
Fundamentals of Urban Development and Planning

Rajendra P [email protected]

An Academic Presentation to BdevS, Center for Development Studies, Kathmamndu University, 2014


An urban area is characterized by higher population density and

vast human features in comparison to areas surrounding it.

Urban areas may be cities, towns or conurbations, but the termUrban areas may be cities, towns or conurbations, but the term

is not commonly extended to rural settlements such as villages

and hamlets.



On the basis of the elemental factor of space, a region is a geographicor areal unit with certain limits and bounds. The unit may consist of afew villages or a number of countries. A region may, therefore, bethought of as an areal or spatial organization of varying dimensions.

Any portion of earth’s surface where physical conditions areAny portion of earth’s surface where physical conditions arehomogeneous can be considered as a Region in geographic sense,ranging from a single feature region to compage, depending on thecriteria used for delineation.

In practice, a prefix is added to highlight the attributes on which theregion has been defined, for example, agriculture region, resourceregion, city region, planning region,


Introduction to Planning

AllAll thethe dailydaily activitiesactivities ofof humanhuman beingsbeings areare carriedcarried outout onon landland.. ProperProperorganizationorganization ofof thesethese activitiesactivities planningplanning willwill helphelp thethe humanhuman beingbeinginin leadingleading aa richerricher andand fullerfuller lifelife inin livablelivable surroundingssurroundings ororenvironmentenvironment..

"Planning" means the scientific, aesthetic, and orderly disposition ofland, resources, facilities and services with a view to securing thephysical, economic and social efficiency, health and well-being ofurban and rural communities.

Planning – a continuous, time-oriented and cyclic process ofidentification and achievement of goals


Cyclic Process of Planning: Cyclic Process of Planning: a process that includes

a) Identification of goals and objectives,

b) Assessment of problems, potential and priorities,

c) Preparation of alternative conceptual plans and their evaluation to select most appropriate concept,select most appropriate concept,

d) Preparation of plan based on related concept and its approval,

e) Implementation,

f) Feedback, and

g) Review of the Plan55

Fields of Planning:

i)) Urban

ii) Regional

iii) Environmental

iv) Transport, and

v) Infrastructure


Urban Planning

…… is a technique and method of development that contributes to

the organization, development and evolution of urban areas and

their urbanizing environs, based on their urbanizing environs, based on

� economic, social, legal, aesthetic concepts and conditions

in order to

� promote the welfare of public and quality of environment.


Regional Planning

ItIt isis aa specificspecific typetype ofof planning,planning, basedbased onon aa specificspecific planningplanning

structurestructure (regional(regional system),system), forfor inducinginducing publicpublic actionaction aimedaimed atat

societalsocietal wellwell beingbeing.. ItIt impliesimplies thatthat regionalregional planningplanning isis concernedconcernedsocietalsocietal wellwell beingbeing.. ItIt impliesimplies thatthat regionalregional planningplanning isis concernedconcerned

fundamentallyfundamentally withwith thethe societysociety inin thethe contextcontext ofof spacespace..


Environmental Planning

EnvironmentalEnvironmental planningplanning isis aa tooltool forfor environmentalenvironmental protectionprotection

andand sustainablesustainable developmentdevelopment ofof anyany areaarea fromfrom environmentalenvironmental

pointpoint ofof viewview..pointpoint ofof viewview..


Transport Planning

TheThe processprocess ofof analysisanalysis ofof traveltravel demanddemand inin aa citycity oror regionregion havinghaving

regardregard toto sociosocio--economic,economic, landland--use,use, andand otherother factorsfactors andand formulationformulation

ofof policies,policies, programmesprogrammes,, plansplans andand projectsprojects forfor itsits efficientefficientofof policies,policies, programmesprogrammes,, plansplans andand projectsprojects forfor itsits efficientefficient




The basic components of a human settlement that make it functionaland improve its quality of life and include network of water supply,sewerage, drainage, electricity, communication, transportation andfacilities and services.

�� FacilityFacility –– in urban planning a premises where health-care, educational,�� FacilityFacility –– in urban planning a premises where health-care, educational,socio-cultural and recreational activities take place.

�� ServicesServices -- includeinclude transportationtransportation byby rail,rail, road,road, air,air, waterways,waterways,telecommunication,telecommunication, policepolice protection,protection, firefire fighting,fighting, postalpostal etcetc..

�� UtilitiesUtilities –– basicbasic publicpublic servicesservices likelike waterwater supply,supply, sewerage,sewerage, drainagedrainage andandelectricityelectricity supplysupply..


Definitions and Bases of Planning

TownTown andand CountryCountry PlanningPlanning

toto channelizechannelize variousvarious typestypes ofof forcesforces suchsuch asas physical,physical, social,social,economiceconomic andand administrativeadministrative inin aa plannedplanned mannermanner toto createcreate thethe totaltotalenvironment,environment, whichwhich isis healthy,healthy, efficientefficient andand satisfyingsatisfying forfor working,working,environment,environment, whichwhich isis healthy,healthy, efficientefficient andand satisfyingsatisfying forfor working,working,living,living, recreationrecreation andand otherother activitiesactivities ofof humanhuman beingbeing..


toto provideprovide healthyhealthy environmentenvironment andand conveniencesconveniences toto thethe peoplepeople ofofthethe areaarea byby physicalphysical arrangementarrangement ofof landland--useuse patternpattern andand structurestructure..


Definitions and Bases of Planning

Social and economic aims town planning

� Socially successful planning tends to make people’s life happier, because it results in physical environment which is conducive to health; facilitates social interaction and gives visual health; facilitates social interaction and gives visual attractiveness

� It increases wealth, by efficiently arranging communication routes to carry out human activities in a more efficient and less wasteful manner through proper spatial arrangement


Characteristics of successful Town Planning:

� Promotion of accessibility

� Employment of resources as economically as possible

� Separation of incompatible land uses from each other and association of compatible or mutually helpful uses. association of compatible or mutually helpful uses.

� Carrying out of all developments in a visually pleasant and practical manner


Urban Planning Basics

Goal of Planning

to guide the development of a city or town so that it furthers the

welfare of its current and future residents by creating convenient,

equitable, healthful, efficient and attractive environments. equitable, healthful, efficient and attractive environments.

Three key aspects of Urban/City Planning:

a) physical environment

b) social environment

c) economic environment1515

Urban Planning Basics

Physical environment

AA city'scity's physicalphysical environmentenvironment includesincludes itsits location,location, itsits climateclimate andand itsits proximityproximity totosourcessources ofof foodfood andand waterwater..

Social environment

TheThe socialsocial environmentenvironment includesincludes thethe groupsgroups toto whichwhich aa city'scity's residentsresidents belong,belong, thetheneighbourhoodsneighbourhoods inin whichwhich theythey live,live, thethe organizationorganization ofof itsits workplacesworkplaces.. OneOne ofof thethe biggestbiggestneighbourhoodsneighbourhoods inin whichwhich theythey live,live, thethe organizationorganization ofof itsits workplacesworkplaces.. OneOne ofof thethe biggestbiggestissuesissues inin mostmost citiescities isis thethe inequitableinequitable distributiondistribution ofof resourcesresources..

Economic environment

PrimaryPrimary employers,employers, suchsuch asas manufacturingmanufacturing asas wellwell asas researchresearch andand developmentdevelopmentcompanies,companies, retailretail businesses,businesses, universities,universities, federalfederal labs,labs, locallocal government,government, culturalculturalinstitutions,institutions, andand departmentsdepartments ofof tourismtourism allall playplay strongstrong rolesroles inin aa city'scity's economyeconomy..

Planners work with local authorities to make sure residents are not excluded from the benefits of urbanization as a result of physical, social or economic barriers. 1616

Urban Planning Basics

�� All the daily activities of human beings are carried out on land. All the daily activities of human beings are carried out on land.

�� Land is the basic platform of all human activitiesLand is the basic platform of all human activities

�� Proper organization of these activities i.e. planning will help the human being in Proper organization of these activities i.e. planning will help the human being in leading a richer and fuller life in leading a richer and fuller life in liveableliveable surroundings or environment.surroundings or environment.leading a richer and fuller life in leading a richer and fuller life in liveableliveable surroundings or environment.surroundings or environment.

�� Land is scare resource. Developed urban land is more scarce. With the increasing Land is scare resource. Developed urban land is more scarce. With the increasing urban population the use of land should be very judicious and optimum; hence, it is urban population the use of land should be very judicious and optimum; hence, it is important to use the land in sound principles of urban planning.important to use the land in sound principles of urban planning.

�� A comprehensive understanding of the process through which land uses get A comprehensive understanding of the process through which land uses get allocated in a city at a particular point of time and change over a period of time (not allocated in a city at a particular point of time and change over a period of time (not rigid but flexible) is necessaryrigid but flexible) is necessary


Land Use Planning

� Land-use - an activity performed on a parcel of land, expressed by category, through colour or black/white hatch pattern.

� Land-use planning is basically concerned with location and amount of various land use areas such as residential, commercial, of various land use areas such as residential, commercial, religious, cultural and other activities engaged in by the residents of a city in conduct of their life.

� It takes into consideration the economic, social and environmental conditions while selecting and adopting best option for future land use and structure to built upon land.


Land Use Planning

� Land-use planning aims to make the best use of land resources by:

� assessing present and future needs and matching it with supply;supply;

� identifying and resolving conflicts between competing uses, between the needs of individuals and those of the community, and between the needs of the present generation and those of future generations;

� seeking sustainable options that best meet identified needs and bring about desired changes;


Land Use Planning

General Principles

� Location Requirements - Indentify three major functional areas in the urban complex –

ii) ) the work areas,

ii) ii) the living areas and

iii) the leisure-time areas; and

iv) iv) distributing them in space as per their locationalattributes..


Land Use Planning

General Principles

Space Requirements – is a basis for assessing land requirement to accommodate growth in urban areas in the next 20 years. 20 years.

It consists of three major steps:

� study of existing land use pattern;

� derivation of space standards e.g. density standards population in residential areas and works in industrial and business areas;

� space requirement for facilities such as school, hospital , parks and play grounds and others .


Urban Land Use Planning Urban Land Use Planning

Land use planning should aim at integrated and comprehensive planning

� Integrated development of residence, work and recreation areas

Geddesian Triangle

2222Work (Function) Place (Environment)

Folk (organism)

Geddesian Triangle

Urban Land Use Planning Urban Land Use Planning

Comprehensive PlanningComprehensive Planning

� It is not merely a physical activity but of multidisciplinary nature covering economic and social aspects

� Integration of old with the new


PetricPetric Geddes Geddes –– the founder of modern town and regional planning. the founder of modern town and regional planning. The theoretical ideas of The theoretical ideas of PetricPetric Geddes have influenced much subsequent planning practice, Geddes have influenced much subsequent planning practice,

regional economic development and environmental management . regional economic development and environmental management . In particular his focus on the triad ‘PlaceIn particular his focus on the triad ‘Place--WorkWork--Folk’ is fundamental to land use planningFolk’ is fundamental to land use planning 2323


Accessibility – Available means of communication i.e. roads, rail etc.

Base map – map serving as the foundation for subsequent planningshowing all physical features and existing land-use/built-up area of thearea/city .

Density of Population –Density of Population – population divided by the areas occupied byhouses

Gross density – population divided by the area layout including roadsand open spaces.

Net density – population divided by the plots, excluding roads and openspaces.



� Recreation areas – an area designated for recreational activities –open spaces, play grounds, parks, botanical gardens, golf course etc.

� Water bodies – River, lakes, ponds, nallah (open drain)

� Ring road – a circular road on all side of the proposed development/settlementdevelopment/settlement

� Bye pass – a road designed to carry heavy vehicular traffic to operate without entering the built up area of the city.

� O D Survey – Origin and Destination survey conducted to count vehicles coming from and going to another area/city.

� Public land – the land vested with the government 2525

� Residential land-use – the land category in a development or layout plan devoted to residential activity which may be further sub-divided into zones/clusters by nature (e.g. Primary residential, mixed residential, informal residential), intensity (e.g. high, medium or law density), type (plotted or flatted), ownership (individual or group housing).

� Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Public-semi-public (utilities/services), � Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Public-semi-public (utilities/services), Transportation

� Topo-sheet – map prepared by Survey of India for entire country, indicating every details, e.g. road, rail, forest, river, canal, built-up area etc.

� Catchment area or drainage basin -- area drained by a stream /river or area drained by a stream /river or

other body of water (the area and population from which a facility or region other body of water (the area and population from which a facility or region attracts visitors or customers)attracts visitors or customers)


Urban Agglomeration (UA)

– the out growths of urban areas have also been incorporated inlarger urban areas and are designated as ‘urban agglomeration’which comprise:

a) An urban area with continuous urban outgrowth which is outside the statutory urban limits but falling within the outside the statutory urban limits but falling within the boundaries of the adjoining village or villages;

b) Two or more adjoining urban areas with their outgrowths, so as to form a continuous urban spread;

c) Two or more adjoining areas without outgrowths, but which form a continuous urban spread.


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