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1Future global satellite systems for Intelsat NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) International satellite communications traffic in the Atlantic basin is growing at a compounded

rate of 15 percent per annum and seems likely to continue at this level for the foreseeable

future. In this paper, a number of satellite system concepts are presented as alternatives to

accommodate Atlantic region traffic in the year 2000. These concepts range from extrapolations

of current Intelsat architecture to modular approaches to capacity growth which incorporateadvanced technologies. The concepts were generated as part of a study effort aimed at

developing and analyzing these and other concepts, identifying critical technologies and

defining viable satellite systems for the post Intelsat VI timeframe.

Board, J. E.1985-09-01

2Future satellite systems - Market demand assessment NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) During 1979-80, a market study was performed regarding the future total demand for 

communications services, and satellite transmission service at the 4/6 GHz, 12/14 GHz, and

20/30 GHz frequencies. Included in the study were a variety of communications traffic

characteristics as well as projections of the cost of C and Ku band satellite systems through

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the year 2000. In connection with the considered study, a total of 15 major study tasks and

subtasks were undertaken and were all interrelated in various ways. The telecommunications

service forecasts were concerned with a total of 21 data services, 5 voice services, and 5 video

services. The traffic volumes within the U.S. for the three basic services were projected for three

time periods. It is found that the fixed frequency allocation for domestic satellites combined with

potential interference from adjacent satellites means a near term lack of orbital positions above

the U.S.

Reiner, P. S.1981-01-01

3Characteristics of a Future Aeronautical Satellite Communications System. National Technical Information Service (NTIS) 

 A possible operational system scenario for providing satellite communications services to the

future aviation community was analyzed. The system concept relies on a Ka-band (20/30 GHz)

satellite that utilizes multibeam antenna (MBA) technology. The aircra...

P. Y. Sohn A. Stern F. Schmidt 1991-01-01

4Licensing of future mobile satellite systems NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) The regulatory process for licensing mobile satellite systems is complex and can require many

years to complete. This process involves frequency allocations, national licensing, and

frequency coordination. The regulatory process that resulted in the establishment of the

radiodetermination satellite service (RDSS) between 1983 and 1987 is described. In contrast,

each of these steps in the licensing of the mobile satellite service (MSS) is taking a significantly

longer period of time to complete.Lepkowski, Ronald J.1990-01-01

5Future global satellite systems for Intelsat NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) 

 A number of satellite system concepts are presented as alternative ways to accommodate

 Atlantic region traffic in the year 2000, i.e., the post-Intelsat VI period. These concepts range

from extrapolations of current Intelsat architecture to modular approaches to capacity growth

which incorporate advanced technologies. It is predicted that the year 2000 should require no

less than three and no more than seven operational satellites in separate orbital slots to satisfy

basic Atlantic region international requirements. In terms of technology, multiple-beam

spacecraft antennas continue to be the pacing item on which satellite capacity growth is

critically dependent, with onboard processing almost as important.

Schnicke, W. R.; Board, J. E.; Binckes, J. B.; Palmer, L. C.; Martin, J. E.

6Characteristics of a future aeronautical satellite communications system NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 

 A possible operational system scenario for providing satellite communications services to the

future aviation community was analyzed. The system concept relies on a Ka-band (20/30 GHz)

satellite that utilizes multibeam antenna (MBA) technology. The aircraft terminal uses an

extremely small aperture antenna as a result of using this higher spectrum at Ka-band. The

satellite functions as a relay between the aircraft and the ground stations. The ground stations

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function as interfaces to the existing terrestrial networks such as the Public Service Telephone

Network (PSTN). Various system tradeoffs are first examined to ensure optimized system 

parameters. High level performance specifications and design approaches are generated for the

space, ground, and aeronautical elements in the system. Both technical and economical issues

affecting the feasibility of the studied concept are addressed with the 1995 timeframe in mind.

Sohn, Philip Y.; Stern, Alan; Schmidt, Fred 1991-01-01

7 A glimpse to future commercial spy satellite systems Microsoft Academic SearchOver the past decade the commercial remote sensing industry has experienced significant

technological change and improved market penetration. New sensor Technologies in space

systems offer new information capabilities.The development of high-resolution commercial

satellites which is better than 1 meter black and white and 2.5 meter multispectral has opened

new data and new collection methodologies to the ultimate information customer. Future 

Izzet Bayir 2009-01-01

8 Advanced Microelectronics Technologies for Future Small Satellite Systems NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) Future small satellite systems for both Earth observation as well as deep-space exploration

are greatly enabled by the technological advances in deep sub-micron microelectronics

technologies. Whereas these technological advances are being fueled by the commercial (non-

space) industries, more recently there has been an exciting new synergism evolving between

the two otherwise disjointed markets. In other words, both the commercial and space industries

are enabled by advances in low-power, highly integrated, miniaturized (low-volume), lightweight,and reliable real-time embedded systems. Recent announcements by commercial

semiconductor manufacturers to introduce Silicon On Insulator (SOI) technology into their 

commercial product lines is driven by the need for high-performance low-power integrated

devices. Moreover, SOI has been the technology of choice for many space semiconductor 

manufacturers where radiation requirements are critical. This technology has inherent radiation

latch-up immunity built into the process, which makes it very attractive to space applications. In

this paper, we describe the advanced microelectronics and avionics technologies under 

development by NASA's Deep Space Systems Technology Program (also known as X2000).

These technologies are of significant benefit to both the commercial satellite as well as the

deep-space and Earth orbiting science missions. Such a synergistic technology roadmap may

truly enable quick turn-around, low-cost, and highly capable small satellite systems for both

Earth observation as well as deep-space missions.

 Alkalai, Leon1999-01-01

9Multichannel demultiplexer/demodulator technologies for future satellite communication systems NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) NASA-Lewis' Space Electronics Div. supports ongoing research in advanced satellite 

communication architectures, onboard processing, and technology development. Recent

studies indicate that meshed VSAT (very small aperture terminal) satellite communication

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networks using FDMA (frequency division multiple access) uplinks and TDMA (time division

multiplexed) downlinks are required to meet future communication needs. One of the critical

advancements in such a satellite communication network is the multichannel

demultiplexer/demodulator (MCDD). The progress is described which was made in MCDD

development using either acousto-optical, optical, or digital technologies.

Ivancic, William D.; Budinger, James M.; Staples, Edward J.; Abramovitz, Irwin; Courtois, Hector A.1992-01-01

10On-board processing concepts for future satellite communications systems NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) The initial definition of on-board processing for an advanced satellite communications system 

to service domestic markets in the 1990's is discussed. An exemplar system with both RF on-

board switching and demodulation/remodulation baseband processing is used to identify

important issues related to system implementation, cost, and technology development.

 Analyses of spectrum-efficient modulation, coding, and system control techniques are

summarized. Implementations for an RF switch and baseband processor are described. Among

the major conclusions listed is the need for high gain satellites capable of handling tens of 

simultaneous beams for the efficient reuse of the 2.5 GHz 30/20 frequency band. Several

scanning beams are recommended in addition to the fixed beams. Low power solid state 20

GHz GaAs FET power amplifiers in the 5W range and a general purpose digital baseband

processor with gigahertz logic speeds and megabits of memory are also recommended.

Brandon, W. T.; White, B. E.1980-01-01

11On-board processing for future satellite communications systems: Satellite-

Routed FDMA NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) 

 A frequency division multiple access (FDMA) 30/20 GHz satellite communications architecture

without on-board baseband processing is investigated. Conceptual system designs are

suggested for domestic traffic models totaling 4 Gb/s of customer premises service (CPS) traffic

and 6 Gb/s of trunking traffic. Emphasis is given to the CPS portion of the system which

includes thousands of earth terminals with digital traffic ranging from a single 64 kb/s voice

channel to hundreds of channels of voice, data, and video with an aggregate data rate of 33

Mb/s. A unique regional design concept that effectively smooths the non-uniform traffic

distribution and greatly simplifies the satellite design is employed. The satellite antenna

system forms thirty-two 0.33 deg beam on both the uplinks and the downlinks in one design. In

another design matched to a traffic model with more dispersed users, there are twenty-four 0.33

deg beams and twenty-one 0.7 deg beams. Detailed system design techniques show that a

single satellite producing approximately 5 kW of dc power is capable of handling at least 75%

of the postulated traffic. A detailed cost model of the ground segment and estimated system 

costs based on current information from manufacturers are presented.

Berk, G.; Christopher, P. F.; Hoffman, M.; Jean, P. N.; Rotholz, E.; White, B. E.1981-05-01

12On-board processing for future satellite communications systems: Satellite-Routed FDMA NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 

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 A frequency division multiple access (FDMA) 30/20 GHz satellite communications architecture

without on-board baseband processing is investigated. Conceptual system designs are

suggested for domestic traffic models totaling 4 Gb/s of customer premises service (CPS) traffic

and 6 Gb/s of trunking traffic. Emphasis is given to the CPS portion of the system which

includes thousands of earth terminals with digital traffic ranging from a single 64 kb/s voice

channel to hundreds of channels of voice, data, and video with an aggregate data rate of 33

Mb/s. A unique regional design concept that effectively smooths the non-uniform traffic

distribution and greatly simplifies the satellite design is employed. The satellite antenna

system forms thirty-two 0.33 deg beam on both the uplinks and the downlinks in one design. In

another design matched to a traffic model with more dispersed users, there are twenty-four 0.33

deg beams and twenty-one 0.7 deg beams. Detailed system design techniques show that a

single satellite producing approximately 5 kW of dc power is capable of handling at least 75%

of the postulated traffic. A detailed cost model of the ground segment and estimated system 

costs based on current information from manufacturers are presented.

Berk, G.; Christopher, P. F.; Hoffman, M.; Jean, P. N.; Rotholz, E.; White, B. E.1981-01-01

13Tracking system options for future altimeter satellite missions NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) Follow-on missions to provide continuity in the observation of the sea surface topography once

the successful TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) oceanographic satellite mission has ended are

discussed. Candidates include orbits which follow the ground tracks of T/P GEOSAT or ERS-1.

The T/P precision ephemerides, estimated to be near 3 cm root-mean-square, demonstrate the

radial orbit accuracy that can be achieved at 1300 km altitude. However, the radial orbit

accuracy which can be achieved for a mission at the 800 km altitudes of GEOSAT and ERS-1has not been established, and achieving an accuracy commensurate with T/P will pose a great

challenge. This investigation focuses on the radial orbit accuracy that can be achieved for a

mission in the GEOSAT orbit. Emphasis is given to characterizing the effects of force model

errors on the estimated radial orbit accuracy, particularly those due to gravity and drag. The

importance of global, continuous tracking of the satellite for reduction in these sources of orbit

error is demonstrated with simulated GPS tracking data. A gravity tuning experiment is carried

out to show how the effects of gravity error may be reduced. Assuming a GPS flight receiver 

with a full-sky tracking capability, the simulation results indicate that a 5 cm radial orbit accuracy

for an altimeter satellite in GEOSAT orbit should be achievable during low-drag atmosphericconditions and after an acceptable tuning of the gravity model.

Davis, G. W.; Rim, H. J.; Ries, J. C.; Tapley, B. D.1994-05-01

14 A Recommendation on SLR Ranging to Future Global Navigation Satellite Systems NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) The multi-agency US Geodetic Requirements Working Group has recommended that Satellite 

Laser Retro- reflectors be installed on GPS III satellites as a principal component of the

Positioning, Navigation, and Timing mandate of the Global Positioning System. The Working

Group, which includes NASA, NGA, NOAA, NRL, USGS, and the USNO, echoes the Global

Geodetic Observing System recommendation that SLR retro- reflectors be installed on all

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GNSS satellites. It is further recommended that the retro-reflectors conform to and hopefully

exceed the minimum standard of the International Laser Ranging Service for retro-reflector 

cross sections of 100 million square meters for the HEO GNSS satellites to insure sufficiently

accurate ranging by the global network of satellite laser ranging systems. The objective of this

recommendation is to contribute to the improvement in the International Terrestrial Reference

Frame, and its derivative the WGS84 reference frame, through continuing improvements in the

characterization of the GPS orbits and clocks. Another objective is to provide an independent

means of assessing the interoperability and accuracy of the GNSS systems and regional

augmentation systems. The ranging to GNSS-mounted retro-reflectors will constitute a

significant new means of space-based collocation to constrain the tie between the GPS and

SLR networks that constitute over 50% of the data from which the ITRF is derived. The

recommendation for the installation of SLR retro-reflectors aboard future GPS satellites is one

of a number of efforts aimed at improving the accuracy and stability of ITRF. These steps are

being coordinated with and supportive of the efforts of the GGOS and its services such at the

VLBI2010 initiative, developing a next generation geodetic network, near real-time GPS

positioning and EOP determination, and numerous efforts in the improvement of geodetic

algorithms for GPS, SLR, VLBI, DORIS, and the determination of the ITRF. If past is prologue,

the requirements of accuracy placed upon GNSS systems will continue to evolve at a factor of 

ten per decade for the lifetime of the GPS III, extending to 2025 and beyond. Global societal

priorities such as sea level change measurement already require a factor of ten or more

improvement in the accuracy and stability of the ITRF. Increasing accuracy requirements by

civilian users for precision positioning and time keeping will certainly continue to grow at an

exponential rate. The PNT accuracy of our GNSS systems will keep pace with these societal

needs only if we equip the GNSS systems with the capability to identify and further reduce

systematic errors.

Labrecque, J. L.; Miller, J. J.; Pearlman, M.2008-12-01

15Future Satellite Gravimetry for Geodesy NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) 

 After GRACE and GOCE there will still be need and room for improvement of the knowledge (1)

of the static gravity field at spatial scales between 40 km and 100 km, and (2) of the time

varying gravity field at scales smaller than 500 km. This is shown based on the analysis of 

spectral signal power of various gravity field components and on the comparison with currentknowledge and expected performance of GRACE and GOCE. Both, accuracy and resolution

can be improved by future dedicated gravity satellite missions. For applications in geodesy,

the spectral omission error due to the limited spatial resolution of a gravity satellite mission is a

limiting factor. The recommended strategy is to extend as far as possible the spatial resolution

of future missions, and to improve at the same time the modelling of the very small scale

components using terrestrial gravity information and topographic models.We discuss the

geodetic needs in improved gravity models in the areas of precise height systems, GNSS

levelling, inertial navigation and precise orbit determination. Today global height systems with a

1 cm accuracy are required for sea level and ocean circulation studies. This can be achieved by

a future satellite mission with higher spatial resolution in combination with improved local and

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regional gravity field modelling. A similar strategy could improve the very economic method of 

determination of physical heights by GNSS levelling from the decimeter to the centimeter level.

In inertial vehicle navigation, in particular in sub-marine, aircraft and missile guidance, any

improvement of global gravity field models would help to improve reliability and the radius of 


Flury, J.; Rummel, R.2004-04-01

16Cost Consideration for Future Communications Satellite NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) This paper discusses the cost driving factors of the future communications satellite rather than

discussing its cost itself directly, in terms of development period of time, services, and R&D by

government. In the first, a period of time for development of a communications system is

discussed in comparison of satellite communications system with a terrestrial communications

system. Generally speaking, the terrestrial communications system is developed in a short

period. Especially, the recent network related IT technology changes very rapidly, like so-called

as "Dog Year". On the other hand, it takes a long time, more than several years, to develop a

satellite communications system. This paper will discuss this time period of development is

how to influence the system realization in various cases. In the second, the service related cost

is discussed. First, a mobile communications satellite system is considered as an example.

The tremendous penetration speed of the terrestrial cellular phones prevents from the success

of the mobile satellite communications system. The success of the mobile satellite 

communications system depends on how early and user friendly to develop its user terminals.

Second, the broadcasting service is described as a successful example. It is described that the

satellite broadcasting has a very competitive advantage to the terrestrial broadcasting servicefrom the cost point of view. Finally, the cost of the technology R&D for the future 

communication satellite by the government is discussed. A model of the future 

communications satellite for next 30 years has been proposed(1)(2). As an example, this paper 

estimates the satellite cost of the 60 Gbps range of capacity which is called as 1.5G satellite,

where the capacity of the second generation Internet satellite (2G) is 50-500 Gbps per 

satellite. In the paper, the R&D plan of the future communications satellite will be discussed

as a next R&D project to the first generation Internet satellite from a cost point of view.

References (1)T.Iida and Y.Suzuki: "Satellite Communications R&D for Next 30 Years", 19th

 AIAA (2)T.Iida, Y.Suzuki and A.Akaishi: "Satellite Communications R&D for Next 30 Years:Iida, Takashi 2002-01-01

17Future developments in maritime satellite communications NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) Future developments in maritime satellite communications, which could be provided by a

second-generation maritime space segment are discussed. Current weaknesses such as high

costs and bulky equipment are given, and basic terminal standards that could be embodied in a

second generation system are considered, including three scenarios based on traffic, terminal

characteristics, and mission requirements. The aeronautical satellite service is also


Steciw, A.

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18 Application of advanced on-board processing concepts to future satellite communications systems NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 

 An initial definition of on-board processing requirements for an advanced satellite 

communications system to service domestic markets in the 1990's is presented. An exemplar 

system architecture with both RF on-board switching and demodulation/remodulation baseband

processing was used to identify important issues related to system implementation, cost, and

technology development.

Katz, J. L.; Hoffman, M.; Kota, S. L.; Ruddy, J. M.; White, B. F.1979-01-01

19Satellite Multicarrier Demodulation System NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) Proposed onboard signal processing system for communications satellites performs real-time

conversion of multiple uplink (received) signals in single-channel-per-carrier, frequency-division-

multiple-access (SCPC/FDMA) format to downlink (transmitted) signals in time-division-

multiplexed (TDM) format. Conversion approach enhances use of allocated spectrum and

reduces required effective isotropic radiated power at both transponder (satellite) and Earth

stations. Equipment needed to implement scheme less complex and less expensive than time-

division-multiple-access (TDMA) formats. More economical future satellite communication

systems made possible through use of many small-capacity multiservice Earth terminals.

Budinger, James; Kwatra, Subhash C.; Jamale, Mohsin M.; Fernandez, John P.; Eugene, Linus P.1994-01-01


The Future of Remote Sensing from Space: Civilian Satellite Systems and Applications NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) Over the past decade, the United States and other countries have increasingly turned to

satellite remote sensing to gather data about the state of earth's atmosphere, land, and

oceans. Satellite systems provide the vantage point and coverage necessary to study our 

planet as an integrated, interactive physical and biological system. In particular, the data they

provide, combined with data from surface and aircraft-based instruments, should help scientists

monitor, understand, and ultimately predict the long term effects of global change. This report,

the first of three in a broad OTA assessment of earth observation systems, examines issues

related to the development and operation of publicly funded U.S. and foreign civilian remote

sensing systems. It also explores the military and intelligence use of data gathered by civilian

satellites. In addition, the report examines the outlook for privately funded and operated remote

sensing systems. Despite the established utility of remote sensing technology in a wide variety

of applications, the state of the U.S. economy and the burden of an increasing Federal deficit

will force NASA, NOAA, and DoD to seek ways to reduce the costs of remote sensing systems.

This report observes that maximizing the return on the U.S. investment in satellite remote

sensing will require the Federal Government to develop a flexible, long-term interagency plan

that would guarantee the routine collection of high-quality measurements of the atmosphere,

oceans, and land over decades. Such a plan would assign the part each agency plays in

gathering data on global change, including scientifically critical observations from aircraft- and

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ground-based platforms, as well as from space-based platforms. It would also develop

appropriate mechanisms for archiving, integrating, and distributing data from many different

sources for research and other purposes. Finally, it would assign to the private sector increasing

responsibility for collecting and archiving remotely sensed data.


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