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“Who listen to speech and follow the best of it. Those are the ones Allah has guided, and those are people of understanding.”

Holy Quran 39:18

This book is a small work compiled by the believers in Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (pbuh) the successor and messenger of Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh) the messenger from Jesus (pbuh) to the Christians and the messenger from Elijah (pbuh) to the Jews, as well as tha Yamani of the family of Mohammed (pbut) and the first of the 12 Mehdis

This book aims to compare the steps and progression of the divine call of Ahmed Al-Hassan (pbuh) when compared to the thousand plus year old prophecies of the Imams of the family of Mo-hammed (pbut) and the great Sayed, Prophet Mohamed (pbuhaf) himself.

The picture that emerges is one of undeniable harmony between the prophecies and the reality, which has unfolded and is unfolding today, at the hands of Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (pbuh); A har-mony, which could not have been fabricated by the most cunning of deceivers

I advise all whom call themselves truth seekers, to read this book with a clear and open heart, and to contemplate deeply the profound nature of these happenings

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1The Will Of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuhaf)

Written On His Deathbed

“O you who believe! It is prescribed upon you that when death approaches one you – if he leaves behind plenty – then he should make a will (wasiyyah) for his parents and near relatives in the

one-third. This is a duty upon the pious people.” Holy Quran 2:180

In the last verse we can see that Allah (swt) has ordered the believers to write a will when they feel their death is near. So did the master of all believers Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) leave a will? Or did he fail to fulfill the final commandment of Allah (swt)?

Ibn Abbas said: Thursday, and what a Thursday that was! The Messenger’s pain became very severe, and he said, “Come here, I will write you a document which will prevent you from straying from the right path.” But Umar said that the Prophet was under the spell of the pain, and that they had the Qur’an, which was sufficient being the Book of Allah. Ahl al-Bayt then differed and quarreled amongst themselves, some of them agreeing with what the Prophet said, while others supported Umar’s view. When the debate became heated and the noise became louder, the Messenger of Allah said to them, “Leave me alone.”

Ibn Abbas said: “The disaster was that the disagreement among the Companions prevented the Messenger from writing that document for them.” 1

This incident is well documented by both Shia and Sunni sources. However the story continues

1 Sahih, Muslim, End of the book of al Wasiyyah, vol 5 p 75, Musnad, Ahmed, vol 1 p 335, vol 5 p 116, Tarikh, Tabari, vol 3 p 193 ,Tarikh, Ibn al Athir, vol 2 p 320

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in the books of the Shia, when the Prophet (pbuhaf) calls Imam Ali (pbuh) and a handful of believers, back to his deathbed.

“O Father of Al Hassan, bring me a leaf and a paper”, and he dictated his will until he came to a position where he said, ”O Ali, there will be twelve Imams and after them there will be twelve Mahdi’s. You, O Ali, are the first of the twelve Imams; God has named you in his heavens Ali Al Mortada, The Prince of the believers, Grand truthful, the bright Farouq (Judge and differentiating between true and false), the trusted, and the Mahdi (rightly guided). These names may not be truly attributed to other than you. O Ali, you are my guardian on my own family, their living and their dead. My women, whom you maintain shall find me tomorrow, and whom you reject I am acquitted of her. I will not see her and she will not see me on the day of resurrection, and you are the successor (Khalifa) on my nation after me. If the day of death comes to you, hand it over to my son Hassan the very beneficial. Then if the day of death comes to him, let him hand it over to my son Al Hussein, the Martyr, the Pure and the Assassinated. If the day of death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, the master of the servants and worshipers Ali. If the day of death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Mohamed Al Baqir. If the day of death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Jaâfar Al Sadiq (the honest). If the day of death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Moussa Al Kadhim (The Patient). If the day of death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Ali Al Reda. If the day of death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Mohamed Al Thiqa (The Trustworthy). If the day of death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Ali Al Nasih (The Advisor). If the day death of comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Al Hassan Al Fadil. If the day of death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Mohammed the Mandate of the Holy Family of Mohammad Peace be upon them all. These are the twelve Imams. Then there will be twelve Mahdi’s after them. Then when Allah receiveth him, let him hand it over to his son, the first of the close ones, he has three names, one like mine and my Father’s: Abdullah (Servant of God), Ahmad and the third name is The Mahdi (the guided) and he is the first Believer.” 2

This hadith is a mystery and a sign in itself, as it is the only recorder will of the Prophet Mohammed (pbuhaf) that is complete, and it has been hidden in plain sight for centuries, waiting for its rightful inheritor to claim it.

2 Ghaybat al-Tusi, p. 150

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Imam Ahmed Al Hasan (pbuh) was the first man ever to stand up and claim that he was the one mentioned in the will of the holy prophet (pbuhaf), a will that was promised by him (pbuhaf) to be a safeguard for those who follow it, therefore, the act of Imam Ahmed Al Hasan (pbuh) claiming the will must be inherently safeguarded from misguidance as per the holy prophet’s (pbuhaf) promise

Following are some excerpts from Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan’s (pbuh) sermon, describing the beginning of his call:

In the Name of Allah, the Abundantly Merciful, the Intensely Merciful,

In the mausoleums of the two Imams, al-Hadi and al-Askari, was my first meeting with Imam al-Mahdi in this Physical world. And in this meeting I came to know Imam al-Mahdi and this meeting was many years ago. And after this meeting, I had many meetings with him, may peace be upon him, and he made known and clear to me many things. But he did not command me to deliver any message to anyone at that time rather he would instruct me so that I became mannered and obedient and so that I reach the levels of the Godly manners.

And he blessed me with knowledge and let me know about serious errors and wrong in the Howza of Najaf at the time, whether it be knowledge errors or practical errors, social, political or economic. Or whether it be the degeneration of some of the symbols of this Howza and this process was very painful for me. As this represented the collapse of the last castle which I thought represented the truth in the world. For me it represented the corruption of salt, for everything corrupted can be fixed by salt, but what if the salt (itself) becomes bad?

“Everything corrupted can be fixed by salt, but what if the

salt (itself) becomes bad?”

It was a painful and sad and scary process all in the same time, the Imam made me see the oppression and tyranny and corruption. And he left me face to face with this not knowing what to do, shall I return from where I came? A question that every time I would ask myself, the answer would be that I have now become a stranger in the midst of the Howza of Najaf. With what I knew of the truth, how could I not be even stranger to the people of this world?

On any occasion, the days and months passed and Allah willed that I meet with the Imam and this time he sent me to the Howza of Najaf so that I could recommend what the Imam told me to a small group of the students of the Howza. So I saw it as being important to go to this meeting even if it were short since this meeting represented a historical moment in my life, for it was the first time that Imam

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al-Mahdi, peace be upon him, directed me to work for him in a manner that was public in the Howza of Najaf.

Upon those who honor him be thousands of greetings and peace, and the story of this meeting was that one-day I was asleep and in my sleep I saw a vision. And Imam al-Mahdi was standing near the mausoleum of Sayyed Mohammad, the brother of Imam al-Askari, peace be upon him, and he ordered me to meet him and after that I woke up and it was 2 a.m, and I prayed 4 Raka’s of the Night Prayer, and I went to sleep and saw another vision also having Imam al-Mahdi in it asking to meet me. And I woke up and it was 4 a.m and so I finished my Night Prayers and then prayed Fajr.

Then after two days of these visions, I traveled to Samara where I found the two Imams, al-Hadi and al-Askari, peace be upon them. Then I returned to the country where I found Sayyed Mohammad, peace be upon him, then I went to Baghdad where I found the Imams Kazim and Jawwad, peace be upon them, then I went to Karbala where I found Imam al-Hussein and the martyrs, peace be upon them. And I met Imam al-Mahdi at night in the Mausoleum of Imam al-Hussein, peace be upon him. Then I met with Imam al-Mahdi in the morning in the Maqam of Imam al-Mahdi that is in Karbala at the end of Khidra Street.

So we sat in the Maqam alone, which was almost empty of people, with the exception of the servant (of the Maqam) who was standing in the women’s prayer area away from us. In any case, this day was the 30th of Sha’ban, the Hijri Moon year of 1420. And I returned after this meeting then fasted the month of Ramadan by the bounty of Allah, then at the end of Ramadan I headed to Najaf, so that I may recommend what I have come to know. So the conversation between some of the students and me became heated, and the result was cutting ties with some of them and a total disagreement with others of them. And some agreed with me without helping me and the days and months passed, rather almost 3 years passed without any supporter for me from the Howza students. And yes, there were some who agreed with me about the monetary corruption in the Howza and from here the movement to fix this monetary corruption began.

But it did not result in true restorations, some policies of some of the Marjas pertaining to money was changed but it was such a small change, it was barely worthy of mention. And many of the scholars remained the same and in return the society was full of people suffering from sickness and hunger of the body and soul, and not one of them was working to change the condition.

And a few months later my relationship with Imam al-Mahdi, peace be upon him, began to be shown. And that I was a Messenger sent from him and this process was not through an announcement by me alone. Rather a group of the Howza students, some of which knew me and some of which had no communication with me, heard and saw in the Kingdoms of the Heavens that verified this to them and they insisted on pledging allegiance to me.

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And I warned them of the difficulty of this matter and told them they would turn on me and leave me as the people of Kufa abandoned Muslim ibn Aqeel. But they pledged allegiance to serve me with their selves, and money, and children as they themselves admitted and I did not ask any of that from them. And that was in Jamadi of 1423, the Hijri Moon year, and after that many of the Howza students pledged allegiance to me.

But then there came to them something of fear and Saddam’s forces began coming after me so they went back on their pledge and oath. And then each individual and group searched for a reason to go back on their pledge and an allegation to accuse me of. But in the end they agreed upon two things, the first being to accuse me of being a Great Magician. The second accusation being that I control the Jinn and use them and summon them forth to control them.

“A group of the Howza students, some of which knew me

and some of which had no communication with me, heard

and saw visions in the Kingdoms of the Heavens that verified

this to them and they insisted on pledging allegiance to me”

And so I returned home after the group separated and there remained with me not except for a few of the Howza students and some of the believers. And in the year 1424 and in the month of Jamadi on the first, there came to me a group of the believers and they renewed their pledge to me. And they brought me out of my house and the Dawa had started again...

And on the last two days of the month of Ramadan in this year of 1424 Hijri Moon year (which was in November 2004), Imam al-Mahdi, peace be upon him, commanded me to address the people of the Earth in their entirety and to each with regards to their commands that will come from Imam al-Mahdi.

And on the third day of Shawal... Imam al-Mahdi, peace be upon him, commanded me to announce the Revolutions against the oppressors. And to calculate the steps and work fast for I have invited the people to the support of the truth and its people and to implement the truth, and to raise the words of ‘La Illaha Ill Allah (There is No God but Allah)’ for verily Allah’s word is the Highest! Verily Allah’s word is the Highest! Verily Allah’s word is the Highest! And the word of the disbelievers is the lowest.

So support Allah and He will support you and will make your feet firm. Is there not a supporter of the religion of Allah? Is there not a supporter of the Qa’im? Is there not a supporter of the Vicegerent of

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Allah? Is there not a supporter of Allah?

And I am not waiting for support/victory through the scholars and how can I wait and expect support of the scholars when Imam al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, said, in more than one hadith he confirms that many of them will fight Imam al-Mahdi, peace be upon him, with their tongues and teeth to the point that if the matter became imminent he eradicates 70 of their big scholars, and 3,000 of their small scholars.

How can I await support from them when Imam al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, said, “Allah will support this matter with the one who has no innovations, and if this matter came today, the one who is set upon the worship of idols shall exit out of it.”

And the idols as Imam al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, says are the non-working scholars, for there was no idols in the time of Imam al-Sadiq except Abu Hanifa and the likes of him.

And he, peace be upon him, said, “And if the Qa’im emerges, the ones who see themselves as the people of this matter, exit out of it. And the ones who were like the worshipers of the sun and moon enter into this matter.”

And the ones who do not support the Qa’im are the non-working scholars, even though the people expect that they are supporters of the Qa’im, peace be upon him. And how can I expect support from those scholars when the Imams have said that it is these scholars whose fault it is that the Ummah is separated and broken. In any case, O people of Iraq! Verily my father sent me to the people of the Earth and he has begun with you. And with the mother of cities, al-Najaf, and verily I am supported by Gabriel, Michael, Israfeal and the Kingdoms of the Heavens, and many who have accepted me with truth, the veil was stripped from them and their vision today is iron for they see what the people do not. And they hear what the people do not and what sign is greater than this sign of the soul?

As for the dreams/visions, every so often there comes to me a delegation from various countries, some far from Najaf, and many of them had seen in their sleep what leads them to support this true Message. Even if there were one or two visions, as an example, that bore enmity to the family of Muhammad, peace be upon them, but what shall those do to respond to the hundreds, no rather thousands of visions that most of them have one of the infallibles in it.

While the AhlulBayt, peace be upon them, say, “Whoever sees us [in a dream] has seen us. For the devil does not take our image.”

So the oppressors have not but to say that dreams are not a proof. Although a true dream is part of Prophethood and the Prophet and AhlulBayt took interest in dreams and took interest in listening to

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dreams. And they took very much interest in interpreting them and even though the Prophethood of some Prophets was mainly through dreams/visions, and their interpretation such as the Prophet Daniel, peace be upon him.

And even though Narjis, the mother of Imam al-Mahdi, came to Iraq to marry Imam al-Askari due to a true dream that she had. And she put herself at risk with war and prison while she was the grand daughter of Caesar the Roman.

And even though Wahab, the Christian supported al-Hussein, peace be upon him, because of a dream that he had of Jesus, peace be upon him.

And even though the nobleman of Bani Ummaya, Khalid the son of Sa’id al-Aas the Ummayad, became a Muslim because of a dream he had of the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny.

Despite all this, the ignorant ones and the tyrants falsify and reject dreams without even contemplating or thinking. And by truth I tell you, what is happening to the people right now is a great revelation through dreams, but most of the people are disbelievers in the grace of Allah and most of them do not thank Allah.

This is the preference of Allah upon us, and yet most of the people do not give thanks to Allah. And all thanks and praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds!

And I have told many people about important future events that will happen and it happened just as I had told them. And from those things was when I told them, the people who pledged allegiance to me in the first time would go back on their oath. Which was a year and a half ago and also those who pledged allegiance to me in this year (2004) would go back on their oath.

And from it was the prediction of the end of the rule of the Children of Adultery, Saddam and his impure soldiers. And many other things, that would not fit in this one statement, ask those who communicated with me about them. Rather ask them about the miracles which they have seen with their own eyes.

And so I ask you by Allah, in whose hand is the Kingdom of the Heavens, is it Allah or is it Satan, may Allah’s curse be upon him?

So if you say that these things are magic or from the Jinn and that is your statement, a rival is he who says that the Kingdom of Heavens is in the hands of the Devil, may Allah curse him. And Allah curses he who says such an ignorant stupid statement and insists upon it and does not repent to Allah over it.

And today I ask for your help as my grandfather al-Hussein asked for your help. So is there anyone to

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help us? For if you turn from us and betray us, as such did your fathers before you, and my father was patient as I shall be patient until the Most Merciful reveals my matter. As I was patient last year when they left me like Muslim ibn Aqeel, peace be upon him, at the time I had no supporters except for a few. And they did not leave except in fear of Saddam, may Allah curse him, and in greed over the world. But Allah saved me from Saddam even though all the attempts of his disbelieving forces to arrest me.

And whoever belies this truthful invitation, here I am between your hands, and here are tens of believers in this invitation whose veils have been stripped from over them and they look into the Kingdoms of the Heavens. And hundreds, rather more than that, whom have seen truthful dreams of Imam al-Mahdi, peace be upon him, or one of the Imams, peace be upon them, or Fatimah al-Zahra, peace be upon her, or the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, instructing them in it to follow this truthful invitation.

And I am ready for a Mubahila, rather I challenge the scholars of all the sects of Islam, Sunni or Shia, and not just that but also the scholars of the Christians and Jews. A challenge, that I am a Messenger for the Muslims from al-Mahdi, and for the Christians from Jesus and for the Jews from Elijah.

And I am prepared to debate any of them by their own books and I am the humble ignorant servant who knows more about the Quran than they do, and knows more about the Bible and the Torah and the places that were forged in them by the preference of knowledge given to me by Allah.

Nay, they have no strength to respond to the knowledge given to us by Allah, and I am positive that whoever of them asks for guidance, they shall receive it. As for he whom disbelieves due to his desire for this filthy world, then I challenge him to a Mubahila in the same sitting so that whosoever lives shall live clearly for all to see and whosoever dies shall die clearly for all to see.

So whosoever accepts me with the acceptance of truth will have won in this world and in the afterlife and will be happy. And whosoever rejects me shall reject the truth and will have lost the world and the hereafter. And very soon you shall see what sin you have committed and what sanctity you have violated and regret will be of no avail. And soon enough I shall be the caretaker over you.

O you seeds of the killers of al-Hussein so of Ali, peace be upon him!! For your scholars killed him before you and your mujtahids such as Shimr son of al-Jawshan and Shams son of Rab’y and your forefathers helped them. And today if I willed I could name which one of you is Shimr son of al-Jawshan and Shams son of Rab’y.

But wait! What do I have to do with those fools who can barely even understand a single hadith (narration)!? And do not be happy O you oppressors!! Do not be happy by me leaving you and making hijra from your lands, for it won’t be long before I return, with my father, Muhammad

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son of al-Hassan, the Mahdi, peace be upon him3, who shall not give you except the sword and death under the shadow of the sword!

O you who were satisfied with what your forefathers did and followed Shimr, may Allah’s curse be upon him, in your life time, and Shams son of Rab’y, may Allah’s curse be upon him, in your homes, and regret shall not avail you then O killers of the Prophets and the sons of the Prophets.

“O you oppressors!! Do not be happy by me leaving you and

making hijra from your lands, for it won’t be long before I

return, with my father, Muhammad son of al-Hassan, the

Mahdi, peace be upon him, who shall not give you except

the sword and death under the shadow of the sword!”

And you shall not find except the loss of this world and the hereafter due to what your hands wrought and your tongues of fraud and deceit and lies and assumptions and false accusations and my father shall come to you angry and sorry by what you did to me and how you violated my sanctity. And then you shall know when knowledge does not benefit you at all, whom you plotted against and which sanctity of Allah and Muhammad and Ali and their families, peace be upon them, you violated.

“O you twisters of the words and killers of the Prophets

and their sons! Allah will not allow you to get at my neck

as He allowed you with my grandfather al-Hussein, peace

be upon him.”

So this is the end and today is Allah’s greater day and this is a warning from the first warnings, and verily it is one of the big warnings. This is a warning to mankind and I shall return to my father Muhammad son of al-Hassan, the Mahdi, and tell him how you belied me and violated my sanctity with your deceit and false accusations and finally how you tried to imprison me and kill me not for any crime but rather only because you knew the truth I had come with would not leave of your falsehoods 3 Notice here that the Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (pbuh) says he is leaving, and wont return except with his father (pbuh), as you read on you will see that indeed this is exactly what took place

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And you shake hands with those who deny the existence of Allah, such as the communists and do not deny them anything.

I put my trust in Allah. So devise your plot, you and your partners, and let not your plot be in doubt for you. Then pass your sentence on me and give me no respite.

And if you turn away [from my advice] then no payment have I asked of you. My reward is only from Allah, and I have been commanded to be of the Muslims.” * And they denied him, so We saved him and those with him in the ship and made them successors, and We drowned those who

denied Our signs. Then see how was the end of those who were warned.Quran 10:72

All praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. 4

This was a statement from the Messenger of Imam al-Mahdi to the people of Earth in their entirety, on the date of the 27th of Shawwal, 1424 Hijri Moon year.

4 Sermon of Meeting Imam Al-Mahdi, Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (pbuh)

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2The Call of Ahmed Al-Hasan (pbuh)

Abu Abdullah (pbuh) said: “The Messenger of Allah (pbuhaf) said (Glad Tidings to whoever realizes the Qa’im of my Ahlul Bayt and follows his example before his rise, supports his supporters and declares himself innocent from his enemy, and follows [the commands] of the guiding Imams before him, those are my companions and the owners of my love and the most honorable of my nation to me). Rifaa’ said: (And the most honorable creation of Allah to me).” 5

Jafar al-Sadiq (pbuh) said: “The one who will arise (al-qa’im) will not come forth until twelve of the Banu Hashim come forth before him, all of them summoning men to themselves.” 6

Imam Al Baqer (pbuh) said: “The emergence of the Sufyani, Yamani and Khurasani is in one year, in one month, in one day, ordered like the order of beads, some people will follow some of them and there will be misery on every face, woe to those who stayed far away from them and there is no banner more guided than the banner of the Yamani, his banner is the banner of guidance because he calls/ invites to your Companion/Sahib (Sahib al Zaman (pbuh)), so if the Yamani emerges he will make arms dealing forbidden for the people and every Muslim, and if the Yamani emerges then rise up towards him, indeed his banner is the banner of guidance, and it is not permitted for a Muslim to turn away from him, and whoever does this then he is from the people of the hellfire, because he calls/invites to the truth and to the straight path” 7

Here the Holy Imams clarify the rank and station of the Yamani, and clarify the obligation of joining him, and keep in mind that Allah (swt) only obligates us to obey an infallible imam.5 Ghaybat Al-Toosi p456, Bihar Al-Anwar v52 p1306 Ketab Alghibah by Sheikh Altusi: Page: 437. Alershad by Sheikh Almofied: V2, Page 327. E’lam Alhoda be’lam Alwara: V2, Page 2807 p.264 Gaibat Al Numani

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3The Banner of Ahmed Al-Hasan (pbuh)

“Verily we, Ahlul Bayt have a banner, whoever goes ahead of it have renegaded, and whoever is late to it have perished, and whoever follows it has followed [us], it is written in it: ‘Allegiance is to Allah!’”8

One of the principal teachings of Imam Ahmed Al Hasan (pbuh) is the supremacy of Allah (swt), meaning that it is Allah who chooses his successors on the earth, and it is not up to human beings to elect their leaders

Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (pbuh) says in the Sermon of Hajj:

I call you to acknowledge the supremacy of Allah and reject the supremacy of people. I call you to obedience of Allah, and to reject the obedience of Satan and the obedience of his counterparts from the deviant clerics. I call you to the fear of Allah, acknowledgement of His supremacy, and the rejection of what is other than it without consideration of the political reality that America imposes. I call you to the rejection of Falsehood even if it suits your desires. I call you to the acknowledgement of Truth and to the following of Truth even if it was devoid of that which the people of this world have lowly desired.

Proceed towards the bitterness of the Truth as in the bitter remedy is the cure for the chronic disease. Proceed towards the Truth, which shall leave you no friend. Proceed towards the Truth and the Light while you want for nothing but Allah swt and the hereafter, away from the ornaments of this world and its darkness.

Since the beginning of his call Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan raised the banner, which read, “Allegiance is to Allah!” (First a white flag with green writing, and today a black flag with yellow writing) and it is the only banner on earth with such a statement.8 - 250 Signs Page 15

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4The Platform of Egypt

Abaya Al-Asady said “I heard the Prince of Believers (pbuh) saying: “Verily I shall build a platform in Egypt.” So I said, “O Prince of Believers, it is as if you are saying that you will rise after your death.” He (pbuh) said, “How far fetched, O Abayah! You went into a different sect, a man from me does that”9

Also narrated by him (pbuh), in a narration mentioning Al-Mahdi (pbuh) and his companions:

“…and the Grand Truthful walks with the BANNER of GUIDANCE…he then walks to Egypt and steps up on his platform and preaches to the people…and throws knowledge in the hearts of believers, so no believer needs what his brother possesses from knowledge, at that time the interpretation of the verse occurs:

“Allah will enrich each from His abundance”Holy Quran 4:13010

In this narration, he clarified that the platform of Al-Mahdi has preceded Al-Mahdi to Egypt, meaning it is a platform, which has been prepared beforehand by the precious ones of Egypt.

In 2008 after believing in the Call of Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (pbuh) Abdullah Hashem, and a group of believers immigrated to Egypt, and spent the next years producing and spreading videos and media about the call of Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (pbuh) to all four corners of the world, a task which they continue to do until this day.

9 Bihar Al-Anwar Vol. 53 page 59.10 Bihar Al-Anwar Vol. 53 page 85, Bisharat Al-Islam page 74.

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5The Six Years of Silence

Al-Asbagh Ibn Nabata said: I went to the commander of the believers (pbuh) so I found him drawing lines in the earth, so I said to him: O Commander of the believers, why do I see you contemplating and drawing lines in the earth? Do you desire it? So he said: “By Allah, I have never desired it nor have I ever desired the world, but I was thinking about a man who will be born from the eleventh from my sons, he is the Mahdi who will fill it with justice and equity as it was filled with oppression and injustice. There will be a confusion and an absence for him, people will go astray in it, and some others will be guided in it” So I said? So how long will the confusion and absence be? So he (pbuh) said: “six days, or six months, or six years” 11

During the time of the 6 years of absence, a great deception took place, where some of the men who were physically present with the Imam (pbuh) claimed that they were in contact with him, and claimed that they were moderators between him and the people, these deceivers then established an office and Facebook page in his (pbuh) name, many of the believers were tricked by these liars.

11 Ghaybat AlToosi p 165 hadith 127

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6The Calf

“Imam Al-Sadiq a.s said:(…Likewise is the Qaim (a.s). The days of his absence will stretch so the truth may become clear and the belief may become pure from impurity by the apostasy of everyone from the Shia with a wicked nature, who are feared from being hypocrites when they expect heirship and empowerment and a vast security in the reign of the Qaim (a.s.)… [Until he said] “and that, when nothing will remain from Islam except its name, and from the Qur’an except its scripture, and [when] the owner of the matter becomes absent by a clarified reason for it, because of overwhelming fitna over the hearts, until the closest one to him becomes the most hostile (most vicious enemy) to him, thereupon, Allah will support him by soldiers whom you did not see, and will manifest the religion of His Prophet through his hands, and will manifest it over all religion, even if those who associate others with Allah dislike it” 12

In the book The Calf by Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (pbuh), Volume 1, Chapter of “The Fitna (The Trial) of the Calf, Imam Ahmed (pbuh) mentions that The Sameri was a scholar, ascetic, worshipper, mujahid (performed Jihad and strove and fought against the tyrant), used to see Gabriel and things from the Unseen, which only him could see, and that he was a leader and at the forefront of the companions of Moses (pbuh), and was from the best of the companions of Moses (pbuh).

But this very revered ascetic worshipping scholar, The Sameri, felt that he is more deserving of leading Bani Israel in the absence of Moses (pbuh) than Aarun (pbuh), so he made the Calf for the followers of Moses and Aaron (pbut), and to convince them, he made the calf produce a voice, like that of a real calf.

Imam Ahmed Alhassan (a.s) said:

12 Kamaul Din p 356, Ghaybat AlToosi p 172, Bihar AlAnwar v51 p222

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“Thus, just as there was Samari with Moses, and there was Judas with Jesus, similarly with Muhammad (pbuhaf) the likes of Sameri and his associates were present, and similarly there will be a Sameri and his associates with the Mahdi. This is the Sunnah (way) of Allah, and you will not find a change in the Sunnah (way) of Allah” 13

Here we can see that the prophecy of Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (pbuh) came true, when those who seemed to be “scholars” and “ascetics” and close ones, misguided the believers during his (pbuh) absence, and built the calf (the office and the Facebook page) and made the calf “produce a voice” (the voice of the imposter which appeared on the Facebook page)

13 Al-Jawab Al-Moneer

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7The Death of King Abdullah

“The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: Hijaz will be ruled by a man who has the name of an animal, If you looked at him you will see that he is cross eyed from far and if you came close to him, you will not see anything wrong with his eyes. His brother who is called Abdullah will succeed him. Woe unto the Shia from him, he repeated it three times, give me the glad tidings of his death I will give you the glad tidings of the APPEARANCE OF THE HUJJAH” 14

Just as the prophecy predicted, Hijaz or Saudi Arabia was indeed ruled by a man who’s name is the name of an animal, his name was King Fahd (Leopard) his eyes appeared crossed from a far, but up close they appeared normal. After his death, his brother Abdullah succeeded him precisely as the hadith has mentioned, even though it is not often that a brother succeeds a king. Furthermore, these men were followers of the Wahabi religion and therefore staunch enemies to the Shia of Ale Mohammed. This hadith is a true miracle, and contemplating it is of the utmost importance, to those who have minds with which to think.

On the 23 of January 2015, news the king of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah Bin Abdel-Aziz death was announced, thus fulfilling one half of this prophecy, what was left was for the prophet (pbuhaf) to bring “glad tiding of the appearance of the Hujjah,” this was fulfilled that very same night, when 12 men were taken to meet the Hujjah of Allah, Imam Mohamed Ibn Al-Hassan Al-Askari (pbuh). These 12 men are the only people on planet earth to fulfill this ancient promise of the prophet, and bring glad tidings from his successor to those who have ears to listen, and this in itself is a great proof against any denier. Yet many belied them and continue to do so until today, fulfilling yet again another prophesy.

14 250 signs p.122

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8The Twelve Men

Imam Al-Sadiq (pbuh) said: “The Qa’im will not rise until 12 men say that they have seen him, so the people will belie them” 15

Imam al-Baqir (pbuh): “The companion of this matter will go into occultation in some of these passes” and he pointed out with his hand to the direction of Thee-Towa. Then he said: “Until before he comes out, the Mawla who was with him will come forth until he meets some of his companions and ask: ‘How many of you are there?’ They will reply: ‘We are forty people.’ Then he will ask: ‘what will you do if you see your Companion (the Companion of the Matter (pbuh))? They will reply: ‘By Allah, if he goes from here and takes refuge at any mountain, we will also be with him.’ Then he will come to them and say: ‘Point to ten of your leaders or the best of you,’ then they point to them for him, so he takes them and brings them to their Companion (Imam Mahdi). He will promise them the coming night (or he meets them the coming night)” 16


In the Name of Allah, The Abundantly Merciful, The Intensely MercifulAll praises belong to Allah the Lord of the Worlds O Allah send Your prayers upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad the Imams and the Mahdis

Peace, Mercy, and Blessings of Allah be upon you the believing Ansar of Allah in the easts of the Earth

15 Ghaybat Al-Noamani p277 (in another version page 285)16 Ghaibat Al-Noa’mani, P. 187, Tafsir Al-Ayashy, V. 2, P. 56, Bihar Al-Anwar, V. 52, P. 341, Mu’jam Ahadith Al-Imam Al-Mahdi, V. 5, P. 2.

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and its wests.

I, and I seek refuge from the I, am your servant Aba Gibra’eel (Aba Gabriel) one of the twelve men who have been honored to meet the Hujjah of Allah (Imam Muhammad son of Al-Hassan Al-Askari) (pbuh). I will mention to you the story of the meeting, and I will make sure not to mention some of the details because of the sensitivity of the matter. May Allah grant you success to all which is good.

We are forty-two men, and with Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (pbuh) we become forty-three men. Among us is he who believes in this blessed call before hearing about it, and among us is he who believes in it since the first day he heard about it, and among us is he who believes not so long ago. The Sayyed the Father Ahmed Al-Hassan (pbuh) has gathered us from several countries, among which are Arab, Islamic, Western, and Asian countries, until one year and a half ago we gathered in one place. And Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (pbuh) was with us and among us. We had a place where all of us would gather at a certain time everyday, until after the Fajr prayer each of us would go to their job, which the Father Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (pbuh) has given to him and charged him with. Until that blessed promised day came and we heard about the destruction of the criminal (Abdullah the king of Hijaz).

As usual we gathered in that blessed place which is fortified by Allah (swt). The Father (pbuh) had been absent from us for some nights before this night, and we were missing him very much. One hour before the Fajr prayer, the courageous lion of Allah came forth to us with his glory, which seizes the hearts and eyesight, him and two of his companions from your purified brothers who are used to accompanying Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (pbuh) everywhere and wherever he goes.

And he (pbuh) entered upon us while he was smiling, so he said: ”Peace be upon you and the Mercy of Allah and His blessings”.

So everyone responded to the greetings with yearning and longing. So he (pbuh) said: “How are you O my sons, inshaAllah you are all well”.

So the brothers said, “All praises belong to Allah O my father, we are well and all praises belong to Allah”.

So he (pbuh) said: “Did the news of the destruction of the tyrant Abdullah, may Allah curse him, reach you?”

So they said: “Yes”. So he (pbuh) said: “This is the day of Allah. This is the promise of Allah The Almighty for His righteous sincere servants”.

Then he (pbuh) said: “What will you do if you see Imam Al-Mahdi Muhammad son of Al-Hassan Al-Askari may my soul be sacrificed for him?”

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So they said: “By Allah by Allah if he goes from here and takes refuge at any mountain we will go with him”.

So The Father (pbuh) said: “By Allah you have said the truth, for Allah did not create Ansar (supporters) on the Face of Earth like you, neither before you nor after you”.

Then he said: “Now I want you to point at the best of you and to choose ten to meet Imam AlMahdi Muhammad son of AlHassan AlAskari (pbuh)”.

Here everyone was keen to choose their brothers, and it didn’t cross the mind of any of them to choose himself or to think that he is better than his brother. So everyone was telling everyone “I choose you”. And the Father (pbuh) was looking to them and smiling (pbuh) Then he said: “Send prayers upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad the Imams and the Mahdis”. So everyone sent prayers upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad.

Then the Father (pbuh) said again “I swear by Allah The High The Great that Allah never created Ansar like you, you are the best Ansar on the face of the Earth, there never came Ansar like you, and there will never come Ansar like you, with this sincerity, loyalty, and faith in Allah The Almighty”.

Then he praised Allah and thanked Him. Then he became silent for some seconds, then he said: “You must choose ten”. So he (pbuh) said: “Form ten groups, each group has four believers, and let every group composed of four to choose one believer to represent them”.

So the believers did as the Father (pbuh) requested. So each group chose a person. So the total number of the chosen ones was ten believers. So the Father (pbuh) said: “The Fajr prayer time has come”, so he pointed to one of the brothers and told him, “Rise and make the Athan”. So he made the Athan and we prayed in congregation by the leadership of the Sayyed the Father (pbuh)

So we went forth twelve men and with us was the Sayyed the Father (pbuh) and we were filled with longing and yearning and excitement and a heart which was beating so fast like the speed of the lightning and a body which was shaking like a tree on a stormy winter day, because of the greatness of the matter. So we arrived to the place, which Imam Al-Mahdi (Muhammad son of Al-Hassan Al-Askari) (pbuh) was at. So we met him (pbuh) and after the greetings and after a long conversation, which took more than two and a half hours, he (pbuh) directed us and informed us of unseen matters, which will take place, and events worldwide, with the most accurate details. And he (pbuh) informed us of what will happen in the world and in accurate details, from them are Iraq, Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Japan, Italy, the greater Devil America may Allah curse it, North Korea, South Korea, Qatar, Jordan, and in the most accurate details, even with mentioning the day and the hour.

And we take this occasion in our challenge with the Sameri and the Calf may Allah curse them the

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companions of the alleged office which is falsely and by fraud attributed to Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh) while he is innocent of them, and the cursed companion of the Page, and the cursed companion of the voice, to bring forth one unseen matter (one future event) and to give us all the details with mentioning the day on which it will take place.

And we will do them same; we will give you one matter of the unseen which no one has ever heard of and no one will hear of, and no one has ever talked about it, you will hear it for the first time from us, and it will take place inshaAllah, and we will give you the most accurate details with mentioning the day, the hour, and the minute.

So if you are truthful like you claim, then accept our challenge to you. Otherwise, you are liars, hypocrites, immoral, corrupt, and disbelievers, and at that time nothing will remain as a cure except for the sword to you, and at that time, I swear by Allah The High The Great, we will not have mercy upon you, and we will crush and destroy your nests, the nests of misguidance, disbelief, lying and slandering against Ahlul Bayt (pbuh), and at that time no regret nor repentance will benefit you.


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9The Companion of Egypt

Imam Ali (pbuh) informs us of Sahabi Masr (The companion of Egypt): Imam Ali (pbuh) said: “No one recognizes him while he is with them, he is patient like the Awliyaa’ (the Preferred Ones of Allah swt), and he raises The Black Banner; By Allah he is the one who prepares for the Mahdi”17

“He is known to the people but he is in hiddenness” 18

Upon hearing the news of the 12 men, who were now exposing the false office, Abdullah Hashem prayed to Allah (swt) to guide him to the truth, and upon receiving his answer, he believed in the call of the 12 men (pbut).

Abdullah began producing videos in secret, calling people to awaken to this great revelation, and raising the new black banner of the Imam (pbuh) while the office continued to praise him, further proving that their so-called imam is ignorant of the unseen.

He finally came out in the open and denounced the office, along with those around him.

This was a huge shot to the false office, and many people became aware of the deception. Unfortunately many too did not, preferring to hold on to the fake office (the Calf) and the non-working scholars (the Sameri) and chose instead to attack Abdullah and other believers by cursing them and mocking them and insulting them.

17 What Imam Ali (pbuh) said about the End Times18 What Imam Ali (pbuh) said about the End Times

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The office also ordered its followers not to engage the followers of the black banners in any debate, a typical tactic of those who have nothing to hold on to in terms of proofs and evidences.

This alone is a proof against them, because neither Prophet nor Imam ever ordered their followers to curse people, to mock their physical appearances and to deny, ignore and flee away from any rational discussion.

Anyone who posses reason and basic manners and politeness can see that the prophets and imams are far above this behavior, in fact, this has been the stance of the disbelievers throughout history.

Have these so-called scholars and their followers ever even opened the Quran?

Indeed, We sent Noah to his people, [saying], “Warn your people before there comes to them a painful punishment.”

He said, “O my people, indeed I am to you a clear warner,[Saying], ‘Worship Allah , fear Him and obey me.

Allah will forgive you of your sins and delay you for a specified term. Indeed, the time [set by] Allah, when it comes, will not be delayed, if you only knew.’ “

He said, “My Lord, indeed I invited my people [to truth] night and day.But my invitation increased them not except in flight.

And indeed, every time I invited them that you may forgive them, they put their fingers in their ears, covered themselves with their garments, persisted, and were arrogant with [great] arrogance.

Holy Quran 71:1-8

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10The Sifting

Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) say: “By Allah, you are going to be tested, clarified and sifted like sifting out the bitter grain from wheat.” 19

Abu Abdullah (pbuh) said: “There will be very few Arabs with the Qa’im” So it was said to him: “But a lot of them describe this matter [of the Qa’im]!” So he (pbuh) said: “The people must be tested and sifted and classified, and a lot of people will come out of the sieve” 20

It is Clear from the word of the holy imams (pbut) that there will be sa sifting, and many if not most of those who claim to believe in the Qai’m, will fall out of the belief, such as the coarse material will fall from the sieve, and only the finest particles will pass through it.

19 Ghaibat Nomani20 Ghaybat Al-Noamani p204

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11The Companions of Imam Mahdi

Imam Ja’far Sadiq (as) that he said: “Woe unto the arrogants of the Arabs from a soon evil.” I said: “May I be your ransom! How many of the Arabs will be with the Qaim (as)? ”He said: “Very few.” I said: “By Allah, those who talk about this matter among the Arabs are too many!” He said: “People must be tried, sifted and purified. Much many people will be thrown away from the sieve” 21

Abu Bashir says: Imam Abu Abdullah (pbuh) said: “There will be very few people from among the Arabs alongside the Qaim [Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)” 22

Ameerul Momineen Ali Ibne Abi Talib (pbuh) declared,“The companions of Mahdi shall all be young and none shall be old except a small number equivalent to the kohl applied to the eyes or the salt sprinkled in the food.” 23

Most of these followers [of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)] are young while the old are very few. 24

Only few remained with the black banners, a small group of young men and women from around the world, as opposed to the old Arabs that dominated the office scene.

21 Ghaibat Nomani22 Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 23923 Ghaibat-e-Nomani, pg. 170, Roozgaarhaai, vol. 1, pg. 415, tradition 48024 Bihar al-Anwar, vol: 52, p. 334

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12The Rise

The Messenger of Allah (pbuhaf) said: (...Until black banners are raised from the East. They will ask for the truth/right but they will not be given it, then they will ask for the truth/right but they will not be given it, then they will ask for the truth/right but they will not be given it. So they will fight, so they will be given victory. So whoever realized him from you, or from your descendants, then let him go to the Imam of my Ahlul Bayt, even if crawling on ice, for they are banners of guidance, they will push it to a man from my Ahlul Bayt, his name matches mine, and the name of his father matches the name of my father, so he will rule the earth, so he will fill it with justice and equity as it was filled with oppression and injustice) 25

From Thawban, he said: The Messenger of Allah (pbuhaf) said: “Three will be killed at your treasures all of them are the son of a Khaleefa (Caliph/Successor) and then it will not be to anyone of them. And then black banners from the East will emerge and will fight them with a fighting not a folk will fight like it, and then he mentioned a youth and said: If you see him pledge allegiance to him, for he is the SUCCESSOR OF THE MAHDI” 26

So we can see here that the back banners will rise with their leader, “the Successor of the Mahdi” or Imam Ahmed Al-Hasan, and the imams of Ahlul Beit, have ordered the people to pledge allegiance from him, for definitely his mission will be successful and he will surely fill the world with justice, just as it is filled with injustice

25 Mo’jam Ahadith AlImam AlMahdi Volume 1 Page 38226 Bisharat Al-Islam page 30

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13The Prophecies

On the night of Wednesday the 30th of September Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (pbuh) prophesied three major events:

1. One of the Arab leaders will become very ill, until the people will believe that he will die, but he will not

2. Many world rules will die in the near future

3. In the coming few days, a strange event will take place that will be talked about a great deal in the media

Let this be a sign to those who are sound of mind.


“Who listen to speech and follow the best of it. Those are the ones Allah has guided, and those are people of understanding.”

Holy Quran 39:18