Page 1: Function of the extensive description of Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson for the narrative as a whole Amira Hamed The Self and The Other in Contemporary German

Function of the extensive description of Rembrandt's

Anatomy Lesson for the narrative as a whole

Amira HamedThe Self and The Other in

Contemporary German Narrative

Page 2: Function of the extensive description of Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson for the narrative as a whole Amira Hamed The Self and The Other in Contemporary German

Sir Thomas Browne

•scholar who had practiced medicine in Norwich•1632: he participated at the public dissection of the corpse of Aris Kindt (Waagebouw in Holland)

Page 3: Function of the extensive description of Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson for the narrative as a whole Amira Hamed The Self and The Other in Contemporary German
Page 4: Function of the extensive description of Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson for the narrative as a whole Amira Hamed The Self and The Other in Contemporary German

Purpose of Anatomy Lesson

"eine Demonstration unerschrockenen Forschunsdrang der neuen Wissenschaft"

"archaische Ritual der Zergliederung eines Menschen, um die nach wie vor zum Register der zu verhängenden Strafen gehörende Peinigung des Fleisches des Delinquenten bis über den Tod hinaus"

Page 5: Function of the extensive description of Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson for the narrative as a whole Amira Hamed The Self and The Other in Contemporary German

Anatomy Lesson, Rembrandt (1632)

•guild of surgeons (on the left), Dr. Tulp (on the right)the surgeon in cerimonial dresscorpse in the lower third of the picture•"...sind ja die Blicke der Kollegen des Doktor Tulp nicht auf diesen Körper als solchen gerichtet, sondern sie gehen an ihm bìvorbei auf den aufgeklappten anatomischen Atlas, in dem die

entsetzliche Körperlichkeit reduziert ist auf ein Diagramm."

Page 6: Function of the extensive description of Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson for the narrative as a whole Amira Hamed The Self and The Other in Contemporary German


" ...der Sezierung der straffälligen Hand. Und mit dieser Hand hat es eine eigenartige Bewandtnis. Nicht nur ist sie, verglichen mit der dem Beschauer näheren, geradezu grotesk disproportioniert, sie ist auch anatomisch gänzlich verkehrt"

Page 7: Function of the extensive description of Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson for the narrative as a whole Amira Hamed The Self and The Other in Contemporary German

•the deformed hand is the symbol of the violence that hit Aris it is not an error of the painter, it is a conscious disruption of this composition, which is meant to represent the triumph of a modern sciencecontrast between realism and the deformation of the hand

Page 8: Function of the extensive description of Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson for the narrative as a whole Amira Hamed The Self and The Other in Contemporary German

Renè Decarte's rationalism" Bekanntlich lehrte Decartes in einem der Hauptkapitel der Geschichte der Unterwerfung, dass man absehen muss von dem unbegreiflichen Fleisch und hin auf die in uns bereits angelegte Maschine , auf das, was man vollkommen verstehen, restlos für die Arbeit nutzbar machen und, bei allfälliger Störung, entweder instand setzen oder wegwerfen kann"

Page 9: Function of the extensive description of Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson for the narrative as a whole Amira Hamed The Self and The Other in Contemporary German

Discours de la mèthode

•bodyres extensasensory perception

•mindres cogitathought

negative positive

Page 10: Function of the extensive description of Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson for the narrative as a whole Amira Hamed The Self and The Other in Contemporary German

Sebald's criticism

•against Decartes's "philosophy"rationalism is dangerous related to the concept of naturecriticized the utilitarian vision of nature critique of modern view of life

Page 11: Function of the extensive description of Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson for the narrative as a whole Amira Hamed The Self and The Other in Contemporary German

Meaning of Antomy Lesson for the narrative

●It stands in an historical junction where a concept of fragmented and moder nature is set and this is closely related to the history of exploitation of nature and of colonialismIt is not clearly said but this vision of the nature is also a critique to the Holocaust, where Decartes's rationalism prevails and made Auschwitz possibleThe objectification of the dead corpse in the painting coincides with the destructive exploitation of nature
