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  • 8/17/2019 Fundamentals MCQ


    1. UNIVAC is

    UNIVAC gS&a. Universal Automatic Computer  b. Universal Array Computer 

    c. Unique Automatic Computer 

    d. Unvalued Automatic Computer 

    2. CD-R! stands "or 

    CD-R! dk iwjk uke gS&a. Compactable Read nly !emory b. Compact Data Read nly !emory

    c. Compactable Dis# Read nly !emory

    d. Compact Dis# Read nly !emory

    $. A%U is

    A%U gS&a. Arit&metic %o'ic Unit

     b. Array %o'ic Unit

    c. Application %o'ic Unit

    d. None o" above

    (. V)A is

    V)A gS&a. Video )rap&ics Array

     b. Visual )rap&ics Array

    c. Volatile )rap&ics Arrayd. Video )rap&ics Adapter 

    *. I+! 1(,1 is

    I+! 1(,1 gS&a. irst )eneration Computer 

     b. econd )eneration Computer 

    c. /&ird )eneration Computer d. ourt& )eneration Computer 

    0. !I stands "or 

    !I dk iwjk uke gS&a. !edium cale Inte'rated Circuits

     b. !edium ystem Inte'rated Circuits

    c. !edium cale Intelli'ent Circuitd. !edium ystem Intelli'ent Circuit

    . /&e capacity o" $.* inc& "loppy dis# is

      $.* inc& dh "loppy dis# dh HkaMkj.k{kerk gksrh gS&a. 1.(, !+

     b. 1.(( )+

    c. 1.(, )+d. 1.(( !+

    . /&e "irst computer introduced in Nepal 3as Nepal esa rS;kj fd;k x;k igyk dEI;wVj Fkk &a. I+! 1(,,

     b. I+! 1(,1

    c. I+! 1(,2d. I+!1(,2

    4. 5AN stands "or 5AN dk iw.kZ uke gS&a. 5ap Area Net3or# 

     b. 5ide Area Net3or# 

    c. 5ide Array Netd. 5ireless Area Net3or# 

    1,. !ICR stands "or 

    !ICR dk iwjk uke gS&a. !a'netic In# C&aracter Reader 

     b. !a'netic In# Code Reader 

    c. !a'netic In# Cases Reader d. None

    11. 6+CDIC stands "or 

      6+CDIC क प     र नम हa. 67tended +inary Coded Decimal Interc&an'e


     b. 67tended +it Code Decimal Interc&an'e Codec. 67tended +it Case Decimal Interc&an'e Code

    d. 67tended +inary Case Decimal Interc&an'e Code

    12. +CD is+CD हa. +inary Coded Decimal b. +it Coded Decimal

    c. +inary Coded Di'it

    d. +it Coded Di'it

    1$. ACII stands "or ACII प     र नम हa. American table Code "or International


     b. American tandard Case "or InstitutionalInterc&an'e

    c. American tandard Code "or In"ormation

    Interc&an'ed. American tandard Code "or Interc&an'e


  • 8/17/2019 Fundamentals MCQ


    1(. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' is "irst 'eneration o"

    computer  इनम स कन स क य     टर प   रथम पढ़ क क य     टर हa. 6DAC

     b. I+!-1(,1

    c. CDC-10,(d. IC%-24,,

    1*. C&ie" component o" "irst 'eneration computer3as प   रथम पढ़ क क य     टर ड क म    खय कपनट य थa. /ransistors

     b. Vacuum /ubes and Valves

    c. Inte'rated Circuits

    d. None o" above

    10. R/RAN isR/RAN क प     र नम हa. ile /ranslation

     b. ormat /ranslationc. ormula /ranslation

    d. loppy /ranslation

    1. 668R! stand "or 

    668R!  क प     र नम हa. 6lectrically 6rasable 8ro'rammable Read nly


     b. 6asily 6rasable 8ro'rammable Read nly!emory

    c. 6lectronic 6rasable 8ro'rammable Read nly

    !emoryd. None o" t&e above

    1. econd )eneration computers 3ere developed


     द!य पढ़ क क य     टर 9999999 क "रन द#कदस! दकय $% .a. 14(4 to 14**

     b. 14*0 to 140*

    c. 140* to 14,

    d. 14, to 144,

    14. /&e computer si:e 3as very lar'e in क य     टर क &कर 'ह    ! '(    ह! थa. irst )eneration

     b. econd )eneration

    c. /&ird )enerationd. ourt& )eneration


    2,. !icroprocessors as s3itc&in' devices are "or

    3&ic& 'eneration computers

     दकस पढ़ क द)% क य     टर क द)% मइक   रप   रस सर s3itc&in' दड#इस क !रह ह*a. irst )eneration

     b. econd )eneration

    c. /&ird )eneration

    d. ourt& )eneration

    21.5&ic& 'eneration o" computer is still under

    development दकस पढ़ क क य     टर +, !क ड    #)पम- ट क + !$.! हa.ourt& )eneration

     b.i"t& )eneration

    c.i7t& )enerationd.event& )eneration

    22.Arti"icial Intelli'ence is associated 3it& 3&ic&'eneration;

    &दट./दसय) इ ट    द)0-स दकस पढ़ क क य     टर स स' द1! हa.irst )eneration b.econd )enerationc.i"t& )eneration

    d.i7t& )eneration

    2$.5&ic& operation is not per"ormed by computer  क य     टर क र कन स 2पर 3न पर/म. नह दकय 0! a.Inputtin' b.8rocessin'



    2(.i"t& 'eneration computer is also #no3n as प 4# पढ़ क क य     टर 99999 क नम स , 0न 0! ह*a.c.+ot& o" above

    d.None o" above

  • 8/17/2019 Fundamentals MCQ


    2*.Central 8rocessin' Unit is combination o" स-ट   र) प   रस दस $ य     दनट 99999999 क कद'न 3न ह

    a.Control and stora'e

     b.Control and output unitc.Arit&metic lo'ic and input unit

    d.Arit&metic lo'ic and control unit

    20./&e brain o" any computer system is क य     टर दस5टम क द"म$ =brain> हa.Control Unit

     b.Arit&metic %o'ic Unit

    c.Central 8rocessin' Unit

    d.tora'e Unit

    2.8ic# t&e one t&at is used "or lo'ical operations or comparisons suc& as less t&an equal to or 'reater

    t&an. 6स द#क7प क 4    दन% 0 )द0क) 2पर 3न +थ# !    )न% 0 स स 

     कम ह? 'र'र ह? य '( ह &द" क द)% इ5! म) ह! हa.Arit&metic and %o'ic Unit b.Control Unit

    c.+ot& o" aboved.None o" above

    2.Analo' computer 3or#s on t&e supply o"

     99999999 क स)8 पर %न)$ क य     टर कय. कर! ह

    a.Continuous electrical pulses

     b.6lectrical pulses but not continuous

    c.!a'netic stren't&d.None o" t&e above

    24.Di'ital devices are दडद0ट) devices ह*

    a.Di'ital Cloc#  b.Automobile speed meter 

    c.Cloc# 3it& a dial and t3o &ands

    d.All o" t&em

    $,./&e computer t&at process bot& analo' and

    di'ital is called #ह क य     टर 0 %न)$ !थ दडद0ट) "न क प   रस स कर! ह

    a.Analo' computer 

     b.Di'ital computer c.@ybrid computer 

    d.!ain"rame computer 

    $1. 5&ic& statement is valid about ma'netic tape; कन स कथन म 9नदटक ट    प क 'र म- सह हa. It is a plastic ribbon

     b. It is coated on bot& sides 3it& iron o7ide

    c. It can be erased and reused

    d. All o" above

    $2. /&e data recordin' "ormat in most o" t&e

    modern ma'netic tape is+द1क!र &1    दनक म 9नदटक ट    प म- डट दरकदड  : $ /म; ट ह! ह

    a. -bit ACII

     b. -bit 6+CDIC

    c. -bit ACII

    d. -bit 6+CDIC

    $$. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' is associated 3it& errordetector; इनम स कन स %रर दडट    टर स स' द1! ह

    a. dd parity bit b. 6ven parity bit

    c. +ot& o" t&e above

    d. None o" above

    $(. /ape speed is measured in ट    प क $द! मप 0! ह

    a. eet per second

     b. Inc& per secondc. !eter per second

    d. Centimeter per second

    $*. !a'netic dis#s are t&e most popular medium "or

     म 9नदटक दड5क 9999999 क द)% प   रद3< म=यम ह.a. Direct access

     b. equential access

    c. +ot& o" aboved. None o" above

  • 8/17/2019 Fundamentals MCQ


    $0. tora'e capacity o" ma'netic dis# depends on म 9नदटक दड5क क ,>डर? @म! दन,.र कर! ह

    a. trac#s per inc& o" sur"ace

     b. bits per inc& o" trac#s

    c. dis# pac# in dis# sur"aced. All o" above

    $. Readin' data is per"ormed in ma'netic dis# by म 9नदटक दड5क म- रदड   $ डट 99999999 क र पर/म. दकय 0! ह

    a. Read3rite leads

     b. ectors

    c. /rac# d. %o3er sur"ace

    $. Access time is %स स टइम ह

    a. see# time B latency time b. see# time

    c. see# time latency time

    d. latency time

    $4. ee# time is सक टइम ह

    a. time to position t&e &ead over proper trac# 

     b. time to position t&e &ead over proper sector c. time to position t&e &ead over proper cylinder 

    d. none o" above

    (,. %atency time is ) ट-स टइम ह

    a. /ime to spin t&e needed data under &ead

     b. /ime to spin t&e needed data under trac# 

    c. /ime to spin data under sector d. All o" above

    (1. loppy dis#s are available in

     A)प दड5क म- 6प)B1 ह! ह* a. in'le side sin'le density

     b. in'le side double density

    c. +ot& o" aboved. None o" above

    (2. loppy dis#s typically in diameter 

     A)प दड5क म    खय! 9999999 Cयस क ह! ह*

    a. $

     b. *.2*c.

    d. All o" above

    ($. @ard dis# is coated in bot& side above हड  . दड5क क "न पर! पर 4ढ़ ह    य ह! ह

    a. !a'netic metallic o7ide b. ptical metallic o7ide

    c. Carbon layer d. All o" t&e above

    ((. +inary circuit elements &ave 'इनर सदक. ट %) म- Dस क ह! ह*

    a. ne stable state b. /3o stable state

    c. /&ree stable state

    d. None o" above

    (*. 5&ic& statement is valid; कन स कथन सEय ह

    a. 1

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    d. All o" t&e above

    (4. 5&ic& lan'ua'e is directly understood by t&e

    computer 3it&out translation pro'ram; कन स ,F क य     टर द'न दकस ट   रस) 3न प   र$   रम क स1 समG सक! ह

    a. !ac&ine lan'ua'e

     b. Assembly lan'ua'ec. @i'& level lan'ua'e

    d. None o" above

    *,. Instruction in computer lan'ua'es consists o"  क य     टर ,F म दन";3 दनदह! ह! ह*

    a. 8CD6

     b. 86RANDc. +ot& o" above

    d. None o" above

    *1. !ac&ine lan'ua'e is म3न ,F हa. !ac&ine dependent

     b. Di""icult to pro'ram

    c. 6rror prone

    d. All o" above

    *2. !nemonic a memory tric# is used in 3&ic& o"

    t&e "ollo3in' lan'ua'e; इनम स कन स ,F क द)% न मदनक दट   रक इ5! म) दकय 0! हa. !ac&ine lan'ua'e

     b. Assembly lan'ua'e

    c. @i'& level lan'ua'ed. None o" above


    *$. /&e translator pro'ram used in assembly

    lan'ua'e is called+स- ') ,F क द)% 0 ट   र स) टर प   र$   रम इ5!म) दकय 0! ह

     6स कह 0! हa. Compiler 

     b. Interpreter c. Assembler 

    d. /ranslator 


    *(. 6asily relocatable lan'ua'e is&सन स प    नदन.1.रनय ,F ह

    a. !ac&ine lan'ua'e

     b. Assembly lan'ua'e

    c. @i'& level lan'ua'ed. !edium level lan'ua'e


    **. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' is called lo3 level

    lan'ua'es; दनन म- स कन स ,F दनन 5!रय ,F ह

    a. !ac&ine lan'ua'e

     b. Assembly lan'ua'ec. +ot& o" t&e above

    d. None o" above


    *0. 3&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' is problem orientedlan'ua'e; इनम स कन स सम5य 6म    H ,F ह

    a. @i'& level lan'ua'e b. !ac&ine lan'ua'e

    c. Assembly lan'ua'e

    d. %o3 level lan'ua'e 

    *. A compiler is a translatin' pro'ram 3&ic& %क कपइ)र ट   रस) टर प   र$   रम ह 0

    a. /ranslates instruction o" a &i'& level lan'ua'einto mac&ine lan'ua'e

     b. /ranslates entire source pro'ram into mac&ine

    lan'ua'e pro'ram

    c. It is not involved in pro'ramFs e7ecutiond. All o" above


    *. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' is mac&ineindependence pro'ram; इनम स कन स म3न 5#! !   र ,F ह

    a. @i'& level lan'ua'e

     b. %o3 level lan'ua'ec. Assembly lan'ua'e

    d. !ac&ine lan'ua'e 

    *4. 5&ic& statement is valid about interpreter; इ टरप   रटर क 'र म- कन स कथन सEय ह

    a. It translates one instruction at a time b. bGect code is saved "or "uture use

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    c. Repeated interpretation is not necessary

    d. All o" above 

    0,. 5&ic& is t&e limitation o" &i'& level lan'ua'e; ह8 ) #) )*9#0 क सम य ह

    a. %o3er e""iciency

     b. !ac&ine dependencec. mac&ine level codin'

    d. None o" above 

    01. @i'& level lan'ua'e is also called

     ह8 ) #) )*9#0 क 99999999 , कह 0! ह

    a. 8roblem oriented lan'ua'e

     b. +usiness oriented lan'ua'e

    c. !at&ematically oriented lan'ua'e

    d. All o" t&e above 

    02. A computer pro'rammer  %क क य     टर प   र$   रमर

    a. Does all t&e t&in#in' "or a computer 

     b. Can enter input data quic#ly

    c. Can operate all types o" computer equipments

    d. Can dra3 only "lo3c&art 

    0$. CD-R! is a

    CD-R! ह

    a. emiconductor memory b. !emory re'ister 

    c. !a'netic memory

    d. None o" above


    0(. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' is not a primary stora'edevice; इनम स कन स प   रथदमक स $   रह? य    द! नह  ह

    a. !a'netic tape b. !a'netic dis# 

    c. ptical dis# 

    d. None o" above 

    0*. A name or number used to identi"y a stora'e

    location devices; %क नम य न 'र 0 5टर0 )क 3न क पह4न क द)% इ5!म) दकय 0! ह

    a. A byte b. A record

    c. An address

    d. All o" above 

    00. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' is a secondary memory

    device; इनम स कन स दड#इस स क- डर म मर दड#इस ह


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     द#K# म- पह) इ) ट   रदनक क य     टर थ J

    a. UNIVAC

     b. 6DVAC

    c. 6NIAC

    d. All o" above 

    1. /&e most commonly used standard data code torepresent alp&abetical? numerical and punctuation

    c&aracters used in electronic data processin' systemis called स'स प   र4द)! मनक डट कड 0 डट प   रस दस $ दस5टम म- +7/'दटक) ? न    म दरक) ? !थ प 4    %3न c&aracters कrepresent  कर! ह J

    a. ACII

     b. 6+CDICc. +CD

    d. All o" above

    2. 5&ic& 3as t&e computer conceived by


     इनम स कन स क य     टर +abba'e र द#4र म- )य $य थ a. Analytical 6n'ine

     b. Arit&metic !ac&ine

    c. Donald

  • 8/17/2019 Fundamentals MCQ


    &0 क नम क य     टर क पन I+! पह) "    सर नम स प   रदस< थ द0सक नम 142( म- '") द"य $य थ ? इसक पह) नम य थ ;

    a. /abulator !ac&ine Co.

     b. Computer /abulatin' Recordin' Co.c. /&e /abulator %td.

    d. International Computer %td.


    2. a dumb terminal &as %क dumb terminal म- ह! ह -

    a. an embedded microprocessor  b. e7tensive memory

    c. independent processin' capabilityd. a #eyboard and screen

    $. plotter accuracy is measured in terms o"

    repeatability and

     )टर क द#K#दKनय! !थ सटक! 999999 स मप 0! ह-a. bu""er si:e b. resolution

    c. vertical dimension

    d. intelli'ence

    (. bit map terminal द'टम प terminal-a. support display containin' multiple 3indo3

     b. require considerable amount o" video RA!c. requires tremendous amount o" copyin' and

    &ence lo3 per"ormance

    d. all o" above


    0. Daisy 3&eel printer is a type o" 

     ड    M Cह) दप   र टर 99999999 प   रकर क दप   र टर ह-

    a. !atri7 printer 

     b. Impact printer 

    c. %aser printer d. !anual printer 

    . /&e number o" records contained 3it&in a bloc#

    o" data on ma'netic tape is de"ined by t&e %क म 9न दटक ट    प क डट क B)क क +"र दरकNस. क स खय क 99999999 क र पदर,दF! दकय 0! ह-

    a. +loc# de"inition b. Record contain clause

    c. +loc#in' "actor d. Record per bloc# 

    . erial access memories are use"ul in

    applications 3&ere

    Applications  म- सदरय) %स स म मर #ह 6पय$ ह! ह* 0हL

    a. Data consists o" numbers

     b. &ort access time is required

    c. 6ac& stored 3ord is processed di""erentlyd. Data naturally needs to "lo3 in and out in serial


    4. &o3 many types o" stora'e loops e7ists in

    ma'netic bubble memory म 9नदटक '') म मर म- दक!न प   रकर क 5टर 0 )     स ह! ह*;

    a.  b. (c. 10

    d. 2

    4,. 3&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' memories must be

    re"res&ed many times per second; इनम स कन स म मर क %क स क ड म- क8 'र दर/   र 3 हन Kयक ह;a. tatic RA!

     b. Dynamic RA!c. 68R!

    d. R!

    41. /&e memory 3&ic& is pro'rammed at t&e time it

    is manu"actured #ह म मर 0 इसक दनम.? क समय ह प   र$   रड कर द"य 0! ह-a. R!

     b. RA!c. 8R!

    d. 68R!

  • 8/17/2019 Fundamentals MCQ


    42. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' memory medium is not

    used as main memory system; इनम स कन स म मर म=यम म न ममर दस5टम क !रह इ5!म) नह   दकय 0! 

    a. !a'netic core b. emiconductor 

    c. !a'netic tape

    d. +ot& semiconductor and ma'netic tape

    4$. /&e control unit o" a microprocessor  %क मइक   रप   रस सर क क>ट   र) य     दनट -

    a. tores data in t&e memory

     b. Accepts input data "rom #eyboardc. 8er"orms arit&meticlo'ic "unction

    d. None o" above


    4*. ne o" t&e main "eature t&at distin'uis&microprocessors "rom micro-computer is %क म    खय द#3 F! 0 मइक   रप   रस सर क मइक   र क य     टर स +)$ कर! ह-a. 5ords are usually lar'e in microprocessors b. 5ords are s&orter in microprocessors

    c. !icroprocessor does not contain I device

    d. 67actly t&e same as t&e mac&ine cycle time

    40. 5&ic& 3as t&e 3orldFs "irst microcomputer t&atused Intel ,$0 microprocessor c&ip;

     द#K# क पह) मइक   र क य     टर द0सम Intel 8038 मइक   रप   रस सर द4प इ5!म) दकय $य a. I+! 82

     b. @8-4$,c. Des#8ro-$0

    d. I+!-$0,

    4. 5&en 3as t&e 3orldFs "irst laptop computer

    introduced in t&e mar#et and by 3&om; द#K# क पह) ) पटप क य     टर क' %# दकसक र 'Mर म- प   र5!    !

     दकय $य ;a. @e3lett-8ac#ard? 14,

     b. 6pson? 141c. %aplin# /ravelin' o"t3are Inc? 142

    d. /andy !odel-2,,? 14*

    4. /&e "irst microprocessor built by t&e Intel

    corporation 3as called पह) मइक   रप   रस सर 0 इ ट    ) करपर3न क र !यर दकय $य -a. ,,

     b. ,,

    c. (,,(

    d. ,,

    44. 3&o built t&e 3orldFs "irst electronic calculatorusin' telep&one relays? li'&t bulbs and batteries; द#K# क पह) इ) ट   रदनक क )क    ) टर दकनक र 'नय $य द0स  ट    )/न दर) स ? )इट '7' Iर ' टर क र ! यर दकय $य ;a. Claude &annon


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    a. 6asy replacement in case o" circuit "ailure

     b. 67tremely &i'& reliabilityc. Reduced cost

    d. %o3er po3er consumption

    1,*. In a punc&ed card system? data is processed by

    a %क 8unc&ed Card दस5टम म- डट %क 999999999 क र

     प   रस स दकय 0! ह-a.

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    11. /&e t3o basic types o" record-access met&ods

    are दरकड  . %स स मथड क " म    खय &1र,     ! प   रकर ह*;a. equential and random

     b. equential and inde7edc. Direct and immediate

    d. n-line and real time

    114. /&e advanta'e o" C! are its H and H

    C! क द#3F! इसक 99999 %# 999999 ह.a. Compact si:eK speed readability

     b. Compact si:e? speed

    c. ReadabilityK speedd. %o3 costK readability

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    12,. A disadvanta'e o" t&e laser printer isL ) Mर दप   र टर क %क कम ह-a. It is quieter t&an an impact printer 

     b. It is very slo3c. /&e output is o" a lo3er quality

    d. None o" above

    121. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' is not true "or ama'netic dis#; म 9नदटक दड5क क द)% इनम स य सह नह  ह ;a. It is e7pensive relative to ma'netic tape

     b. It provides only sequential access to stored data

    c. Users can easily update records by 3ritin' overt&e old data

    d. All o" above



    12(. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' does not a""ect t&e

    resolution o" a video display ima'e; इनम स य द#दडय दड5) इम 0 क resolution पर +सर नह  कर! ;

    a. +and3idt& b. Raster scan ra'e

    c. Vertical and &ori:ontal lines o" resolution

    d. creen si:e




    12. Di""erent components on t&e mot&erboard o" a

    8C processor unit are lin#ed to'et&er by sets or

     parallel electrical conductin' lines. 5&at are t&ese

    lines called;8C 8rocessor य     दनट क mot&erbord पर द#द,न क पन-Dस %क सथ द#Q   !य !र क स ट स 0    (    ह    % रह! ह*. इन )इन क य कह 0! ह;

    a. Conductors

     b. +usesc. Connectors

    d. Connectively

    124. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' ma'a:ines covers only

    t&e I+! 8C and its compatibles;a. +yte

     b. 8C !a'a:ine

    c. 8ersonal Computin'd. Inter"ace A'e

    1$,. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' pro"essions &as not been a""ected by personal computers;

    a. !edical b. Clerical and la3

    c. Accountin'

    d. None o" t&e above

    1$1. /&e arran'in' o" data in a lo'ical sequence is

    calleda. ortin'

     b. Classi"yin'

    c. Reproducin'd. ummari:in'

    1$2. 5&en 3as Apple !acintos& II microcomputer

    introduced in t&e mar#et;

    a. 140( b. 14,

    c. 14$

    d. 140

    1$$. 5&at is t&e name o" t&e ne3 color laptop

    computer 3&ic& is po3ered by a $0 processor at$$ !@: and is built by 6pson;

    a. A$$$

     b. N6C-2,c. !a'num 2,,,

    d. @C%-$,,,

    1$(. 5&at does t&e dis# drive o" a computer do;

    a. Rotate t&e dis#  b. Read t&e dis# 

    c. %oad a pro'ram "rom t&e dis# into t&e memory

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    d. +ot& b and c

    1$*. /&e lan'ua'e t&at t&e computer can understand

    and e7ecute is calleda. !ac&ine lan'ua'e

     b. Application so"t3are

    c. ystem pro'ramd. All o" above

    1$0. An application suitable "or sequential

     processin' is

    a. 8rocessin' o" 'rades

     b. 8ayroll processin'c. +ot& a and b

    d. All o" above

    1$. /&e 3ord processin' tas# associated 3it&

    c&an'in' t&e appearance o" a document isa. 6ditin'

     b. 5ritin'c. ormattin'd. All o" above

    1$. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' is used as a primary

    stora'e device;

    a. !a'netic drum

     b. 8romc. loppy

    d. All o" above

    1$4. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' memories needsre"res&in';a. RA!

     b. DRA!

    c. R!d. All o" above

    1(,. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' devices can be sued todirectly ima'e printed te7t;

    a. CR 

     b. !R 

    c. !ICR d. All o" above

    1(1. /&e output quality o" a printer is measured by

    a. Dot per inc&

     b. Dot per sq. inc&

    c. Dots printed per unit timed. All o" above

    1(2. In analo' computer a. Input is "irst converted to di'ital "orm

     b. Input is never converted to di'ital "orm

    c. utput is displayed in di'ital "ormd. All o" above

    1($. In latest 'eneration computers? t&e instructionsare e7ecuted

    a. 8arallel only

     b. equentially only

    c. +ot& sequentially and paralleld. All o" above

    *. 5&o desi'ned t&e "irst electronics computer


    a. Van-Neumann

     b. osep& !. acquard1((. . 8resper 6c#ert and o&n 5 !auc&ly

    d. All o" above

    0. 5&o invented t&e &i'& level lan'ua'e c;a. Dennis !. Ritc&ie

     b. Ni#laus 5rit&

    c. eymour 8apert

    d. Donald

  • 8/17/2019 Fundamentals MCQ


    a. !onitor 

     b. @ard3arec. Robot

    d. Computer 

    1(. An error in so"t3are or &ard3are is called a

     bu'. 5&at is t&e alternative computer Gar'on "or it;a. %eec&

     b. quidc. lu'd. )litc&

    1(4. !odern Computer are very reliable but t&eyare not

    a. ast

     b. 8o3er"ulc. In"allible

    d. C&eap

    1*,. 5&at is t&e name o" t&e display "eature t&at&i'&li'&ts are o" t&e screen 3&ic& requires operatorattention;

    a. 8i7el

     b. Reverse videoc. /ouc& screen

    d. Cursor 

    1*1. 8ersonal computers use a number o" c&ips

    mounted on a main circuit board. 5&at is t&e

    common name "or suc& boards;a. Dau'&ter board

     b. !ot&erboardc. at&er board

    d. +readboard

    1*2. In most I+! 8Cs? t&e C8U? t&e device drives?memory e7pansion slots and active components are

    mounted on a sin'le board. 5&at is t&e name o" t&is


    a. !ot&erboard

     b. +readboard

    c. Dau'&ter boardd. )randmot&er board

    1*$. 5&at is meant by a dedicated computer;

    a. 5&ic& is used by one person only b. 5&ic& is assi'ned one and only one tas# 

    c. 5&ic& uses one #ind o" so"t3are

    d. 5&ic& is meant "or application so"t3are

    1*(. /&e system unit o" a personal computer

    typically contains all o" t&e "ollo3in' e7ceptLa. !icroprocessor  b. Dis# controller 

    c. erial inter"ace

    d. !odem

    1**. A computer pro'ram t&at converts an entire

     pro'ram into mac&ine lan'ua'e is called aana. Interpreter 

     b. imulator 

    c. Compiler 

    d. Commander 

    1*0. A computer pro'ram t&at translates one

     pro'ram instructions at a time into mac&ine

    lan'ua'e is called aana. Interpreter 

     b. C8U

    c. Compiler 

    d. imulator 

    1*. A small or intelli'ent device is so called

     because it contains 3it&in it aa. Computer 

     b. !icrocomputer c. 8ro'rammable

    d. ensor 

    1*. /&e A%U o" a computer responds to t&ecommands comin' "rom

    a. 8rimary memory

     b. Control section

    c. 67ternal memoryd. Cac&e memory

    1*4. /&e act o" retrievin' e7istin' data "rom

    memory is called

    a. Read-out b. Read "rom

    c. Read

    d. All o" above

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    10,. All modern computer operate on

    a. In"ormation b. loppies

    c. Data

    d. 5ord

    101. Instructions and memory address arerepresented by

    a. C&aracter code b. +inary codesc. +inary 3ord

    d. 8arity bit

    102. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' code used in present

    day computin' 3as developed by I+!

    Corporation;a. ACII

     b. @ollerit& Code

    c. +audot Code

    d. 6+CDIC Code

    10$. 5&at is t&e latest 3rite-once optical stora'e


    a. Di'ital paper  b. !a'neto-optical dis# 

    c. 5R! dis# 

    d. CD-R! dis# 

    10(. /&e most important advanta'e o" a video dis#


    a. Compactness b. 8otential capacity

    c. Durabilityd. Cost e""ectiveness

    10*. 5&at is t&e number o" read-3rite &eads in t&e

    drive "or a 4-trac ma'netic tape;

    a. 4 b. 10

    c. 1

    d. 2

    100. +e"ore a dis# drive can access any sector

    record? a computer pro'ram &as to provide t&erecordFs dis# address. 5&at in"ormation does t&is

    address speci"y;

    a. /rac# number  b. ector number 

    c. ur"ace number 

    d. All o" above

    10. As compared to dis#ettes? t&e &ard dis#s are

    a. !ore e7pensive b. !ore portable

    c. %ess ri'id

    d. lo3ly accessed

    10. loppy dis#s 3&ic& are made "rom "le7ible

     plastic material are also called;a. @ard dis#s b. @i'&-density dis#s

    c. Dis#ettes

    d. /emplates

    104. Re'ardin' a VDU? 5&ic& statement is more

    correct;a. It is an output device

     b. It is an input device

    c. It is a perip&eral device

    d. It is &ard3are item

    1,. 5&at is t&e name o" t&e computer terminal

    3&ic& 'ives paper printout;

    a. Display screen b. o"t copy terminal

    c. @ard copy terminal

    d. 8lotter 

    11. Dot-matri7 is a type o" 

    a. /ape

    e. 8rinter ". Dis# 

    '. +us

    12. /&e t3o #inds o" main memory areLa. 8rimary and secondary

     b. Random and sequential

    c. R! and RA!d. All o" above

    1$. A #ind o" serial dot-matri7 printer t&at "ormsc&aracters 3it& ma'netically-c&ar'ed in# sprayed

    dots is called

    a. %aser printer  b. In#-Get printer 

    c. Drum printer 

    d. C&an printer 

    1(. 5&ic& printer is very commonly used "ordes#top publis&in';

    a. %aser printer 

     b. In#Get printer 

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    c. Daisy3&eel printer 

    d. Dot matri7 printer 

    1*. An output device t&at uses 3ords or messa'esrecorded on a ma'netic medium to produce audio

    response is

     b. !a'netic tapec. Voice response unit

    d. Voice reco'nition unite. Voice band

    10. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' 3ill &appen 3&en data

    is entered into a memory location;a. It 3ill add to t&e content o" t&e location

     b. It 3ill c&an'e t&e address o" t&e memory location

    c. It 3ill erase t&e previous contentd. It 3ill not be "ruit"ul i" t&ere is already some data

    at t&e location

    1. A stora'e area used to store data to acompensate "or t&e di""erence in speed at 3&ic& t&edi""erent units can &andle data is

    a. !emory

     b. +u""er c. Accumulator 

    d. Address

    1. /o locate a data item "or stora'e is

    a. ield

     b. eed

    c. Databased. etc&

    14. pro'rams desi'ned to per"orm speci"ic tas#s is

    #no3n asa. system so"t3are

     b. application so"t3are

    c. utility pro'ramsd. operatin' system

    1,. per"orated paper used as input o" output mediais #no3n as

    a. paper tapes

     b. ma'netic tapec. punc&ed papers tape

    d. card punc&

    11. /ime durin' 3&ic& a Gob is processed by t&e

    computer isa. Delay times

     b. Real time

    c. 67ecution time

    d. Do3n time

    12. a computer 3&ic& C8U speed around 1,,

    million instruction per second and 3it& t&e 3ordlen't& o" around 0( bits is #no3n as

    a. uper computer 

     b. !ini computer c. !icro computer 

    d. !acro computer 

    1$. An approac& t&at permits t&e computer to 3or#

    on several pro'rams instead o" one isa. n-line t&esaurus

     b. !ultipro'rammin'

    c. ver lapped processin'd. utline processor 

    1(. A directly accessible appointment calendar is"eature o" a H resident pac#a'ea. C8U

     b. !emory

    c. +u""er d. A%U

    1*. /&e term 'i'abyte re"ers to

    a. 1,2( bytes

     b. 1,2( #ilobytes

    c. 1,2( me'abytesd. 1,2( 'i'abyte

    10. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' processors use RIC

    tec&nolo'y;a. (0d7

     b. 8o3er 8C

    c. (0s7d. 0$(,

    1. An H. Device is any device t&at providesin"ormation? 3&ic& is sent to t&e C8U

    a. Input

     b. utputc. C8U

    d. !emory

    1. Current I!!s &ave eit&er H or H

    connectors =pins>

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    a. 4 or $2 b. $, or ,

    c. 2 or 2

    d. $, or 2

    14. /&e stora'e subsystem in a microcomputerconsists mainly o" H or H media 3it& varyin'

    capacitiesa. !emory or video b. !a'netic or optical

    c. ptical or memory

    d. Video or ma'netic

    14,. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' is not an input device;

    a. CR  b. ptical scanners

    c. Voice reco'nition device

    d. C! =Computer utput to !icro"ilm>

    141. /&e central processin' unit =C8U> consists o" a. Input? output and processin'

     b. Control unit? primary stora'e? and secondary

    stora'ec. Control unit? arit&metic-lo'ic unit and primary


    d. Control unit? processin'? and primary stora'e

    142. 6+CDIC can code up to &o3 many di""erent


    a. 2*0 b. 10

    c. $2d. 0(

    14$. 5&ic& is considered a direct entry input


    a. ptical scanner  b. !ouse and di'iti:er 

    c. %i'&t pen

    d. All o" t&e above

    14(. 5&ic& is used "or manu"acturin' c&ips;

    a. +us b. Control unit

    c. emiconductors

    d. A and b only

    14*. /&e computer code "or t&e interc&an'e o"in"ormation bet3een terminals is

    a. ACII

     b. +CD

    c. 6+CDIC

    d. All o" above

    14. A byte consists o" a. ne bit

     b. our bits

    c. 6i'&t bitsd. i7teen bits

    2,. A &ybrid computer 

    a. Resembles di'ital computer 

     b. Resembles analo' computer 

    c. Resembles bot& a di'ital and analo' computer d. None o" t&e above

    1. /&e silicon c&ips used "or data processin' are

    calleda. RA! c&ips

     b. R! c&ips

    c. !icro processors

    d. 8R! c&ips

    2. /&e metal dis#s? 3&ic& are permanently &oused

    in? sealed and contamination "ree containers are

    calleda. @ard dis#s

     b. loppy dis# 

    c. 5inc&ester dis# 

    d. le7ible dis# 

    $. A computer consists o" 

    a. A central processin' unit b. A memory

    c. Input and output unitd. All o" t&e above

    (. An application pro'ram t&at &elps t&e user to

    c&an'e any number and immediately see t&e result

    o" t&at c&an'e isa. Des#top publis&in' pro'ram

     b. Database

    c. preads&eet

    d. All o" above

    *. /&e instructions "or startin' t&e computer are&ouse on

    a. Random access memory

     b. CD-Romc. Read only memory c&ip

    d. All o" above

    0. /&e A%U o" a computer normally contains a

    number o" &i'& speed stora'e element called

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    a. emiconductor memory

     b. Re'istersc. @ard dis#s

    d. !a'netic dis# 

    140. a "actor 3&ic& 3ould stron'ly in"luence a

     business person to adopt a computer is itsa. Accuracy

     b. Reliabilityc. peedd. All o" above

    14. /&e ma'netic stora'e c&ip used to providenon-volatile direct access stora'e o" data and t&at

    &ave no movin' parts are #no3n as

    a. !a'netic core memory b. !a'netic tape memory

    c. !a'netic dis# memory

    d. !a'netic bubble memory

    14. CAD stands "or a. Computer aided desi'n

     b. Computer al'orit&m "or desi'n

    c. Computer application in desi'nd. All o" t&e above

    144. RA/ stand "or a. Re'ression Analysis /ime eries

     b. Re'ression Analysis /ime &arin'

    c. Real Analysis eries

    d. All o" above

    2,,. In 3&ic& year 3as c&ip used inside t&e

    computer "or t&e "irst time;

    a. 140( b. 14*

    c. 1444

    d. 14((

    2,1. 5&at 3as t&e name o" t&e "irst commercially

    available microprocessor c&ip;a. Intel $,

     b. Intel $$

    c. Intel (,,(d. !otorola 0$4

    2,2. 5&en 3ere t&e "irst minicomputer built;

    a. 140*

     b. 1402c. 141

    d. 1400

    2,$. /&e "irst di'ital computer built 3it& IC c&ips

    3as #no3n ase. I+! ,4,

    ". Apple 1

    '. I+! ystem $0,&. VA-1,

    2,(. In 3&ic& lan'ua'e is source pro'ram 3ritten;

    a. 6n'lis& b. ymbolicc. @i'& level

    d. /emporary

    2,*. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' terms is t&e most

    closely related to main memory;

    a. Non volatile b. 8ermanent

    c. Control unit

    d. /emporary

    2,0. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' is used "ormanu"acturin' c&ips;

    a. Control bus b. Control unit

    c. 8arity unit

    d. emiconductor 

    2,. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' is required 3&en more

    t&an one person uses a central computer at t&e same

    time;a. /erminal

     b. %i'&t penc. Di'iti:er 

    d. !ouse

    2,. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' is used only "or data

    entry and stora'e? and never "or processin';a. !ouse

     b. Dumb terminal

    c. !icro computer 

    d. Dedicated data entry system

    2,4. /o produce &i'& quality 'rap&ics =&ardcopy> incolor? you 3ould 3ant to use an

    a. R)+ monitor 

     b. 8lotter c. In#-Get printer 

    d. %aser printer 

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    21,. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' printers are you sure

    3ill not to use i" your obGective is to print on multicarbon "orms;

    a. Daisy 3&eel

     b. Dot matri7c. %aser 

    d. /&imble

    211. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' printin' devices anoutput composed o" a series o" data;a. 5ire matri7 printer 

     b. +and printer 

    c. 5an' ima'e printer 

    d. +ot& a and c

    212. /&e personal computer industry 3as started bya. I+!

     b. Apple

    c. Compaq

    d. @C%

    21$. In t&e I+! 8C-At? 3&at do t&e 3ords A/ stand


    a. Additional /erminals b. Advance tec&nolo'y

    c. Applied tec&nolo'y

    d. Advanced terminolo'y

    21(. !a'netic tape can serve as

    a. econdary stora'e media

     b. utput mediac. Input media

    d. All o" t&e above

    21*. I" in a computer? 10 bits are used to speci"yaddress in a RA!? t&e number o" addresses 3ill be

    a. 210

     b. 0*?*$0c. 0(

  • 8/17/2019 Fundamentals MCQ


    22$. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' memories &as t&e

    s&ortest access times;a. Cac&e memory

     b. !a'netic bubble memory

    c. !a'netic core memoryd. RA!

    22(. A $2 bit microprocessor &as t&e 3ord len't&

    equal toa. 2 byte b. $2 byte

    c. ( byte

    d. byte

    22*. An error in computer data is called

    a. C&ip b. +u'

    c. C8U

    d. tora'e device

    220. A set o" in"ormation t&at de"ines t&e status o"resources allocated to a process is

    a. 8rocess control

     b. A%Uc. Re'ister Unit

    d. 8rocess description

    22. Any met&od "or controllin' access to or use o"

    memory is #no3n

    a. !emory map

     b. !emory protectionc. !emory mana'ement

    d. !emory instruction

    22. A type o" core store t&at &as a lo3er access

    time t&an t&e devices used "or 3or#in' store in t&esame processor is #no3n as

    a. Core memory

     b. +u""er 

    c. ast cored. Address re'ister 

    224. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' is an acronym "or

    electronic delay stora'e automatic calculator;

    a. UNIVAC b. 6DAC

    c. 6DVAC

    d. Abacus

    2$,. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' is "orm o" semiconductor memory in 3&ic& it is possible to c&an'e

    t&e contents o" selected memory locations by

    applyin' suitable electrical si'nals;a. CA!

     b. R!

    c. 68R!d. Abacus

    2$1. A dis# stora'e medium in t&e "orm o" an

    assembly containin' a sin'le ri'id ma'netic dis# permanently isa. i7ed dis# 

     b. Dis# cartrid'e

    c. Card punc&

    d. Card reader 

    2$(. A memory t&at is capable o" determinin'3&et&er a 'iven datum is contained in one o" its

    address is

    a. R!

     b. 8R!c. CA!

    d. RA!

    2$*. A met&od o" implementin' a memorymana'ement system is

    a. +uddy system

     b. +rid'e3are

    c. +roadband coa7ial systemd. All o" t&e above

    2$0. A plastic card similar to a credit card but&avin' some memory and a microprocessor

    embedded 3it&in it isa. 8unc&ed paper tape

     b. C&ip card

    c. Card punc&d. !a'netic tape

    2$. A device t&at operates under t&e control o"

    anot&er device is called

    a. tem

     b. lavec. imulator 

    d. 6mulator 

    2$. Actual data processin' operations are

     per"ormed in t&e arit&metic lo'ic section? but not int&e H. tora'e section o" a processor unit

    a. 8rimary

     b. Accumulator c. +u""er 

    d. econdary

  • 8/17/2019 Fundamentals MCQ


    2$4. /&e use o" spooler pro'rams andor H.

    @ard3are allo3s personal computer operators to do

    t&e processin' 3or# at t&e same time a printin'operation is in pro'ress

    a. Re'istered mails

     b. !emoryc. C8U

    d. +u""er 

    2(,. 5&ic& most popular input device is used today

    "or interactive processin' and "or t&e one line entry

    o" data "or batc& processin';a. !ouse

     b. !a'netic dis# 

    c. Visual display terminald. Card punc&

    2(1. User pro'rammable terminals t&at combine

    VD/ &ard3are 3it& built-in microprocessor isa.

  • 8/17/2019 Fundamentals MCQ


    2*1. ne o" a class o" stora'e device devices t&at

    can access stora'e locations in any order is

    a. D/6

     b. DADc. DD6

    d. DD6

    Correct Ans3erL b

    2*2. 5&ic& is an item o" stora'e medium in t&e

    "orm o" circular plate;

    a. Dis# 

     b. C8Uc. 8rinter 

    d. A%U

    Correct Ans3erL a

    2*$. 8roperly arran'ed data is calleda. ield

     b. 5ordsc. In"ormation

    d. ile

    Correct Ans3erL c

    2*(. Anot&er 3ord "or a daisy 3&eel printer 

    a. 8etal printer 

     b. )ol" ball printer 

    c. %aser printer d. %ine printer 

    Correct Ans3erL b

    2**. A term used to describe interconnected

    computer con"i'uration is

    a. !ultipro'rammin' b. !odulation

    c. !ultiprocessin'

    d. !icro pro'ram sequence

    Correct Ans3erL a

    2*0. An input output device at 3&ic& data enters or

    leaves a computer system is


  • 8/17/2019 Fundamentals MCQ


    Correct Ans3erL c

    20$. 6ac& model o" a computer &as a uniquea. Assembly o" a computer 

     b. !ac&ine lan'ua'e

    c. @i'& level lan'ua'ed. All o" t&e above

    Correct Ans3erL b

    20(. Computer pro"essionals 3or#in' in a computer 

    center areP

    a. o"t3are b. irm3are

    c. @ard3are

    d. @uman3areCorrect Ans3erL d

    20*. 5&ic& o" t&e it*ems belo3 are consideredremovable stora'e media;a. Removable &ard dis# cartrid'es

     b. =!a'neto-optical> dis# 

    c. le7ible dis#s cartrid'esd. All o" t&e above

    Correct Ans3erL d

    200. 5&ic& term is used to describe RA!;

    a. Dynamic RA! =DRA!>

     b. tatic RA! =RA!>c. Video RA! =VRA!>

    d. All o" t&e aboveCorrect Ans3erL d

    20. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' are =is> considered to

     be video component;a. Resolution

     b. Color dept&

    c. Re"res& rate

    d. All o" t&e alcoveCorrect Ans3erL d

    20. n a 8C? &o3 muc& memory is available to

    application so"t3are;a. 1,2(

  • 8/17/2019 Fundamentals MCQ


    2*. /&e ori'inal ACII code usedHbits o" eac&

     byte? reservin' t&at last bit "or error c&ec#in'a. *

     b. 0

    c. d.

    Correct Ans3erL c

    20. 5&ic& company is t&e bi''est player in t&emicroprocessor industry;a. !otorola

     b. I+!

    c. Intel

    d. A!DCorrect Ans3erL c

    2. 5&at is required 3&en more t&an one person

    uses a central computer at t&e same time;

    a. %i'&t pen

     b. !ousec. Di'iti:er 

    d. /erminalCorrect Ans3erL d

    2. A &ard copy 3ould be prepared on a

    a. %ine printer 

     b. Dot matri7 8rinter 

    c. /ype3riter terminald. All o" t&e above

    Correct Ans3erL d


    24. A typical personal computer used "or business purposes 3ould &aveH o" RA!.

    a. (

  • 8/17/2019 Fundamentals MCQ


    2. 5&ic& type o" computers uses t&e -bit code

    called 6+CDIC;

    a. !inicomputers b. !icrocomputers

    c. !ain"rame computers

    d. uper computer Correct Ans3erL c

    24. 5&ere as a computer mouse moves over t&etable sur"ace? t&e trac#ball is

    a. tationary

     b. Di""icult to move

    c. Dra''edd. !oved in small stems

    Correct Ans3erL a

    24,. 5&ic& one o" t&e "ollo3in' input device is


    a. Dumb terminal b. mart terminal

    c. VD/d. Intelli'ent terminal

    Correct Ans3erL d

    241. 5&ic& computer memory is used "or storin'

     pro'rams and data currently bein' processed by t&e

    C8U;a. !ass memory

     b. Internal memory

    c. Non-volatile memoryd. 8R!

    Correct Ans3erL b

    242. Computer instructions 3ritten 3it& t&e use o"

    6n'lis& 3ords instead o" binary mac&ine code iscalled

    a. !nemonics

     b. ymbolic code

    c. )ray codesd. pcode

    Correct Ans3erL b

    24$. computer operators

    a. 3rites computer pro'rams "or speci"ic problems b. operate t&e device 3&ic& input and output data

    "rom t&e computer 

    c. normally require a colle'e de'ree in computerscience

    d. all o" t&e above

    Correct Ans3erL b

    24(. A computer pro'rammer 

    a. Dies all t&e t&in#in' "or a compute

     b. Can enter input data quic#lyc. Can operate all types o" computer equipment

    d. Can dra3 only "lo3c&art

    Correct Ans3erL a

    24*. CD-R!a. Is a Psemiconductor memory

     b. !emory re'ister 

    c. !a'netic memory

    d. None o" t&e aboveCorrect Ans3erL d

    240. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' is not a primary

    stora'e device;

    a. !a'netic tape b. !a'netic dis# 

    c. ptical dis# d. None o" t&e aboveCorrect Ans3erL d

    24. A name or number used to identi"y a stora'e

    location is called

    a. A byte

     b. A recordc. An address

    d. All o" above

    Correct Ans3erL c

    24. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' is a secondary memorydevice;


  • 8/17/2019 Fundamentals MCQ


    d. All o" t&e above

    Correct Ans3erL c

    $,1. /&e octal equivalence o" 111,1, isa. 1

     b. 2

    c. 1d. None o" above

    Correct Ans3erL b

    $,2. /&e "irst electronic computer in t&e 3orld 3as

    a. UNIVAC

     b. 6DVACc. 6NIAC

    d. All o" above

    Correct Ans3erL c

    $,$. /&e most commonly used standard data codeto represent alp&abetical? numerical and punctuation

    c&aracters used in electronic data processin' systemis calleda. ACII

     b. 6+CDIC

    c. +CDd. All o" above

    Correct Ans3erL a

    $,(. 5&ic& 3as t&e computer conceived by


    a. Analytical en'ine

     b. Arit&metic mac&inec. Donald

  • 8/17/2019 Fundamentals MCQ


    $1$. /&e di'ital computer 3as developed primarily

    ina. UR 

     b. apan

    c. UAd. U

  • 8/17/2019 Fundamentals MCQ


    Correct Ans3erL b

    $2*. Daisy 3&eel printer is a type o" 

    a. !atri7 primer 

     b. Impact printer 

    c. %aser printer d. !anual printer 

    Correct Ans3erL b

    $20. /&e number o" records contained 3it&in a

     bloc# o" data on ma'netic tape is de"ined by t&e

    a. +loc# de"inition

     b. Record contain clause

    c. +loc#in' "actor d. Record per bloc# "actor 

    Correct Ans3erL c

    $2applications 3&ere

    a. Data consists o" numbers

     b. &ort access time is required

    c. 6ac& stored 3ord is processed di""erentlyd. Data naturally needs to "lo3 in and out in a serial


    Correct Ans3erL d

    $2 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' memories must be

    re"res&ed many times per second;

    a. tatic RA!

     b. Dynamic RA!c. 68R!

    d. R!

    Correct Ans3erL b

    $24. /&e memory 3&ic& is pro'rammed at t&e time

    it is manu"actured

    a. 8! b. RA!

    c. 8R!d. 68R!Correct Ans3erL a

    $$,. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' memory medium is not

    used as main memory system;

    a. !a'netic core b. emiconductor 

    c. !a'netic tape

    d. +ot& a and b

    Correct Ans3erL c

    $$1. Re'isters? 3&ic& are partially visible to users

    and used to &old conditional? are #no3n as

    a. 8C

     b. !emory address re'isters

    c. )eneral purpose re'ister d. la's

    Correct Ans3erL c

    $$2. ne o" t&e main "eature t&at distin'uis&

    microprocessors "rom micro-computers is

    a. 5ords are usually lar'er in microprocessors

     b. 5ords are s&orter in microprocessors

    c. !icroprocessor does not contain I devicesd. 67actly t&e same as t&e mac&ine cycle time

    Correct Ans3erL c

    $$$. /&e least si'ni"icant bit o" t&e binary number?3&ic& is equivalent to any odd decimal number? isL

    a. ,

     b. 1c. 1 or ,

    d. $

    Correct Ans3erL a

    $$(. 5&at type o" control pins are needed in a

    microprocessor to re'ulate tra""ic on t&e bus? in

    order to prevent t3o devices "rom tryin' to use it att&e same time;

    a. +us control

     b. Interrupts

    c. +us arbitrationd. tatus

    Correct Ans3erL c

    $$*. 5&en 3as t&e 3orldFs "irst laptop computer

    introduced in t&e mar#et and by 3&om;

    a. @e3lett-8ac#ard

     b. 6pson? 141

    c. %aplin# travelin' so"t3are Inc. 142d. /andy model-2,,,? 14*

    Correct Ans3erL b

  • 8/17/2019 Fundamentals MCQ


    $$0. /&e "irst microprocessor built by t&e Intel

    Corporation 3as called

    a. ,, b. ,,

    c. (,,(

    d. ,,

    Correct Ans3erL c

    $$. 5&o built t&e 3orldFs "irst electronic calculator 

    usin' telep&one relays? li'&t bulbs and batteries

    a. Claude &annon


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    Correct Ans3erL c

    $(. 5&ic& 3as t&e 3orldFs "irst minicomputer and

    3&en 3as it introduced;

    a. 8D8-I? 14*

     b. I+! ystem$0? 140,c. 8D8-II? 1401

    d. VA 11,? 1402Correct Ans3erL a

    $(4. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' are t&e t3o main

    components o" t&e C8U;

    a. Control Unit and Re'isters

     b. Re'isters and !ain !emory

    c. Control unit and A%Ud. A%U and bus

    Correct Ans3erL c

    $*,. /&e t3o basic types o" record access met&ods


    a. equential and random

     b. equential and inde7ed

    c. Direct and immediated. nline and real time

    Correct Ans3erL a

    $*1. A disadvanta'e o" t&e laser printer isa. It is quieter t&an an impact printer 

     b. It is very slo3

    c. /&e output is o" a lo3er qualityd. None o" t&e above

    Correct Ans3erL d

    $*2. Di""erent components n t&e mot&erboard o" a

    8C unit are lin#ed to'et&er by sets o" parallel

    electrical conductin' lines. 5&at are t&ese linescalled;

    a. Conductors b. +uses

    c. Connectors

    d. ConsecutivesCorrect Ans3erL b

    $*$. /&e lan'ua'e t&at t&e computer can understand

    and e7ecute is called

    a. !ac&ine lan'ua'e

     b. Application so"t3are

    c. ystem pro'ramd. All o" t&e above

    Correct Ans3erL a

    $*(. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' is used as a primarystora'e device;

    a. !a'netic drum b. 8R!

    c. loppy dis# 

    d. All o" t&ese

    Correct Ans3erL b

    $**. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' memories needsre"res&;

    a. RA!

     b. DRA!

    c. R!d. All o" above

    Correct Ans3erL b

    $*0. 5&ic& o" t&e "ollo3in' devices can be used todirectly input printed te7t;

    a. CR 

     b. !R c. !ICR 

    d. All o" above

    Correct Ans3erL a

    $*. /&e output quality o" a printer is measured by

    a. Dot per cm

     b. Dots per inc&c. Dots printed per unit time

    d. All o" above

    Correct Ans3erL b

    $*. In analo' computer 

    a. Input is "irst converted to di'ital "orm

     b. Input is never converted to di'ital "orm

    c. utput is displayed in di'ital "ormd. All o" t&e above

    Correct Ans3erL b


    $*4. 5&o desi'ned t&e "irst electronics computer 6NIAC

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    a. Von Neumann

     b. osep& ! acquardc. . 8. 6c#ert and . 5. !auc&ly

    d. All o" above

    Correct Ans3erL c

    $0,. !odern computers are very reliable but t&eyare not

    a. ast b. 8o3er"ulc. In"allible

    d. C&eap

    Correct Ans3erL c

    $01. 5&ic& -bit c&ip 3as used in many o" todayFs

    /R-, computers;a. J-,,,

     b. !otorola 0,4

    c. J-,

    d. J-,Correct Ans3erL d

    $02. 8ersonal computers used a number o" c&ips

    mounted on a main circuit board. 5&at is t&ecommon name "or suc& boards;

    a. Dau'&terboard

     b. !ot&erboard

    c. at&er boardd. C&ildboard

    Correct Ans3erL b

    $0$. In most o" t&e I+! 8Cs? t&e C8U? t&e devicedrivers? memory? e7pansion slots and active

    components are mounted on a sin'le board. 5&at is

    t&e name o" t&e board;a. !ot&erboard

     b. Dau'&terboard

    c. +redboard

    d. at&erboardCorrect Ans3erL a

    $0(. A computer pro'ram t&at converts an entire

     pro'ram into mac&ine lan'ua'e at one time is called

    aana. Interpreter 

     b. C8U

    c. Compiler d. imulator 

    Correct Ans3erL c

    $0*. A computer 8ro'ram t&at translates one pro'ram instruction at a time into mac&ine lan'ua'e

    is called aan

    a. Interpreter  b. C8U

    c. Compiler 

    d. imulator Correct Ans3erL a