink more fluid. I recommend adding the Emer gen C paks to

your water for a continual flow of Vitamin C, plus 32 other minerals and vitamins including

electrolytes. Alacer’s Electrolyte Mix is also an excellent mix to your water.

If it is a hot day and you are losing more fluid through perspiration drink more. Fresh juicing is

also a great idea. Add 3 packet of Alacer Emer gen C.

Next, chose a water source that you trust.

Reverse osmosis or distilled water, which is empty water, can leach minerals out of the body.

Choose filtered water – filter on your tap, UV are only a couple of options, just not RO or fully


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Even when you make your coffee or tea, make it with filtered water.

Sidebar: Feed your plants using filtered water. Most homes use a filter system either on their

tap or a larger system connected to their water source. Use this water to feed your plants.

Chlorine can often turn the outer edges of the leaf a yellow brown. Filtered water will make a

huge difference in their foliage.

Use filtered tap water for washing vegetables and watering your plants.

Use the same spring water for your animals.

Now to get back on track...

7 Chose rye breads, pumpernickel, sour dough, multi-grain breads. As was mentioned

earlier, watch for the presence of whole grains in the bread. Remember tiny seeds like

sesame are not as much a concern. Larger seeds, harder seeds are. If you suffer IBS, be

sure to consult with your Health Care Professional on options and alternatives.

8 Only use unbleached flours for baking, gravies, etc. Never bleached or refined or


9 Never use commercial cereals. Oatmeal and other cereals, like Red River Cereal are far

better choices. Soak the cereal grains for a minimum 12-24 hours before cooking. Why?

Again, neutralizing phytic acid to release the nutrients.

10 Avoid food additives like MSG or monosodium glutamate. If you don't recognize the

name, avoid it. That is my motto.... Make it yours.

11 At all costs, avoid Soda Pop and carbonated drinks. Soda pops contain phosphates along

with extraordinary amounts of white sugar. Phosphates neutralize the acids in soda pop

which would otherwise cause serious damage to stomach lining. Refuse to drink anything

that can also cut through oily grime to clean car parts. Refuse to drink ‘sport drinks’

containing such strong acid that left to sit actually eats the bottom out of the can. If you

need something in your water, use the Emer gen C packs I talked about or add a bit of

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fresh squeezed juice or add a bit of juice concentrate from pomegranate or unsweetened

juices that are available at the Health Food Store. That is concentrate and unsweetened,

not anemic pasteurized belly wash that is found on regular grocery store shelves.

12 Avoid sugar substitutes of any description if they are not of a natural source. Use xylitol,

mannitol or one of the sugar alcohols. They are growing in popularity. Most are available

in the health food store, bulk stores or you can access them online. You will use slightly

less of these.

Sugar alcohols have other health benefits


Less calories – by 40%

Neutral ph. Regular sugar, demerara or white, is acidic in their ph. This makes it a food

source for bacteria, yeast and other forms of unhealthy flora. Because sugar alcohols

are a neutral ph, these forms of flora are able to use the molecules for food and can not

therefore proliferate.

Neutral ph also means dental carries caused by bacteria are less able to multiply in the

oral cavity. These bacteria require an acid medium to grow.

Protection of enamel

Improved calcium absorption

Repels yeast from the intestinal tract

These are some of the more attractive health benefits of sugar alcohols. Compare that to white


13 Avoid white sugar and high sugar foods.

14 Avoid as much prepackaged foods as possible.

Prepackage and processed foods are generally expensive by cost and cheap by nutritional

profile. It is much less expensive and much more time efficient to prepare your own food.

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Your food only needs to be simple and nutritious

15 Avoid large amounts of fructose. What is fructose? Fructose is the second molecule in

white sugar. Glucose is the other sugar molecule.

White sugar is what is called a disaccharide; it is made of two sugar molecules. One of the

molecules is glucose which is used in the cell for energy; it goes directly to the energy cycle.

The other is fructose. Fructose takes a different pathway in the body. It is converted to acetate

and acetate is partially converted to cholesterol. Studies reported by the Nobel Prize Winner -

Dr. Linus Pauling in his magnificent compilation of the work in the wonders of ‘Vitamin C -How

to Live Longer and Feel Better’ - cites studies done by Dr. Yudkin, Professor of Physiology of

Queen's College of London University. The study was extensive, including over 1400 men and

woman. Throughout his manipulation of levels of fructose, Dr. Yudkin was able to show high to

low correlations of cholesterol with high to low amounts of fructose and hence sugar generally.

High intake of fructose correlated with high levels of cholesterol. Keep consumption of fructose

in the form of white table sugar and in other forms, for example corn syrup to a minimum. Look

closely at food labels for this ingredient. It is in fact widely used.

16 Use a variety of wonderful spices and herbs for interesting and appealing tastes. Also

include heat producing spices like cayenne pepper and/or hot peppers. The heat produced

by these spices and foods stimulates both stomach acids and your metabolic rate. These

spices have other health benefits including inflammatory control.

17 Avoid fad diets. Use history as your guide. Low fat is not a reasonable way to lose weight.

You need healthy fats for vascular integrity, for good cognitive function, hormonal

balance, to keep your metabolic rate healthy, as a source of antioxidants, as a source of

fiber, to help control your appetite and give you satiety, to relieve water retention, to feed

your internal organs, to bath your cells....convinced yet?.... In my Practice, the pattern I

have documented in individuals who believe the lies of the low fat way of life is:

Low Fat = High Carbohydrates. It is not normal or natural.

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18 Avoid all eating patterns and foods that are not normal or natural. An example is the one

I used of low fat. Fad diets are neither normal nor natural. Eating healthy food as close to

nature as possible is both normal and natural.

Fad diets of every glossy description excite and bring longing, longing for a more natural and

more comfortable weight. Fad diets excite wishful thinking. Don’t fall prey. Don’t give up your

precious time and hard earned money to be duped by false impressions of long lasting weight

loss. You may lose weight. You may lose a good amount of weight. However, if the diet

requires special foods, specific food grouping in absence of others, you need to engage the

intellectual portion of decision making and ask yourself – “How am I going to integrate or

return to more normal eating patterns and make normal food choices once I’ve lost the

weight?” If you do not have an exit plan you run the real risk of gaining all the weight you

worked so hard to loose and you will be assured of gaining an extra 10%. Remember that

extra weight is insurance. Remember you are physiologically hardwired to gain extra weight to

avoid the “perceived” starvation episode you just went experienced. Denial, justifying the

continual waste of time dedicated to short term weight loss, hard work and money does not

and will not change that integral truth. When you are faced with that excitement of possible

weight loss; the 5 second ads that entice you into thinking you will be slim within days or a few

short weeks, think this: You will be slimmer in as few as tomorrow as well if you follow the

proper rules of returning to your natural weight. It may not be 30 pounds in three weeks but it

will be substantial and more importantly, it will last. You don’t starve, you eat. You eat good

food. Nothing should be more important to you than how you feed your body!

19 Use digestive enzymes along with a basic daily nutraceutical regime. I include a basic

supplement routine at the end that is very easy to follow and covers the basics. It is

insurance for the body.

20 Exercise: I bet you thought I wasn't going to get to this.

Exercise is the shortest path to an abundance of energy, a sense of feeling strong and

promoting healthy physical and emotional well being.

Exercise does need to include the efforts of a marathon runner. Walking is always the safest

way to begin if you are a new comer or if you have been avoiding exercise for a while.

But also read the insert below:

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I will say this - and please heed it – Be prudent about your approach to exercise. Check with

your Physician before embarking on an exercise routine. This is a wise step to take.

Exercise machines like the Glider or Ski machine are also excellent ways to get a full body work

out. These types of machines engage large muscle groups and actually help build core

strength. Core strength includes the truck area or stabilizing muscles of the low back and

abdominal region. This helps strengthen the abdominal area and in turn protect your back.

These types of machines also protect against the pounding impact of other activity such as

running. The general rule of thumb is 20 minutes three times a week. Ideally you also want to

include weight lifting exercises with it. Weight lifting exercises only need to target your

shoulders, biceps and triceps. If you add one or two abdominal exercises with it, that is all you

need. I have purposefully not included diagrams in this Book. I recommend you go to your

local ‘Y’ or gym. Ask to speak with a ‘Qualified Trainer’. In order to get the maximum benefit

from doing weights, you need to know the proper lifting technique. Once you learn a few

techniques, you don’t require a personal trainer or coach. While the learning curve on

performing weight lifting exercises is relatively easy, it is also very important. You want results.

21 Breath Deep: The benefits of diaphragmatic or deep breathing span the length of your

arm. I’ll name some:

Oxygenation which in turn is one factor is cleansing cells or cellular respiration.

Improved stamina

Improved lymphatic flow and hence immunity

Helps prevent infection

Enhances relaxation

Enhances muscle activity

Contributes to a healthy cardiovascular system

Enhances cognitive function

Here is how it is done:

Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. When you take a deep

breath, the hand on your abdomen will rise higher than the one on your chest. This

means the diaphragm is pulling air into the base of the lungs.

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After exhaling through the mouth, take a slow deep breath in through your nose to the

count of about 5.

Exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of 6; gently tighten your abdominal

muscle to expel the remaining vestiges of air. You are simply completing the exhalation

process, as opposed to forcing air out of your lungs. You deepen respiration not by

inhaling more air but through completely exhaling it.

Repeat the deep breathing process about three or four more times for a total of about

four to five deep breaths. Aim for about five to six breaths a minute.

Spread this out about three times a day.

Hint: Think of your favourite scent. When you smell one of your favourite smells, you have a

natural inclination to breath deep. Likely the pleasantness and joy that scent brings engages

your deepest breaths.

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Why Calorie Counting Does Not Work

Let’s begin by an explanation of what calories are. A calorie is a measure of the amount of

potential energy that any one food product can produce. For example 1 tablespoon of butter

equals about 100 calories. Using that measure, the common theory is in order to burn off 1

tbsp of butter you need to engage in an activity that burns 100 calories. If you take the

example of coconut oil, 1 tablespoon equals 117 calories.

Now let’s look at the truth of how calories should be factored in:

Basal Metabolic Rate

If you are a female, about 5’4” and if you weigh in the area of 130 lbs. and you are in the age

range of 35-45 and if you do nothing but stay in bed all day, you need approximately 1200 to

1400 calories to accomplish the daily functions of the body. Heart rate, cellular respiration, etc

obviously require energy.

So the notion that the food you eat needs to be used up by the physical activity you perform is

unnecessary cause for distress. If you take the example of butter, butter is comprised largely of

short chain fatty acids. Internal organs and the intestinal tract favour short chain fatty acids as

a food source. Short chain fatty acids are generally not stored in fat or adipose cells. Having

said that, I know and you know, I am speaking of average consumption which is about 3

tablespoons daily.

If you take the example of coconut butter, the same basic idea applies. While coconut butter is

higher in caloric content, it is comprised of medium chain fatty acids. Again, medium and short

chain fatty acids are favored by internal organs. Both are shuffled to the energy cycle first.

Medium chain fatty acids also increase your basal metabolic rate and actually enhance weight

loss as a result.

When I say coconut oil, I am talking about either virgin coconut oil or expeller pressed. Both

contain a fatty acid profile that includes Vitamin E and lauric and caprylic acids. Lauric and

caprylic acids both have anti-microbial properties. Along with the thermogenic or Basil

Metabolic Rate enhancing effects, coconut oil has other health benefits.

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Let’s address the bad press that coconut oil has received over the past many years. Studies

have been done that showed a correlation between coconut oil and heart disease. What these

studies did not tell you was, they were done using hydrogenated coconut oil. Did it prove the

correlation – yes it did. Hydrogenation of any fat, including coconut oil, lard, olive oil, peanut

oil, etc will promote and be directly linked to heart disease. That is one of the very serious side

effects of the hydrogenation process of fat. That is why there is such a vital effort to education

the public in looking for these ‘trans’ fats. They are ugly and unhealthy. So, whether the

alteration of coconut oil in the original studies was done intentionally or unintentional, to

discredit this wonderful fat with the hopes of promoting cheap vegetable oils, I suppose we will

never know. What we do know is unprocessed coconut oil has been used for centuries and is a

stable healthy fat, so use it confidently and regularly.

Not all calories are the same

Calories sourced using natural ingredients have a positive effect on your body, health, vitality

and energy. Calories from prepackaged, processed, fast food rob you of energy, health and

vitality. Following that logic further, two foods may have the same caloric value. If one

(coconut macaroon you have prepared) is made from fresh natural ingredients and one

(commercial cookie with trans fats) the latter will feed unhealthy flora, cause gas and bloating,

contribute to the ill health of your cardiovascular system, possibly cause histamine reaction,

edema and general ill health. Both may have exactly the same calories and exactly opposite

effects on your body. Another example is ‘oatmeal vs. commercial cereal’, same scenario,

‘butter vs. margarine’, same thing.

Other Factors:

a. Prepackaged foods have hidden fats of generally unhealthy sources. Rancid fats cause

free radical damage to our cells and impair cell function which can lead to other health

consequences, the least of which is fatigue.

b. Prepackaged foods can contain large amounts of hidden sugar like fructose. While

fructose may be a natural derivative of a sugar molecule, it also takes a different

pathway in the body. Remember fructose is part of the cholesterol building pathway.

That is enough reason to ferret the ingredient list on the next boxed or prepackaged

food item you reach for and look for this particular sugar derivative.

c. Prepackaged foods are completely devoid of enzymes which makes them very hard to

digest and consequentially help break down your precious digestive system.

d. Prepackaged or boxed foods are generally processed and stripped of original nutrient

profile. Simply put, processed foods take nutrients from your body to process and

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digest. It is possible to have more nutrients before eating the particular processed food

than after.

e. Processed foods are acidic and cause water retention. So even if you are choosing what

you might consider low calorie snacks, you also might be causing water retention or

edema because of the acidic pH of the ingredients. Low calorie, starch based snacks are

of particular concern here.

All calories are not used the same in the body and the source or purity of those calories has a

definite impact on your health status.

Eat as close to nature as possible to provide nutrient density and a source of healthy calories.

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Benefits of Exercise

a. Muscle Burns Fat. Fat neither burns fat nor is particularly disturbed by its presence.

Muscle is unimpressed with an abundance of fat or adipose cells and uses the fatty acids

for fuel. The more muscle you enjoy, the more fat burning potential.

Weight reduction that does not include a component of exercise burns 25% lean body

mass and 75% body fat. Weight reduction that includes exercise potentiates 95-98%

fat burning capacity.

b. Exercise raises your basal metabolic rate and continues to keep it high for the balance of

the day so your fat burning potential is again increased. The opportune time to exercise

is in the a.m. If you drink 1-2 cups of coffee an hour before you exercise you will

stimulate the liver to release fatty acids and increase the potential for fat burning.

Exercise is pleasurable. Enjoy a brisk twenty-minute walk.

Cross country ski machines are a wonderful piece of aerobic exercise. Exercise can

include 10 - 20 minutes of cardiovascular movement and 5-10 minutes of strength


How often? Exercise a minimum 3 days a week.

Spread your work out throughout the week, as opposed to working out 4 days in a row

and being sedentary for 3. Spreading out your exercise can help protect your muscles

against injury as well.

Target heart rate is in the area of 60% maximum heart rate for fat burning potential.

Brisk walking for 30 - 45 minutes with arms swinging is still the best all round exercise.

c. Proper breathing techniques can increase your aerobic activity and potentiate fat

burning. When you exercise, train yourself to breath through your nose as much as

possible. Breathing through your nose physiologically stimulates deep breath potential

as opposed to breathing through your mouth. Breathing through your mouth

physiologically stimulates more shallow patterns designed for quick movements over a

shorter period of time. If you find you have trouble breathing through your nose try

using ‘breath rite strips’ to improve oxygenation. ‘Breath rite strips’ are also a big help

at night if sinus congestion and/or snoring is a problem.

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d. Exercise stimulates cellular respiration and detoxification.

e. Exercise makes you feel strong and vibrant and look beautiful or handsome.

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Other Factors Affecting Weight Loss

Despite your best efforts, there are factors that can affect or slow down weight loss issues.

Check this list carefully. If you fall or suspect you fall under any of these categories read the

supplemental information and make an informed decision.

Pharmaceuticals, let me start by saying, under no circumstances should you ever stop or alter

your medication except under Physician orders.

Depending on the medication, side effects do happen. Water retention can be one of those

side effects. If you suspect you suffer water retention issues, first check the list of side effects

from your meds. A Pharmacist can be helpful here or your Physician of course.

Excellent food sources of diuretics include:






Watermelon ranks #1. Eat it in the morning.

Also check my Shopping List for Uva Ursi Diuretics. They are dual action. This formulation is

incredibly nourishing and healing to the Urinary Tract along with being a wonderful diuretic. No

more muscle cramping from too strong diuretic sources.

Low HCI - Low Hydrochloric Acid can impair digestion. Impaired digestion slows the transit rate

of foods through the digestive system. Ask yourself these questions to determine if this might

be a problem for you:

Do you feel excessively full after eating?

Have you lost your taste or appetite for meats?

Do you have gas or bloating shortly after eating a nutritious meal? (That would be a

meal that is dominated by vegetables and protein as opposed to high starch foods).

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Do you have a burning sensation in your stomach?

Answering yes to any or all might be an indication of low HCI. The solution can be as simple


1 Add the equivalent of 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in capsule form before each meal. It

is quick and easy. Apple cider vinegar capsules are very inexpensive. Buy them at your

local Health Food Store and buy organic. Take the capsules as opposed to the liquid.

Apple cider vinegar can be hard on tooth enamel so please error on the side of caution.

Besides it is much more convenient to have a little baggy or dispenser full of capsules

for convenient transportation when you are out and about.

2 Another option which I recommend is the use of Digest Activ. This is a wonderful

digestive enzyme which has HCI in it profile. Take 2 with each meal. Take them with

the meal. Take a couple of mouth full of food and then take two Digest Activ. Don’t

take these enzymes on an empty stomach. That is not what they are designed for.

They are designed to be taken with food to assist in the digestion of proteins and

improving stomach pH environment. You should enjoy improved digestion and much

less bloating and ‘full’ feeling.

Thyroid Deficiency - The thyroid gland is the engine of your body. Your thyroid controls your

basal metabolic rate meaning the cellular rate or cellular respiration of each cell. This area is an

area of physiology that has gained much needed and desired attention over the last 30 years. If

you suspect thyroid deficiency, in spite of the sTSH reading, continue uncompromised in your

quest for knowledge and understanding of this illusive yet vital healthy issue.

Esteemed professionals like Dr. John Lowe DC @ or Dr. Barry Durrant-

Peatfield author or ‘The Great Thyroid Scandal and How to Survive it’, have weathered the

medical storms to prevail and provide you with the truth of how the current medical profession

is possibly failing you in thyroid treatment. Many others have fought long and hard against

conventional medicine to try and educate people in need of the truth on how to properly

recognize signs of thyroid deficiency.

Websites have launched with of invaluable historical knowledge that has been locked away with

pivotal information about studies that conclusively draw links to expressions of thyroid

deficiency and current chronic illness and stubborn weight problems.

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Websites like and or

If you suspect thyroid deficiency, take the following steps as part of a prudent approach.

Some of the best research and information on thyroid function has been written by Dr. Broda

Barnes, MD and biochemist. Dr. Barnes has penned a number of books discussing elemental

and fundamental facts of hypothyroidism. You can read more about him @ . One of his most comprehensive books entitled ‘Hypothyroidism: The

Unsuspected Illness’ captures the essence of the systemic effects of thyroid deficiency in the

body. It has been written for the purpose of the lay person to gain important knowledge.

You do not need to live with the unpleasantness of low thyroid function.

Health and vitality is your God Given Right. You may need assistance in getting to the bottom

of this but get to the bottom of things as a gift to yourself. If you are on a synthetic T4

hormone replacement but find you are still not right, ask to be switched to Natural Desiccated

Thyroid, like Armour or a product like Thyrolar which contains both T4 and T3. For detailed

information on how to start, go to Broda Barnes Foundation website or Dr. John Lowe’s website

@ and do some research.

Alternatively, contact me at [email protected] for more


What are signs of thyroid deficiency?

Fatigue or lack of energy

Lower body temperature, as we discussed

Weight gain

Edema or water retention


Brain fog or difficulty concentrating

Dry Skin

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Cold hands and feet, just not being able to warm up

Hair loss

Susceptibility to infections

Susceptibility to colds

Low libido or sex drive


General aches and pains as may be described in conditions of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Poor sleep patterns

Low Hydrochloric Acid

That is an extensive list of ways low thyroid function can express itself in the body. I have

found that water retention or edema, dry skin, brain fog, low energy, inability to multi task,

general physical aches and pains and constipation are probably the highest reported signs of

thyroid deficiency.

Care enough about yourself not to allow anyone to tell you your symptoms are all in your head.

That is an old worn out way of saying - ‘I don’t know what your problem and I‘d rather you

thought the problem is a fabrication of your own mind.”

Do your own due diligence. Research and knowledge will be your guide.

If you are reading this and you have heard the dribble of the uninformed: professional and non

professional alike; do this:

Brush yourself off:

Brush yourself off from useless, worn out ‘cermonettes’ that have not served you in your

quest for joy and vitality.

Do personal stock of signs and symptoms including the basal body temperature.

Recognize that not all Professionals or well-intentioned individuals are either well

informed, well research or current in their knowledge.

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Everyone who dares to expose their vulnerabilities or trust with intimate knowledge of

themselves, also exposes themselves to the feedback… some good and some not and some


You have options to good health

You are not alone in your quest.

Make an appointment with myself or another natural therapist healthcare professional.

Words like ‘it is psychosomatic’ or ‘it is all in head’… are not particularly useful or


Trained Professionals encourage individuals to make healthy choices.

Trained Professionals bring issues to their client’s attention through encouragement, presenting

options, corrections and a call to action.

Trained Professionals are nonjudgmental

People seeking help are naturally vulnerable. Choose a Professional who listens and handles

your vulnerability with respect, care and a protocol that is oriented to healing.

If you are one who has had to endure the misfortune of a particular unhelpful

Professional, you are in very good company. Many have gone before you.

Have good belly laugh whether you feel like it or not. Hopefully you feel like it.

Turn your attention to leaving the experience behind by forward steps of action today.

If you suspect your thyroid gland might be the culprit, knowledge and guidance is your next


Here are some other life situations that can impede your weight loss:

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Shift work: Shift work can interfere with some people who strive for weight control or

reduction. The best solution is to follow the same rules of circadian rhythms while

adjusting to changing shifts. Avoid eating before you go to bed. Follow the same

formula outlined earlier: breakfast - mid morning snack - lunch - mid afternoon snack -

supper (being one of the smallest meals) and go to bed on a relatively empty stomach.

You will enjoy the rewards of waking feeling refreshed, more energized and lighter.

Food Sensitivities: I am speaking here of food sensitivities, as opposed to true food

allergies. You will recall the extensive piece earlier on in this e-book on food

sensitivities. Food sensitivities are generally the result of poor digestion, insufficiently

masticating your food and a diet that is dominated by starchy foods or processed foods.

Food sensitivities along impede adrenal function. Adrenal fatigue can affect healthy

thyroid function. Another very solid, very healthy, very good reason to leave most of

the mid aisle of the grocery stores to go to waste land. The only real exception is

probably the tomato based products.

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Supplements and Nutraceuticals

Hundreds of thousands of individuals use Nutraceuticals or Supplements on a daily basis.

Here is a Basic Profile for every age


1 Alacer Corp Emer gen C packs. Children will love the variety of flavours in Emer gen C


Emer gen C is a mineral ascorbate. Mineral ascorbates are the closest molecular structure of

Vitamin C produced in the animal kingdom by animals that manufacturer their own. Humans

and a couple of other species do not have the enzyme that allows for the manufacturing of

Vitamin C in the body. In fact, during times of stress and/or injury, animals can manufacture

up to 20 grams of Vitamin C daily. According to the RDA, humans only require 60 milligrams of

Vitamin C a day to our daily requirements.

I believe I will follow the work of Dr. Linus Pauling MD who won the Nobel Peace prize for his

work in Vitamin C. He took a regular daily dose of 17 grams. He enjoyed a wonderful life to the

good age of 93 years. The most popular form of Vitamin C during Dr. Pauling’s time was

ascorbic acid. By comparison, ascorbic acid is about 25% absorbed while mineral ascorbates

are up to 95% absorbed. Mineral ascorbates is a neutral ph meaning there is no concern for

gastric distress at high levels of intake.

Children will have fun with the fizz when they mix the packets. It is a temporary effervescence.

Make up a jug using 4 - 6 packets of Emer gen C in a liter to a liter and a half of filtered water.

There is simply nothing better. Let them mix a few packets in their water bottle to bring to

school. So much better for them than the belly wash of coloured sugar water mixes or

pasteurized juices.

Top of the list is Emer gen C packets

Mineral Ascorbates Emer gen C- 3 - 6 grams daily

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Make pop cycles with it for hot summer days or for treats.

2 A high quality Multi Vitamin/Mineral Source Naturals Life Force Multi Vitamin/Mineral

with a profile of antioxidants

3 Daily intake of 2 tablespoons of ground flax seed and 2-4 tablespoons of hemp hearts.

4 Digestive enzymes Children do not need supplemental enzymes on a regular basis.

Having said that, plant based broad spectrum enzymes as Essential Enzymes or N-

Zymes and Super Digestive Enzymes are an important part of the medicine cabinet.

When an over indulgence of sweets, eating too fast, eating too late brings on digestive

distress, give 3 or 4 plant based broad spectrum enzymes first. If that does not relieve

the upset within a few minutes give ½ Super Digestive enzymes. Rather than reaching

for the antacids first, reach for enzymes that will break down the irritating food quickly

and bring fast relief.


1 Vitamin C – 2 - 4 grams daily in divided doses. Take with meals unless you are drinking

it as an Emergen C drink

2 High Quality Vitamin/Mineral - Life Force Capsules

3 B Vitamins as Co-enzymatic B vitamin - minimum 50 mgs. Potency

4 Coenzyme Q 10- 100 mg. daily

5 Vitamin E- mixed tocopherols - 2 - 400 IU daily

Digestive Enzymes- Plant Base and Pancreatic:

For specific weight reduction, take three plant base Essential Enzymes or N-Zymes

before retiring at night. Do the same in the morning.

With small meals take 2 plant base and one broad spectrum pancreatic.

With meals that include meats and heavier proteins, take two pancreatic and up to 4

plant based.

For more detailed information of these critical workers, go to my website @ and read my article on Enzymes. Keep these internal helpers

healthy and abundant.

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You will also notice an enzyme selection called Diges Activ. This enzyme contains HCI along

with a broad spectrum enzyme profile. It is designed for those people, generally over 45, who

are experiencing low hydrochloric acid levels. If you are amongst the many that use over the

counter antacids, switch to Digest Activ for a more effective approach. Be sure your symptoms

are related to how hydrochloric acid and not Acid Reflux. You can also add lemon water while

you eat, lemon water naturally increases hydrochloric acid levels

Remember to avail yourself of the two (2) Free Consultation Sessions. Email or contact us to set

up your consultations.

Joanne Vaughan BSw BSc DSc

Clinical Nutritionist

[email protected]

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Natural Approaches to the Inflammatory Process &

Correcting Digestive Conditions of Over Acidity

Filled with effective alternatives to assist you in your quest for health and vitality

Understand the role of pH balance and Foods

Understand alkaline/acidic balance

How to create that balance with Food Choices

Easily understood, concise and convenient

Implement your new knowledge with confidence.

Inflammatory Process

Many factors can cause or exacerbate inflammation in the body.

Inflammation can be the result of something as obvious as a recent physical injury. It can also

be as undetectable as a food item or items in your diet. Common allergens including unhealthy

fat intake, gluten related food intolerances and the night shade family of vegetables. Milk and

dairy, including eggs, as well as wheat products may also be among the source of irritation.

Inflammation can also have bacterial infection origins.

In this Article on the Inflammatory Processes, we are taking a closer look at


types of arthritic condition

natural approaches to Inflammation.

Let's start with Causes

Inflammation can result from either external or internal factors.

Answer the following questions:

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External Injuries

While obvious, external injuries can become chronic if not cared for:

Have you had a recent injury? Recent injuries are obvious. Do the smart thing. Rest the injured

area. That does not mean you need to stay dormant while you heal, it means you are

cognoscente of not re-injuring the problem or injured area. If you require treatment, find a

reliable Professional to help with rehabilitation.

Internal Inflammation

Internal inflammatory processes are not so obvious.

Do you experience any of the following discomforts?




Abdominal pain after eating

Undigested food passed in bowel movements

Excessive fullness after eating

Burning sensation after eating



Joint aches

Joint pain

Do you consume gluten products? Gluten is a protein found in starchy foods such as




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Oats, while a point of controversy, should be avoided and especially in the early stages

Vegetable protein isolate

Soy protein isolate.

Soy sauce


Malt vinegar


Some pharmaceuticals contain gluten as a binder

Check alcohol sources for gluten. It is sometimes added after the distillation processes

Food Starch or modified food starch

Caramel colouring

Hydrolyzed vegetable protein

If you read wording such as natural flavourings, flavour extract, spice extract, suspect

the presence of gluten

Check labels for gluten or gluten related products like vegetable protein isolate. When in doubt,

chose foods that you know are safe. You have the option of calling the toll free number that

most manufacturers list on their products, but if you have to resort to that alternative, you also

have to consider the other ingredients that you either can not pronounce or don’t recognize.

For many, gluten is a serious food intolerance causing histamine reactions, water retention

(edema) and inflammation in many parts of the body, including causes seemingly unrelated

joint pain, stomach cramps caused by intestinal inflammation, headaches, neck and joint

stiffness. Autoimmune diseases are more highly correlated with gluten intolerances along with

certain cancers that start in the intestinal tract, for example, lymphomas. Autism, lupus,

rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, and osteoarthritis are also linked to gluten intolerances.

Along with gluten, other common allergens are milk, eggs and dairy

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The First Sign of Food Intolerances is Mucus

Here is Why

The small intestinal tract is lined with mucus membranes, called goblet cells. Goblet cells

contain mucus. Mucus has a very important and functional role. Consuming a food product

particularly intolerable to your body stimulates goblet cells to release mucus as a lining of

defense, literally. The purpose of mucus is to prevent the absorption of offending food

molecules by covering the tiny absorptive tissues called microvillus that line the intestinal tract.

This defensive move is designed to be a temporary reaction.

Problems occur when this reaction becomes chronic. Wrong food choices lead to mucus build

up along the intestinal tract causing damage to the little absorptive vehicles. Absorption is

impaired. Dry skin, psoriasis, eczema along with the aforementioned conditions can be

expressions of or exacerbated by this problem. Water retention is another early sign and

consequence of consuming offending foods. Water acts as a neutralizing agent to injury or over

acidity. Over acidity along the digestive tract results, again, from eating offensive foods that

cause the emission of mucus inflammation results.

As mentioned, early expressions of inflammation in the body include joint pain, feelings of

tightness or stiffness, swelling of the joints, including the small joints of the fingers. Headaches

are also a common reaction to inflammation.

Where to Start

Start from diet up.

Take the offending foods out of your diet. Add digestive enzymes to help clean and heal the

digestive tract. Add probiotics to repopulate healthy flora in the intestinal tract. Healthy

intestinal flora is part of a strong immune system.

Start your nutritional day properly to give yourself the best chance at craving control

throughout the day. Craving control means better food choices. Better food choices prevent and

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calms inflammation along the digestive system. This results in less allergic reaction, histamine,

edema, etc.

Do this Simple Test

Do you clear your throat after eating or do you generally have to clear your throat throughout

the day…? If you do, check your food intake for starchy foods, complex carbohydrates like

cereals, breads, processed foods or for gluten in all its forms.

Is there mucus in your bowel movements?

Is there undigested food in your bowel movements?

Again, look to your diet. You need to pay attention to this issue. Your body is talking to you

about healthy and unhealthy choices you are making in your food consumption.

It matters little that giant food manufacturers make processed ‘food’ stuff, disguising offensive

ingredients and call the end product ‘convenience food’. It matters little that you have bought

into the notion that eating for taste is a reasonable way to eat.

There are alternatives to unhealthy food choices. You are about to learn them. If you are

experiencing mucus, then not far behind are gas, bloating, food cravings, joint pain, headaches

and achy feeling, fatigue and/or energy fluctuations throughout the day. Are you moody? Are

you impatient? You want to pay attention.

Arthritis: Types and Approaches

Two main arthritic conditions are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis involves the deterioration of smooth surface of the cartilage covering bone

endings. This surface breaks down to a rough exterior. Osteo affects mostly weight bearing

joints. A thickening of the underlying bone and bone spurs as well as other inflammatory

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responses result. The collagen matrix, responsible for connective tissue integrity, is broken

down by what are called cytokines. These are protein messengers that are involved in cell to

cell regulation, inflammation and immunity.

Cytokines that are found in higher than usual levels in synovial and cartilage areas, have a

negative impact on deterioration causing uneven motion of joints resulting in pain, discomfort

and inflammation.

Rheumatoid arthritis, along with juvenile RA, generally occurs in people under the age of 40

years. RA falls in the category of autoimmune disorders. Sadly, in this condition, the body's

immune system attacks cartilage and tissues surrounding joints. The synovial membranes that

secrete lubricating fluid are damaged and rendered ineffective. The resulting scar tissue

narrows the joint area causing inflammation, swelling, possible edema but definite pain. The

causes of RA vary from nutritional sources, more specifically food intolerances, including gluten,

physical trauma or possible bacterial origins. It is prudent to try and address the root cause of

Rheumatoid Arthritis to alleviate pain, discomfort and potential ongoing physical damage.

Other arthritic conditions include Gout, which is the result of the buildup of uric acid crystals

deposited in the small joint of the hands or feet. Gout is considered an acute form of arthritis,

as it attacks suddenly and can cause extreme pain. Cherry juice is very effective in absorbing

excess uric acid crystals. Green foods also known as ProGreens can be helpful, especially as a

re-alkalizing agent.

Spondyloarthyropath, e.g. Ankolysing Spondilitis is specific to the spinal column and can be

debilitating. The spine is affected at various positions ranging from inflamed stiffened joints, to

the possibility of fusions along certain vertebrae points. Check for Klebsiella bacteria as a

possible cause. Great Smokey’s Lab is an excellent Lab for detecting possible microbial


Systemic lupus, Kawasaki Syndrome, although less common, is no less significant in affected


Conditions of Arthritis

Conditions of arthritis is generally a individual

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Studies have shown there are some very effective herbs and supplements to address and inhibit

the inflammatory process. These herbs have been tested against the NSAID group of anti-

inflammatory agents. They have been found to be as effective.

Herbs have the added benefit of being a source of nourishing vitamins and minerals. Most

important is always start from diet up.

Testing for intestinal microbial presence can detect causative bacteria, for example, Klebsiella.

As mentioned, this microbe is highly indicated in Ankolysing Spondilitis.

The presence of Candida Albican, a common fungus known as Yeast will cause inflammation,

brain fog and many other maladies. E-book on has a comprehensive guide on addressing and

correcting the problem of candidiasis or yeast overgrowth.

As Clinical Nutritionist, I advise you to start from diet up. With so many food choices, individuals

need to become educated and diligent in eating nutrient dense foods.

Be open to the truth about whole, fresh foods as the only path to building a strong resilient


Be open to finding the cause and correcting where you can.

Natural Approaches

Calming inflammation starts from diet up. We have touched on many strategies that will

help ease reactions to intolerable offensive foods.

Here we look at other strategies:

Omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are found in:

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Omega 3, including the end derivative EPA or eicosapentaenoic, has strong anti-inflammatory


Chia Seeds

Hemp Hearts

Deep Sea fish like mackerel, halibut and salmon, in particular red salmon.

Vitamin C

The highest quality Vitamin C is the pH balanced source found in Mineral Ascorbates from

Alacer Corporation.

Ester C or buffered are acceptable but not as highly absorbable as mineral ascorbates.

General rule of absorption goes like this:

Ascorbic Acid is about 25% absorbed

Ester C is about 50% absorbed by the body

Mineral Ascorbates, because they are as close to the same molecular structure as is

produced in nature, is about 90 - 95% absorbed.

Zinc also aids against inflammation. High levels of Zinc should only be used short term.

Short term is a 10 day to two week duration. For therapeutic doses, use 80 to 100 mcgs. daily

in divided doses.

Proteolytic enzymes taken on an empty stomach between meals are very useful in controlling

inflammation. Bromelain, found in fresh pineapple is an example of proteolytic enzymes.

Papain is also a proteolytic enzyme. Papain is a derivative of the papaya plant.

(Sidebar: Papaya is excellent to marinate meats for tenderness and taste. It is delicious. When

you hull the papaya, keep the seeds, rinse them and dry them on a clean paper towel. Just

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before serving, spread the seeds over the roast or steak or pork chops, you get the idea, and

serve. The papaya seed adds a mild peppery taste. It is delicious as an alternative to pepper

steak or over any roast, not to mention the additional enzymes.)

The Night Shade family of vegetables can cause inflammation. Remove them can be a prudent,

natural approach to relieving inflammation in the body. Night shade vegetables include green

peppers, tomatoes, white potatoes, egg plant and paprika.

Curcumin has been studied for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin is an

ancient spice that has been used for centuries in cuisine. In a double blind studies with

patients suffering Rheumatoid Arthritis, curcumin resulted in therapeutics affects comparable to

the NSAID prescription drug phenylbutazone. At dosage amounts of 1200 mgs, divided

throughout the day, curcumin produced significant improvement in morning stiffness and

physical endurance. Historically, Curcumin has also been used for anti-inflammatory and wound


Included in one of the many benefits of choosing Curcumin over NSAID's is, curcumin does not

contribute to vascular thrombosis or have any other know side effects. It can be used safely at

large doses over a prolonged period of time.


This particular group of anti-inflammatory agents is found in

Grape Seed Extract and Pycnogenol or Pine Bark. The anti-oxidant and anti inflammatory

action protects the connective tissue of joints against series 2 prostaglandin’s, histamines and


Start from diet up and add an abundant amount of live enzymes through healthy eating

and supplemental enzymes, especially proteolytic.

[email protected]

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Correcting Digestive Disorders of Overacidity

Much is misunderstood about the pH balance of our bodies and the ph of the human digestive

tract. pH is a measure of acidity and alkalinity. O is absolute acidity and 14 is absolute alkalinity.

7 is considered neutral pH. Our digestive tract is slightly alkaline, generally at 7.4. To maintain

this balance, body is remarkable in its ability and determination to neutralize an over acidic

internal environment. Minerals such as calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium are pulled

from bone material in the body to re-alkalize internal acidic environments.

Problems Associated with Over Acidity

Excess acidity in our digestive tract depletes these particular essential minerals from stores and

usage elsewhere in the body. The leaching of calcium for example from bones is a contributing

factor to osteoporosis.

Excess acidity impairs cellular production of energy.

Over acidity impairs the body's ability to produce enzymes. Enzymes are pivotal in the

production of energy, free radical damage repair, immunity and digestion, to name just a few


Fatigue is a common result of an internal acidic environment. Fatigue is often an early symptom

of degenerative disease.

The Role of Diet as a Contributing Factor to Over Acidity

Diet is the major contributing factor, either driving the body toward health or over acidity

causing degeneration.

Specific dietary causes include:

1 A diet deficient in fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are rich with

minerals, vitamins and enzymes. Your body has specific needs and requirements for

replenishment of minerals and vitamins on a daily basis. Most vegetables are also quite

alkaline which helps rebalance the pH.

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2 Starchy or processed foods, along with soda pops are generally more acidic. Particularly

harmful starch based foods are:

white bread

white sugar

white flour products of any description

soft drinks


pasteurized fruit juices

sports drinks

Health bars can be laden with unsuspecting sugars and unhealthy fats.

Damage can be done on many levels. Generally processed means food has been

stripped of its original nutrition profile. By law, a few nutrients are added back with

“Fortified", stamped loudly on the packaging. The end product is no where close to the

original nutrition density profile, but it passes and people consume it often to their

physical detriment.

The remarkably sad part of this equation is these deficient products can actually deplete

the body of nutrients required in the digestion of the 'food'. The end result is leaving

your body in a nutrient deficit. That is what you are doing when you eat refined,

nutrient depleted foods. You are putting something in your mouth that potentially leaves

you with fewer nutrients after digestion.

For example, bleached white flour products deplete you of B vitamin stores. That is you

have less after you have eaten them then if you did not eat them.

Leave processed ‘foods’ on the shelf where it belongs. It is not fit for human

consumption or animal consumption. Ever noticed bleached flour products do not

attract little critters or bugs? Are they smarter than us in their food choices? Bleached,

denatured foods will not sustain their health. Do you think it will sustain yours? Think

twice before reaching for bleached, denatured flour or other denatured food.

As much as possible avoid white sugar, white flour, processed foods.

Choose rye breads, sour dough breads

Choose natural sugars, e.g. black strap molasses, brown rice syrup, demerara sugar

or sugar alcohols like xylitol, mannitol, etc.

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3 Unhealthy, rancid, denatured, hydrogenated fats cause acidic conditions and

inflammation. Unstable vegetable fats found in margarine' become rancid quickly in the

body... Deep fried foods, partial hydrogenated... they are all the same and they all have

negative consequences.

The most stable fats for stir-frying are olive oil, either virgin or extra virgin, coconut oil

(virgin or expeller pressed) and a little bit of butter for flavour. Check to make sure the

coconut oil is not hydrogenated. That is how coconut oil got a bad name in the first

place. Heart studies were done using hydrogenated coconut oil.

Butter has a low heat point so wisely mix it with one of the other oils. I know you know

never to heat your oil to the smoking point but it bears repeating.

Tip for heating to maintain healthy oil:

Here's a tip, put your oils in your pan, warm them on a low range setting until they are slightly

melted. Then add the ingredients you are starting with, leeks or onions, etc. then start the

cooking process. Alternatively, put your oil in a pan, add your ingredients and heat together.

Either way will minimize oxidation of the precious oils.

Flax seed oil is particularly wonderful oil, but please never heat it. It turns to linseed when

heated and no one wants linseed oil in their body.

The best way to consume flax seed oil is from ground flax seed, 3 tablespoons daily. It is an

excellent source of fiber, lignin’s, as antioxidants, along with the omega 3 fatty acid family. By

comparison, it is much less expensive and has more health benefits than oil alone. Remember

to keep your ground flax in the freezer.

Hemp Hearts are another seed that is an excellent source of

DHA/EPA, omega 3 derivatives, fiber, easily absorbed protein and B Vitamins, with the

exception of B12. 3 tablespoons of hemp hearts per day is the amount recommended for daily


4 Processed foods are particularly acidic and nutrient robbing. It is both amazing and

appalling how the commercial sale of processed products is sold as real food. Processed

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foods stripped of nutrients and laden with hidden sugars, thickeners, unhealthy fats and

flavor enhancers are packaged and sold as food to the consumer. ‘Only in big business’.

I suppose when you can't see your customer, it makes it easier to ignore the health


Don't be one of the uninformed or misinformed.

In the end you are the only person who is responsible for feeding your body.

You will enjoy the benefits of wholesome nutrient dense foods. You will enjoy abundant energy

and a lively outlook as a result of healthy eating.

Most individuals who are dealing with the unpleasant side effects of acidity in the digestive

system generally turn to antacids, both over the counter and prescription strength.

Did you know that besides laxatives, antacids are the next highest purchase of over the counter

non-prescription medication:

Regular antacid use depletes the mineral phosphorous necessary in building good bone


Antacid use also inhibiting the absorption of calcium by changing the acidic pH of the

stomach environment. Antacids also work counter productive in the digestion of proteins

which require sufficient levels of HCI or Hydrochloric Acid to break down the amino


Antacids slow down digestion causing the contents of the stomach to sit in a heated

environment much longer than is healthy. Gas, bloating and mucus are signals from the

body of food that has lost its health-giving value and is now fodder for unhealthy

bacteria along the digestive tract. How much more delicately can I put that?...

Gas and foul-smelling bowel movements are indicators of an unhealthy digestive system. They

are signs of food that has

putrefied and fermented and food that is not transiting fast enough. It is a sign of food that is

feeding yeast along with other unfriendly foes.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Unravel the Mystery covers this area extensively.

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These conditions can be reversed with dietary improvements. Eating an alkaline diet in the form

of fresh fruits (2-3 per day in the a.m.), vegetables (6-8 per day anytime), seafood, high quality

protein and essential fats, sprouted grains and legumes (legumes are forbidden if you signs of

IBS, however).

Individuals need to be taught the proper balance in food consumption and preparation to

sustain health and longevity.

Plant enzymes need to replace antacids as digestive aids.

Plant enzymes mixed with mucilage herbs are very soothing and healing to the digestive tract.

Acidic conditions need to be corrected where they start – AT THE TABLE

Taste is both learned and taught.

The integrity and nutritional needs of every cell in our body is predetermined. Respecting the

nutritional needs of your body is the path to prevention and health.

Don't believe me?

Do you own a car?

Next time you want to go somewhere, try putting sugar and water in the tank. No... Why not?

The mechanics of a car are far less complicated than the mechanics of the cellular needs of

your body. The difference is your body is more forgiving.

Meeting the needs of our body's nutritional requirements is its own reward.

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Where to Start

Eat whole foods in the form of

Fruits and Vegetables

Quality Protein

Essential Fatty Acids

Whole Grains

In that Order

Do This

Chew your food to a liquid consistency before swallowing

Adequate chewing exposes nutrients and enzymes.

Proper chewing also takes pressure off the digestive system.

Use plant enzymes to promote optimum digestion and absorption.

Removing foods that cause acidic conditions, along with foods that are generally intolerable will

promote healing along the digestive system. Adding foods that are close to nature, nutrient

dense and intended for human consumption will provide your body with nutrient molecules

required for health and vitality.

For all of us, it is about absorption and health along the length of our digestive systems

You are both welcome to and encouraged to email me with any questions

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For Further Exciting and Informative Information

Reading of Interest:

Knows Your Fats Mary G. Enig Ph.D.

Super Nutrition for Men Ann Louise Gittleman M.S.

Super Nutrition for Women Ann Louise Gittleman M.S.

Age Proof Your Body Elizabeth Somer M.A. R.D.

Earl Mindell’s Food as Medicine Earl Mindell R.Ph., Ph.D.

Self Testing Nutrition Guide Dr. Cass Ingram Judy K. Gray M.S.

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All contents contained within is copyright 2005 and its

contents including e-Books:

Healthy Weight Loss - Gaining Control

Nutrition Strategies

Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Unravel the Mystery

Healthy Relationships – Communication with a Cause

All literary work contained within belongs to and is the sole property of Joanne

Vaughan, its respective author. Reproduction, copying or any other form of use of the

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Disclaimer: For Your Benefit and Ours

It is our sole intention that the information contained in ,

the e-Books in their entirety and the Nutraceutical information is used solely for

educational purposes. It is not intended for the purposes of diagnosis and/or in any way

associated with the Allopathic community or licensed medical professional. It is our

sincerest hope that visitors to this website and recipients of its information find it

helpful and rewarding to their lifestyle and health.

The beliefs we express aren't meant as directions for the health care management of

any individual case. Also, the beliefs we express aren't intended to substitute for

individualized or personalized care by a qualified, licensed, and competent health care

professional. Care by such a professional is necessary in all cases due to the unique

needs of many individuals that can be identified and allowed for only within the context

of personal interaction with a health care professional. Dr. J Vaughan does not

recommend altering a treatment program devised by a health care professional without

individualized guidance by that professional or another. Dr. J. Vaughan also disclaims

any liability resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the information contained in . In particular, we advise that a client/patient is under

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Now go to to keep up with new and exciting information

on Health Nutrition and Natural Therapies

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Appendix A – Recipes

World Class Salad (Portions per person)

½ cup - Mixed baby greens/ Romaine/Boston lettuce.

6 - Grape tomatoes/regular tomatoes/mixed colour tomatoes

¼ - Cucumber, English or Regular

2 slices - Red/White/Vidalia Onion

¼ - Red/Yellow/Orange or/and Green Pepper

6 each - Black and/or Green olives – optional

1 tbsp each:

o Pine Nuts – lightly toasted they take on a sweeter, nuttier taste

o Crushed Walnuts (high in omega 3 fatty acids)

o Sesame Seeds (high in calcium)

o Currants or raisins (just a few)

o Pumpkin Seeds (high in zinc)

Add a bit more zest and interest, you can add a tablespoon of fresh grated Parmesan,

Romano or any one of the varieties of cheeses.

You can also zest the skin of ½ a lemon and ½ a lime and add it to your salad. Be

sure to wash the lemon or lime first.

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Oil and Vinegar Dressing

12 tbsp - Extra Virgin Olive Oil

8 dashes of balsamic or red wine vinegar

1 – 2 teaspoon of Dijon or dry mustard

1 tbsp honey or maple syrup

¼ tbsp – fresh grated ginger

a dash of oregano and basil

salt & pepper to taste

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Almond Exceptional

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F

2 cups – almond flour

1/3 cup – melted butter

½ tsp – vanilla

½ cup – honey

¼ tsp – baking soda

1 tbsp. – natural peanut butter (optional)

¼ cup – shredded coconut 9 (optional)

¼ tsp - salt

In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients until well mixed and stiff.

Drop 1” mounds, 1” apart on Silpat sheet or greased cookie sheet.

Bake 20 minutes or until edges are firm and soft in the center.

Check at 15 minutes

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Macaroons Exceptional

4 - lg. egg whites

½ cup – honey

¼ cup – maple syrup

450 grams - desiccated unsweetened coconut – better still purchase whole coconut,

open, scoop and shred

Beat egg whites until stiff.

Warm honey until it is runny.

Add honey to eggs in a steady stream while beating continually.

Gently fold in coconut.

Spoon or pipe on a greased cookie tray in 1" rounds, 1" apart.

Cook slowly at 300 degrees F for 35 minutes.

Check for doneness. - Soft in middle and slightly browned along edges.

For a chewier bar, turn off oven and leave macaroons in until cooled, about another 20 minutes

Options: For a little variety, you can add 1/2 cup of crushed assorted nuts/seeds/raisins.

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Macaroons Worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

1 ½ cups – unsweetened shredded coconut

¼ cup – raisons or currants (optional)

½ cup – chopped hazelnuts or almonds, any nut or seed you chose

½ cup – almond nut flour

1 egg – beaten

½ cup – honey

½ tsp – salt

A dash of cinnamon (optional)

Combine all ingredients and mix well

Add more Almond Flour @ 1 tbsp. at a time to improve the dough consistency, if necessary.

Form into bit size cookies, about a teaspoon size or slightly less

Arrange on a greased cookie sheet or Silpat sheet

Bake for 15 minutes. Check. When the tops and edges are browned, take them out.

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Morning Recipe

4 - 5 tablespoons - hemp hearts (kept in fridge) ½ cup – fruit. Berries are a good option. Berries are relatively low on the

glycemic or sugar index. Alternate the berries daily. ¼ to ½ cup organic plain yogurt Poached egg, omelet, or frittata (crust less quiche)

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Soup Broth

Use a 20L Dutch Oven or Soup Pot.

3 Turkey or Chicken carcass – organic, if they are available

6 carrots – peeled and rough cut

8 stalks of celery – rough cut

4 onions – peeled and rough cut

whole garlic bud – peeled, separated into cloves, crushed

Bay Leaves

¼ cup of vinegar or apple cider vinegar

If you wish to caramelize your onions first, stir fry them in 2 tbsp of butter and 2 tbsp of

coconut oil.

Roast the poultry carcass in a 350-degree oven for about 20 minutes to brown. Cut the carcass

to expose the bone marrow.

Add all ingredients to a 20L Dutch oven. Fill with filtered spring water to about 3” below top of

pot. Bring to a boil and simmer for a minimum of 8 hours. Ideally cook for 12 hours.

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Hearty Vegetable Country Soup 6 cups of broth

1 28 oz. can – Tomatoes crushed or whole – if whole just chop or use diced tomatoes

1 – diced onion – fried in coconut oil and butter

2 – carrots – sliced, diced or rough cut

4 stalks – celery – sliced

1 cup – Napa Cabbage – chopped

½ cup – French cut Green Beans or whole Green Beans gently sliced

Salt and Pepper to taste

First stir fry the onions, then add the carrots, celery and Napa Cabbage. Add the Chicken Broth

or Beef Broth and cook for about 15 – 20 minutes until vegetables are tender

To that Add:

½ cup – Broccoli – chopped

½ cup – Sweet Peas – fresh or frozen

¼ cup each of chic peas or Romano beans or Black Beans – all or optionally none

1 tbsp – Basil

1 tbsp – Oregano

Cook an additional 5 – 10 minutes

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Pepper and Garlic Tomato Soup

6 cups of broth

1 – onion (optional) – rough cut

2 – carrots – rough cut

½ each - red, yellow and orange pepper – chopped

4 – stalks – celery – rough cut

½ cabbage – Juiced – just add the juice

Cook until tender, about 20 minutes. Puree using hand blender, again being very careful not to

spray the hot broth.


1 – Canned tomatoes

3 cloves – crushed garlic

½ cup – peas

½ cup – fresh asparagus – cut in thirds

1 tsp. – dried basil or 3 tsp. fresh basil finely chopped

1 tsp. – Oregano or 3 tsp. fresh oregano finely chopped

Salt and pepper to taste

Heat and serve

If you wish, add grated parmesan or romano cheese (optional) to any of the soups or

1 – 2 tbsp. Yogurt on top (optional)
