Page 1: Fusion Newsletter · and plumbing items to import to Nam-pula. Doc was animated and amazingly resourceful both in the purchasing and the clearing through the boarders! I also remember

3) Thirdly, I celebrate the friendship that we have enjoyed.In the frontline of business and church leadship with Doc and Joyce, we have known amazing friendship every step of the way. I have shared their home and loved their children, we have enjoyed meals together and have blessed each other as we have travelled an amazing journey together. When the Mut’s have attended vari-ous Newfrontiers conferences over the years as travelling delegates from Mozambique they have been received with such love and affirma-tion - often including some remarkable pro-phetic input from the platform. I have been able to make our farm home available to vari-ous families in the Community of Fusion over the last years as a result of the amazing hospi-tality that Doc and Joyce have always afforded me on my regular trips to Nampula. I rejoice in this relationship and treasure it. With these things in mind, I am torn - so grate-ful for all the blessing of these years together, but also so expectant for all that The Lord has with this exceptional family as they return to

Clarence and Joyce, with their two chil-dren Bethany and Amani (4 mths old at the time), were the first of our Zimbabwe party to arrive in Nampula in 2009. We had sights set on establishing sustainable business enterprise as a spring -board to replicable church -planting in the years ahead. 6 years later with many highlights, including the birth of Panashe (now 4 years old), the Mutangara family is returning to

This picture with the hatchling crocs below is the latest in the line of new challenges he has taken -on with positivity and un-wavering commitment.

with this exceptional family as they return to

Zimbabwe. I am praying that the faithfulness that they have demonstrated in Mozambique will continue and bear increasing fruitfulness in their years ahead in Zimbabwe.

Special love and blessings to the whole Mutan-gara family,

Scott, Claire, Kimby and Stephen.

old), the Mutangara family is returning to Zimbabwe as we celebrate their participa-tion in so many fronts of the Community of Fusion.

Three things that stand -out for me among the rich years we have spent together are the following :

1)I recall the enthusiasm with which Cla-rence has approached every day that I have ever shared with him. I remember doing our pre -travel purchas-ing tour in SA where we bought electrical and plumbing items to import to Nam-pula. Doc was animated and amazingly resourceful both in the purchasing and the clearing through the boarders! I also remember the enthusiasm with which he levelled the anthill next to the river which became our bridge to the piece of land upon which we have established Eggs For Africa. When the Marques’s and Tanser’s arrived, a number of weeks after the Mu-tangara’s had landed, this bridge was our first joint task and Doc was already speak-ing an amazing amount of Portuguese.

In every challenge that Doc has faced he has shown remarkable enthusiasm and zeal, from which everyone around him has benefitted immensely.

2) Secondly, I reflect on the extraordinary perseverance that the whole Mutangara family has exhibited over the last years.I remember that the Mut’s were the first to get a satellite dish and they made the most of their one -bedroom house which was a small storeroom! When there were water hassles, vehicle hassles, heat hassles, malaria hassles, staff hassles etc etc ….I wondered if they would be able to con-tinue. They have not only continued, but they have THRIVED. The girls has loved joining Rapale International School, Joyce has achieved huge passes in her Masters Degree at Law and also joined New Hori-zons in a morning -only capacity, Doc has lead the E4A team and put us on the map and together they have been a vibrant part of planting Communidade Alegre Church. They have continuously brought blessing and encouragement into every aspect of the Community of Fusion.


March 2015Issue 7


-Movie Night at RIS-Farewell to the Mutangaras

Communities of Fusion Newsletter




:-We exist to spread a passion for the supremacy of God

in establishing communities of

transformed people who will radi-cally impact their environ-

ment...spiritually, socially, physi-cally and economically.

:-To bring together individuals and groups who will show God alive in church, busi-

ness, farming, families, education and health.To pray that God’s King-

dom life will infuse and transform every area of life and radiate in a

“nuclear reaction” to impact the wider

community and society.:-





Page 2: Fusion Newsletter · and plumbing items to import to Nam-pula. Doc was animated and amazingly resourceful both in the purchasing and the clearing through the boarders! I also remember

and hearts become transformed. All of a sudden it’s not

about what you have, but what God can do with your

‘nothing’. Recently, at one of the Comunidade Alegre church

meetings in Topene, I got the sense that as we have sown

the word, God has begun a mighty work in the hearts of

the people, as they come to have their own revelation of

who God is…

What has being in Nampula taught us? It has taught us

that it’s not about what you are doing or where you are

going, but about WHO you are doing it with. The Israelites

would never have been able to escape the Egyptians on

their own, or find the promised land. It is God’s presence

that makes it all worth it. Therefore whatever circumstance

you may find yourself, ‘Love the Lord your God with all

your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second

is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself. All the Law and

the Prophets hang on these two commandments’ Matt 22:37

-40. Let the love of God lead you, and it will sustain

you…wherever you are.

church buildings are bountiful, and I didn’t have to sit on

dubious looking wooden benches, worrying about the

weather and flies! My heart was sore and resentful at this

seemingly ‘backward’ and lacking in resources circumstance.

The majority of our congregants are poor and in constant

need of help and support. I was so full of self pity, and

how things were not to my liking, that I was blind to the

fertile ground that was thirsty for seed…until finally,

sitting in the car, after one of those meetings, the light

finally shone through my self crafted darkness. I felt Jesus’

desire and love for the Makuwa people…he said to me

‘they may not be worth it to you, but they are worth it to


Crushed by this realisation I cried myself dry, and begged

for forgiveness.

I was so focused on my earthly momentary sufferings, that

I forgot about souls and eternity.

Moving to Mozambique was a rare opportunity of growth

and experience that we were not likely to get in Zim-

babwe at that time in 2009, and we didn't own much to

lose either. If we were going to make a new start, the

time was ripe for it. We both also had a passion for

church planting and extending the Kingdom of God, and

this was an open door! It was time to we

packed all we could into a 1990 white landcruiser,

including our daughters Bethany (4yrs) and Amani

(4months), and set out.

That was 6 years ago…the current age of my second

born, a small ‘life time’. Through this experience we have

known what it truly means to operate on faith alone. We

Sometimes different languages can speak our hearts better than English. Portuguese has a rich variation on goodbyes .. until soon, until tomorrow … until next time, ate proximo. It means we are still together, although apart, and we will see each other again.

It has not been easy to work through the fact that Clarence, Joyce and family have felt called back to Zimbabwe.

you…wherever you are.

Whatever our contributions have been towards Comunidade

Alegre, Community of Fusion and Eggs for Africa, we want

to be remembered as being a family which gave it their all

and loves Jesus Christ. That is enough. We also hope to be

a continuing source of encouragement to this community,

which has given us so much love and support, as we all

thrive to bring glory to Jesus, Amen.

Since then I have strived to look at things from Jesus’

perspective. And instead, where there was despair, grew a

love for the gospel to reach the poor and marginalised.

We no longer see the harshness of the environment, but

the potential of glory, as people awaken to God’s truths,

known what it truly means to operate on faith alone. We

were truly clueless as

to what lay ahead. We have had to learn a new language,understand an extremely different culture, survive several bouts of malaria, endure tough terrain, preach under trees, and build a home. It has been rough and tough and often cloudy; but even then, there has always been silver linings.Through hardship, it’s very easy to focus on the negative and why things are not going the way you had imagined.In the beginning I struggled to attend church services under the tree because it was so strange to me, having come from an urban background where

Over the years they have become more than colleagues, perhaps even more than friends, there is a feeling of family, a feeling of togetherness in life and mission, a reality of oneness in heart and mind and spirit. Our Father has been very good in allowing us to share this part of the adventure of life together with them and we will miss them.Clarence, is usually referred to as Doc, from his “doctor feel good” days … a recurring comment I have heard and identified with is, “you just feel better when you have been with doc.” There is something of the Lords grace in Doc which brings life and joy and uplifts ones spirits, a wonder-ful gift. We have so enjoyed working with Joyce in the NHM offices, she brings fun and efficiency and tenacity to work and will be missed. Bethany, Amani and Panashe … we see the beauty of our Lord in so many ways in your lives, your smiles, your eyes, God is good and may he continue to pour out his Spirit in you.

Rom 8:28 speaks to me as I write this, “and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose …. To be conformed to the image of his Son”. So Clarence, Joyce, Bethany, Amani and Panashe, our hope in saying “ate proximo” is that the Lord will be working this move together for good in your lives and in the lives of those you love. We love you, we will miss you and we pray that you will be deeply blessed as you continue to walk with our Lord, and that many will be blessed through you, as we have been blessed in the time the Lord gave us to-gether here.

Go well and we will see you again

God bless and much loveAndrew and Claire, and all at Communities of Fusion, Rapale


The Mutangaras will be The Mutangaras will be moving back to Zim-babwe.


When using the Eggs for Africa entrance at night, please use extreme cau-tion, as there have been incidences of robbery near the shop.


-Please pray for W ilfred who is in Hospital in SA, that he will heal quickly and return home.-Pray for Heleen, who is sick with malaria in Hol-land.-Pray for the Mutangaras, as they pack up and pre-pare to move to Zim-babwe.


Wherever The Lord leads us, we will follow…. by Joyce Mutangara


1 Joyce5 Panashe6 Burger & Adriaan13 Zoe15 Riemer & Lucas22 Angie30 Jon & Angie (WA)

Compiled by Joyce: Contact [email protected]