  • Functional Coverage

  • 46747**slide

    Functional verification requires a large portion of the resources required to design and validate a complex system

    To minimize the effort, coverage is used as a guide for directed verification and untested portions of the design

    Coverage is defined as the percentage of verification objectives that have been met

    Coverage Basics1-4

    that have been met

    It is used as a metric for evaluating the progress of a verificationproject in order to reduce the number of simulation cycles spentin verifying a design

    Functional coverage is very important tool for environments, which run random tests Quality of design verification in aspect of random generation

    Test plan closure

    You can never say that the design is really checked if you do not have truefunctional coverage

  • 61182**slide

    Verification plan includes all the features that needs to be verified Coverage helps verification engineer to check that sufficient varietyof input stimuli is applied to the DUT

    Coverage is a collection of statistics based on sampling events within the simulation

    What is Functional Coverage?1-5

  • 61121**slide

    Key aspects of the functional coverage are as follows User-specified and not automatically inferred from the design

    Based on design specification and independent of the actual design code

    Key Aspects of Functional Coverage1-6

  • Functional Coverage

    Because it is fully specified by the user, functionalcoverage requires more up-front effort (someone has

    to write the coverage model). Functional coverage

    also requires a more structured approach to


    Although functional coverage can shorten the overallverification effort and yield higher quality designs, its

    shortcomings can impede its adoption.

  • 46748**slide

    covergroup construct encapsulates specification of a coverage model

    Each covergroup specification can include the following components Clocking event that synchronizes the sampling of coverage points

    Set of coverage points



    Set of coverage points

    Cross coverage between coverage points

    Optional formal arguments

    Coverage options

  • 46750**slide

    covergroup can contain one or more coverage points

    Coverage point can be a variable or an expression Each coverage point includes a set of bins associated with its sampled

    values or its value transitions

    The bins can be explicitly defined by the user or automatically created by the tool

    Coverage Points1-11


  • Sample()

    User-defined sample() method is typically used to collect coverage from different variables to the same coverpoint/ covergroup

  • Bins construct

    The bins construct allows creating a separate bin for each value in the given range list or a single bin for the entire range of values.

    To create a separate bin for each value (an To create a separate bin for each value (an array of bins), the square brackets, [], shall follow the bin name.

    To create a fixed number of bins for a set of values, a number can be specified inside the square brackets.

  • 61282**slide

    Coverage is a collection of statistics based on sampling events within the simulation

    Coverage helps the verification engineer to check that sufficient variety of input stimuli is applied to the DUT

    covergroup construct encapsulates specification of a coverage model

    Features of Coverage1-43


    covergroup instance can be created with the new() operator

    covergroup can contain one or more coverage points

    A coverage point can be a variable or an expression

    Each coverpoint has a number of bins associated with it

    If the coverage point does not define any bins, SystemVerilog automatically creates state bins

  • Coverage Class//coverage class

    class coverage;

    virtual intf i;

    covergroup cg @(i.a,i.b);

    A: coverpoint i.a{bins a_bin = {[5:7]};}

    B: coverpoint i.b;

    S: coverpoint i.s{bins s1 = {0,1};bins s2 = {2,3};}

    D: coverpoint i.c;


    function new (virtual intf i);

    this.i = i ;

    cg = new;


    task sample();




  • Coverage Class in Env Class

    class enviroment;

    mailbox #(packet) gen_drv;

    mailbox #(packet) drv_sb;

    mailbox #(packet) mon_sb;

    virtual intf i;

    coverage c1;

    generator g1;

    driver d1;driver d1;

    monitor m1;

    scoreboard s1;

    function new(virtual intf i);



    function build;




  • Coverage Class in Env Class







    task run;task run;;





  • Enhanced File I/0

    `timescale 1ns / 1ps

    module sp_ram8x16(

    input clk,

    input [2:0] addr,

    input [15:0] d_in,

    output [15:0] d_out,

    input we


    parameter ram_width = 16;

    parameter ram_addr_bits = 3;

    reg [ram_width-1:0] my_ram [(2**ram_addr_bits)-1:0];

    always @(posedge clk)

    if (we)


  • Enhanced File I/0`timescale 1ns / 1ps

    module sp_ram8x16_tb;

    // Inputs

    reg clk;

    reg [2:0] addr;

    reg [15:0] d_in;reg [15:0] d_in;

    reg we;

    // Outputs

    wire [15:0] d_out;

    // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)

    sp_ram8x16 uut (.*);

  • Enhanced File I/0initial begin

    // Initialize Inputs

    clk = 0;

    addr = 0;

    d_in = 0;

    we = 1;


    always #20 clk = ~clk ;always #20 clk = ~clk ;

    `define eof 32'hffff_ffff

    /////////////////STEP 1 Declare variables for FILE, RET & CHAR,

    ///also declare external input file MY_INPUT.txt

    integer file, ret, char ;

    initial file = $fopen ("my_input.txt", "r" );

    ////////////////End of STEP 1

  • Enhanced File I/0

    ////////////////STEP 2 write procedural block that extracts data from MY_INPUT.txt, test for EOF

    initial begin

    char = $fgetc(file);

    while (char != `eof)


    ret = $ungetc(char, file );ret = $ungetc(char, file );

    ret = $fscanf(file, "%h", d_in );

    #100 addr = addr + 1 ;

    char = $fgetc(file);



    /////////////////End of Step 2


  • Mailboxes in System Verilog

  • Mailboxes A mailbox is a communication mechanism that

    allows messages to be exchanged betweenprocesses. Data can be sent to a mailbox byone process and retrieved by another.

    Conceptually, mailboxes behave like realmailboxes. When a letter is delivered and putinto the mailbox, one can retrieve the letterinto the mailbox, one can retrieve the letter(and any data stored within).

    However, if the letter has not been deliveredwhen one checks the mailbox, one mustchoose whether to wait for the letter orretrieve the letter on subsequent trips to themailbox.

  • Mailboxes

    Similarly, SystemVerilog's mailboxes provideprocesses to transfer and retrieve data in acontrolled manner.

    Mailboxes are created as having either abounded or unbounded queue size.

    A bounded mailbox becomes full when it A bounded mailbox becomes full when itcontains the bounded number of messages.

    A process that attempts to place a messageinto a full mailbox shall be suspended untilenough room becomes available in the mailboxqueue.

  • Methods in Mailboxes

    Mailbox is a built-in class that provides the following methods:

    Create a mailbox: new() Place a message in a mailbox: put()

    Retrieve a message from a mailbox: get() Retrieve a message from a mailbox: get()

    Retrieve the number of messages in the

    mailbox: num()

  • Mailbox Examples

    module mailbox_ex;


    class pkt;class pkt;

    rand bit a;

    rand bit b;


  • Generator Class//generator class

    class generator;

    bit success;

    mailbox #(pkt) mb_gen = new();

    pkt inst ;

    task run();




    success = inst.randomize();


    $display($time, "Putting packet: a = %d && b = %d", inst.a, inst.b);





  • Driver Class

    // driver class

    class driver;

    mailbox #(pkt) mb_drv = new();

    pkt inst;

    task run();




    $display($time,"getting packet from mailbox: a = %d && b = %d",inst.a,inst.b);



  • Module Execution

    generator gen = new();

    driver drv = new();

    //Module execution starts









  • Mailbox Example 2

    module mailbox_ex2();


    class random_pkt;

    rand bit [2:0] a;rand bit [2:0] a;

    rand bit [4:0] b;


  • Generator Classclass generator;

    random_pkt inst=new() ;

    bit success;

    mailbox #(random_pkt) mb_gen = new();

    task run();



    inst = new();inst = new();

    success = inst.randomize();


    $display ($time,"Putting packet: a = %d && b = %d", inst.a, inst.b);





  • Driver Class

    class driver;

    random_pkt inst=new();

    mailbox #(random_pkt)mb_drv ;

    task run();


    $display("mailbox size in driver is =%d",mb_drv.num());





    $display($time,"getting packet from mailbox: a = %d && b = %d",inst.a,inst.b);





  • Module Execution

    generator gen = new();

    driver drv = new();

    //Module execution starts



    drv.mb_drv = gen.mb_gen;






  • System Verilog Scheduler

  • Program Block

    The program block serves three basic purposes:

    1) It provides an entry point to the execution of testbenches.

    2) It creates a scope that encapsulates program-wide data.

    3) It provides a syntactic context that specifies scheduling in the

    Reactive region.


    Reactive region.

  • Program Block

    The program construct serves as a clear separator betweendesign and testbench, and, more importantly, it specifies

    specialized execution semantics in the Reactive region for all

    elements declared within the program.

    Together with clocking blocks, the program construct provides


    Together with clocking blocks, the program construct providesfor race-free interaction between the design and the

    testbench, and enables cycle and transaction level


  • 46385**slide

    Program block drives the DUT inputs

    Program block executes in Reactive region

    Programs are instantiated or nested within a testbench Encapsulating all design verification functionality

    Testbench can include one or more programs

    Each program can call the $exit() method

    Program Blocks1-23

    Each program can call the $exit() method

    When the $exit() method is called, all the threads opened within the program are terminated

    When all the programs are done (either by calling the $exit() method or by finishing all the threads), the $finish() system task is called automatically

    Programs cannot instantiate modules, but they may have input, output, and inout ports and interfaces like modules

  • 60941**slide

    Program block construct is provided for modeling the testbenchenvironment

    The program construct serves as a clear separator between design and testbench

    A program block can contain

    Data declarations, class definitions, subroutines, and one or more initial and

    Program Syntax1-24

    Data declarations, class definitions, subroutines, and one or more initial and final procedures

    A program block cannot contain always procedures, primitive instances, module instances, interface

    instances, or other program instances

  • Program Block

    The program block serves the following purposes:

    Provides an entry point to the execution of testbenches.

    Creates a scope that encapsulates program-wide data, tasks, and functions.

    Provides a syntactic context that specifies scheduling in the reactive region.

    Together with clocking blocks, the program construct provides for race-free interaction between the design and the testbench and enables cycle and transaction-level abstractions.

    The abstraction and modeling constructs of SystemVerilog simplify the creation and maintenance of testbenches.

  • 77291**slide

    module ports and interfaces specify the input/output signals

    Testbench communicates with these signals

    These signals need to be taken care of Timing information

    Synchronization requirements

    Input sampling

    Clocking Block1-29

    Input sampling

  • 46388**slide

    Clocking block will allow you to Sample the inputs and drive the outputs to synchronize with a specific clock

    Provides immediate ability to specify input and output skew (timing spec) Input skew specifies how long before a "real" clock-edge signal is sampled

    Output skew specifies how long after a "real" clock-edge signal is driven

    Clocking Block1-30

    Output skew specifies how long after a "real" clock-edge signal is driven

  • Clocking block between DUT and TB

  • Default clocking blocks

  • Default clocking blocks

  • Clocking Blocks

    A clocking block assembles signals that aresynchronous to a particular clock and makes theirtiming explicit.

    The clocking block is a key element in a cycle-basedmethodology, which enables users to writetestbenches at a higher level of abstraction.testbenches at a higher level of abstraction.

    Rather than focusing on signals and transitions in time,the test can be defined in terms of cycles andtransactions.

    Depending on the environment, a testbench cancontain one or more clocking blocks, each containingits own clock plus an arbitrary number of signals.

  • 46391**slide

    Default clocking block One clocking block can be specified as the default for all cycle operations

    A default is valid only within the scope of the default clocking specification

    Only one default clocking can be specified in a module, interface, program,

    or checker

    Cycle operator ##

    Default Clocking and ## Cycle Delay1-33

    Cycle operator ## The ## operator can be used to delay execution by a specified by the

    number of clock cycles or clocking events

  • Example

  • Example for Clocking Blockmodule top;

    bit rst, clk;

    intf i1(rst, clk);

    env e1(i1);

    design d1(i1);

    initial begin

    clk = 0;clk = 0;

    forever begin

    #5 clk = 1;

    #5 clk = 0;




  • Interface Declarationinterface intf(input rst, clk);

    logic [1:2] select; // operation

    logic [1:4] dtoe; // dut to env data

    logic [1:4] etod; // env to dut data

    wire [1:4] bus; // bidirectional data

    modport env (inout bus, modport env (inout bus,

    output etod, select,

    input dtoe, rst, clk);

    modport design (inout bus,

    output dtoe,

    input etod, select, rst, clk);


  • Clocking block

    program env (intf.env if1);

    clocking cb @(posedge if1.clk);

    output select =;

    input dtoe = if1.dtoe;

    output etod = if1.etod;

    inout bus = if1.bus;inout bus = if1.bus;


    task doit(input logic [1:2] sel, input logic [1:4] toe, bd);

  • Clocking block

    initial begin


  • Design modulemodule design ( if1);

    wire clk = if1.clk;

    wire [1:2] select =;

    reg [1:4] dtoe, busdrv;

    assign if1.dtoe = dtoe;

    assign if1.bus = busdrv;

    always @(posedge clk) begin


  • Example on Clocking Blocksclocking cb1@(posedge mp_clk);

    default output #100;

    default input #0;

    input stat_xmit_emptyH, stat_rec_dataH, uart_clk, mp_data_from_uart, mp_int_l;

    output mp_data_to_uart, mp_addx, sys_rst_l, mp_cs_l, mp_rd_l, mp_wr_l;


    clocking cb2@(posedge baud_clk)

    default input #0;

    output uart_REC_dataH;output uart_REC_dataH;


    clocking cb3@(posedge mp_clk)

    input mp_data_from_uart, mp_int_l;


    modport driver(clocking cb1, clocking cb2);

    modport monitor(clocking cb3, input uart_XMIT_dataH, input uart_clk);

  • Debug the error if any from the solution for the given


    Use the interface & interface tasks to perform write and read operation an RAM

    module. The interface has a 8 bit

    data/address bus along with (read/write

    enable). The read and write are enable). The read and write are

    synchronized with posedge of clock

  • Interface and Interface Tasks

    interface intf;

    bit re,we;

    bit clk;

    bit [7:0] data_in,data_out;

    bit [7:0] addr;bit [7:0] addr;

  • Interface and Interface Tasksclocking cb_driv @(posedge clk);

    output clk,we,re;

    output data_in;

    output addr;


    clocking cb_mon @(posedge clk);

    input data_out;


    modport driv(clocking cb_driv);

    modport mon(clocking cb_mon)

  • Interface and Interface Taskstask write(input addr, data_in);




    task read(input addr, output data_out);


    data_out= cb_mon.data_out;



  • 60979**slide

    SystemVerilog verification building blocks are the program block, interfaces, clocking block, and packagesSystemVerilog introduces the program block to separate the testbench and to avoid the race conditions between the design and testbench

    The interface construct encapsulates the interconnection and

    System Verilog Verification building blocks1-49

    The interface construct encapsulates the interconnection and communication between blocks

    To restrict the interface access within a module, modport lists the directions declared within the interface

    Clocking block is a synchronization part within a module'sinterconnection (interface) or signal drivers (programs andmodules)

  • fork-join1-40

  • fork-join any1-41

  • fork-join_none1-42

  • 1. What is the purpose of using a program block?

    2. What is the SystemVerilog interface construct?

    3. What is the clocking block?
