
Bronislaw Malinowski (1923) suggested that the structure of language reflects the social functions of language.

Michael A.K Halliday (1973), has been prominent linguist for his notion/conception of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL).

Introduced in 1960s, SFL is based on how language actually functions in the social contexts and how those contexts can actually influence the structure and uses of language.

Halliday also suggested the relation between functions of language and the process of language acquisition/development of children. Children‟s language acquisition should be seen as a process of using language by learning to know its function. It started from the simple until it changed to be more complex following the dev.of children‟s needs in communication.

In the inception of a young child‟s life, there are at least 3 basic language functions:

1. the instrumental

2. the regulatory

3.the interactional

When the child say, “Mommy” it means he or she wants to be served some drink, food or other thing he or she wants from the mother. This is a function of language use for the purpose of satisfying the speaker‟s needs/goods or services.

The function of language which refers to our use of language to ask someone to do what we want.

When a child says “ come” to his pal…

When a child says” that banana, please” to her mother, the child begins to use language to this function.

It is more complex as a child grows older. The everyday greetings such as “hi, hello, or goodbye, see you around” are all simple examples of the use of language of this function.


If somebody says, “nice to meet you” what will you say?

If a stranger says, “have a nice journey/bon voyage” what will you reply?

If a moslem says, „happy eid mubarok” what will you tell him?

It is at the same time regulatory, interactional and instrumental.

Regulatory: “take me”, asking somebody to do the action

It is interactional since he addresses to other people/within interactional relation.

It is instrumental: satisfying his need of seeing his father.

Child: bring me the star

Mom: you take shower first

Child: No, bring me the star

Mom: ok, you take shower first then I‟ll bring you the star

Child: bring me the star first.

percakapan sore kemaren setelah sang ibu dan dua anakyang masih duduk di bangku SD liat tontonan tipi ttghubungan claudia cintya bela dan ciko jeriko:

Adam: kok beda agama gak boleh kenapa to?Prima: yo nggak boleh to, kan nanti dosaAdam: lho kan memang agama itu beda2, mas, itupelajaran IPS kelas 2 ada.prima: kamu ki piye to dam, kalo nggak mudeng nggakusah komen gitu lhoAdam: lha memange ada apa to?

IBUK: itu lho mereka mau nikah tp beda agama, itu gakboleh dam..

Prima: iya..mosok cinta mengalahkan agamaADAM: lha ibuk sama bapak itu cinta nggak?IBUK: ya iya laahh..(sambil senyum2 malu)Adam: berarti ibuk mengalahkan agama ya, dosa dong..prima: eyalaahh dam..dam…Adam: (lari ngacir)IBUK: (

MOTHER (Calling out the window to child in yard): Joshua, what are you doing?

JOSHUA: Nothing…


It is found in the complex uses of language by older people. The functions are internalized in the abstract language system named “grammar”.

It is called “the macro-functions of language”. there are two types:

The ideational and interpersonal

The use of language by a speaker in order to convey new information to listener or by a writer to reader. Although this function is basic, it is not really identifiable on children.


May I offer you my profoundest apologies for the death of your husband…

This is the development of the basic regulatory and interactional one along with more complex construction

Excuse me, do you have a free time?

What do you think about my company? (fishing for compliment on interview session)

In Mexico in the old days, the Federales would pull a person over and ask to see their driver‟s license.

Before handing over the driver‟s license the driver would attach a $20 bill onto the back of the license.

Nothing was said by either party. Was this, therefore, a bribe, or not?

1. the poetic function

2. the metalinguistics function

3. the performative function

4. the historical-record function

It refers to the use of language in the literary works, such as poetry, prose and drama, in which language is used to produce some aesthetic effects, either by rhyming sounds or by arranging particular intonations.

Hear the sledges (kereta yang dipasangi bel)with the bells—

Silver bells!

What a world of merriment their melody foretells!

How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle(berdentang-berdenting),

In the icy air of night!

While the stars that over sprinkle(berkedap-kedip)

All the heavens, seem to twinkle.

Whose woods these are I think I know.His house is in the village though;He will not see me stopping hereTo watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queerTo stop without a farmhouse nearBetween the woods and frozen lakeThe darkest evening of the year.

It is the use of language to define or describe language itself.

Instances, the works of lexicographer uses “language” to define words or phrases in dictionary, when teachers are talking about English tenses they use language.

It refers to the use of language in the aim of “doing something by saying words”. More than that the speaker wants to “control reality”.

When hindus saying their mantra in the fire-rituals, when a church priest says to a baby “I baptize you” or when one of you says, “sayaterima nikahnya fulanah binti…”

It is the use of language in texts or other recording materials. Personal bank-account-books, business reports, historical records are some examples in which this language function can be found.