Page 1: FTD TTo PProvide SStrong Mother's DDay SSupport · 2004. 2. 27. · Arleen's Flowers & Gifts Bellefontaine, Ohio Susan M. Moshos, Owner Arleen's Flowers & Gifts, poses by her point

FFTTDD TToo PPrroovviiddee SSttrroonnggMMootthheerr''ss DDaayy SSuuppppoorrtt SSeeee mmoorree ddeettaaiillss aabboouutt MMootthheerr''ss DDaayy ((ppaaggee 55))

FFTTDD PPaarrttiicciippaatteess iinn tthhee 22000044IInntteerrfflloorraa WWoorrlldd CCuupp ((ppaaggee 66-99)) March 2004 Vol. 45, No. 3

FTD Newsletter © 2004, FTD

Page 2: FTD TTo PProvide SStrong Mother's DDay SSupport · 2004. 2. 27. · Arleen's Flowers & Gifts Bellefontaine, Ohio Susan M. Moshos, Owner Arleen's Flowers & Gifts, poses by her point

Message From BobCEO and Chairman, FTD, Inc.

Dear FTD Members,

On February 24, 2004, FTDannounced the completion of ourtransaction with an affiliate ofLeonard Green & Partners, L.P.Leonard Green is committed to grow-ing FTD through the highest quality

products and services in the industry and unbeatableservice.

I am excited to continue to lead the company with astrategic focus on your business needs and to help yougrow in an ever-changing competitive environment.FTD has been through a lot of challenges over the lastdecade and with the support of its members has contin-ued to be the standard bearer for quality and service inthe floral industry.

We have a real opportunity to partner with all of you,our member florists, to help enhance your overall prof-itability through a variety of programs. I am personallycommitting to each of you that we will be focused onyour profitability well into the future.

Today, we stand ready to work hard as a key partner ofyours to build muscle back into the floral industry. Wehave the largest team of floral business consultants inthe industry to work one on one with you in theseefforts, as well as incredible brand recognition as aleading provider of floral and gift products, advancedtechnology support, and impactful advertising thatdrives valuable orders to member florists.

FTD's strength resides in the strength of each of itsmember florists. Our business is one; we consistentlyneed to exceed expectations in delivering emotionalvalue to our customers through our creativity and floralexpertise. FTD Members have continually delivered onthis promise for almost a century, and I look forward tocontinuing the strong foundation built through yourmany efforts.

On behalf of everyone at FTD, thank you for your part-nership with us over the many challenges we havefaced and overcome together in the last decade. Welook forward to another decade, and century, ofincreasing FTD brand value and member value throughour relationships with all of you.

Visit www.FTDi.COM for all FTD events and education programs.

March 26-28, 2004Flowers Canada - Atlantic Convention

The Delta Fredericton · Fredericton, NBFTD sponsored Saturday Night President’s Banquet

For registration information, contact Anne Smith at 506-459-1353 oremail her at [email protected].

Look for FTD Team Member Carolyn Cloran.

March 26-28, 2004Alabama State Florist Association Convention

Marriott Birmingham · Birmingham, ALFeatured FTD Design Program:

"Everyday Designs with the Look of Today" presented by FTD Design Instructor Kim Morrill AIFD

For registration information, contact Kathie Yenulis at 205-989-8001.Look for FTD Team Member Kim Conway.

March 28, 2004Niagara International Association of Florists Spring Show

Marriott Buffalo Niagara · Amherst, NYFTD sponsored lunch

For US registration information, contact Nanette Hayner at 315-656-2236.

For Canadian registration information, contact Helen Rietveld at 905-687-3490.

Look for FTD Team Members Nadine Compisi, Caroline Fotheringham,Dave Mellin and Michael White.

March 28, 2004United Wholesale Florists Spring Open HouseUnited Wholesale Florists · Oklahoma City, OK

Featured FTD Design Program: "Creative Everyday Designs" presented by FTD Designer John Klingel AIFD

For registration information, contact Darrell Bigbee at 405-236-1551 orDonna Spaulding at 800-788-9000 x8826.

Look for FTD Team Members Donna Spaulding and Mark Grauer.

March 31, 2004Flowers Canada (Toronto Chapter) Meeting & Design Show

Latvian Cultural Center · Toronto, OntarioFeatured FTD Design Program: "Garden Gorgeous or Organic Originals"

presented by FTD Design Instructor Tina Stoecker AIFDFor registration information,

contact Brenda Jones at 905-471-2501 or 416-917-7247.Look for FTD Team Members Tim Casson and Michael White.

April 13, 2004Dallas & Ft. Worth Allied Florists' Associations Meeting

Hilton Arlington · Arlington, TXFeatured FTD Design Program: "Wedding Floral Review" presented by

FTD Design Instructor Keith White AIFDFor registration information, contact Joy Bales at 817-624-8413, VirginiaSlater at 972-380-0884, Cheryl Costello at 800-788-9000 x8836 or Jayla

Love at 800-788-9000 x8834.Look for FTD Team Members Cheryl Costello and Jayla Love.

April 14, 2004Delaware Valley Florist Association Meeting

Younger Wholesale · Lansdale, PAFeatured FTD Design Program: "Garden Gorgeous or Organic Originals"

presented by FTD Design Instructor Tina Stoecker AIFDFor registration information, contact Denise Ramirez at 215-968-9555 or

Barry Barnett at 610-688-0431.Look for FTD Team Member Wendy Stones.

April 27, 2004Alamo Professional Florists Association MeetingMacArthur Park - Pavilion #1 · San Antonio, TX

Featured FTD Design Program: "Tropical Trends" presented by FTDDesign Instructor Keith White AIFD

For registration information, contact the Alamo Professional FloristAssociation reservation line at 210-491-6760.

Look for FTD Team Member John Hurdt.

22 FTD Newsletter – March 2004

Upcoming EventsFTD

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Member HighlightsFTD

FTD Newsletter – March 2004

International FTD Highlights

FTD Florists Members Take Full Advantage of FTD Mercury TechnologyThousands of floral shops are using FTD Mercury Advantage, the leading shop management solution for florists. Learn more about how suc-cessful florists just like you are using Mercury Advantage and what it can do for you!

"Advantage allows us to quicklyhandle a larger number of cus-tomers at holiday times. By havingour main computer downstairs,we are also able to temporarilyrelocate a second terminal to thedownstairs office. This frees upsome much needed design spacein the back room and makes theotherwise quiet office space a useful "phone center" duringValentine's and Mother's Day." – Tom Hamilton, OwnerBeavercreek FloristBeavercreek, OH

"As an FTD® Mercury Advan-tage™ user, I would like to let youknow how happy we are with oursystem and our technical sup-port. The Mercury Advantage™system has truly enhanced ourability to function at a more productive level. I appreciate theability that this system affords usin tracking our sales trends andinventory."– Susan M. Moshos, OwnerArleen's Flowers & GiftsBellefontaine, Ohio

Susan M. Moshos, Owner Arleen'sFlowers & Gifts, poses by her point ofsale terminal.

Peg Dunlop, manager of BeavercreekFlorist, smiles at the shops successfuland efficient holiday.

To learn more about FTD Mercury Technology, please call 1-800-767-3222 or e-mail FTD Mercury Technology at [email protected].

Meet Pablo Bruno fromFlorales Iris in Argentina. Bruno is always searching for publicrelations strategies to promotehis shop. Recently, Florales Iriswas recognized by a local news-paper when they won first prizefor the best window display for the holiday season in theircommunity.

International FTD EducationMember Highlights

FTD supports floral educationacross the U.S., Canada andInternationally. Recently, FTDsponsored well-known interna-tional designer Kike Leon to holdworkshops in Monterrey andMexico City. Leon's presenta-tions drove incredible attendancefrom local florists including

Rafael Martinez from Colom-bia, Linda Angeles, NarciscoSanchez, Jackie Leon, andFernando Islas all from Mexico.

Leon presented a workshopcalled "Formations" floral designwith floral foam - featuring a technique based on 8-5-3 propor-tions creating a lively visualeffect.

Also, congratulations to manyFTD Members in Latin Americawho are celebrating landmarkanniversaries including Floreria YRegalos Rommys in Culican,Mexico and Floreria Mimi inUruapan, Mexico.

LLeefftt:: FTD Members Rafael Martinez fromColombia, Linda Angeles from Mexico,FTD Field Business Consultant RaulPicazo, Narcisco Sanchez from Mexico,Jackie Leon from Mexico, Kike Leon fromSpain and Fernando Islas from Mexico.

TToopp:: An example of Kike Leon’s designwork presented at an international show

Natalie and Tony AntonelliAntonelli Flores, Martinez Argentina

Pablo BrunoFlorales Iris, Argentina

FTD FBC Raul Picazo and Sonia MaldonadoFloreria Mimi in Uruapan with a 25 yearFTD plaque.

FTD FBC Raul Picazo and Luis Castro Floreria Y Regalos Rommys in CuliacanMexico with a 25 year FTD plaque.

Meet Antonelli Flowers andFlorales Iris in Argentina celebrat-ing a successful business andtheir multi-generational opera-tion. The Antonelli family empha-sizes the importance of family torun their retail business as well asa dedication to quality. TonyAntonelli states that another keyto success for their shop is theirselection of exclusive productswith a touch of art that keep theircustomers loyal to his shop.

Meet FTD InternationalMembers

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Holiday HighlightsFTD

FTD Newsletter – March 2004

FTD Valentine’s Day UpdateFTD and its member florists are

completing one of the largest floral holidays of the year, so whatis the feedback from the holiday,and what did FTD and its mem-bers do to ensure their successthis year?

FTD nationally advertised thenew direct response TV commer-cial on a strong primetime andcable schedule receiving recogni-tion for this outreach by Brand-week magazine "the spot featuresa collage of flowers and romanticsituations and ends with a call toaction to visit a local FTD florist orFTD.COM." The commercial alsoincluded NEW strong FTD brand-ing and calls to action drivingconsumers to FTD Member floristshops.

On a newsworthy note, thou-sands of media stories ran mentioning the Valentine's Dayholiday in major print publicationsand on TV stations across NorthAmerica. As the brand that goeshand in hand with flowers and floral delivery worldwide, FTDand specific member florists werementioned in many of thesemedia stories. In the News

Reaching out to local mediaaround major holidays andthroughout the year helps to posi-

tion FTD florists as a localresource for flowers and openslines of communication invitingmedia into their shops to tell a floral story anytime. Following arehighlights of stories that ran thisValentine's Day.

FTD Members HighlandFlorists in Chattanooga, TNreceived TV coverage on theirlocal FOX affiliate this Valentine'sDay. The newscasters interviewedHighland owner Ray Skates (FTDNew Member Award Winner2002). Skates said that althoughred roses were the number onchoice for flower buyers, theyweren't the only arrangements indemand. "The mixed arrange-ments were a lot stronger thisyear than they've been in the past.We did real well with our FTDarrangements," said Skates.

A local Decatur, IL newspaperThe Decatur Herald and Reviewran a story on Valentine's Dayflowers referencing four local FTDMembers, Tiger Lily Flower andGift Shop, Houran's - DecaturFlorist and Greenhouse, The WildDaisy and Main Street Florist.The article included a survey con-ducted by the National RetailFederation finding that of the mensurveyed, more than 64 percentsaid they would purchase flowers

as gifts on Valentine's Day. The Fayetteville Observer in

Fayetteville, NC reported giftideas for Valentine's Day shop-pers including a feature on Dale'sFlorist in Fayetteville, NC. KayWilliams, manager of Dale's, wasquoted saying "We're getting a lotof FTD orders that we've been fill-ing," adding that she suspectsmost of those are being placed byor for soldiers overseas.

The News & Record inGreensboro, NC also ran an posi-tive story about flowers forValentine's Day which includedtwo local FTD Members, ScruggsFlorist Inc. and Central FloralGardens Inc.

Some media took a more general approach to the flowerstory this Valentine's Day such asthe NBC television affiliate in NewOrleans, LA which ran a story onpurchasing flowers for Valentine'sDay suggesting consumers pur-chase flowers from a florist who isassociated with FTD or anotherwire service. They also said thatthe best way to make sure youget your money's worth is to sim-ply place your flower order in person at a local florist.

A few media outlets took theinvestigative approach in order toshare their insight with con-

sumers such as the local ABCaffiliates in San Francisco andNew York City. The stations bothtwisted their Valentine's Day storyinto a test order to communicatethe best quality of flowers avail-able to consumers. Both TV sta-tions discovered that the qualityof the FTD roses were the best.FTD congratulates My FlowerShop in San Francisco, CA andAcademy Floral in New York Cityfor fulfilling these surprise "test"orders resulting in great ratingsfor the FTD Brand.

FTD conducted media outreachspreading the word that con-sumers should order early thisValentine's Day and directingmedia to local FTD Members as aresource. This outreach includedstatistics from a recent FTDMember survey, as well as a per-sonalized local pitch to localmedia and inspired storiesaround North America includingThe Florida Times Union, TheWashington Post, Fremont NewsMessenger, Arizona Republic,Jackson Daily Progress, DanburyNews-Times, as well as TV stations in Dallas, Denver,Sacramento, Pittsburgh, SanDiego, Greensboro, Fresno,Huntsville, South Bend, Florenceand many more.

Norton’s Florist Gives More This Valentine’s DayNorton's Florist in Birmingham,

AL extended joy this Valentine'sDay with awareness. Norton'spartnered with the local chapterof the Susan G. Komen BreastCancer Foundation and a localcollege sorority to increaseawareness about breast cancerand help save lives.

Gus Pappas, owner of Norton's,is on the board of his local Komenchapter, a relationship stemmingfrom a previous partnership he

had conducted with his five locations. This Valentine's Day,Pappas developed a way to worktogether to help raise awarenessby handing out instructions onconducting breast exams, receiv-ing extra help in the shops tomake it happen. Pappas namedthe program "Flowers for a Cure".

As the idea bloomed, so did themedia attention, driving all localTV stations into his stop, who fol-lowed the story, the outreach and

deliveries. With surrounding livestouched by breast cancer, Nortonsaid that his shops' outreach real-ly began to make sense the nightbefore the 14th, when he took afew minutes to sit down and readthe materials that were beinghanded out to floral recipients.

"It's easy to get wrapped up inthe PR and attention, but whatreally hit me was that night beforethey brought over the materialsthey were giving out, and I real-

ized that we had a chance to savesomebody's life by doing this,"said Pappas.

Norton's plans on conducting asimilar program this Mother'sDay, as well as working closely toraise money in October - NationalBreast Cancer Awareness Month.There are more than 100 Komenaffiliates in the U.S. alone, to contact yourlocal affiliate and see how yourshop can help make a difference.

Other philanthropic contacts with local affiliates: American Heart Association at American Lung Association at www.lungusa.orgHeart and Stroke Foundation in Canada at Canadian Lung Association at

Idea For Your Shop!

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Holiday HighlightsFTD

5FTD Newsletter – March 2004

FTD's Strongest Mother's Day SupportAs the Valentine's Day holiday

is behind us and Mother's Day isvery close, we encourage FTDMembers to take a close look attheir business and make sure theyget the most out of their partner-ship with the FTD Brand. FTDoffers leading quality products,efficient services, and incrediblystrong support in order to be thebest industry partner available.

National AdvertisingThis Mother's Day , FTD will

reach millions of consumers withnational TV and print advertisingincluding a personalized floristlisting Co-op advertisement witha valuable $3 coupon.

The multimillion-dollar adver-tising campaign is developedspecifically to drive orders to FTDMembers across the U.S. andCanada. The strong calls to actionthroughout the TV commercialwill be seen in the U.S. duringpopular national TV shows suchas "Will & Grace", the "Today"Show and "Scrubs", as well as onwell-known national cable sta-tions like Lifetime, HGTV, andA&E.

On May 2nd, FTD's print effortwill consist of a national Co-op adin the coupon section of morethan 500 newspapers nationwide,listing local florists who signedup* to participate in the Co-opprogram. Plus, the Co-op listingwill include a valuable $3 couponthat is only redeemable at localFTD Member florist retail loca-tions.

In Canada, FTD's Mother's DayTV commercial will play duringpopular national CBC and CTVnetworks on leading TV showssuch as Alias and According to Jim, as well as the highly-rated Hockey Playoffs. On May1st, FTD print effort will consist ofa special Co-op ad in Canadian TVGuide, listing local florists whosigned up* to participate in the Co-op program. Plus, the Co-op listing will include a $4.25coupon that is only redeemable atlocal FTD Member florist retaillocations.

Remember that all of FTD'sMother's Day advertising effortswill feature the FTD® Mother's DayBouquet (an exquisite LauraAshley™ design).

This Mother's Day, FTD is pro-viding FTD Members interested inconsistent advertising and part-nering with the FTD Brand with aFREE TV or print advertisement totag with their shop's personalizedinformation and run in local TVcable stations or newspapers. Toview and order this FREE cam-paign, visit www.FTDi.COM underthe Advertising section.

Preparing for Mother's DayWhat did you learn from this

past Valentine's Day? Was yourshop overwhelmed by telephoneorders? Could your shop havehandled more orders, but youwere not staffed appropriately?Are you missing orders becauseyou're not on the Internet or onthe Mercury Network? Do youneed ideas on how to promoteyour shop in your community?As your dedicated business part-ner, FTD can help!

Let FTD work for you. ThroughFTD Flowers All Hours, ourtrained telephone staff willanswer the phones in your shopensuring you never miss a call - ormore importantly - an order. Ourstaff will customize their conver-sations with your customersbased on your shop specials;your customers may not evenknow the difference. Flowers AllHours will work for you 24 hoursa day, 7 days a week and 365 daysa year - or simply throughoutyour shop's busiest holidays.

FTD Fresh Flowers also offersconveniences to help reduce thestresses of design staffingthrough pre-made JAWS bou-quets.

Securing ordersFTD offers you services that

drive orders to your business,catered to your customers' shop-ping preference or your fellowflorists' sending preference. FTDMercury Technology offers you

technology advancements thatstreamline your business opera-tions and most importantly,allows you to send and receivesecure orders to 50,000 floristsworldwide over the MercuryNetwork.

Additionally, FTD FloristsOnline ensures that customerswho prefer to shop online haveaccess to your shop. With a newprogram offering Yellowpagesadvertising (see page 11) as wellas domain name offerings andpersonalized online selections,FTD Florists Online will help youhave your very own professionalWeb site and allow you to captureorders you may not have evenknown existed.

When considering how manyorders you are sending FTD, youmust remember that FTD offersthe best rebate program in theindustry with $3 and $4 rebates($4.25 and $5.25 in Canada).

Promoting your shopIn addition to a FREE national

advertising campaign offered toall FTD Members, FTD providesFTD Members with quality mar-keting materials to use as directmail pieces, shop take-ones andstatement stuffers. If you do notfeel like you are doing all you cando to keep your shop top of mindin your community, contact FTDMarketplace to find out moreabout marketing resources, orview the materials onwww.FTDi.COM.

Offering quality Mother's Dayproducts and gifts

This Mother's Day, FTD willencourage millions of consumersacross the U.S. and Canada toshare sentiments to Mom throughthe FTD Mother's Day bouquet.This quality arrangement is TheLaura Ashley™ Bouquet present-ed by FTD® and will be featuredwithin all of FTD's marketing andadvertising programs. Throughtesting, research and input fromthe FTD Product Advisory Boardof member florists, FTDMarketplace chooses contempo-

rary and traditional floral designsand containers for your shop tosell. Other Mother's Day selec-tions include the FTD SpringGarden® Bouquet, the FTD®

Timeless Elegance™ Bouquet andthe FTD® Sweet Delights™ Gift.

As your business partner, FTDwill continue to support FTDMembers year-round through effi-cient services, quality productsand in-shop visits to ensure yourbusiness is as strong as it can bein this competitive industry. Ifyou have questions on how FTDcan be your strongest businesspartner, contact your local FBCtoday.

*Note: The Mother's Day co-opparticipation cutoff was February27, 2004.

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6 FTD Newsletter – March 2004

FTD Australian Adventure aJoin FTD for a Once-In-A-Lifetime FTD Australian Adv

… an FTD Member expedition dow2004 Interflora World Cup and

• Explore the wonders of Sydney from the world-famous Sydney Opera House & Harbor to an upclose look at the national floral, fauna and wildlife from both city and wine country perspectives.

• Enjoy an exclusive experience in Port Douglas from your private treetop bungalow in the Daintree National Forest and discov-ering one of the world's greatest natural wonders - The Great Barrier Reef. This segment of the tour includes a private floraland fruit demonstration that will inspire and educate all in a delicious environment.

• Join attendees from around Australia and the world as we venture to Melbourne to celebrate the most prestigious floraldesign event, the 2004 Interflora World Cup. This event will include a special 50th Anniversary Celebration of the IntefloraAustralia Unit and the Floral Spectacular, a show to amaze designers and consumers alike.

Sunday, August 29 - September 5, 2004Australia is a vast land of open spaces, mysterious outback, lush green rainforest and bustling cities of culture, history and style.World-known for its unique wildlife and stunning natural surrounding such at the Great Barrier Reef, iconic buildings such as theOpera House and Sydney Harbor Bridge, FTD invites you to join us in this diverse land for a unique opportunity to experienceAustralia, network with FTD Florists, and celebrate creative design at the 2004 Interflora World Cup Competition.

Day One, August 29thArrival in SydneyWelcome to Sydney City Tour, including the Sydney Opera House and the RoyalBotanical Gardens. Fine dining at Quay, which in addition to wonderful cuisine, offersunique views of all Sydney's gems. Overnight accommodations in the heart ofSydney.

Day Two, August 30thSydneyLeave the hustle and bustle of downtown Sydneyand enter the famous Watagan Mountains, hometo the Hunter Valley Wine Country. Here we'llvisit wonderful winery's, enjoy lunch in the heartof a vineyard and explore the premier HunterValley Gardens

Day Three, August 31stSydneyAfter breakfast, choose one of the exciting tours and activi-ties offered today. There is a tour for everyone including theexciting Sydney Harbor Bridgeclimb, Koala Park Tour, BlueMountain Tour, and shopping/museum tours. We'll regroupin the evening for a cocktail reception as we cruise the har-bors for another spectacular view of the city, followed by aspecial group dinner.

Highlights of the FTD Australian Adventure

FTD Australian Adventure Day-by-Day Schedule of Events

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7FTD Newsletter – March 2004

Day Seven, September 4thMelbourneFollowing breakfast, today is an open day to attend the 2004 Interflora, Inc. World Cup Competition, or take one of several walk-ing tours, featuring the unique history and culture of Melbourne. This evening is the Interflora, Inc. black tie dinner and 50thAnniversary celebration.

Day Eight, September 5thMelbourneFollowing breakfast, the afternoon is yours to explore and observe the Interflora, Inc. World CupFinale & Interflora Australia Floral Spectacular. A final farewell dinner will take place this eveningoverlooking the sights of Melbourne and including unique ties to the floral industry, formal dinner and entertainment.

Day Nine, September 6thMelbourneDepartures from Melbourne.

and the 2004 Interflora World Cupventure…

wn under, focusing on education, sightseeing, the prestigious d building camaraderie between FTD Members and industry leaders

Day Six, September 3rdDepart Queensland, Arrive MelbourneBefore leaving this beautiful landscape, you will have thechoice to experience the Kuranda Skyrail, a gondolaascent up to the Kuranda "village in the rainforest," orascend on a restored train to this unique Australian villagefor lunch and shopping · Travel to Melbourne ·Located onthe Yarra River, you'll enjoy accommodations at theCrowne Promenade, featuring a casino, shops and restau-rants - just across the river from all event functions.

Day Four, September 1stDepart Sydney, Arrive in Port DouglasGraced with Queensland's natural beauty of white sandbeaches, inviting blue waters, and a superb year-round cli-mate, this hidden treasure, nestled within the DaintreeNational Rainforest is a once in a lifetime experience. Relaxaway the afternoon in your private timber tree house at theSilky Oaks Lodge followed by a unique, aboriginal dinnerexperience called Flames of the Forest.

Day Five, September 2ndPort Douglas/Great Barrier ReefExperience Queensland with a trip to the world-famous Great Barrier Reef, or enjoy a day inlandwith a rejuvenating spa experience, or explore therainforest on a 4WD Jeep tour - the choice is yours.An exclusive dinner experience in floral, fauna andconservation will delight all.

Silky Oaks Lodge

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Interflora World Cup

FTD Newsletter – March 2004

Meet the FTD Sponsored Competitors Ready to Compete in the 2004 Interflora World Cup

2004 World Cup Design Canadian Contestant on behalf of FTD, Inc.Anne Leeson AIFD, C.A.F.A. was born and educated in England and moved to Canada in 1974. In 1987,

Leeson began a career in full-time floral design. Leeson's resume includes numerous Flowers Canada courses and design seminars, some with the

world's foremost European designers such as Gregor Lersch and Tor Gunderson. In 1997 she receivedher Canadian Academy of Floral Art accreditation, C.A.F.A., and began her competitive career that year.Her successful competitive career includes taking a 1st place title in the Canada Blooms competition in1998, winning the FTD Award and most recently winning the prestigious Maple Leaf Cup competition inToronto in 2000. In 2003 she was inducted into the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD).

Today, Leeson possesses more than 10 years experience as a Design Room Manager at Montes Placein Guelph, Ontario Canada. Over the last 5 years Anne has divided her time between her managementposition at Montes Place and presenting demonstrations and exhibitions across North America.

Anne enjoys the educational and teaching of floral design, and especially enjoys challenging others torealize their potential in all aspects of design and creative thought.

2004 World Cup Design Latin America Contestant on behalf of FTD, Inc. Ivan Moreno was merely 14 years when he began to work as a florist. Thanks to his talent and passion,

Moreno took over design at a floral shop at the young age of 16. Currently, through more than 24 yearsof a floral career, he has not ceased in exploring, investigating and studying the floral art in all of its facets.

Moreno's talent as a decorating artist has been recognized in the industry of floral design, such as hisappearance among the 30 best floral artist of the world, in the book World Flower Artist 2, that was published by Sodo Publishing (Japan), with the contribution of Florists' Review in the 2000. Moreno alsowon the first place in the Colombia CUP and an other competitions.

Within his career he accepted consultant positions at multinationals such as Vista Flor Co., in the areaof weddings and events. Moreno also has been involved in many other shows making special appear-ances in North, Center and South America throughout the last 10 years. His inclusion in floral publicationsinclude specialized magazines and newspapers of several countries like United States, Spain, Brazil,Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Guatemala, Bolivia and others.

Moreno's dedication has taken him to define the floral art as his lifestyle. In his presentation, the audience clearly visualizes his great passion for floral art. His work as educator has been exalted as theStudies Director of AQUARELLA, training and technology center to the study of the Floral art, as profes-sion in Holambra, Brazil.

Deborah De La Flor AIFDFTD Education Team Member

Anne Leeson AIFD, C.A.F.A.

Ivan Moreno, International FTDEducation Team Member

2004 World Cup Design United States Contestant on behalf of FTD, Inc. More than 20 years ago Deborah De La Flor AIFD found not only a career in the floral industry, but a

passion. Her resume includes such titles as the Greater Miami Designer of the Year, Florida State Designerof the Year, and the winner of the FTD Great Masters Design Competition in 2000. De La Flor took posses-sion of the first runner-up title at the FTD America's Cup Finals in Atlanta, Georgia in 2000. In 1996, De LaFlor was inducted into the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD). Her design outreach in the indus-try includes a role as an FTD Design Instructor offering innovative seminars at annual FTD InternationalConventions and local industry shows, a member of the Syndicate Sales Consultant Design Team and aConsultant to Vista Flor. Her educational outreach extends beyond consumer and industry design instruc-tion at seminars, into vehicles including her published floral design book "Florsages, The Art of FloralBody Design", numerous creative features in industry publications and a video she produced on "WeddingBouquets".

Creatively, De La Flor is a leader in the floral industry. Not only does her passion and presentation reachbeyond the expectations of the floral industry, but always of the consumer. Educationally, her audienceis held captive by her enthusiasm and knowledge. De La Flor additionally co-owns a retail floral, gift andfull-service garden center with her husband Gus, in Cooper City, Florida, USA.

Deborah De La Flor AIFD, FTD Education Team Member

Ann Leeson AIFD, C.A.F.A.

Ivan Moreno,International FTD Education Team Member


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9FTD Newsletter – March 2004

Interflora World CupFTD

The FTD Member AustralianAdventure Tour Package com-mences on August 27, 2004 fromLos Angeles, CA and concludes in Melbourne following the 2004Interflora Inc. World CupCompetition, Interflora AustraliaFloral Spectacular and FTDFarewell dinner on September5th. Attendees would depart from

Melbourne on September 6th fortheir return to Los Angeles, whichalso arrives back in the UnitedStates on September 6th. FTD, inpartnership with Maritz Travel,Inc., a global leader in meeting,event and incentive travel man-agement, will be on-site through-out this exciting event to manageall aspects of the tour and guestrelations.

DATES: August 27, 2004 departLAX and arrive in Sydney onAugust 29th through September

6, 2004 depart Melbourne andreturn to LAX on September 6th

DESTINATIONS: Sydney,Cannes/ Port Douglas, andMelbourne

TRIP DETAIL: See day-by-dayschedule of events.

APPROXIMATE COST/PERSON:$4,995 (U.S)* *Estimated package cost includesroundtrip flight from LAX toAustralia, all intra-country air andground transportation (group

flights will be taken from Sydneyto Cannes and from Cannes toMelbourne), hotel accommoda-tions, most meals, all event entryfees and all entertainment.

HOW TO REGISTER: Space islimited! Contact FTD CorporateEvents at 800-788-9000 ext. 6240to begin the registration processfor this incredible adventure.

The 2004 Interflora World CupCompetition will be held on September 3-5, 2004 at theMelbourne Exhibition and Con-vention Center in conjunctionwith Interflora Australia's 50thanniversary celebrations. Toget-her with a unique and spectacu-lar floral fashion event presentedby Australia's leading floraldesigners, the three days willprovide a tremendous opportuni-ty to promote the 2004 Interflora

World Cup Competition to a con-sumer audience and showcasethe best in floral design from thetop designers around the world.

The first weekend inSeptember not only marks thecommencement of Spring inAustralia, but heralds a fivemonth bonanza of sporting andcultural events in Melbourne -from the Spring Carnival horseracing season featuring theworld's richest horse race (The

Melbourne Cup), through thegruelling finals of the AustralianRules Football competition to the Australian Open TennisChampionships. Melbourne willbe abuzz with events and people- what better time to showcase tothe world our floristry designskills and the Interflora brand.

The 2004 Interflora World CupCompetition will consist of fourpreliminary events on Friday,September 3rd and Saturday,

September 4th and two finalevents on Sunday, September5th - each final event will be opento the public. The ten top scoringcontestants from the preliminaryevents will move on to the finalcompetition round.

All participating designers will have their work displayedduring Interflora Australia's 50thanniversary celebration, an eventthat is included in the FTDAustralian Adventure.

Trip Details and How To Register

Design Event SpecificsAs a guest of the FTD Australian Adventure and 2004 Interflora World Cup Competition, FTD Members will have the opportunity to attend allopen to the public Interflora World Cup Competitions held on September 4 and 5, 2004.

PRELIMINARY ROUNDSDESIGN EVENT 1 Designer's Choice: "Fashion, Fetish and Fantasy"DESIGN EVENT 2 Host's Choice - Surprise DESIGN EVENT 3 Table Setting for Two: "Fashion, Fetish and Fantasy"DESIGN EVENT 4 Bridal Bouquet: "Fantasy"

FINAL ROUNDS – OPEN TO THE PUBLICDESIGN EVENT 5 Host's Choice - SurpriseDESIGN EVENT 6 Host's Choice - Surprise

You’re Invited!

The 2004 Interflora World Cup Competition Overview

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FTD Newsletter – March 2004

FTD Marketplace Unveils Fall/Winter 2004 Products...And incredible NEW Everyday Products and Gifts!

FTD's Marketplace division hasworked closely with the FTDProduct Advisory Board - a teamof FTD Members appointed to atwo-year term - providing inputon FTD branded and everydayproducts as well as the floraldesigns - to choose the upcomingFall/Winter 2004 Products andupdate popular branded selec-tions. Stay tuned for more detailon these new selections availablein the FTD Fall/Winter 2004Buyer's Guide mailing in earlyApril and see how FTD is workingto ensure FTD's products are ver-satile, marketable and mostimportantly - saleable!Fall Versatility…

FTD offers a Fall resolution for FTD Members with NEW 2004"Twice the Versatility" Halloween,Thanksgiving and Autumn prod-ucts. The dual codification of theHalloween and Thanksgivingarrangements doubles yourchances of a complete sell-through. These products are agreat way to stimulate crucial 4thquarter holiday sales by stream-lining inventory and increasingprofits.

… and that's not allDon't miss everything you need

to implement an effective, com-prehensive marketing effort andstrengthen customer loyalty,increase sales and profits. FTD'sPOP kit offers ad slicks, radioscripts, a workroom calendar andshop posters. Also be sure to addstatement stuffers, shop posters,and holiday pics onto your holi-day order. Holiday 2004…FTD Waterford Ornament for 2004

This collectible ornament fromWaterford and FTD features abeautiful holiday tree on a blownglass, hand painted ornamentavailable in a Waterford Heir-looms Ornament Box with an ovalshowcase plastic window. This2nd in a series is the perfectaccompaniment to the first in aseries FTD Waterford Ornamentfor 2003 also available in a deco-rative box.

… and launchingThe FTD® Holiday Celebr-

ations® Bouquet, known as theFTD® Christmas Bouquet, will benationally advertised with FTDMembers Co-op information driv-ing traffic right into your shop.This arrangement also comeswith an everyday recipe forincreased sell-through.FTD Everyday Products withBright Facelifts...and NEW Add Ons

Your customers will be pleasedto see you've expanded youryear-round gift selections withthis cheerful FTD® BirthdayParty™ Gift. Cookies, balloonsand a handpainted serving platemake an unbeatable combinationeither as a standalone gift or afestive add-on to the festive FTD®

Birthday Party® Bouquet, perfectfor special birthdays with fresh,vividly colored flowers arrangedin a charming oval whitewashbasket. Now with a NEW recipeand look to match the FTD®

Birthday Party™ Gift.The FTD® Pick Me Up® Bouquet

got a facelift, as well as an attrac-tive add on with the FTD® Pick MeUp™ Gift. For almost any occa-sion, this considerate gift ideafeatures an adorable 18" brownplush cuddly bear, accented witha red ribbon. He arrives bearing abox of nostalgic candy mix and iscleverly packaged in a deluxe giftbag with grosgrain handles and acutout for him to peek out of.

TThhee FFTTDD®® TThhaannkkssggiivviinngg BBoouuqquueett

TThhee FFTTDD®® FFaallll HHaarrvveesstt™™ BBoouuqquueett

TThhee FFTTDD®® HHaalllloowweeeenn BBoouuqquueett

TThhee FFTTDD®® WWaatteerrffoorrdd OOrrnnaammeenntt ffoorr 22000033

TThhee FFTTDD®® WWaatteerrffoorrdd OOrrnnaammeenntt ffoorr 22000044

TThhee FFTTDD®® PPiicckk MMee UUpp™™ GGiifftt

TThhee FFTTDD®® PPiicckk MMee UUpp®® BBoouuqquueett

TThhee FFTTDD®® BBiirrtthhddaayy PPaarrttyy®® BBoouuqquueett

TThhee FFTTDD®® CChhrriissttmmaass BBoouuqquueett

Look for your new Fall/Winter 2004 Buyer's Guidein early April and place yourMarketplace orders onlineat FTDi.COM or by calling800-767-4000.

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1111FTD Newsletter – March 2004

Member Highlights

FTD.COM NewsAt FTD.COM, it is our goal to

streamline our holiday productfeatures to make filling FTD.COMorders easier for FTD Florists. Asa result of these refinements, thefollowing products will be fea-tured for Mother's Day 2004

In addition, we will feature ourusual assortment of RoseBouquets.

FTD Announces FTD® Fresh CutFTD is pleased to introduce FTDFresh Cut floral extender to helpFTD Members stay competitivein quality and lifespan of freshcut flowers. Extend the life ofyour floral inventory - as well asyour customer's floral arrange-ments with this revolutionarynew petal and foliage solutionthat breathes extended life into fresh cut flowers. This topicalspray effectively slows the agingprocess and prolongs the beau-ty, vibrant color and "just-picked"freshness of your blooms andgreens.

FTD Fresh Cut is pre-mixedand ready to use. Call 800-767-

4000 to order FTD Fresh Cut orsee the easy fax back forminserted in this month'sNewsletter for pricing and order-ing information.

Want To Drive More Consumers To Your FOL Web Site?

FTD is excited to bring itsMembers a great money-savingopportunity to advertise theirFOL Web site. Now FTD providesits Members access to top-lineyellow page online directories,including: Yahoo! YellowPages,AOL YellowPages and

Sign up today to list your Website in all three of these yellowpage directories for only $67.50per month*. That's a savings of50% off the retail advertisingrate of $135 per month.

Almost 8 million florist catego-ry searches are performed annu-

ally in these online yellow pagedirectories. Don't miss out onthis opportunity to advertiseyour Web site for 50% off theretail rate.

Contact your FBC or call FTD Florists Online at 800-576-6721 to order your listing today.

*Requires one year servicecommitment and billed monthlyon your FTD Clearinghousestatement.

M1 = The FTD® Mother's DayBouquet (The Laura Ashley™Bouquet Presented by FTD®)

M3 = The FTD® TimelessElegance™ Bouquet

M2 = The FTD® Spring Garden®

BouquetC13-3037 = FTD® StunningBeauty™ Bouquet

C22-3062 = The FTD® Beloved®


C13-3068 = FTD® My One andOnly® Bouquet

To see the correspondingimages and recipes for theseproducts, you can either…1. Refer to the FTD SelectionsGuide Workbook.2. Go to and searchunder the FTD.COM button forMother's Day Features.3. Go to and searchusing the item number.

Also, to help you fill ordersquickly, just prior to Mother's Day,FTD.COM will switch to openorder. If your Mercury Messageindicates "open order", you can fillwith the bouquet that is describedor a bouquet that represents thesame value.

If you have any questions orcomments, please feel free tosend them to FTD.COM by GENmessage to 90-8400AA or by call-ing the FTD.COM Florist Hotline at800-554-0993.


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©2004 FTD


FTD Brand 2004 Mother’s Day Print Advertisement
