Page 1: Fully wireless implementation of distributed beamforming ......Fully wireless implementation of distributed beamforming on a software-defined radio platform ABSTRACT We describe the

Fully wireless implementation of distributed beamformingon a software-defined radio platform

ABSTRACTWe describe the key ideas behind our implementation ofdistributed beamforming on a GNU-radio based software-defined radio platform. Distributed beamforming is acooperative transmission scheme whereby a number ofnodes in a wireless network organize themselves into avirtual antenna array and focus their transmission in thedirection of the intended receiver, potentially achievingorders of magnitude improvements in energy efficiency.This technique has been extensively studied over thepast decade and its practical feasibility has been demon-strated in multiple experimental prototypes. Our con-tributions in the work reported in this paper are three-fold: (a) the first ever all-wireless implementation ofdistributed beamforming without any secondary wiredchannels for clock distribution or channel feedback, (b)a novel digital baseband approach to synchronizationof high frequency RF signals that requires no hardwaremodifications, and (c) an implementation of distributedbeamforming on a standard, open platform that allowseasy reuse and extension. We describe the design of oursystem in detail, present some initial results and discussfuture directions for this work.

Categories and Subject DescriptorsC.2.1 [Network architecture and design]: Wirelesscommunication

General TermsDesign, Experimentation

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arenot made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copiesbear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, torepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specificpermission and/or a fee.IPSN 2012 Beijing, ChinaCopyright 200X ACM X-XXXXX-XX-X/XX/XX ...$5.00.

KeywordsCooperative communication, software-defined radio, dis-tributed beamforming

1. INTRODUCTIONIn this paper, we describe the key ideas behind our re-

cent all-digital implementation of distributed transmitbeamforming on a GNU-radio [9] based software-definedradio (SDR) platform. Distributed beamforming refersto a cooperative transmission scheme whereby a num-ber of nodes in a wireless network organize themselvesinto a virtual antenna array and cooperatively transmita common message signal to a distant receiver. Thistechnique is especially attractive for wireless sensor net-works because it allows inexpensive nodes with simpleomnidirectional antennas to collaboratively emulate ahighly directional antenna and focus their transmissionin the direction of the intended receiver. This poten-tially offers large increases in energy efficiency: an ar-ray of N nodes can achieve an N2-fold increase in thepower at a receiver compared to a single node trans-mitting individually; conversely each node in a N -nodearray can reduce its transmit power by a factor of 1


and still achieve the same overall signal power at thereceiver compared to a single transmitter.It is important to note that this is not just a reduction

in the per node transmitted power simply because thereare more nodes transmitting; this is also an increasein the energy efficiency of the transmission: a N -nodebeamforming array can achieve the same received sig-nal strength (RSS) at the receiver with as little as 1


of the total transmit power required by a single nodetransmitting individually.Physically this increased energy efficiency arises from

the increased directivity of the transmissions; the signalsfrom the individual transmitters combine constructivelyat the intended receiver and as a result a larger pro-portion of the transmitted power is concentrated in thedirection of the intended receiver. This is illustrated inFig. 1. This requires that the signals from the individ-ual transmitters are all aligned in phase at the intended

Page 2: Fully wireless implementation of distributed beamforming ......Fully wireless implementation of distributed beamforming on a software-defined radio platform ABSTRACT We describe the

receiver. This in turn requires precise control of thephase of the RF signal from each transmitter.


Virtual antenna array

Figure 1: Energy efficient transmission using dis-

tributed beamforming.

The key challenge in realizing the large potential gainsfrom beamforming is in precisely synchronizing the RFsignals. Each transmitter in general obtains its RF car-rier signal from its own local oscillator, and even whentwo oscillators are set to the same nominal frequency,because of manufacturing tolerances and temperaturevariations, they would in general have a non-zero fre-quency offset with respect to each other. In addition alloscillators undergo random unpredictable phase driftsover time. Finally, unlike a traditional phased array,a virtual array made up of collaborating wireless sen-sor nodes does not have a regular and precisely knowngeometry; furthermore standard localization techniquessuch as GPS fall far short of the accuracy necessary toovercome this geometric uncertainty for the purposes ofbeamforming. Thus, distributed beamforming requiresa highly sophisticated synchronization process that ac-counts for all of the above uncertainties.The goals of our implementation are two-fold: (a)

to provide a platform for prototyping and testing algo-rithms for distributed beamforming and other advancedvirtual array techniques, and (b) to develop and pub-lish an open-source implementation of the basic build-ing blocks for RF carrier synchronization to stimulatefurther research into advanced networking algorithmsbased on distributed beamforming and application ofthis concept to practical wireless networks.Note that there are other cooperative transmission

schemes that unlike distributed beamforming, do not re-quire precise phase alignment. This includes all relayingand multi-hopping schemes where different transmittersuse orthogonal space/time/frequency channels so thattheir transmissions do not interfere with each other.In contrast, beamforming depends on transmitters in-terfering with each other in a carefully controlled way.Orthogonal cooperation schemes can provide diversitygains in fading channels, however, they cannot provide

the energy efficiency gains achievable from beamform-ing.The problem of synchronizing transmitters for dis-

tributed transmit beamforming has attracted a greatdeal of attention over the last decade; many techniqueshave been developed offering different sets of tradeoffsbetween simplicity, overheads associated with coordina-tion messages between the transmitters, and overheadsassociated with channel feedback from the receiver.The 1-bit feedback technique introduced in [19] offers

one example of this tradeoff. This algorithm has at-tractive properties of robustness to noise, estimation er-rors, and other disturbances and it dynamically adaptsto channel time-variations. The 1-bit algorithm also hasthe very desirable property of scalability: the implemen-tation of the algorithm does not depend on the numberof collaborating transmitters; nodes can join and leavethe virtual array at any time and the algorithm auto-matically adapts without any reconfiguration.Finally the simplicity of this algorithm makes it possi-

ble to implement it on inexpensive hardware. For thesereasons, we chose this 1-bit feedback algorithm as thestarting point for our first implementation of distributedbeamforming on the SDR platform which forms the ba-sis for the results reported in this paper.

1.1 ContributionsOur contributions in this paper are summarized as


1. Open-source implementation of distributed

beamforming. While distributed beamforminghas been experimentally demonstrated before, ourSDR implementation is noteworthy in several re-spects:

• To the best of our knowledge, this is the firstever all-wireless implementation of distributedbeamforming; previous experimental work in[21, 32, 33] all make use of reliable wired, sec-ondary communication channels for channelfeedback and/or to distribute a reference clocksignal.

• Our implementation does not require any RFhardware modifications and performs the nec-essary RF signal synchronization entirely insoftware.

• Previous experimental work in [21, 32] are basedon custom designed hardware and as such,they are not easily reusable and extendable.The only previous implementation of beam-forming that used an open platform was [33],which however uses wired distribution of com-mon oscillator signals to all nodes as notedabove and therefore does not address the syn-

Page 3: Fully wireless implementation of distributed beamforming ......Fully wireless implementation of distributed beamforming on a software-defined radio platform ABSTRACT We describe the

chronization problem.

2. Digital architecture for synchronization. Ourimplementation of distributed beamforming is basedon a novel signal processing architecture for digi-tally synchronizing high-frequency RF signals. Thisarchitecture is based on the observation that evenat high frequencies on the order of 1 GHz, the rel-ative frequency and phase offsets between a pair ofoscillators are usually sufficiently small and slowlyvarying, that they can be estimated and correctedin software on standard CPUs.

3. Low complexity algorithms for synchroniza-

tion. We present low complexity digital techniquesfor several important synchronization sub-problemsincluding (a) an algorithm based on a modified ver-sion of the classical Costas feedback loop [4] forfrequency locking, (b) a general method for usinga reference signal at one frequency to synthesizea synchronized signal at a different frequency, and(c) a simple frequency multiplexing scheme thatallows the beamforming nodes to simultaneouslyreceive both a reference carrier signal and channelfeedback from the receiver.

Outline. The rest of the paper is organized as fol-lows. Section 2 presents some background informationincluding a survey of previous work related to coop-erative transmission techniques for wireless sensor net-works. We introduce our digital architecture for syn-chronization in Section 3. Section 4 introduces the setupfor our implementation of distributed beamforming anddescribes several signal processing algorithms that serveas building blocks for the implementation. We presentexperimental results from our implementation in Sec-tion 5 and conclude in Section 6.

2. BACKGROUNDWe now present some background information and a

brief survey of related work.

2.1 Cooperative transmission techniquesThe large gains achievable through collaborative trans-

mission schemes has been known to information theo-rists for many decades. Indeed the idea of cooperativebeamforming is implicit in many early information the-oretic works on multi-user channels [6]. The idea of dis-tributed beamforming can also be further generalized todistributed MIMO [37], where nodes in a wireless net-work organize themselves into virtual arrays that useMIMO techniques such as spatial multiplexing and pre-coding to potentially achieve substantially better spa-tial reuse in addition to energy efficiency. In fact, it hasbeen shown recently [24] that wireless networks usingdistributed MIMO can effectively overcome the famous

capacity scaling limits of wireless networks due to Guptaand Kumar [10]. This literature has, however, largelyignored the synchronization requirements for achievingthese cooperation gains.More recently the concept of user cooperation diver-

sity where nearby users in a cellular system use coop-eration to achieve decreased outage probability in theuplink was first suggested in [31] and further developedusing space-time coding theory [15, 7]. As noted ear-lier, cooperative diversity techniques have less stringentsynchronization requirements [16] as compared to beam-forming, but do not deliver the energy efficiency gainsachievable with beamforming.

2.2 Experimental implementations of cooper-ative transmission techniques

Following up on the recent interest in cooperativecommunication, there have been several experimentalimplementations to study the practical feasibility of theseideas. This body of experimental work is summarizedin a recent survey article [3], and has focused largely oncooperative diversity techniques. A recent experimen-tal study of the amplify-and-forward relaying scheme[22] on Rice University’s WARP platform [29] suggestedthat large gains are achievable even with a simple Alam-outi space-time code. A DSP-based testbed was used fora comparative study of cooperative relaying schemes in[36]. A general testbed for systematically studying dif-ferent MAC and PHY cooperative schemes was reportedin [14]. Implementations of cooperative relaying havealso been developed [2, 38] for software-defined radioplatforms very similar to the one used in our implemen-tation.Diversity schemes as pointed out earlier have substan-

tially less stringent synchronization requirements thanbeamforming, which makes them easier to implement.However, there have also been several recent experimen-tal studies of distributed beamforming [21, 32, 33]. Allof the above implementations have been based on the1-bit feedback algorithm.Distributed beamforming is also at the heart of the

Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) systems developed aspart of the European EASY-C project [11]; these makeextensive use of various capabilities of cellular networkinfrastructure such as (a) uninterrupted availability ofGPS signals, which are used to frequency-lock local os-cillators and to supply symbol-level synchronization [13],(b) uplink channels with high bandwidths and low la-tencies to send detailed channel state feedback from themobiles [12], and (c) a multi-gigabit backhaul networkfor Basestation coordination. In contrast, our work isaimed at the very different application setting of wire-less sensor networks, where we cannot depend on theavailability of such a sophisticated wired infrastructure.

Page 4: Fully wireless implementation of distributed beamforming ......Fully wireless implementation of distributed beamforming on a software-defined radio platform ABSTRACT We describe the

Master Tx

Slave Tx#1

Slave Tx#n


feedback signal




Slave Tx#2

Figure 2: Experimental setup.

2.3 Synchronization techniques for distributedbeamforming

While early work on cooperative communication didnot focus on the synchronization issues, this changedin the last decade, and a number of synchronizationtechniques for distributed beamforming have now beendeveloped (see the survey article [18]), including full-feedback closed-loop [34], 1-bit closed-loop [19, 21, 20],master-slave open-loop [17] synchronization, round-tripsynchronization [5], two-way synchronization [26]. Thesetechniques offer different sets of tradeoffs between sim-plicity, overheads associated with coordination messagesbetween the transmitters, and overheads associated withfeedback from the receiver.In general, the overheads associated with the synchro-

nization process has costs that must be weighed againstthe benefits available from beamforming. One of theimportant goals of our implementation is precisely toshow that these overhead costs are modest even with-out expensive custom designed hardware. Specificallywe used the inexpensive oscillators [23] that come stan-dard with the radios or Universal Software Radio Pe-ripherals (USRPs); these have frequency offsets on theorder of ±10 parts per million. In contrast, high qualityovenized oscillators with frequency tolerance of around20 parts per billion are now available [27] for around400 dollars. Highly stable chip-scale atomic clocks [35]are also now coming closer to commercial feasibility. Asthese high-quality oscillators become more widely usedin commodity wireless hardware, the overheads asso-ciated with carrier synchronization will become corre-spondingly smaller and this will make cooperative tech-niques such as distributed beamforming even more at-tractive over an increasing range of frequencies.

2.3.1 The 1-bit feedback algorithm

The 1-bit feedback algorithm for beamforming wasoriginally introduced in [19] and is illustrated in Fig. 3;under this algorithm, in every time-slot, each transmit-ter independently makes a random phase perturbation

in its transmissions to the receiver; the receiver moni-tors the received signal strength (RSS), and broadcastsexactly 1 bit of feedback to the transmitting nodes indi-cating whether the RSS in the preceding time-slot wasgreater than in previous time-slots. Using this 1 bitof feedback, the transmitters retain the favorable phaseperturbations and discard the unfavorable ones.

Figure 3: Illustration of the 1-bit feedback algo-


Over time, it can be shown [20] that the transmittersconverge to coherence almost surely under some mildconditions on the distribution of the phase perturba-tions. Furthermore the algorithm is extremely robust tonoise, estimation errors, lost feedback signals and time-varying phases; these attractive properties make it pos-sible to implement this algorithm on simple hardware,and indeed as noted earlier, distributed beamformingusing variations of this basic algorithm has been demon-strated on multiple experimental prototypes [21, 32, 33]at various frequencies.Nevertheless, this algorithm and its variants suffer

from a number of shortcomings.

1. Slow convergence rate. While the convergence rateof the 1-bit algorithm, with appropriately chosen

Page 5: Fully wireless implementation of distributed beamforming ......Fully wireless implementation of distributed beamforming on a software-defined radio platform ABSTRACT We describe the

parameters, has good scaling properties for largearrays (convergence time increasing no faster thanlinearly with number of transmitters [20]), in abso-lute terms, it requires a large number of time-slots.

2. Latency limitations. The 1-bit algorithm neglectslatency in the feedback channel; it assumes thatthe feedback signal is available instantaneously andsimultaneously at all the transmitting nodes. Ifthis assumption does not hold, maintaining time-slots across the beamforming nodes becomes muchmore challenging. In practice this may impose ahigh lower-bound on the time-slot duration whichcompounds the problem of slow convergence rate.

3. Poor performance with frequency offsets. Non-zerofrequency offsets between transmitters manifest them-selves as rapid time-variations in the phase. Whilevariations of the 1-bit algorithm have been devel-oped that can handle frequency offsets [32], thesetoo require high feedback rates on the order of10×∆fmax ×N , where N is the number of trans-mitting nodes and ∆fmax is the maximum fre-quency offset between the transmitters.

Recent work has shown that it is possible to overcomethe above shortcomings of the 1-bit algorithm while re-taining its attractive features by using richer feedbackfrom the receiver [1]. In our experimental setup we haveimplemented the receiver feedback in a flexible way thatallows for easy generalization to more advanced algo-rithms using multi-bit feedback.The latency limitations mentioned above can be es-

pecially challenging for software-defined radio platform[30] that typically have multiple buffering stages in thedata path, in addition to processing delays that de-pend on CPU loads and other uncontrollable factors.To get around this limitation, our current implementa-tion uses a separate explicit mechanism for frequencylocking the oscillators on the transmitters; this removesthe frequency offsets and allows us to use the simple 1-bit algorithm for beamforming even with slow rates offeedback.


The key idea behind our implementation is that whilethe RF signals transmitted by the beamforming nodesare themselves not suitable for digital processing, theclock offsets between oscillators that are nominally setto the same frequency are typically quite small. Forinstance, even very cheap crystal oscillators [23] haveworst-case frequency deviations on the order of ±10parts per million of the nominal center frequency. In ourexperimental setup, we used center frequencies around900 MHz, and thus our clock offsets can be expected to

be no greater than 9 kHz or so. In fact, our measure-ments with the oscillators on the USRP boards showedclock drifts that seldom exceeded 4 kHz. Furthermore,these offsets remained roughly constant over time-scaleson the order of hundreds of milliseconds.Thus, as long as we are working with relative offsets

between two oscillators, the frequencies are small enoughand their time-variations slow enough that they can betracked and compensated in software. This is the basicrationale behind our implementation.Different protocols for distributed beamforming have

been developed that solve the above problem in waysthat represent different tradeoffs between in-network co-ordination, feedback from the receiver and so on. Forinstance, under beamforming schemes using a master-slave architecture [17], there is a designated master nodethat supplies the reference signal c0(t), whereas underround-trip synchronization schemes [25], the receiver it-self implicitly provides the reference signal. The DSP-centric architecture developed in this paper is applicableto all of these schemes.

3.1 Two synchronization sub-problemsIn this paper we focus specifically on our implementa-

tion of beamforming based on the 1-bit feedback algo-rithm; the setup is shown in Fig. 2. Our implementationdivides the beamforming problem into two subproblems.

1. Frequency locking the transmitters. We usea master-slave architecture to frequency-lock thetransmitters. A designated “Master” node broad-casts an unmodulated tone; this tone is used as areference signal by the “Slave” nodes to digitallycorrect for frequency offsets.

2. Beamforming using 1-bit feedback. The frequency-locking process ensures that the Slave nodes havecarrier signals that are frequency-locked to eachother; they still have unknown but fixed relativephase offsets. The 1-bit feedback algorithm is usedto estimate and correct for these phase offsets, sothe Slave nodes’ transmissions are aligned in phaseat the Receiver.

The role of the Master node in our setup is simply totransmit an unmodulated RF tone that the Slave nodes(digitally) lock on to. While we used a dedicated Masternode in our setup for simplicity, it is straightforward tomodify this setup to have the receiver itself transmit areference tone, or to use an external reference such asthe signal from a GPS satellite if it is available. Each ofthese alternatives have their advantages and disadvan-tages. Thus for instance, uninterrupted availability of aGPS synchronization signal may not be a good assump-tion for indoor networks or where cost and form-factorconstraints preclude using dedicated GPS modules on

Page 6: Fully wireless implementation of distributed beamforming ......Fully wireless implementation of distributed beamforming on a software-defined radio platform ABSTRACT We describe the

low-pass filterbaseband

costas loop

low-pass filter

+freq translation

1-bit feedback


Phase compensation

Frequency compensation

Rx side Tx side

Figure 4: Signal processing at the Slave nodes.

each node. Similarly having the receiver send a refer-ence carrier signal eliminates the need for a separateMaster node, but the reference signal from a distant re-ceiver is likely to be more noisy as compared to a signalfrom a Master node co-located with the Slaves.In our setup, it is the Slave nodes that actually con-

stitute the beamforming array, and in our implementa-tion, most of the processing involved in synchronizationand beamforming occurs at the Slave nodes. The beam-forming implementation at the Slave nodes is shown inblock-diagram form in Fig. 4; as indicated in the blockdiagram, we can think of the beamforming process atthe Slave nodes as consisting of two parallel operations:frequency offset correction and phase offset correctioncorresponding respectively to the two steps of the syn-chronization process outlined above.As noted earlier, the 1-bit feedback algorithm requires

a high rate of feedback to effectively keep up with fre-quency offsets between transmitters. The above two-step procedure first eliminates the frequency offsets, sothat the 1-bit algorithm can be effectively used withonly a low rate of feedback from the distant receiver.Before we describe our implementation of the two-step

synchronization procedure, we first need to specify afrequency division multiplexing scheme for the differentconcurrent transmissions in this setup.

3.2 Frequency division multiplexing schemeOne important thing to note about our setup is that

there are three different RF signals being transmitted byvarious nodes in the network simultaneously: the refer-ence tone from the Master node to the Slaves, the beam-forming signal from the Slaves towards the Receiver,and the feedback signal from the Receiver to the Slaves.Specifically, we note that the Slave nodes receive botha reference tone from the Master node and a feedbacksignal from the Receiver.Thus we need to design a suitable frequency multi-

plexing scheme to make sure these signals do not inter-fere with each other, and can be extracted using rela-

tively simple filtering operations implemented in soft-ware. In addition, we also need to ensure that duplex-ing constraints are satisfied i.e. a nodes’ transmissionsshould not fall within the bandwidth of the same node’sreceiver, so there is sufficient amount of isolation be-tween the transmit and receive hardware.The frequency multiplexing scheme used in our ex-

perimental setup is illustrated in Fig. 5. The choiceof the specific frequencies in this scheme reflects a bal-ancing act between two conflicting objectives: one theone hand, we want to minimize the overall bandwidthof the signal received by the Slave node, so that the sig-nal can be digitized with a relatively low sampling rateand therefore a small processing burden for the signalprocessing software. On the other hand, if we make thefrequency separation between the reference signal fromthe master and the feedback signal from the receiver toosmall, then we will need sharp frequency-selective filtersat the Slave nodes to separate the two signals, and thisin turn increases the processing burden for the Slavenodes.

3.3 Simple baseband algorithm for frequencylocking

We now describe the first step of the two-step syn-chronization process described in Section 3.1. The goalof the frequency offset correction process is to lock theRF signals transmitted by the Slave nodes to a commonreference clock signal supplied by the Master node. Thisserves to compensate for the clock offsets between theoscillators at the Slave nodes.Conceptually the frequency-locking problem can be

formulated as follows. Given a reference signal c0(t) =cos(2πf1t) from the Master node (i.e. a sinusoid atfrequency f1), and the pair of local oscillator signalsci(t) = cos(2π(f1+∆fi)t+∆φi) and si(t) = sin(2π(f1+∆fi)t+∆φi) at Slave node i, we wish to digitally syn-thesize an RF signal ri(t) = cos(2πf2t + θi) at Slavei.Note that the signals ri(t) at Slave i can have an arbi-

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892MHz 964MHz (964M+200k)Hzfrequency


signal to Rx

reference signal

from Masterfeedback signal

from Rx

Figure 5: Frequency multiplexing scheme for beamforming experiment.

trary phase offset θi with each other, but must be lockedto the same frequency f2. The Slave nodes use the sig-nals ri(t) for beamforming. As discussed in Section 3.2,because of the duplexing constraints on the Slave nodes,the beamforming frequency f2 must be different fromthe frequency of the reference signal f1. In our setup,we can see from Fig. 5 that f1 = 964 MHz and f2 = 892MHz.Our implementation achieves frequency locking by track-

ing the frequency offset between the reference signalfrom the Master node and the Slave’s local oscillator.In our setup, we used a modified baseband version ofthe classic Costas loop to achieve the frequency locking;this baseband loop is shown in Fig. 7 and it works asfollows.The input to the baseband loop is the complex signal

exp(jφ(t)) which represents the pair of signals cosφ(t)and sinφ(t), where for Slave node i, φ(t) = 2π∆fit +∆φi. These signals are obtained as the in-phase andquadrature components by downconverting the refer-ence signal c0(t) using the local carrier signals ci(t))and si(t) respectively as shown in Fig. 6.







Figure 6: Oscillator offsets with reference signal.

The complex signal exp(jφ̂(t)) is the output of a dig-ital VCO with the frequency sensitivity K1, and there-fore we have by definition

φ̂(t) = K1

∫ t


e(τ)dτ (1)

The “error signal” e(t) is obtained from the difference

of φ(t) and φ̂(t) as shown in Fig. 7, and this relationshipcan be written as

e(t) = cos(

φ(t)− φ̂(t))


φ(t)− φ̂(t))





φ(t)− φ̂(t))



Equation (2) is mathematically equivalent to the clas-sic Costas loop [4], though our implementation shownin Fig. 7 is quite different from the traditional RFloop. Over time, the loop makes the “error signal” e(t)

very small, and therefore makes φ̂(t) close to φ(t) ≡2π∆fit + ∆φi. In other words this baseband loop atSlave i tracks the frequency offset ∆fi between the lo-cal oscillator signal of Slave i and the reference signalc0(t).The Slave node i is now in a position to generate

frequency-locked RF signals at frequency f1 simply byupconverting cos φ̂(t) and sin φ̂(t) using the in-phase andquadrature local oscillator signals ci(t) and si(t) respec-tively. However, for beamforming, we want to gener-ate frequency-locked carrier signals not at the same fre-quency f1 as the reference signal c0(t), but rather at adifferent frequency f2 as discussed earlier.In order to accomplish this, we use the fact that PLL-

frequency synthesizers [28] used to obtain RF signals atdifferent frequencies can be well-modeled as frequency-multiplying devices. Thus if Slave i generates an RFcarrier signal at frequency f2 from the same underlyingoscillator used to generate the signals ci(t) and si(t) atfrequency f1, the resulting signals will have frequencyoffsets given by f2

f1∆fi. In order to correct for these

offsets, we need to use cos φ̂2(t) and sin φ̂2(t) obtained

from the scaled offset estimate φ̂2(t) from the secondVCO as shown in Fig. 7; this scaled estimate can bewritten as

φ̂2(t) = K2

∫ t


e(τ)dτ ≡K2


φ̂(t) (3)

In the above, the VCO sensitivites K1, K2 must bechosen to satisfy K2


= f2f1; this ratio is equal to 892


our setup as shown in Fig 5.

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e(t) ejϕ2(t)

Figure 7: Modified baseband Costas loop for frequency-locking.

Note that this frequency-multiplication process mayproduce an unknown phase offset θi in the carrier sig-nals at frequency f2; however, this offset is constantand is easily compensated for by the 1-bit beamformingalgorithm.


All the nodes used in this setup are based on theUSRP RF and baseband boards [8] which is the mostpopular commercial SDR platform. We used the USRP-1 version of this platform, however our implementationis completely portable to the more recent versions.

Algorithm 1 Round-trip latency measurement.


initial flag ← truesamp count← 0while initial flag = true do

Average every 1000 samples to get anRSS estimateCompare RSS estimate with a pre-definedthresholdif RSS estimate ≥ threshold then

initial flag ← false//Round-trip latency in number of samples:r t latency ← samp countavg st time← r t latency+(1mS×samp rate)avg end time ← r t latency + (21mS ×samp rate)bf t slot end ← r t latency + (22mS ×samp rate)//Round-trip latency in milli-seconds:r t latency ← (samp count/samp rate)× 1000

end if

end while

The 1-bit feedback algorithm requires periodic feed-

back of 1 bit per time-slot from the receiver regardingthe received signal strength (RSS) of the beamformingsignal in the previous time-slot. In our implementation,the receiver simply sends a continuous wave signal pro-portional to the amplitude of the received signal. Thissignal is broadcast wirelessly to all the beamformingnodes. This feedback signal, of course, provides a lotmore than 1 bit of feedback information, and indeed wedesigned our feedback channel in a flexible way to per-mit easy generalization of our implementation to moresophisticated algorithms [1] to take advantage of richerfeedback information.Each Slave node receives this feedback signal with a

delay because of latencies in the software-defined radiosystem; we need to first estimate the round-trip (RT)latency between each Slave and the receiver in orderto extract the 1-bit feedback required for the beam-forming algorithm. We described our implementation ofthe frequency-locking process in Section 3.3 which formsthe first synchronization subproblem outlined in Section3.1. We now describe our implementation of the secondsubproblem i.e. the 1-bit beamforming algorithm. Thebeamforming algorithm on each Slave node consists ofan initialization procedure that measures the round-triplatency in the feedback channel, followed by the actualimplementation of the beamforming algorithm.The latency measurement algorithm is based on the

following simple idea. Initially when none of the beam-forming nodes are transmitting, the signal level at thereceiver consists of just background noise which is quitesmall and therefore the amplitude of the feedback sig-nal is also correspondingly small. Then when one ofthe Slaves starts transmitting, it can estimate its RT la-tency simply by counting the number of samples it takesbefore it sees an increase in the amplitude of the feed-back signal from the receiver. This, of course, requiresthat each Slave node be calibrated individually. In oursetup, we do this by using special flags in the software

Page 9: Fully wireless implementation of distributed beamforming ......Fully wireless implementation of distributed beamforming on a software-defined radio platform ABSTRACT We describe the

Parameter Variable name Value

Round-trip latency r t latency ≈30 msAveraging start time avg st time (r t latency+1)msAveraging end time avg end time (r t latency+21)msBeamforming time-slot end time bf t slot end (r t latency+22)msLow-pass filter bandwidth - 30kHzLow-pass filter transition width - 20kHzFrequency correction factor of Costas loop - 892/964VCO sensitivity of Costas loop - 100k rad/s/VBaseband sampling rate samp rate 2 MspsFPGA Decimation - 32FPGA Interpolation - 64Random phase perturbation distribution - uniformRandom phase perturbation angle rand pert ±15 degreesPast RSS window size past rss win 4

Table 1: Key parameters.

that can be switched on and off in real-time to start andstop transmitting from each Slave node.The pseudo-code for the initialization process and the

beamforming algorithm are given in Algorithms 1 and2 respectively. Key parameter values along with corre-sponding variable names referred to in the pseudo-codeare in Table 1.

5. RESULTSWe now show some experimental results from our im-

plementation. Fig. 9 shows a photograph of the receivernode in our experimental setup which is where the mea-surements reported in this section were recorded. Inaddition to the “Flex 900” RF daughterboard that thereceiver node uses for receiving the beamforming sig-nal and for transmitting the feedback signal, we alsoconnected an additional “Basic Tx” daughterboard tothe receiver node to enable us to view the received sig-nal strength at the receiver on an external oscilloscope.This setup is illustrated in Fig. 8.



to oscilloscope

Flex 900




Basic Tx



Figure 8: Measurement setup for beamforming


Figs. 10, 11 show screenshots from the oscilloscopeof two runs of the beamforming experiment. Specifi-cally, Figs 10 and 11 show the amplitude of the receivedsignal from the beamforming Slaves, with each Slavenode transmitting individually at first, and then trans-

Algorithm 2 1-bit feedback beamforming algorithm


samp count← 0past rss win← 0//cum phase is the cumulative phase of a slave duringa time-slot.cum phase← 0while initial flag = false do

if avg st time ≤ samp count < avg end timethen

Average the received signal samples to obtaincurrent rss, the estimate of RSS of current time-slot

else if samp count = avg end time then

Compare current rss with past rss winif current rss > past rss win then

feedback bit← trueelse

feedback bit← falseend if

From ±rand pert, generate random phase per-turbation as c rand pertcum phase← cum phase+ c rand pertif feedback bit = false then

cum phase← cum phase− p rand pertend if

Shift the FIFO past rss win by 1 to savecurrent rss in itSave c rand pert as p rand pert

else if samp count = bf t slot end then

samp count← 0end if

end while

Page 10: Fully wireless implementation of distributed beamforming ......Fully wireless implementation of distributed beamforming on a software-defined radio platform ABSTRACT We describe the

Flex 900


Basic Tx




Figure 9: Photograph of measurement setup.

mitting together while implementing the beamformingalgorithm and then finally transmitting together inco-herently (i.e. without running the beamforming algo-rithm). It is also possible to dispense with the externaloscilloscope completely and simply save samples of thereceived signal at the receiver node for offline processingand plotting; a typical result is shown in the plot in Fig.12 which represents another run of the beamforming ex-periment with the same sequence of steps as Figs. 10,11.

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5T6 T7 T8 T9

T1,T3,T9: Both slaves 1 and 2 are OFF

T2,T8: Only slave 2 is ON

T5,T7: Both slaves 1 and 2 are ON with beamforming enabled

T4: Only slave 1 is ON

T6 Both slaves 1 and 2 are ON with beamforming disabled

Figure 10: Received signal amplitude at the re-

ceiver - I.

The coherent gains from beamforming are apparentfrom the three plots. In other words, the amplitude ofthe received signal when the two Slaves are transmittingtogether is seen to be close to the sum of their individualamplitudes. It can also be seen that the beamforminggains quickly deteriorate when the two Slaves are trans-

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5T6 T7 T8 T9

T1,T3,T9: Both slaves 1 and 2 are OFF

T2,T8: Only slave 2 is ON

T5,T7: Both slaves 1 and 2 are ON with beamforming enabled

T4: Only slave 1 is ON

T6 Both slaves 1 and 2 are ON with beamforming disabled

Figure 11: Received signal amplitude at the re-

ceiver - II.

mitting together but incoherently i.e. with the beam-forming algorithm disabled.

T1,T3,T9: Both slaves 1 and 2 are OFFT2,T8: Only slave 2 is ON

T5,T7: Both slaves 1 and 2 are ON with beamforming enabled

T4: Only slave 1 is ON

T6: Both slaves 1 and 2 are ON with beamforming disabled

Figure 12: Received RSS at the receiver - III.

The plot in Fig. 13 also shows the “transient” of thebeamforming process; specifically it shows the ampli-tude of the received signal, with one Slave transmittingindividually at first, then the second Slave being turnedon with the beamforming algorithm activated on bothnodes. It is seen that the convergence time of the beam-forming algorithm is on the order of several hundredmilliseconds, which represents around 15 timeslots.

6. CONCLUSIONSWe described our implementation of distributed beam-

forming on an open software-defined radio platform. Thisimplementation is based on a novel signal processingarchitecture for the synchronization of high frequencyRF signals entirely in software. Our results show thatthe synchronization requirements for beamforming canbe satisfied with modest overheads on inexpensive com-

Page 11: Fully wireless implementation of distributed beamforming ......Fully wireless implementation of distributed beamforming on a software-defined radio platform ABSTRACT We describe the

T1 T2 T3

T1: Only slave 2 is ON

T2,T3: Both slaves 1 and 2 are ON with beamforming enabled


Figure 13: Rise time for beamforming - IV.

modity platforms without any hardware modificationsand without any wired infrastructure. This opens upmany interesting possibilities for future work in furtherdeveloping open-source building blocks for bringing thelarge potential gains from virtual antenna arrays to real-world wireless networks. In addition, this poses a chal-lenge of designing effective networking protocols to takeadvantage of cooperative communication schemes suchas beamforming.


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