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ftve to Wellvilie

I F Y O U h a v e the s l i g h t e s t am-b i t i o n to " D o t h i n g s " in t h i s w o r l d , t o e n j o y t h e k e e n e s t d e l i g h t s of P o w e r , M o n e y , F a m e , a n d t h e p e r f e c t p o i s e of H e a l t h , by al l m e a n s g e t y o u r f e e t on t h e " R o a d to W e l l v i l l e . "

P u b l i s h e d by P O S T U M C E R E A L C O . , L T D . .

B a t t l e C r e e k , M i c h . C O P Y R I G H T E D

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It works at both ends. Stop doing what makes you ill. Start doing what makes you well. The Gain is Double. Disease (even chronic) will disappear as the body is made over

by change of food and the following physical and mental exercises. 1204 persons in one month wrote, testifying to the gain in health

(the majority got entirely well) by following our instructions, which were not then as complete as now.

Costs nothing but a little common sense and the determination to be well.

Exercise as follows on going to bed, on rising and at noon : — Waist Movement.— T o stimulate liver and relieve constipation.

Place hands on hips. Twist body above hips around in circle, to right ten times, then to left ten times, feet and legs to remain firm.

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Arms.—Extend straight from side of body, fingers extended. Hold muscles stiff; bend at elbows, bringing fingers towards head, muscles stiff and resisting until body shakes, return arms to straight position, still holding muscles stif f ; do this ten times.

Now bring hands together in front of body, steadily pressing hard as if pushing against something. This movement brings up muscles of breast and will fill up hollow chests. This five times.

Pull hard on the head, first one side and then the other, five times each way and resisting hard. This plumps up the neck.

Bend on one leg until the other knee touches floor, just back of heel, lift lower leg clear from floor and slowly rise. Don' t start up with help of lower leg. This movement is difficult at first but soon acquired, and is very valuable. D o it from four to twelve times with each leg.

These exercises have a peculiar and much-desired effect in the

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body. You should exercise carefully at first, for unused muscles are made sore. However, keep up the exercise and the soreness dis-appears in a short time.

Water.— Drink a few sups every time you think of it The body is seventy-five per cent water and needs frequent renewal.

Breathing.— Breathe deep down into the abdomen six to twelve times and repeat four or five times a day. Oxygen thus taken is a great tonic and also helps destroy and dissipate the old, worn-out tissue and makes room for new.

Oxygen helps 41 make red blood." Stop all drugs for stomach bowels and nerves, absolutely. No

matter what you think, Stop. Breakfast.—Some fruit, two soft eggs, boiled or poached,

four heaping teaspoonfuls of Grape-Nuts with good thick cream (cream is an important element), one or two pieces of thoroughly

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toasted bread and a little butter. One cup of Postum Food Coffee.

No meat at breakfast. No coffee or tea, no white bread. Keep your sugar and butter allowance down as low as possible. There are reasons and good ones.

Grape=Nuts food is a most important element, for it supplies the parts which join with the albumen of eggs and other food, and makes and rebuilds the soft gray matter in the brain, in the Solar Plexus and in the many nerve centres all over the body. A distinct gain in brain power, in stamina and strength will follow the persistent use of Grape-Nuts.

Then, too, in Grape-Nuts the starchy part of the cereals has been transformed into Grape Sugar, which supplies the body with energy and proper bodily warmth, but not carbonaceous heat like meat.

Noon Meal.—Repeat the breakfast menu and add some of the

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choice dishes made of Grape-Nuts and described in recipe book in package.

Night Meal.—If you are a brain worker, have dinner between 6 and 8 p. m.

Any kind of meat but ham or bacon. Never have meat fried or greasy. Avoid gravies. Have one or two vegetables, a Grape-Nuts salad if you like, and

a pudding or other dessert made of Grape-Nuts. Those who work with the hands generally do best on the large

meai at midday and light meal at night. Eat Enough and Then Quit.— Be sure and get plenty of sleep.

Body rebuilds during sleep. If a late riser, suppose you try breakfast at 9.30 to 10.30 and noth-

ing more until the night dinner. T h a t plan works wonders with many.

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The Mind.—We are accustomed to speak of " the mind " as one thing. There are in reality two minds, as explained lurther on.

People stand in amazement when shown the powerful effect of the different phases of mind on the body.

W e all have remembrance of times when a change in the way of thinking produced a change in the body. T h e subject is so deep and so little understood that it will not be extensively discussed here, but some of the proven rules that are made for health may be given.

Readers are welcome, of course, to eliminate the Mental element entirely if they prefer, and rely for healing on food and bodily exer-cise alone.

The shorter and auicker method, however, is to include the men-tal exercises. Body does not blindly run itself.

It is well to become acquainted with the Manager.

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There are two hands, two feet, two lungs, two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, two stomachs (upper and lower) and t w o brains.

T h e brain in the head is the switchboard from which currents of thought, like currents of electricity, are sent over the complex system of wires known as the Cerebrospinal Nervous system.

T h e Solar Plexus or abdominal brain (composed of the same gray matter as the brain of the head) is the switchboard from which currents of thought are sent over the Sensory Nervous system. The currents are of two kinds, Positive and Negative.

The Negative currents are thoughts of anger, hate, grief, anx-iety, jealousy, apprehension, sensuality, disease, etc. These negative currents are disease-producing and tend to destroy and throw out through the pores and other excretory channels the valuable parts or elements in the nerve centres, and dep.etc and exhaust the bat-tery, so to speak.

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This is proven by Prof. Elmer Gates, a scientist in Washington who places in a glass "test tube the exudation from the pores, and by treating chemically, can prove, by the chemical reaction, what kind of negative thoughts were sent over the body. It is further abun-dantly proven by records of the growth of sickness and disease in people who persist in thinking such thoughts. One may stand such abuse for a while and appear well, but the time surely comes when sickness of some kind sets in if these negative thoughts are in-dulged in.

The Posi t ive currents arc thoughts of peace, happiness, content, health, love (not lust) and a determination to possess the good things by the Divine Right of inheritance.

Such thinking sends healing, rebuilding and energizing currents over the body, building new cells and healthy tissue.

Likewise and following the same law, there are two minds, one,

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the Mortal, which is a reflex from the involved law in the Brain. T h e other or higher mind which is not a product of matter and which may well be denominated the D I V I N E , plays upon the larger brain and sends out its efferent impulses or telegraphic messages over the Sensory Nervous system. These facts and their reasons would be better understood by the reader after a year or more of study in Psychology ; but it is sufficient for our illustration to thus briefly recite them, in order to drive home the understanding that you think Disease, Anxiety, Hate, Sensuality, Grief, etc., with the lower or Mortal mind, ana disease shows forth in the body.

W h e n you find yourself using this mind in this way, shut it off, and try the peaceful, happy, contented mind ; it stands ready always and will send healing currents over your body.

Think Health, Happiness, Peace, Harmony, Beauty, Comfort. It is of tremendous importance to keep in the right and

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healthy mind and avoid dwelling in the negative or disease mind.

One mind or the other is almost continually sending messages over the wires during our waking hours.

T r y and send only positive and health-producing currents. When man sleeps and the upper brain-mind is still, then the

other mind, playing without interference, upon the larger brain, sends natural and healing currents, in an effort to restore the ruin of the day. Hence the saying, " S l e e p is Nature's sweet restorer."

This is the successful way, much to the astonishment of the indi-vidual who has never before suspected he was so closely related to the Power of all Life, that which pumps his lungs and heart and keeps his blood running, even during sleep, when man is uncon-scious and helpless in the hands of Life, which always seeks to man-age him perfectly and keep him well, repairing at night the wrongs

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done by day. " And how do we do these wrongs ? " some one asks. By the negative, destroying, disease-producing currents that are sent over the body by the pessimistic, contrary, evil and unhappy lower or mortal mind.

K i c k out your former mental associates (the lepers), and steadily mingle and live with the higher and better friends, good thoughts.

Hard to do ? Yes , it is hard, but it pays the biggest kind of dividends.

Did you ever get any real good, valuable thing without effort ? We win choice things by working and striving for them.

There is a power within you that can and will work miracles, if you keep the fool part of you silent and let the higher mind operate you.

One may not believe or understand clearly why these directions will guide to health.

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" Don't believe it ," some one says. Don't be a Primer scholar and bawl opinions at the Algebra

class. When one has studied higher Metaphysics and Psychology four

or five years, he may be in position to give an intelligent opinion on the mental laws governing the body. In the meantime if one cares to get well and keep well, he will follow the directions produced as the result of many years of study, experiment and research.

You can apply these laws to your own case and prove the truth of the hypothesis.

If you are sick, your ideas and conceptions of the laws of life are erroneous ; sickness in itself is evidence enough.

If you really care for the joy, peace and comfort of health, for the days when everything is yours, and every act and movement brings

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the sweet content of childhood, drop your old diet (both of body and mind) and sturdily travel this " Road to Welivi l le."

With some, the result of these exercises of body and mind and the diet outlined, will be quick and seem almost miraculous.

With others the change from disease to health can only be seen by comparing the weeks as they pass, but be assured of this incon= trovertible fact, this plan surely does change diseased cells into healthy cells; fast with some, slowly with others, but surely and absolutely certain with all who are not already too far gone, who will patiently follow it.

Seldom do we ever see man or woman who cannot be rebuilt by the methods here defined, which have been discovered and deter-mined by deep and scientific research, and the adoption of facts brought forth by some of the most skilful men of this age.

You cannot get well by exqrcise alone, or by thinking positive

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thoughts alone. You absolutely must give up the food and drink that disagree with you.

Drop Coffee and adopt the food and drink known beyond doubt or question to be best adapted V r the life forces to take up and make healthy brain, nerve and tissue of. Postum Food Coffee and Grape-Nuts will prove their solid worth and inestimable value in rebuilding the body, if steadily used, and the improvement can generally be noticed in a week's time. Therefore if you discover that these directions have put you safely on the " Road to Wellville," stick faithfully to that road until you are entirely well, and can show forth the perfect man or woman the Creator intended.

There is a taste of Heaven in perfect health and a taste of Hell in sickness. You have the power to go either road you please.

C. W . P O S T .

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P O S T U M A N D G R A P E - N U T S F A C T O R I E S ,

B A T T L E C R E E K . M I C H . , U . S . A .
