
Dr.T.V.Rao MD We are all aware that we are moving from static learning to interactive learning where teacher and students try to interact with each other, as many Institutions are getting away from didactic Teaching methods to encourage the learner as important participant. The matters are moving beyond human imagination with the proliferation of Internet and telemedicine, the people can empower themselves for many good reasons or can be dangerous at times? People wish to communicate their knowledge and new initiatives faster as Initiatives will span across traditional functional and geographical boundaries, heightening the need for greater knowledge sharing and collaboration. Medicine has to be a sustainable career with opportunities to change roles and specialties throughout doctors’ careers. With a higher premium placed on achieving flexibility and agility, organizations that rely on strong internal networks have been more successful at coordinating efficiency and innovation. In future every Institute will have their own policies on knowledge sharing, many good medical institutions are creating their knowledge connect with intranet, and some body controls the matters for making the students orient with only peer reviewed facts. Our Medical colleges and Institutions should move from talent management perspective, in future will need to adopt a more network-centric approach to foster leadership effectiveness within this new context it is highly appreciated. ‘The role of doctors is changing rapidly against a backdrop of medical, technological and scientific advances. Evolving healthcare and population needs, changes to healthcare systems and changing patient and public expectations will all affect how doctors will practice in the future. Today’s trend in many Indian hospitals is changing from Hospital Management to Health care Resource Development Just as the human resources arena has recently evolved from an individual-focused, personnel-service mind-set to a team-oriented framework, the next decade may require human capital strategies to further shift to a network-driven mentality As we all see we are more influenced by media and network communications. I think our Modern Indian system of Medicine, mainly adopted from British system still works good we produce some of the best performing Medical professionals, there is strong support for doctors initially to receive a broad training in specialty areas. It has been suggested that this would help doctors work effectively in multi-professional teams and treat patients in both primary and secondary care settings. They might then undertake further development in special interest and sub-specialty areas as the needs of patients and the service demands. Today our Medical students are more influenced by Social Media networks, with the emergence of social networking websites such as Facebook and LinkedIn has obviously facilitated the ease of execution with such efforts. According to social recruiting firm Jobvite’s Social Recruiting Survey 2011, 84 percent of surveyed recruiters employ LinkedIn for candidate searches, whereas 64 percent of the participants used two or more online networks. It all depends on how you make it on social Media networks, will advantage that you can be suggested by the right job , try not to use to Social media networks for creating trash and irrelevant material as you will be considered as man of no objectives, in screening process people and employers lose interest in you. The future role Health resource development departments is unlimited they can build better Institutes with improved talents To truly transform network-based collaboration into an integral part of an organization’s culture, as We have our culture, demographic pattern of the diseases, emerging challenges and above all demands with our patients. Health resource development should consider incorporating such criteria into performance management systems. Employee competency models tend to assume an individual-centric framework, but many are beginning to include collaborative and network-building behaviors. Never forget today human actions and performance is guided by many factors and one important factor continues to be his or her online behaviors on matters of learning. A stronger network-driven approach for human resources will also help


transform the profession into a model of continuity. In other words, Human resource initiatives will start to shift from episodic processes to more of a continuous cycle of talent management, mirroring the ongoing activity of networks. Practices such as recruiting, performance appraisals, engagement assessments, and professional development will occur on a more constant basis than the defined annual touch points and other frequencies currently employed. The future question to many Doctors remain with the Chances of survival with unlimited production of doctors as we will perceive many Medical professionals perish in the system if they do not upgrade the knowledge and communication to suit the needs of their patients. The Doctors should be more flexible, as Doctors need to be able to transfer their learning and experience between specialties as their careers change and develop and as the needs of patients change, and will be able to take up the job and adopt to the situation. Our post graduate system should address the changing advances in modern care, how faster we can adopt make a difference to the modern Medical care, Balancing training needs with service demands There is considerable support for doctors in training doing longer placements, with better integration in teams and a more apprenticeship-like approach. This could help to balance the competing pressures of service provision and training better.better. The doctors who wish to continue to academic fields should update the matters faster, We the senior professionals should create a path to Doctors in academic training structure, that is flexible enough to allow them to move in and out of clinical training while meeting the competencies and standards of that training. Senior Teachers in Medicine have greater role to create better path in Teaching and Training to shape the future of Medicine. Never forget us alone, the better humans can make the better Medical Institutes with sustainability. Dr.T.V.Rao MD Professor of Medicine Freelance writer Email [email protected]  
